• Published 28th Mar 2019
  • 670 Views, 18 Comments

A Raven’s Quest - Chemtest

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I look over the railing of the ship. It’s been a week since the wedding, and now we’re on the search for the artifact. Mass Offense walks up to me, “We’ve reached the town of New Life, Raven. What’s your plan of attack?”

I look over at him, “I will go down alone to negotiate. If you hear gunfire, then I want you to jump down after. Inform Officer Loo to carry you down if the time comes.”

He hesitates for a second, “Sir, no disrespect, but I do not trust Officer Loo. He is part of the Enclave, and the Enclave have been our foe for many decades. How am I to trust he won’t betray us and drop me?”

I keep a steady gaze, “You two are no longer enemies, and I would advise for you two to stop acting like you are. If you refuse to trust him, then get some other Pegasus to carry you down. But I would recommend you bother forget your past conflicts and learn to work together.”

He nods, “Yes sir, I can only hope he will do the same. Drop now, we should be right at the enterence of the town.”

I smile, step onto the wooden railing, and dive down to the ground. I sprout wings from my side, and spin through the air, enjoying the freedom of free fall. As I reach the ground, I spread my wings out to act like a parachute, and land at only a few miles per hour. I then deconstruct the wings, and wait at the gate.

They respond quickly, with six ponies coming from behind their wall and two of them on the wall, looking down at me. One of them leads them, grey all over, deep green eyes, and wearing a nice black suit, well, as nice as you can get in the wasteland. He has a single hoof with a power hoof on it, and the rest all have knuckles of one type or another. He walks out with a Ranger with a mini gun, a pegasus with laser and plasma rifles, a skeleton with a sledgehammer, a pony with a shotgun, and a nervous pony carrying all sorts of explosives. The leader shouts out, “Who are you, and what do you want?”

I smile, “I am Ravens Breath, and who might you be?”

He narrows his eyes, “Ravens Breath? Like I’d believe that. I am Brass Sentinal.”

I sigh, “I am here to search for an artifact said to be within your town!”

One of the ones on the wall shout down, a mare with a rifle, “Brass, I remember him! Remember how we saw him rise?”

Brass turns around, “We cannot know if that memory is true. You were brought back to life by dark magic that day, it could’ve messed with your memory.”

I take a step forward, “If I-“

A bullet finds itself inside the ground in front of my hoof. I look up to see a stallion on the wall with a strange mechanism on his hoof. Grasped within is a revolver, rotating it’s chamber. He grins a bit, “I’d recommend you don’t take another step forward.”

I smirk, take out Talons, shoot in the the ground in front of me, and say, “Not a step past here?”

He nods, “Yes, glad you understand.”

The skeleton then speaks up, “I think we can trust this pony. He is not a pegasus, so it is clear he isn’t Enclave. And he hasn’t said a single word of Old Equin so that rules out Celestia’s Legion. He definitely doesn’t seem like a raider either.”

I’m about to speak once more, but am interrupted by a loud clang behind. I turn around to see Mass Offense rising out of the dust from his fall. His eyes instantly lock onto his fellow Ranger, “Paladin Hail, you are to command your fellow to put down their weapons!”

He looks right on back, “I don’t follow you anymore, Elder. You know that I left a long time ago.” He takes a second before saying, “But I respect you. Brass, let’s listen to them.”

Brass relents, “Fine. Come on in, and we can talk about a deal.”