• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,387 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Returning Home

The morning was warm, the sun was bright, and Snickers was with his friends in the palace living room. “Blueblood!” Silver and Diamond cheered when the stallion walked in, smiling contentedly.

Snickers perked up and his attention went to the stallion. “Daddy! I mean…” Snickers got up and ran to the stallion, barreling into him with a hug.

Blueblood chuckled and hugged Snickers back. “Ah, I presume Aquelis is still around?” he asked.

Snickers chuckled. “No, not much. I just like having you around. You’re like a daddy, so I’m calling you daddy.”

Silver and Diamond awe’d sweetly, and embraced in a side hug. “He’s gonna be such a good daddy,” Diamond said before she thought about it, then bit her lip gently when Silver nuzzled her.

“You’re so right, Diamond Tiara,” Silver said, quietly.

“So, my boy; I hear you’re leaving today, yes?” Blueblood asked, ruffling Snickers’s mane as the colt released the hug. “It’ll be sad to see you go, but I do have some good news.”

Snickers hopped in place. “What’s it? What’s the news? Oh, it’s not another ruler, is it?”

Blueblood laughed quietly. “On that, do you happen to know how long you sleep, then?”

“Where’s Luna? She needs to hit you with her wing for that one,” Snickers said in the best deadpan he could, then he broke into a grin. “Just kidding. So, what’s the good news? What is it? What is it?!”

“Oh, do stay calm, my boy. The news will please you quite a bit. In fact, it may please quite a few mares, if it works out well. You see,” Blueblood laid down to be eye level with Snickers, “I’ll be going to Ponyville soon, just to see Rarity and some of her friends to make amends and, perhaps, to meet the Apples in person.”

Snickers nuzzled the stallion. “I get it, but you better not be going there just to get your dick wet with my mom,” Snickers glared into the stallion’s face as Blueblood’s eyes widened.

Blueblood stammered. “Why… I’d never go so far as to… I mean, no, I mean…”

Snickers’s cheeks puffed, then he broke into giggles and had to sit down to hold his belly with one foreleg and cover his mouth with his other free forehoof. “I’m… I’m just foolin’, I know you’re not that kinda stallion. C’mon, let’s go play before I have to go!” Snickers hopped to his four hooves and pronked in place twice, stopping when Blueblood caught him in his magic.

“Sadly, I cannot play. As you can see, I’m dressed today, as I have to meet a very important pony soon. I simply came by to wish you well on your travel home and to tell you that I’ll see you soon. One more hug, though, would be fine,” Blueblood set Snickers down and was quickly hugged around his neck.

Snickers nuzzled the warm stallion and inhaled both Blueblood’s scent and an array of perfumes he was using, too. “Okay, I’ll see you later… have a good time with your VIP.”

“That, I shall do my best with. See you soon, Snickers and herd… oh, and friends; don’t think I’d forget about you all,” Blueblood waved to the grumpy gryphon and other foals in the room before he left. Snickers sighed dejectedly, then went to his room, quickly followed by his fillies, and began packing to leave.


Packing the last of his clothing, and some gathered items from across the apartment he liked, Snickers closed the chest he'd traveled with and locked it, for what little importance it had. The luggage was going to be directly delivered to Rarity's Boutique long before he and his friends arrived in Ponyville.

"So, all packed. Are we ready to go?" Snickers asked as two mares picked the chest up out of view while Kiwe's luggage was walked by the room.

Silver and Diamond giggled. "It'll be good to not have to hide in luggage this time."

Diamond tittered. "Actually, I was in Snickers's luggage and it smelled like him, so it wasn't that bad."

Silver shrugged from where she sat. "Well, Kiwe doesn't smell too bad, to be honest."

Kiwe smirked. "I shower and bathe as often as I need, at least I do not smell of sweaty knees."

"I bet Snickers's knees smell good when they're sweaty," Diamond said before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth and blushed a darker shade of pink while the others laughed.

"I bet you love everything about him, don't you, Diamond," Silver teased.

"Yeah, that's why you cuddle so close to me when we sleep together, right?" Snickers offered.

"Perhaps you are not as into mares as you say?" Kiwe asked.

Diamond pouted and looked at the floor, scuffing it lightly with her hoof. "I love Snickers, so what?"

Snickers gave Diamond a hug that she relished and returned gently with a deep inhale of Snickers's mane as it fell across her face. She smiled and hummed quietly enough for only Snickers to hear, to which he replied, "You smell nice, too."

The blush that had faded returned and turned DIamond's cheeks to a cherry red for a moment even after she was apart from the colt of her affections. "Whatever, you gals. Let's just get ready to go, already!"

Diamond turned and spun on her hind hoof, taking the lead out of the room, listening as the hooffalls of the others let her know she wasn't just power walking from the room alone. Once in the main room, the friends and herdmates stopped before Princesses Luna and Celestia. All except Snickers bowed, Gil having done so already while the foals were packing.

"Nephew, I hope your journey fares thee well. I have your saddlebags here, they contain an enchantment that permits them to hold more than they should, and they are already filled with food and what you will need to survive your journey, perilous as it may be."

Snickers sighed, loudly. "We're not going across the world, just into the town we can see from the window facing west! Why is everypony acting like I'm about to lead us into adventure?"

Luna stayed stoic for a few seconds, then giggled. "I jest! There's water in a jug for each of you in your gifted bags, and some alfalfa bars for snacks on your trek from the train station at the base of the Canterhorn to your destination. I offer you this advice; laugh like nopony is watching. Laughter can be the best medicine for you and others."

Luna bowed and stepped back for Celestia to speak, but instead the mare walked to Snickers and laid down, hugging him with her wings and pulling him close. Then she gave him the first kiss she'd wanted to give him since she'd met him. A gentle thing at the crown of his head. Snickers hugged her back and let his mind relax.

"I'll miss you, mommy," Aquelis whispered into Celestia's neck, barely audible over the mare's heavy breathing. It brought a sob from Celestia.

"I know you'll be in good hooves, my little star," she whispered breathily to her son just as Snickers was given full control again.

"Hey, we're in good hooves, I'll be safe, I promise," Snickers said, stepping back from Celestia and giving her an honest smile that warmed her heart.

“Nephew, I have news for you,” Luna stated. “I have been spoken to by your friend, Cress, and she has been given permission to travel to Ponyville with you, should you allow it. Something about a class project… should you disapprove I’ll have her sent away at once.”

Snickers looked to Silver, who shrugged indifferently, then to Diamond, who was frowning slightly and looking past Luna’s tail to see the filly hiding behind it. Diamond looked to Snickers and nodded once, then flipped her mane and turned to go to the bathroom. With a look, Silver followed and the two were on their own way, leaving Snickers and Kiwe before the princesses.

“Well, I’m not one for long goodbyes,” Celestia said, standing to her full height. She began casting a spell that washed over Snickers and Kiwe, then it was over. “There, you should be safe from any accidents for a while,” she smiled down to Snickers and then to Kiwe. “Although, you seem to enjoy trouble, young colt,” she said to Kiwe, who pouted.

Kiwe looked into Celestia’s eyes. “It is not what I intend to do, sometimes things just happen to you.”

With a nod, Celestia agreed and then turned to leave with Luna. “We shall exchange the sun and moon tonight in your honor, Nephew. Fare thee well on thy travels.”

Snickers briefly sighed, but nodded and gave Luna’s hind leg one last hug. “I’ll miss you, Auntie. I’ll see you in my dreams?”

Luna nodded once. “If I can access your dreams, I will be there when you need me.”

On that cryptic note, Luna followed Celestia from the apartment and draped a wing over her sister once they were in the hall. “Sister,” Celestia said, squeezing her eyes shut and facing the floor, “I cannot believe I’m letting him go again.”

Luna nuzzled Celestia and used her other wing’s pinions to stop tears from dripping to the floor. “They will be fine. I have my guards following them from a distance until they return home, and you cast your spell on them… protection from accidents? I am dubious as to that spell’s true meaning, Tia.”

Celestia snorted a snotty giggle and opened her eyes, wiping her nose quickly on a cloth she kept in her shoe. “No accidental pregnancies, Luna. I don’t want my little star, my Aquelis, to be a father before he’s ready.”

Luna tittered. “You think too little of him.”

Celestia scoffed and began walking with her head held high. “I give him enough credit, I give those fillies too much leeway. It will soon be fall estrus and I can already tell they’ll pressure him into sex, and I won’t have my little one having little ones before he’s ready. The spell will last until spring estrus; by then he should have a better understanding of what sex with a mare is truly like.”

Luna nodded. “A-ha, yes. Originally, he was… oh, what is the word you use now?”

“A colt cuddler, or gay works. This colt, though, Snickers, is completely at the whims of a mare’s desires. Should he not be ready, I won’t have him ruin his life before he’s ready to live it.”

Luna took her wing back and bumped her rump to Celestia’s. “He is indeed a gaye foal,” Luna chuckled. “You make it sound like all mares are bad for him? Are you being a protective mother, by chance?” Luna teased.

Celestia nodded. “It is a mother’s duty to make sure her foals are safe and grow up well adjusted and healthy. It’s doubly so for the mother of a colt… it’s even more important for me, because Prince Aequalis Solis Lunaeque is the rightful heir to the throne in my place, should I step down or abdicate.”

Luna scoffed. “And do you plan to do either?”

Celestia’s eyes hardened. “One never knows, sister.”

The following day, Rarity paced in her showroom, worrying and muttering to herself. “I can’t believe he chose to walk… all that dirt and mud, grime and dust… didn’t he think about the state of his coat and mane?” She muttered to herself. “And he wants it a secret that he's returning, as though royal guards bringing in his luggage, and his friends’ too, yesterday afternoon wasn’t suspicious enough.

“Now, he’s walking with his friends, Rarity. Friends and his herdmates. He’s not alone, so he won’t be attacked by vicious bandits or taken captive for a ransom I could never hope to pay… where is he?” She asked herself. “He was to arrive today, after all. At least,” she called the letter over to herself and took it out of the envelope to reread it, again.

“Yes, today. He was to take the train to the base of the Canterhorn, then walk the rest of the way. A single day’s walk for a group, and I trust they are prepared with camping gear, to make roughing it… less rough. Oh, my little prince, where are you?”

Snickers walked into view of Ponyville with his head held high and his anxiety higher. He scanned the sky for Rainbow, the roads ahead for anypony he knew and wanted to avoid, and jumped slightly when he felt a hoof on his back. “Snickers, you’re freaking out and, like, we don’t need you freaking out.” Silver said, placatingly.

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, you’re you. Nopony can mess with you, and everypony knows it. So, let’s just get to Rarity’s and take it easy, okay?”

Snickers looked behind him to Cress, Laxxie and Kiwe, talking between themselves, then he looked at Gil, grumpily holding the egg to his chest with a forelimb while walking on his other three. Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I gotta get over the jerk faced fuck wads in this town and focus on what matters; Mom and Twilight… we can go from there.”

“And Applejack,” Silver said, rubbing her side against Snickers to help calm him down. “You did say she was the best of the worst, right?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, but she’s probably licking that Rainbow, bitch.”

Diamond bumped her shoulder into Snickers’s. “Stop swearing, you’re cuter when you’re a good colt, not talking like a mare.”

Snickers snorted. “Whatever, let’s just… ugh,” he shortly groaned. “Why is this so hard? I can do whatever I want, I’m a prince, after all.”

Diamond took a turn at placating Snickers. “Because, we all agreed with the princesses that you won’t talk about your title. You can’t use it to get what you want, or it’ll make you look bad, especially to the nobles.”

Snickers glanced at Diamond in a way that made her giggle. “I know,” Diamond said quietly, slowly starting to walk with Snickers back to the town, “fuck the nobles, and all that,” she waved her forehoof. “But, that’s the way it is here, not back in your human world.”

Snickers humphed. “I was a tall boy, not a true human… and I still haven’t read any of these comics or books you all talk about, why is that?”

Diamond shrugged. “You haven’t asked, and I think the ponies in Ponyville just don’t have enough copies to go around. If you want, when we’re back, I can have my daddy order you the series.”

“Have you read them?” Snickers asked openly.

Both his fillies shook their heads and Silver spoke up first. “Like, no thanks. I had enough drama in my life. Adding reading colts’ books to it all would have just damaged my reputation. But, now… if you wanna read them together, I’ll make time for you.”

Diamond agreed and they led the group into Ponyville without any fanfare. Pinkie didn’t pop out of anything, Rainbow wasn’t overhead, and each of the ponies Snickers worried about seemed to be absent from the trail he took to Rarity’s Boutique. Finally, after nearly ten minutes of walking through the town and receiving several curious looks, and a couple knowing ones, he arrived at his destination.

“So, do I knock?” Snickers asked. Diamond rolled her eyes and pushed the door open, then Silver pushed Snickers gently from behind. “Okay, I’m going!” He stumbled into the boutique and was enveloped in Rarity’s magical aura.

“Oh, my little prince,” she cooed and kissed his cheeks, “I missed you so much. Let me look you over… oh, your legs are simply ghastly! All that traveling didn’t do you any favors, let me take that shirt off you and we can get you into something more comfortable.”

Snickers squealed when Rarity’s magic began to undress him and before he could complain, he was naked and beginning to blush.

“Wait here while I get you a replacement shirt I’d made for you. Same as this, as you like, only clean; as you shall be once… oh, hello, everypony! Silver, Diamond, you’re looking lovely as ever.”

“Thank you, Miss Rarity,” the fillies curtsied.

“Kiwe, you’re looking quite dapper. And who are these two, again?” Rarity asked.

“I’m Cress,” the bat pony introduced herself again. “This charming fluffball is Gil, he’s carrying Kiwe’s egg.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I’d heard of this egg, but to see it all just puts so much more into perspective. So, can I get you anything, anypony?”

Every pony shook their heads while Gil seemed to be deeply interested in the clothing around the room, hanging from racks and sparkling with gems.

Rarity was about to ask Gil about his interest when there was a knock at the door.

“It’s open, come in,” Rarity said.

The door opened and Seven was standing at the threshold with a large mare behind him. “Hello, I’m Seven, and I’m from Foal Services.”

Author's Note:

Another one done, 100K words, and the next book will start soon. Thanks for reading and please comment; it helps me write more and post quicker, too.

Thanks to Ninjadeadbeard for being a fantastic editor and friend; check out his work, it's really good. Especially his Anarchyverse stories.

Comments ( 17 )

love this series so damn much

Looking forward to the next book :D

Awe, thanks!

Me, too.
I have no idea what's gonna happen, either! :yay:

Snickers hopped in place. “What is it? What’s the news? Oh, it’s not another ruler, is it?”

That's intentional. Showing his eagerness and character as a foal.

Any idea what the new title for the new book is gonna be or are you still coming up for ideas for it?

I have a couple ideas, noting set in stone yet, though.
Chapter one is shaping up to be something really dramatic though

Looking forward to it :)

Aww, a happy endi-

The door opened and Seven was standing at the threshold with a large mare behind him. “Hello, I’m Seven, and I’m from Foal Services.”

Nope, no happy endings allowed!

Honestly though, the story was a fun read.


Another fun chapter to bother fun series. Can't wait to see the start of the next one.

It's on its way.
I have a lot going on to start and have to get it right. Can't just rush like I did once or twice and give myself plotholes to fix later.

Thx for the read and I'm excited for the next, too.

Ah! What a cliffhanger to end on. Thanks for another great addition to the series! I'm off to read the next one.

awesome story, i do wonder what you have planed with cress ;D

A lot,but it's slow going, sadly.

It's still out there, but Covid didn't help anything.
Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying.

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