• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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I walk up to Chem as he tries to hide away in a dark corner. I look him in the eye, “Alright, Chem. Please, what’s wrong?”

I see his wings fidget underneath his suit, “I... I don’t want to think about it.”

I sit down in front of him, “Well, I’m not moving until you tell me. I can help you with this, whatever it is.”

I hear the sound of tearing fabric, and look to Chem’s back. It seems his wings have just cut through his suit, “Please, Raven, I don’t want to talk about it.”

A voice speaks up from his back. It’s voice tinny, but southern sounding, “If my patient is denying giving away our names, then it is my programming to answer in his stead. E.B.S is reporting the patients brain is responding very positive to your presence, meaning you are a friend who can be trusted with the information. Loading Doctor’s notes.” His wings spread from his back, showing that they are not, in fact, his organic wings. They are sharp blades made of metal, and the voice comes from them, ”Subject name is Prince Chem. His injures were so bad that he should’ve well died, but he pulled through. The injures are as such. Two thousand five hundred internal cuts, with an equal amount in each limb. One eye slashed through, beyond saving. Two wings slashed off, unable to be reattached. Prince Chem gained these injures fighting the God of Order, Ordirus. The same cuts can be seen inside the seven companions he brought with him. Ending result was Ordirus dead, and Chem alive, a miracle itself. The fact he managed to survive is beyond a miracle, it’s just impossible. He lost enough blood to kill two alicorns of his size, not to mention the trauma from having an eye taken out and wings chopped off. He only managed to survive by a thread due to Pony Satan’s cauterizing fire, the speed Princess Luna got him admitted, and the use of these expremintal systems. E.W.S: the Equestrian Wing System; a pair of metal wings sharped and ready for combat and flying. E.O.S: Equestrian Optical Sensors; a single metal eye designed to grant perfect vision. And E.B.S: the Equestrian Brain Splicer; a system installed into the brain to connect it to all the systems introduced for greater comfort and control. This is Doctor Stable: signing off.”

Chem looks back at his wing with fear, and forces it back down. He looks back to me, “Please, I don’t want to think about them. My free wings that could flow through the air in peace replaced with heavy blades. My eyes that I could calmly look at anyone with, and make them feel at ease, now glow brightly and blind them.” He sighs, “I... I need to go, Raven. I wish I could stay longer, but I’m expecting visitors soon.”

I stand up, and hug him as best I can, “I’ll always be here for you to talk to, Chem, always remember that.”

He smiles, but this time it’s genuine, “Hey, don’t go and make Sweetie jealous on her wedding day.” He wraps a hoof around me, “It was nice to see you again, Raven. Words can not express the joy I feel for you finally getting the wedding you were always talking about in the war.” He let’s me go, and starts to walk away. He looks back at me one last time, “That’s why you killed so viciously, isn’t it? You weren’t fighting so that you could live, but so that you could see this day. You summoned your worst rage upon the Combine for daring to threaten to take you away from her.” He laughs once, “You two will have a lovely life together. It’s about time, too. Three centuries old and you didn’t find life and love until now. You found a spark inside of you to give a shit about the lives of others. Now you can hold on to the spark for the rest of your life. Do that for me, would you? Never give in, never give up.”

I smile as he opens a portal back to his world, “Only if you promise the same, Chem. You might not be fully organic, but you are still alive.”

He nods before he steps in, “You have no need to worry about me. I’ll always continue on, no matter what happens. See you later, Raven.”

As he steps through, Slender strides over to me. He nods, “I’m afraid I also have to leave. There’s a lot of suspicious stuff happening in Ponyville, and I need to be there to protect them through the night.” He creates his own portal, and leans down to whisper into my ear, “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Cadence. Make it kinky.” He then moves through the portal.

Avatar walks over to me as well, and smiles, “Take care of Narya and Vilya, and the daggers. They’ll keep you safe if you keep good care of them.” He waves as he enters his own portal, “Sayonara, Raven.”

Then the Courier comes up to his own portal. He tips his hat, “Time for me to go as well I suppose. Take care.” He takes a step through the portal, before leaning back out, “Oh, yeah, I can do babysitting anytime.”

He steps through before I can make a single protest, leaving Survivor to come over. He pats my shoulder, “You might not think it, but they’re probably all right. I’m going to bet right now that it’ll happen tonight. Ten bits.” He places the bag in my hand, and walks towards his own portal, “Now, New Vegas and my people need me, so this is goodbye. Be a good father whilst I’m gone.”

I try to protest against him as well, but his portal is already gone. Sweetie then walks up to me, and smiles, “The celebration is over. What say we have our own private... celebration?”

I smile, and follow after her into the private cabins, “I’d be glad to.”


I hammer a post into the ground with my hooves, Rattle stands nearby to stick the turret onto the stand. As I do this, I hear hooves walk up next to me, “Brass, we’ve got a problem.”

I turn to face her, “What is it, Shot?”

Sure Shot points to the front gate, “There’s a pony approaching, seems to be one of Celestia’s Legion.”

We all move quickly to the gate, and it appears to be true. A single pony trots down the road. Hunter flies up to our battlements with Shot, he draws his revolver and she draws her sniper. Sure Shield comes running up with Hail and Light Beam trailing behind him in their clunky power armor. Fuse already is with us, moving without a sound. The pony walks closer, and we go out to meet him.

His armor is gold and red, and it covers all of him. A mask sits upon his face, it’s two sideways horns showing power. I shout out to him as he stops, “What is your business here?!”

He laughs, “You have been a thorn in our side. Now, with my superior dead, I rise to lead the Legion. I, the new Princeps Saeva, Monstra Saeva herby declare war upon this pitiful town of New Life!”

I smirk, and Hail shouts out at him, “Then send your armies, send your ponies, send your best tricks! They shall collapse upon our walls and our bullets like a wave against a rock!”

He laughs once more, before walking off, “We’ll see about that.”


Someone runs up to my throne, saluting me, “Sir, Raven has been informed. He’ll be coming this way for the Totem any day now.”

I stand up, and walk down the throne to the Orc who said it, “Then we’ll let him come. He shall see that Orcs are not so easy to kill, that it’ll take more than a nuke to kill us. Let him despair upon sight of Orcus Crete and a nation of Orcs that survived better than his pitiful ponies.”

The other Orc smiles, and runs off to inform the warriors. I move through my palace, the old Minotuar palace, to the back room. I move until I reach the room, and move in.

I walk up to the bones of my only friend, laid out in the room as a memorial. I draw Chillrend from beside him, swishing her blade through the air, and feeling the frost radiating off of it. I sheathe it at my side, and pick up my bow and arrows from the other side of the armory. I swing it around my shoulder, ready to absorb the soul of any hit with it.

I gingerly place my hand upon his bones, his Nightingale Armor he gave me cloaking me away from the light. I smile as I think, “Let him look upon me once more and despair before my name. Dovahkin, he might’ve slain you, but he will not do so to me. Our Thu’um shall break through his dark magic, and our rage will break his soul. Let him see an Orc our for revenge. He will look upon me with horror and fear.” I move my hand away from him, and march to my throne room, “For my name is Ghorbash the Iron Hand, and I shall avenge you, my friend, my brother.”