• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,387 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Meeting of the Moms, Part 2

Snickers looked in the book he had pilfered and skimmed the page, then the next. He changed pages, repeating the pattern blindly for several moments before closing the book and sighing contentedly. “I can’t read with you two being so close, and I can’t get up because… stallion problems,” he said glancing between the two.

Both fillies giggled and kissed his muzzle, making him blush. “So? Our stallion should be shown the love he needs and deserves.”

Silver nibbled his jaw while Diamond breathed hot breaths into his ear while nibbling along the edges. Snickers whinnied when both Silver and Diamond touched two erogenous zones at the same time, making the fillies focus on them for several long seconds before they both stopped to look at the heavily panting colt between them.

“Maybe we should give him a little something special, Diamond…”

“I think he deserves more than a little, for being so strong and brave. He should get everything we have, if he’s ready. Are you ready, Snickers?”

Snickers nodded fervently. “Please, don’t stop.”

Silver let her forehoof slide under Snickers’s barrel, meeting Diamond’s. Both fillies shared a sultry look and nuzzled Snickers as their hooves pressed along his barrel and back until…

Snickers snorted awake at a gentle shove from his front. He opened his eyes to see a smirking Silver Spoon. “Morning, stud. Thanks for the offer, but you’re not ready.”

Snickers looked between them to see himself full mast and held between Silver’s sleeping shirt and her body. Blushing hotly, Snickers reached to grab himself and pull free, only to tug the grey filly closer. “I’m sorry!” He said, almost pleadingly.

Silver reached down and lifted her pajama shirt to let him go, then looked into his fearful eyes.

Snickers began to tremble. “Don’t… don’t hate me; don’t leave me, I didn’t mean it. I... don’t wanna lose you, like I did the Crusaders.”

Silver, being close enough, hugged Snickers and nuzzled him. “You won’t lose me, it’s actually really sweet you’re willing to show yourself to me and let me feel you so close to my heart, without being pressured into sex by some cliche horny stallion stuff.”

Snickers gulped loudly and felt a foreleg reach over his barrel. He looked down to see pink and knew it was Diamond, cuddling up to him. He relaxed and let his penis go, moving to hold Silver in return. “S-serious?” He whispered.

“Yeah, it makes me cherish you even more… for how respectful you are to me and Diamond. I bet some colts would be practicing for their future mares on us by now… but you’re waiting, and that’s so sweet of you,” she said in a whisper. She brought her lips to his and electricity shot through her when his tongue touched hers.

She hadn’t even thought he’d be okay to kiss, much less do something she’d only read about in books. She pulled back and panted, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want you for your body, yet. I love you, and I wanna show it by what I do, not who you are… if you’re okay to wait, that is.”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon and took her various features to memory. He wanted to remember her as she was just then. “I wanna wait, and you might be the first I’m ever with… but I can’t choose between you two, if that’s what you’re expecting.”

Silver giggled and sighed. “The sun isn’t gonna rise for a couple hours, let’s go back to sleep and you can read your sciencey books while Diamond and me do filly stuff.”

Snickers nodded and gave Silver Spoon a peck on her muzzle before she turned over and scooted back. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Don’t let it slip anywhere, I’d hate to wake up without my purity intact.”

Snickers chuckled. “You’re pure?”

“Oh, shut up,” Silver said. She scooted back and enjoyed the feeling of Snickers cuddling close, his member pressing between them, as she quickly fell asleep.

Diamond Tiara lay behind Snickers, awake and staring into his silvery mane as she felt affection and a little jealousness of her herd sister. She wanted to feel him pressed against her, every part of him. Part of her wanted to be violated, penetrated, and taken as his first mare. She clenched her hind legs together, then sighed and nuzzled into his mane, smelling him through the shampoo and perfumes he loved to wear.

She sighed and moved to whisper in his ear, once she was sure he was asleep. “I’ll wait for you, too.”

The sun rose, followed by Rarity shortly after the warmth touched her cheeks and brought a smile to her face. “Hmm, spring meadow… chiffon… silver…” she mumbled as she was brought back to the waking world and her dreams were left behind. She slipped her sleeping mask from her eyes and blinked her room into focus.

Looking to the side of her bed she found Opal, sleeping on her perch Rarity had custom built for her a year before. She didn’t want to wake Opal yet, so she quietly got out of bed and, after making it, she opened her door and went downstairs.

Breakfast was quick and simple, and with her bags packed the previous night, she quickly returned to her room to say goodbye to her cat. Several growling hisses and a swipe at Rarity’s muzzle were ignored as Rarity bid her ‘kitten’ farewell and left with her trunk and luggage in tow for the train.

With the sun at barely seven-thirty, she was sure she’d catch the early train to beat Spoiled Rich to Canterlot. The streets were nearly empty, save for Applejack who was walking into town with her apple cart hitched behind her.

“Howdy, Rarity. Goin’ on a trip?” Applejack asked.

Rarity stopped and nodded. “Just to Canterlot. It seems my little prince is having some troubles adjusting. I’ve been invited and will be gone for only a short time, I fear.”

“What do ya have ta be worried about, Rares?”

“Just that… when Snickers left, he wasn’t exactly a fan of me, or any of us, to be honest…” Rarity trailed off.

Applejack tipped her hat up. “Shucks, if Ah know anything, it’s that yer kin will always love ya, even when ya mess up. And, face it; Snickers is as close to yer son as you might ever get without foalin’ one yerself.”

Rarity blushed slightly and smirked. “Well, that day may be many years away, at this rate. However, I do have a train to catch, Applejack. I must take my leave, as I can’t miss it. I’m trying to beat Spoiled Rich to Canterlot. At the very least, to prepare Diamond Tiara for her arrival.”

Applejack whistled. “Well, Ah’d hurry. Ain’t nothin’ good comin’ from that mare when she sets her sights on somethin’.”

“Right, darling. I’ll contact you if I need anything. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

Applejack lowered her hat and adjusted it onto her head. “Nope. Ya need anythin’ just holler… er, write,” Applejack said and nodded. Both mares went back to their work and, before seven-fifty, Rarity had made it to the train station.

Ticket in her magic, she set her luggage down and sighed at the lack of pressure in her head from carrying the weight.

“I thought you’d be here,” the snobbish voice of Spoiled Rich spoke up from the stairs leading up to the train platform. “I certainly hope you aren’t trying to leave me behind, darling,” she mocked. “I’d be disappointed in your social skills if you were.”

Rarity grit her teeth before forcing a smile. “Why certainly not, dar-, ahem… I was merely excited to see Canterlot; center of sophistication and class. Perhaps you may learn something about proper social graces while there?”

“Ha, as if I need learn anything. I’m rich, and as such have taken it upon myself to study under the best ponies in the area on grace, charm, and etiquette. Who have you learned from? A book hidden under your bed?”

Rarity felt her ire rising at the pompous mare and nearly said the first words that would leave her lips. Instead, she merely smiled again. “Yes, it’s a good read, too. It’s called ‘Ten Ways to Annoy Rich Ponies’, darling. You’re clearly the author, under a pseudonym, of course.”

As the mares bickered, time passed quickly and the distant sound of the train horn sounded. “Finally,” both mares said in unison. “At least I won’t have to sit with you. Stop saying what I’m saying, darling.”

Once on the train, Rarity made for the first private room she could get into while her luggage was loaded, only to find Spoiled Rich at the door looking at her with scorn. “All the other rooms are full. There’s some large event in Canterlot this weekend, so you’ll have to leave this room for a pony that deserves it.”

Rarity frowned. “It already has a pony who deserves it. I am, however, willing to share.”

“With you? I’d sooner sit with the rabble the next car over.”

“Well,” Rarity snorted, “I’m not moving, and you can’t make me give up my seat for your ample flanks.”

Spoiled looked down her modified muzzle. “Well, I never! An uncouth pony such as you should walk to Canterlot.”

Rarity got up, taking up more than a third of the room, and was about to snap at the pink mare, when she saw the same royal guard as the day before looking around the platform. Rarity moved past Spoiled, bumping her as she went.

Spoiled grinned in victory. “It’s about time you acknowledge your betters. Have a fine ride in the poverty car.”

Rarity snapped her curled tail as she stepped out of the train. “Mister Guard, are you looking for me?”

“Miss Rarity,” the guard stepped up to her, “your chariot to Canterlot awaits just on the other side of the station. We apologize for missing you, but we didn’t have a time for your personal departure. It’s by luck that we caught you at all.”

Rarity nodded and took on a stern expression. “Pretend something serious has come up and lead me away,” she stated and looked at Spoiled, waving at her condescending from the door to her room.

Rarity shook her head and trotted after the guard and out of sight of the pink bitch. “Oh, that is a lovely chariot,” Rarity commented as she was guided in.

“Why did you want me to pretend, Ma’am?”

“Well, I have a second request that will answer that…” Rarity smirked conspiratorially.

Spoiled lounged on one cushioned bench, wondering of what trouble Rarity could be in. As the train lurched and began to trundle down the tracks, she yawned and looked out of the window to the blue sky. That was when two royal guard pegasi flew by her window and stopped accelerating in time for the rider to look at her.

Rarity waved in the same way Spoiled had a few minutes prior. Then, in a blink, she rocketed away from Spoiled to Canterlot, leaving the pink mare growling in jealousy.

Snickers had finished breakfast and was lying on his bed with Silver and Diamond side by side with him, giving him little nuzzles and surreptitious kisses when the other filly wasn’t looking. Snickers was comfortably reading a technical journal he’d brought from Ponyville, knowing Twilight would probably be freaking out over the missing book, right then.

“Hey, Spike? Have you seen the books Snickers checked out before he left?” Twilight called to Spike.

“No, I don’t know where they are,” Spike called back from the next room.

Twilight shrugged to herself. “Whatever, nopony reads technical manuals anyway.”

“What was that?”

Twilight smirked and shook her head. “Nothing, Spike. Keep up the great work.”


He flashed back to his dream the evening before and looked at his fillies teaching Laxxie to play Go Fish. The timberpony wasn’t understanding the concept of the higher cards.

“What is queen?” Laxxie asked, looking at the card.

“A double princess,” Silver answered, flippantly looking at her own cards.

“What is king?”

“A double prince,” Diamond answered.

“What is a prince?” Laxxie asked.

Both fillies looked between one another. “A boy princess.”

“Can boy be princess?” Laxxie asked, looking at Snickers.

“No, only a girl,” Diamond said, tapping her jewelry, “like, only princesses wear tiaras.”

Laxxie looked at the tiara on Diamond’s head. “Can I try on… that,” she pointed.

Diamond looked at Laxxie’s wooden head and pondered the fit. “I’ll put it on, and we’ll see if it stays, first.”

Diamond got up, walked around the small table they sat at, and carefully took off her tiara. Placing it on Laxxie’s head was almost a chore, as Diamond had to find the right spot between her vine mane and thick grass hair. Once she had it set in, Diamond stepped back to look at her work and nodded. “It looks good.”

“Cool, Princess Laxxie,” Silver said, clapping her forehooves. “I’d like to see you with your own accessories… oh, my! Diamond, shopping trip in Canterlot!”

Diamond giggled and pranced in place. “Girl’s day! Girl’s day!”

Silver joined her and so did Laxxie, each chanting ‘girl’s day’. Snickers looked over at the group. “What about me?”

“You can’t come, because you’re not a filly,” Diamond said, sticking her tongue out and winking one eye, making the act playful.

Snickers shook his head. “Who remembers the last time I was left alone? I kinda went crazy and now we’re here.”

“Oh yeah,” Silver Spoon said, “that was only a couple days ago, too. Maybe we should go in pairs? Like, Laxxie and me first, then Laxxie and Diamond. That way, Snickers is never alone and he won’t get a statue thrown out of a window,” she tittered.

Diamond tossed a playing card at Silver. “This isn’t funny. We need somepony to stay with Snickers, and we wanna go shopping. Taking turns shopping is silly. Who can stay with him, though?”

“He’s got his guards, butlers, and maids; pick one or two. Snickers, where’s Kiwe been?” Silver asked.

Snickers smirked at the thought of what the colt was doing… and who. “He’s just spending time with a little birdie he knows.”

Diamond scoffed. “Again? He’s been having sex a lot, don’t you think? And she’s not even equine… it’s just kinda weird, if you ask me.”

“I think it’s sweet. He found love and is gonna spend all the time he can with her. Maybe even forever,” Silver quietly sighed.

Snickers shook his head. “Yeah, only I hope not. That would mean he’d be leaving when she does, since she’s only here for politics and stuff.”

“So,” Silver asked, “she could leave and he might never see her again?”

“That’s probably gonna happen, yeah,” Diamond cut in. “So get ready to have to drag a super sad colt around for a while.”

Silver licked her lips. “And so much ice cream to share, yummy.”

Laxxie’s tongue stuck out and she licked the air. “I want ice cream.”

Diamond looked between her friends, then to Snickers. “So do I, but it’s gonna have to be here, I guess.”

Snickers pushed his book away and pouted. “I’m sorry, girls. I can’t help it, I guess. I can’t just be left alone after being alone in the forest for a few days. It’s not normal for a pony to be alone that long, and I only had Laxxie for the last two days, and it’s not the same. I couldn’t talk with her, or cuddle, or nuzzle.

“There wasn’t anypony around or nearby to help me feel safe or cared for. As far as I thought, I was lost and gonna die every night.” He shivered at the memory. “There were monsters there, I know it, just outside the firelight. Their eyes shined in the night, watching me… and I was alone the whole time.

“Harmony and his brothers don’t count. They only showed up once to fuck with me; gave me a horn and I made them take it back.” Both fillies gasped at the new part of the story they hadn’t known. “What?”

“You got magic… and gave it back? Snickers, why? Isn’t it every pony’s dream to have magic, at least once?” Diamond asked, taking her tiara back and holding it in her hoof as she climbed onto the bed.

Snickers shook his head. “Not mine. I’ve only been here a couple months. Sure, it’d be cool to move shit with my brain, some kinda psionic powers would be awesome; but that’s not for me. Especially not if it’s only to be part of some game to some spirits for their fun.”

Silver Spoon climbed onto the bed when Diamond had reached him. Diamond slipped her tiara onto Snickers’s head and smiled a little. “It makes you look handsome,” she said softly and nuzzled him.

Snickers whimpered and sniffled. “I just want to be normal, is that too much? I just wanna be a pony, totally a pony. Why do I have to remember my old life when starting this new one?”

Silver Spoon lay beside Snickers and nuzzled him from the side while Diamond stayed facing him. “Because,” Diamond said, “if you were only a pony, I wouldn’t love you.”

Snickers sobbed and looked away. “You can’t love me, I’m just a freak wearing a mask. I don’t know who I am, and when you learn about what I did… you’ll never wanna talk to me again.”

Diamond raised a hoof to an inch from Snickers’s muzzle and slowly brought it across his face in a slap. “Don’t talk like that. It’s thanks to you that I’m the pony I always wanted to be… and that’s not something I’ll ever forget.”

Snickers leaned forward to nuzzle Diamond while tears began to run down his cheeks. Both fillies cooed sweetly. “You don’t have to cry, my mighty stallion,” Silver Spoon said, “you have us, and we’ll never leave you alone. You can come with us to go shopping, and we won’t put on anything sexy, this time.”

Snickers snorted a little in good humor. “That was a lot to take in, you know.”

Diamond looked at Silver, pointedly. “I told you those under the tail accessories were too much.”

Silver giggled. “But, now we know they work on our alpha stallion. And, who knows; maybe we can buy them and save them for a special night next year…”

There was a commotion outside in the foyer. Guards shouted, stomped their hooves, and then went silent. Oregano rushed into Snickers’s room and slid to a stop by the bed, standing facing the door while Basil stopped inside the doorway and slammed the door, facing it once it was closed. Both butlers had their defenses up and stood ready for attacks from either direction.

Basil commanded, “Master Snickers, stay on the bed and don’t move. Your friends should do the same.”

“Brother, watch the windows, too. Foals, there’s an intruder in the apartment and we can’t take any chances.”

Snickers chuckled. “I’m not worried, I have Laxxie. Laxxie,” Snickers said calmly, wiping his eyes and getting the attention of the timberpony, “protect.”

Laxxie’s eyes flashed yellow and she began to revert to a timberwolf, spiked wood replacing moss and carnivorous traits quickly replacing soft pony ones. While still in professional and protective training modes, both brother butler’s tails fell, curling slightly to protect their reproductive areas like frightened dogs.

Laxxie stood taller than every pony in the room, possibly taller than Celestia and a dozen times more intimidating as green sap dripped from her maw. Her growl made every pony, except Snickers, fight the innate desire to bolt for their lives. Laxxie looked at Snickers and licked her canines. “I keep Alpha safe,” she said in a growling and reverberating voice.

Snickers nodded. Just sit tight and wait. If anything bursts through the door, hold them down and snarl at them; no killing, and do your best to not hurt anypony.

“Yes, Alpha,” Laxxie said aloud and moved to the foot of the bed, sending the butler’s guarded stanced into disarray as they tried to determine what threat to watch for. They finally decided to watch the door and window, as they first had planned, and to try to ignore the timberwolf in the room.

Minutes passed, during which Diamond and Silver huddled close to Snickers, when a knock finally came from the door. “Coast is clear; we’re in control of the situation.”

Basil opened the door a crack while keeping his guard up, checking to see the guards. They were who they seemed to be, so he opened the door and stepped out, checking both ways before waving his brother over. Together they checked the hallway and nodded to one another. “It is safe, for the moment. Stay here and we’ll check ahead. You two, stand by this door. You, go stand guard in the room and watch the windows for anything suspicious.”

Each guard saluted and took their spot while the door was closed with magic. “We’ll return shortly with an update, don’t do anything without a guard present.”

The foals nodded while Laxxie growled quietly, sending the guards into a short panic. They knew of the timberpony/wolf, but it had never looked so imposing before.

Minutes passed again, and now the little herd had fallen into reading their own books, facing slightly away from one another, while both fillies had their tails wrapped around Snickers’.

A code was knocked through the door and the in room guard moved quickly to open it, showing Basil and Oregano. “Master Snickers, there is a pony here to see you.”

Snickers closed his book and got up, untangling his tail from his fillies just before leaving the bed, he glanced at Laxxie. “Down, girl. Go play cards.”

Laxxie quickly shrank to her timberpony form and gulped extra sap down her throat before licking and that dripped from her mouth off of the floor. “Okay, daddy. Have fun!”

Snickers hopped to the floor and went into the hall, followed the twins down the stairs, and to a filly being half surrounded by spear wielding guards. The filly waved and smiled with a weak, awkward grin. “Um, hi. I’m Watercress.”

Snickers looked the pony over and noticed she wasn’t one of the typical three tribes, but was instead one of the more elusive thestral tribe, bearing navy blue fur, leathery wings, and pink eyes. “You’re a thestral?” Snickers asked.

“And you’re really cute, but not my type,” she winked her right eye. “I’m just curious to meet the long lost son of Celestia! Oh, my, Luna! You’re real and you look like the picture I found,” Watercress chirped and her wings flared, gaining the readying of every spear aimed at her.

“Wow, chill, guys! She’s not some bad pony, just a curious filly. What’re you gonna tell your families if you skewer her?” Snickers asked the guards as he marched, alone, through the soldiers. Silver and Diamond were held back by Rosemary and Sage, their mouths surrounded by silencing magic.

Watercress’s fangs glinted in the sunlight from a second story window, and she bowed. “Prince Snickers, it’s an honor to finally meet you. I’m just curious about you, and was hoping you could answer some questions for my school paper?”

Several guards stepped back and relaxed their stances while others kept their weapons leveled.

Snickers glared at the stationary guards. “So, you guys think it’s cool to wanna stab a school filly? Real mature of you,” Snickers shook his head and moved to Watercress and extended a forehoof. “Hi, I’m… Aqu… Sni…” Snickers shook his head and lowered his hoof, without noticing. “Nice to meet you. But, next time a pony offers their hoof, you should shake it.”

Watercress nodded, then looked at the guards around her, who were finally relaxing. One of them tossed her her bags, “Here, your bags are clear. Next time, don’t sneak in using a snack trolly. In fact, never sneak in again, because we’ll catch you, then tell your mother about what you’ve done.”

Watercress let her ears fall. “I won’t, mister. Honest. I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.”

Her saddlebags were tossed across her rear without care and most of the guards returned to their stations, two audibly complaining about the report they’d have to make.

“So, Watercress… is that a normal name for a thestral?” Snickers asked.

Diamond and Silver reached his sides and looked down at the smaller filly. “What’s the big idea, trying to break into our room? You gonna try to get close to him, because he’s royal?” Diamond asked in an argumentative tone.

Silver nodded. “He’s ours, and the herd’s full. So don’t even try to get in on this… and who are you, anyway?”

Snickers raised a foreleg. “Hold up, fillies,” he announced and the two beside him went quiet, narrowed eyes focused on Watercress. “Look, she’s only here for a school report on me, probably for extra credit. She’s not getting between us, and already said so. She’s probably got something against earth ponies, right?” Snickers asked.

Watercress shrugged. “No, just not interested in mating right now. I’m waiting for estrus to hit to hide in a cave from everypony and suffer alone.”

Silver scoffed. “Suffer alone? Like, what are you saying?”

Watercress mockingly scoffed in reply. “Like, I’m trying to save myself for the right pony. Like, psh-ah-ya.”

Silver glared at the new filly and rolled her hoof around the end of her braid. “Snickers, let me at her… just one slap…”

Snickers sighed. “Look, it won’t fix anything but make you sore when you’re done fighting. And a sore filly can’t snuggle, can she?”

Silver slowed her braid twirling and blushed, nuzzling her head against Snickers’s neck. “No, she can’t.”

Diamond took a step forward and pointed at Watercress. “Look, if you’re just gonna be a bitch, you can fuck off!”

Several ponies gasped, including the little thestral. “You don’t gotta be a potty mouth… whoever you are.”

Snickers tugged Diamond back by her foreleg. “That’s a great idea, why don’t we introduce ourselves. “I’m Aquelis and this is Grey Steam and Pink Lace, my best friends. Mommy should be here soon to give us lunch, er… wow, it got late. Um, maybe lupper,” Snickers giggled into his hooves.

Watercress nodded. “Well, I’m Watercress, but you can call me Cress, because there’s enough water in the world, but not enough Cress. Pink Lace, Grey Steam, nice to meet you.” She offered them a hoof in greeting.

“Woah, wait a minute?! You’re Aquelis again?” Diamond shouted, getting the colt to back up and cover his ears. “No, I’m not playing that switch-a-roo game, you’re Snickers, got it?”

Snickers nodded. “Okay, Lacey, I can play house with you, but you don’t gotta be the mean mommy.”

Diamond growled and stomped her hoof on the floor. “Not again,” she sat and pouted. “Why’s he gotta go away now?”

Cress cleared her throat. “Um, what’s going on?”

Silver Spoon had moved to hug and console Snickers while Diamond answered, “I’m Diamond Tiara, she’s Silver Spoon, and he’s Snickers. He’s just been kinda weird since we got to the castle Maybe… we should go somewhere else for a while.”

Cress looked between the three and shook her head. “This is gonna get me a ‘A’, for sure. So, when can I ask you some questions, Snickers-Aquelis? Is that one name, or two? And how do you spell ‘Aquelis’? Is it with a ‘kw’?”

“Kilowatt,” Laxxie said from the top of the stairs.

“What the hay is that thing? Is it some kinda toy? What’s a ‘kill-watt’?” Cress asked.

Diamond pointed at the timberpony. “Laxxie, this is Cress. Cress, this is Laxxie; Laxxie is a timberpony-slash-wolf, and connected to Snickers… Snickers, only. No Aquelis… and we don’t know how to spell it, I don’t think. Silver, can you spell his made up name?”

“I can,” Snickers announced, “it’s my name, I should know how. A-q-u-e-l-l-i-s, Aquelis.”

Cress tossed her bags to the floor and nosed through one pocket to find her writing equipment. “Okay, can you spell that one more time?” She asked, clicking the pen with her tongue as she held the notepad on her hooves.

Snickers shook his head. “Spell what?”

There was a firm knock on the door and it opened, showing Princess Celestia. She entered the foyer and looked at the foals in the living area, one with two guards facing her, indicating a possible threat. Holding curiosity, Celestia stepped aside to show Rarity just behind her with a pink mare standing beside her, easily a ponylengh apart.

Snickers screamed in surprise and ran away from Diamond and Silver, past Cress, and skidded to a stop two lengths away from Rarity and Spoiled.

“Mommy! Mom… I…” his body moved side to side, his forelegs crossed over one another, and his attention was split between both mares. “Mommy?” He asked as his head began to feel like it was splitting in a dozen different spots.

His legs wobbling, Snickers’ eyes rolled up and he fell to his side amiss the sound of shocked mares shouting his name.