• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,328 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 40: Canterlot Wedding Part Two

Episode 40:

Canterlot Wedding Part Two

After telling Luna of her and Twilight’s discovery, she would gather her friends Karabi, Lite, and Kovu so they can do some investigating in the castle’s lower levels in search for the strange faint voice she has been constantly hearing ever since she got here.

“Are you sure this is the right direction.” Kovu somewhat timidly asked.

“Yes, I am sure.” She replied as she looked around the basement for any hidden openings. “I am sure as I am honest.”

“Oh boy.” He returned as he emitted a little gulp just sensing the danger they are facing ahead.

“Find anything.” Kyoga asked her friends.

“Nothing yet.” Lite responded as he looked around the walls as Karabi was doing the same until she noticed a dark opening from the nearby corridor.

“This way…” The changeling Thorax appeared and gestured them to the opening to which left everyone surprised by his sudden appearance.

“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t rip you apart.” Kyoga threatened with soft-spoken fury as Thorax nervously gulped as he finds himself backed up into a corner by the lioness along with her two friends.

“Please…it’s not like that.” Thorax innocently pleaded. “…I’m not like the pony behind the mask.”

“How so?” Karabi demanded as Lite bared his claws ready to pounce on him.

“Because said pony is the changeling queen in disguise.” He demonstrated as he briefly transported into Kyoga. “As you can see this is what changelings can do when they take the form of another pony or lion or whatever they come across.” He added in her voice before changing back.

“And we should trust you why…” Lite responded not convinced.

“…Because all I ever wanted was love. I never even signed up for this hostile takeover.” Throax answered as he moved towards the hidden cave opening entrance as he rips apart the weaken wall to reveal the dark cave entrance to the underground catacombs with a downhill path leading down towards the bottom. “Down there is the real Princess Cadance where Queen Chrysalis captured and imprisoned her in down this secret entrance to the caves you were talking about.”

Kyoga then seriously looked at Thorax in the eyes before stating. “He’s telling the truth.” Much to the timid changeling’s relief. “Let’s go!” She led them down the hill with Kovu initially looking down still hesitant on going down there but his noble valor took over as he pressed forward after them while Thorax sticks around near the entrance.

“Are you coming?” Kovu asked.

“Just go on ahead.” He urged him to follow them. “I’ll right here waiting for you all in case anything goes wrong. And if so just yell Thorax!”

“Okay.” The dark-furred lion nodded before catching up with the others.

They all manage to reach the bottom of the pathway leading down to the catacombs is they all look around as they hear the voice Kyoga has been talking about from earlier.

“Help! Help!” Cadance’s faint voiced called out to them.

“She’s close!” Kyoga stated as her ears got a good hearing out of it. “I can hear her.”

Karabi and Lite hearing it too as they come across a crystal barrier in front of them worked their magic and busting an opening in the wall which cracked it and revealed another opening and clearing inside the caves. As the two repeated the process they hear that the cries for help were getting louder as they were all getting closer to imprisoned pony calling for help.

At the same time in another part of the caverns, Twilight is currently lighting her horn as she looks around to her surroundings to see where the Cadance she saw teleported her.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” She called out as her voice echoed before walking around and then bumped into one of the crystal walls and heard distant evil laughing. “Where am I?”

Just then, her reflection turned into Cadance’s appeared in place to speak to her in person.

“The caves beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside. And now, your prison.” She tauntingly told her.

“Help! Help!” Twilight cried as she further taunted her of the hopelessness of the situation.

“It's no use. No one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for you, either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans.” Cadance then evilly laughed at her as her ears lowered at the sight of all of this.

“Plans? What plans?” Twilight questioned of where she is going with this.

“The plans I have for your brother, of course.” Cadance replied with a mock surprised expression.

“Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!” Twilight then threateningly responded with her horn flaring up with pink-red magic.

“Only way to stop me is to catch me!” She further mocked the unicorn to purposely provoke her as her reflection randomly appeared all over her surroundings while evilly laughing to goad her into firing her best shot at her to which she fires one which ricocheted off of the surroundings forcing Twilight to duck to avoid the blast. “Over here! Nope, over here!“ She repeated to further increase the unicorn’s anger as she still fired shots at the crystals that were heard from the other rescue party just as Karabi and Lite were working their magic through the barriers.

“Was that Twilight?” Kovu asked upon hearing her voice.

“She’s here too…” Kyoga deduced as this is surprise to her ears as Karabi and Lite still work their strength and magic and breaking through the crystal barriers until they reach the Cadance trapped behind the barriers who had her fur coat scratched up and dirty along with her mane being messy.

At that moment, Twilight had also broke through the barriers at the same time to which Cadance turned and reacted with alarm upon seeing Twilight’s angry eyes as she prepares to charge at her.

“No! Wait!” She stammered with held up hooves trying to back up only to be immediately tackled by her. “Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me!” She pleaded as she looked away to brace herself for whatever Twilight was going to do her before facing her. “Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter.” She pleaded for mercy.

“Likely story!” Twilight refused to believe it with narrowed eyes until Kyoga got face to face with her.

“Twilight, please…” Kyoga said to her as she got her to get off of Cadance. “…She is telling the truth.”

As Twilight still looks on skeptically, Cadance steps forward and performs something that only the one and true Cadance can do to prove it to her.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves...” She performed the movements of their signature greeting to which Twilight recognized as she clapped her hoof with her.

“...and do a little shake.” Twilight finished as Cadance returned an honest grin to which Twilight eagerly smiling upon seeing she is the real deal.

“You remember me!” Twilight happily wrapped her hooves around the alicorn.

“Of course I do.” She assured her. “How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?”

“Well considering whoever was impersonating you led her to believe that .” Lite figured.

“Makes perfect sense.” Karabi agreed as Twilight spoke to them along with Kyoga and Kovu.

“So what brought all of you down here?” She asked.

“While we were checking up on the wedding preparations I heard a strange voice that sounding like someone was crying for help.” Kyoga explained. “So I figured out that the Cadance we saw from earlier was really an imposter who had managed to lock the real Cadance down here.”

“So we did some looking around in the basement to where we found an entrance to the underground caves beneath this castle.” Karabi added.

“And it was there we heard the sound of her voice getting louder and that’s when it became clear to us.” Lite joined in.

“That whoever is impersonating Cadance is planning to take over Equestria.” Kovu then finished.

“Wow!” Twilight voiced amazement that this new development.

“I know.” Kyoga responded agreeing that it is an amazing discovery. “I wouldn’t have known had I not learned to trust my instincts.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.” Twilight voiced very pleased that help came for them. “Because I almost just did.” She then added in a more downcast tone.

“Twilight, what’s the matter?” Kovu asked taking note of her sudden change in mood.

“After I stormed out on the girls, I went to try to warn my brother of my suspicions of the imposter.” She began as she recalled the painful memories of what had just happened. “But she was already there and had already cast a spell on him that made his eyes glow green just like her aura of magic.” Kyoga nodded hearing this. “So then I tried to warn my friends only to walk in on them gushing over the fact that her original bridesmaids have been removed from the wedding and that they were chosen to become the new bridesmaids in their place.”

“Huh?” Both Karabi and Lite expressed befuddled looks hearing this.

“Ugh.” Kyoga groaned. “So I take it you were then on your own from there.”

“Yes.” She sadly replied.

“And what happened…” Cadance asked sensing something really bad happened through her efforts to stop the imposter.

“Well…” Twilight struggled to press forward as she recalls every bit of what happened at the wedding rehearsal with her ears drooped down. “…I attempted to expose her at the wedding rehearsal with what I learned about her…only to get harshly reprimanded by my brother who dismissed all of her bad behavior as pre-wedding stress before kicking me out of the wedding altogether.” She recalled as the sudden pain of the memory flows through her mind.

“What?” Cadance reacted with disheartened shock hearing this. “And he just left you alone like that?”

“Yeah. Along with the girls and even Princess Celestia walked out on me like I deserved it.” She sadly added to which no one could not even believe what their ears were hearing.

“They did WHAT?!” Karabi and Lite exclaimed in unison.

“That was just harsh!” Kyoga expressed her sudden disgust.

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged as a few tears fall from her eyes. “And the worst part about it was I too felt like I was in the wrong until the imposter sent me underground to here.”

“Twilight, I’m so sorry.” Cadance brought her in for another embrace as tears further streamed the hurt unicorn’s face as Kovu joined in on the hug.

“Well, that was just unacceptable!” Karabi voiced her sudden anger at the Pony Guard along with Shining Armor, and the sun monarch.

“They suck!” Lite agreed just as angry at them as Kyoga while feeling sorry for Twilight looks on upwards with calm fury as she takes all of this into account just as they hear the imposter’s voice evilly laughing from above.

“We’ll deal with them later.” Kyoga calmly responded with narrowed eyes while focusing on what’s more important right now.

“We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!” Twilight agreed as she immediately stopped crying with her heart filled with determination to stop her more so than ever as they all navigated back the way they came from so they can get out of here and stop the imposter while Scar secretly watches from above and on top of the very high ledges unnoticed as Zira and her pride approach from behind the smirking lion.

“All right my dear…” Scar then said turning to face her. “When we get to the room where the wedding is being held, get in position, you all know what to do when the reception begins.”

“Yes, Scar.” She sinisterly replied as she turned to face her children who express their deadly excitement to crash the wedding. “Yes we do!”

“Time for payback.” Vitani added.

“Let’s go!” Nuka declared as he went ahead charged yet ended up clumsily tripping over and tumbling down the hill after realizing he walked into mid-air.

The other three just shake their heads disapprovingly upon seeing this as Scar uses his magic to help him on his paws after leaping down from the ledge.

“Just stick with them.” He gently advised as Zira and Vitani join him. “You wouldn’t want to end up crushed to death by any of these crystals.”

“Okay Scar…” He reluctantly yet shamefully complied as he slinked back behind Zira and Vitani as they make their way towards the cave entrance just as Scar goes ahead knowing that Twilight and Cadance are going to be following Kyoga, Kovu, Karabi, and Lite back the way they came in here.

“Besides…I don’t want any of you rushing ahead and risking being spotted by Twilight, Kyoga, and their friends…” Scar then added another reason for his orders. “…since it was by luck Chrysalis managed to pull off those crocodile tears and get everyone expect the Lion Guard and Simba to turn against her since they were more pre-occupied with their wedding plans to see she is correct.” He then frowned at the bitterness he felt when a similar situation happened to him when he was young and before he got his namesake scar. “Besides, I still need Twilight alive.” He added with a grin before teleporting off so he can cut off their escape.

Meanwhile in her room, was Chrysalis still in her Cadance disguise as she puts on the wedding dress Rarity made for her before placing a red rose from a set of flowers nearby the her mirror as she starts singing victoriously with how everything is coming together thanks to her and Scar’s plan working wonders in these last few days.

“This day is going to be perfect

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

Everypony will gather 'round

Say I look lovely in my gown

What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!”

She sang while smirking to herself before using her green magic to move the mannequins around as her true inner green eyes also showed.

Back in the caves, Cadance sang as she briefly sat down in despair worrying they won’t make it back in time as Twilight places a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“This day was going to be perfect

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

But instead of having cake

With all my friends to celebrate

My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all…”

As Twilight comforts Cadance the imposter continues for the reception as she kicks aside a basket of apples Applejack gave her along with disintegrating the hat Rarity made for one of the guests at the wedding that she took the time to embrace like another pony she is to her.

“I could care less about the dress

I won't partake in any cake

Vows, well I'll be lying when I say

That through any kind of weather

I'll want us to be together

The truth is I don't care for him at all

No I do not love the groom

In my heart there is no room

But I still want him to be all mine.”

Back at the caverns, everyone there are all racing around to find another way out after Scar destroyed the pathway to the way Kyoga and crew made their way in with his magic while disguising his actions to make it look like a random incident. Nevertheless even when faced with having to a ride a mine cart on the way over if that’s what it takes to save everyone they were willing to do so.

As Cadance struggled to move the mine cart, Twilight quickly came to her aid as she worked her magic in removing rocks and levitating her foalsitter into the cart as Karabi and Lite both fly and give Kyoga and Kovu a lift into the second cart behind the girl’s as they fly after both rides as they head downhill on the tracks at a fast speed.

“We must escape before it's too late

Find a way to save the day

Hope, I'll be lying if I say

I don't fear that I may lose him

To one who wants to use him

Not care for, love, and cherish him each day"

For I oh so love the groom

All my thoughts he does consume

Oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon.”

Upon seeing their ride came to a dead end leaving everyone to descend to the sharp rocks and spikes down below but all of the flyers were able to fly over them while carrying the others in tow. With Cadance carrying Twilight, Karabi carrying Kyoga, and Lite carrying Kovu.

As everyone gets on with the wedding with many Equestrian civilians and Pride Landers gathering together for the momentous occasion all wearing formal attire for the wedding as everyone is completely unaware of the true evil lurking around from within as the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the young Lion Guard fan group all spread flowers all over the carpet as the faux princess makes her way up to the hypnotized groom with Celestia and Simba awaiting them as Simba along with the Lion Guard wonder where Twilight is while feeling she must have still felt unwelcome to attend the wedding.

“Finally the moment has arrived

For me to be one lucky bride.”

Chrysalis sang as she made her way to the altar.

“Oh, the wedding we won't make

He'll end up marrying a fake

Shining Armor will be...”

Cadance sang as she cried as she found another dead end.

“...mine, all mine.” Chrysalis finished with a cackle as Celestia commences the beginning of the celebration.

“Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor.”

Back in the caverns everyone is looking around for another way out since they are all unaware of Scar’s involvement in cutting off their escape.

“Oh, we're never going to save him.” Cadance said in despair.

“We will.” Kyoga assured her as she and Twilight look around for an opening.

“We just have to find...There!” Twilight then spotted it just above them to which she and Kyoga quickly teleported them to the area.

But as luck would have it they come across the original bridesmaids in their dresses with hypnotized green eyes much like Shining Armor’s.

“Well that explains it.” Kyoga remarked as the pieces of the puzzle in that regard come together.

“You're not going anywhere.” They said to them as Thorax suddenly appeared before them.

“Yes they are.” He bravely stated as he hissed at them as they gang up on him and attack him mercilessly but he still was able to fend off for himself and able to force them off of his body as Kyoga steps in and works her magic in undoing whatever brainwashing spell Chrysalis put over the girls.

“How…” Twilight wondered as Kyoga quickly and briefly answered.

“Long story short, he is a former ally of the mastermind of this plot who knows something about her no one else does.”

Once the magic worked wonders on them they all groaned as they came to their senses.

“Ugh!” The aqua-green coated mare with cyan-colored mane groaned.

“What did I do last night?” The blue-coated mare and blue mane with white streaks in it asked.

“And how did we get here the white-coated mare with a pink mane also asked.

“You were all under a brainwashing spell.” Kyoga informed them. “The Cadance you saw yesterday was really an imposter.”

“Really? Then who’s that?” The cyan maned unicorn asked gesturing to the real Cadance.

“This is the real Princess Cadance.” Twilight gestured her to them. “Yes, I know this is quite a shock.”

“I’ll say…” The blue mare commented in agreement as she groaned from the headache she got from the spell. “Wow! My head hurts!”

“Mine too!”

“Mine three!”

The other girls added as they dropped to their knees.

“Don’t worry girls.” Twilight assured them as she worked her magic in levitating them off of the ground. “We’ll get you all out of here.”

Everyone then made their way out of the caves and back inside the castle in the hallways as they took the time to guide them back to their rooms before focusing their attention back on the wedding just as the two royals began to officially wed the bride and groom.

“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you–“ Simba then was about to declare until they heard someone bursting through the doors.

“Stop!” Twilight called out to interrupt as everyone mummers is surprise wondering what this is all about while her pony friends just look on in her direction very bitter and exasperated at her sudden outburst and interrupting the wedding again even after her brother made it perfectly clear she is unwelcome here with even Spike, Kion, along with the rest of the Lion Guard feeling embarrassed by her behavior at this point.

“Oh.” Imposter Cadance remarked slightly amused. “Some pony’s got a sudden burst of courage even after being banned from the wedding didn’t we?”

“Talk to the hoof, faker.” Twilight voiced with a raised hoof having none of it this time. “The jig is up and you know why? Because you’re evil.” She stated as she pointed a hoof directly at her.

“Twilight! How can you say such a thing?!” Fuli scolded.

“Yeah, she’s not evil!” Bunga added, until...

“Yes she is!” Kyoga stated as she, Kovu, Karabi, Lite and Thorax came in together with Kyoga leading to back Twilight up.

“Kyoga, what are you doing here and whose the bug?” Kion questioned.

“His name is Thorax and he told us something interesting. Apparently this threat to Canterlot is already inside the barrier and the so called, ‘Princess Cadence!’” Kyoga replied, making the others roll their eyes.

“Kyoga, enough with these stupid accusations! You got no proof!” Applejack yelled having enough of this.

“Yes she does!” The real Princess Cadence said as she appeared much to everyone’s shock.

“What? How’d you escape from the caverns?” Imposter Cadance asked.

“I helped them! Cause I don’t want to go through with your plans anymore!” Thorax exclaimed, bravely.

“I-I don’t understand, how can there be two of them?” Rainbow asked.

“She’s a Changeling! She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them!” The real Princess Cadence explained before imposter Cadence snarled and she was engulfed in a bright green light, much to the horror of everyone in the room. When the light went away it revealed the Changeling Queen, Queen Chrysalis.

“Hahaha! Right you are, princess… …” Chrysalis smirked. “And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!” She further continued as she walked down the steps to speak directly and face to face with the Princess of Love while bypassing the terrified wedding guests.

“They’ll never get the chance, Shining Armor’s protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!” Cadence exclaimed in defiance to the changeling queen to which she scoffed as she laughed at her words.

“Doubt that, I won’t be so such… right husband..?” Chrysalis replied as she turned and activated her magic, turning Shining Armor’s eyes green and he nodded.

Everyone further gasped, “Twilight was right, you did put a spell on Shining Armor!” Besthe said in her direction as Cadance tried to move towards her future husband only for Chrysalis to quickly block her off with her horn flaring ready to send her back to the caves if she didn’t back off to which she does while still maintaining her glare at her.

“Yes I did and ever since I took Princess Cadence’s place I’ve been feasting on Shining Armor’s love for you.” The changeling queen didn’t even deny it before leaping back over to the entranced unicorn. “Every minute he grows weaker and so does his spell even more my minions are chipping away at it.” Chrysalis smirked as Twilight joined by Cadance’s side. “He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now.” She added as she placed a hoof on Shining’s chin to which both ponies gasped in horror. “And, I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Not my Shining Armor!” Cadance cried.

“And the best part about it is I really wouldn’t have gotten this far without some inside help from a fellow friend of mine and he sure is quite charming for his looks along with being right about you, not being so easy to fool, Twilight and Kyoga.” Chrysalis added as both Kion and Simba were both wondering what she is talking about.

“What are you talking about?!” Simba demanded.

“You’re wrong if you think someone would help the likes of you, Chrysalis!” Kion also asserted.

“Oh is that so…?” An eerie voice spoke out from the room as another flash of green light with flames shot up towards the ceiling similarly to Chrysalis’s reveal to which caused the Lion and Pony Guard to flinch upon seeing the figure with the black cloak appear before everyone on top of the ledge above the window before removing his cloak as Scar revealed himself to everyone while leaping down onto the altar alongside the changeling queen. “Well, I’m afraid you’re wrong about that Kion.”

Scar evilly laughed as everyone’s shock and horror amped up to the max upon seeing the villainous lion in the flesh and fur as Timon and Pumbaa quickly hightailed it to a nearby pillar for cover along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Mtoto and his friends and a terrified Laini who whimpered while hiding behind the horns of the antelope leader.

“Surprise!” He said before everyone around as they all are witnessing the return of one of the most nefarious villains that has ever crossed paths with complete horror and shock that Scar himself is somehow back from the dead and alive.

“Is that…?” Ma Tembo questioned in shock and horror to Basi standing next to her.

“How could it be…?” He asked just as shocked and horrified.

“What?!” Kion and Simba exclaimed with the former still stunned as they both lock eyes on him.

“Scar!” The lion king and lion prince then stated with furious glares upon seeing him while Kyoga after recovering from her shock then instantly snarled upon seeing the lion himself responsible for her pain and suffering and the voice in her head at the Hearth's Warming play the other day.

“That’s right, Simba and Kion…” Scar confirmed. “And you all never thought you’d see me again did you?” He asked every cowering and terrified wedding guest before continuing. “And of course, that meets the Changeling is correct and explains of how she was able to pull this all off for I planned this whole plot, just to bring you all to your knees.” He evilly gloated as Twilight spoke up to him.

“So it was you that was spying on us.” She analyzed with realizing eyes while approaching him towards the bottom of the stairs with his past mysterious actions she was so sure she wasn't making up and was proven true once more with his sudden appearance with everything coming together. “Because I saw and heard about you before, the mysterious figure wearing that cloak over your head, along with the mysterious voice in my head from time to time, and the Future Twilight I saw not too long ago. It was you all along, Scar.”

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle.” Scar responded with a smirk impressed with her intelligence. “You’ve guessed correctly. Bravo!” He chuckled at the glaring unicorn as he approached her while walking down the steps so he can meet face to face with the lavender mare. “And the funny part about all of this was the fact you were suspicious of Chrysalis’s behavior and the fact that you were right all along.” He added while placing a paw on her chin with his claws feeling Twilight’s skin as he addressed everyone else specifically the alicorn princess, the rest of the Pony Guard as well as the Lion Guard. “Too bad the rest of you were so caught up in your wedding plans to realize the unicorn’s suspicions were correct! Some friends you are. Guess friendship really is a sham.” Scar laughed.

Kion growled at his great uncle while leaping in front of the villainous lion and in her friend’s defense to force Scar to remove his paw off of his best friend.

“Soon, my plan will take full force! First we take Canterlot and then all of Equestria and the Pridelands!” Scar then exclaimed with an evil laugh as Chrysalis floated into the air triumphantly.

“No. You won't.” Celestia seriously said to the two villains as the queen floated back to the ground to face her eye to eye. “You two may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you two have so foolishly revealed your true self, we can protect our subjects from you!”

“We’ll see about that and who’s really foolish, your majesties.” Scar calmly responded undeterred as he locked eyes with the lion king as he prepares for a rematch against him while Celestia locks horns with Chrysalis. “Because in regards to that matter, it is quite the opposite because things are just getting started.”

Celestia then shined golden magic from her horn as she shot it at Chrysalis at the same time Scar lunged at Simba as both leaders engaged in the fight for their lives as he quickly tackled him and locked his teeth into Simba’s mane before slamming him into the ground while trying to further sink his teeth into the king before he quickly forced him off of him.

Celestia had the magical advantage over Chrysalis as she was forced back and struggled with her back against the walls by their beam of war as she finds herself completely overwhelmed by the alicorn princess as she tries to resist being knocked out with little success.

At the same time Scar and Simba were trading blows as they swipe paws at each other’s faces as Simba tried to tackle the evil lion to the ground yet was pushed off rather easily by him as it is clear Scar had gotten stronger ever since his resurrection. And that was without magic, before he quickly followed up forcing Simba off of him before quickly knocking him onto his back. Scar then lunged at Simba with bared claws and teeth much like he did their last fight years ago as he prepares to finish him to which Simba braces for impact as he prepares to kick the lion off of him but instead finds himself tumbling across the altar with Scar kicking Simba off of him as she sent him crashing into the back of the wall and knocking him to which everyone gasped in shock seeing their beloved king defeated.


“Your majesty!”


“The King!”

“Oh no!”

Rafiki, Nala, Kion, Fuli, and Ono exclaimed in shock.

“No, my baby!” Timon cried in horror.

With Simba defeated, Scar focused his attention to Celestia who was just seconds away from defeating Chrysalis until he quick ran over in her defense and took control of the beam of war forcing the alicorn princess back with his dark magic that he conjured from both of his forepaws as his eyes glowed completely bright neon green as his magic forces Celestia back and onto the ground and on her hooves while staggered before finding herself blasted to the ground and defeated by Scar as he releases another green magical blast at the alicorn’s chest with his right paw which sent her skidding halfway across the hallway leaving her knocked out with her crown falling off of her head.

Seeing left everyone more horrified than before seeing that Scar is so powerful that he was not only able to take down Simba on his own but the sheer fact that Scar has magic at his disposal too and yet is a far more powerful that even the most powerful alicorn’s could ever hope to achieve.

“Celestia.” Twilight cried out to her as she and girls quickly rushed over to her as Scar smirks at the sight of the defeated leaders while Chrysalis looks astonished at Scar’s magnificent display of physical and magical prowess.

“It looks like you’re the ones who are truly foolish, Simba and Celestia.” Scar berated the battered two as everyone looks on with wide eyed horror at this revelation.

“You’re…You’re capable of dark magic?!” Kion stammered in fright.

“Very observant.” Scar returned like it's no surprise to him.

“But how…?” Twilight asked just as shocked. “…Celestia is the most powerful master of magic here in Equestria. How are you doing this?”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” Scar simply said as they all hear sinister laughing as a familiar lioness appears from the doors.

“So very true…” She added.

“ZIRA?!” Everyone exclaimed as they all turned and saw Zira, Vitani and Nuka entering the room with malicious smirks on their faces, “Thought you’ve gotten rid of me, huh Kyoga. Well you thought wrong.”

“Oh, did I forget to mention, I also have Zira along with her pride in on all of this too.” Scar added as he pointed a claw at the lionesses who are trying to break through Shining Armor’s protection spell much to everyone’s further surprise. “As you all can now see, there is no escape from defeat.”

“Not if I have anything to say about!” Kyoga growled before she lunged at Scar and Chrysalis forcing Scar to tackle Kyoga to the ground.

“Kyoga!” Kion gasped. Zira, Vitani and Nuka joined in the fight as well as Karabi, Lite and Kovu while Thorax shyly hung back.

“Go for the Elements of Harmony, now!” Kyoga called while fending off Scar. “It’s the only way to end this!”

“But-” Fuli stammered in protest.

“GO!” Kyoga yelled, slashing Scar on his face and ramming Chrysalis.

“Let’s go!” Twilight called and the group while levitating Spike out of harms way and making their way for the exit while everyone removes their wedding attire and quickly exited the castle, rushing towards the tower as Rarity caught all of the dresses not wanting to them to be discarded like trash.

“Rarity!” Everyone called out to her to which she quickly forgoes her tendencies before removing her dress to catch up with the others.

“What do we do…?” Lani frighteningly asked.

“Panic and Run! Panic and Run!” Thurston exclaimed as they along with everyone else run for their lives away from the Canterlot Castle as Scar watches on satisfied with his work before facing off against Kyoga, her siblings, Rafiki, along with the rest of the Royal Family who decided to stay to try to stop him along with Chrysalis, Zira, along with the other Outsiders and Changelings.

“Wait for me!” Mtoto said to the elephants as they ran ahead leaving him and Ma Tembo behind.

“Elephants, stop!” Ma Tembo futilely tried to keep them from fleeing to no avail as she moved to protect her son as they fled the scene.

“Come on!” Basi led his pod away from the forces of evil inside the throne room.

The Lion and Pony Guard braved their way out of the castle and towards the streets of Canterlot before the lionesses along with the changelings were able to finally break through Shining Armor’s protection spell.

However, the changelings and Zira’s pride which had grown to at least 40 lions strong in the past months broke through and lunged at the Pony and Lion Guard as Kion and Twilight took the lead with Spike riding on the latter’s back deciding to use his fire breath to help force the Changelings back.

Each member of the Guard helped contribute to the fight. Both Twilight and Kyoga used their magic to blast them away with Pinkie using her party canon with Bunga punching every changeling that he comes across. Applejack used her strong back hooves to buck every single changeling away with Beshte using his strong body to plow straight through the changelings. Fuli and Rainbow both used their super speed to charge past the incoming changelings while swiftly dodging their attacks and take some that try to charge right at them, Rarity using her skills in karate to help take them down while Fluttershy and Ono all dodge every changeling they come across.

“Keep going!” Kion called before he used his precise version of the Roar of the Elders a few times to knock all the Changelings in their way as they all attempted to stop them back and sent them crashing into buildings and the group as they kept going for the tower where the Elements of Harmony were kept all while fighting them off to the best of the ability and doing well at it as they were all able to force the Outsiders and Changelings back and away without one of them managing to sink their teeth into one of them.

The group then reached the tower and Twilight opened the door and gasped in horror seeing another army of Changeling blocking the way.

“Stand back!” Kion yelled before he used his Roar of the Elders to knock them all out of the tower’s room.

“Alright Kion! Now let’s get the Elements!” Rainbow cheered and the group quickly went for the door. Kion and Bunga tried to push the door open but it was locked. “Guh! We forgot, only Princess Celestia can open that door! Remember, it’s protected by a magical barrier only she can break.” She groaned after letting this crucial detail slip through their minds.

“Hapana.. Now what?” Ono asked.

“Perhaps, I can lead some assistance…” a familiar voice came and everyone saw Princess Luna entering the Tower room.

“Princess Luna?! What are you doing here?” Twilight questioned.

“Your friend Kyoga told me of the nefarious plans. I knew you would go for the Elements which are protected by my sisters’ spell, so I’m here to lend you my help.” Luna said before she stuck her horn into the door lock and used her magic to break the seal, since she was connected to the Elements like her sister.

“The Elements Chest!” Twilight smiled as Luna opened the chest and gave the girls their respective Elements.

“Now let us make haste to end this once and for all.” Luna said before she teleported everyone back to the wedding hall where they found Kyoga being flung into a wall by Chrysalis and Scar with Zira biting her on the back and Vitani clawing her lower back as well.

“Kyoga!” Kion cried in horror before Kyoga managed to kick them all off, but she was badly injured.

“Hahahaha, time for take our revenge on you and your friends, pest.” Zira snarled as she and Chrysalis stalked towards Kyoga to finish her off but Kovu and Thorax came in front of her to protect her.

“Thorax?!” “Kovu?!” The two mothers gaped before they snarled, “What are you doing?”

“We’re doing what’s right for Equestria; not letting you win!” Kovu snarled. “You’ll never hurt Kyoga or Simba! Not while I’m here…”

Zira scoffed. “Y-Yeah, w-what he said!” Thorax added, stammering a little.

Chrysalis snarled, “How dare you choose these pathetic lions and ponies over your own kind! Traitor!”

“I chose them because Kyoga and her friends were the only ones willing to share their love with me, which is what I wanted to do all along! I never wanted to steal love by force! That’s not who I am!” Thorax bravely replied, making Chrysalis even more furious with them.

“I should have known you’d betray me sooner or later. You always being the soft one.” Chrysalis snarled.

“I thought I’d raised you better than this, Kovu. How could you possibly go against your own kind as well?” Zira snarled.

“You were the one who killed everyone Kyoga cares about except for Karabi and Lite. You killed her parents just because they won’t join us. I never thought my own mother would be such a killer than she’s murder anyone she pleases. I don’t know what Scar saw in you, but he was mistaken!” Kovu defiantly yelled at Zira, making her furious.

“How dare you!” Zira then scratched Kovu on his left eye.


“Kovu!” Kyoga gasped, seeing his new scar with fresh blood dripping down just as Scar got done imprisoning Simba and Celestia in cocoons while trapping Cadance, Kiara, Nala, Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa in rubber cement to trap them in place on top of the stairs.

“Just goes to show that friendship just makes everyone weaker and pathetic.” Scar commented as he scoffed at the very concept before he went over to Twilight. “I don’t know why Twilight is even friends with you ponies, being that you never take her seriously, mock her for reading books all the time and you nearly abandoned her because you all were too naïve once again. Maybe Twilight should find some better friends rather than you...” He then said with a suggesting look towards the unicorn as she snarled upon seeing exactly what Scar wants from her.

“No way! I’ll never fall under your influence!” She defiantly refused in the face of the evilly smirking lion.

“I was hoping you’d say that….” He responded before suddenly slashing Twilight over her left eye with his claws, leaving a scar as well.

“TWILIGHT!” Everyone cried as Twilight fell to the ground in pain.


Scar laughed, “See what happens when you defy the one true king!”

“You were never the real king, my dad was!” Kion growled at his great uncle. “And as long as the Lion and Pony Guard are around it’s going to stay that way, Scar!” Twilight, holding her scarred eye staggered to her feet and nodded to the girls, giving them the green light just as Kyoga works her magic in freeing Princess Cadance and snapping Shining Armor out of his trace.

Together, they activated the Elements of Harmony together and with Kion’s Roar along with Luna and Kyoga’s magic along with the combined power of love from Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, unleashed a shockwave of combined Rainbow power that struck, Chrysalis, the Changelings (save for Thorax), Zira, Vitani, Nuka, Scar and all of the changelings and Zira’s pride, sending them out of Canterlot and the beyond the Outlands of the Pridelands as well.

With the invasion thwarted, both Simba and Celestia were free of their cocoons and the others were free from their gooey restraints.

When the girls stopped, they immediately rushed over to Kyoga and Kovu, while Cadance quickly rushed over to Twilight.

“Kyoga! Kovu!”


“Are you alright?”

Fluttershy and Cadance gasped as the latter placed her hooves on Twilight as she still had a hoof placed over her hurting left eye.

“Ugh…. I’m fine…” Kovu said, letting the blood drip down from his fresh scar.

“Me too…” Twilight added as Cadance examined the wound Scar left on her face while gasping at what he had done to her while Kyoga attempted to stand but she had multiple punctures and injuries from Zira, Vitani and Nuka’s vicious and ruthless attacks.

“W-we have to get you all to the infirmary.” Fluttershy urgently stated as everyone rushed Kovu, Kyoga and Twilight to the medical wing with Fluttershy and Rarity both helping Kovu on his paws to escort him over there with Karabi and Lite doing the same for Kyoga, while Cadance does the same for Twilight.

Soon once they all managed to get there, the three of them were bandaged up with Kovu and Twilight have bandages over their left eyes and Kyoga have multiple bandages over her legs, back and her neck.

“The doctor said you all will be alright in a few days.” Simba replied to all the three of them.

“We’re just glad you’re alright.” Applejack said in relief as Kyoga frowned at everyone.

“Granted, none of this would have happened if you guys weren’t so naïve…. Again. Seriously, there were several giveaways that she was a fake Cadence. The color of her magic, which Twilight recalled was cerulean blue, and her attitude was a huge factor. She’s the Princess of Love for lions’ sake. It appears that none of you learned a single thing after the Jackal incident. Figures…” Kyoga scolded, making Kion and the others feel foolish for being so oblivious to the threat against Canterlot and being so caught up in the wedding plans.

“We’re awfully sorry Twilight and Kyoga. We should have believed you two.” Applejack apologized, holding her hat down to show that she is sincere.

“Yeah, we’re so super sorry.” Pinkie replied.

“It’s alright girls...I for-Agh!” Twilight began before crying out in pain as she held a hoof over her bandaged scar as it started to hurt really bad all of a sudden and a fainted black smoke emitted from the scar when it happened.

“Twilight!” The girls cried before the pain suddenly stopped,

“Ugh…. I-I’m good… ugh…” Twilight assured as she groaned in pain while still rubbing her covered scar.

“That Scar fellow did a real number on ya.” Applejack said grimly.

“He sure did. And now that he’s returned we must be on guard more than ever.” Kion said in agreement.

“Kion’s right. Now that we know Scar has returned, we’re going to in for a tough battle ahead.” Simba added as everyone else agreed too.

“So what will happen to Thorax?” Kyoga questioned, looking at the Changeling to the side, who looked nervous and timid after everything that has happened knowing that he is no longer welcome in Chrysalis’s hive anymore.

“Well, being that he fought against his own mother for the safety of Equestria. I’ve decided that he can stay in Equestria and in the Pride Lands with Kyoga, Kovu, Karabi and Lite.” Celestia smiled.

Thorax smiled at Princess Celestia, “T-Thank you…”

Kyoga and Kovu were happy for Thorax as well as everyone else. However, suddenly a bright light filled the room and everyone saw Astral Twilight in the room. "Greetings everyone..." she said.

"What in the Pridelands?!" Kion exclaimed. "Who are you?!"

"I am the Tree of Harmony, if you must know." Astral Twilight replied.

"The Tree of What?" Rainbow asked.

"Tis where my sister and I found the Elements of Harmony, but I never knew it could perform a trick like this." Princess Luna replied.

"Like all living things, I change as I grow. As I have grown so have my abilities." Astral Twilight replied. "I can to congratulate all of you on your victory over Chyrsalis and Scar. Kyoga..."


"You've shown great growth in the many months I have watched over you. In that time, you've purified the dark magic that festered inside of your heart, due to your friendship with Twilight and the others. Which is why I have decided to take you on as my own student so that you can master your new magic..." Astral Twilight replied, much to everyone's shock.





"Hevi Kabisa...!" Bunga, Besthe, Fuli, Ono and Kion gasped in awe at the Tree of Harmony's offer.

"Y-Your student..." Kyoga breathed and Astral Twilight nodded.

"O-Okay... I-I accept..." Kyoga smiled at the Tree of Harmony, her new mentor and Astral Twilight smiled and nodded at her. Kovu, Karabi, Lite and Thorax grinned at Kyoga, seeing a new chapter in her life begin.

Meanwhile beyond the Outlands, Zira was snarling over their defeat while Scar had a silent look of disappointment that they all managed to escape defeat just when he had them dead to rights.

“I can’t believe it… my own son… betraying his own kind!” Zira yelled in anger.

“No worries, my dear…" Scar assured his mate, "...we shall have our revenge soon enough. The Pridelands and Equestria will fall with me as the one true King just as I was always meant to be! Because now the war has just begun. Hahahaha!” Scar evilly laughed, knowing that this only the beginning.

Author's Note:

As Season 2 comes to a wrap, Kyoga and crew meet up with the good changeling as he helps them out in rescuing Cadance at the same time Twilight finds her when Chrysalis attempts to trick her into killing the real princess.

Together they were all able to work together in escaping the caverns while saving the original bridesmaids as well as proving that Twilight and Kyoga were right about the imposter all along while exposing the changeling mastermind, Queen Chrysalis...who reveals the true mastermind of the wedding plot as Scar finally meets face to face with everyone for the first time since his defeat in the original film.

He wastes no time in establishing he hasn't lost his edge as he takes down Simba in a rematch along with taking down Princess Celestia with his own magic on his own while siccing Zira and her pride along with Chrysalis's changelings on the heroes.

Thankfully the combined powers of the Elements of Harmony, Princess Luna and Kyoga's magic, along with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's magic, saved all of Equestria from a very dangerously close call when Scar and Chrysalis achieved Near-Villain Victory.

But their successful efforts in defeating them, came at the cost of Kovu and Twilight receiving scars over their left eyes courtesy of Zira and Scar while Kyoga was badly injured from her No-Holds Barred Beatdown from Scar, Zira, Nuka, and Vitani which required hospitalization for their injuries to be treated. Not to mention the damage and the aftermath they will have to deal with in light of Scar's return since everyone now knows that a war is brewing now that he is back with a vengeance.

With Season 2 ending on a bittersweet note in this Wham Episode, we will now move on to Season 3 with the very balance of the two worlds is now threatened with the world growing more dangerous where the most powerful forces protecting them are needed now more than ever as they prepare for war against Scar.

Comments ( 14 )

Wow. Now that was a great alterations on that chapter, and the story was great, the ememies revealing themselves. face to face to their old archememies and meeting new ones while leaving scars on them and scolding their friends for not listening, and I think Scar did more then just give Twilight a scar. That was great, awesome job. And now I feel like a war is coming there way and new surprises coming in the new story for season 3, keep up the great work.

Nice, although now I’m a bit concerned. Now that they know that Scar’s back, he might have a higher chance of losing since everyone now knows what he’s capable of! I hope he’ll still be watching them and learning their secrets for the rest of the series. I’d hate for him to go out when there’s so much he could be learning, like Twilight becoming an alicorn, Starlight Glimmer, the portal to the human world, the time spell, the sirens, etc, especially when Kion unlocks more of the roar’s power and the tree of life.


Man this was awesome, I hope Starlight shows up soon but either way I love this series.

I hope we see season three soon. When is it?

Comment posted by stark002 deleted Jan 17th, 2022

Here's a thought, bring Mufasa back so he can settle the score with his backstabbing brother


He does know that’s why he’s observing the heroes; to find a way to beat them and I hope he does because I love him like he’s my father. Nothing you say will change that for a fact

No no no no no no no no, I don’t want Mufasa also being an obstacle because Scar knows he’ll be beaten by him paws down, so I think it’s better that Mufasa stays dead and if Scar will discover that Kion and Simba can talk to him. You say that he’s a monster, but that’s one of the reasons why I love him.

Will the wedding be seen?

Comment posted by stark002 deleted Jan 17th, 2022
Comment posted by Flamewarrior02 deleted May 22nd, 2022

Now that was a totally spectacular and great chapter and when will season 3 come out

did they ever say what creature Kyoga was?

Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that.... Kyoga's a lion about Kion's age

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