• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,387 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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A Day Passes

“And here you are, gentlecolts,” a guard gestured to the gardens and let the colts walk onto the grass.

Snickers nodded to the guard as he passed, then let his hooves dig into the soft earth. He hadn’t realized how nice and strong the earth made him feel, but in Canterlot, he seemed to feel stronger.

Once he felt comfortable, Snickers crouched and leapt into the air to about twice his height. Kiwe and Laxxie watched Snickers land and repeat the action while the guard stood stoically, at attention.

“Woo, I can’t believe how much I missed dirt and grass!” Snickers shouted.

Joining in, Laxxie leapt about four inches with each try. “Laxxie happy, too, Alpha!”

Snickers landed with a little bounce and faced Laxxie. “Okay, stop calling me Alpha. I know you think I am, and I guess I am, but you can’t just call me that; it’s weird.”

Laxxie smiled. “Laxxie good at wee-urd. Make Ickers happy, make Laxxie happy.”

Snickers sighed and turned to walk a little further from the guards that were posted by the entrances. “Laxxie, just, listen to my brain for a little bit, okay?”

Snickers looked into Laxxie’s eyes for a moment and began saying his pony name. He sent writings, memories of being called Snickers, and even let slip his intimate night with Scootaloo, where she whispered his name several times.

Once done, Snickers imagined a door closing and shut off his connection to the timber-pony. “Okay, now… who am I?”

Laxxie cocked her head and her eyes glowed a little brighter for a second as she processed everything she was given. “You are Snickers, my father.”

Snickers felt his heart warm and a smile grow into a grin on his muzzle at being called a father. “Y-yeah, that’s me. A regular dad, right here.”

“<You are my father, Snickers. My Alpha, when I am a wolf>.”

Snickers’s ears were directed at Laxxie and some of the guards noticed the odd words. Snickers nodded. “<You can speak English? How>?”

“<Father teached me. Father teached me many things, now>.” Laxxie sniffed the air and nuzzled Snickers.

Snickers looked at Kiwe with wide eyes. “Wow… Kiwe, I taught her a bunch of stuff just now.”

“As it seems, so it is. Perhaps you can teach her not to beg for food under the table, next.”

Snickers stuck his tongue out at the snarky zony. “Whatever. You’re just jealous you don’t have your own little wooden pony to call your own.” Snickers pulled Laxxie into a side hug and smirked at Kiwe.

“If I must birth a log the size of my leg, I’d sooner lay a golden egg.” Kiwe turned away from the family pair and flicked his tail as he went further into the gardens.

“Hey, wait up,” Snickers called after Kiwe, “don’t get lost. You probably can’t find your way back without my expert navigation skills.”

While Snickers beamed, Kiwe looked over his shoulder at the castle. “Yes, the risk of being lost is too great,” Kiwe deadpanned.

“Hey, just play along and let’s have an adventure! Maybe I’ll get us some cutie marks while we’re at it?!”

Laxxie, being thankfully smaller than Snickers, leapt up high to land on the earth pony’s back, nearly buckling his knees from the sudden weight. “I want ride from Father, like when I was small sticky wolf, Pup.”

Snickers bounced, again noticing the strength the earth gave him. “Sure, just don’t get used to it. And if you nibble my ear, I’m bucking you off of me, got it?”

Laxxie nodded. “No do nobble.”

Snickers and Kiwe giggled, then ran deeper into the gardens.

“I don’t understand it,” Rosemary said, disdainfully, “how did you both get tree sap in your manes and coats? There aren’t even any trees in the area of the gardens you were in.”

Snickers and Kiwe shrugged while Laxxie sat outside the wash basin, watching the colts get gently scrubbed clean of mud, dirt, and sap. “I dunno, except that we didn’t get our marks after all that trouble and mess.”

“Laxxie helped!” The timber-pony chirped.

Sage Brush nodded. “Yes, so we heard from the guards. How, exactly, did you make it rain mud, exactly?”

Laxxie hopped to her hooves and tried to sink into the ground before realizing she was on tiles. “Hmm, make water go up, nummy soil with water come down. Help make Snickers clean.”

Rosemary scoffed. “Clean? Look at the water, it’s already brown! I have to change it and they just got in. Sage, help me get the foals out of their bath so I can clean them properly.”

Snickers climbed out of the tub with Kiwe behind him. “Little wooden traitor. Why couldn’t you get the sap off of us?”

Laxxie patted her barrel. “Laxxie full, no more sap space in body.”

Snickers snapped at the wooden pony. “Then make space! I don’t wanna spend an hour in the bath!”

Laxxie nodded and began to tremble, worrying the two guards by the door and both maids. Kiwe and Snickers had an idea of what was about to happen.

The door opened and Prince Blueblood stepped into the room. “Snickers, I heard you and your friend were… oh, my.” A small ball of sap struck Blueblood on his chest, splattering and spreading quickly before it hardened faster than it should have. “May I ask what this distasteful muck is?”

“Laxxie help now,” she exclaimed and began to lick Snickers on his mane and back.

“Ew! Stop doing that, little… wooden… pony thing! You’re gonna get them all splintery.” Sage commanded.

Laxxie moved to Kiwe and attacked him with her flat leaf-like tongue, leaving nothing behind but residue of a job well done. “Laxxie almost full…” She moved to the worried prince and licked along his legs and freed him enough to at least move freely.

“Ah, yes, well… with that, I’ll be off and I’ll remind you both that it’s nearly five and thus supper will be served in an hour. Enjoy your bath time,” Blueblood said, then walked awkwardly out of the room. The colts giggled at the prince’s awkward gait, but attention returned to the maids.

“So, do you have to give us a bath, still?” Kiwe asked.

The mares looked between one another, then shook their heads. “No,” Rosemary said, “but you still need one. Let’s go to your apartment and you can take a proper bath with your fillies.”

Snickers blushed and noticed Kiwe doing the same. “But, they’re not really our fillies,” Snickers said, a little defensively.

Rosemary waved a forehoof. “Oh, I meant no offence, young master. Only that you have a lot more fun with them around, or so it seems.”

“Yeah, well, let’s go get them, then.” Snickers said.


Silver Spoon sat opposite Diamond Tiara with a stack of cards between them. Picking one up with her hoof, Diamond looked at it and hummed, then set it on a stack in front of her, face down. “Stars.”

Silver grinned. “Fibber!”

Diamond groaned and gave her short stack of cards to Silver Spoon, who already had half the deck. “Whatever you’re doing, stop it.” Diamond grumbled and took another turn, since she was out of cards. She frowned at the card and slapped it down, then practically spat the word out, “Stars.”

“Ha! You’re fibbing again! I bet it’s another shoe.”

Diamond laughed and flipped the card over to show a star. “I knew I’d get you, eventually! Gimme, gimme, gimme.”

Silver pushed the cards over with several motions, then smiled slightly, knowing she’d just let her friend have the turn. “You just tricked me, it’s only a game. The whole point of the game, actually. It’s called card fibber, not card flipper, for a reason.”

Diamond, still grinning, waved her forehoof. “Whatever, I finally won, you owe me a kiss.”

Silver rolled her eyes and adjusted her glasses, then nervously played with her braid. “Fine, if I do it now, can we skip it for the rest of… forever?”

Diamond pouted and whined. “Do I have to give up kisses with my old girlfriend?”

Silver scoffed. “I was hardly that. We were still blank flanks and played dress-up tea party.”

Diamond tittered. “And you let me do a lot more than just make tea for you.”

“Yeah?” Silver retorted. “My nipples were sore for a week after what you did to them. I’m not letting you near my tail again after that.”

Diamond shook her head. “Psh, daddy said a little foal-play is normal for ponies. He said he loved nursing with me while I was an infant.”

Silver, already around the table and beside Diamond, sneered. “That is actually disgusting. What if he was kissing you, or something?”

“My daddy isn’t like that, besides, mommy’s milk was warm and sweet; it was as great as she was. Then she left and I had to have Spoiled Milk come into the house. Anyway, kiss me, you grey beauty.”

Silver leaned towards Diamond and let her lips touch the pink filly’s, actually enjoying the sensation as a second turned into two, then five. Their lips parted and their tongues met, making them both become more impassioned. Both lost track of time as their hooves touched one another’s muzzles.

“Woah,” Snickers said from the other side of the table.

Both fillies opened their eyes and scrambled back a couple paces, then looked at Snickers, blushing suddenly. “I didn’t,” both fillies said in unison and pointed to the other, “I mean, she. No, I didn’t. I thought you were…” Both fillies went silent and looked with wide eyes at Snickers, who looked back at the slightly open doorway to see Kiwe’s head looking in.

Silver and Diamond stared at Kiwe, and the colt quickly backed out and his steps were heard galloping down the hall.

“He’s probably gonna be in the bathroom for a while after seeing us,” Silver said quietly. “Do you wanna use ours, Snickers?”

Snickers looked between the fillies and smiled. “Your lips are still wet.”

Both fillies wiped their lips on their forelegs and looked at one another, then nodded. “Better?” Diamond asked.

Snickers snickered and turned to leave. “I’ll give you a minute, I was wondering if you wanted to check something out, but I caught you having your own good time.”

“W-wait!” Silver Spoon shouted loud enough to echo in the spacious room. “I’ll come with you.”

Snickers barked into laughter. “I bet you would. By the way, I wasn’t talking about your muzzles being wet.”

Both fillies clamped their tails down as Snickers left and closed the door behind him. Silver Spoon looked at Diamond, both blushing still. “That was so embarrassing. I wanna crawl under the bed and hide forever.”

Diamond nodded. “I know, I feel the same, but who knows what’d happen if we went there together after what we just did.”

“I know. I didn’t want it to be like that, but I started thinking of…”

After Silver trailed off, Diamond’s mind went to who she was thinking about kissing, and a quiet whine left her lips. “I don’t wanna talk about who I was thinking about, so don’t ask!” Diamond shouted suddenly.

The door opened again and Laxxie was shoved into the room. She looked around and then to the fillies. Snickers’s voice whispered quietly and Laxxie nodded. Wooden hooves clacked awkwardly as the timber-pony approached the two embarrassed young mares.

“You bath with Snickers and Kiwe?” Laxxie asked. She was nearly knocked off her hooves when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ran past her, both bumping the wooden pony. Snickers gave the door a shove open and galloped ahead to his bathroom, passing a waiting Sage Brush and Rosemary at the door to the room, and the door to the bathroom, respectively.

The sun hadn’t risen yet when Snickers woke in his bed and stretched his legs, then shuddered from muscle spasms, smiling at the feeling they left along his limbs. He noticed something in his mouth and wiped his foreleg across his lips, frowning when white hair came out.

Kiwe was asleep a short distance away, letting Snickers know he’d cuddled up to his friend in the night again, this time getting only one mane hair in his mouth compared to several, which was a good thing, Snickers presumed.

Snickers rolled from the bed and hopped to the floor, his left hind leg slipping from under him and nearly giving him a pulled muscle, had he not moved with the leg, stopping it before the muscle went taut. Snickers kicked his leg twice, to loosen the tension that had built, then looked at his unshod hoof.

“Damnit,” he cursed in a whisper and climbed back onto the bed. Spending nearly a minute, Snickers found his missing shoe by Kiwe’s tail. The fleeting thought of wrapping his lips around certain parts of the sleeping zony tickled him, but he quickly left the bed for the bathroom before he could act on his urges.

Once the bathroom door was closed, Snickers swore loudly for several seconds and kicked a bottle of shampoo into the tub. “What the fuck is wrong with me? All I can think about is sex. Sex, sex, sex. Blowjobs, licking, sucking, so many mares don’t have the spell cast on them and… no! Down, boy. Er, up! No, not that up,” Snickers shouted under himself at his growing problem.

“If I had any idea being a colt would be so much trouble, I’d have… I dunno, but this sucks. Mares and fillies have it so much better and easier,” Snickers whined as he locked the bathroom door and leaned his back against it, his penis fully erect and sending feelings through him he didn’t want, but couldn’t make go away without some attention. “Lucky bitches.”

Diamond Tiara bit the pillow under her head while moving her hips in a steady rhythm against one of her many pillows that she’d placed between her hind legs. Silver Spoon watched her friend in the shadows of the early morning light with her forehoof between her hind legs, imagining them both having the same colt between them while whimpering to herself. Colts never have this problem, lucky… jerks! Silver thought to herself.

Diamond gasped and shuddered, covering her mouth with her forehoof as she whispered a name she didn’t want heard by Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon wasn’t listening, her ears were pinned to her head as she moved faster to climax while Diamond was awash with guilt. Once Silver was done, Diamond pulled the covers up to cover her muzzle, only leaving her eyes and ears exposed.

“Silver, I made the pillows wet again. And, I know we shouldn’t do this in bed, not since we started becoming mares. What if we get caught? What if the maids are upset with me? Silver, what if Snickers finds out and thinks we’re gross? What if--”

Silver placed a hoof to Diamond’s lips to stop the filly from talking. Diamond noticed it wasn’t dry and pulled back, but still licked her lips. It wasn’t as great as she’d remembered, adding to the morose she was feeling. “Diamond, relax,” Silver said with a deep inhale and trembling exhale, “this’s normal and happens all the time.

“We’re practically mares, and mares make a mess when they’re done getting the shivers; it’s just biology. Colts are the lucky ones, they don’t have any mess to make or have to worry about. Just a couple drops of… what’d mommy call it? Uh, spink? Spork? Spunk? Sponk! That’s it, it was sponk. A couple drops and no mess, lucky jerks.”

Diamond hid under her blanket again. “But, I just feel so embarrassed right now. We haven’t done this for almost four months, even before Snickers came around… what if we fall in love again? What if I steal you from Snickers? What’re we gonna do if you’re gay like me and both colts decide to be gay?

“Oh, no. What if we get back to Ponyville and all of us are gay, and everypony hates us for making two colts fall in love?!” Diamond asked, nearing a panic. Sitting up and pushing the damp pillow out from between her legs, Diamond threw it to the floor where it landed with a quiet wet thud.

“Sweet Celestia, Silver; we might have just taken two stallions from the gene pool,” Diamond held her hooves to her cheeks in worry.

Silver Spoon snerked, then giggled, then laughed. Partially from the afterglow, partially from what her friend was saying. “Diamond, you always were cute after you got the shivers. Just, lay down and relax. I’ll call the maids to get you some hot tea, if that’ll help?”

“No! I can’t let them see my pillow! What if they laugh at me?” Diamond said, allowing herself to be pulled back to a lying position. Silver Spoon laid Diamond’s head on her chest and breathed calmly, letting Diamond follow the pattern.

Soon, Diamond Tiara was calm and thinking slowly, but more rationally.

I'll do this with Snickers someday, Silver thought to herself, smiling while Diamond focused on imagining the night she and Snickers had cuddled, snuggled, and touched one another while he slept.

“Do you feel better now, crazy mare?” Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond nodded. “Yeah,” she said groggily with a yawn, “I’m sleepy now.”

Silver pat Diamond’s back and ran a hoof through her mane. “Then go to sleep, and I’ll be here when you wake up.”

To Diamond’s ears, Silver’s voice had a slightly deeper tone, and she spoke without knowing what she said as she fell asleep, holding her friend close. “‘Kay, I love you, Snickers. ‘Night.”

Diamond Tiara imagined Snickers holding her gently, keeping her safe, as she fell asleep again, listening to what she believed to be his heartbeat.

Silver bit her lip, unsure of how to feel at the statement from her friend. Knowing Diamond was unsure of her feelings was one thing, hearing the pink filly confess, again, kept putting facts in different areas for the grey filly.

Eventually, Silver shrugged and turned to her side, facing away from Diamond Tiara, so that Diamond could hold her tightly and cuddle close, making her feel safe and secure. As Silver was falling asleep, herself, Diamond nibbled lightly on Silver’s ear, startling the grey filly awake. “Snickers?!” Silver said suddenly.

“Where?!” Diamond said, sitting up and looking around with bleary eyes. “Where’s he, I dun see’m…” Diamond yawned and fell back to her side, asleep again.

Silver Spoon looked back at her friend with a frown. “I’ll nibble your ear and, like, we’ll see how you like it…” Silver groused while getting back into position and falling back asleep.

Snickers left the bathroom wide eyed, toilet paper stuck to his hind hoof as he rushed back to the bed and climbed up, losing his right rear shoe in the process. He climbed under the covers and pulled them to his chin as sensual thoughts ran through his mind. “Fuck puberty, damn it to Tartarus and back. Why me?” Snickers grumbled and looked at Kiwe, asleep across the bed from him.

“He can help,” Snickers whispered and was going to wake his friend, his brother, to aid him in his hour of need. “A potion or two, that’s all I need. A little magic brew, maybe in a stew? For one or for two, a potion to make me feel like new.”

Snickers tittered at his rhyming while his mind began pulling him towards sleep. His eyes grew heavy and while trying to rhyme, Snickers fell asleep on his back with his limbs splayed every which way.