• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,361 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 33: Ono's Idol

Episode 33:

Ono's Idol

On a nice day in the Pride Lands, everything is going fine. Everyone is all helping themselves to grass while the young ones are having fun playing.

“Mtoto! Where'd you go? Mtoto?” A young brown rhino called out to him with Shakku beside him.

“Here I am!” The friendly elephant announced his presence while quickly spraying them with water.

“Okay, you got us!” He responded with a chuckle.

“Wait. Do you hear that?” Mtoto then asked with his ears perking up.

“I don't hear anything.” Shakku answered before everyone all turned their attention to the skies to confirm that Mtoto isn’t the only one who hears what he is hearing.

“Are those birds?” The young rhino asked.

“A lot of birds.” Shakku confirmed that there are. In fact almost every bird in the Pride Lands which is a rather unusual thing to occur.

“You don't think they're vultures, do you?” The young rhino whimpered fearing for the worst.

“Vultures?” Shakku hoped not.

“You know who we need right now?” Mtoto asked his friends.

“Lion Guard…”

“Pony Guard…”

“…this way!”

Both leaders of the Guard told their team while approaching the kids.

“Hi, Beshte! Hi, Applejack!” Mtoto greeted the strongest members of the Guard.

“Hey, Mtoto!”

“What’s up partner?”

They kindly returned.

“That's an un-Bunga-lievable bunch of birds!” Bunga commented.

“Yeah, there aren’t usually this many birds flying by at this time of the year…” Pinkie agreed. “…Unless of course it is the first day of spring?” She turned to Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Nope.” Twilight answered while both mares shook their heads. “That happened over a month ago. And if Fluttershy knew she would have already told you by now.”

“I wonder what's going on.” Fluttershy wondered.

“Good question, Fluttershy.” Kion responded before leading everyone on over to where the birds are all flying who all grouped together at a large clearing.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gaped at the marvelous sight of birds in front of them. “I don’t think I've ever seen so many birds in one place.”

“Me neither.” Beshte also said.

“So what are they all doing here?” Fuli asked.

“I bet Ono could tell us.” Kion replied. “But I don't know where he is.”

“I'm right here!” He called out to everyone while perched on a rock near the front of the crowd. “I got us a spot right in front!”

“In front of what?” Fuli inquired.

“Let's find out.” Kion said while joining him with the team following after him.

“My, how very generous of you to get us all front row seats for this special guest you’re interested into.” Rarity thanked.

“I know.” Ono returned. “Can you believe he's really back? After all this time?”

“Who?” Pinkie asked.


“Who-dithi?“ Bunga asked in confusion.

“Hadithi? The legendary eagle?” Ono was left dumbfounded that his friends don’t know him. “Every bird in the Pride Lands has heard of him!””

“Um, Ono, but we aren't birds!” Bunga responded to remind him

“Yeah, we’re ponies.” Pinkie added while pointing to each animal with them. “These two are lions, this girl’s a cheetah, and he’s a hippo. Common knowledge really.”

Everyone chuckled to which Ono rolled his eyes in annoyance before continuing of his fascination of this talented eagle.

“But you don't have to be a bird to have heard of Hadithi. Creator of the Hadithi Spin? Three mid-air loops and a corkscrew? I think. I've always wanted to ask Hadithi exactly how it goes. And now I can. If I can get up the nerve, that is. He's kind of my idol.”

“Really?” Rainbow asked sounding impressed and intrigued herself while Kyoga rolled her eyes. “That sounds like my type of flyer. I wonder if he could teach me that move?”

“He sounds Poa, Ono.” Beshte added when the egret lands on his back.

“Oh, he is. And smart.” Ono added. “They say whenever he speaks, nuggets of wisdom fall from his mouth.”

“Really? Is that so?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Pfft! Big deal.” Bunga scoffed while munching on a bug. “Nuggets fall outta my mouth all the time.”

“And they sure aren’t bright from the look of what I’ve seen.” Twilight remarked unimpressed while Rarity gags and resists the urge to throw up until Twilight hands her a paper bag to do so without even looking at her.

While Twilight pats Rarity on the back, all of the birds started squawking and chirping when the legendary eagle arrives on the scene and flies onto the top rock over every bird gathered here today.

He had brown feathers on his back and white feather on his underbelly, a black colored beak with some matching colored feathers on the tip of his wings and tail, and a tan colored muzzle.

“Greetings, my friends.” Hadithi greeted with a bow.

“Say something wise, Hadithi!” A black raven asked of him to which he does so without hesitation.

“The higher you fly, the more they'll look up to you.”

Every bird all awed at these words of wisdom including Ono. The Guard’s reactions were more neutral with Kyoga being the most unimpressed.

“"The higher you fly, the more they'll look up to you." That is so deep.” Ono voiced his amazement.

“Really?” Bunga asked. “Seems kind of obvious to me.”

“Really?” Kyoga sarcastically commented. “What gave that away?”

“Bunga, Kyoga, shh!” Fuli hushed them. “Ono really likes this guy!”

“Isn't he amazing?” Ono asked everyone not having heard what Bunga or Kyoga have said.

“Oh, yeah!” Kion agreed for his sake.

“He sure does have handsome feathers.” Rarity genuinely added.

“Hey, Ono. Let's ask him about his spin thingie.” Bunga suggested before quickly rushing over to him along with Pinkie who quickly rushed right up to him.

“Yoo-hoo, Mr. Eagle Bird!”

“Pinkie!” Ono quickly intercepted and chided unaware that the eagle is right behind him. “You can't just talk to Hadithi. He's the Raven Rescuer from Red Rocks. The Starling Savior at Summer Springs.”

“Don't forget the Guardian of the Great Egret Escape.” Hadithi nonchalantly added.

“Oh, I would never...” Ono began before realizing who he is talking to. “Uh, Pinkie, Bunga? Is Hadithi actually talking to me?”

“Indeed I am, young egret. You seem to know a lot about me.” He pleasantly greeted him.

“Oh, I do, Hadithi. Sir.” Ono nervously returned and cleared his throat. “In fact, I would have to say I'm your biggest fan?”

“My biggest fan?” Hadithi chuckled in amusement at this endearing admiration. “Are you sure, young egret? As you can see, I have many.”

Hadithi the Hero

“Thank you so much!” He thanked everyone before turning to the egret beside him. “You're the wind beneath my wings! But you may just be my biggest fan after all.”

“Perhaps.” Simba added while he and his wife along with the royal sisters approach him. “But don't forget. You have fans all over the Pride Lands.”

“And all over Equestria.” Princess Celestia added.

“King Simba. Queen Nala. Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. You honor me with your presence.” He humbly greeted with a bow.

“We're glad your travels have brought you back to the Pride Lands, Hadithi.” Nala warmly added.

“Indeed.” Luna agreed with the same reception. “Thou return has brought great joy all over the Savannah as well as the magical land of ponies in the very enchanted kingdom who have heard about your many adventurous feats.”

“Mom? Dad?”

“Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?”

“You've heard of Hadithi?”

Both Kion and Twilight asked them.

“Oh, yes. Hadithi is a hero to animals throughout the Pride Lands and Equestria.” Nala answered while her husband speaks to everyone.

“We all know, Hadithi is a bird who never thinks of himself. Especially when an animal and pony needs help. When a hero like Hadithi returns to the Pride Lands along with Equestria, it is important for us to mark the occasion.” He announced before turning to speak to the eagle directly. “And this is why we'd like to honor you at Pride Rock with a Royal Mud Print ceremony.”

“A Royal Mud Print ceremony? For me?” Hadithi felt honored by this announcement.

“A Royal Mud Print ceremony! Un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga cheered. “What's a Royal Mud Print ceremony?“ He then asked Kion.

“Hadithi will press his talons into wet mud!” Ono answered. “When it dries, his prints will be preserved forever alongside those of other heroes!”

“I've seen those prints!” Kion remembered. “But I've never seen the ceremony.”

“Well it sure is going to be a first for us all.” Applejack commented.

“Hmm. Normally I wouldn’t even dream of sticking my hoof in mud or cement but I’ll definitely be there.” Rarity spoke of her thoughts. “Now, I just need to think of a perfect dress for the occasion.”

“Well whatever it is, make sure you take great care of it.” Kyoga remarked rather dully. “Because you’ll be cementing a permanent mark on it if you’re not careful.”

“Oh of course, darling.” Rarity assured with a slight scoff. “Did you think I was born yesterday?”

“Nope.” She returned without a change of expression leaving the white unicorn slightly taken aback by her sudden cold bluntness.

“I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.” Ono said with a light chuckle.

“And as guest of honor, it is tradition that you share your great knowledge with a younger member of the Pride lands and Equestria.” Simba added.

“Now, who should it be?” The tall white alicorn gestured to everyone gathered.

“Dad, over here. Him! Him!

“Princess, her too!”

Both Kion and Twilight gestured to both Ono and Rainbow eagerly wanting to be those lucky picks.

“Ah, perhaps, young Ono.”

“And Rainbow Dash.”


Both Ono and Rainbow were astonished with the latter very eager to learn about his awesome flying trick.

“Very well. If that's your tradition.” Hadithi accepted the king and princess’s decision.

“Is there anything else you need?” Simba then asked before he, his wife, and the princesses leave him be.

“Oh, that's very kind of you, King Simba. But, I don't need much.” Hadithi humbly declined.

“Very well.”

“Although…” Hadithi had one thing on his mind. “…uh, speaking of tradition, as guest of honor, I assume that you'll be building me the traditional ceremonial nest?”

“The ceremonial nest? Hmm. I've never heard of that.” Simba replied.

“But we've also never had a mud print ceremony for an eagle before.” Celestia reminded.

“That's true. Birds do these things differently.” Simba acknowledged.

“The Lion and Pony Guard would be honored to build the traditional ceremonial nest!” Ono vouched his team for the job. “Uh... Wouldn't we?” He then asked both leaders to make sure it is okay with them.

“Uh... Sure. Honored.”

“Be more than happy to.”

They both answered.

“Then we shall see you at the clearing by Pride Rock just before sundown for the ceremony.” Simba stated before he and the other royal rulers all head out.

“Thank you, Lion and Pony Guard, for your kind offer.” Hadithi thanked them.

“Aw, shucks, it’s the least we could do for you.” Applejack thought nothing of it.

“What's a little favor among heroes?” Bunga added.

“I assume you know how to use the proper leaves for the nest.” The eagle then asked of them.

“The proper leaves?” Beshte inquired a little confused.

“In keeping with tradition, the ceremonial nest should be made of the leaves from the top of the tallest tree in the land.” He explained to which Kyoga returned an disgruntled growl out of earshot.

“Seriously?” Fuli asked just as disgruntled.

“Well, I don't just make up these traditions.” He asserted.

“It makes sense…” Ono responded in an understanding tone. “…the fronds at the top are the softest. Fit for a hero.”

“And that’s something that a hero sometimes deserves.” Rainbow agreed.

“Exactly, Ono, Rainbow Dash.” Hadithi felt pleased with his reasons. “Maybe you do know what you're talking about. You and Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, uh, I do?” Ono again felt touched by that compliment.

“Heck yeah you do!” Rainbow quickly supported that claim.

“Of course, you both do.” Kion agreed with that assessment before turning back to the others And while Ono and Rainbow spend time with Hadithi, the rest of us can go get the special leaves. Right, guys?”



“I guess.”

Fuli, Beshte, and Fluttershy voiced with uncertainty about carrying out this task.

“Sure we can!”

“Just point us to the tallest tree.”

Bunga and Pinkie eagerly voiced that they are more than willing to do so.

While Ono and Rainbow fly off with Hadithi, the others set out to find the leaves they need for the eagle’s special nest.

“It sure was nice of you two to let Ono and Rainbow stay with Hadithi.” Beshte said to both Kion and Twilight.

“Well, Ono seemed very eager to spend time with him and Rainbow really wanted to learn his special flying trick.” Twilight replied.

“Shouldn't we be doing more important things than fetching leaves from the tallest tree? For some eagle we've never heard of?” Fuli still voiced feeling this is a waste of time.

“Like coming to someone who needs rescuing?” Kyoga added taking the cheetah’s side on this.

“But my Dad's heard of him.” Kion responded with a chuckle.

“Along with the princesses.” Twilight added.

“Yeah! And he's Ono's biggest hero!” Beshte also joined in.

“I know this seems rather frustrating, darlings.” Rarity understood their frustration. “But surely one simple task can’t be that hard.”

“Especially when it is just wrestling up some leaves.” Applejack added finding it no big deal.

“Right. So let's go find that tallest tree.” Kion led the team on their search.

Meanwhile, Hadithi is at the waterfall, where he is repeating the same words of wisdom to the crowd of animals there consisting of storks, flamingos, and elephants. Literally.

“The higher you fly, the more they'll look up to you.” He said to everyone there who all awed in admiration just like the many birds earlier.

“That's all well and good for storks, but elephants don't fly.” One elephant there pointed out which visibly annoyed the eagle.

“I think what Hadithi is trying to say is, we all have challenges that require us to rise above ourselves. To become better than we are.” Ono quickly translated.

“The more you push yourself into excelling, the more you rise to the top of success.” Rainbow added.

“Ah. Thanks, Ono, Rainbow.” He now understood. “Wise words, Hadithi.”


Elsewhere, the Guard have reached what they think is the tallest tree in the Pride Lands.

“Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave Ono and Rainbow behind.” Kion voiced having second thoughts.

“It’s okay.” Twilight assured. “We still got Fluttershy.” She nodded at her who flew up to the top.

“And me. Zuka Zama!” Bunga added while jumping and climbing up the tree. “Whoo! A-ha! Whoa! You guys should come up. I can see everything from here!”

“Just get the leaves and come down!” Fuli irritably ordered.

“We don’t have all day!” Kyoga added in a similar manner.

“But it's the tallest tree in the Pride Lands.” Bunga pointed out.

“Um…Bunga…” Fluttershy tried to speak with him who is too busy looking at his surrondings.

“I can see Pride Rock. I can see Mekundu Cliffs.”

“Bunga!” She shouted.


“Look?” She directed his attention to something she saw.

“Oh yeah, I can see the tallest tree in the Pride Lands.” He then realized. “Uh-oh.”

“Did he just say he could see the tallest tree in the Pride Lands?” Fuli asked the others.

“Yep.” Both Kion and Applejack said in unison while slightly annoyed.

“Let’s just go.” Twilight told everyone before heading out in that direction.

While continuing with the tour, Hadithi again repeats his words of wisdom to more Pride Landers to which now had Rainbow starting to feel it is starting to get a little more repetitive even if not everyone has heard the same words of wisdom.

“And everyone will look up to you.” Hadithi told the flock of egrets while perched on a high rock with Ono and Rainbow sitting by his side. “Thank you for coming, everyone. And don't forget my Royal Mud Print ceremony tonight at sundown.”

“Hadithi. Hadithi! Hadithi!” The crowd chanted while wanting to approach him before being quickly stopped by both Ono and Rainbow.

“Everyone! Back off!”

“Give Hadithi the respect he deserves!”

The two ordered of them which do so and fly away.

“Thank you, Ono, Rainbow.” Hadithi thanked. “It seems you both are naturals, too.”

“Aw, stop!” Rainbow shrugged it off while trying not to sound too flattered over it.

“I am? Me?” Ono felt more and more humbled before asking the question he had in mind. “In that case, do you think you could show me the Hadithi Spin?”

“Yeah me too?” Rainbow also asked. “I would really be honored if you show me this cool trick of yours.”

Hadithi behind their backs expressed sudden nervousness while shifting his eyes before turning around to answer to their request.

“Well, I'd rather not muss my feathers so close to the ceremony.” He politely declined. “Why don't you show me, and I'll tell you if you're doing it right.”

“Huh?” Rainbow voiced with slight surprise.

“Uh, okay! Great! Okay. I’ll go first.” Ono went along with it by flying up to the ledge of a high rock with Rainbow. “Here goes. Three mid-air loops and a corkscrew. Hadithi! You watching?”

“I sure am!” He quickly answered while turning back to them. “Give it all you got.”

“What?” Rainbow voiced his confusion again. “Okay.”

“One. Two. Three!” They both stated while doing the mid-air-loops together before performing the corkscrew.

Rainbow was able to perform the corkscrew no problem, Ono ended up tripping up on the third mid-air loop leading up to the corkscrew and ended up crashing into the ground.

“I, uh... I think possibly I forgot to compensate for the wind.” Ono said while picking himself off the ground.

“Yes!” Rainbow cheered for herself upon performing the technique flawlessly but saw that Hadithi wasn’t quite paying attention to him. “Hey!”

“Well, that's your mistake, the wind always compensates for me.” Hadithi confidently informed to which Ono felt a little upset by that. “Never mind. Try it again.”

“You'll see, Hadithi, this time I'll get it!”

“Just watch me!”

Both fliers voiced to them unaware that the eagle is looking on with a blank expression.

Back at Pride Rock, the Pride Landers are all starting to gather in preparation for the big ceremony. All the while Kyoga tries to restrain her disdain for the eagle but hasn’t explained why while the rest of the Guard arrives with the leaves for the special nest Hadithi requested.

“Almost there, little B.” Beshte told Bunga who accidentally tripped over a rock.

“Ah! I got an idea. How about we put the ceremonial nest right here?” Bunga suggested to make it easier.

“Just place it to where the eagle requested it, darling.” Rarity said to him. “A hero needs to be properly treated as such.”

“Okay.” He relented before moving to do so.

“I want to sit right up front.” The young rhino voiced to his mongoose friend while making their way to the front of the crowd where a group of birds sitting there too.

“Hey, birds only.” One the male birds argued.

“But we're Hadithi fans too!” The rhino voiced rather upset being turned away like that.

“It's okay. We'll find another place to sit.” Mtoto assured it’s no big deal before they moved to find another spot.

“That was very nice of you, Mtoto.”

“It sure was generous, darling.”

Both Beshte and Rarity complimented him.

“I don't mind, Beshte. After all, you and Applejack are still my number one hero!” Mtoto informed them.

“Aww, what a gentleman.” Rarity giggled.

Right beside the elephants. Kion, Twilight, Fuli, and Kyoga have taken their seats nearby them while looking at the many animals gathered here right now.

“Huh. Lot of animals want to see Hadithi.” Kion commented.

“He sure must accomplished quite a lot to warrant all of this attention he is getting.” Twilight added.

“Huh. I guess.” Fuli shrugged. “So, where is he?”

“Probably making sure he looks his best for the part.” Kyoga answered with a tone of disgust.

“What do you mean by that?” She inquired.

“Have you met him?” Kion also asked.

“You could say that.” Kyoga replied. “Along with the fact that he is not all that he is cracked up to be.”

“What?” The three asked in unison wondering where she is going with this.

Back where they met the flock of egrets, both Ono and Rainbow are once again performing the Hadithi spin. Once again Rainbow performed it flawlessly while Ono managed to get two and a half loops complete on the next try.

“One. Two. Two and a half loops! Almost there!” Ono felt pleased with his progress.

“Nice! You’re definitely getting there!” Rainbow complimented before turning back to the eagle. “What do you think, Hadithi?”


Once again, Hadithi wasn’t even paying attention since he was looking aside cleaning his feathers.

“Oh! Uh. Oh. Looked great, Ono. You too Rainbow Dash.” He told them without looking at them much.

“You weren't even watching.”

“What’s the idea?!”

Both pointed out with the former hurt while the latter is more interrogating on wondering why he is avoiding what should be a simple watch of a flight maneuver that he invented.

“I'm sorry, but I have to look my best! It wouldn't do for my fans to have their hero show up looking like he just came in from a windstorm! Although, it might make me look even more heroic.” He explained to them.

“Heck yeah it would!” Rainbow argued. “Because even if you have a few messy feathers, everyone will know it was because you were doing some very heroic and saving someone who really needs help!”

“Hmm. Interesting.” The eagle merely responded putting very little thought into it which raised Rainbow’s suspicion of what he is keeping from them.

“One more try! I bet I can do it!” Ono asked of him.

“I doubt that.” He muttered to which Rainbow frowned upon hearing that. “Time to go!”

“What? But you said I was a natural.” Ono reminded taken aback by this while she and Rainbow fly after him.

“A natural with the crowd. You give them what they want. You play them perfectly.” He explained.

“Play them? What do you mean?” Ono asked.

“You always tell them exactly what they want to hear!” Hadithi answered to which had the peagsus’s suspicions confirmed.

“By playing everyone for saps?” Rainbow angrily asked figuring it his lifelong scheme. “That’s how you were able to draw up a crowd?!”

“Huh?” Ono gasped with surprise at this accusation.

“My, my, my, you are quite a sharp mind yourself, Rainbow Dash.” Hadithi chuckled while attempting to brush it off. “And here I thought you were just a show-off at first.”

“Oh well, excuse me, Hadithi…” Rainbow returned rather offended by that comment before glaring at him. “…because here I thought you were a hero that is there for everyone until I picked up the pieces. You didn’t do any of those things you said did you? You didn’t really perform that Hadithi Spin of yours? You ain’t even performed one heroic rescue all on your own once in your life, did you?” Hadithi started to get nervous upon realizing he knows the truth. “Say it!”

“No…” He quietly admitted unable to lie his way out of this one.

“Oh, speak up, I don’t think your number one fan heard you.” Rainbow gestured to the confused and shocked egret.

“No.” He spoke up with guilt building up inside of him.

“All you've done is lie to everyone here in the Pride Lands and all of Equestria. You ain’t nothing but a fake and a coward. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes.” He quietly confessed.

“Louder!” Rainbow demanded.

“Yes.” He spoke up while Ono looked on rather devastated upon hearing what he had just found out about the bird he looked up to.

Before anything else, Ono picked up something with his keen sight…

“Hapana! Klipspringers in trouble! On the rocks just below.” Ono alerted to said animals on the edge of the cliff.

“Klipspringers are excellent climbers. They got up there, I'm sure they can get down.” Haditi dismissed.

“I suppose.” Ono reluctantly agreed much to Rainbow’s dismay. “I guess you guys will be fine.”

But no sooner he said that, Janja and his hyenas appeared at the bottom of the hill ready to climb up to them.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Rainbow quickly showed the egret the approaching hyenas. “It's Janja and his clan! They've got the klipspringers cornered!”

“A whole hyena clan?” Hadithi nervously asked.

“Yes, a whole hyena clan.” Rainbow sternly responded to the eagle before turning to the egret. “And don’t worry Ono, we can take ‘em! And as for you pathetic fraud…” Rainbow then added turning back to Hadithi. “…we are going rescue those klipspringers because true and loyal heroes like us never turn their backs on those who need help. And if you so much as care about everyone like you claim you’ll call for the Guard and get their help. Or we can tell and show everyone of what you really are and send you straight down to Tartarus the next time we ever see you again when this is all over. Your choice?”

“Um…um…” Hadithi nervously gulped before flying away much to Rainbow’s disappointment and disgust.

“Come on!” Rainbow ushered Ono to follow after her. “We can worry about that coward later.”

“What's the matter, klipspringers?” Janja taunted them while advancing on their helpless prey. “No place to go?”

Both Cheezi and Chungu shared an evil laugh over it.

“Yeah! Good one!”

“It's funny 'cause it's true!”

“Back off, Janja!” Rainbow shouted out to them.


“The Lion and Pony Guard?”

Both hyenas fearfully expressed when they see Rainbow and Ono both ready for a fight while Janja doesn’t have the same fear as his hyena lackeys.

“No. It's just little Ono and big tough girl Rainbow Dash. All by themselves. Ignore them!”

“You asked for it.” Ono responded seeing they are not backing down. “Time for the Hadithi Spin.”

“The what?” Janja asked while Rainbow is surprised that he is using the spin named after the fake hero.

“The Hadithi Spin!” Ono repeated before performing the move herself. “One. Two.” He then suddenly crashes into a cliffside and tumbles back down to the ground with a pile of small rocks landing on him and trapping him. “Oh, no! It's no use. I'm stuck.”

“Ooh, Janja! You hear that?” Chungu chuckled to his leader upon seeing and hearing this.

“Sounds like we're gonna have klipspringer with a side of Ono!” Cheezi added.

“You go ahead, boys. I'll round up the main course.” Janja told them with his eyes locked on the klipspringer.

“I don’t think so!” Rainbow defiantly retorted while quick flying down to rescue Ono and flies right in front of Janja with her hooves raised up with her wings flapping ready to take him on again.

At the same time, Hadithi has been thinking long and hard about what Rainbow had told her and really started to think that she is right and he is not someone everyone should look up to but still pressed forward with meeting everyone gathered at his ceremony.

“Look! Here he comes!” Mtoto told everyone upon seeing the eagle fly in for a landing by the time the royal’s all arrive on a high rock above the crafted nest in front of the mud pit with everyone all cheering for him.

“Welcome, Hadithi.” Simba greeted the eagle who managed to compose himself.

“Thank you, King Simba. Very soft. Yes, this will do.” He returned with guilt starting to eat him up while feeling the nest with his claws to which Kion slightly rolled his eyes in response.

“Where's Ono?”

“And Rainbow Dash?”

Both Kion and Twilight asked.

“He's, uh, still trying to get the Hadithi Spin right. I'm sure he'll be along shortly.” Hadithi attempted to assure the unconvinced leaders with Kyoga watching on unimpressed with his excuses.

“Really?” Kyoga spoke up to the eagle. “Are you sure about that? Because if you do know something is up you’ll tell us.”

“Of course, of course…” Hadithi sweated with a forced smile. “After all the higher you fly, the more they'll look up...” But suddenly he couldn’t bring it into his heart to go through with the act. “Aw, who am I kidding? You shouldn't look up to me! I'm no hero!” He confessed to the stunned crowd with the exception of Kyoga. “But I know a bird and Pegasus who is! And they're in trouble!”


“Rainbow Dash!”

“Lion and Pony Guard, follow me!” The eagle gestured them back to where they along with the klipspringers and hyenas are with the Guard following after them.

“Come on, girls…” Twilight ushered them before Kion begins their battle cry

“Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion Guard defend!”

Back at the cliff side, Rainbow is trying to hold off Janja and his lackeys while holding onto Ono at the same time. For the peagsus herself it proves quite difficult when one of her forearms is used to carry Ono to the point the hyenas try to exploit this weakness by getting her to trip up and attempt an attack on Ono. The near miss caused Rainbow to accidentally drop Ono with rocks crashing onto him trapping him again leaving Rainbow with the sadistic choice of choosing to save Ono or the klipspringers.

“Come on.” Ono struggled to remove the rocks when Hadithi arrived with the Guard following after him.

“There's Ono!”

“And Rainbow Dash!”

Both leaders stated upon seeing the scenario in front of them.

“He's trapped!”

“And stuck with saving either one or the other.”

The Guard’s strongest commented on the sight.

“I'm on it. Huwezi!” Fuli quickly sped off to save Ono.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted after the Pegasus stuck struggling of who to save. “Fuli is on the way! Keep Janja at bay!”

“Got it!” Rainbow saluted before confidently facing off against Janja by punching him away with one of his hooves who growled back ready to go toe to toe with her.

Meanwhile, a struggling Ono then sees Fuli coming to his rescue which gives Ono a relief in his heart before turning back to Cheezi and Chungu.

“I'd back off if I were you.” He warned them.

“What for?” Cheezi laughed it off. “We know you're all alone, Ono.”

“I wouldn't be so sure about that!” Fuli quickly stated before running up to them face to face.

“Uh... Uh-oh. I don't think he's all alone no more.” Chungu suddenly whispered to Cheezi nervously in the face of the growling cheetah.

“You got that right.” She snarled with Kyoga quick to join her.

“Run!” Chungu exclaimed while he and Cheezi quickly flee from them with Fuli following after them.

“Amazing.” Hadithi remarked very impressed. “Even when you're trapped, you're still more concerned about others.I think I could learn from you. You're a true hero, Ono.”

“Thank you, Hadithi.” Ono felt touched by that compliment while he quickly removes the rocks trapping him with Kyoga letting him do so with a disgusted scoff.

“Sorry I left you behind, Ono.” He apologized.

“Well, I'm sure you had a good reason.” Ono tried to justify it to which Hadithi is not going to sugarcoat it anymore.

“Ono, it's time you knew the truth.”

“The truth?”

“None of the stories about me are true.” He admitted. “That day at Misty Falls? I fell out of the sky while this lioness Kyoga was there to save the day along with the times I saved a pony whenever the Guard wasn't around. There's no Hadithi Spin. There never was. Rainbow Dash was right. I am a fake and a cowardly fraud.” He added while turning away in shame. “And for that I’m terribly sorry, Kyoga.”

“Yeah. I kind of figured that last one out.” Ono replied. “Right about the time I crashed trying to do the Hadithi Spin.”


“But, it doesn't mean there can't be one now!” Ono encouraged.

“You can still live up to being a true hero as long as you follow Rainbow Dash’s example in loyalty.” Kyoga added. “Just try not to take the credit for other’s heroism, okay?”


“Follow me, Hadithi! Here we go.” Ono ushered the eagle so they can perform that technique together.

While Kyoga heads up the cliff to back the Guard up, Ono and Hadithi fly to prepare to use that flying trick to come to the klipspringers rescue.

Even when the fight between Janja and Rainbow Dash is one-sided in the latter’s favor, the hyena leader refuses to give up.

“Back away, Janja!” Kion ordered of him when he, Twilight, Pinkie, and Bunga arrive on the scene to corner him.

“How're you going to stop me, Kion?” Janja laughed it off. “I'm between you and the klipspringers.”

“Yeah, but, we're between you and the way off this cliff.” Bunga reminded.

“With nowhere to go!” Pinkie added.

“That’s right.” Kion stated.

“So? Why would I want to leave?” Janja still isn’t backing off. “There's so much here to eat.”

“Not for long.” Twilight confidently smiled before turning her head upwards. “Now, Applejack, Beshte!” She shouted out to them.

“Twende Kiboko!” Beshte declared while he and the cowgirl push a huge boulder downwards to create a bridge for the klipspringers to escape from the hyenas and cross.

“Go, guys! Go!” Kion barked at them with Fuli and Fluttershy quick to the guided the distressed animals.

“Come on, klipspringers! Follow me!”

“Let’s go!”

The two motioned them to do so while they still can with Rarity quickly running over to them to guide them across.

“You can't get away that easy!” Janja snarled preparing to pursue them before his lackeys ended up crashing onto him.

“Sorry, Janja!” Cheezi apologized.

“Cheezi pushed me!” Chungu complained.

“Never mind! Come on!” Janja quickly pushed them off before resuming their pursuit.

“Hurry! Klipspringers! Run!” Rarity yelled out to them.

“Fast as you can, little klippies!” Bunga added while following after the others just when the last klipspringer who has yet to cross ends up tripping and nearly falling over into the river leaving the door open for Janja to pounce on.


Before he and his friends could pounce on him, Rarity quickly took action.

“Oh no you don’t!” Rarity boldly stated before karate kicking the hyena leader away and punching Cheezi and Chungu at his direction.

Janja growled in response before charging at the prepared white unicorn until they saw Hadithi and Ono both flying around over and under the rock bridge.

“What? Whoa!” He exclaimed upon nearly avoiding being struck by the three.

“Come on, Hadithi! This is fun!” Ono said in his direction while Rainbow decides to join them.

“Wait, did he say "Hadithi"?” Janja stammered in shock upon the mention of his name.

While the hyenas are starting to get dizzy, everyone watching is amazing at Ono for being able to perform that very special technique.



“Well I’ll be…”

Beshte, Rarity, and Applejack all voiced in amazement.

“Wow! Look at him go!” Bunga added.

“I don't know who's more impressive, Ono or Hadithi!” Kion commented.

“I do! Go, Ono!” Kyoga called and cheered for him.

“Yeah! Go, Ono!” Twilight agreed and cheered for the egret. “Go, Rainbow Dash!”

“Go Ono and Rainbow Dash! Woo-hoo!” Pinkie cheered while suddenly wearing a cheerleader outfit.

“Yes. Go, Ono.” Hadithi voiced to himself in agreement before joining him along with Rainbow Dash.

The three continue to fly around the hyena trio who all start to feel nauseous with the three flyers all flying circles around them.

“Whoa. I don't feel so good!”

“I think I'm gonna lose my lunch!”

“Fur brain! We all are!”

The three hyenas said before they all lose their balance and fall into the stream of water down below.

“Who was that big guy with the feathers?” Chungu asked while they float away.

“Don't you know nothin'? That was Hadithi, the legendary eagle!” Janja irritably answered at their cluelessness.

“We got beat by a legend?” Chungu asked with a pleased smile before he and Cheezi laughed together much to their leader’s dismay.

“Oh, my gosh. That's great!” Cheezi chuckled.

With the day saved once again, everyone all headed back to where the delayed ceremony takes place with Hadithi placing his prints into the mud with Ono and Rainbow Dash doing the same.

“I was supposed to pass my wisdom on to you. But instead, you passed some wisdom onto me. You and Rainbow Dash. You know why, kid? 'Cause you're both naturals. Natural heroes.” Hadithi praised the two who are now both wearing special medals of Honor for their accomplishment.

“Well, what can we say.” Rainbow shrugged it off.

“I can only hope that you’ll forgive me for my selfish actions.” Hadithi then asked of the peagsus.

“Of course.” Rainbow accepted his apology. “Protecting everyone here and in Equestria is what we do. Sure it has its ups and downs but as long as you remain loyal to your friends and live you to your element of strength to the end. You can be the hero you choose to be.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.” Hadithi warmly commented before everyone cheered for Ono and Rainbow Dash.

“Way to go, Ono!”

“Congratulations, darlings!”

Both Bunga and Rarity cheered and commended them.

“Animals of the Pride Lands and ponies of Equestria, I give you Ono the egret along with Rainbow Dash the most loyal peagsus, creator of the Ono and Rainbow Spin.” Hadithi presented to everyone who all cheered for them while they look on with incredible joy and pride.

Even though your biggest heroes may not be all as they are cracked up to be, that doesn’t stop those from proving their worth. And both Ono and Rainbow Dash taught Hadithi a thing about true bravery and loyalty and it is a valuable lesson he’ll never forget going forward.

Author's Note:

In this episode, Ono gets to meet his idol Hadithi, a well-known hero through the two realms, or at least the kind that acts like one to appease his followers. Something that Rainbow Dash who was eager to learn and see his famous flying technique did not take kindly upon learning and lays into him big time for his lies to everyone something that Kyoga had a paw in the matter during one of her many travels.

Of course, time with Ono and Rainbow Dash had Hadithi think long and hard before his consicene took over and came to their help along with the Guard in dealing with Janja and his clan when they cornered a herd of klipspringers. And he ended up performing his or more accurately Ono and Rainbow's new flying technique in flying colors to help defeat the hyenas.

At the end of the day, Hadithi had learned a very valuable and humbling lesson, which now motivates into being a true hero like Ono and Rainbow Dash.

Next up is "Ponyville Confidental." where the Cutie Mark Crusaders join the school paper crew in another one of their attempts to gain their cutie marks but will soon learn the consequences of pursing their goals no matter the cost.

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