• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,382 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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“What do you mean, Grandpa Harmony?” Snickers asked when the fillies had come to terms with Laxxie’s cuteness.

Laxxie sniffed the air and her eyes followed her nose to Snickers. “Hm, weird smell, Daddy,” she giggled melodically.

“Laxxie,” Snickers stated firmly.

Laxxie’s ears perked and she looked at him. “Grandpa Harmony was in the gardens after Uncle Discord tried to make me different… Grandpa Harmony said Uncle Discord’s magic didn’t work with Grandpa Harmony’s magic in me,” she touched her chest, “so I was made real, on accident.”

“Accident?” Celestia asked. “I consider this quite the fortunate event. Another filly to care for you is always a good thing, right?”

Snickers frowned at the alicorn in the room. “She’s not joining my herd, Celestia.”

Celestia’s smile fell slightly. “I… thought I was still your mommy, my little star.”

Snickers groaned and got up, then moved to Celestia and hugged her foreleg. “You’re kinda my mom, but not enough,” he said and backed away before Celestia could nuzzle him. “Aquelis is in here,” he tapped his head, “but Rarity is here,” he touched his chest. “I’m sorry, but you’re just not my mom.”

Celestia sighed sadly, but nodded acceptingly. “I understand; but know I’ll always be here for you, if you need me. The same applies to your herd, and children,” she said softly and looked at the timberpony, watching them with the fillies. “You know,” Celestia said, lowering her head to Snickers’ level, “when I said I wanted grandfoals, I was thinking they’d be… more pony and less timber.”

The two shared a laugh and rubbed muzzles, then backed apart. Celestia nodded to Snickers and took her leave while Snickers and the others watched. “Can we have some time alone?” Snickers asked his group of friends.

A minute later they were all in their room and Snickers paced back and forth before the three fillies. Snickers glanced up at Laxxie every pass he made and shook his head. He finally stopped in front of the wooden filly and looked at her. “So, you’re a real pony now?”

Laxxie grinned, showing wooden teeth. “Yuppers.”

Snickers waved her closer to him and mentally connected to her. Can you still hear me, Laxxie?

Yes, Daddy, Laxxie replied.

Snickers smiled. “Why does your voice sound like you’re being musical?”

“Musical, Daddy?”

Silver giggled. “Melodic, that’s the word you’re thinking of.”

“Oh, I can answer that,” Diamond raised her foreleg like she was in class. Snickers nodded and she sat up straight. “Pony’s had a musical renaissance eight hundred years ago and music became part of our lives for three hundred years afterwards. Ever since then, music has had a true part of our being because music is nothing without Harmony.”

Snickers brought a hoof to his face. “Of course it is. Okay, so what does melody, and music revolution’s, gotta do with her voice.”

“Duh,” Diamond snarked. “She’s enchanted with Harmony’s magic, which is the essence of music.”

Snickers stared at the pink filly for a moment, waiting for more. “That doesn’t make sense. It’s like saying the trees grow because the sun is out.”

“Um, they kinda do,” Silver said, half raising a foreleg. Diamond nodded in agreement. Laxxie stood and let her tail sway side to side in a rhythmic motion.

Snickers was about to argue the logic of cause and effect, but stopped himself as a feeling swelled inside him. Laxxie’s tail was dragging on the floor and some water dripped in the bathroom, both in time with a beat that he felt growing around himself. Silver and Diamond’s ears twitched in time with everything coming together, and Snickers realized what was about to happen.

“No!” He shouted and ran to the balcony door. He opened it and closed it behind himself with a loud clack as it shut. The midmorning sun shone upon him and warmed his coat as he listened with his ear to the door.

Music began to play from within the room as the three fillies began to sing about Laxxie’s new body and the future she has ahead of her. Snickers did his best to keep from singing the chorus by sucking his lips into his mouth and gently biting down, but his hips swayed and his hooves tapped to the beat of the music.

Before too long, it was over and Diamond Tiara knocked on the balcony door. “Snickers, are you okay?”

“Is it over?” Snickers asked.

“Is what over?” Diamond replied.

Snickers yanked the door, only to realize it was locked from the inside. The door unlatched and Snickers pulled it open, then peeked inside. “The song, is it over?”

The fillies nodded to Snickers, who exhaled quietly and reentered the room with his head high.

“Snickers, you know you can’t outrun every song that’s gonna come along, right?” Silver Spoon asked.

Snickers shook his head. “There’s always a way out, and I don’t sing and dance, okay?”

Silver and Diamond’s ears lowered, but they nodded in acquiescence.

Laxxie pranced around Snickers, twice, and nuzzled her muzzle under his foreleg, sniffing at him intently. Snickers giggled and did his best to push her back, but she was at an odd angle that left Snickers only able to rotate with her motion as he tried to get space. “What’re you doing, Laxxie?” Snickers laughed.

Laxxie snorted warm air under Snickers’s barrel. “You smell weird, Daddy. Like… I don’t know what, but it’s not good.”

Snickers stopped, lifted his foreleg, and brought his hoof down onto Laxxie’s neck. “Stop it!”

Laxxie hopped back with a whimper. “Ouch, Daddy. Why did you hit me? I thought… I thought I am a good filly.”

Snickers noticed the glares Silver and Diamond were giving him, so he hid the offending forehoof behind his back. “I didn’t say she was bad, just that she had to stop!”

“Hush,” Silver Spoon hushed Laxxie as she hugged the slightly smaller wooden filly to her body, “that mean colt isn’t going to hurt you again,” she gave his a searing look, “is he?”

Snickers looked away in shame and nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, Laxxie. I was just… uncomfortable with you sniffing me. Ponies don’t do that to each other, okay?”

“But,” Laxxie said, quietly, “you smell like a bad plant, and I don’t want you sick.”

Snickers looked between Silver and Diamond, then back to Laxxie. “How do you know it’s a bad plant?”

“Because, I am a forest spirit. I know good and bad plants.”

Snickers nodded at the reasoning. “Makes sense, but I don’t get why you think it’s bad. Some things aren’t bad for ponies, but are poisonous to other creatures. How do you know this plant is bad for ponies?”

Laxxie opened her mouth, then closed it. She stared into space for a moment, then looked back at Snickers. “I don’t know, Daddy.”

“Exactly, so there’s probably nothing to worry about. Besides,” Snickers said as he sat beside Laxxie and leaned against her, “sometimes, bad things happen, and all we can do is make them better.”

Laxxie leaned against Snickers and trilled. “You’re warm like the sun on a good day, Daddy.”

Silver and Diamond ‘aww’ed and moved to Snickers’s side and back, both leaning against him to share in the affection. “He’s so soft,” Silver said from behind him, nuzzling against his mane and breathing in softly..

“And he smells so good,” Diamond said, opening her eyes when she said it, but regretting nothing as she nuzzled her snout under his chin and breathed him in.

Snickers sighed in contentment. “Yeah, life’s good.”

Covered with cuts and lacerations, Kiwe entered the apartment for the first time in what felt like weeks, his body was sore and it wasn’t from various types of fun with Gul. The door guards watched him as he dragged his hooves across the threshold and through the rooms to the stairs. He walked up the stairs, went to the first bedroom and touched the closed door.

His horn lit and the knob turned with his magic, opening and revealing the room within. Kiwe nearly fell in, but braced his forelegs as he walked into the room. He looked up to see the surprised faces of the herd, plus a new pony made of wood. “What do I see here, but a wooden pony that causes no fear?

“Should I guess this one is Laxxie, or a new pony that I have never before seen?”

Silver Spoon got to her hooves and hopped to the floor before the other two and rushed to Kiwe. She stopped before him and looked him over. “You look like you got into a fight and lost, are you okay?”

Snickers grimaced when he saw the other colt. “Ouch, did it hurt when you got those scratches and cuts?”

“How are you not bleeding, I can see…" Diamond Tiara nearly gagged when one of the wounds moved and the fat underneath showed.

Kiwe chuckled dryly. “I didn’t lose, but a little healing potion saved me from losing my life in my victory, as shallow as it is.”

Snickers watched as one cut across Kiwe’s cheek closed without a mark, his fur growing quickly to cover the spot. “Still, ouch. What happened? Did you and Gul get into a fight over something?”

Kiwe tried to sit, but winced from a cut in his hindquarters and stayed standing. “Can you get me a cushion, I need to sit down and rest.”

A flash of light filled the room and a nurse appeared, looked at the foals, then rushed to Kiwe with her horn alight. “Multiple cuts and contusions, missing fur, minor concussion… care to tell me what happened, young stallion?” the nurse asked as she began healing Kiwe.

Kiwe sat on a cushion that the mare moved into place before the other foals could respond to Kiwe’s initial request. “I was in a fight, though I may not have been in the right.”

Snickers sat between Silver and Diamond and watched from a little ways away. “So, can you tell us about it?” Snickers asked.

Kiwe looked stunned and somewhat shocked, then hummed sadly. “I… am to be a father, it seems.”

“What?!” Kiwe’s friends shouted in unison, then they all ran to hug him while cheering and heaping praise on the worried zony colt.

“What a stallion! Great job! What’s it gonna be, a pony, a gryphon? Oh, my, or hippogryph?”
“I’m so proud of you, when is she due? Do gryphons last eleven months like ponies do?”
“I can’t believe it, how’d you manage to knock her up; it isn’t even the season!”

The nurse stopped her magic and pushed the other foals off Kiwe. “Do you mind waiting to praise this little hero until after I’m done healing his wounds?” She asked, clearly with some joy in her eyes while her voice was struck with sternness.

Snickers, Diamond, and Silver giggled and pronked in place around Kiwe while the nurse quickly finished. A few seconds passed and the nurse smirked. “Okay, done.”

She stepped back and bumped into Laxxie, who was watching passively. “Hi, miss pony. I’m a real pony, did you know that?”

The nurse looked at Laxxie and nodded. “Sure you are,” she answered with disbelief in her voice. “Well, if there’s nothing else…” she said as Kiwe was surrounded by his friends. She smiled warmly at Kiwe and vanished in a teleport.

Kiwe, while being proud of his friends’ affection and support, raised a forehoof to forestall the bombardment of questions and praise. Kiwe noted that Snickers was acting very happy, more so than the colt had ever been before. “Well, as I said, I was in a fight. I may soon be a father, which is quite the delight. I was not expecting such to occur, but a lioness is fertile more than twice a year. I found out by the hen during one of our suppers, with both of her brothers. While the oldest was upset and held back his wrath, her younger brother, Gil, responded with a slash.

“He scratched, bit, sliced, and hit, a well placed buck and spell sent him away with a defined limp. I was given a potion meant to heal, and banished from the most recent meal. I made my way here as the potion did its work, and now you know the story of how I chose to listen to my dork.”

“I don’t think you’re a dork, Kiwe,” Silver Spoon said, patting the zony’s back.

Kiwe weakly giggled and stood up. “A dork is a whale penis, my grey friend. May you never see one, or the mental images may never end.” Kiwe grinned at Silver, who blushed a little.

Diamond Tiara huffed indignantly. “She’s silver, not grey… and, even though I’m super proud of you for what you’ve done… what about the baby? Are you gonna stay here, or travel with her and her brothers?”

Kiwe slumped and dragged his hooves, quietly moving across the room until he could flop onto a cushion large enough for him to just sink into. “She won’t have me follow her. I asked and tried to plead my case, but she won’t fly and her brothers refuse to carry me. I miss her already,” he said quietly.

Diamond and Silver looked at Snickers, asking him with their eyes for permission to show Kiwe attention. Snickers nodded, not wanting to play around, and watched as his fillies lay besides Kiwe and shared their warmth and love with him. It took a few seconds before Kiwe was crying onto Silver Spoon while being held by both fillies.

Snickers wiped his eye and moved besides Laxxie, who was watching curiously at the events.

Daddy, why is Uncle Kiwe sad?

Snickers smiled at the phrase ‘Uncle Kiwe’. He may lose the one he loves, Laxxie. It hurts when that happens, and trust me when I say that I hope I don’t have it happen to me again.

But, Daddy, why don’t they just find a nice place to make a home and be there, under the sun and with yummy food around them?

Snickers snickered as he leaned onto Laxxie. “You’re just so young… I can’t believe how much alike we are. We’re both learning about being a pony now, aren’t we?”

“Daddy, I am a pony, like you are. What we were doesn’t define our futures, does it?” Laxxie said and blinked when she noticed Snickers looking at her. “You said that before and told me. I’m just saying what you said, Daddy.”

Snickers ran through his memories and didn’t recall ever saying that, then it struck him. “Laxxie, did I give you any memories of my life before I was a pony?”

Laxxie blinked twice and cocked her head. “Of course, Daddy. That’s why I know electrics and maths so good.”

Snickers tapped his chin and let his gaze travel across the moving heavens of the ceiling he’d taken for granted. “Laxxie, what’s 135.241 times 952.56 divided by 9.65?”

Laxxie inhaled and said, “Thirteen-thousand, three-hundred and forty-nine point seven-five-eight-two-three-four-one-nine-six-eight-nine. Why?”

Snickers sputtered and pointed to himself, then Laxxie. “What? What?! You just solved something I made up as fast as I made it up! How, is more important than ‘why’! This is amazing, Laxxie!”

“Hey, don’t be a jerk, Snickers!” Diamond Tiara shouted, quieting Snickers’ curious joy.

“It wasn’t because of Kiwe, Laxxie just--”

“Like, show more consideration for your friend, Snickers,” Silver scolded. “Why aren’t you here with us, helping him through this tough time?”

Laxxie gave Snickers a firm shove, harder than she knew was needed, and sent him rushing to his friends. He managed to lay on the cushion behind Kiwe and began petting the sobbing colt’s back.

Snickers’s forehoof trailed back a little far a couple times and Diamond used her tail to snap Snickers’s attention back to the moment. Snickers decided he’d take some time to meditate and try to find and talk to Aquelis about boundaries, physical desires, and the line between them.

Sitting up with his hind legs crossed and his forelegs resting on his knees, Snickers felt a tug inside his mind he couldn’t explain if he tried, then opened his eyes. He was in the void from when he’d first met Aquelis, only there was a lot more yellow than before. Snickers noticed some light grey stripes and noticed the image of Kiwe out of the corner of his eye, but it always vanished before he could see it.

“So, you return?” Aquelis said from behind Snickers. Snickers turned to face his near mirror image. “How long has it been? Months, years?”

“No,” Snickers replied, “only a couple days. Look, I have to talk to you about something serious, okay?”

Aquelis flicked an ear and looked away. “Whatever it may be, I’m sure it has little to do with me.”

Snickers stomped his hoof and the ground rang like a bell that hurt both colts to hear. They covered their ears for a few seconds as the ring toned away. “Okay, I’m gonna come back to that, but first is my swearing. I--”

“You’re very welcome,” Aquelis grinned. “You sounded like the lowliest peasant off the dirtiest ship from the murkiest waters before I helped you sound more refined, even though you seem to push even my censorship of you to its limits at times. How can one that looks so lovely have such a vile repertoire of crass language?”

Snickers pouted and looked away from Aquelis. “Well, I want it back. I don’t notice when I don’t say shit, but everypony else does. Swearing is a part of me and I need it, okay?”

Aquelis shook his head. “If I could, I’d purge every word you use in such a manner and have you learn them anew, over time… as a foal naturally should. Instead, I will discuss this topic no more, for now. What else is on your mind, friend? Please, don’t say fillies. I’ve seen what’s on your mind with those fillies and…” Aquelis pretended to retch and gag.

Snickers rolled his eyes. “Get up and stop acting like I just kissed Kiwe.”

Aquelis’s eyes widened and he blushed. “Could you? That would be ever so wonderful… I feel something special when I see him. Maybe it’s the exotic nature, maybe it’s the way his hips sway when he walks--”

“Stop checking out my bro, bro! C’mon, I can’t even rub his back without wanting to rub somewhere under his tail! Can you just… God, ever since that night…” a window appeared over Snickers showing the night he tasted Kiwe with Diamond’s intervention, “...all I want is to feel it again, and I know it’s your fault.”

“Is that so wrong?!” Aquelis snapped. “All I wanted was a cute boyfriend, and then I died before that could happen. Everything is bringing me and Kiwe together, except you keep blocking my advances. Why can’t I just have a sample? What if…” Snickers raised a hoof but didn’t speak in time to stop Aquelis’s suggestion, “...I switch with you, so it’ll all happen to me?

“I won’t say anything about love, just let him know how amazing it feels. Then, we switch back when it’s over and you can say you were under the drink.”

“I don’t think--”

“It’s a great idea! You have the urges, I can feel them! What do I have to do to let you, let me, taste some Zebracan chocolate?”

Snickers burst into laughter and fell onto his flank, holding his sides. “That’s fucking awesome! That’s… I’m gonna use that when I see Kiwe and get a chance to tease him about being a daddy.”

Aquelis blushed again and his eyes shimmered. “A… daddy? My zebra is gonna be a daddy? That’s… wonderful…”

Snickers stopped laughing so hard and got to all fours and gave his counterpart a gentle punch. “C’mon, don’t be glum. You know it was bound to happen, eventually. Every stallion has a foal, or so I’ve been told,” he winked at Aquelis, who sniffled.

“I just hope she’s a mare that will keep him safe and cared for. He deserves no less.”

Snickers chuckled nervously and looked at the sky, which was the same color as Kiwe’s coat, striped as well. “Well, she’s not exactly a mare.”

“Oh,” Aquelis smiled and gave Snickers a playful shove. “One of yours, I take it?”

Snickers looked at Aquelis, deadpan. “She’s a gryphon, actually.”

There were four seconds of absolute silence before Aquelis covered his ears and screamed as loud as he could.

Snickers touched Aquelis’s side and the colt screamed again, shrilly enough to make Snickers grimace and press his ears to his head. “Aquelis!” Snickers shouted, only to get another scream in reply. “Want me to kiss Kiwe for you?” Snickers shouted.

Aquelis inhaled to scream again, but opened his eyes and looked at the serious look Snickers was giving him. He uncovered his ears slightly and let one rise a little. “Would you, really?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, and I’ll even let you do it, if we can figure out how to work out sharing some things.”

Aquelis gulped. He closed his eyes and the room transitioned to a light creamy yellow that reminded Snickers of warm butter, a better palette than seeing Kiwe’s color scheme everywhere. “Okay,” Aquelis said, breathily, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, dear friend, but I would love for that to happen. Perhaps, I could even find time for some much needed release?” He asked, a bit hopefully.

“Don’t push your luck,” Snickers snarked, “I’m not rubbing one out to my BFAM.”


“Brother from another mother.” Snickers answered and they both shared a polite laugh. “Okay, boundaries are set, deals are made, are we good?”

Aquelis cocked his head. “I try to always be a good colt. Mommy’s little star can’t shine if he’s dirty with shame, after all.”

Snickers opened his mouth, then closed it. “That’s a great way to look at it. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Farewell, friend Snickers,” Aquelis waved as the room began to fade away.

Snickers waved back. “Since when am I so spiritually connected? I never could have done this before…”

Snickers opened his eyes and saw Silver Spoon sleeping in front of him, her body and tail curled like a pleased cat that brought a smile to his lips. He stiffly moved his body and his hind legs creaked as he moved them back to their frontal position. He was pleased they didn’t cramp or hurt as he moved, but was curious about the popping and tension he felt.

“Pony legs are not meant to bend that way, yet there you chose to sit and stay,” Kiwe’s voice intoned from beside him. On his own cushion, Kiwe sat in the same cross legged position. “Do not be surprised, I relax like this from time to time. Meditation is a very good thing, it helps relax the mind and get it off troubling things.”

Snickers fell to his side and rolled onto his hooves, groaning as his lower back realigned with a loud pop that sent his tail ridgid. He relaxed with a contented sigh. “If that’s what happens, I’ll meditate every day… so, when did Silver show up? How long was I meditating?”

Kiwe opened one eye a little and looked from the filly to the colt. “Nearly two hours, by my guess. Time does fly when one does not care about it. And, before you ask, Diamond Tiara has taken time to visit with Cress in the common room. You should awaken your filly and visit as well, while I come to terms with my life choices.”

Snickers took the given advice, but before he woke Silver Spoon from her wonderful sleep, he cupped Kiwe’s muzzle between his hooves and looked into the surprised zony’s eyes. “I owe Aquelis a kiss, may I?”

Kiwe nodded once and Snickers brought his lips to Kiwe’s. Intending for a short peck, Snickers darted his tongue into Kiwe’s mouth and tilted his head so they were in a brief, but passionate, kiss. When their lips parted, Snickers panted and mewled, fighting to go back for more.

Kiwe pressed lightly to Snickers’s chest and pushed him back. “Brother, you have given your friend enough to think on, I believe you have a friend to check… on.”

Snickers blinked thrice and backed up, nodding. “Yeah, sorry, got carried away. I need a potion, thanks, I’m just gonna go and,” Snickers yelped when he tripped over Silver Spoon, waking her suddenly. Her head lifted quickly and struck something rock hard under Snickers, thankfully hidden due to the see-not spell.

“Ouch, why’d you step on me?” Silver asked, rubbing her ear that had bent wrongly. Snickers swallowed loudly and grinned lopsided. “Uh, just… uh, rushing and didn’t notice you. Gotta pee, ya know how it is.”

“Snickers,” Kiwe said, “do not rely on the potions too much, or they will lose effect faster. Meditate more, it will help.”

Snickers glared at Kiwe, who smirked and closed his eyes, returning to his meditative seating. Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes at Snickers and her ear popped back into place. “Did I just hit your penis with my head?”

Snickers swallowed so loudly, he thought it would echo. “M-maybe. I’m sorry!” He said quickly and cantered from Kiwe’s initial room with Silver following behind him.

“What did you talk about that made you so hard?” Silver asked casually. “Maybe I can help you? I mean to make it go away. Not like I wanna help you make it go away, but just get your mind off things.”

“I just gotta pee, that’ll help a lot. And, taking a potion will help, too.” Snickers answered without looking back as he rounded the turn into his own room. Laxxie was on the bed in some sunlight, laying with her eyes closed and a serene smile on her muzzle. Snickers went past her without a hello and to the bathroom.

He waited for Silver to enter before he closed the door. “I need to pee, that has to fix this,” he said standing over the squat toilet and waiting, relaxing, and waiting some more.

“Should I get you a potion? I’ll just get you one, since I can’t help.”

Snickers looked back and sighed as he felt the flow beginning. He relieved himself while Silver Spoon looked at the tiles under her hooves. “Silver,” Snickers said when he was done and stepped on the pedal to flush, “I know you’re not just after my body, and I appreciate that. I owe you a lot, for what you’ve done for me since we got to Canterlot, so I’m gonna think of a way to pay you back, okay?”

Silver met Snickers’s lime green eyes and nodded. “Yeah,” she said as she leaned closer. Snickers leaned in, too. “I’d like that, a lot.”

Their lips met and Snickers felt the problem reassert itself from beneath him as their tongues danced between them, fighting and eventually passing one another into the other’s mouth. Snickers shivered and his legs went wobbly, ending their kiss. Silver was blushing more than he’d ever seen and she was stifling a giggling.

“I never thought I’d make a colt get the wobbles,” she said between pants.

Snickers swallowed and looked between Silver and the hard rod only he could see, then focused and dispelled the spell, exposing himself to Silver. She gasped and stepped back, seeing it in all its mighty glory, then licked her lips.

Snickers wrapped his fetlocks at the medial ring and began moving them up and down while Silver watched, entranced. She stepped closer and raised a forehoof to touch it, waiting for Snickers’s permission. He nodded and her forehoof made contact, making her tail flag and her own knees weak.

Snickers gasped and shivered as arcs of lightning felt like they struck him. “I almost… if I was a little older,” he gasped as his senses returned.

“Can I… please you?” Silver asked, nervously.

Snickers gulped saliva down his throat as quickly and as loudly as he could. “Please, I need it, I need you.”

Silver Spoon licked her lips and started to lean closer to the mottled royal scepter held by both of them, her mouth opened and saliva began to pool around her tongue as she unsurely let it slowly exit her mouth like in the books she’d read… then there was a loud knocking on the door that terrified the foals.

Snickers quickly called a cool bath into the tub as he leapt in with Silver right behind him. The door opened and Diamond looked at her two herdmates in the tub, grinning too much to be normal.

Diamond hummed quickly. “Okay… can you hurry up with your bath? Cress wants to show us something in town.”

“We’re just taking a bath!” Both foals shouted in unison, leaning on the edge of the tub and grinning awkwardly.

“Right, make sure it’s a cold one,” Diamond said, rolling her eyes as she left and closed the door behind her.

“Yeah, this should be colder,” Silver said, sighing as the water cooled her heated nethers. Snickers nodded, relaxing as he let the water work its magic. “We should do this the next time we almost do something stupid, too.”

Snickers groaned and sank under the surface, blowing bubbles as he rose. “Just, get me that potion. I can't control myself without it.”

“...Okay,” Silver eventually agreed and got out of the tub.

“Silver,” Snickers said as she moved to the dryer. Silver looked back, sadly. Snickers smiled. “Thanks, even though we didn’t… that was still amazing. You have magic hooves,” he said and dunked under the water’s surface.

Silver looked at her hoof and slowly her sad expression turned into a smirk, which turned into a grin. She pronked once to the drier and laughed happily as the heated air did its job.