• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 667 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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I smile as I crunch down upon my popcorn. I look over at Sheogorath, “It’s about to begin!”

He laughs, “Oh, what a wonderful bout this shall be! Oh, I think this calls for another Gathering!”

I laugh, “Want to see Malacath’s face when his champion loses?”

Sheo shrugs, “I don’t know. He has the Wabbajack, and that’s enough to change the entire fight!”

I nod, “I guess he did inherit that, true.”

Sheo smiles, and pulls out his phone of cheese once again, “Hey, Malacath, your champion is going up!”


We left behind about one hundred Jack’s at New Life, and we decided to keep Edis there for us to reunify later. Now, we float above the old capital of Minotuaria. Romus Crete was a beautiful city after we came through, but now I bet it’s just ruin.

Ink walks up beside me, looking over the edge of the ship with me, “We’re very far from home now. Gone are the days of paper selling and weapon collection. Now we are on a giant ship that flies over a wasteland, maned by a bunch of clones, with such futuristic technology everywhere.”

I look on over at him, not needing to look up to see my fellow foal, “I suppose I haven’t talked to you all since you’ve arrived here. Things are so busy in this world, there’s never a day to pause and think. I wish you could see this world in it’s prime, even if it’s prime was at war. You don’t even know how the world got here. Maybe I could get Sombra to teach all of you.”

He smiles, “Thanks Hopeful- or Raven, is it now? We may be out of our element, but at least we’re here with each other and with you.” He motions down to the clouds, “Anyway, I was here to relay some information. Decievers day that the city beneath us is very active, moving around like an ant hill. They say to be prepared for the creature down there, apparently very human like.”

I smile at him, “Thank you, Ink. Say, if you don’t mind, could you get Sombra to come down with me?”

He shakes his head, “Can’t. Mister Sombra left the ship this morning. He headed east, saying he had something to do.”

I look over at the east, “I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.” I nod, “Very well then. Make sure to tell the Captain that I am heading down.”

He nods, “Gladly. Just a quick question. How do you get down?”

I step up onto the railing of the ship, looking back at him, and smiling, “Funly.”

With those words, I decide to backflip off the railing. Wings sprout from my side as I descend, surely breaking against the wind if they were flesh. I continue to smile at Ink as I fall, laughing a bit at his worried face.

I turn my head around to see how much longer I have before I hit the ground. It’s now that I remember Romus Crete is at a high altitude, so we weren’t that far from the ground in the ship. I learn this the hard way as I eat shit in the middle of the cobblestone path. My head is twisted backwards, and I have to stand up backwards with my head facing the wrong way.

When I rise, I decide to break my head back into position. I smile as it cracks into place, only to find something at my neck. A long blade, leading to a large creature in metal armor. It looks right at me, “You will follow me to the Iron Throne.”

I smile at him, “I was making my way there anyway. Can’t you put your blade away from my neck?”

He smacks me on the side of the head with the blunt base of his sword, “Come on, cur.”

I lose my smile from his hostility, “Alright, alright, no need to be so rude.”

He starts to walk down the path, “You’d do well to stow your tongue. We don’t take kindly to the words of backstabbers around here.”

I follow up to him a bit faster, “Backstabber? I’m sorry, you must have me confused with someone else.”

The creature snorts, “Do not take me for a fool. I know my history; your honyed words won’t sway my loyalties. We all know what you did.”

I shake my head, “Do you mind informing me of what exactly you mean?”

He growls at me, “Did I not tell you to stow your tongue? You shall be told of your crimes before the Iron Throne. Your trial shall be the entertainment of ages.”

I squint my eyes more, “Trial? Are you taking me to a court or something?”

He arrives at the palace, and opens the doors. He points me in, “Go in now. The Iron Throne awaits.”

I hesitantly move in to the palace, and walk down the hallway to the throne room. The tapestries of the Minotaurs have been ripped down and destroyed. The heavy iron doors now stand before me, with two guards opening them.

I move through, and hear them slam behind me. I turn around to face the throne, and I hear a voice growl at me, “Such arrogance from such a simple creature. To think you could walk into my throne room and demand something from me? Foolish in every way.”

I turn to face the throne. Sitting there is a creature. His armor covers all of him. All that can be seen are his eyes from within his hood. The main piece of armor is dark as night, with a main chest piece and mail of an unknown metal around it, and it seems to almost bleed darkness. I recognize the armors, but never combined like this.

He stands from his throne, “You would dare to step in front of me once again! After what you’ve done to us?! You are a fool, Necromancer, a fool in every way! Don’t you know, the Thu’um was never limited to him? He gave me the power before he died. Died because of you. The rage inside me is unknowable. This is an Orc’s vow of vengeance! This is the rage to achieve our revenge!”

I widen my eyes as I realize who it is, “You’re alive...”

He draws his sword from it’s sheath, and he levels it at me, “I am Ghorbash the Iron Hand, and I shall have vengeance for my brother! Your spells shall break! Your bones shall chill! Your soul is mine to steal! My Voice shall tear you asunder!”