• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,387 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Meeting of the Moms, part 1

Two heavy knocks rattled the door to Rarity's Boutique, startling her and the unfortunate mare she was fitting with a dress.

After a brief, but heartfelt, apology and rush to the door, Rarity had tossed politeness out of the window and pulled the front door open. "What reason have you to knock as though you're… the Royal Guard?

"What, may I ask, is the reason for your inability to enter my shop and address me?" Rarity asked with a firm voice.

While stoic, the guard swallowed hard and looked down at the mare, then used his wing to pull a sealed letter from a saddlebag Rarity didn’t notice around the stallion’s armored chest. “For you, ma’am.”

Rarity took the letter from his pinions and looked at it. “A letter? From… Princess Celestia?!” Rarity looked at the mare in the center of the room, who looked back with shock. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?” Rarity asked urgently.

The guard saluted and stepped back as he turned away. Rarity closed the door and raced to the mare. “Verb Tense! Look at this, a personal letter from the princess!” Rarity said, prancing between her forelegs.

“Hurry and open it, Rarity,” Tense said.

Rarity brought over a pair of shears and carefully began to slice the top of the letter open, paining both mares at her care. However, both knew the importance of the letter and causing any damage to the paper would mar it when framed and lauded over for years to come.

“Okay, now I can read it,” Rarity said with a sigh once the letter was free of its confines. “Let’s see… hm. Yes… well, I didn’t expect that…”

“What, Rarity? What’s she saying?”

Rarity held up a forehoof to stall the mare, who was about ready to take the dress off and move beside Rarity to read over her shoulder. “Oh, my,” Rarity gasped dramatically and covered her mouth. “It seems I’m needed in Canterlot at my earliest convenience, because my son is confused, as of late.”

Tense sighed. “Well, that’s not so bad.”

Rarity nodded and exhaled her stress, smiling at Tense. “Well, since it’s not a pressing issue, I’d like to finish your dress before packing to leave, first thing in the morning.”

“Are you sure, Rarity? Your son might be in trouble… again,” Tense nervously supplied.

“No, no, darling. It’s quite clear that he’s in good hooves, and he has his herd with him for emotional support.” Rarity chuckled as she used her magic to force Verb Tense back into position. “If there was anything wrong, and if Princess Celestia didn’t tell me… why, I’d be willing to go to the dungeons after throwing a table at our Royal monarch.

“Nopony messes with my family,” Rarity said with a slightly dark inflection. “Anyway, let’s finish hemming your dress so you can go on that date with your potential girlfriend.”

Verb Tense blushed and nodded, grimacing when a pin poked her. “Stay still, Tense. Oh,” Rarity giggled, “you’re being tense, Tense. Relax, but don’t move anymore and you won’t get poked.”

Both mares went through the motions for the next hour. After undressing Verb Tense and sending her on her way with a cheery farewell, Rarity set the almost complete dress on a dummy and went to her sewing room to calm her mind with some stitching.

The bell above the front door dinged and Rarity tensed, ever so slightly, at the interruption. Regardless, she was a business owner, and it was still early in the evening. Putting her glasses down and standing quickly, Rarity made for the main room. “Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique, where everything is--”

“Where is my daughter?” Spoiled Rich demanded.

Rarity clenched her teeth behind her lips, but relaxed and smiled. “Why, I do believe she’s in Canterlot with Silver Spoon, why do you ask?” Rarity gestured for a place they could sit, but was rebuked by the pink mare.

“I do believe you’re excluding your blank flank bastard of foal you adopted from those you mentioned; why you’d ever lower yourself to such depths is beyond me…”

“Excuse me,” Rarity tried to speak, but was unable to stop the other mare’s tirade.

“...but to allow that cretin to essentially foalnap two innocent fillies is criminal.”

Rarity huffed, gladly having reached eight in her count to ten, in order to stop herself from reacting appropriately to such a vile mare. “Well, when I see him in the morning, I’ll be sure to take his side of the story and inform Diamond Tiara--”

“You’ll do no such thing! If you’re going to see that Tartarus spawn, then I’m going with you to reclaim my daughter. I see that look in your eyes, as I’ve seen it before. Touch a hair on my body and I’ll have this eyesore torn down before the week is over. The law is on my side, darling, remember that. It is the golden rule, after all.”

Rarity took two shaky breaths and weighed the risks of losing everything she had over making Spoiled Rich need another muzzle job. “Yes, well… I cannot stop you from going to Canterlot, but I have an important meeting with--”

“Whatever pony you’re bribing to show your latest designs, can be your focus and has no bearing on me or my child. I don’t even care if that colt you cared for takes Silver Spoon and has a slew of bastard foals with her! I won’t let him sully my daughter with his presence any longer.”

Rarity raised a forehoof and brought it down, stopping just before striking Diamond’s mother across her muzzle. She redirected her foreleg and pointed at the door. “Leave my place of business at one, you old nag… you are no longer welcome here.”

Spoiled scoffed and turned so fast her tail nearly slapped Rarity. “I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for my daughter. Can you believe she told Randolph, our butler, that she was spending the week with Silver Spoon? As though I’d not check up on her after a while.”

As Spoiled left, Rarity chomped her teeth. “You’re also banned from any future locations of franchises I make!”

“As if you’ll ever leave this one horse town,” Spoiled retorted. “I come from Baltimare’s upper districts. You won’t leave the shadow of this abomination,” she gestured to the boutique. “So don’t get your hopes up and you won’t be hurt when you fall right back here.”

Rarity watched the mare smirk in victory, just as Rarity slammed the door and turned to lean against it. Her chest ached and before she could stop it, she began to cry at the hurtful possibility, the truth that Spoiled had spoken.

“Oh, how I hate that mare…” Rarity nickered and grit her teeth. “Maybe I can convince Princess Celestia to send her to the dungeons for a week, or a year. Equestria would be better off.” Wiping her eyes with a tissue, Rarity let a smile cross her lips, slightly, at the thought of Spoiled Rich in a dank stone cell.

Panting after another round of tag with two off duty guards, the four foals lay in the shade of a large hedge, drinking water and catching their breath. “So,” Snickers smirked at Kiwe, “how was Gul earlier?”

Kiwe gulped his water down and grinned. “She was with far less stamina than the first three times,” he said, blushing lightly. The fillies giggled and Snickers reached back to punch Kiwe, proudly. Kiwe grabbed Snickers’s forehoof with his magic. “I would prefer to not have you hurt me, thank you.”

“Wuss,” Snickers said, beaming a smile. “So, how was it?”

Kiwe shrugged. “Sex is sex, it is little different between creatures.”

Snickers looked at Silver and Diamond, who rolled their eyes. “Look,” Snickers said, “ponies cocks are three times bigger than a male gryphon’s. You rubbin’ somethin’ special in her, or just poking the tip in?” Snickers grimaced at the tandem slaps he got on his forelegs from the fillies at his sides.

“You don’t have to be such a mare about it when you ask him, Snickers!” Diamond said.

“Yeah, leave that dirty talk to the mares, you just focus on being cute,” Silver said.

Both fillies nuzzled Snickers’s cheeks, but it was the warmth from Diamond that took Snickers’s attention. He looked at her and noticed her cheeks were pinker than normal. “Hey, what’s going on? Why’re you blushing, Diamond?”

Diamond leaned away and cleared her throat. “It’s nothing. I just… kinda like it when you’re… well, like a mare and not some wimpy colt.” She turned to look at him and leaned in to kiss Snickers. Their lips met and it seemed like two hundred pounds was lifted off Diamond’s withers.

She smiled and relaxed every taut muscle making her look like a deflating inflatable. Her lips left his and she giggled quietly while opening her eyes. Seeing Snickers’s lips still pursed with a smile growing only made her body warm and tingly in places she was finally willing to accept him into.

Silver Spoon cooed at Diamond, sweetly. “That was so cute. I wanna do that with him someday, too.”

“Well,” Snickers said and turned to look at Silver Spoon, “how about now?”

Silver shook her head. “No, I don’t deserve it, yet. I want it when it's special, like what you just did with Diamond.”

Snickers looked at Diamond and leaned closer. “You made me drop out just now, young mare.”

At Snickers’s taunt, Diamond’s tail flagged and her ears perked just before she did. “Wh-what? I… I made you… Sivler, er, Silver Spoon, we have to go talk about stuff, now! Filly stuff, no colts! Hurry,” Diamond commanded as she cantered further into the gardens.

Kiwe grinned at Snickers and scooted a little closer from across the little picnic area they were lying at. “So, who was your first mare? I have heard you are more experienced than I in the ways of sex, perhaps we can compare, as stallions do?”

Snickers’s smile fell. “Well, it wasn’t exactly a mare, and it wasn’t something I wanted at the time.”

Kiwe’s smile fell. “Oh. So… it is true then? You were molested and… raped as a yearling?”

Snickers shook his head. “I was never a yearling here. I was a human, like from the books going around, I guess. But, I haven’t had a mare yet, and I don’t know if I can, or will. It’s not like I can just do it like I’m used to back where I’m from. I mean, we walked on two legs, now I walk on four.

“I know how it works, don’t look at me like that; but I also have to meet the right mare and make it special; like I always wanted it to be.”

Kiwe nodded and glanced over his shoulder to where the sound of the two young mares happily screaming was coming from. “It seems you have two to choose from, and they may choose you if you let them. It may be that they have truly chosen you already, though.”

Snickers laid his head on his forelegs. “I know, that’s what scares me.”

“Why does that worry you, brother?” Kiwe asked, lying in a way that his stripes blended into the shadows, making him seem only partly there.

“Because, I almost did it with Scootaloo, twice. What happens if I wake up ring-deep inside Silver Spoon one morning? What if I do something to Diamond to make her hate me and think all I want from her is… sex. I can’t just let it happen, Kiwe.”

“Why not? You are not producing yet, and they have needs, as we do. It is only practice for when you find the mares you will spend your life with.”

“I know, I’ve been told that… but, what if I already have them? I don’t want to make it like something I just did and feel obligated towards. I want them to know that I’ll be there with them forever, if they’re the ones, and if they’d have me.”

One of the guards sniffled and wiped her eye. “That was so beautiful; those young mares are lucky to have you.”

Snickers sighed.

“You sigh a lot, Snickers,” Kiwe observed. “Maybe you should just talk to them and let them know how you truly feel.”

“Yeah, right. ‘Hi girls, I think I’m falling in love with you, wanna be together forever, just in case it’s true?’.” Snickers scoffed. “Yeah, I can already hear them laughing at me. What next, tell them some cheesy crap?”

Kiwe chuckled. “It sounds like you already have that part taken care of.”

Snickers got to his hooves and inhaled deeply. “Well, I’m recovered and relaxed enough to make it to our room. Let’s go, they can catch up for once.” Snickers turned and led Kiwe back into the castle. “Laxxie, c’mon; we’re leaving.”

Laxxie unrooted herself and ran to follow behind Snickers. “I here, Daddy.”

“Aww,” a guard said quietly, just before being hit in the side by his friend and hushed.

Snickers looked behind him. You don’t have to call me that, you know, he said through their link.

I understand, but you are not my alpha when I am pony. You are my daddy; you helped make me.

Snickers shivered and he clenched his anus. Don’t remind me. Worst poop I ever had… but it did give me you, so it was pretty good, too.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Laxxie chirped and got the attention of everypony around them.

“What is she thanking you for, ‘daddy’?” Kiwe said in a teasing tone.

Snickers swished his tail. “Nothing that you need to worry about. And don’t even think nasty thoughts, she’s made of wood.”

Kiwe laughed aloud. “As are a part of us, huh?” Kiwe bumped into Snickers.

Snickers groaned to the ceiling. “Why me? This is all ‘cause you’re slapping haunches with that gryphon, isn’t it?”

Kiwe nodded while still grinning. “More than just haunches are being met, it is a time I shall never forget.”

“Great, now you’re rhyming again. Next are you gonna use your magic… never mind, I’m not gonna chance it.”

They both laughed at the comment and walked on, with Laxxie behind Snickers staying quiet and going over new thoughts that ran through her mind.

“Sweet Celestia, Silver; he said I turned him on. I made him drop, can you believe it?” Diamond giggled.

Silver looked around them, then stepped closer. “Are you sure you heard him right?”

Diamond beamed a grin that caught on to Silver and together they screamed and pranced in their own circles.

“Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump!”

“Diamond, what if it’s your rump Snickers is thinking about the next time he touches himself?” Silver teased. Diamond’s eyes widened and her cheeks became far darker than her coat. Silver gasped. “You didn’t even think of that? What else do I have to teach you?”

Diamond shook her head. “Nothing! I want him to, I mean I wanna… with him… I still don’t know!”

Silver laughed at her friend’s expense. “Filly, you really need a good flank spank. Haven’t you ever thought about… no, I guess you haven’t. Hm,” she tapped her chin, then an idea sparked in her eye. She sat and flicked her braid. “I’ll be the colt, you be the filly; I’ll show you what it’s like.”

“What?!” Diamond exclaimed. “You wanna mount me like some colt?!”

Silver nodded. “Yes, Diamond Tiara. It’s the only way you’ll get over this fear you have of colts.”

“It’s not a fear, it’s just… disgust. Those things are dirty, and smelly, and long, and hard. What if it’s been in the dirt when they’re walking around and it gets dirt in me? What if I get infected, or bugs start living in me back there?”

Silver snorted into laughter and fell over, kicking the air. “Bugs… living… ha!” She composed herself after a moment and rolled to her belly. “Will they build apartments or luxury houses?”

Diamond looked away in embarrassment. “Shut up, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“So, would they elect a Princess Bug? Or maybe a Prince Buggy?”

“Shut up, Silver Spoon!” Diamond grumbled.

Silver Spoon knew when not to push it, so she stood up and commanded, “turn around and stand like normal. Root your hind hooves to the dirt, too. I don’t want you bucking me.”

“Are we really gonna do this?” Diamond asked. Silver Spoon nudged her glasses closer to her eyes without saying a word. “Fine, but if this terrorizes me, I can’t be held accountable for what happens.”

“Shut up and take it like a mare,” Silver droned in good humor as she moved behind Diamond. Diamond laughed mockingly, then went silent. Silver had reared up and placed her forehooves on Diamond’s dock.

With an awkward step forward, then another, Silver had moved close enough to feel Diamond’s tail on her belly. “Pretend I’m Snickers,” Silver whispered in a husky deep voice.

Diamond’s tail almost instantly moved aside, exposing her to the world. The thought of Snickers made Diamond’s clit wink, even though she tried not to.

Legs draped themselves around Diamond’s hips and a weight rested on her back. A little push from behind made Diamond dig her forehooves into the earth to resist the force from pushing her over. She winked again and again, the chilled air almost stinging her heated vulva. She leaned back quickly, instinctively wanting him inside her.

Then, they both shrieked as Diamond forced them to fall backwards. Silver landed and watched as Diamond came down next, grunting. They both rolled away from one another, but only Diamond got to her hooves. “What the hay, Silver Spoon?! What’d you do to me? I didn’t… are you okay?”

Silver shook her head and whimpered. “You… elbowed my tit.”

Diamond giggled, then chortled, then laughed at the whole event.

“It’s not funny,” Silver whined as she got up to her hooves. She followed Diamond back to where they’d left the colts, not aware that two guards hiding in a cloud were holding back laughter at the filly’s little game.