• Published 4th Aug 2020
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Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Morning in Canterlot Shines

After being moved to his bed in the middle of the night by somepony, Snickers slept snuggled close to Kiwe until reflected sunlight beamed directly against Snickers’s closed eyes. He scrunched his face and whined. “Mom, close the curtains,” he said, grabbing the blankets and pulling them up to cover his head.

“Wake up, Snickers. A young stallion like you simply must begin strong, and get ready for the day ahead,” Blueblood’s voice cheerily said.

Snickers bemoaned the greeting to the day with incoherent groaning.

Blueblood gripped the blankets and pulled them down, lower than both Snickers and Kiwe could reach. Kiwe rolled from the bed and landed on the floor with little sound, somewhat impressing Blueblood at the natural skill all zebras seemed to possess.

Snickers did his best to crawl under his pillows to hide. “Five more hours, and some water… and no more getting me drunk,” Snickers groaned.

“Oh, ho. So, that’s what this is about?” Blueblood asked. “Well, I should have spoken louder to teach you a lesson. However, you are a special circumstance in this case, as I was informed of your lower tolerance to alcohol. I thought it meant stronger spirits with more salts to nibble on, not table wine, vintage be damned.”

A mare cleared her throat, bringing attention to both Kiwe performing a near perfect bridge, arching back, with Chef Parsley staring with wide eyes. “M-master… uh, food?” She asked, her eyes watching the zony as he moved to stand on his forehooves only. When Kiwe began doing push ups, Parsley turned away and blushed through her green fur.

Blueblood nickered to get Parsley’s attention. “Chef, would you kindly stop staring at the foal performing acrobatics and take our orders?”

Parsley raised a forehoof to the side of her head to block Kiwe, who was actually enjoying the attention to the point that he turned around to let his tail sway in her vision. Parsley turned her tail to him, then thought better of her placement and moved several steps away, then raised her forehoof again.

Able to think clearly, Parsley stood up, trying to gain any semblance of professionalism she had back. “Your orders are not needed, as your meal is ready, gentlecolts. I’ll gather the fillies, poste haste.” Parsley cantered from the room, her tail swaying more than it should have.

Blueblood huffed and lifted the pillows from the bed. Snickers clung to one until his hooves slipped. “Damn these not grabby hooves without… fingers or... claws. Ew, what would a pony with claws look like?” Snickers asked, sitting up with one eye closed and the other barely open.

Blueblood turned to the door. “I’ll explain the origins of the hippogryphs during breakfast, young stallion. Now, come along, and the food will still be warm.”

Snickers groaned and stood up on the bed, took a step, then fell forward onto his chest and chin. He got up, repeated the actions, and then asked for help from Kiwe. The little zony-unicorn used his agility to hop from his forelegs to his hind legs, then he took a short leap onto the bed to help Snickers to the floor.

“Good heavens,” Blueblood commented, “I wonder if anypony could be so agile, or if it’s a matter of breeding the right traits into a foal?”

“Practice each day, eat your hay, and no matter what, do whatever mother’s say. That was what my mother told me each day we stretched.” Kiwe answered.

Blueblood laughed loudly. “And is the rhyming something you must all do?”

Kiwe shook his head while helping Snickers stay standing on his four hooves. “No,” Kiwe said. “My mother was a village mystic, rhyming is their way. Each thing they say must flow like water down rapids; smooth and rough at the same time.”

Snickers looked aside at Kiwe. “How does that make sense?”

Kiwe smiled, taking steps with Snickers towards the bathroom for their morning routine. “Simple, brother, it’s not easy to rhyme all the time, but when you do, ponies listen to you. Zebra and ponies may live far apart, but we are all the same, here, in our heart.”

Blueblood nodded. “Hm, perhaps I shall try to rhyme from time to time. Oh, I just did it! I say, this day just may go my way.” Blueblood hummed to himself in contentment. “Yes, that’s the ticket. Say, boys? Are you about ready to go to our meal, or shall we have them make it a brunch?”

“Soon we will be done, go ahead and we will come… not like that, Snickers!” Kiwe exclaimed from the bathroom, over the sound of Snickers’s giggling.

Blueblood shook his head and chuckled, speaking softly. “Those colts are going be a hoof full, I can tell already.”

Feeling better, and somewhat more refreshed, Snickers sat beside Kiwe at the table with three trays full of various fruits, vegetables, and breaded breakfast items. Pancakes, cinnamon rolls, bananas, strawberries, and even what appeared to be pork bacon were laid out for them to pick through. Chef Parsley grinned when the meal was attacked and plates were filled.

Snickers looked around a stack of pancakes he’d be given from a very hungry Kiwe to see the fillies eating quietly and properly. Syrup poured freely from a carafe, distracting Snickers from his curiosity.

His tummy cramped, bringing the realization of how hungry he was to the forefront of his mind. He made a mental note to talk to the fillies about the previous night, like he had planned to before he went back to sleep, later. Right then, breakfast awaited, and he was salivating.

He leaned to the side and was about to bite the side of the stack, nearly as tall as his head height was, but Blueblood caught his eye. Shaking his head, Blueblood used his fetlock to lift a fork, showing the proper way to use a fork.

Snickers sat tall and grabbed his fork with his hoof, then slipped it to the same joint as Blueblood had his. With the extra support, Snickers followed the prince’s motions for the first three bites, then stopped copying and took a large piece. Blueblood smirked, knowingly, as Snickers cockily ate the pieces he’d cut.

The stack started to slide and before Snickers could stop them, they toppled to the side and off the plate. “Damnit,” Snickers swore quietly.

Blueblood used his magic to restack the pancakes. “Perhaps you’d like to have something else on your plate, Snickers.”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon and caught her eye, earning a blush from the grey filly. Her wisteria color eyes looked away and the light from the morning sun glinted off her glasses into Snickers’s eyes.

Diamond looked up just as Snickers winced, looking away. She elbowed Silver Spoon and leaned over to whisper. “Silver, he’s really hurting. He must be so ashamed of running away last night, or maybe he just can’t look into your eyes,” she teased.

Silver dropped her forehoof quickly onto Diamond’s thigh. Diamond repressed a shout in pain. “Diamond, just don’t. I messed up last night and went too far, then we left him without explaining why. He’s probably just mad he couldn’t sleep with us, after we made such a big deal out of it.”

Diamond took a small fork of her fruit to her mouth. “Well, we had fun in Kiwe’s bed. Don’t tell the colts we jumped and laughed until ten, or they might get upset that us fillies have all the fun.”

They shared a titter and bumped their free forehooves, elbows, then hips while singing their chant to one another in a breath. “Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump.” They giggled together and bumped forehooves. Meanwhile, Snickers leaned to talk to Kiwe.

“Kiwe? What’s your favorite flavor of syrup?” Snickers asked.

“Why?” Kiwe responded around a mouthful of pancakes.

Snickers snerked. “It’s for Laxxie; she’s nuzzling my legs under the table and I hope giving her some will distract her. It’s starting to tickle.”

Kiwe nodded and grabbed an open jar with his magic, brought it under the table, and rested it on the floor by where he figured Laxxie would be. Neither were expecting the sound of glass cracking from under that table. While only they seemed to notice it, the sound of growling and squishing hadn’t become so loud, it would have stayed that way.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon set their forks down and looked at Snickers, sardonically. “Really, Snickers?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Just one day? Can we have just one day without you doing--”

Diamond was cut off when the table lurched upwards an inch, then fell; causing everything on the surface to topple, spill, or fall. Servants gasped, Chef Parsley moved on instinct to save a silver chalice older than she could imagine, from becoming dented on the marble floor. She slid on the floor and caught it in her forehooves.

She also saw the creature under the table.

She clutched the chalice to her chest and scrambled back when her eyes met glowing lime green eyes that narrowed at her. “What the hay is that?!” Parsley asked Prince Blueblood.

Blueblood held his coffee close to his lips, not paying any mind to the events transpiring, assuming it was simply foals playing. “My dear, whatever it is, it nearly spilt my morning coffee. A greater travesty cannot be allowed to happen before eight in the morning, I say.”

The table shifted as Laxxie moved from underneath and her head shook. “Apa!” She shouted and turned to look over the table at Snickers. “Nyum, urrp.”

“It’s a pony-doll?” A servant asked. “Who’s controlling it?”

Laxxie climbed from under the table in her pony form, larger than Princess Celestia, with syrup around her mouth. She moved to stand over Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara and leaned between them. “Ma urrp?”

“Diamond, I think she wants your syrup,” Silver said, pointing to the carafe in front of the pink filly.

“I dunno, do you think we should give her any? I think she’s getting bigger eating it… Snickers, has she ever had syrup before?” Diamond asked across the table.

Snickers thought it over, then shook his head. “No, she usually just roots and gets what’s in the ground. I’ve never given her actual pony food. What’s the worst that could happen if we do?”

Kiwe poked Snickers to get his attention and pointed at the timber-pony towering over the fillies. “I think she has grown enough, do not encourage her to become more tough.”

Snickers dismissed Kiwe’s concern. “It’s just a little syrup, just give her some, Silver Spoon.”

Silver cringed back and shook her head. Diamond shook her head and leaned opposite Silver Spoon. Laxxie took the opening and leaned forward, licking out a viney tongue to encompass the syrup container. She pulled the whole thing into her mouth and crunched the glass, seeming to absorb it all into her maw.

Laxxie shivered and made a sound akin to a satisfied hum. “Nummy, uurp! S’urp goop, Apha. Ma’r?”

All eyes went between Snickers and Laxxie, unsure of what to say or do. Even Blueblood had stopped acting privileged and pompous to wonder what was going to happen next. Snickers looked at the food on the table and then at Laxxie, narrowing his eyes.

Is this something that you naturally do? Eat sugar and grow bigger? Snickers asked Laxxie through their link.

Laxxie licked her wooden lips with a sappy tongue. I am not sure, I am not naturally a timberwolf, or timberpony. But, Alpha, I feel better with nummy sugars.

Snickers looked at the various ponies around the room, then shook his head. “No, Laxxie. You’ve had enough, you’ve grown too much and need to get back to normal. Now, get that sugar and stuff out of your body.

“No, Apa! I wan maw,” Laxxie whined and clacked her hoof on the floor. “Pwea, Alpa?” Laxxie pouted again, getting a moan from Snickers.

“Stop that, Laxxie. It’s too cute, I won’t look at you.” Snickers looked away, but when the sound of Laxxie sniffling made his ear turn to her, he glanced at his little pup and remembered the past three weeks as she grew with him. Seeing her cry hurt him deeply and he gave in. “Fine, you get one more cup of syrup, then you’re done. Got it, young pup?”

Laxxie giggled and moved around on her hooves, clacking loudly as wood met marble in a happy prance. A maid lifted a cup of syrup toward Laxxie, and quickly hopped back when Laxxie licked the container from her hooves. With a quiet clink, the syrup went down Laxxie’s maw and into her belly.

She burped, something that surprised everypony, and then shivered.

Diamond looked pointedly at Snickers. “Really?!” She shouted and leapt onto the table. “Silver? Hurry and get over to Snickers, it’s the only safe place!”

Servants, foals, and a prince urgently moved to stand behind Snickers, watching with wide eyes as Laxxie shivered and trembled, her body reverting to a timberwolf and terrifying most in the room. Ponies screamed and ran away to either other rooms, or they fainted on the spot from fright.

Laxxie shook herself and sat, her tongue lolled from her mouth, and she started panting the sweetest breath any of those that remained had ever smelled. Chef Parsley peeked from under the table at the timberwolf that would have looked eye to eye with Princess Celestia, and whimpered.

“Is… is it gonna eat us, or just play with its food?” Parsley asked.

Snickers placed his hooves on the table and pushed himself to stand on his hind legs. “Laxxie, that’s enough. I won’t have you ruining today with your… bigness. Spit out that sugar, right now, darling, or I’ll have no choice but to have you try soap, like my mom did to me.”

Laxxie cocked her head. Is soap nummy, like syrp? I want nummy soap!

“No, soap is bad and gross, Laxxie,” Snickers said. Some ponies were slightly confused, being unable to hear the conversation or not being used to Snickers’s different personality quirks.

“Spit. It. Out.” Snickers said each word, sending them across their link at the same time.

Laxxie recoiled with each word, bringing her foreleg up, as though she could guard herself from the verbal and mental orders. Laxxie nodded and began making a hacking sound, then, a mere four seconds after agreeing, she spat out a glowing yellow ball of slime as large as a soccer ball onto the table.

She used her paw to push it closer to Snickers, then her body collapsed into a pile of branches. The staff relaxed, somewhat, and they reentered the room, looking at the pile of large sticks and branches that made up the terrifying wolf.

“Is it… dead?” A stallion asked.

Blueblood shrugged. “If so, was it taken down by some choice words? Snickers, you may be quite the diplomat when you’re older.”

The orb of slime pulsed and from within, a small, foal sized timber-pony stood and absorbed it’s squishy cell. “Alpha, Laxxie talk. Talk, talk, talk. Laxxie talk, talk, talk. Alpha best in spirit world and this; no hurt Laxxie, or make sad. Wolf wood no-no. Pony wood, good. Yes, Alpha?”

Snickers fell back into his seat and groaned into his hooves. “Diamond’s right, why can’t I have a single normal day?”

“Um, like, is she gonna keep talking about talking, or what?” Silver asked.

Diamond shrugged. Kiwe was watching with curiosity and the rest of the ponies in the room were trying to ignore the weirdness, focusing on cleaning up the various messes around the table.

“Hey! Um, I mean, your highnesses,” Parsley, Sage, and Rosemary bowed while Parsley corrected herself. “Might I ask, as to what will happen with these branches? They are taking up a large portion of the serving path and dining area.”

Attention went to Snickers first. Snickers looked at Blueblood and shrugged. “I think Laxxie’s done with them, so you can just toss ‘em out the window, I guess.”

Many ponies in the room tensed at the idea, but relaxed after a moment to think it over. “Ah, you don’t mean throw them out the window, really; do you, Snickers?” Sage asked.

Some ponies face-hooved, Snickers rolled his eyes. “No, just… get rid of them somewhere. I don’t care where, just don’t throw them out, literally. I was being… uh, exaggerating.”

“You mean you were exaggerating?” Silver supplied.

Snickers nodded. “Oh, yes, darling. That’s what I meant. All this has me a bit out of sorts, and I feel I simply must take my leave at once. Please,” Snickers said standing and getting every servant to stop and face him, “carry on and don’t mind me. Won’t be but a tick to recover,” Snickers finished.

The staff bowed, Blueblood looked at Snickers with a raised eyebrow, and Snickers hopped from the chair to the floor before making his way upstairs. “Laxxie, be a dear and come along, now. Diamond, would you mind joining me? I have something I must speak to you about, privately.”

Diamond looked between her friends and then followed Snickers and Laxxie upstairs to their rooms.

Once inside, Snickers closed the door, noticing Rosemary was close behind Diamond. “Just wait,” Snickers said with his normal voice, “I need a minute with one of the fillies in my herd.”

Rosemary’s eyes widened and she nodded, turning to guard the hall while Diamond closed the door behind her. “What’s all this about, Snickers?” Diamond asked.

Snickers paced in long strides before turning and walking the same path for almost a minute, muttering to himself. “Diamond, what the heck happened last night?” Snickers finally asked.

Diamond blushed and she looked away from him as she made her way to the bed. Snickers rushed and blocked her path. “Snickers, let me get by.” Diamond said.

“No, tell me what happened. Why’d you and Silver Spoon wake me up and try to give me the shivers? What’s going on with all you fillies? Why am I so… fucking hot to you?!”

Diamond stepped back at his shout, bit her lip, and looked away. “Look, I don't really know what’s going on. Maybe it’s because you’re the new kid and you’re strong, smart, cute, and survived so much.

“Everypony knows about… well, they think they know some… well…” Diamond began to trail off and sat down, tapping her forehooves together.

“Well, what?” Snickers pressed.

Diamond looked at the floor and quietly gulped. “The other fillies know you’re not a virgin, and a lot of them want you to show them what it’s like. Some fillies, ya know, practice with colts and make silly filly herds… but you made a real herd, Snickers.”

Snickers stepped back from Diamond. “What… how the hell did I make a real herd? I’m just doing the trying stuff like everypony said. We’re not having sex, or kissing, or planning vacations. Hell, I’ve only met your father once, and he tried to have me talk to Mom about buying stock in his business.”

“Yeah,” Diamond rolled her eyes with a smile, “that’s daddy.”

“Well, how am I in a real herd then, huh?” Snickers asked.

Diamond looked up and met his eyes, blushing slightly. “I… don’t wanna say it, Snickers.”

“Say what? What am I doing wrong, Diamond?”

Diamond blushed brighter. “I… don’t wanna say it. I don’t wanna lose you as a friend, if I do.”

Snickers stomped a hoof onto the floor, startling Diamond and Laxxie. Snickers didn’t have to say anything, his actions were enough to crumble Diamond’s resolve.

“Snickers, we all love you. Like, love you, love you. Even me,” Diamond said with a sigh. “I know you’re not into me, and you’ll choose Silver every time. Or even Scootaloo, but… there’s something about you that makes me wanna be with you, and only you. Not that I’d turn down a mare that was offering… but if I could have you,” she said looking up to meet his eyes, “I’d think that I might be the perfect lover for you.”

Snickers fell onto his haunches, staring at Diamond in shock. “I… you… I turned you straight?”

Diamond laughed loudly and shook her head. “No way! I’d bury my muzzle under a filly’s tail faster than you can get your…” she stared at his still exposed sheath and quickly looked away. “Yeah, that thing can get ready. Look, do we have to talk about this? I’m still a lesbian filly, and your friend, I hope. I just... wanna try you, I guess.”

Snickers nickered. “Oh, try me? Like a sample of what might work for you in estrus? Something to scratch that itch, like a living sex toy, for your pleasure?”

Diamond shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. Honest, I just meant that… if I could have you once, I think that’d help me know if I want to be with you.” Diamond flinched at her wording. “No! I mean, I like you a lot, I just want to have… I mean, I wanna be--”

“Shut it, Diamond Tiara,” Snickers said and pointed to the door. “I was hoping to have a good answer from you, but you’re just after my body like everyone else. Goddess, to think I was gonna <hug> you when we walked in this room together.”

Diamond sputtered and tried to stammer a word, anything to start her brain. Not knowing he’d intentionally used a word she had trouble with, a word she often confused with ‘kiss’, her mind simply couldn’t process anything.

Snickers scoffed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You only want my body, too.”

Diamond shook her head. “N-no! I… I mean, I like your body, but your dick is still gross to me, and I don’t want you… but I do, and… this is just the worst! I hate colts, I always have. Then you come along and make me all confused!” Diamond turned her tail to Snickers in frustration, and to think.

Snickers was going to make another snarky insult, when he saw her clit wink, shutting him up and putting him in the same scenario Diamond was in a moment ago.

“I don’t like your body,” Diamond finally said, winking for Snickers again, “but I like you, Snickers. Whatever’s going to happen in the future between us all, just remember that, okay?”

Diamond turned to face Snickers and noticed he was blushing. “What?!” Snickers shouted. “I wasn’t looking at anything! Nothing. You should go, just give me some time and I’ll see you when I’m in a better place. Yup, just go. Don’t worry about me, just fine here.”

Diamond raised her eyebrows and she started to smile. “You don’t like me!” She exclaimed. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! We can stay friends; even if you’re not gay, we can be besties! Thank you, Snickers, for being you! I love that about you,” she said and gave him a kiss on the lips that she felt as chaste, while he felt a rush of sensations, many of which found their way under his belly.

Snickers thanked whatever deity there was watching over him because Diamond didn’t notice him dropping from his sheath and he didn’t see any more of her private parts as she left the room, happy as could be.

Rosemary started to walk in the room when Diamond left, only to see Snickers awkwardly trotting around his bed as quickly as he could. She sighed. “Oh, dear. Do you need the privacy spell cast on you, again?”

Snickers peeked around the bed at the mare as she got closer to him and nodded shyly.

Rosemary’s horn glowed and a ball of light left her to encompass Snickers, after a second it passed and she waved him out. “C’mon. I won’t see anything this time. I cast it as an expert, not like whoever cast it on you before.”

Snickers stepped out from behind the bed, showing his side and underbelly to Rosemary, gauging her reaction to be approvable before he answered. “My mom did it.”

Rosemary nodded. “I understand. One thing about the spell that most ponies don’t know, is that if it’s cast by an average unicorn, a more powerful unicorn will see through it. And before you ask, it doesn’t apply to all illusionary magic, only small spells like ones made to hide your penis, or my labia, from the prying eyes of other ponies.

“Speaking of which, should I be worried about why Diamond Tiara was so happy, and you were so embarrassed, a moment ago?”

Snickers shook his head. “No, it’s fine. She thinks I’m only her friend, so we can be friends and she doesn’t have to want to love me… if that makes sense?”

Rosemary nodded twice. “Yes, it’s nearing the fall estrus and she seems to be nearing her cycle. It’s best that you establish your friendship boundaries now, so she and her friend don’t get into fights over who can be with you. Unless, you want to--”

“No!” Snickers shouted. “I mean, I’m not trying to have sex anymore. I did that enough in my life already, I just wanna be young and have fun for as long as I can.”

Rosemary’s eyes and expression stayed schooled and passive while inside she wanted to rage at Snickers’s actual parents. The sordid and lewd history of Snickers was well known by most ponies around the castle already. The ramifications of rumors spreading of the colt trying to have sex with a filly in his herd could prove disastrous, and she was willing to go to almost any lengths to quash those.

Rosemary smiled a little and stepped aside. “Then, by all means, go play with your friends. Just, please, be careful what you say and whom you say things to. Everything is a weapon in Canterlot, and words are the sharpest.”

Snickers waved Rosemary out of his room and waited as the mare stepped back to leave. “Just, let me rest for a bit. I mean, it’s been an hour and already I’ve had to deal with Laxxie here going grow-crazy and telling my friend that I’m not into her, when I kind of am. I’m just a fuck up, and I gotta get my head together.”

Rosemary closed the door with a small burst of magic, startling Snickers. “Okay, that’s it. We’re going to talk about why you feel you need to talk down to, and about, yourself. And we’re not leaving this room until you understand that you’re a rad-kid and not a bad-kid. Okay?”

Snickers snickered at the small play on words, then nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Well, I guess it started when I first got here…”