• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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—(One week later)—



“Advance and stab!”

The group of Jack clones do as they are told in perfect harmony. Their shield and spear loadout very efficient, with their sword and gun for backup. I nod as they continue on in the same order.

Meanwhile, my magic scans the ground around where we landed. Any bone I can find is brought up so that the engineers can have a surplus of them when they finish Unity Prime. It is very exhausting work, but it needs to be done so we can march in time. Henry, Istil, and Thogar are prepared to march at a moments notice, New Life’s forces are not many, but they are well trained. All we wait for is Unity Prime, and I can train the Jack’s as it is built.

Someone walks up behind me, “Raven.”

I turn to face Louis, “Yes, what is it Louis?”

He nods back to the ship, “You need to come with me.”

I sigh, “Can you not just tell me what you want to say, Louis?”

He simply motions back to the ship, “I think this is something you might want to hear in private.”

I look up at the Jacks, “Can it not just wait until tonight?”

He shakes his head, “It’s about Sweetie’s health. You two need to speak about this together, and you need time to think.”

I look over at him, “It’s about Sweetie’s health? Why didn’t you just say so to begin with?”

He smiles as he walks towards the ship, “I didn’t want to worry you.”

I shout back at the Jacks as I follow Louis, “All of you clone yourself as much as possible, your training is over!”

They all cheer as I walk off, probably all resting their feet.

Louis moves through the bowels of the ship to Sweetie and I’s room. He pushes open the door, and motions to the bed. Sweetie already sits there, and I take a seat next to her. I look at Louis as he stands in front of it, “So, what’s the bad news?”

He shakes his head, “No, there’s no bad news. In fact, it’s quite good news. Worrying, but good.” He smiles, “Now, as today was Sweetie’s checkup for her health, late by two hundred years might I add, and I found a unique emotional signature inside of her.”

I tilt my head, “A foreign mana?”

He smiles, “Not exactly, in fact, not at all. It was unique, yes, but not foreign. It has a familiar feel about it, yet one unique. Very naturally grown.”

Sweetie smiles, “Does that mean..?”

Louis laughs, “Oh yes it does! Congratulations to the both of you!”

I look between their giddy smiles, “Okay, it’s clear I didn’t get what you were saying. Please state it in more regular Equish. Hell, even Sponish works. Just in something I can understand!”

He turns to face me, “Well, I will put it simply then. Sweetie Belle is with child. I think that fits your old understanding of speaking.”

My mouth drops, “Really?”

He smiles, and pulls out some papers, “I have the Magisounds right here.”

I take the papers, and look at the undeniable proof. I turn to Sweetie, and gather her in a huge hug, “It’s a dream come true!”

She laughs, “I’m going to be a mom!”

I laugh as well, “And I will be a dad!” The impact of my words only impact me after I say it, “Oh gods, I’m going to be a dad.”

She pulls back, and tilts her head, “What’s wrong with that?”

I shake my head, “Oh I am so not a good role model. If he, or she, looks up to me then I fear for all on this boat.”

She smiles, “Oh, come off it, that’s not true. You are a great role model!”

I laugh, “Oh yes, the guy who jumps off the side of the ship is a good role model.”

She hugs me again, “Sombra can be a good uncle if you ever think you aren’t a good role model.”

I smile, and hug her back, “That is nowhere near as comforting as you think it is. At least Sombra isn’t a Necromancer. But our kid will be by bloodline mana. Imagine it, a Necromancer prankster. I fear for the Sparrows in the future.”

Louis coughs politely, “Well, there was some other news.”

We break the hug, and face him, “Yes?”

He takes out a secondary picture which shows a bunch of colors, “Here is a Managram of it’s mana. As you can see, the main is a mix Sweetie’s white mana and your green mana. Very beautiful color might I add, just like nature. But, there is a different color. A bright, burning red.”

I blanch as I see it, “A Beast. I suppose they are not only spread magically, but genetically.”

He nods, “And something a bit worrying, but not exactly bad.”

I look up, “Yes?”

He looks at a graph, “Well, the baby is developing a lot quicker than it should. At this rate, it will be born in a month.”

We are given no time to breathe as someone knocks on my door, “Raven!” Apple Bloom calls out, “He’s done!”

I look back at Sweetie, “It comes in a month? Then I will rid this world of danger before then.” I turn to the door, “Apple Bloom! Tell everyone to be ready to march in two days!”

“Yes!” I can hear her hooves rushing off.

I look back at Sweetie Belle, “I will not fail now. There will be no threat against us when our child is born, I can assure that.”


“Attention students of the College of Winterhold! Within my power as Archmage, I call upon you to fight a great threat once more!”


“My Companions of Jorrvaskr I call upon you to great battle! As Harbinger I call upon you, Shield Brothers and Sisters, to join my march against a great threat!”


“Thieves of Riften, the time has come to slit throats once more! As Nightingale, I ask for you to join me in the shadows and earn your money with your knives and daggers!”


“Delphine, you said you would follow the Dragonborn no matter what! Paarthurnax is our ally, and it is only because of him that I was able to defeat Alduin. The crimes he committed were over four thousand years ago, and I would say him helping to save the world is enough of a payment. So, I ask of you to follow me willingly. Or I will slaughter the Blades to extinction for the Banditry they are obsessed with committing!”


“Paarthurnax, friend, I call upon you to save the world once more. I just came from the Blades, and found something out about you. Your crimes are many, and only half have been repayed. I ask of you to follow me now and be pardoned of your crimes.”


“Orcs of the Strongholds, I am the chosen of Malacath! With this power, I ask for you to rally your Orcs into battle once more! Fight today and the Ashpit is sure to be open when you pass!”


“Jarls of the Holds, I ask of you for something simple. You might not all trust Mede, but I ask for you to trust me as Thane. Your forces are needed.”


“Everyone has been gathered, I take it?”

“Yes. And the Legions?”

The Emperor smiles, “Ready to march to war once more.”

“Then we march!”