• Published 4th Aug 2020
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Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Meeting of the Moms, Part 5

Celestia and Rarity sat, each holding one of Snickers’s forehooves while he finished his story, both mares reacting in their own way. Celestia was hurt and worried while Rarity was proud and happy.

“...and then I woke up. What the hell was that thing I saw? And, what’d it mean?”

Celestia rubbed Snickers’s foreleg. “My little star, that creature was Discord, and what he meant is uncertain. I have no intention of freeing him, not without great reason.”

“But, that doesn’t tell me what he is. Is he a bad guy, a good guy, a pizza delivery guy?” Snickers asked.

“I’ll explain to you, my little prince,” Rarity said, rubbing Snickers’s mane. “He’s a creature of chaos that only cares about making the world in his image; usually by creating comical changes to reality with his powers.”

Snickers smiled and lay his head down. “That sounds bad,” he said. His eyes fluttering from the attention he was getting.

Blueblood cleared his throat. “Auntie, might you properly introduce us?” He asked and gestured between himself and Rarity.

“Prince Blueblood, this is Rarity. Rarity, this is Prince Blueblood. Rarity is a seamstress from Ponyville and adopted my little star after he was found in the woods by a Filly Scout troop. Prince Blueblood is the second to last in his line, beside his twin sister, Pure Blood. They are from the royal bloodline of Princess Platinum, herself.”

Rarity nodded to the stallion, who smiled in return. “It is good to finally meet you, properly. Would you like to go for a walk and talk about our Gala experience and how I was out of line? After this, of course.”

Rarity didn’t reply, instead choosing to shrug slightly and refocus on her son. “Snickers, darling, are you feeling better? Do you need anything?”

Snickers lifted his head again. “Just for you both to stop making me feel so comfortable. I need to check on my herd and make sure they’re not too worried about me.”

Rarity placed a forehoof to her chest. “Oh, you’re such a darling. I say you should go check on them. They must be so worried about you, and you can introduce me to your new thestral friend, too.”

Snickers cocked his head, then realized who Rarity was talking about. “I don’t know her, she just showed up before you all got here. It’s really weird timing, when you think about it.”

Celestia hushed Snickers. “Don’t worry about that, it’s only coincidence.”

Snickers pulled his forehooves back from the mares and sat up, brushing his shirt and smoothing the sleeves. “Okay, but just let me check on them. I’ll be right back, if you need me.”

Celestia and Rarity shared a look. “No, you can go. If we need anything, we can check on you. For right now, I believe we must have a talk,” Rarity said, “between Celestia and I.”

Snickers noticed the staff had moved towards the door and met eyes with the palace doctor. “Hey, doc, cool if I leave?”

The mare stood professionally and nodded. “Yes, y-your highness, you may do as you wish. Please, check in if anything changes in your health, or you feel unwell in any way.”

Snickers grumbled about being outed as royalty as he walked out of the room. The staff left just as quickly as they’d arrived, startling Rarity as a dozen flashes of light heralded their leaving. “My goodness, that was unsettling. Um, may I be blunt, Celestia?” Rarity hesitantly asked.

“Of course, my little pony; I prefer it over what I usually deal with.”

Rarity cleared her throat and closed the door to the suite with her magic. “Are you fucking crazy?! How dare you confuse my little prince by offering him a wetnurse, by the way, not a chambermaid. How can a mare as marvelous as yourself even offer, in the company of others, nursing to a five year old at the cusp of adulthood?!”

Celesita’s eyes widened as Rarity shouted her issues, then held up a forehoof to forestall more of Rarity’s attack. “I apologize for what I said.”

Rarity waited, then balked. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say? You embarrassed him, me, and yourself by that act of spoiling, something I’d never imagined seeing, much less being a part of in my life,” Rarity began pacing. “I just don’t understand, what reason do you have to act in such a way?

“Snickers isn’t your Aquelis, it’s plainly clear. But, they do share some traits, it seems. It’s possible that they share a mind, or some of Aquelis’ memories are mixed with Snickers’ own…” Rarity stopped and stared at the floor in thought.

“May I speak now, Rarity?” Celestia asked. Rarity’s ears swiveled toward her, so she continued. “I was lost in the moment and when my little star was with me, I will be honest; I nursed him in secret for all his days and nights. I let him have my teat as a young stallion because it was something he loved, and I loved him.

“I wouldn’t have done anything to harm him, and at the time… I was a new mother for the first time in my life. The story isn’t important as to how, but when I finished birthing him and he was swaddled and passed to me, I saw more than a little colt; I saw the future of Equestria. I had the chance to step down and move on with a more normal life.

“I could have stayed with his father for the rest of his days and I would have been the loving mother to my little star,” she sniffled and the doll, Aries, appeared on the bed. Celestia lifted it to her and held it at her eye level. “I wanted grandfoals, and to be a mother to generations of my own; not the ‘aunt’ I’ve been called for over a thousand years.

“Then… his heart stopped, and in a way, so did mine. I was under so much stress; sun, moon, delegations, negotiations, forms, meetings, parades, walks through cities as they grew from villages or towns. The pain was so great I asked my consortium to take over the celestial mechanisms again.

“I was ready to retire and await my own death, to meet my son and allow my sister to return and rule in her own way. For a week, I did nothing but hide in my room and cry. The mages raised and lowered the sun with the help of an amulet I’d made ages ago, just in case I was unable to perform my duties for any reason.

“They used it, combined with their own magic, and learned the weight of the sun and moon as it rested on my withers. They begged, implored, and even had Aquelis’ father try to coax me from my room to at least eat.

“I would have none of it, until the ninth day when I awoke to this doll on my pillow. I didn’t know what had happened to it, as it was presumed lost in the gardens and stolen by some ungrateful servant. When I was done crying it was nearly noon, hours had passed, and I had to do more than mope at my loss.

“I had my little star’s doll, and even without it, I knew I’d always have him in my heart. I put on my mask, the mask I wear to this day, and left my room. I acted as though I’d only slept an evening and spent the next two days catching up with all my work I’d missed. I went back to my life.

“There was a point when this doll stopped being a source of hope and inspiration, though. That was when I had it placed in a sealed box and locked away with his other items, and I moved on. Or, so I thought. The moment I stepped into your boutique and saw him there, surrounded by others, I remembered the last time we’d seen one another.”

Rarity sniffled and listened intently to Celestia’s story, remembering every word to tell her friends about the soft side of the princess.

“The last time we played, the last time he drank from me, the last time I heard him laugh, and the last time I heard him tell me he loved me. He looks like Aquelis, smells like him, and even speaks like him… well, his voice is the same,” Celestia let a weak smile onto her muzzle that didn’t detract from the tears steadily running down her cheeks and down her neck. “If my little star swore as Snickers does, I’d have spanked him for the first time that night.”

Rarity’s horn sparked. “You wouldn’t dare to lay a hoof on him though, right?”

Celestia looked at Rarity and chuckled sweetly. “You care about him, and that is truly great. To answer your question; no, I’d never harm any foal, no matter what they did. I’d sooner cast a tyrant foal in stone for a century than harm a hair on their bodies.”

Rarity calmed down and exhaled. “Oh, thank you for saying that. I seem to be a very protective mother, and it comes out when my sister or son are threatened. Once,” she giggled, “I even nearly threw Twilight through a wall for accidentally breaking some spell Harmony had put on Snickers.”

Celestia smirked. “Yes, Twilight told me of that day and event. She was happy to find out that not only did her spell work, but you were willing to harm her to protect him.”

Rarity would have paled, if she could have. “Princess Celestia, I didn’t intentionally try to harm her, you must understand. It was an impulsive action and--”

Celestia laughed and Rarity gently bit her lip. “Oh, no harm was done and we all understand why. Also, Twilight always bragged about how her spell would keep her safe from bumping into objects around the castle. It was quite exciting for her to know it protected from being thrown through a wall, too.”

Rarity nervously giggled. “So, no harm done between us, then?”

Celestia smiled and opened her forelegs towards Rarity. Rarity smiled and moved in quickly to hug Celestia. “My little pony, I only have one last thing to say.”

“What might that be, Celest-heeee,” Rarity wheezed.

“Harm my little star’s body, or allow him to come to harm while he’s with you, and perhaps you’ll feel the weight of the sun upon your withers as well. Are we in agreement?”

Rarity’s horn flashed a brilliant blue and she appeared on the bed in a fighter’s stance. “And if you threaten me again, to take his mother away from him… I’ll see how well you take being thrown through a wall, hrm?”

Both mares exchanged a nod and quietly moved to the bedside. “Rarity, let’s put the past behind us and work for the betterment of Snickers, whether he has my Aquelis in him or not.”

Rarity snerked and shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Celestia. After finding out your son preferred other colts, to hear you say that… I’m just going to be quiet now,” she said weakly.

“Hmm, you are every bit the mother he needs. Firm, gentle, protective, and caring… I can’t imagine a better choice.”

“It’s hardly a choice, your majesty,” Rarity opined. “Snickers is, if nothing else, your son’s body with a new mind. He can be both our son, only we can’t exactly share him, now can we?”

“There is such a thing as shared custody.”

Rarity laughed, a real one that warmed both their hearts. “I thank you for the offer, but marrying you, just to divorce you? What would the world think?”

Celestia tittered behind her hoof, just as she slipped the other into its shoe. “Wouldn’t that be more up to us to worry about?”

Rarity sighed and looked up to Celestia. “You would make a fine mother, why not try again?”

“Because, after Black Thread, I don’t know if there would be another stallion for me.”

Rarity’s breath hitched and she looked intently at Celestia, who had donned her other foreshoe and was beginning to return Aries to where she kept her. “Celestia, what happened to this stallion of yours, Aquelis’ father?”

“Oh, he left me and began a new family in Whinneypeg; he wanted to be away from the pain we reminded one another of, so he started anew. Why do you ask?”

Rarity gulped dryly, her eyes rolled up, and she fell onto the floor without any grace.


Snickers hugged Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, giving them both a kiss on the cheek, even though he wanted to feel their soft lips. “So,” Snickers asked Silver Spoon, “what’d I miss while I was gone? Was Auntie good?”

Silver Spoon frowned and flicked her braid. “Diamond’s mom hit me and almost knocked my glasses off, but Luna came in and saved me and Diamond from her. Oh, and Cress helped, too.”

Cress rolled her eyes. “Yeah, thanks for the credit, where it was due. I tackled that mare and told her not to hit fillies, and she totally almost cried. It was cool.”

“Mom’s in the dungeon until tomorrow, but Luna didn’t tell us if she’d be earning more time in there,” Diamond said, suggestively.

Luna opened her eyes and smiled, sending another involuntary shiver down Snickers’s back as he saw the predatory look in her eyes. Luna lowered her lips to hide her teeth better, for Snickers’s sake. “Unless she causes problems for the guard, she’ll be out in the morning and on the noon train back to Ponyville.

“Ponyville, what a silly name. Did you know that the founders wanted to call the town Sunrise Valley, but they chose Ponyville over it? What a ludicrous choice.”

“Whatever it’s called, it’s my home,” Diamond said back.

“And mine,” Silver Spoon said, too.

“Wherever my fillies are, might as well be home for me, too, I guess,” Snickers said.

“Awwwe,” every filly in the room chorused. Snickers was peppered with kisses from Diamond and Silver, then nuzzled. He felt a forehoof brush his belly as they turned to side with him, giving him a shudder for a different reason.

Snickers, now blushing from the public affection -and the sound of a guard giggling didn’t help- looked back to Cress. “So, Pink Eyes,” Snickers said, noting her colors, “what’s your deal.”

“My name’s Cress, ‘kay?”

Snickers nodded. “Okay, my bad. So… I like your mane.”

Cress brushed her mane from her face, only for it to fall back, covering one eye. “Thanks, it’s the same color as your beta mare’s coat.”

Silver Spoon gasped and would have made to slap the new filly, but a sidelong glance from Diamond stopped her. “Whatever you wanna say about my color, you say it, but Snickers hasn’t chosen an alpha mare, so don’t even try to worm your way between us,” Silver said.

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, and I’m sorry, but I’m not looking for another filly. I’ve had five, and I think two is plenty.”

Cress sighed in relief. “Thank Luna, I don’t wanna be in a herd in the first place.”

Snickers was about to ask, but Diamond and Silver explained most of the conversations that had happened while he was away.

“Oh, that makes sense, then. So, you’re not into colts or fillies?” Snickers asked Cress.

“Well,” the filly rubbed her navy blue forelegs together, “I am, but I don’t wanna talk about that. I wanna talk about you, and get that news for my school paper. The first royal colt! I’ll be famous!” she giggled and pranced in a circle.

Snickers noticed her blank flank. “Hey, you don’t have a mark! I’m a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we’re looking for our marks, wanna join and we can get them together?”

Cress scribbled in her notebook, then stopped and looked up from her forehooves that held the pad. “What?” She asked quietly.

“Well, I mean, I was a part of… anyway, we can try to get our marks together!” Snickers exclaimed.

Diamond Tiara cleared her throat and stepped away from Snickers. “Snickers, maybe you shouldn’t invite a new pony to join us just like that. It might be seen as you, oh, I dunno,” she tapped her chin, then stomped her forehoof on the floor with a loud clack, “asking a filly to join us!”

Silver Spoon gasped and leaned her neck over Snickers’ to leer at Diamond. “Don’t shout at him! And, Snickers is a gentlecolt; he wouldn’t ask a new filly to join our herd without talking it over with us,” she rested her ear against his mane and hummed sweetly. “Right, honey?”

“Well,” Cress said, holding the notepad to her chest, “I always wanted to try diving through a ring of fire, into a swimming pool full of jello.”

Snickers’s attention was on Cress and his features perked. “Wow, that’s neat. Maybe--”

“No!” Diamond and Silver shouted. “You’re not doing that to get your mark,” Diamond stated. Silver nodded in agreement.

“Sheesh, I get it. You don’t have to shout at me,” Snickers said quietly, pawing at the floor.

“I’m sorry for yelling, Snickers,” Silver said, “Can I make it up to you?” she asked, caringly.

Snickers was about to answer, when the trio was bowled over by a wooden pony. “Daddy! You’re not Ell, you’re Daddy!” Laxxie licked Snickers several times, the first for affection the last to clean up as much sap as she could.

“Pleh, blah, get off me, you’re too big to do that,” Diamond snapped and gave Laxxie a shove.

Snickers rolled to his hooves first and hugged Laxxie. “Aww, who’s my favorite little girl? You are! That’s who, you are,” Snickers emphasised his statement by rubbing Laxxie’s mane vigorously. Laxxie’s form changed so her ears were more pointed and round, like a wolf’s.

“Wow, did that toy just change shape?! That’s amazing,” Cress announced as she began to get her pencil and notepad ready, again. “Is it a minor golem spell, or something else? How’s it have such good speech? How’s it moving on its own? Is Mistress Luna helping?”

Snickers nuzzled Laxxie and then looked at Cress. “It doesn’t matter. Laxxie’s not a part of your interview, right?”

Cress let out a high pitched chirp and hopped up, helped with a flap of her wings. “I can interview you? Really? That’s so lunar! I can’t wait,” she exclaimed, realizing she’d dropped her notepad. She picked it up with her wings and pulled the pencil from behind her ear. “Okay, can I start?”

Snickers nodded and, with his fillies beside him, challenging Cress with a daring look to every question she asked, he took a few minutes to answer to the best of his ability.

“So,” Cress said, pocketing her notepad, “can I have a snack? I’m a little hungry after all this.”

“Sure,” Silver Spoon pointed to a side door. “Dinner’s in there, help yourself. We have to talk to our stallion for a minute.”

Cress eyed the trio warily, but left the room with her ears low. “What is wrong with you?” Diamond Tiara asked Snickers. “How can you entertain her without talking to us first?”

Silver huffed. “I can’t believe you don’t trust us enough to talk to us before you do something like this.”

Snickers shook his sides and bumped the fillies away from him. “And, I can’t believe you are treating me like a yearling! I can talk to anypony I want, whenever I want. I don’t need to ask your permission for a doodling thing!”

Diamond snerked. “Wait, what did you say?”

Silver stomped her hoof. “It doesn’t matter, Diamond. I don’t know what to think about this! Snickers is our stallion, so we have to take care of him. That doesn’t mean we have to make him do stuff, right?”

Diamond opened her mouth, but no words formed in her mind as she quickly thought it over. “No, but… Snickers, don’t you trust us, as your herdmares?”

Snickers faced them and nodded. “Of course I do, but don’t you trust me, darlings? After all we’ve been through, to think that speaking to a filly would cause such a rift between us all.”

Diamond sighed and nodded. “I’m a better pony,” she told herself. “Snickers, you can talk to whoever you want, just… don’t let them trick you into getting into our herd, or taking you from us, okay?”

Snickers scoffed. “After what I just said, you’re just gonna fluff with me? Why don’t you take your gingerbread apples and pickle some tea!”

A guard giggled and was silenced by a company of glares from each filly and other guards in the room. Silver pulled at her mane. “Um, I never really liked your bad words… but are you saying them different for a reason?”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon. “What the pancake are you talking about? Whatever! I’m going to check on Cress, since at least I know how to be civil, or so it seems.”

Snickers left his fillies behind him as he cantered after Cress. Diamond and Silver shared a concerned look, then followed Snickers.

“Oh, my head,” Rarity mumbled as she opened her eyes to see a blue mare wearing a stethoscope, listening to her heart. “Excuse me, but what happened?”

The mare held up a hoof. “Breathe in and hold it, then exhale slowly… okay, heart and lungs are normal. Miss Rarity, it seems you fainted. A lot of that seems to be happening, as of late. Should I be concerned, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, but I am wondering why you fainted, Rarity. Do you recall anything that led up to it?”

The doctor sniffed. “Yes, any dizziness, wariness, lightheadedness, tingling in your limbs, or magical discharges over the past hour?”

Rarity shook her head, still lying down. “No, it was something… something Princess Celestia said. I don’t recall what it was, though.”

Celestia cocked her head. “Only something personal, about a very close friend of mine moving away, I believe. His name was--”

Rarity sat up suddenly and shouted, “Black Thread! My grandfather!” she looked, shocked at the Princess, who shared the look.

“Everypony, leave us at once!” Celestia commanded. With everypony in the room giving a quick bow, they all vanished in their flashes of light.

Silence filled the room as both mares looked at one another in a new light. “S-so, does this make us related?” Rarity asked with a slight smile.

Celestia swallowed hard, looking the mare from tail to head. “I will say yes, should anypony ask. To think,” Celestia began to smile, but it stopped and she began to waver in her strength.

“Princess Celestia, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

Celestia looked at Rarity. “I… just the thought of you being a grandchild of mine… it’s, what might have been, had I not let him leave.”

Rarity scooted close to the alicorn and did something practically unthinkable; she nuzzled Celestia. “Don’t think such things, Celestia. You are still young, fertile, and verile, or so the tabloids say,” they shared a giggle. “You can always start a family, Celestia. There’s no such thing as ‘too late’ when you have forever.”

Celestia moved and hugged Rarity, gently. “You’re a great friend, and I will take your advice to heart. Perhaps I should change my old fashioned views in this new day and age,” Celestia hugged Rarity tighter. “I apologize for my implied threat before.”

Rarity tittered. “I didn’t take you seriously. I know you wouldn’t let any harm come to me.”

Celestia locked eyes with a guard watching from a false ceiling tile and shook her head ever so slightly. The guard nodded and vanished into the ceiling again from even Celestia’s eyes. “Indeed, I was merely jesting. I do believe you’d never let harm come to our son.”

Rarity pulled back and free of Celestia’s embrace. “Quite. I would sooner do something unthinkable to anypony that harmed a hair in his.. oh, my. His mane was simply darling! Would you mind if we saw him? I haven’t seen him for nearly a week and I miss him, dearly.”

Celestia nodded. “I, too, haven’t seen him much. I’ve been quite busy with work and, to be honest, he hasn’t been too happy to see me. I hope that will change now, though.”

“Shall we, then?”

Celestia smirked. “As long as one of us doesn’t faint, that is.”

Rarity smirked back. “Only one of us is left, by my count.”

They both laughed and felt the bonds between them growing stronger by the second.

Meet Cress

Author's Note:

Cress is not an alicorn, but the creator of the art had a specific idea in mind.

Everypony's OC's gotta be an alicorn... smh.
Ignore my OC's history.

You'll never hear me mention a horn on Cress's head for that reason... unless there's magic or costumes involved.