• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,387 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Nobles in Passing

Morning came and Snickers was awoken by Rosemary’s squeaky gasp. He opened his eyes and stretched his legs again, noticing the mare beside his bed with a hoof blocking her vision of him.

Still on his back, Snickers looked down his underbelly and rolled over, tucking everything under himself as gently and quickly as he could. “Sorry about that!” Snickers said, loudly enough to wake Kiwe. “I was just sleeping and it came out, I guess,” Snickers said, meekly, and clearly embarrassed.

Rosemare glanced, quickly, to make sure Snickers was decent, then made a motion behind her. Snickers looked, and watched, as Diamond Tiara’s wide eyes met his, and then darted away. “It’s perfectly fine, Snickers. The fillies said they’d wake you a moment ago, and when I didn’t hear anything… well, I guess I now know why.”

Snickers grabbed at his pillow and when it was close enough, he pulled his head under it. “They were checking me out, weren’t they? These spells go away too easily," he groused.

Rosemary watched the colt and smirked, remembering her time as a horny little mare. “I’m sure it wasn’t as b-Ah?!”

Snickers sat up and looked at Rosemary. Her foreleg had slipped on something wet, and Snickers watched the confused mare’s expression turn from surprised curiosity, to a controlled anger. “Master Snickers, I’ll be back shortly,” Rosemary said. Her horn glowed and she vanished in a flash of light.

With the mare and fillies gone, Snickers got up and crawled to Kiwe, who was still waking up, somewhat.

“It seems you have not a moment of peace, not even in sleep, brother.” Kiwe teased.

“Kiwe, I need your magic potions to help me. I’m going through puberty and all I think about, and want, is sex. Every mare, every filly… some colts,” Snickers looked away and Kiwe did the same. “I just… you have potions for this, right? Can you give me some?”

Kiwe nodded, his mane's motion catching Snickers’s eye. “I have extra to give and more I can make, just take it now, before you get the urge to ‘bate.”

Snickers snerked, then giggled. “That was a good one. So, where’s it? Can I just grab one?”

Kiwe shook his head, saying, “Certainly not. While it is not all I have, the wrong brew can be unpleasant for you.” Kiwe hopped from the bed with Snickers following. A brief glance told Kiwe of the urgency of the potion was needed, since the see-not spell had been dispelled, again, by Snickers’s thoughts. “First, though, I will cast the spell. My potions will elongate the veil.”

“Don’t say ‘elongate’ right now,” Snickers complained, “please.”

Kiwe shook his head in good humor and lit his horn. A glow surrounded Snickers and Kiwe handed him a bottle of potion, and Snickers drank it greedily.

As soon as the potion was gone, tingles went down Snicker’s throat and then blossomed though his body as it settled in his stomach. While he was shivering from the tingles traveling down his legs, Rosemary walked into the room again, smiling and acting as though she hadn’t had to leave because of two fillies’ passive arousal.

After a brief test on whether the spell worked or not, Snickers was happy that not only did the see-not spell work on himself, but it seemed to work on Kiwe and Rosemary, the same mare who hadn’t had the spell on her since they’d met two days prior, and would unwittingly flash the colt at times.

Although he was pleased at the newest event, Snickers wasn’t sure if the spell, potion, or the mix would last, how long it would work on him, and whether or not he’d be seen by every mare nearby. It brought his exuberance down a lot.

Kiwe noticed Snickers’s worry and placed a forehoof on Snickers’s side. “Brother, do not fret. The spell is one I won’t forget. The potion will work as a balm, even if you do not remain calm.”

Snickers smiled. “You’re a great brother, and I’m glad I have you.”

They shared a hug and Sage Brush let herself be known by awwing a little too loud.

The colts were separated by Laxxie, who embraced them as best she could. “Laxxie love you, too, Uncle Kiwe.”

The statement brought an aww from both maids.

“Yes, while that’s quite the moving statement,” Blueblood said from the doorway into Snickers’s room, “I have to ask why there’s an alchemy setup in this room, and not in the personal room given to our ward’s friend?”

The stallion entered wearing a nice frontal suit that spoke of elegance and refinery, that even Snickers scrutinized, finding it worthy of Rarity’s approval.

“I can answer that.” Sage said, “It’s because the fillies took Kiwe’s room the first night. I apologize for not telling you sooner, your highness.”

Blueblood tossed his head, sending his mane cascading over his back. “It is of little concern of where and how colts sleep, as long as they’re awake and ready when breakfast is served. So,” Blueblood said, lowering himself to be at the colt’s level, “are you feeling a little hungry, or shall I fill my belly, first?”

The colts looked between one another, then slowly smiled as Blueblood crept closer. The colts took a step back, and screamed as Blueblood began to chase them around the room, first Kiwe, then Snickers. After a couple minutes, the stallion used his magic to envelop his targets and held them still while he tickled them mercilessly.

“Uncle!” “Auntie!” Snickers and Kiwe called out, respectively.

“Let us go!” Both colts shouted through their laughter in unison. Once released, Snickers lay on his side, laughing as his body tingled with happiness. For reasons he didn’t understand, Snickers had never felt so fulfilled and happy after being chased and tickled, but he didn’t care about the details, just that it was a great moment.

“Well,” Blueblood said, shaking his head and mane back into place, “I say, that was quite fun. However, it is time for breakfast, and Parsley wouldn’t want you both to eat cold food, right?”

Kiwe was the first to his hooves. “No, I will go with Snickers to eat. Who will gather the girls?”

Blueblood looked between Rosemary and Sage. Rosemary glanced at the colts, sealing Sage to her given task. “I’ll go,” Sage said cheerily.

A moment later, the groups had gathered and quietly went to the dining area.

Breakfast was very quiet, which was unusual for the group of foals. Kiwe looked between his three friends and broke the silence that had fallen over them all. “What is wrong with you all, have you heard a Siren’s call? You do not look into one another’s eyes, joke, or tell amusing lies. It is… unusual,” Kiwe let his magic aura around his fork disperse after he’d set it on the table.

Staring into the juice between his hooves, Snickers glanced up to the fillies, then back down to take a drink.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara shared a look, then blushed and looked at their own plates, each using a spoon to scoop a small bit of sausage to their mouths before chewing.

Snickers sighed and leaned closer to Kiwe. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Well, I do,” Diamond Tiara stated.

“Me, too,” Silver added. “I like you, but I want you to know that I’m gonna get to know you, like you said I should do… only now I know what you mean.”

Diamond nodded and placed her fork down. “Yeah, when you were about to climb on Silver Spoon and take her as yours,” there were several gasps from the servants around the room and a minor spit-take from Blueblood, “but it turned out you just had to go pee and we overreacted…”

Silver Spoon cut into the conversation, as though it were rehearsed several times the previous evening. “...I realized that I was only thinking about being your alpha mare, and not who I was going to be spending the rest of my life with. I want to know you, Snickers; the rough, tough, awesome colt that’s cute, smart, and cool through so many things.”

“And…” Diamond started, then looked at Silver Spoon, “...I like you, as a friend. But, maybe I want to see if I can be more with you, maybe I can… I dunno, let you wear my tiara and we can watch the sunset, and share a drink at the malt shop. Oh, maybe I can buy a dress and you can tell me what you think?

“I can help you pick out a matching suit, then we can go out on the town, in a city… Baltimare, maybe? Ya know… the City of Sisterly Love,” Diamond said softly while glancing at Silver Spoon.

The energy in the room was growing and everypony could tell the filly had gone off the rehearsed script, but even Silver Spoon wanted to know what Diamond would say next.

“Maybe… when we’re there, we can talk about what we wanna be like in the future, and maybe plan a way to do it all together? Like, as a real herd, and… Silver?”

Silver Spoon blinked and was back in the moment. “Oh, right! Snickers, we wanna be your official herd mares. Sorry, Kiwe, but…”

Kiwe shook his head fervently. “No, while I care for Diamond in ways you know too well, this is something special. That, even I can tell.”

Snickers swatted Kiwe’s foreleg. “Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side, not theirs.”

“Are you saying you… don’t wanna herd with us?” Silver asked Snickers with a pleading expression. Snickers saw Diamond was copying the look with wide eyes and pouty lips.

Snickers felt an icy dagger in his heart and clutched his chest with his forehooves. “No, you’re breaking through… guh, fine,” Snickers sagged, then looked up with a smile, “you can be my herd… as long,” he shouted over the fillies screaming to get their attention, “as you show me, each other, and everyone else the respect they deserve. <Unlike my old girlfriends>.” Snickers mumbled at the end.

The fillies cheered and hopped to the floor to prance and dance around one another. Meanwhile, Blueblood caught Snickers’s eye with a raise of his morning mimosa and a wink of his eye.

Snickers felt pride build within himself and couldn’t stop the grin that showed all his front teeth, and a few of the rear.

Snickers reluctantly walked just behind Blueblood with Kiwe by his side. Laxxie and the girls had stayed back to spend time together, and while Snickers was unsure what two fillies would do with a timber-pony, if anything got out of hoof, Laxxie could contact him.

Snickers bit his lip and looked back along the hall as it seemed to elongate while he watched. “I… haven’t been without Laxxie for this long in a while. What if she can’t talk to me while I’m so far away?” Snickers said to Kiwe.

“It will be no trouble, your little Pup has a friend, on the double.”

Snickers looked at Kiwe and shook his head with a smirk. “You’re such a dork.”

“Hmm, I do wonder, my brother and friend…” Kiwe looked at the fountain they’d seen a few times, “when will you begin your language lessons again?”

Snickers hummed in thought. “I guess I can start tonight, as long as everything doesn’t go crazy, like it always does around me.”

Blueblood slowed and looked behind him. “Colts, hurry along. We have to present you to the nobles before rumors start. The sooner we do this, the sooner rumors of you being some handsome stallion trying for Princess Celestia’s fetlock will be put to rest.”

“Ew,” Snickers scoffed. “I don’t like her like that, she my m--” Snickers went silent as what he was about to say struck him. He looked at Kiwe, who slightly shook his head. “She’s my mom’s idol… and I can’t do that to her.” Snickers leaned close to whisper to Kiwe, “I need to talk to you when we get time.”

Kiwe nodded and chose to stay silent as they walked past the fountain and back into the castle’s depths they’d only experienced once in their three days there.

Several turns passed and Snickers knew he was lost, completely unable to find his way back to the apartment, and now dependent on Blueblood. The stallion glanced back and noticed Snickers’s apprehension, so he stopped their small group and lowered himself to the floor.

“Boys, I know this may be scary, but just remember that I’m going to be right there. Anypony that crosses a line or goes too far, I’ll stop them and, if need be, whisk you away to another group of nobles.”

Snickers pouted. “But, do I have to? I didn’t wanna meet these stuck-ups in the first place.”

“I understand, young stallion,” Blueblood said softly, “however, you must learn that nopony wants to interact with these cretins. The only reason we do, is that they hold authority over much of the lands in tandem with the diarchy. We can’t just ignore them, any more than we can skip using tableware.”

Snickers sniffed and raised his snout. “Well, I’d be willing to eat from a tablecloth if it meant not having to go through with this.” Blueblood chuckled and reached out to rub Snickers’s mane. “Ah! Nopony touches my mane without a brush and product, darling.”

Blueblood laughed and stood up. “With that attitude, you’re certain to make a splash. Come along, let’s march ahead and put this behind us.”

Walking into the small ballroom, Snickers still noticed how ‘small’ was very relative a term. The room was as large as the Ponyville Schoolhouse twice over. Groups of ponies, mostly unicorns, stood in groups of three to five with a pony-length between the groups. Every so often, one pony would leave a group to go to another in a dance of rumors and gossip.

Snickers felt his elbows and knees shaking from his growing anxiety. He looked to his side to find Kiwe not there. It seemed Kiwe was staying out of the scene, leaving Snickers alone with Prince Blueblood to entertain the top echelons of Pony society.

Please don’t fart. Don’t burp. Don’t swear. Don’t do anything stupid, you dumb colt.

Snickers was tapped by Blueblood’s magic, bringing him out of his mind and back to the moment he’d been dreading since it was dropped on him after breakfast.

“Snickers,” Oregano had said, “there is a gathering in one of the small ballrooms that you are required to attend. It’s just come to our attention, but many nobles have heard about you and are wondering who the mysterious pony that now resides in the apartments is.”

Now, Snickers stood, trying not to hide under Blueblood by willpower alone, as sweat dampened his shirt slightly. Snickers looked at his foreleg and took a bit of strength, knowing that his mother had made the shirt for him and would be with him… even if she wasn’t ready for his trust, yet.

“...and so, with great honor, I present to you, Snickers; guest to her Royal Majesties, Princesses Celestia and Luna.” There was polite stomping, but nothing too loud. “Go ahead, son, say something,” Blueblood said, encouragingly.

Snickers grinned again and stepped a pace ahead of the stallion and cleared his throat. “Um… hi. I’m Snickers and… um, it’s nice to be here to meet you all… um, I guess when my mommy, um, I mean I came here for Celestia… um… I mean, I’m here to visit Princess Celestia because my mommy… um…”

Blueblood stepped forward and stood over Snickers, saving the colt from his numerous mistakes he was already making. “Well, it can be said that foals aren’t the best at public speaking, yes?

“On that note, I believe it’s time for some music and mingling, so let’s enjoy ourselves until you’ve drunk all my wine and eaten all my hors d'oeuvres,” Blueblood said, mirthfully. A loud round of honest laughter filled the room, startling Snickers a little. His ears turned and twitched, and he found he had to use the bathroom, badly.

Snickers lifted his head twice to bump Blueblood’s belly. “Yes, what is it, son?”

Snickers smiled again. “I gotta use the bathroom, dad… I mean Blueblood! I mean…” Snickers sat and covered his face with his forelegs. “I’m such an asshole.”

Blueblood winnied and stomped a forehoof. “Stand at once.” Snickers stood at the stallion’s command. “Forgive us, we must use the colt’s room. We’ll return in a moment.”

Blueblood led Snickers quickly around and through the clusters of ponies and to the bathrooms hidden behind drapery. Once inside, Blueblood turned a frown towards Snickers. “I don’t ever want to hear you say such things about yourself, in my company or in the company of others. You are a very good boy and have the world set before you by the vicissitudes of fate.

“I am endeared that you called me your ‘dad’, however, I am not vying for that title. If I earn it, then so it is. Until then, worry about being a foal… and for my auntie’s sake, pee before you mess the floor.”

Snickers nodded and, with a light heart, rushed into the second stall to pee. The stall was unisex, as were nearly all bathrooms, but sized for an adult of nearly Celestia’s size. Snickers presumed it was preplanning, but being unable to rest his forehead against the wall while he went was uncomfortable.

Laxxie, can you hear me? Is everything okay?

Laxxie is pretty now! Was all Laxxie replied with, then their link was closed. Snickers knew he could just ask what she meant, but it was a waste of time, and he knew it.

Finishing, Snickers stepped on the pedal to flush, and then washed his hooves before leaving the restroom with Blueblood. “Hey, BB? Thanks.”

Blueblood nodded to the colt beside him, then took Snickers into the crowd.

“Did you hear him? He practically admitted his mother is the princess?”
“Can I believe it? Can you believe it?”
“Don’t take a child’s word so seriously. The way he was stammering, he could have said his father was a turnip and it would have made so much sense.”
“Clearly his mother sent him to visit the castle, but who has such influence over the princess’s personal time?”

Blueblood stepped up to the group of nobles with Snickers and cleared his throat. “Might we join in for introductions?”

“Why, yes, Your Highness. I’m Black Thread, this is my herd. My alpha mare here is Paper Cut. Also, Credit Slip, Second Chances, and Black Book.” Each mare pony bowed their heads in greeting while introduced.

“<What the fuck names are these? It’s like their… oh.> Hi… um, it’s nice to meet you?” Snickers looked up to Blueblood and when the stallion nodded, Snickers smiled, weakly.

“Oh, a bilingual foal! How adorable, simply adorable,” Black Book said to Snickers in a condescending way.

Thread flatly agreed, staying properly still while speaking. “Yes, darling, quite unique. Say, lad… what language was that? I don’t believe I’ve heard anything like it.”

“Um… <English>, but a newer dialect… I guess,” Snickers rubbed his left foreleg with his right.

“Ohh… he’s so adorable, I could just cuddle him!”

“Keep your hugs to yourself, Second,” Slip teased.

“Paper?” Second Chances whined, “Slip is being bossy.”

“Slip, be nice to your herd-sister,” Paper Cut said dismissively.

“But, Paper--”

Thread spoke in a hushed whisper. “Hush! It’s the Princess, get ready to bow.”

Snickers looked lazily to the princess, then noticed it was Luna. He grinned and left Blueblood, to the stallion’s surprise and shock. “Snickers, don’t leave my side!”

Snickers dodged many legs, but one mare backed up a pace to laugh, just before Snickers passed her. He ran into her cutie mark and very well toned earth pony muscles, stopping him suddenly. His body kept moving, though, and he slipped under the mare and under the hooves of a fat stallion.

The stallion stepped on Snickers’s foreleg, luckily missing anything important, but still pinching the colt’s skin. Snickers screamed shrilly and the stallion hopped forward, taking the weight off Snickers before he moved. Luna heard the cry and galloped to Snickers and picked him up in her magic.

Crying tears that matted his cheeks and dripped to the floor under him, Snickers clutched his bruised foreleg to his barrel. “Auntie! I wanna go to my room!” Snickers cried out.

Luna pulled Snickers into a hug and curled her wings around him. Unknown to Snickers, the crowd had new gossip to pervert as Luna teleported herself and the colt away.

Blueblood sighed quietly and knew a single nickname had just opened a can of hornets into the face of the entire royal line.