• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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I dive off the side of the ship with no hesitation, taking the plunge into the Abyss. The wind throws me around like a rag doll within, my small frame hitting every wall there. After the Abyss is bored playing pinball with my body, it allows me to hit the bottom.

I stand, and dust off my cloak. The bottom of the Abyss is very peaceful compared to the top. The wind is much calmer, and it still allows in plenty of light.

It’s then that I hear a voice echo down the canyon walls, “Finalmente!”

—(Sombra, Three hours earlier)—

The ruin of Griffonstone was a graveyard, the only sound being the shifting of old bones on the road. The Abyss winds certainly haven’t grown any weaker, but it is traversable with shadow.

I come out of the dark mist into my natural form at the bottom of the Abyss. It’s then I realize my flare gun didn’t come down with me. I look up, and see it bouncing down. However, it lands in the perfect way on one branch to fire a flare in the air. I sigh as I float it over and look around, “Right, golden chalice, shouldn’t be that hard to find. I remember we came down somewhere around here.” I move around, until I spot something familiar, “There. That’s the rock I knocked down with the Idol on it. But, where’s the Idol?” I scramble around the rock, not turning up anything, “Mierda. ¡El maldito ídolo se ha ido!”

It is then I see claw scratches on the stone ground of the Abyss. I lean down, and start to inspect them, “Griffon... no, something else. Very Griffon-like, but different.”

I follow the scratches, seemingly a trail left behind be some Griffon-like creature. I follow them until a familiar smell hits me. I turn and follow the smell of death.

I eventually make it to the death smell. It’s the bones of a pony. It wears a light shirt, and a brown, battered, and aged stable fedora. For some reason, it seems to be hiding in the empty husk of a fridge at the time of death. I take a deep sniff, and observe the surroundings. Blood smell is still fresh, and there doesn’t seem to be any dust around the body.

It looks like some unfortunate scavenger was exploring Griffonstone and fell into the Abyss. That wouldn’t explain the fridge though. It looks like it was hiding and cowering, so this pony was obviously scared of something. One hoof reaches for a whip on its hip, but it seems it never reached the whip. Considering the smell and the position of the corpse, I’d say that this was a victim of some creatures hunt.

I look up as I hear a screech echo throughout the Abyss. It sounds like it’s far enough away to not know I’m here, but that is still worrying. I look back down at the pony, and see it’s hoof still on its hat.

I gently take the hat from below it’s hoof. I place the hoof carefully down with the rest of the body. I look at the hat, and hold it at my chest, “I shall hunt down whatever creature hunted you, friend. I hope that with this hat... you’ll be able to see me extract it upon the creature.”

I place the hat upon my head, far back enough to be comfortable and not block my horn. I give one last nod and smile to the corpse, and continue following the tracks left behind. They now seemed to be stained with blood, and more than one set of tracks appear. All move in the same direction, so I continue on, ready for any type of trap.

I eventually arrive to where the tracks led. A hole in the stone, with a single piece of gold in the stone above. I cautiously move into the cave, peeking around corners as I come upon them in the twisted hall.

I turn my hoof to be made partially of mist. I step with that hoof first, letting it down gently, helping me to avoid any pressure plates and tripwires. The hall was littered with them, and I dare not think of what any of them might do.

As I make my way through the tunnel, I hear screeching echoing from behind me. I quickly fade into mist, shoving my hat against the wall with my magic, blending in with the shadows as creatures pass.

They look like Griffons, in basic form. They have overgrown claws, their body is bare of feathers, but they have scales of stone over their skin. They don’t seem to have beaks, but I can’t see their faces past the tribal masks they wear. They fly by quickly, but I can see blow darts and bows on the three of them. I dare not guess what gender they are.

I gather myself back in my physical form, and continue on.


The seemingly endless hallway has grown so dark that only by my magical night vision can I see anymore. I have no doubts that even if the creature ran in to me, I wouldn’t be seen. But, a light comes from ahead, showing me all traps in my way.

I emerge into the light at the end of the tunnel, and find myself in a new problem. There are holes on the wall, and pressure plates from here to the other side of the room. The arrow trap, a timeless classic.

Torches light the walls, and I decide to take one down. I carry it with my magic, and put all the other torches out. I use the new shadow to float over all of the pressure plates, and bring the torch over as I reform.

I go through the doorway, one that seems quite old. The torch lights my way as I enter into a giant cavern, hat pulled tightly down on my head.

I quickly snuff the light out, and hide behind some rocks on the outcropping I stand upon. I peek out, and see a horde of those creatures in the middle of the room. They all bow to a creature that sits on a throne in the center of the room.

The creature is horribly mutated like the rest of them. He only has one large arm, his other being quite useless, a gigantic right wing with his left one completely gone, only his legs seem normal. He is obviously a biped by nature, a bipedal Griffon. His body is covered in runes from some long forgotten language. The thing I’m worried about, though, is the golden chalice on his head.

I smile as I create an exact replica of it out of crystal. I slowly levitate my replica over to his head. I inch the chalice from his head, and make sure that the replica replaces the inch taken quickly. I get it off his head entirely, and now the replica is on there.

I teleport it over to me. Looking it over, I smile, and shout without thinking, “Finalmente!”

My celebration is stopped when I realize hear the new silence coming from the center of the room. I slowly look over, and see the creature all looking at me. The leader stands, and points at me with rage, “Shadow thief! Kill! Boulder!”

I look up, and see two creatures cutting some ropes on a ramp. The ropes give way, and a giant boulder comes rolling down.

I turn, seeing the creatures start to fire projectiles at me, and the giant bolder coming towards me. I pull the hat on my head tightly, and I decide to run. I can hear the boulder roll after me, increasing speed. So, I run as fast as I possibly can.

I run over the pressure plates of the arrow trap, but I’m gone by the time the arrows fire, and the boulder destroys them soon after.

I trigger pressure plates and tripwires as I run through the winding hall. Fire, ice, arrows, poison darts, spike balls, logs, all come flying behind me as I run quicker.

The end of the hallway approaches after some time, and I trip on one last wire. I trip out of the door, and quickly roll the the side, knocking my hat off. I reach over and put it back on at the last second, allowing the boulder to crash beside me, hat unharmed.

Just as quickly, I create a crystal spear, and block a gigantic magic sword swinging towards me. I rise to my hooves by turning to shadow, and stare down the creature’s leader.

He glares at the Idol that I wear now decorates my horn, and at my hat, “Hat pony! Ate! Should dead! Show adventurer! No mess with Griffon!”

He swings his magical sword at me once more, his runes glowing brightly. I bring the crystal spear around once more, and touch the hat once more, “¿Así que eres el que mató al anterior propietario de este sombrero? Muy bien entonces, parece que tendré que matarte.”

I hear a grunt from beside me, and I look at the boulder. I see Raven peel himself off the wall behind it, forcing the boulder forward once more. He looks at me, “Sombra, you were in trouble?”

I shake my head, “No, mi pistola de bengala acaba de golpear la rama equivocada.”

He nods, and looks at my opponent, “So, you want some help? Boreas is not a mage to underestimate.”

I smile, “No te preocupes, lo tengo esta vez.”