• Published 4th Aug 2020
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Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Meeting of the Moms, Part 4

Snickers sat at a table across from Aquelis. The void had turned a shade of pink during their time together, over untold minutes, or hours. At first they had wondered about the table, but now sat and stared at one another through silence.

“So, friend Snickers, what shall we do?” Aquelis asked.

Snickers didn’t blink. “I dunno, but you gotta blink sometime.” Both colts smirked and strained their eyes, stinging dancing around their exposed orbs as they held the contest. Snickers gasped, suddenly aware of something. “Wait!” He blinked and looked around.

“Ha! I have won this round, a point to me.”

“No,” Snickers said, standing and looking around. “My eyes hurt.”

Aquelis rubbed his own. “Yes, as do mine. Your point?”

Snickers sighed. “Forgot, you’re just a kid.”

“I am not a goat!” Aquelis shrilly screamed.

Snickers glanced back at the scowling colt. “I already told you that ‘kid’ means child, foal, and youth now.”

Aquelis added a glare to his expression. “I, don’t, care. I’m not a little goat,” he pouted and looked away, crossing his forelegs at the table.

“My point, small version of an adult pony,” Snickers said, mockingly, “is that our eyes shouldn’t hurt without air. We’re supposed to be someplace magical, or <metaphysical>, so there’s no way our body should actually feel anything.”

“I don’t know what that word you said was, but if my eyes hurt, it’s only because of the game we played. Which, might I remind, that I won.” Aquelis humphed.

“Hey, fuck faces?! Are you keeping my buddy, Ell here? Did you lock me up with him for some new game?” Snickers shouted into the pink and white void. “Great, no answer. Harmony?! Get your ass here, now!”

“Why would a spirit have a donkey?”

“Not now, you dumb colt!” Snickers shouted at Aquelis. Aquelis went back to brooding while Snickers stomped his forehoof. “What about Discordance? Order? Hello?!”

There wasn’t even an echo in reply. “Well, have you finished calling your imaginary friends to join us, or shall I join in?”

Snickers lowered his head. “I just thought I’d had a good idea. I mean, it makes sense; ghosts don’t feel pain. Maybe it’s something psychosomatic.”

“You mean creating fire?”

Snickers whined to where the sky would be. “Why?” He asked, then cocked his head as he noticed something. “What’s that?”

Aquelis, glad to have something else to do than be petulant, followed Snickers’s gaze. “I see nothing amiss, other than the change of color from white to pink and white.”

“No, there’s something there, just above me. Come over and look, you’ll see it.”

Both colts sat side by side, finally having noticed something different. “What is it?” Aquelis asked.

“How should I know? It looks like a dot, but it’s getting bigger. Maybe something’s falling at us?” Snickers suggested.

Aquelis scooted a little farther from Snickers. “If that’s the case, I’d prefer it be only you. I’d get my body back, if that were the case.”

Snickers looked at his counterpart. “You know, there’s gotta be a way for us to share, right?”

“No, there is not a way. It is my body, so I shall do with it as I please. You may be squashed like a bug under hoof, and I shall remember you fondly.”

Snickers grit his teeth. “You know, you’re not exactly in a good place to argue anything. You wanna make something of all this, I’ll show you what I can do.”

Aquelis stood on all fours and lowered his head. “You wish to test my strength?”

Snickers nodded and hopped to stand on his hind legs. “Yeah,” he said, then toppled back and landed with the sound of water splashing around them. He rolled to his hooves and reared up again, barely able to maintain balance for more than a few seconds before he landed on all fours.

“What, in mother’s name, are you doing?” Aquelis asked.

Snickers stopped trying to stand and copied Aquelis’ stance. “Getting ready to kick your ass!”

“I don’t have any donkeys as servants, you fool!”

Snickers bellowed as he charged while Aquelis did the same. They met head to head, and bounced back from one another before rearing up and striking at one another until they had to land and hop back to get their balance. They reared up, both swinging their left foreleg toward the other, managing a tandem slap.

Both colts landed on their forelegs and felt the pain blossom in their cheeks. Their eyes watered, they sniffled, then started crying at the same time. Weakly, they both rushed back into fight, but being so close, they couldn’t manage any hits and ended up hugging as they cried with one another.

“I don’t wish to be here for another moment,” Aquelis blubbered.

Snickers nodded, hugging tighter to his friend. “I wanna see my mom. I want her to brush my mane and tell me I’m her little prince.”

“I wish to hug my mother and tell her how much I love her.”

“I want Rarity to sing to me again. Just a bedtime lullaby, anything.”

“I want mommy to nuzzle me and nudge me out from under her to go play.”

They both leaned back and looked at one another long enough to stop crying, then wailed, “I want my mommy!”

Dozens of windows opened around them both, showing memories they cherished. They looked at what they could see, and Snickers felt his heart grow heavy at seeing so many more memories filling the space in front of him of Aquelis and Celesita. He knew that he didn’t have as many with Rarity, and what he did have were mostly tainted with his early attitude.

He sighed deeply and let Aquelis go. “You’re right. It’s your body, and I have no right to it… can we, maybe, let me say goodbye to my mom before you take over?”

Aquelis held Snickers tighter and kept crying.

“Hey, it’s okay, Ell, just… tell Rarity that I love her, okay? I’ll stop fighting, I know when I’m beaten.” Aquelis shivered and buried his eyes in Snickers’s neck. “What’s wrong with you?” Snickers asked, then looked over his shoulder and his blood went cold.

Four men he remembered were forcing him down and holding him in place while a fifth walked behind him. “No, don’t look!” Snickers shouted and tried to move Aquelis, only to find the colt wouldn’t budge. The image changed to show a woman as skinny as a person could be, offering animal food from a jar to the window.

“Mother? My human mother... I had forgotten that time,” Snickers said quietly. “We were between owners, when I was young, and were hiding in an old ship.” Another window moved past and Snickers noticed Aquelis was moving through his memories with a wave of his foreleg.

The younger colt wasn’t crying as loudly, but was still holding Snickers in place. “You were really this other creature? A hoo-nym?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, it was a pretty bad life, but it was mine.”

As windows were passed, Snickers stopped looking back and just hugged Aquelis again, knowing there were very few good moments to remember. He scoured his own memory, but found very few thoughts worth noting as being good enough to brag about, or even mention.

“Oh, my…” Aquelis whispered. Snickers looked back and blushed at being reminded of the first woman he chose to be with. “Is that what a mare looks like for you?”

“Yeah, she was one of the good ones.”

“What is wrong with her teats? Is she with foal… is it yours?”

Snickers snerked. “No, that’s how almost all human mares look. You know, there’s some differences that you just don’t see between two legged and four or more legged creatures.”

“Wait, you always walked on your hind legs?” Aquelis asked and finally let Snickers go.

“Yeah, it was just normal.”

“Oh, I didn’t think that you were always two legged. Was it weird, doing that?” Aquelis motioned to the image as it moved forward to show the beginning of a sexual experience. Snickers waved it away.

“Yes! Sheesh, no privacy, huh?”

“Well, that may be your choice, but mommy knows that I like colts more than fillies, but she loves me anyway… as long as I give her a foal, she says, I can be with whoever I want.”

After Aquelis had made his statement, images began flowing of the young colt having various sexual encounters with other colts, some fillies tried to join in, but the images seemed to stop before the fillies could do anything.

Snickers smirked and it turned into a smile. “So, you’re the reason I like cock, huh?”

“Now roosters?! Why do you have so many animals on your mind? You’re not… a lover of animals, are you?”

Snickers giggled and sniffled, wiping his eyes with his legs. “I won’t complain, since I am one,” he giggled again at the thought.

“You’re weird,” was all Aquelis could manage to say.

“Yeah, and you’re normal.”

“Um, thanks?”

“You’re welcome, now stop being so weird,” Snickers said, “and tell me what’s on your mind.”

Aquelis looked away and rubbed his foreleg. “You’re… older than I am. You’re also from a different world, and are from a different people. You’ve not had as fine a life as I… so I would like to offer you my body… but not all of it. I wish to share, if that’s alright.”

Snickers gulped. “Um, what brought this on? I thought it was gonna be a fight, or something. My face is still tingly from where you hit me over all this.”

Aquelis shrugged. “I only wished to see my mother, but over the time I’ve been here, I’ve been alone. Only over the last few hours, or so it seems, have I seen or felt mother. And only through your eyes, not my own. T’would be a travesty to take you from the life you’re making, with your herd of… fillies,” he made a silent retch. "I am a pony out of time, as it is. I t'would not fit in, I believe."

“You know, fillies are not that bad,” Snickers said in defense of his herd. “I’ve been a part of two herds and they all loved me very much, thank you.”

Aquelis nickered. “Well, you can take your sweet smells and syphilis with you and this body, I’ll take what I choose.”

“And what is it you choose?” Snickers asked, growing wary at the turn in conversation.

“Just to know mother’s love in my own ways, like when I was alive and with her.”

Snickers nodded. “Deal, just stay outta my sex life, and don’t mess with my brain and make me forget or mess stuff up, and we’ll have a great thing going.”

“I suppose this is it, then?” Aquelis asked, his eyes watering.

“No, you’re going to stay… but just as a passenger, I guess is the way I’d describe it. Maybe we can work out a schedule, or something, someday… somehow.”

Aquelis shook his head. “That is for our future,” he yawned and squeaked. “As for me… for the first time in so long, I feel as though I need a nap.”

Snickers moved to his counterpart’s side and helped him lay down. “Then get some sleep, and next time you wake up, we’ll talk then and I’ll tell you about what’s happened between then and now.”

Aquelis laid his head on his forelegs and yawned again. “‘Kay. I’ll see you soon, friend Snickers. I trust you will be well, as you are a survivor, and will treat our body with the most respect one can.”

Blueblood rushed into the room and skidded to a stop when he saw Celestia and Rarity by the bed, looking at the sleeping colt. He swiftly moved around the doctor that had been teleported in to gauge the situation, and climbed onto the bed to lay as close as he could. “Dearest Auntie, what’s happened? Please tell me it’s not poison or an assassin’s strike.”

Celestia shook her head, her eyes not moving from Snickers’s body. “No, he just… fainted.”

“He has done it in the past,” Rarity said, looking up and noticing the prince on the bed. “You?! What reason do you have to pester my son?”

“Pester?” Blueblood asked loudly, then flinched when the doctor shot him a glare. “I am his uncle, I have every right to watch over this colt’s safety while his mother is busy ruling the nation.”

Rarity balked. “I do not rule… oh,” she looked aside at the still alicorn, “I beg your forgiveness, Celestia.”

“Please,” Celestia whispered, “don’t leave me again. I… can’t. I’m not strong enough to lose you again.” Finally, for the first time in any of their lives, Celestia’s regal mask broke and the pain of losing her son tore through her. Her face scrunched and her eyes shed tears she’d held at bay for centuries.

Unsure of what to do, Rarity let her forelegs wrap around Celestia as best she could. “Celestia, he’ll be fine. Just wait and see, our little prince is the strongest colt, and he’ll awaken as though this never happened. Why, I’d wager that he’ll love us both, even.”

While meaning well, the mare’s words had little effect on the alicorn.

Meanwhile downstairs, Luna stood over Cress, who was still standing over Spoiled Rich. “Young one, stand down. I have matters of my own to deal with.”

Cress folded her wings to her sides and bowed, backing up with her head lowered in respect of the princess. “Yes, Your Highness. As you command, so shall it be.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I’ll take my daughter from these bad influences and be out of your mane, then.”

Luna watched the thestral foal until she backed out of sight and then focused her attention on the pink mare that was rolling back to her hooves.“Spoiled Rich, you are remanded to the dungeons for the remainder of my night, until tomorrow morning.”

Spoiled gasped, as did Diamond Tiara. “But, Princess, you said she’d be allowed to leave.”

“And yet, when told to remain silent, she still spoke. She not only shows no respect for royalty,” Luna stated while looking back at Diamond Tiara, “but she has commanded you, a marked young mare, about who you should be with. I watched as she struggled with you, after hearing you call for help.

“I watched her errant hoof strike your friend, Silver, and nearly break her spectacles. I listened from the hallway as she belittled my nephew and his herd. This mare is worth less than her name implies… or perhaps exactly what it means. It seems as though the rich fancy themselves nobles while nobles fancy themselves as rulers.

“Changes are coming, but for now; guards! Escort this disrespectful mare to the dungeons; let her cool off in the cold stone cells and drink water from a trough like the mongrel she is.”

Spoiled whined, lowered her head, and was quietly escorted from the room by three guards.

“Is… my mother going to be okay?” Diamond Tiara asked quietly.

Luna waited for the door to close, then turned to Diamond with a smile. “Surely, the dungeons aren’t as they once were. No longer are they dank and dark, but furnished with the trappings of finery as found in most common households. A sink, mirror, bed, and commode are common, as well as soft stone floors in a heated room.

“She will be transported and treated like a criminal, but never did I say she was to be punished unfairly, and the guards know this. I am firm, yet just. Your mother will be released tomorrow with the knowledge that she could have been in more trouble, had I wished it. She will be sent home, though, with or without you is your choice, not hers.”

Diamond looked between the door to the hallways, and then up to where Snickers rested and the quiet sound of crying could be heard. “I wanna stay with my stallion,” she said quietly.

Silver Spoon wrapped a foreleg over her friend’s back. “Me, too.”

“Very well. Now, you three wait here whilst I check on Snickers.”

Three foals bowed to Luna as the mare ascended the stairs. “So, what’s your deal, Cress?” Silver asked. “You’re not after Snickers, so are you really here for a school story?”

“Yeah, I go to Canterlot Elementary and I’m in fourth grade. I heard from my auntie that a colt was staying here and he might be a lost relative to Princess Celestia, so I just had to interview him for my school paper!”

“Wait, you heard what from who?” Silver Spoon asked Cress.

“Just that my auntie heard about Snickerdoodle, and he’s gonna be the subject of my next column.” Cress supplied as she fished a pencil and notepad from her saddlebags. “So, who are you and how do you know him? Are you in a herd? Have you decided your roles yet? You’re both marked, do you have jobs to support him?”

“Woah,” Diamond snapped, “you’re not getting the scoop on Snickers without going through me and Silver Spoon, got it?”

Luna stepped away from the foals as they talked and debated going upstairs, finally choosing not to. She recalled Snickers reacting to her poorly, since he could see through her illusion, and waking up to see her true self may terrify him. He’s already been through so much, I don’t want to add to his troubles, Luna determined and chose to sit back on a cushion and meditate.

“No, you can’t.”

“Yes, I can.”


“Why not? It’s a free country, as long as you’re in the right family,” Cress mumbled. “I can interview you if I want.”

Silver Spoon stepped between Diamond Tiara and Cress. “Girls, let’s agree to disagree, okay? Like, our stallion isn’t going to answer your questions while he’s up there and you’re down here. We won’t answer you without his permission. You can just sit and, like, I dunno, wait for whatever happens next, okay?”

Laxxie descended the stairs in her pony form and watched the fillies compromise, then her wood trembled. “Daddy is different.” She stated and moved out of the way before lying down and sighing. “I hope he’s still Daddy, and not Ell.”

Diamond left Cress and Silver to talk between themselves to see to Laxxie. “Laxxie, who’s Ell?”

“I don’t know, but Daddy is Ell, who is Daddy, too. I want to talk to them, but I can’t talk to them, only listen and see a little.”

Diamond whistled Silver over, Cress following. “Hey, Laxxie can see and hear Snickers!”

“Laxxie,” Silver Spoon asked, “where is he? Is he okay?”

“Yes, Daddy’s okay. He’s talking to his friend, Ell, in a white and pink room. Oh! The room is turning all the colors,” Laxxie announced and her twiggy ears perked. “Daddy’s waking up!”

“Aquelis, I hope you’re gonna be okay. I think I’m waking up now and…” There was a splash as whatever was falling finally landed, the sound marking its landing. Snickers looked back as Aquelis fell asleep. “What the hay is that thing?” He asked, looking at the statue of a Discord, frozen in fright.

The statue looked down and winked its eye before it flashed into a living being. “I’ll be seeing you soon, if all works out like I planned.”

“What the fuck are you supposed to--”

Snickers groaned and fluttered his eyes open, looking into the kind face of Blueblood. He smiled and sighed. “Hi, Dad. Er, Prince Blueblood.”

Rarity scoffed and sputtered. “D-dad?! Are you…” she went silent and collected herself, choosing to address the issue later. “My little prince, how do you feel?”

Celestia unwrapped Rarity and looked at Snickers. “I’m,” she sniffled and wiped her eyes, “curious as well. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

Snickers rolled to his belly and looked at the mares, then blushed. “Mother, may I suckle your milk? Wait,” Snickers said quickly as all eyes in the room widened, “that was Aquelis, not me!”

Celestia pulled Snickers to her in a hug. “My little star, I knew you were in there. I am unable to help you in your request, but I can hire a chambermaid--”

“I’ll have no such thing! Forgive me, Your Highness, but having my son drink milk from a mare, at his age, is perverse.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at Rarity. “You drink from a cow, how is a pony any different?”

Rarity went silent and many ponies in the room that weren’t medical staff began to back away from the confrontation. “Because, we pay them for their milk and use it for many things. Butter, for example.”

“And a pony’s milk can be used for the same!” Celestia retorted.

“Have you ever tried pony butter?! Baked with it? Tried it in your morning oats?” Rarity shouted back.

Celestia was silent, still hugging Snickers to her chest as she calmed down and took in what Rarity had said, and the logic it provided to her. “You make a good point; ponies aren’t the same as bovine, and our milk isn’t made for those things, in our diets. However, my little star won’t be left thirsty when he has needs.”

Snickers pushed his hooves into Celestia’s chest. “Don’t I get a say in this? I don’t want some tit in my mouth! I won’t suck milk from a pony or cow, either! I’m not a foal, I’m a big colt!”

Rarity nodded. “That you are, and you don’t need a chambermaid, you need your mother.”

Snickers nodded. “I want Rarity to be my mom, but you’re still my mommy, too, Celestia. Can you set me down so I can tell you what happened just now?” Snickers was set onto the bed and asked his most important question. “How long was I out this time?”

“Half an hour, at most,” Celestia answered.

“Okay, here’s what happened in that time…”