• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,361 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 37: MMMystery on the Friendship Express

Episode 37:

MMMystery on the Friendship Express

Once a year, there is a national dessert competition in Canterlot and it is now that time of the year. A day where bakers try to show their best hoof made creations from scratch.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake have entered the contest and are preparing a very large and extravagant cake with both Pinkie and Bunga being the first to see what they have prepared for the contest. And both are very excited with mouthwatering eyes with what was in front of them.

“Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. You've really outdone yourselves, Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie said very excited to see it in full glory.

“This is sure to be the winning entry of this year's national dessert competition!” Bunga agreed.

“Oh, thank you, Pinkie and Bunga!” Mrs. Cake thanked them.

“And thanks for transporting it all the way to Canterlot for us.” Mr. Cake added just as thankful.

“Absolutely!” Pinkie happily returned. “It's my honor and I–“

“Uh, beg pardon, but could we maybe move things along?” Applejack kidnly interrupted. “This here cake's a mite heavy. Right, Big McIntosh? Beshte?”


“Sure is!”

Both Big Mac and Beshte both grunted in pain from the heacy weight of the large cake to where both Pinkie and Bunga quickly donned hard hats with red bright bulbs on them to act as guiders for truck drivers.

“Alrighty then, Big Mac! Beshte! To the train depot!” Pinkie told the two who both carefully carried the cake together while sweating nervously trying hard to not to drop it.

“That's it, Big Mac and Beshte, nice and slow. This is precious cargo you're carrying.” Bunga advised while backing up alongside with Pinkie Pie.

“Yes, it took months of planning and testing.” Mr. Cake agreed while following after them looking on with a nervous and worried look.

“I would hate for it to–“ Mrs. Cake agreed with the same expression when Big Macintosh and Beshte both nearly lost their footing.

“Fall!” They exclaimed with Mr. Cake fainting to his side.

“Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie assured before spotting their flying friends approach them. “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Ono, a little pegassistance along with an extra set of eyes?”

The flying trio all quickly came over to help with the peagsus ponies tying ropes onto the carrying tray so that if the cake tilted too much on one side the peagsus on the opposite side can quickly re-balance it. Ono used his keen sight to quickly motion cues to them so they can make the necessary adjustments.

“We'll get it there safely, you'll see!” Pinkie told the still nerve wracked bakers of the cake they have created.

“Ahahah, oh... of course, Pinkie, Bunga.”

“We never doubted you two.”

The two still voiced their personal doubt when Fluttershy nearly lost her grip on her side of the cake forcing Rainbow to rush over to double down their efforts to stop it from falling over. Mr. Cake once again fainted as a result of the near mess created.

Seeing this, tells Pinkie that they are going to need extra help so that neither Mr or Mrs. Cake suffers an anxiety attack.

“Twilight, Kyoga can we see you two a second?” Pinkie asked them who are both reading and drinking shakes together.

Both were more than happy to come to their aid by working their magic together in creating a protection spell to keep it from hitting the ground.

“A nice protective spell as extra insurance.” She briefly laughed with the Cakes both worryingly shifting their eyes toward both Twilight and Kyoga and the cake giving her the hint to ask for all of the help she can get. “Better safe than sorry. AJ, Rarity, Kion, Fuli, one last thing?” She asked of them to carry trampolines to make sure they could catch it in the off chance it actually did fall.

“All right, everyone and everypony, we're in the home stretch here.” Bunga told everyone with the Cakes watching on completely wide eyed and looking like they are going to have a heart attack with Mr. Cake hyperventilating along the way to the train station.

“See, Mr. and Mrs. Cake? We got it here without a hitch!” Pinkie proudly told them with Bunga opening the train cart door.

“Now all we have to do is get it... “ He then happily stated before noticing the small door size compared to the large cake. “…in?”

Mr. Cake once again fainted for the third time upon seeing another challenge they have to deal with.

Luckily they found a train cart they can open up and after some careful lifting they were all able to get it inside unharmed and in one piece leaving both Pinkie and Bunga finally sighed in relief that the Cakes are calmed down now.

“Thank you all for helping me get the cake safely on the dessert car.” Pinkie gratefully said to the Guard.

“Thank you for inviting us all to go with you to Canterlot for the National Dessert Competition.” Twilight kindly returned.

“Yeah, thanks.” Kion joined in. “This should be fun.”

“I'm sure the festivities will be just lovely.” Rarity agreed while placing a hoof on her chest.

“Phooey on the festivities!” Applejack commented while nudging Rarity on the shoulder. “I can't wait to try all those tasty treats!” She moved to touch the Cakes dessert with her hoof, only for it to be slapped away by Bunga.

“Well you’ll going to have until we get there because this dessert has no room for sampling.” Bunga seriously told him with one of his claws behind his back and crossed so he can secretly sample a bite himself only for Pinkie to slap it away.

“Well, the tastiest treat of all is sure to be the Cakes' Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. All that rich creamy goodness of the marzipan, combined with the tart tanginess of the mascarpone, blended perfectly with the smooth, silky sweetness of the meringue.” Pinkie explained the cake itself in detail to which had Applejack panting like a dog and Rainbow Dash licking her lips and the others gazing upon the wonderful display. “That's why I call the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness the "MMMM".”

“MMMM.” Everyone else joined in with big smiles coming from Fluttershy and Fuli leaning forward with big smiles really wanting to getting a taste of it with the former flapping her wings rather excitedly. Bunga is panting like a dog like Applejack and Kyoga is licking her lips in excitement at the sight of the enormous treat.

”Exactly. It's the most delicious delectable delightful de-lovely cake in Equestria, and it's sure to win first prize.” Pinkie added while leaping onto the table to stand alongside it.

“Zis is not so,” A French voiced chef said from the doorway to the traincart. A griffon with darker shades of gray feathers on his body to match his black moustache than the lighter shade of gray feathers around his head. He also wore a white chef’s hat and a red ascot “For I, Gustave le Grand, do challenge your crude cake to a duel of delectable delicacies against my...” He then pulled the cover from his speciality dish accompanying with a big bright dazzling light. “...exceptionally Exquisite Éclairs!” The French chef added while placing the dish on the table and twirling his fancy moustache. “They will undoubtedly strike down all ze competition, winning first prize and crowning me le champion.”

“Not a chance, le Grand.” Another pony called out from while earning the cart.

“Donut Joe! What are you doing in Ponyville?” Twilight asked the donut shop owner in surprise.

“Picking up the final all-important ingredient for my contest entry, Donutopia!” He presented a cart carrying six skyscraper models consisting of entirely donuts while adding sprinkles onto his creation. “And with these super-sprinkles, my donuts are going to dunk all the other lousy desserts, steal first prize, and make my donut shop famous forever!” He then added with an evil laugh.

“How very fitting.” Kyoga remarked stoically just when another baking rival shows up.

“Oh, Joe...“ An elderly female voiced with a chocolate mousse moose sliding into the cart. “Your dippy donuts could never out-rival me.” She laughed to which Fluttershy and Ono cringed in fear with Beshte standing in front of them to protect them.

“Hello.” Pinkie happily greeted the chocolate mousse moose thinking the voice came from the moose. “What's your name?”

“I am Mulia Mild.” The lady mule wearing a blue pearl necklace greeted while revealing that she is the one actually doing the talking. “Behold, my Chocolate Mousse Moose. It will trample all your treats, be given first prize, and make me the greatest chef in Equestria.” She then proudly proclaimed with every chef glaring at her thinking otherwise.

“Madame Mild, you and your mousse moose are mistaken.” The griffon cook responded in a confronting manner.

“Your frou-frou éclairs will never defeat my donuts!” Pony Joe intervened in the argument.

“The Cakes' Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness is going to win!” Pinkie happily declared.

“Your simple cake could never take my moose.” Mulia Mild argued when the train whistle that signaled that their ride is heading on over to Canterlot.

“Who would have ever known that a baking competition is such a high stakes competiton?” Fuli remarked to Kion.

“I sure wouldn’t.” Kion said back while Twilight steps forward and in between the glaring baking rivals.

“Well, it sure looks like we're in for a delicious competition tomorrow. Maybe we should all settle in for a good night's sleep.” She then suggested to them to which they all thankfully decided to hold off their grudge match until the big day but not without releases grunts and huffs of anger at each other before slamming their doors angrily.

“I gotta admit I'm pretty beat.” Rainbow then said while yawning and cracking her back along with Fuli.

“So am I.”

“Yeah, I'm gonna hit the hay myself.” Applejack moved to do the same.

“Me too.” Beshte agreed as they all approach the door and all head to their rooms with the only exception being Pinkie and Bunga who both loved the desserts to a passion they really want to be extra sure that the desserts remain in intact long enough for the competition in Canterlot.

They both paced around the desserts with their full attention on them. Bunga held a flashlight in case he needed to shine a light on anyone trying to take a bite of the desserts. But as the long hours flew by slowly, the two got more progressively tired and sleepy eyed. At least until a mysterious figure came flying by them.

”Huh? Stop, you saboteur!” Pinkie shouted after the fleeing culprit all the way to the back of the train ride to the caboose.

“We have you now!” Bunga triumphantly declared while preparing to leap on the cornered figure only to nearly fall off and out of the cart while hanging on to the railing with Pinkie stopped herself just right in front of the railing.

After helping Bunga back onto the train they then saw another figure watching from the door before bolting away from it. Both Pinkie and Bunga were quick to follow after this mystery fleed all the way back to the front of the train. But when they got there all there was the train conductor shoveling coal into the furnace.

So the two went back to the dessert cart without another word or protest and find that the Cakes dessert is still intact.

”Wha? A-ha! Ahh?! Oh! Thank Celestia you're okay! But one of those bakers is mixing up something bad, so I'm not leaving you again no matter what.” Pinkie vowed while sitting her rump down on the floor.

“Me neither.” Bunga agreed while crossing his arms.

But then, someone suddenly pulled the shades down

“Huh? Who turned out the moon?” Pinkie questioned while trying to look around the complete darkness.

“Don't go near that cake, thief!“ Bunga shouted after the mysterious individual in the darkness but was unable to do anything or make anything in the pitch black surrondings until Pinkie quickly pulled open the shades.

“I knew I was going to have to keep a close eye on you, and that's just what I'm gonna do.” Pinkie said determined and feeling her personal suspicions were right.

But no sooner than she said that, she instantly fell asleep with Bunga dropping down to the floor seconds later for the rest of the night.

The next morning at sunrise, the two both woke up while scratching their ears like puppy dogs before seeing the cake in front of them.

“Huh? What? The cake!”

“Oh thank goodness, it’s okay!”

Both exclaimed upon seeing it and realizing they doze off for the rest of the night.

“Oh, MMMM, you look mmmm-marvelous.” Pinkie said while gazing on the tall pastry just when Twilight and Kion both walk in rubbing their eyes and waking up with the first thing they see being a rather surprising and startling sight.

“Whoa!” They both exclaimed.

“I know. I think some congratulations are in order for a job well done.”

“Come on, Kion, Where’s that ‘Good job Bunga!”?”

They both proudly said unaware that their friends have noticed something they overlooked.

“Um, you two better hold off on giving yourself an award just yet, Pinkie and Bunga.” Twilight advised them.

“What do you mean?” Bunga asked clearly confused.

“Look.” Kion gestured them to the side of the cake while Twilight turns it in their direction.

“Look at what? Huh?” Pinkie asked just as confused before seeing the bite marks on the side of the cake which left her gasping in complete shock before screaming off the top of her lungs.

Her scream was so loud it woke up all of their friends who are all still waking up.

“What is it?” Applejack asked half-tired.

“What’s with the screaming?” Ono asked while clearing his ears with his wings.

“What happened?” Rainbow also questioned.

“Yeah, what’s the kerbubble?” Beshte also wondered what is going on.

“It's the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness!” Pinkie pointed to the eaten cake.

“It's been mutilated!” Bunga also cried to which everyone gasped upon seeing the shocking sight.

“Now we just need to find out who done it.” Pinkie then said seriously.

“You mean, who did it.” Twilight corrected.

“Exactly. Who did-done-dood it.” She responded still standing by her word.

“Well, having read many mystery novels, I know that the only way to discover the culprit is to investigate.” Twilight then voiced of what should be the best course of action.

“Exactly.” Bunga agreed while he and Pinkie don detective hats along with small bubble-blowing pipes with two big bubbles popping in front of the Guard’s leader’s faces.

“And as chief detective, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.” Pinkie then stated.

“Uh, you're investigatin'?” Applejack asked with her right eyebrow at the two rather questionably.

“Yes!” Pinkie responded while placing hats on both Twilight and Kion. “And Twilight and Kion shall be our lowly assistants who ask silly questions with obvious answers.”

“Fine, Pinkie.” Kion relented with an annoyed sigh.

“Should we start looking for clues?” Twilight asked with a stoic look on her face.

“Perfect silly question, my dear Twilight, because the obvious answer is...” Pinkie began while cleaning her pipe.

“Yes?” Twilight answered what she thinks should be the right answer.

“No! 'Cause we know who did it.” Pinkie stated while blowing on her pipe again with everyone else minus Kyoga gasping.

“Pinkie, how could you possibly know?” Kion asked.

“Well how could I possibly not know?” Bunga returned with another question. “Clearly this dastardly deed was done by the baker who knew their dessert could not measure up to the mastery of the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness.”

“I guess you feared your éclairs lacked flair, Gustave!” Pinkie then accusingly said right in his face with a false scenario similar to a comical villain from an old cartoon potraying him as an over-the-top villain who commits the crime and then has Pinkie and Bunga tied up on the train tracks for the following train before taking control of the Friendship Express and riding off in high gear.

“Thus, destroying the cake and the Cakes' chance of winning the National Dessert Competition.” Bunga then added while he and Pinkie get right in his face.

“But it makes no sense!” Twilight protested.

“What do you mean, lowly assistant?” Pinkie returned while pointing her pipe in the unicorn’s face before she pushed it away.

“Well, first, if you were tied to the train tracks, how are you now here?” Twilight pointed out.

“Huh... Guess that isn't a totally silly question.” Pinkie remarked while Bunga came to realize that just when Kion takes a turn pointing out another flaw with that theory.

“And second, the cake hasn't been sliced. It's been bitten. Just look at the teeth marks!” Kion pointed out to which both detectives examined them.

“Hm... You're right, my fine fellow.” Pinkie then said with the griffon sighing in relief. “Gustave le Grand is clearly in the clear, which means the "MMMM" was destroyed by another baker. A baker who's donuts are do-nots. That's right, it was Joe!” She then pointed to the doughnut shop owner with an accusing hoof in his direction.

“Seriously.” Fuli muttered under her breath at the wild theories the two are both coming up with while Kyoga just shakes her head before they envision Donut Joe as an intelligent spy who used clever tricks and gadgets to knock out the two with sleeping gas and to slice up the cake after getting by a laser alarm security system.

“Or as he's known the spy world, Mane. Con Mane.”

“Crushing the Cakes' chances to win!”

The two stated while glaring at Donut Joe until Kion pulled both of them away while Twilight again shoots down their ridiculous theory.

“Pinkie! There is no laser beam security system!” Twilight pointed out to the cake again. “And Joe is not sleek, stealthy Con Mane! He's big, gruff, and messy!”

“Hey!” Donut Joe responded rather offended by that last statement.

“Although, you would look rather dapper in a tuxedo.” Rarity brought up to which the unicorn smiled at the thought.

During this, Kyoga noticed that her mane was fully covering her right eye which is something she normally doesn’t do.

“Huh... You may be right, lowly assistants.” Pinkie conceded while walking by them.

“Maybe?” Twilight returned rather incredulous that she would think very little of her while she and Bunga re-examine the cake.

“Now that we are taking a closer look at these desserts, I see that one simply cannot look me in the eye.” Bunga then voiced of his next theory.

“Bunga…” Kion started feeling the need to correct him this time. “... that moose is a mousse!”

“Yes, and the mule behind the moose panicked when she saw the mastery of the "MMMM".” Pinkie added in agreement with the honey badger while placing a hoof on Twilight’s nose.

“So you're saying that the culprit is...” Twilight figured knowing what she is going to say next.

“Mulia Mild!”

She turned to the mule in question with a ninja spy-like theory envisioning her in a black spy suit who stealthily makes her way through the shadows before knocking both Pinkie and Bunga out. Once they were both knocked out she used her sword to cut apart the cake into multiple pieces.

“Putting an end to the Cakes' dreams of taking first prize. Huh, I hope you're proud of yourself, Mulia.” Pinkie then glared at the terrified mule along with Bunga until Kion quickly pulled them away from her face.

“Pinkie, Bunga, stop! This is ridiculous! Look at her!” Kion pointed out to the trembling lady on her knees.

“I guess you're right...” Pinkie again conceded with a sigh.

“Thank you!” Twilight responded pleased that she and Bunga are now coming to their senses.

“But I was so sure that it was one of the other bitter bakers that destroyed the "MMMM".” Pinkie explained her theories while blowing bubbles from her pipe while trotting by said bakers while gesturing to all of the desserts on display. “That way, their delicious dessert would reign supreme. I mean, just look at Joe's Donutopia. It's a spectacular city of donutty delight, topped temptingly in sprinklicious sprinkles.” Everyone gazed upon their glory upon Pinkie’s description of the desserts with Rainbow rubbing his tubby. “And Gustave's éclairs look incredibly edible, with glistening glaziness.” She pointed to said desserts to which Beshte and Fuli smiled in delight along with Fluttershy and Rarity before turning to the chocolate mousse moose. “But then there's Mulia Mild's Mousse Moose. Why, this mouth-wateringly marvelous mousse moose tempts the taste buds with its silky, smooth, yummy-nummy, chocolateyness.” She then further explained while most of the group had their mouths watering at Pinkie’s fully delicious scripted choice of words. “So why did this criminal devour the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness while leaving this trio of tasty treats untouched?”

Suddenly their train ride passed through a dark tunnel and the only things heard during the brief moment of darkness was the sound of munching with another high-pitched scream from Pinkie Pie. When their train emerged from the tunnel everyone all saw that all of the desserts were mostly devoured.

“Now we have no idea who do-doned it!” Pinkie then said just mind-blown that even happened in such a short time span.

“This mystery gets more mysterious every minute.” Bunga also said just as lost as Pinkie.

“Well, you have to stop the wild accusations and get to the truth.” Twilight suggested before taking control of the situation once again. “Everypony go back to your cars while we do a little investigating.” She told everyone who all did so with Rainbow and Fluttershy quick to leave first with the mule glaring harshly at the griffon chef before leaving.

The only ones staying behind are Twilight, Kion, Pinkie, Bunga, and Kyoga.

“Okay, Pinkie, in order to really solve this mystery, we're going to have to find clues.” Twilight began while switching their hats so that she and Kion are the lead detectives with the former cleaning the bubble pipe before blowing into it. “Now Pinkie, Bunga, you both were here at the scene of the crime all night.”


“You're not accusing me, are you?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga reacted in confusion and feeling offended.

“No, Bunga!” Kion firmly answered while Twilight blew more bubbles from her pipe. “How could it be you if you’ve been guarding the cake all night?”

“Good point.”

“But maybe you two saw something that will help us.” Twilight added that recalling what happened will draw them closer to the actual truth.

“We saw a silhouette in the moonlight!” Pinkie began jogging her own memory.

“Good... Let's retrace your steps.” Twilight told them with the two both walking backwards to which both Kion and Kyoga both shake their heads in annoyance with their literal minded responses with Twilight lowering her head before following them.

“And then I chased the culprit down the train towards the caboose, but when I got there, he was gone.” Bunga continued when they got near the caboose.

Twilight examined the room and then found something that caught her attention quickly placing what she found in her envelope without letting neither Pinkie nor Bunga see it.

“A-ha! Our first clue. I think I know who did it, Pinkie.”

“Already?” Pinkie asked to which Twilight nodded in response while briefly letting Kion and Kyoga see what she has found who both nod their heads upon seeing this.

“Yes, but I need more evidence to confirm. Tell me what happened next.”

“We heard somepony else in the dessert car and chased them up to the engine...” Pinkie started.

“...But, when I got there, all I saw was the conductor shoveling coal.” Bunga finished when they got to the front of the car.

“The conductor, huh?” Twilight examined the hat and founding some surprising evidence inside of it that had her release a small gasp while briefly showing the evidence to Kion and Kyoga again.

“But that doesn't make any sense.” Kion quietly remarked.

“What doesn’t make sense?” Bunga asked wondering what he meant by that.

“What happened next, Pinkie, Bunga?” Twilight then asked while quickly placing the evidence in her envelope and the conductor’s hat back on his head.

“Well... we went back to the dessert car…” Pinkie began while leading the group back there to re-examine the place with a magnifying glass and switched hats with Twilight.

Of course, Twilight did not approve of her trying to take control of an investigation that she is in charge of and re-switched them after giving Pinkie the look.

“What else?” Kion asked of them for more details to work with.

“The curtains mysteriously closed, all on their own.” Bunga finished.

“Interesting. Anything else?” Kyoga asked while scratching her chin.

“We heard hoofsteps, a loud thud...” Pinkie demonstrated while bumping into the wall nearby the portrait. “...and then they were gone! When I opened the curtains, I saw that the portrait by the door was all crooked.”

Twilight walked up to said portrait and noticed something very particular about it.

“Oh my, what is that?” She wondered while quickly enclosing the extra detail in her envelope while keeping the evidence out of Pinkie and Bunga’s curious sight to which had Pinkie growling and steamed in response.

“What next Pinkie, Bunga?” Twilight asked.

“That's it. We were here guarding the cake the rest of the night.” She happily answered which is meant with an unconvinced look from the unicorn and lion cubs. “We mean... we slept by the cake the rest of the night.”

“And when you woke up, half the cake was gone?” Kion asked.

“Exactly.” Bunga confirmed.

“So what you are thinking?” Pinkie asked Twilight who studies the cake along with the evidence for a moment before nodding at Kion and Kyoga who are both coming to the same conclusion.

“By Jove, I think I've got it.” Twilight declared while turning to Pinkie and Bunga. “Call everypony back. We have a cake culprit to catch.”

“About time if you ask me.” Bunga commented while ready to pounce on whoever did it before requesting everyone back to the scene of the crime.

Once everyone was gathered, Twilight after talking it over with Kion and Kyoga, was ready to reveal the truth of what really happened last night.

“Why are we all here again?” Mulia Mild asked everyone while stuttering and fearing the worst when Twilight enters the room with her team of investigators by her side.

“I bet you're wondering why you're all here again.“ She asked everyone.

“She's good.” Donut Joe remarked very impressed with that spot on guess.

“We have discovered the true culprit of this cake carnage.” She then announced.

“But how?” Gustave asked the mare.

“Well, you see, when committing a crime, it's crucial that one never leaves behind clues, especially an obvious clue like... this.”

She presented two feathers one that is blue and one that is orange to which both Rainbow and Ono slinked down upon realizing they are busted while everyone else gasps wondering who it belongs too.

“A-ha! A blue feather!” Pinkie acted like she expected it before the honey badger turned to the griffon rather than the blue peagsus pony.

“I knew it was you, Gustave le Grand!” He confronted him before being pulled away from him by Kion.

“Bunga, Gustave doesn't have blue nor orange feathers.” He reminded him.

“No, 'cause he's been dyeing them!” Pinkie responded to agree with Bunga by pulling up the griffon’s feathers to which Twilight had to pull her away from him.

“No, Pinkie.” Twilight scolded her. “Remember how when you chased the suspect to the caboose, they suddenly disappeared? That's because they flew away. But the thief did leave a little something behind, didn't you, Rainbow Dash and Ono?

“I-I don't even like cake!”

“Neither do I!”

Both Rainbow and Ono sweated nervously upon being glared at by Twilight.

“So Rainbow Dash did it!”

“Case solved!“

Both Pinkie and Bunga stated.

“Case not solved.” Kion quickly responded otherwise to them before Twilight continues. “There’s still more to this case here.”

“Because when we went to the engine, I saw the conductor's hat. And inside the hat was... this.”

She presented a long pink strand of hair to which Fluttershy silently dropped her jaw upon seeing that she too is busted with Rainbow smirking at her for not doing a better job of not leaving behind a trail.

“So it was you!” Pinkie suddenly turned to Rainbow getting face to face with her. “That pink hair came from your rainbow-colored mane!”

“I don't have pink in my mane, Pinkie!” Rainbow quickly pointed out but Bunga wasn’t convinced.

“So you're wearing a wig?” He asked while pulling her mane before being knocked off by the peagsus and into the wall.

“Ow! Cut it out!” She sharply told him while brushing up the now messy strands of hair on her head.

“Pinkie, Bunga, remember?” Kion reminded them when Twilight explains of what really transpired.

“You chased a pony to the engine, where you thought you saw the conductor shoveling coal, but that wasn't the conductor at all. It was... Fluttershy!”

“Oh my.” Fluttershy gasped in fright with Pinkie and Bunga being quick to confront her.

“You're goin' down, Fluttershy!”

Once again, Kion was quick to intercept them before they could get hostile with her.

“Bunga! Pinkie!” Kion crossly said to them with stern eyes.

“But then another clue confounded my suspicions.” Twilight continued with her findings. “You were guarding the cake when the curtains mysteriously closed. But that's no mystery, that's magic. But when the thief tried to make their great escape, they left a little addition to the portrait.” She then presented a fake eyelash in her hoof. “Has anypony else noticed that Rarity is wearing her hair rather differently today?” She then asked the others while walking up to the now flustered white-coated unicorn.

“What? Is it a crime to change one's style now and again?” She gasped in light offense. “Why, I think it's a crime not to.”

“Really?”Twilight still smirked knowing that she too had a hoof in this while levitating her front mane to reveal her right eye was missing its matching eyelash.

“I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes!” She dramatically cried out. “Oh, and I took a bite of the cake.” Then added casually pointing to the cake in question.

“So did I.”

“Aw nuts, so did I.”

“Me too!”

Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Ono also confessed.

“You just made it sound so delectable.” Rarity explained.

“So tasty.”

“And boy was it!”

“It sure was!”

Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Ono added.

“I only meant to take a little, lady-like bite.”

“And it was so good.”

“To the point we couldn’t help ourselves.”

“Yeah, I just dove right in!”

The four then explained before bowing their heads in shame to apologize.

“But I'm really really sorry.”

“Terribly sorry.”

“Sorry, Pinkie.”

“I’m sorry too!”

“That's okay.” Pinkie easily forgave them.

“At least this mystery is finally solved.” Bunga felt pleased they have cracked this case.

“But it isn't.” Twilight reminded gesturing to the devoured desserts on display. “We figured out who ate the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, but we still don't know who devoured the other bakers' goods.”

“You're right, Twilight.”

“You know what we have to do?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga asked.

“Well... Yes, I do. Do you?” Twilight replied then asked if they know how to properly approach this.

“Look for clues!” Pinkie answered with Twilight levitating and swapping her and Kion’s hats with the head detective hats to let them take the lead on this case.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.” They both said after examining the room with their magnifying glasses.

“Well, Pinkie, Bunga. Did you find the devourer of the desserts?” Twilight asked hoping that she has properly accounted for everything and examined all the evidence to the proper conclusion.

“We most certainly did.” Bunga nodded with Pinkie turning to the true culprits.

“It was none other than... the bakers!“ She stated to the three with everyone else gasping upon this statement.

“First of all, Gustave has mousse in his moustache!” Pinkie gestured to said chocolate on the left side of his moustache.

“And Joe has éclair in his hair!” Bunga added while gesturing to the little éclair residue on the top of his head.

“And Mulia has sprinkles in her wrinkles!” Pinkie concluded while shaking the sprinkles off of her cheeks.

“Well…” Kyoga sternly said to them with Twilight finishing

“What do you have to say for yourselves, bakers?” She asked in a scolding manner with the griffon chef starting off with his apologies to Mulia.

“Oh, I am so sorry, Mulia, but Pinkie made your mousse moose sound... très magnifique.”

“And Pinkie's description of your éclairs really did make 'em sound scrumptious.” Donut Joe added with his apology to the griffon chef.

“And the way she spoke of your Donutopia, ohh, was too delectable to resist.” Mulia confessed with her apology to Donut Joe just as they ride arrives in Canterlot.

“Well, everypony, we finally have the mystery solved.” Twilight then announced now that everything has properly unfolded.

“The case is now officially closed!” Kion declared to make it official.

“Yes, but now we don't have any desserts to enter into ze contest!” Gustave pointed out to his and the other chefs now greatly reduced and bite-size desserts.

“I think we can fix that.” Pinkie assured them they can arrange a way to resolve this.

While she leads everyone together so they can resolve this, Pinkie and Bunga took the time to compose a letter for the Princess to give to her when they meet up with her at the competition which goes word for word like this.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that it is not good to jump to conclusions. You have to find out all the facts before saying somepony did something. If you don't, you could end up blaming somepony for something they never did. This could hurt their feelings, and it can make you look really foolish. So from now on, I will always make sure to get all the facts.”

During the preparations, Twilight and Kion, had a word with Applejack and Fuli.

“Hard to believe for somepony who was quick to try to touch the cake managed to resist all the way. I’m proud of you.” Twilight commended the farm pony. “You too, Fuli.”

“Aww, stop it.” Applejack then said suddenly guilt-ridden. “We honestly don’t deserve that.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Is this more?” Kion correctly figured upon seeing Fuli having a guilty expression along with Applejack.

“Yes…” Fuli brought up hesitantly before confessing. “…Because we kinda helped ourselves to some of the cake too right after Pinkie and Bunga fell asleep on the job.”

“Oh did you.” Twilight asked them now surprised of this revelation. “And yet you both didn’t leave any clues behind.”

“Yeah, we’re sorry.”

“Me, too.”

They both apologized expecting the same scolding treatment too…

…but to their surprise they didn’t when both Kion and Twilight gave them friendly nudges along with a friendly laugh.

“Huh?” They both exclaimed in surprise.

“You’re not mad?” Fuli asked them.

“Mad? Are you kidding? That was really brilliant!” Twilight instead commended them. “Because you both did one thing they didn’t do. And that is by playing it smart.”

“Oh, wow. I guess we sort of did there.” Applejack admitted rather relived.

“It was rather patient of you for once.” Twilight added in the cheetah’s direction.

“That’s right! You two along with Kyoga.” Kion added with the lioness returning a rather flustered and embarrassed look upon being caught off-guard. “Yes, we know you also used magic at the same time Rarity did when she took a bite out of the cake.”

“Yeah, I can’t deny that.” Kyoga admitted while the five share another friendly laugh over it. “Don’t think we can keep this to ourselves?” She hopefully asked of both Kion and Twilight.

“Sure, we’ll let it slide.” Kion agreed.

“…This time that is.” Twilight added rather playfully and serious to which Kyoga nodded in response knowing that the unicorn means what she says.

For now bygones are left to be bygones and with Pinkie’s help they were able to combine all of the desserts together in one big cake consisting of doughnuts, eclairs, and the chocolate moouse head on top of the cake remains. The judges were so impressed they awarded everyone the blue ribbon and first prize upon first sight.

“How's that for a lesson, Princess Celestia?” Pinkie asked her just when she and Simba approach the winning cake but they seemed a little more interested in getting a bite out of the winning treat.

“Care for a bite?” Twilight offered each monarchs slices of the cake who both lick their lips at the sight of it.

“Don't mind if we do.” Bunga happily answered thinking she was talking to him and Pinkie before leaping up with each devouring half the cake in two seconds flat leaving them with enlarged stomachs from eating all of that food in one sitting.

“Oh, Bunga.” Kion just chuckled while rolling his eyes with everyone all laughing together at their silly antics.

“At least both the king and princess managed to get a slice out of this.” Twilight said to Kion while finding it very amusing herself too.

“And I managed to obtain a very valuable friendship lesson out of this…” Scar secretly commented with a devious smirk while observing the scene along with the memory of Pinkie and Bunga’s friendship lesson they learned today near the far edge of the Everfree Forest “…One that you will soon learn and begin seeing things my way, Twilight Sparkle.” He added with a sinister grin. “Because I have plans for you. Big plans indeed.”

Scar then evilly chuckled before making his way on foot towards a barren territory of dry land and grass around the area with a big and tall hive on the horizon. One that has multiple flyers with dark skin, skinny framed appearances, and razor sharp teeth.

Author's Note:

In this episode, a mystery is brewing on the Friendship Express en route to Canterlot for the National Dessert Competition where the Cakes creation competes against a mule, a griffon, and Donut Joe's creations. A chocolate mousse, chocolate eclairs, and doughnut skyscrapers.

But along the way somebody has taken a bite out of them and it is up to Twilight and Pinkie along with Kion, Bunga, and Kyoga to investigate. After a quick examination of the train, they learn it was Rainbow Dash, Ono, Fluttershy, and Rarity who did while narrowly dodging Pinkie and Bunga on guard duty.

Also Applejack, Fuli, and Kyoga also took a bite out of the cake too, only they were all stealthy and patient enough not to leave any clues behind which is why they managed to avoid being caught. But since they were impressed with how well they pulled it off both Twilight and Kion agreed to keep quiet of their involvement since learning their lesson is punishment enough.

A nice lesson about getting facts together and uncovering the truth before jumping to conclusions pays off with the MMMystery on the Friendship Express resolved efficiently...

...Something that Scar agrees very well with having big plans for Twilight Sparkle heading into the Season 2 Finale. Big plans indeed where Scar prepares to enact his first attempt on taking over the Pride Lands and Equestria.

And one thing I can tell you about this is that what happens next will definitely change things going forward as Scar gets more and more involved in this story. But before we get into the Canterlot Wedding we have one more chapter focused on the main villain himself so...

...Be Prepared...

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