• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,361 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 4: Never Roar Again

Episode 4:

Never Roar Again

The following day after what happened in Ponyville, the Guard all together heads on another patrol with Twilight no longer having the (self-imposed) burden of sending a resolved friendship problem every week with everyone in the Guard now asked to report their findings of the magic of friendship when and only when they happen to discover them. There they come across Janja and his hyena clan over-doing their fair share again as they attempt to go after one more gazelle than they really need something that can upset the balance Circle of Life if they don’t think about it.

“Get outta here, Janja!” Kion shouted after them.

“Come on, Kion. It was just one gazelle.” Janja insisted as he and his clan leap over the borderline.

“One gazelle too many.” Twilight pointed out as they reach the border to make sure they are across it.

“Okay. Okay. See, we're back in the Outlands. You happy?” Janja said in a manner just to appease them.

“And this time, stay there!” Bunga yelled out to them.

“Yeah!” Pinkie also shouted as she used her party cannon to blast them all away.

“Nice work everybody. Let's go.” Kion complimented everyone as they all turned away to leave.

As soon as they were out of their sight, Janja leaps back inside of the Pride Lands still not giving up on trying to get what he wants.

“All right. Come on, fellas.” He ushered his clan.

“Huh? Where are we going, Janja?” Cheezi asked in confusion of his bold move.

“Where else? To get that gazelle.” He replied as he still pressed forward.

“Um... Back in the Pride Lands?” Chungu asked just as confused as his partner.

“Uh, Janja? Didn't the Lion Guard tell us to stay out of the Pride Lands?” The shorter dimwitted hyena pointed out.

“Yeah. And since when do we take orders from the Lion Guard?” Janja retorted as he turned to face them.

“Um... Since never?” The larger hyena honestly replied.

So the hyenas all followed Janja’s lead back in the Pride Lands coupled with Janja cackling to which the Guard heard from afar.

“What the…?” Rainbow commented as she and Ono flew up to see it themselves.

“Huh... Hapana. Looks like Janja and his clan are heading back into the Pride Lands!” Ono then reported as he and Rainbow flew back down towards the group.

“What? Don't they know when they've been beaten?” Bunga wondered while very annoyed of their persistent idiocy.

“Apparently not.” Kyoga noted with an expression as she somehow expected that from him

“Guess they're not giving up today.” Beshte commented.

“Nope.” Applejack shook her head.

“Ugh! Those hyenas.” Fuli groaned.

“C'mon, Lion Guard. Let's go!” Kion said as they all head back to make sure they stay out of the Pride Lands for good. (well at least for the rest of the day) Till the Pride Lands end…” Kion began as the others finished.

“Lion Guard defend!”

“Spread out, boys.” Janja then instructed his crew.

“I don't see that gazelle nowhere!” The large dimwit pointed out.

“You sure about this, Janja?” Cheezi asked still finding this a bad idea. “We were just chased out of the Pride Lands.”

“So if I wanna go into the Pride Lands, we go into the Pride Lands!” Janja replied still standing by his stance.

“Janja!” A voice called out and it is from the Queen of the Pride Lands herself. “What do you think you're doing in the Pride Lands?“ She sternly said to him while perched on top of a nearby rock.

“Nala, is this the Pride Lands?” The hyena leader pretended as he walked in a circle. “I must have got turned around. I would never wanna go where I'm not welcome.”

“But, Janja, you just said...” Cheezi tried to point out to which his leader had to interrupt him from opening his big mouth.

“Stuff it, fur-brain!” He warned him in a whisper as Nala leaped down to their eye level from the rock she was standing on.

“The Outlands are that way.”

“Yeah... So we keep hearin'.” He replied still unfazed nor listening to a word she says.

“So go.” The queen ordered them.

“Uh, I think she means it, Janja.” Chungu felt intimidated into listening to her with lowered ears as he started to back away along with Cheezi however Janja still wasn’t moved.

“Relax. She ain't so tough. Out here all alone. Outnumbered?” Janja insisted they can take her as the hyenas all gang up on her.

“You sure you want to do this, Janja?” She warned them as she faces off against his snarling pack.

“Oh, I'm sure. The question is... Are you?” Janja returned as they all circle around her with the hyena leader making the first moving by attempting to lunge at her only to get struck back by a bared claw from the lioness.

Cheezi and Chungu tried to advance on the queen next but the former got smacked away while the latter ended up smacking face first into a rock as the lioness dodged him while smacking aside the other two hyenas that tried to gang up on her from behind.

Just when Nala has easily beaten them she is suddenly blasted aside by powerful neon green magic that left her injured and vulnerable to the clan to which Janja spotted and wasted no time in having his recovering clan surround her.

“Okay, Janja! We've got you... Mom!” Kion began until he saw the defeated lioness about to be killed by Janja and his clan.

“Kion!” She weakly returned as Janja backed up to charge for the finishing blow.

“No!” He screamed in alarm seeing his mother in danger. An alarm that really sparked anger in his heart as everyone sees dark clouds forming from the skies above.

“Brace yourselves!” Twilight warned everyone as she conjured up a pink magical force field to protect themselves while quickly teleporting Nala inside the shield.

“Get away from my mom!” He shouted at the hyenas as he unleashed the power of the Roar on them to which sent flying back into the Outlands really fast as the tree’s leaves were ripped out of their branches.


“Oh my stars!

“Now that sure was one powerful roar there.”

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow commented in stunned surprise as young lion turns to his mother after the former cancels her force field.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion then said in mortified shock seeing his mother isn’t in front of where he roared. “Mom! Are you okay?!” He shouted after as he ran in the opposite direction hoping he didn’t accidentally kill her.

“I’m fine Kion, thanks to Twilight.” Nala called out from behind as they leaped from the perch to which her son was quick to run up to her for an relieved embrace. “And thank you both.” She then said to them.

“Of course, Mom!” Kion returned.

“Anything to protect you, your majesty.” Twilight returned with a bow while the others are still in shock from seeing Kion’s dark roar.

“Un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga remarked as the clouds from the Roar all fly towards the hills near the Outlands border causing the ground to shake upon impact.

“What’s happening?”

“What's the kerbubble?”

Pinkie and Beshte both stutter as the former’s tail starts twitching as Fuli sees what’s approaching them the clouds with the Lions of the Past’s heads coming right back at them.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Kion, your Roar... It's coming back towards us!” Fuli shouted as Twilight quickly teleported everyone together and conjured up her force field again.

As the Roar’s backlash hurled right towards them, Twilight strained as she struggled to maintain her grip on the spell while very determined to protect everyone at all costs as the ground around them started to shake as everyone is all slightly pushed back by the Roar’s power.


“Oh, no!”

Kion and Ono exclaimed as they are all pushed back just as Twilight’s grip on her forcefield gave out.

Just then an earthquake occurred to which Nala had the misfortune of nearly falling in until Twilight quickly grabbed her with her magic.

“Mom! Mom!” Kion called out to her as he quickly ran over to help them.

“Kion?” She returned as Twilight groaned while slowly lifting the queen out of the hole that had been created from the earthquake it is clear that she has worked her magic to her limits.

“Hang on!” Kion called out as he reached his paw out to her just as the pain from overuse of magic is starting to wear her down. “Almost...Got you!” He then said as he managed to grab onto her just as Twilight’s grip gave out.

Once Kion was able to pull Nala out of harm’s way, Twilight then dropped to her knees while completely exhausted from using her magic in saving everyone.

“Mom, are you okay?” Kion asked as they nuzzled together.

“I'm all right, Kion. Thanks to you and Twilight.” Nala assured.

“I almost lost you.” Kion expressed relief as the queen gently pulled up Twilight’s head for a nuzzle too just as the rest of the Guard approaches them.

“Kion! Nala! Twilight!” Fuli called out to them.

“You're not hurt, are you?” Beshte asked.

“We're fine.” Nala replied as they gestured to the unicorn lying on the ground while kneeling down to her eye level while stroking her mane. “Twilight is just really worn out from using her magic in saving all of us.”

“That use of magic must have really did a number on her.” Fuli figured seeing that Twilight is unable to get up and talk.

“She did use quite an excessive load of magic in trying to protect us all from that there earthquake.” Applejack pointed out.

“Sure reminds us of something we did together.” Rainbow brought up.

“I know, and don’t remind us.” Fuli acknowledged while still feeling foolish for having to learn about the dangers of too much solo work which nearly led to them being vulture prey if it weren’t for the rest of the Guard along with Kyoga showing up to buy them time.

“I'll say it again, Un-Bunga-lievable.” Bunga repeated his thoughts of Kion’s dark roar.

“It sure was.” Pinkie remarked cheerfully. “That roar sent those hyenas flying all the way across the Outlands, along with blowing all of the trees away, and even created an earthquake. I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Me neither.” Kion sadly replied not finding any joy in it before asking a question to everyone. “Is everyone okay?”


“I am.”


“I’m okay.”

“So am I.”

“Me, too.”

Bunga, Pinkie, Fuli, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash all confirmed while Twilight just weakly nods in the prince’s direction.

“I’m okay.”


Rarity and Ono replied as they all look in surprise at seeing them or more specifically Ono.


“Oh, boy.”


Beshte, Rainbow, and Fuli all commented at the sight.


“What are you all staring at?”

The two asked as the unicorn’s mane was completely straighten out and frazzled to the point of looking like lightning bolts from the impact of the Roar while the egret’s feathers were blown off with one of them landing on his beak.

“Oh, strange. That looks like one of my feathers.” Ono commented as he is unaware that he is now bald while Rarity dramatically gasps and passes out as she falls over on the ground when she sees what has happened. “Rarity?” He asked the unicorn who passed out.

“Should we say something?” Bunga whisper asked the others.

“I wouldn't.” Fuli advised against it.

“Me neither.” Rainbow agreed.

“Probably for the best we don’t.” Fluttershy commented.

“Maybe he won't notice.” Beshte hoped.

“How could he not? He’s gonna notice sooner or later.” Applejack pointed out as Fluttershy and Pinkie quickly placed hooves on her mouth to silence her.

“Notice what?” Ono asked still confused. “Huh, funny, suddenly my head's kinda cold.” He then felt a draft due to no longer having any feathers.

Kion then looked towards to where he roared where the area is filled with now broken and dead trees along with the cracked ground from the aftermath of the earthquake before looking back at the weakened lavender unicorn still recovering from the magic strain she suffered from saving everyone.

“Hevi kabisa.” Kion then said while horrified of what he accidentally had done to a portion of the Pride Lands along with what nearly happened to his best friend and mother. “The Roar did all this?” He asked himself as he walked away with his head lowered in shame just as Nala scoops Twilight up and places her onto her back while everyone all goes back home.

As everyone leaves, Scar appears from afar watching while standing on the Pride Lands and Outlands border feeling very pleased to see what has just happened.

“It sure did.” He bluntly answered to himself as he recalled and pulled up Janja walking towards his clan after being once again defeated by the Guard.

“No way I’m letting Kion stop us even when he has the Roar.” Janja said to himself as he grumbled.

“And right you are, Janja.” Scar’s voice spoke to them he got startled by the sound of his voice.

“Who said that?” Janja asked as he looked around assuming a defensive stance. “It’d better not be you bird brain!”

“Don’t worry. You can trust me.” He assured despite his ominous voice. “And that just because Kion can roar whenever he catches you shouldn’t discourage from continuing to try because one day you might actually succeed in getting your way.”

“Really?” Janja was still skeptical. “And why should listen to you whoever you are?”

“And why should you listen to a child who is constantly defeating you?” Scar’s voice rebounded back. “Think about it because deep down you know you want one those delicate and tender gazelles.” The villainous lion’s voice tempted before leaving him be.

“Why should I? Kion is just a child!” Janja came to agree as he set out to regroup with his clan to prepare other attack on the gazelles. “Even when he does have the Roar!”

As Janja runs off ahead Scar watches from out of sight feeling pleased that he was able to convince him to keep trying while setting the domino effect in place.

The next day, at the Lair of the Lion Guard the whole guard minus Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy are all gathering inside all trying to encourage Ono that he’ll be fine even with the loss of his crest feathers.

“What's the big deal about a few missing feathers? They'll grow back, right?” He positively asked his comrades.

“That's the spirit, Ono!” Beshte complimented from the pond with Rainbow Dash relaxing in the water too while Fuli, Bunga, Applejack, and Pinkie watch rest on the perch from above with Kion looking at the cave paintings nearby.

So far Ono has been positive about it until he looked down and saw his reflection in the water

“Oh, no! That's me?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Fuli replied with utmost honesty and a smile.

“Sorry, partner.” Applejack added as she saw it was inevitable either way as the egret began to panic.

“What are all the other egrets going to say? You think they'll notice?”

“Oh, they'll definitely notice. It's impossible not to notice. I mean, everyone's gonna notice.” Bunga answered while insensitively rambling his mind off.

“I mean look at that head. You look bald.” Pinkie added as Ono felt further unnerved to which earned the two hoof slaps from Applejack.

“Bunga.” Fuli whispered to them to remind them of their manners.

“Pinkie.” Applejack whispered in a more stern tone and look.

“I mean, no one's gonna notice. I barely noticed.”

“Yeah, you look great!”

The two attempted to quickly correct themselves which did little to undo the damage they just did.

“My head looks weird without feathers.” Ono then complained with a sigh.

“Nah! Just looks smooth, like a hippo's backside.” Beshte assured.

“My head looks like a hippo bottom. That's something to celebrate.” Ono sarcastically remarked not feeling any better.

“You look fine from below. Long as you fly higher than everyone, they'll never know.” Bunga made an effort to change that.

“And if I don't fly higher?”

“Well, then you'll stand out!” Pinkie answered. “And be a rotten egg too!” She giggled as Fuli and Applejack glare at her. “What?” She innocently replied. “Everyone’s gotta be able to laugh at themselves once a while.”

As Ono flew away, Bunga and Pinkie broke out into a tune while trying to get him to understand that a few missing feathers don’t make a difference.

Stand Up, Stand Out

“Bunga, Pinkie, that doesn't make me feel better.” Ono responded to them as they continued singing as they point to the nearby paintings of giraffes and elks with Pinkie hanging upside down on the latter painting while dropping to the ground in a comedic manner after realizing she wasn’t hanging onto anything.

“I’m okay.” She said.

“Well, there's predators, for one.” Ono pointed out as the two continue to sing to further motivate him while Beshte and Rainbow Dash approach while wondering of how to help as Ono continues to move away out of discomfort with his new (albeit temporary) appearance.

“It does?” Ono asked with a sigh as Bunga and Pinkie swing on vines as Applejack, Rainbow Dasg, Fuli, and Beshte all join in on singing their encouragement to Ono to which the egret smiled at their undying support as Bunga directs his attention to a painting of Timon and Pumbaa while swinging on vines before they all finished the song together.

“Right, Kion?” Bunga asked his best friend. “Kion.” He called out for him when he didn’t get an immediate response.

“Huh?” He said as he turned back. “Yeah. Ono looks great.” He flatly replied as he was more focused on the paintings in front of him.

“Well, obviously he didn't look.” Bunga felt a little annoyed by that as he and the other ponies walk over to where Kion is. “So what are you looking at, Kion?”

“Something very interesting.”

“Or exciting.”

Pinkie and Rainbow asked until the four all got a good look at the painting in front of them...

“Yeesh.” Pinkie commented with a disturbed expression along with the others.

“Scar destroying his Lion Guard with the Roar.” Rainbow commented at the painting of Scar doing just that.

“My uncles say Scar was the worst lion ever! Good thing you're the one with the Roar now, huh?” Bunga added his input while unaware that it didn’t help his concerns of wanting not become like Scar.

“Yeah... Good thing.” Kion just said as he looked aside.

“I don’t think what you just said did anything to help him feel better.” Rainbow whispered to the honey badger just as Zazu flies in with Nala, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy all joining him as the lavender unicorn is supported by the queen as she stumbles a little.

“Lion Guard? Pony Guard? Ah, there you are! Thank goodness.” He greeted everyone. “Your majesty.” He added with a bow to the lioness.

“What’s going on Zazu?” She asked.

“Yeah? What are you doing here?” Fuli asked the question everyone is thinking of.

“Ono's job, apparently.” He answered before giving his report. “There's been a rock slide. No one was injured, but it cut the giraffes off from their watering hole.”

“Oh, no.” Ono expressed with worry to which is met with a scoff from the horn bill while annoyed of having to do his job.

“Oh, yes, Ono.”

“Heyvi kabisa!” Kion expressed surprise hearing this news.

“You would have known had you been on the lookout.” Zazu began to remark it should have an easy job before reacting with surprise upon seeing Ono’s bald head. “Oh...”

“There's nothin' wrong with him. He stands out!” Bunga and Pinkie said in his defense when Ono’s folded his wings upon the hornbill’s surprise.

“Indeed.” He agreed as he regained his composure. “In any case, the giraffes need your help.”

“Right. We're on it.” Kion said as he led the others on over there. “Till the Pride Lands end...”

“Lion Guard...” The others minus Twilight and Ono began as they didn’t follow after them.



Bunga and Applejack called back to them.

“You two coming?” Fuli asked them.

“Uh, I'm not sure.” Ono replied not leaning on accompanying then.

“You've got to come. You're the keenest of sight.” Beshte insisted.

“Beshte's right, Ono. Come on, we need you.” Kion agreed and urged him to do so.

“You heard Kion. Duty calls.” Zazu also agreed as he pushed the egret out towards the entrance. “Mustn't dawdle. Spit spot.”

“Whoa! Okay! Okay! Lion Guard defend. Lion Guard defend!” Ono exclaimed and finished the battle cry.

“Zazu can be pretty persuasive.” Fuli said with a chuckle before turning to Twilight. “And how about you, Twilight?”

“Sorry everyone.” She apologized as she rubbed her forehead. “But I’m going to have to sit out on this one.”

“She’s still recovering from what happened yesterday.” Fluttershy explained to the Lion Guard leader.

“Even when we’ve been trying to give her bed rest along with giving her one my finest couches for her to rest on here in Pride Rock she still hasn’t been able to cast a simple spell ever since.” Rarity added as Kion expressed further guilt for what happened to her because of him losing control of the Roar.

“It’ll be okay.” Twilight insisted she’ll be fine. “It’s just a simple check up on giraffes. Go to them.”

“It’ll be okay, Kion.” Nala supported Twilight while assuring her son. “I’ll be right by her side the whole way until she is ready to step up to reassume her duties once again.”

“Okay.” Kion just agreed for the sake of it before pressing forward with the others following after him. “Now let's go!”

Just after the Guard left, Nala then escorted Twilight out of the lair too.

“And how about we go for a walk so we can try to help you get some of your strength back?” She offered to the unicorn.

“I would love that.” Twilight kindly accepted the other as they walked outside side by side with the former still stumbling a little with Nala being there to correct it.

Elsewhere, the giraffes are all looking upon the rockslide blocking their watering hole just as the Guard arrives.

“At least the giraffes are all waiting patiently.” Beshte pointed out so far so good.

“For now.” Fuli added that it won’t last if nothing is done in ensuring they aren’t deprived of their water as Ono flew down for a landing to which one of the male giraffes leaned down to address him rather annoyed assuming he is cutting in line to get water.

“Hey! Wait your turn, egg-head!”

“"Egg-head"? Is that a reference to how smart I am?” Ono remarked assuming it’s a compliment.

“No, it's a reference to your head looking like an egg!” Twiga corrected as the two giraffes laughed along with Rainbow who really liked the name as she rolled onto her back laughing her head off.

“Good one! That fits Twilight to the T.” Rainbow laughed along with the two giraffes until Applejack pulled her away by the ear while slapping him on the back of the head as Ono groaned in deflated disappointment as Fuli and Bunga come to his defense.

“Hey, don't call Ono an egg-head!” She angrily told them off while glaring at Rainbow too for encouraging them.

“Yeah! His head looks more like a hippo bottom!” Bunga added to which only fanned the flames of the laughter and Ono’s humiliation.

“Maybe next time, keep your mouth shut.” Kyoga advised to the honey badger in a disappointed tone. “Because right now you’re burying Ono in a deep hole here.”

“The rocks have blocked the only way in.” One of the other giraffes explained the problem to the Lion Guard’s Fiercest as he examined the situation.

“Oh, yeah! This is an easy one. You can just use the Roar and blast those rocks away!” Bunga proposed.

“Uh, I have a better idea.” Kion quickly voiced against it as he thought of another idea. “Um... Beshte! Applejack! If you two move that one big rock, it'll open up the whole thing.”

“ Hmm... Maybe...”

“I suppose.”

The two strongest members seemed a little reluctant of the idea.

“Come on, Kion. Just use the Roar!”

“Use the Roar! Use the Roar! Use the Roar!”

Bunga and Pinkie encouraged him into doing it with the latter wearing a cheerleading outfit to which annoyed the lion greatly.

“Bunga, Pinkie, we're trying this first.” He snapped at them asserting his decision is final to which surprised them and leaving the latter slightly hurt at being snapped at like that as Kyoga bats a curious eye at Kion’s adamant refusal to use the Roar. “Beshte? Applejack?” He then asked of them.

“You got it, Kion.”

“Let’s do this!”

The two confidentially replied as they approached the very large rock on opposite sides.

“Everybody stand back. We don't want any rocks to hit anybody.” Kion cautioned everyone as they all complied with his orders.

“Here we go!”

“Twende kiboko!”

The two then said as they worked together to create an opening as they move the rock aside no problem.

“Great news, giraffies! Your watering hole's back open!”

“Plenty of water for everyone!”

Bunga and Pinkie declared to everyone.

“It worked. Huzzah! I'm thirsty.” Shingo voiced his delight as everyone quenches their thirst together.

“Nice work, Applejack, Beshte.” Kion commended them.

“Thanks, Kion.”

“No problem.”

The two humbly replied as they heard as they heard more desperate cries for help nearby.

“Uh-oh! Now what?” Bunga asked feeling annoyed of who could possibly need their help now.

They walk over to the nearby stream as they see a klipspringer trapped on a rock in the middle of following body of water as Ono quickly flew over to him.

“Don't worry, little guy, we'll get you to safety. Somehow.” He assured him.

“He's a klipspringer! Can't he just jump to the other side?” Bunga questioned wondering why it’s so hard for him to make a simple jump.

“I think the poor little guy's too scared to move.” Beshte reasoned with him.

“I wouldn’t blame him.” Fluttershy sympathized with him recalling the times her wings froze whenever she was scared.

“We'll have to go get him.” Kion voiced of what they’ll have to do.

“The water's moving too fast for me, Kion.”

“And I don’t wanna be too rough on him.”

The strongest members of the Guard ruled their approaches out.

“And it's too wet for me.”

“I agree.”

Both Fuli and Rarity ruled out getting in the water.

“So just stop the water. You could do it with the Roar.” Bunga again proposed using the Roar.

“No, not the Roar.” Kion again was quick to reject the idea. “Um, I have a better idea.” He thought then as he turned to Rainbow and Fluttershy. “Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! You two fly over there and fly him out of there!”

“You got it Kion!” Rainbow immediately flew over there as Fluttershy joined her. “Ready?”

“Ready?” She quietly returned as she addressed the distressed animal. “It’s okay we got you.” She gently said to the klipspringer as the two peagsus ponies work together to gently lift him up from the rock and out to the other side. “There you go! You’re all safe and sound.” She said as she nuzzled him before he happily hopped away.

“Great work you two!” Kion complimented them as Rainbow flexed her muscles while Fluttershy slightly blushed at his praise.

“Hey, Ono!” A voice called out to the egret.

“Oh, no. I knew this would happen.” Ono figured as three tall and bigger egrets with white crest feathers eye him from one of the nearby dead trees.

“What's with your feathers? You're bald on the front end!” The egret asked him.

“I know, I ended up losing them by accident!” The shorter and younger egret replied.

“Okay, egrets.” Kyoga called out to them with her claws bared ready to advance on them. “Move along, not another word. Show’s over.” She warned them with a threatening growl as they all quickly fly away before they end up provoking the lioness.

“This is so embarrassing.” Ono then whined.

“It’s not so bad.” Fluttershy comforted. “They’ll grow back.”

Even with his friends best efforts to comfort and assure him, the Guard’s Keenest of Sight isn’t feeling any better.

As everyone all walk downstream with Kion the last to follow them both Applejack and Bunga slide back for a quick word with the leader of the Lion Guard.

“Hey, Kion? How come you didn't just use the Roar back there?“ Bunga asked.

“No reason.” He just said as he pressed forward to which Applejack took a turn in pressing for the real reason why Kion refused to use the Roar.

“Is there something more to what happened yesterday that you’re still doubting about?”

“You can tell us.” Bunga encouraged him to be honest to which he does.

“After what happened with my mom and Twilight, I'm afraid I might hurt someone else with the Roar like Scar.”

“Say what? Kion!” Bunga was mind blown there. “It's not like you did that on purpose.”

“We were all there and we know you didn’t mean to lose control back there.” Applejack added.

“I know, Bunga. But that's the problem. I couldn't control it! I don't know if I should ever use the Roar again.” Kion further voiced his self-doubts out of fear of turning out like Scar.

“Never use the Roar again?” Bunga shouted in shock to which Applejack quickly placed her hooves over his mouth to keep the others from hearing.

“Bunga! Shh!” Kion shushed them as they all weren’t too close to hear the honey badger’s outburst.

“Tell me you're joking. Never use the Roar again?” Bunga asked as he chuckled nervously as the lion turned to look at the nearby stream. “You're joking, right?”

“Bunga, I...” Kion tried to say as Bunga further tried to encourage him otherwise.

“I think what Kion is trying to say is that he is worried he might hurt someone again even if it was an accident.” Applejack explained to the honey badger. “Is that true?”

“Yes.” He returned while looking away.

“Kion, you're the leader of the Lion Guard. You're the Pride Lands' fiercest! You gotta use the Roar! Zuka Zama, right?” He added as he placed a comforting arm around his shoulder.

“Zuka Zama. Sure.” Kion just said as Applejack sees it did little to improve his stance.

“It’s okay, Kion.” Applejack comforted him. “Everyone knows it was an accident and I’m sure Queen Nala and Twilight would both say the same thing.”

“Right.” Kion then said as he felt better thanks to their encouragement. “Thank you both.”

“There ya go. Glad I could help!” Bunga returned as he patted his mane. “Another problem solved by Bunga the Wise.” Applejack just shook her head upon hearing that still smiling. “Now I'm gonna go help Ono!” He then pressed forward as the three all walk off to catch up with the others.

As they all walk away, Makuu, the leader of the crocodiles pops his head out of hiding underwater after hearing every word thanks to a spark of magic to give them a hearing boost.

“So... Kion's afraid to use the Roar and Twilight's hurt. Interesting. “ Makuu chuckled at hearing of this weakness. “Looks like it's time to make my move.”

“You mean go back to Big Springs?” One of the crocodiles asked as he popped his head out from under water as he too eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Who needs Big Springs when the whole Flood Plains could be ours!” Makuu stated as he thinks big looking towards the bigger picture of more they can take.

As the crocodile float head downstream to make their move as Scar watches with the appearance of his eyes only seen behind their backs.

Meanwhile, Kion retreats to his usual quiet spot where he speaks to his grandfather’s spirit for advice.

“Grandfather Mufasa?” He called for him as he appeared from the skies.

“Yes, Kion. I'm here.” He warmly greeted as his grandson explains his current troubles.

“I'm worried about the Roar. The last time I used it, I was really angry. And it caused so much destruction!”

“The Roar of the Elders is very powerful.”

“I know.” Kion acknowledged as he sat down. “And that's why I'm thinking... “ He sighed as he openly thought… ”I shouldn't use it again. I... I'm worried that I might turn into Scar.”

“Scar cared only for himself. His selfishness fueled his anger.” Mufusa pointed out. “Why were you angry, Kion?”

“Janja and the hyenas. They were attacking my mom. I was so mad at them when I used the Roar!” Kion answered as hints of anger crept up in his tone. “I lost control. It hurt my best friend Twilight and it almost hurt my mom. I almost hurt my mom and Twilight got hurt trying to save everyone!” He added with honest guilt of what could have happened to his mother and worse his best friend and co-leader of the Guard.

“Scar never cared for anyone else the way you do, Kion. So perhaps you should speak with the ones you care so much about.” Mufusa gently advised while pointing out to his grandson of how he stands out better than the former tyrant.

“Right. I will.” He replied as he stood up. “Thank you, Grandfather.”

With what was needed to be heard said and done Mufusa disappeared.

Meanwhile, back at the Flood Plains, everyone there is all relaxing and drinking water just as Makuu arrive to take over.

“The Flood Plains belong to the crocodiles now!” He said to his followers before leading the attack as he quickly scares away two bush bucks. “That's right, bush bucks! Leave!”

Everyone all flees for safety as the crocodiles cover more ground as a mongoose scatters by Thurston.

“Now see here! I was drinking that!” He complained just as he spots the crocodile leader threateningly advances on him. “Oh, dear! Panic and run! Panic and run!” He quickly did so as he at least had the brains to do something smart for once.

“That's right, run! And tell all your friends. The Flood Plains now belong to the crocodiles!” Makuu then declared with a victorious chuckle.

As the mongoose runs away he quickly runs by Fuli in a panic before being intercepted by the speedy blue peagsus accompanying her.

“Hold it right there!” Rainbow urged him to stop as Fuli spoke with him.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Makuu and the crocs. They took over...the Flood Plains.” The mongoose explained in between pants as he tried to catch his breath.

“Makuu...” Fuli expressed with a grim tone as Rainbow growled at the mention of his name.

“That son of a….” Rainbow snorted in anger.

“Don't worry. The Lion Guard and Pony Guard will take care of this.” Fuli assured him as the Fastest members of the Guard quickly head on over to get the rest of the Guard so they can all deal with him together.

Having said that the Guard minus Twilight are all there continuing their efforts in trying to come up with alternate methods to compensate for his feather loss.

“Oh, I don't know about this, Bunga.” Ono voiced his doubts as his new idea involves a head wear made completely out of flowers.

“Trust me.” He said as he picked out some flowers that didn’t fit in. “Almost done. Just a little more off the top.”

“Poa! It's a whole new look, Ono.” The hippo complimented.

“Wow!” Rarity awed at Bunga’s creation. “I’m impressed, darling.”

“Is that good?” Ono asked as Bunga hushed him.

“Shh! I'm trying to get the sides even.” He said as he made the final touches. “There. Now let's see what I can do about these tail feathers.” He then said as he spun the rock around as he examined the bird’s backside just as Fuli and Rainbow arrive on the scene.

“Hey you guys!” Rainbow called out to everyone.

“Have a seat. I'll be with you in a minute.” Bunga said not even looking at them as the two gawked at Ono’s headwear.

“What is that?” Fuli asked before getting back on track. “Whatever. Listen! Makuu and his crocs just took over the Flood Plains!”

“He can't do that!” Fluttershy cried in protest.

“A lot of animals depend on those plains.“ Beshte added.

“Exactly. We gotta get down there.” Rainbow stated of what they need to do as Fuli turned to the Keenest of Sight.

“Ono, find Kion, tell him to meet us at the Flood Plains.”

“Affirmative!” He saluted as he flew off ahead.

“Careful, Ono! That's a Bunga original!” Bunga warned him as a couple of leaves fell off of the headpiece.

“Well said darling. Well said.” Rarity complimented seeing that her sense for fashion is rubbing off on him.

Back at the Flood Plains, Makuu and his crocs are now resting in relaxation when the lead croc sees Fuli and Rainbow along with the rest of the Guard arriving on the scene.

“Someone's looking for trouble.” He commented as they all confront him for his hostile takeover.

“All right, Makuu, you've had your fun. Now it's time for you to leave.” Fuli demanded of the arrogant leader.

“Get out, or we'll throw you out.” Bunga also warned him as Rainbow raised her fists up as she flapped her wings ready to attack should he refuse to back down.

“Without your fearless leaders?” He scoffed. “Or... Or should I say, your magic-less and Roar-less leaders? Hmm…” He added as everyone all expressed confused expression.

“What the hay are you talking about?” Applejack demanded.

“Oh? You didn't hear?” He chuckled as he briefly stood up on two legs. “Mighty Kion and Mighty Twilight, leaders of the Lion Guard and Pony Guard, too weak and too much of cowards to use their Roar and magic against us.”

“Says the one who’s only brave enough to challenge us without them around.” Rainbow challenged as she got right in his face taking offense to those insults. “And don’t you dare call my friends a coward, coward!” She threateningly added.

“And if you think the Lion Guard needs the Roar to defeat you, you're sadly mistaken.” Fuli added.

“We'll see about that.” Makuu laughed it off before attempting to bite at both the fastest members of the Guard.

“We'll take Makuu.” Fuli spoke to the others as she and Rainbow prepare to fight him off. “Think you all can handle the rest?”

“You know it, Fuli!” Beshte answered as the others got ready to fight even Rarity and Fluttershy even though the former doesn’t want to ruin her mane again while the latter isn’t still keen on fighting them.

Bunga with Beshte giving him a boost into the air manages to leap him high into the air.

“Zuka Zama!” He shouted as clammed onto one of the crocidles snouts leving him struggling to shake him off. “Take that!”

“Twende kiboko!” Beshte shouted as he knocked aside the other two crocidles as they all wrestled in the water together with Applejack leaping with her lasso to tie them up.

“Yeehaw! Giddy up um gators!”

Pinkie then leaped into the chaos as she unleashed her party cannon on the two crocs as she sent them flying into the water as Rarity leaps over and karate kicks them to knock them out.

“Feel my wrath, party crashers!” The party pony shouted after their defeated opponents before sharing a high-five with the unicorn before pressing forward on their fight together.

Fuli is now struggling as Makuu has the cheetah in his jaws while resisting having him snap his jaws at her as Makuu was finally able to force her out while nearly crashing into a nearby tree.

But before he could advance on her, he is greeted with a punch to the face by Rainbow Dash.

Makuu growling with determination against his two more agile and speedy opponents viciously snapped his jaws against him as the two work together with the cheetah effortlessly dodging him while the latter repeatedly lands punches on his snout to force him back into the water as Fuli moved to tackle and restrain him.

“Huwezi!“ She shouted as she managed to hold him dead to his rights. “Told you we didn't need the Roar nor Twilight's magic to beat the likes of you.” She told him with a victorious smirk.

“Give up?” Rainbow confidentially asked feeling they have won now.

“"Give up"? Me? Oh, I don't think so.” Makuu defiantly refused as he quickly flipped over to knock Fuli off of her back while tail slapping Rainbow away and back over to where the entire float surrounds the entire group.

“Did you think I'd try to take over the whole Flood Plain with only three crocodiles?” He then smugly gloated.

“I kinda did.” Pinkie honestly replied as she shakes her empty canon. “I just wish I brought more confetti.

“Me too.” Bunga added.

“Don’t even think about.” Kyoga stood in everyone’s defense as Fluttershy who’s been watching and evading the crocodiles at every turn as took a stand.

“Take one step closer and I’ll give you all the stare!” Fluttershy warned to which he laughed it off again.

“Oh, really. How sweet and cute of you to even try to use this so called stare on me?” He childishly mocked as Fluttershy released her harden glare at the float as they all shield their eyes finding her death glare very painful thus forcing them into submission even Makuu was starting to get worried at the pony he had just mocked as he tried to resist as he tried to snap his jaws at her only for Kyoga to swipe at him to back off with a swing of her claws.

“You should have backed off while you had the chance?” Kyoga told him off as Makuu was nervously sweating at the peagsus’s harden look.

Elsewhere, Kion has found and met up with both Nala and Twilight as the young prince explains himself of what happened the other day.

“And then I saw you surrounded by hyenas and it made me so angry. I know I'm not supposed to use the Roar in anger. But I did. And, and then...” Kion explained and struggled until Nala spoke up.

“I know, Kion. I was there.”

“So was I.” Twilight added with a friendly smile.

“So, what I need to know is...” Kion then said as he asked… “Can you both ever forgive me?

“Forgive you? There's nothing to forgive. You were saving my life.” Nala assured he has nothing to be sorry about as she patted her son on the head.

“But the Roar created that earthquake. And you fell in!” Kion pointed to his mother.

“And you and Twilight helped me out.” Nala pointed out.

“I know but…” He acknowledged with lowered ears as he turned to the unicorn with deep regret. “…it was also because me using the Roar in anger that you ended up getting hurt.” He expressed his guilt over putting her in a position to where she ended up straining herself to injury. “Ever since, I've been afraid to use the Roar.”

“Kion, the Roar is part of who you are. You can't just stop using it.” Twilight pointed out.

“But how do you both know I won't use it in anger again and hurt someone?” Kion asked.

“Because I know you. I trust you.” Nala comforted as she placed a paw on his chin.

“So do I.” Twilight added with a hoof on his shoulder. “Because you care and proven you'll go through great lengths to protect us. Something that Scar would never do.”

Kion smiled in gratitude as their short bonding moment was interrupted by Ono’s arrival.

“Kion! Kion! It's Makuu!” He alerted.

“Makuu? What's he done this...” He seriously asked until he got distracted by his headpiece. “Uh, Ono?”

“What's on your head?” Twilight asked.

“It's a Bunga original.” He answered with a small sigh. “I'll explain on the way. Follow me!”

The three all follow after him as Kion pops the question to the unicorn.

“Sounds like he has been taking lessons from Rarity, hasn’t he?”

“Yep.” Twilight replied with a “figures.” expression before setting full focus on dealing with Makuu and his float as they all arrive on the scene.

“Makuu! These Flood Plains aren't yours!” Kion addressed him as he and his float turned to face the four.

“You're welcome to use them, as are all the animals of the Pride Lands.” The queen added.

“And if you're not willing to share, then it's time to leave.” Twilight also warned them.

“That's right! You heard Twilight, Kion, and Queen Nala!” Pinkie said as she and Bunga splashed water at them.

“Clear out! The Flood Plains don't belong to you!” Bunga added as Makuu still refuses to back off even when he has been intimidated and forced to back off by Kyoga and Fluttershy.

“Sure looks like they do to me. We crocodiles keep what we take.”

He proves his point by having two crocodiles ambush Nala while quickly pulling a sneak attack on the distracted peagsus.

“The Queen!” Ono exclaimed.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow quickly flew over to fish her out of the water as she remained knocked out cold from the hit.

“Mom!” Kion shouted as he grunted angrily as dark clouds began to form behind. “No. Not in anger.” He said as he calmed himself down as the dark clouds dissipated. “Makuu...” He began as he regained his composure.

“What are you going to do, Kion? Roar at me? And risk hurting your mom? Again?” The arrogant croc smugly taunted as he got in front of the queen while turning to Twilight to taunt her too. "And how about you Twilight beause surely you realize that you'd be hurting yourself by even trying to use your magic against us along with risking hurting your friends too, Hmm."

Kion is still struggling and fuming in anger as dark clouds formed again before quickly reining himself in again as Twilight remained undeterred by Makuu's arrogance.

“Kion, trust yourself.” The queen advised as Twilight nudges at him as she shows him a little trick by working her magic in sending a strong controlled wave at one of the crocs knocking him back.

Getting the idea, Kion unleashes a controlled variant of the Roar which knocks out another crocodile.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked in amazement as the others gawk at this new display of power, much more powerful than before as the two work together using their magic and the Roar to pick off the crocodiles one by one as their leader’s smug smirk has faded into sudden fear as he realizes that Kion is no longer afraid to use the Roar and that Twilight’ magic is working 100% and is not to be underestimated as the two approach him.

“Next time when we say go…” Twilight began.

“…you leave!” Kion finished as the two unleashed a magically enhanced roar even stronger than Kion’s dark roar that sends the entire float flying away.

As Nala smiled and swam to the shore, the others regrouped with them as the two leaders share a fist-hoof bump together.

“That was un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga expressed his delighted amazement.

“Poa! It sure was.” Beshte agreed.

“I didn't know you could do that with the Roar, Kion.” Fuli commented while impressed.

“Looks like somepony’s feeling better already.” Applejack praised the unicorn for her speedy recovery as the speedy peagsus greeted the unicorn with a hug.

“Especially if she is capable of unleashing magic just as powerful as Kion’s Roar and not drop to her knees.” Rainbow excitedly complimented as she gushed over her friend's new's accomplishments. “That was so one hundred and twenty percent awesome!”

“Neither did we.” Kion returned as he turned to his mother and best friend. “Guess I just had to have a little faith in myself.”

“I've always had faith in you.” Nala assured.

“So did I.” Twilight added as the three all hug each other like family.

“Hey, guys! Look!” Ono called out to everyone as he is no longer wearing his headpiece.

“Aw! You lost your headpiece.” Fuli commented seeing that he is no longer afraid of being judged for looks.

“I can make you another one.” Bunga offered.

“No need. Look!” Ono pointed out to the feathers starting to grow back in. “My feathers have already started to grow back! I'll be back to looking like a normal egret in no time!”

“Oh, Ono.” Rarity just shook her head while still smiling. “You were always a normal egret with or without your feather.”

“Ono! Check it out!” The egret along with his friends all came over while showing them they decided to shave all of their white feathers off after deciding they actually liked Ono’s new look and decided to follow his example.

“Look at that, Ono. You started a trend!” Beshte said looking very pleased that the egrets are actually quite friendly and not really giving him a hard time over it.

“Oh! Well, I suppose I did.” Ono said just as pleased as everyone shares a good laugh together well expect for the stoic lioness who steps forward without barring her claws with an apologetic look on her face for quickly assuming they were going to laugh at him earlier and chasing them off.

“Wow.” Was all she could say. “I guess I owe you all an apology.”

“It’s okay.” He holds no ill will towards her. “We actually did think about doing until you snapped sense into us. And after some thinking we decided to help cheer him and make him feel better by shaving our own feathers to encourage him that a bird’s feathers does not define of who they are.”

“Oh it’s that just so sweet.” Fluttershy awed at the kind gesture.

“It sure is.” Rarity agreed. “At least all’s well that ends well.” She said to everyone.

“You said it.” Kion replied as he couldn’t have said it any better as they all share a happy group laugh together before Twilight pulls out a quill and paper so she can write down both the friendship lessons that Kion and Ono both learned today.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a valuable lesson about myself.

On one of the most recent times I used the Roar against Janja and his hyenas I ended up using it in anger when they attacked my mom and because of it, I ended up destroying a small portion of the Pride Lands while causing an earthquake. Because of the Roar’s backlash, it ended up putting my mom in danger with Twilight getting hurt when she strained herself when she used her magic in protecting all of us from my Roar.

After what happened to them, I never wanted to use the Roar again out of fear of becoming like Scar. But thanks to both of them, I learned that the Roar is a part of who I am, and with a little faith in myself I shouldn’t be afraid to use without fearing I’ll hurt someone again and that’s why I’ll never become as bad as Scar.


The Lion Guard’s Fiercest, Kion.”

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I too learned a lesson about myself.

After losing my feathers, I was too embarrassed to show my face to everyone. But thanks to the encouragement of my friends on the Guard as well as new friends I learned that feathers do not define the bird personality and impair my role in protecting the Pride Lands. And that’s what really matters.


The Lion Guard’s Keenest of Sight, Ono.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.” Scar secretly commented as he watched the scene from afar to where he remained as he watched the entire scene unnoticed. “Because I too got what I wanted out of all of that. Because I wanted to find out more about Kion’s Roar.” He said to himself as he pulled up a small visual of Kion’s more controlled version of the roar along with the unicorn and lion’s combined attack as they worked together in defeating Makuu and his float along with the memory of secretly landing a hard blow on the queen from afar just when she had Janja and his clan beaten to push Kion into giving into his anger when using the Roar. “And it’s all thanks to you Twilight, because you helped me fully explore the full power of the Roar’s abilities to which I never even knew about up until now.” He added as he sinisterly grinned and chuckled before teleporting away.

Author's Note:

In this episode, after Kion taps into the dark version of the Roar of the Elders, he vows never to use it again after destroying a small chunk of the Pride Lands and nearly endangering his mom with Twilight getting injured when she strains herself in using her magic in protecting and saving everyone from the Roar's backlash. But thanks to both Nala and Twilight's encouragement to trust himself, they both were able to snap him out of him as both Twilight and Kion work together while showing a new and more technique to defeat Makuu and his float without hurting their friends and family.

One little adjustment I made to this version is that Nala was actually holding her own against the hyenas here and didn't actually need help until she got hit by magic from behind to avert the Badass Decay she suffered in the show because it doesn't make sense that the lioness who tore apart Scar's hyena army would need help taking on Janja and his clan.

Both Kion and Ono learned a valuable friendship lesson together as the egret comes to learn that with his friend's support that looks don't define the bird himself but of what who he is deep down in the heart to which the events of Kion's arc for the episode all orchestrated by Scar himself as he wanted to learn more about the Roar so by the time they cross paths in this version of the story, he will be ready for whatever tricks Kion has up his paws in contrast to when they actually do meet later on in the series.

Next up is "Luna Eclipsed." where Princess Luna will have her turn in the spotlight when she makes her apperance at the annual Nightmare Night celebration.

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