• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 667 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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“Finally someone set me freee from my cage!”

Discord appears in the middle of the air, wearing what appears to be a rapper’s clothes from the nineties.

He laughs, “Hey, giant robot!”

Unity Prime looks over at him alongside the enemy giant. Discord snaps his fingers, and seems to stretch like Gak into the sky. Every piece grows at least ten times it’s size. It continues to grow until Discord stands at the same height as the two giants. They easily tower over two times as tall as the nearby Crystal Palace.

He snaps with his tail, and grabs a giant chair in his hands, “Let’s tag team this skelly!”

Unity Prime nods, and punches the giant hard enough to knock him to the side. Discord stands there with his chair poised to swing. He cracks the chair on the head of the giant, bending the flimsy metal in half.

Discord snaps the chair away, and snaps once more. Pillars sprout from the ground, and rope connects them together. Discord has made a boxing ring without blocking he fighting.

Discord waits for the giant to get up and turns his tail into a boxing glove. He hits the giant with the tail fist, which sends him flying against the ropes. The ropes bend and send the giant flinging towards Unity Prime. Unity meets the giant’s head with an uppercut, sending him crashing against the floor.


My glaive just barely manages to stop the one headed towards Celestia. But, the blade flying at me still comes.

“Fus Ro Dah!”

The shout causes both Ordirus and his blades to flop over. He does quickly grab them again, and stab both towards me.

The newcomer rolls in, taking out a shield at the zenith of his roll. He rolls onto his knees, and holds his shield up, causing both blades to go off in wild directions.

Another charges in, kicking the corpses off of Celestia, “Come on, you’ve got fight left!”

The two Orcs smile as they face towards their new foe.


I feel my stomach lurch as Loo pulls up, “Oh Malacath!”

He shouts back down, “Just continue firing! What, you afraid of heights?!”

I nod as I shoot my minigun at the skeletons surrounding us, “Yes, I am! I do not have wings, I do not have a horn, I am an earth pony! I am not supposed to be in the air!”

Loo banks to the side, allowing me to riddle a dragon with lead. He fires his own weapons, “Who the hell even are you anyway?!”

I feel my heart fall as we take a dive and pull back up, “Mass Offense! A pony who was in the right places at the right times! Served Raven, then became Elder! You?!”

He probably smiles as he repeats back, “Daring Loo! Clone in a long line of clones of Scootaloo!”

I let loose another volley, “How the hell are you male then!?”

He shrugs even as he carries me, “Cloning machine was fucked! Scootaloo was only partly in! Each clone is their own unique being! Different destiny, gender, basically a new pegasus! We just share the skills of Scootaloo!”

I yelp as fire hits us from the side, “Dragon on the right!”

Daring dives to the ground, “Damnit, I can’t carry you and fly that well at the same time! I’m going to drop you somewhere!”

I look around, until I spot a shockwave in the middle of the battle, “Over there!”

Daring flies over to there.

I smile, “Thanks for the save! Ad victorium, brother! There’s a lot of them left!”

He laughs, “Let them come! Wave upon wave shall crash upon the Enclave’s glory!”

He lets me go above my destination, and flies off.

I land without bending so much as a single knee. I look at Dovahkin and Ghorbash, “Hey guys, how’re you doing?”

Ghorbash smiles as he draws Dawnbreaker, “Pretty good I have to say. Merida is going to love this fight. You?”

I shrug, “Stomach flipped so much it feels like a carnival inside. Basically, never been better. So, we’re fighting this skeleton?”

I face the big skeleton as it gathers it’s sword, “Don’t worry, we’ve got him. I saw one of your soldiers over there. Perhaps you could go help him. You are, after all, more of a crowd controller than the two of us.”

I nod, and charge through the masses of bodies to where they pointed.

I duck underneath the hammers swung by paladins, duck underneath the magic bolts shot by Frey, and make sure Balder’s turrets don’t see me as an enemy.

I eventually make it side by side with a fellow in power armor. I smile upon sight that he has one minigun, and decide to attach my spare to his battle harness. He looks over at me, “What’re you doing?”

I smile, “Well, Hail, I’m giving you a second minigun. One minigun is nowhere near enough. It’s simple math. Twice the gun, twice the death.”

I see him nod, “Then let’s make it into four guns, Elder!”

—(Daring Loo)—

I spin around bullets shot by my enemy. I fire on back, causing the skeleton to fall out of the air as ash. I see a second beam along with my own heading towards the enemy.

I turn to see my fellow pegasus, “Ah, Private Beam, you enjoying combat?”

He spins around, and fires his own lasers, “Combat isn’t supposed to be enjoyed, Officer!”

I smile, and take out something from my pack. I toss it over to him, “Put this on, please, you need armor!”

He presses the button on the thing, and an Enclave suit of power armor encases him in the middle of combat. He laughs, “Didn’t know you cared about my safety, Officer!”

I spin around him, “I didn’t spend time training you for you to just die! Come on now, the enemy is many, and out ammo more!”


I duck underneath a punch, and roll to the side in order to get in a better position. Monstra stomps where I just was, allowing me to punch his leg. My power hoof doesn’t seem to break his leg, but it definitely damages it.

He collapses to the ground, but quickly raises up. He sweeps his leg under mine as he gets up, sending me to the ground. But I use the tremors in the ground to raise just as quick.

The feet of the giants stomp around us, the feeling similar to an earthquake.

Monstra charges towards me, and I meet him head on. We grapple for a little bit, neither of us getting the advantage. It is now that I notice Unity Prime raising his foot behind Monstra. I light up my horn, summoning a fist.

It punches him right on, allowing me to roll back. He is stunned long enough to where he can do nothing.

He looks up, and sees the foot coming down onto him. He nods, “Well done.”

It stomps down on top of him, a satisfying crunch ringing out.

I turn around to find another opponent, but hear something that shocks me, “But you’ll have to do better.”

I turn around to see Monstra climbing out of a hole, his body intact. He stands tall, and sheds his armor piece by piece.

He unclapsed his mask, allowing it to fall. His face is a modest one. Golden with blood red hair, and a horn protruding from his head. The most striking thing are his bright hazel eyes. Then his gauntlets, showing more of his golden fur, clean of the dust and blood on his gauntlets. Then his chest piece comes off, revealing a long tail, and two wings on his back.

He spreads his wings, holds up his hooves, and lights up his horn, “I am Monstra Saeva. It will take more than that to beat me! Come on now, you’ve held back! Bring out your full power!”

I sigh, and take a deep breath.

If the Creators are listening to me now, grant me the power to achieve my victory.

I open my eyes to look upon him once more. My eyes now glow a bright white. I hold off my power hoof, which has turned gold with the white glow running through it like veins. I look him dead in the eye, “My name is Hard Brass. I am a Sentinal for these people! And you shall not pass me!”


I look at the Palace in the distance, and back at my army. I determine that in order to stop the snake, one must cut off the head.

I float into the air, and fly until I find something. A black fog, with crystals piercing all that come near it. I land inside it, causing Sombra to come back to material form. He smiles, “Yes, Raven?”

I nod, “Come, we go to fight Beast.”

He shakes his head, “You fight him alone, I got out here.”

I put my hand on his shoulder, “Sombra, please. I know how you feel, and I don’t want to face him alone either. So come on, we will take him town. Together.”

He looks at me, and smiles, “Let’s go.”