• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,328 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 11: May the Best Pet Win!

Episode 11:

May the Best Pet Win!

On a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is out flying around and busting some moves from going straight, doing loop de loops, and even doing a little back flying like she is swimming

“Ha-ha! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Whoa!” She cheered and laughed as Owlowiscious appeared beside her in flight who hoots to her.

“Who? Oh, it's you, Owlowiscious. C'mon, try and keep up!” She friendly invited and challenged him to a little race.

Rainbow started off with the lead until Owlowiscious flew by as he flew ahead impressing the speedy peagsus as they are now both neck to neck as they fly through the clouds. She was fully impressed with what she was seeing. A flying buddy that can give her a run for her bits but as she twirled around and facing her racing opponent she found something rather surprising which brought their race to a complete stop.

“Winona? I mean... Winona's head?!” Rainbow questioned at the sight of the dog’s head on the owl’s body. “Um, is this weird, or is it just me?” She asked herself just as Winona’s head turned into the face of a bunny with the body of a crocodile. “Angel? Gummy?! Okay, this is officially beyond weird now and right on down to freaky town.” She then thought seeing that is something is wrong as the strange pet floated around and approached her with Rarity’s pet cat popping out of Angel’s mouth.

Seeing this really freaked Rainbow out as she lost control of her flight and plummeted to the ground into the dark black abyss.

“Yaaaaah!” She screamed as she fell before suddenly waking herself up on a tree with a pillow on her branch seeing Opal really hissing her claws at the other pets who are all down below the ground.

“Phew.” Rainbow sighed in relief while wiping the sweat from her forehead very thankful of what happened was really a dream. “Good thing that wasn’t Discord’s doing. I swear I am still feeling messed up from his magic.”

No sooner than she said it her friends all came over to regroup with their pets since they all were so eager for having fun together they all went ahead of them.

“Let's get this thing started!” Applejack said ready for their pet play date in the park today.

“Sincerest apologies, Rainbow, if our pets were bothering you.” Rarity apologized on behalf of their friends as her pet cat climbed down from the tree and landed on her back. “Say you're sorry, Opal.” She expected of her to do so as she met with a hiss as she turned away. “She's... sorry.” She then said to Rainbow.

“What are you all doing out here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Why, we always round up our critters for a regular ol' Pony Pet Playdate in this park.” Applejack answered as she tossed her pet dog her fetching stick.

“Uh, you do?”

“Same time every week.”

“I thought you knew. You didn't know? She didn't know?” She said as she drew her hoof into the ground.

“Well, we had initially planned on inviting Rainbow, of course, except–“ Twilight began to answer before Pinkie rapidly explained as she interrupted as she popped her head in front of Twilight as she did the same to the others along with making Fluttershy nod her head.

“We were totally gonna invite you, Rainbow, then Twilight remembered that you don't even have a pet, and Rarity remembered that you really like to take naps in the afternoon, so Applejack figured you wouldn't be missing out on anything anyway, and Fluttershy and I nodded our heads in agreement like this.

“Oh, please don't be mad at us.” Fluttershy pleaded as her head continued with the forced nodding.

“Oh, I'm not mad.” She took it no problem. “You all are right. Not much point of a Pony Pet Playdate for me if I'm a pony without a pet, right?”

“Eeexactly. So, if'n you'll excuse us...” Applejack said as she continued throwing the stick around so Winona can catch and fetch it while everyone all play with their pets just in time for the Lion Guard to show for their play time at the park too.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Kion called out.

“Hey Kion.” She returned as Bunga came over with a baobab fruit in his paws as he tossed up and down.

“Wanna play some baobab ball?” The honey badger asked.

“Baobab ball? How do you play?” She asked.

“We’ll show you!” Bunga demonstrated as tossed the baobab they use as a ball to towards the another tree as the two race over to try to grab it with Bunga managing to catch it with Kion giving him chase as Beshte watches the ponies play with their pets along with Fuli and Ono race around the park loop.

The goal of their game is try to gain control of it while passing it along the way as they chase each other. Occasionally they find someone to pass the fruit with them for a little while before continuing.

“Wanna play?” Kion offered as Rainbow quickly flew over and snatched the fruit from his mouth. “Hey!”

“Oh yeah!” She stated as she tossed the fruit into her tail before flying off. “Better catch me if you this.”

“Oh it’s on!” He said as he and Bunga share a look seeing that she is quickly getting the hang of their little game as they try to keep up with her.

Rainbow was able fly around the park all while dodging nearby ponies while keeping the baobab ball in the air during the flight with her tail but then she got distracted as she couldn’t get the other ponies playing with their pets out of her mind as she ends up dropping the baobab ball while skidding to a complete halting allowing the two to catch up with her as Kion tackles her.

“Gotcha!” He playfully shouted as Bunga napped the fruit in his claws.

“What’s the matter, Peggy? Run out of speed?” He taunted as he juggled it with his claws as Rainbow flew by him. “Whoa!”

“Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don't have a pet now doesn't mean I never want a pet!” Rainbow stated to the other girls which led to a sudden spark joy and excitement in Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Ohh! Y, y, Oh, really? You really want a pet? Really? 'Cause I've got so many wonderful choices at my house! Oh, and I know you'll just love them! And they'll love you! Oh, and you'll be best friends forever and ever! Oh!”

She was so excited she was literally dragging Rainbow to back to her house to which Rainbow decided to flap her wings to lift them up into the air more all while wearing an annoyed and deadpan expression on her face just as Fuli and Ono finish their lap around the park with Fuli winning and Ono panting as he finishes after her.

“Good race Ono.” She returned proudly with some humility.

“Yeah, good race.” Ono responded as he caught his breath. “Maybe if I slicked my feathers back I might get lucky next time.” He thought to himself.

“I wouldn’t count on it.” Fuli told him not to get his hopes as the egret groans knowing of how right she is deep down as he spots Fluttershy dragging Rainbow off in the sky. “Where are they going?”

“Back to her cottage presumably.” Ono replied. “Wanna find out what?”

“Race you there!” She agreed as she ran off ahead leaving Ono behind.

“Hey no fair!” He called after her as he tried to keep up.

Predictably, Fuli won of course, and by the time they got there they saw the two looking at the many pets in her backyard while singing to a delightful tune.

“Now, Rainbow, my dear, I cannot express my delight

It's abundantly clear

That somewhere out here

Is the pet that will suit you just right.”

Fluttershy sang as she flew over the rainbow-maned peagsus.

“I can't wait to get started, but first let me set a few rules

It's of utmost importance

The pet that I get

Is something that's awesome and cool.”

Rainbow sang of her desires of her dream pet.

“Awesome, cool, got it!” Fluttershy happily obliged as she continued singing while the Lion Guard’s Fastest and Keenest of Sight both watch.

“This should be interesting.” Fuli whispered to Ono.

“Affirmative.” He whispered back.

“I have so many wonderful choices, just wait, you will see.”

Fluttershy sang as she lightly tapped Rainbow on the nose.

“I need something real fast like a bullet to keep up with me.”

Rainbow sang as she flew up into the sky and back.

“Sure! How 'bout a bunny?

They're cutesy and wootsie and quick as can be.”

Fluttershy offered in song.

“Cutesy? Wootsie? Have you even met me?”

Rainbow declined in song a she scrunched her face.

“Rainbow, have faith

You see, I will bet you

Somewhere in here is the pet that will get you.”

Fluttershy assured in the song before leading her back to her cottage as a turtle nearby looking on towards Rainbow while looking a little as she just passes by him without a thoughtful glance.

“Come on, the sky's the limit!”

“Sky is good. I'd like it to fly.”

“Really? Because I think this widdle puddy tat has your name written all over it.” Fluttershy offered a white cat with blue eyes and a big bow in her hair like Apple Blooms who nuzzles her cheeks into Rainbow’s to which Fuli took secret interest in with slightly buttoned up eyes at the kitten’s adorableness. “Yes, he does. Aww, look, he likes you!”


“I have so many wonderful choices for you to decide

There are otters and seals

With massive appeal.”

Fluttershy sang as she presented said animals.

“Otters and seals do not fly.” Rainbow refused without second thought unimpressed.

“Maybe not, but I've seen this particular seal catch ten feet of air when he breaches the water!” Fluttershy pointed out as the seal barked and clapped.

“That's it. I'm outta here.” Rainbow turned to leave as she nearly walked right into the turtle with Fluttershy stopping her from leaving.

“Wait! There must be a pet here

That will fit the ticket

How 'bout a ladybug, or a cute cricket?”

Fluttershy sang as she offered said creatures still certain that there is one in her garden that will be the perfect fit for her.

“Bigger. And cooler.” She responded as she kicked aside the turtle trying to tug her back leg in getting her attention to which Ono took notice of and felt sympathy for him cause deep down he really wanted to be her pet.

“Bigger, cooler. Right.” Fluttershy understood as she sang up another offer as she flew up to a nearby tree.

“I've got just the thing in that tree, Dash

Meet your new fabulous pet, Squirrely!”

She unveiled the branches like stage curtains to reveal a squirrel standing on a little podium on a branch with a purple sparkling stage curtain from behind.

“It's just a squirrel.”

“Not just any squirrel. A flying squirrel!” Fluttershy corrected as she tossed him up the air to show to her his wings that like them he can fly.

“...Yeah. So, like I was saying...” Rainbow replied still not satisfied as she lays out her terms in song.

“Fluttershy, pal, this won't cut it

I need a pet to keep up with me

Something awesome, something flying

With coolness that defies gravity!”

“I'm sensing you want an animal that can fly.” Fluttershy figured as she joined her friend who flew up into the sky.

“Ya think?” She returned thinking that should have been obvious from the start.


“Common knowledge really.”

The two watching replied dully with matching expressions.

Nevertheless, Fluttershy remained certain there is a perfect fit for her here as she moves her choices to her pets that can fly as she gestures to them.

“I have plenty of wonderful creatures who soar in the sky

Like a sweet hummingbird or a giant monarch butterfly.”

“Better, but cooler.”

“I see. How 'bout an owl, or a wasp, or a toucan?

There's so many wonderful creatures the likes of that

There are falcons and eagles

They are both quite regal

Or perhaps what you need is a dark and mysterious bat?”

“Now you're talking!” Rainbow voiced that she is now liking what she is looking for as the turtle puts on a pair of sunglasses from his shell. “But instead of just one standout, now that's too many.”

“So many choices, and such riches aplenty.”

Rainbow sang of the many option she now likes to choose from.

“Not a bad problem to have, if you ask me.” Fluttershy return with no worries.

“The bat would be awesome, but the wasp I'm digging too

Do you have something in a yellow striped bat?”

She asked in song.

“No.” She replied before gesturing to her pink flamingo on the ground.

“I've got a hot pink flamingo, just dying to meet you.”

“What to do, what to do?”

Rainbow pondered in song as she thought of an idea as she flew all over the place.

“A prize! That's it! There's really just one way

To find out which animal's best

Hold a contest of speed, agility, and guts

That will put each pet to the test.”

“Don't forget style, that should be considered.”

Fluttershy reminded in song.

“Then we'll know for sure who's best of the litter.”

“The one who is awesomest cool.”

“Just like me

Can't settle for less, 'cause I'm the best.”

The two traded as they both finish their song together.

“So a contest we will see

Who's the number one, greatest, perfectest pet

In the world for me!”

May the games begin!”

“And may the best pet win!” Rainbow stated of how she’ll settle this as she lined the flyers behind her for the competition she has set in stone for them.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Fuli asked Ono as they watch this.

“That Rainbow doesn’t understand of how having a pet works.” He replied as he looked on at the downcast turtle being rejected by the blue peagsus.

“Yep.” Fuli replied as the kitten blue eyed kitten previously offered to Rainbow takes a liking to her by affectionately rubbing her cheek on her fore legs while purring and meowing. “Aww.” She couldn’t resist as she sees Ono giving her a knowing smile seeing that she gets it very well. “Don’t you dare say a word to anyone!” She quietly whispered to him to wipe off that silly grin with a slightly threatening tone.

“Affirmative.” He replied as he looked aside smiling to himself still can’t help but tease her for showing her soft side as everyone all gathers to witness Rainbow’s pet competition but not without pulling Fluttershy for a quick word.

Once her friends learned of what Rainbow was doing the Guard all got together for the show as the blue peagsus now wearing a black sports cap blows her whistle as everyone cheers for the competitors taking part of the challenges they are about to face.

“Shh!” She blew her whistle again to for them to quiet down before turning to the assembled animals in front of her while walking in front of them like a drill sergeant. “So! You all think you've got what it takes to be my pet, do ya? Well, we'll just see about that!” She glared at the pink ostrich who emitted a very literally long nervous gulp in response. “If any of you don't think you can handle it, bow out now before you humiliate yourself in front of your peers.” The ladybug lowered down as the message was truly delivered. “This competition isn't for the weak. You'd better be prepared to step up your game! You call that flapping?!” She then shouted in the butterfly’s face who flapped her wings the hardest she can do. “That's better. There's only room on Team Dash for one of you, and my future pet needs to be able to take it to the extreme! Any questions?” She asked as she flew up into the air.

“I got one. Does she understand what a pet really needs?” Applejack whispered to the others watching.

“Yeah, like care and attention, love and affection...” Twilight agreed as Winona slurped her lips on Twilight’s cheek. “Ugh! And breath mints!”

“Sorry.” The farm pony apologized. “But you do know she likes you?”

“Yes.” She acknowledged as Fuli and Kyoga smirk at the unicorn as to say “Been there before.”

“Not from the looks of it.” Kion honestly replied as Ono shakes his head thinking the same thing.

“Now, you just pay attention, and try your best, and–“ Fluttershy said to the turtle she brought to Rainbow Dash who wasn’t pleased with him.

“Seriously, Fluttershy! The turtle? What did you bring that thing here for?” She quickly dismissed him as he flinched in response to her pointing a hoof at him as Fluttershy wipe his shell clean with a white cloth.

“Technically he's a tortoise, and he's always dreamed of being somepony's pet.“ She explained as she placed a hoof around her shell and hugged him. “He just wants a chance to compete, he won't get in the way. You won't even know he's here.”

“No.” She replied after a slow moment of eye blinking.

“Oh, just let him try.” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Ugh, but there's no way he can possibly keep up. Look at him!” She demonstrated by easily flipping him onto his back.

“It won't hurt to let him try.” Fluttershy pointed out.


“Just let him try?” She literally pressed his shell to get her to concede.

“Grrgh, ugh, fine!” She relented as she placed the turtle back onto the ground before Rainbow flew into his face. “But don't say I didn't warn you! This isn't a game, you know!”

Having made her message, she is now ready to start listing the terms of her competition.

“Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed. Agility. Guts. Style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness.” She demonstrated as she runs to a mountain and back leaving a fiery rainbow trail behind, pulls some twists and turns in dodging everyone while running back, creates a pony cloud of herself in the sky, and pulls up a pair of sunglasses.

“Aren't those all the same thing?” Twilight questioned.

“You would think that, Twilight.” She responded as she patted her on the head. “And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet.”

She flew off from the annoyed unicorn as she began the competition towards the nearby track.

“I’m sure glad I’m not.” She muttered under her breath as Bunga approached her getting an idea until Twilight quickly froze him with her magic. “Do not even think about?” She said to him about to try to pat her on the head like a dog before walking off to witness the first event of the competition where the main focus is...

“Speed!” Rainbow stated as everyone lines up at the starting line. “On your marks...” They all get ready to run… “Get set...” They are ready to take off…then she blows the whistle to signal the start of the race to which everyone but the tortoise all are running laps around the track with Rainbow examining each competitor as they pass by.

So far the falcon is off to a great start as the bird finished in first place while literally smoking the owl on the final lap while burning feather’s in its awake thus earning Rainbow’s attention along with the duck who finished second, still leaning on the bat, not so much on the butterfly, and unquestionably not towards the tortoise who only managed to cross the starting line as everyone else finished.

Next up was an obstacle course to test their agility. Rainbow saw the butterfly’s clean performance as a slight improvement but not quite her speed, wasn’t impressed with the flamingo who tripped up on one obstacle. She was indeed impressed with the toucan ability to clear the tunnel obstacle and saw the bat has much needed improvement to do.

Again sadly because he can’t climb up the tortoise was unable to do anything again, thus earned.

The hummingbird proven to be the most agile while the butterfly came in a close second after the toucan crashed out on one of the last obstacles and won the competition even with a half point docked from her score for falling over on the high five with Rainbow Dash.

Next up is Guts where the competitors all have to try to get Opal’s favorite toy mouse away from her and it’s easy as the cat is fiercely protective of her belongings and most of the competition was too scared to try to step.

All but the butterfly who managed to place her into a hypnotic trance that allows her to retrieve it and the tortoise who nearly trapped her under her cage while she was distracted.

Even though it didn’t earn her points in Rainbow’s eyes it’s the effort considering no one else would step up to the challenge that counts.

Next up was style as the pets all get together and pose with Rainbow Dash for photos from wearing sunglasses, to posing, to fencing, to dressing up, along with curling to which Rarity helped with all of picture set-ups from dressing them and Rainbow up along with taking the pictures.

The bat’s got swag, the hawk’s got posture, the hummingbird’s got the moves for fencing, the owl along with Rainbow dress up nicely, the falcon does well with curling, along with the butterfly’s simple photo shoot all earn them points.

Once again, the turtle did little to none in impressing Rainbow Dash with nothing up a pretty red ribbon on his shell.

Following that was coolness. An owl hoot sorta flies by with Rainbow, a duck quack doesn’t, a bat cry does, a toucan cry has room for improvement, the wasp’s buzzing not what she had in mind, the butterfly couldn’t utter a sound, the tortoise could only offer a cough. The hawk’s screech was impressive along with the bat’s sonic hearing, but not with the flamingo’s squawking nor the toucan’s, but saw the spark in owl’s 360 head turn while impressive yet disturbing, but still wasn’t looking the other way when the tortoise repeatedly pops in and out of his shell.

When it comes to radicalness, Rainbow wasn’t smiling at the duck’s tap-dancing nor the hawk’s knitting, or the hawk’s card playing trick, and was even snoring at the wasp’s puppet show. The bat however performing a musical number while shattering glass cups used for the performance did earn Rainbow’s attention but was docked some points because it wasn’t radical.

The tortoise never stops trying to please her by going as far as trying to do an impossible performance. An obstacle course involving a jump across a pool of sharks, through a moving guillotine, a loop de loop maneuver through a fiery hoop, across the net and across the set finish line, to which only lasted when he fumbled and fell on his back again when he attempted one step into his act.

At this point, Rainbow has had enough despite the sheer bravery and determination he has gone through all of this despite placing in last throughout most of the competitions.

“Listen, turtle...” She moved towards him to break the news to him.

“Tortoise.” Fluttershy corrected as she briefly popped her head from behind the curtain.

“Whatever!” She said before continuing. “You've had your fun, but I think you and I both know who made the cut and who didn't.” The turtle simply croaks and slowly blinks in response. “You didn't.” She answered while pointing out to the owl, hawk, eagle, and bat who all won the previous competitions as the other’s cheer for her as Fuli and Ono step forward towards the blue peagsus. “I mean... 'A' for effort and everything, you gave it your best shot, maybe I've got a gold star sticker around here somewhere you can have, but, seriously, go home.” She dismissed as the two approaches her with something to say. “Yes?”

“Listen, Rainbow Dash…” Ono began. “We know that you want a pet that likes the same stuff you do but think maybe you’re looking at this a little wrong?” He suggested.

“What do you mean?” She wondered where he is going with this.

“I mean have you even considered that maybe none of the flyers are what you are looking for but the tortoise instead?” He asked.

“What?” Rainbow expressed flatly.

“I’m just saying, I’ve been seeing that turtle all throughout the competitions and even though he always comes in last, he has the bravery, compassion, heart, and determination of what a true pet truly has and what you should be looking for.” Ono explained.

“And why would I think that?” She returned still finding it hard to accept.

“Because I’ve seen him show all of these characteristics all day while you were more focused on the qualities that represent what you are only looking out for.” Ono again answered.

“Look…” Rainbow replied with an understanding sigh. “…I know what you are saying but I just don’t see it.”

“Are you sure?” Fuli asked. “Even though I can’t fly? Cause even with that it didn’t stop us from being best friends with a very special bond together?”

“I know but…” Rainbow tried to respond when Fuli continues talking over her since she is not done there.

“And sure we don’t see eye to eye on some things such as me not liking mud and getting wet most of the time but even still we worked around our differences while always being there for each other. Something I’d think the Guard’s most loyal member would understand very well.”

Rainbow sighed without a counter argument as she pressed forward with the final deciding competition for the previous winners to determine her ideal pet while Fuli and Ono watch as the tortoise just hangs his head in defeat.

“And I’m sure for once we both see eye to eye on this one.” Ono whispered to Fuli seeing that they see that the tortoise is the perfect match for Rainbow Dash but her skewed views of what she is looking for is preventing her from seeing that.

“Agreed.” Fuli replied as she places the tortoise on her back as they all head on over to the site of the final contest…

“... a race against... me! Through Ghastly Gorge!” Rainbow declared with her adding… “Dun dun dun!” for dramatic effect.

The eagle screeches as she flies beside Rainbow Dash.

“Gesundheit.” She said to the bird before they go back to lower ground at the starting line where the others watch from above just as Ono places the tortoise alongside the other finalists.

“Actually, Ghastly Gorge isn't scary. It's fun.” Rainbow assured at least to herself. “Heh. I've flown through it a million times myself, so obviously I'll be at the front of the pack. But whichever of you make it across the finish line with me will have proven you can keep up with me, and will have earned the honor and glory of getting to be my pet!” She explained the terms before lining up with the others while not noticing the tortoise’s presence from Ono’s quick slip in and out maneuver while doing some final stretches and push-ups to prepare for the competition herself. “Ready? Setgo!” She stated as she gets out in front as everyone else follows her while the tortoise is the only one to move as he looks down upon the sight from down below before pressing forward.

Rainbow herself was clearly enjoying the flight as she picked up the pace to further challenge the flyers from behind as they all zigzag and turn by every obstacle thrown their way.

So far every one of them were performing well with the first obstacle being a windy tunnel to which all but the small bat performed well due to being small and unable to handle the strong winds but was able to press forward and keep pace along with the tortoise is still following behind from afar.

He was still determined to prove himself to Rainbow Dash no matter what and even if he finishes in last place again as the confident mare whistles to a tune while introducing everyone to the next obstacle the cactus patch complete with prickly plants and thorns in the area.

“Woo-hoo! Haha! Try to keep up! Can't catch me, ha-ha!” Rainbow called out to them as she led the way.

“C'mon, slowpokes! You wanna win, don't ya?” She further challenged them as they faced their next big obstacle.

The falcon leading the pack had some trouble having wings getting snagged by the prickly plants, the owl along with the hawk had trouble getting by the plants, and the bat was able to clear the obstacle quickly and efficiently due to his small size

“Oh! I forgot to tell you! Watch out for the Quarry eels! They don't like it when you get too close to their nests, like this. Whoa.” She then casually warned them as the nearby area showed said creatures are huge and live in the left-wing side of the nearby part of the cave.

Everyone all struggled as they all struggled not to get eaten by the red and purple scaled creatures as Rainbow treats this all as an easy breeze. The hawk just missed by a head, the owl and hawk got snagged by one of them as it took pulling themselves out of there to avoid getting eaten, while the bat nearby got eaten when one of the eels managed to nab the little guy. Thankfully the bat was able to get out of that.

“Easy, peasy, one-two-threesy! Right, guys?” Rainbow told them while she wasn’t watching where she was going to which she ended up crashing into the wall behind her while causing an avalanche accidentally. “AVALANCHE!” She screamed as the flyers all flew ahead while she ended up getting struck by a boulder.

She emerged fine for the most part but she finds that her right wing is stuck under a large boulder that fell on her. She struggled but couldn’t free herself as the flyers all went ahead without her.

“Hey! Whoaaaa! C'mon... no! Wait! Come back! Don't leave me! I'm the one who's supposed to win! I don't wanna end up stuck here... forever!” She called out to them as she started to panic at one of the worst possible things to happen to her. “Oh no, nonono, th-this can't be happening. Forever is way too long to be trapped in Ghastly Gorge. I mean, it's like, forever! Somepony! Anypony! Help me!” She desperately cried for help.

Just when she started to tear up she saw a shadow of someone which sparkled joy in her heart.

“Wahoo! My prayers have been answered! Oh, thankyouthankyoutha–“ She expressed gratefulness which stopped upon seeing the turtle managed to clear every obstacle from staying low to the ground all of the time. “You?! Oh no! Now I'm not only going to be stuck here forever, I'm gonna be stuck here forever with the most annoying turtle in the world!” She groaned as the turtle pays no attention to her complaints as he starts digging under the boulder holding Rainbow’s wing to the ground in order to get her off of there. “Gyh, I'm doomed. DOOMED, I tell you!”

At least until she saw that the turtle is actually managing to lift the rock up to free her wing. A sight than left her astonished even after all that’s been said and done. A sight that really got her thinking of what she was really looking for.

Over on at the finish line, the main cast cheers for all four flyers as they all cross the finish line with the falcon finishing in first place but then it started dying down when they realized something is not quite right here. And that’s Rainbow Dash, who they all expected to see first isn’t with them.

“Hm, something's not right here.” Kion voiced his concerns as he turned to the egret. “Ono, fly over there and find them.”

“Affirmative.” He replied as he examined the gorge as he spotted the crumbled part of the mountain than fell onto the path while Applejack quickly pulled out Twilight’s binoculars.

“Hapana!” He gasped.

“There's been an avalanche in there!” Applejack added.

“Rainbow!” Spike cried in horror at the thought as everyone worries about her while preparing to go down there and help save her until Ono then saw something else along with Pinkie Pie.



The two exclaimed.

“It's the turtle!“ Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Tortoise!” The others corrected.

“Oh, whatever...” She responded not caring about that for now as Fuli stifles a chuckle.

“Talk about a reverse shift from our favorite animal lover.” She said to herself as they all see the tortoise making its way on over to the finish line before speaking up. “He made it through!”

“And he's carrying something on his back...” Twilight added.

“Ahh! It's Rainbow Dash! It's her! It's Rainbow!” Pinkie happily bounced up and down as they all cheer for them.

But since the tortoise by nature is moving rather slowly…

“Maybe we'd better go meet him halfway.” Beshte suggested as Twilight used her magic to move the finish line setup right in front of the tortoise so everyone can really celebrate his accomplishment in bringing Rainbow to them even when in bandages.

“Huh. Way to go, little guy!” Spike commended him with a pat on the head.

“Oh, thank goodness you're not hurt, Rainbow!” Twilight said in delight to see she made it out.

“Just my pride.” Rainbow returned as she dusted herself off.

“Well technically…” Bunga started to say until being glared at by Twilight and Fuli. “Technically there’s nothing to it.” He quickly added with a forced grin.

“Nice recovery. And smooth.” She said with hints of sarcasm.

“I certainly hope all of this dreadful dust was worth it!” Rarity expressed as she let loose a light sneeze.

“It sure was, if it means Rainbow gets to have her own little critter just like the rest of us from now on.” Applejack added as she petted her dog on the head to which the tortoise wondered what her decision is going to be.

“Uh... thanks.” Rainbow said to him as he hopped off. “What you did... I owe you one.”

As the two clap their front legs together, Fluttershy calls out to the peagsus.

“Rainbow! Your new pet is over here waiting for you!” Fluttershy told as the falcon who proved to be the most formidable flyer flew over and landed on her back to which Rainbow silently expressing second opinions of what she truly desires for her pet to be as the tortoise silently hangs his head feeling his heroic rescue won’t change anything.

“Oh... right... yeah... that.” Rainbow just said rather uneasy.

“What's the matter?” Spike asked as he noticed this.

“You got your perfect pet, right?” Bunga told her.

“The best of the best like you wanted, remember? It can fly and it's not a squirrel!” Fluttershy added. “Should we sing about it again?”

“A falcon sure looks good on ya, Rainbow.” Applejack agreed as Rarity took a photo to which startled the tortoise into popping his head back into his shell.

“Easy, fella. Nothing to be afraid of.” Rainbow assured as she comforted him before speaking what she has to say. “The falcon sure does look cool... he's absolutely everything I wanted in a pet.” She sighed as she sees a small tough choice here between the pleading tortoise and the proud falcon.

“But…” Fuli asked seeing there is more with the thought she and Ono are thinking.

“But I said whoever crosses the finish line with me gets to be my pet.” Rainbow answered.

“That’s true! You did!“

“You did say that! She did say that, that was the rule!”

Bunga and Pinkie quickly backed up that statement.

“And the only racer who crossed the finish line with me was the one who stopped to save me when I needed help. The tortoise!” Rainbow added as she lifted the tortoise up for a nose kiss while the falcon’s confident smile dropped in shock hearing and seeing this as she flew off of her back.

“But what about the–“ Twilight asked seeing the falcon’s upset expression before calmly and putting up a positive smile while shaking the tortoise’s front leg before walking away in defeat.

“Looks like the falcon is taking it in stride.” Kion commented as Ono flew over to the bird.

“Well said, Kion!” Ono said while patting a wing on the falcon’s back. “It’s okay.” He said to the falcon as he smiled while feeling better from Ono’s kind gesture.

As Rainbow welcomed her new pet with open hooves the tortoise released a slow and warm smile.

“Wouldja look at that? He even smiles slow.” Applejack commented.

“Well that is part of a tortoise’s nature. Common knowledge really.” Ono added as everyone shared a chuckle out of it.

“Spike, take a letter.” Rainbow asked of the little dragon as he gets pen and paper ready.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I used to think that the most important traits to look for in a pet, or any best friend, were all physical competitive abilities. But now I can see how short-sighted and shallow that was.”

During this, Opal played with her toy mouse as the tortoise slowly approaches her which is met with the cat quickly scratching her claws on his shell to which he stealthily uses the distraction to sneak it inside his shell. Opal upon seeing she was tricked just simply walks away in a huff.

“Today I learned what the most important quality really is. A certain kind of spirit. A stick-to-it-ive-ness. A never give up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a real winner. And this tortoise has it.”

“Tenacity.” Ono offered.

“Gesundheit.” Rainbow returned as she finished before walking over to the tortoise. “You just can't stop that little guy. He's like a... like a... Tank!”

“But Rainbow! You didn't want a pet that couldn't fly because it would keep you grounded and hold you back, remember?” Fluttershy reminded as the tortoise slightly lowered his head again.

“Hmm...” Rainbow thought as Fuli remained certain she’ll make it work out.

“Well, considering she is best friends with me, I think she can arrange that can you, Rainbow?”

“I sure can!” Rainbow positively answered as Fuli and Ono share a fist/wing bump together with succeeding in getting Rainbow to choose the ideal pet for her.

“You both wanted this to happen didn’t you?” Kyoga asked with a whisper.



The two didn’t even deny as they watch the two bonding now more than ever now that the tortoise has finally proven himself to be the pet she is looking for because of the one thing they have in common. Undying Loyalty.

The next day following their patrol, the Pony and Lion Guard all got together at the park for their usual play time there, where all of the ponies including Rainbow Dash joins them for the Pony Pet Playdate. While Kion and Bunga are both ready to play baobab ball with Rainbow and Tank as Rainbow having healed by then equips Tank with goggles and a strapped contraption so he fly and play alongside with her

“Heh. C'mon, Tank! We're gonna be late for our very first Pony Pet Playdate!” Rainbow called back towards him as he follows after her as Ono and the falcon both get together for a race around the park loop to which is more evenly matched as the two are both neck and neck the whole race and have traded the lead several times as they cross the line multiple times.

“I can see why Rainbow was really interested in you.” Ono said to the falcon. “You sure are fast.”

The hawk returned a thankful screech before flying ahead with Ono following to make sure he doesn’t lose ground.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ono playfully returned as they flew over to behind the nearby tree where Fuli is currently petting and playing the cat with the blue bowtie in secret as she returns loving kisses and purrs while affectionately brushing herself on the cheetah’s fur to which she giggled in return as Fuli landed on her back while holding up the cat before allowing it to nuzzle her cheek to cheek.

“Oh you are just so cutsie wootsie so adorable you…” Fuli said to the smiling baby-eyed kitty in a baby talk as she suddenly sees the rest of her friends watching her as her faces turns red in embarrassment of being caught engaging in the cute act. “Oh, I wish you all hadn’t seen that.”

Rarity giggled at the sight as she places a hoof on her shoulder to let her know it’s okay considering she doesn’t with her pet cat too as everyone shares another good laugh over it before continuing to play with their pets.

Author's Note:

For this episode not much to explain other Fuli and Ono getting a turn in teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson of learning about how adopting and taking care of a pet works as they set the seeds in motion so that Tank becomes Rainbow Dash's new pet.

During the pet competition the two did find a couple of pets to their liking. Ono getting a fast competitive racing friend to practice flying fast and to race against while Fuli as much as initially wanted to keep it a secret finds an adorable kitten to play with during the Guard's playtime at the park.

Next up is "Mysterious Mare Do Well." where Rainbow Dash's ego learns a humilty lesson when a mysterious masked hero takes the spotlight in this upcoming episode.

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