• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,361 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 17: Baboons!

Episode 17:


In the Pride Lands, the Guard is out for another patrol, where they are all on the lookout for any signs of trouble on the horizon.

“Ono, Rainbow how's it looking from up there?” Kion asked of them scanning the skies.

“We've got a big rain cloud moving in. Other than that, no signs of trouble.” Rainbow reported before Ono noticed something in the skies.

“Wait. Mzingo and the vultures. They're circling...”

“And that usually is a sign of trouble.” Fuli noted.

“Let's go see what they're up to.” Kion voted. “Ono, Rainbow lead the way!”

“Affirmative!” Ono returned as he and Rainbow led the team away…

Well, all expect for one member of team, Twilight Sparkle who is currently with Kiara, Rarity, and Spike at Pride Rock as the latter goes through his checklist as Kiara has requested Twilight’s help with another princess duty she has been assigned by her parents. During the preparations she is approached by her friends Tiifu and Zuri wanting to drag her along somewhere against her will.

“So, where are do you want to take me exactly?” Kiara asked of them.

“Urembo Meadows.” Zuri answered.

“It’s the perfect place for you get ready for your princess duties.” Tiifu added.

“That’s very kind of you two to offer but I’ve already got the help I need covered thanks to Twilight, Rarity, and Spike.” She kindly declined while gesturing to the three standing behind her. “Besides you know I have to be back soon. It's the first time I'm presiding over the Royal Buffalo Wallow. My mom and dad won't be there. It's just me. So I have to make a good impression.”

“But why them?” Tiffu complained.

“Shouldn’t they be helping out with the rest of the Guard?” Zuri added as Twilight stepped forward to them.

“The Guard has plenty of help with them today that they can manage just fine without us so we can help Kiara make sure she can get through her task smoothly.” Twilight said to them as they still refused to accept it.

“But what about making sure she look’s presentable?” Tiifu questioned.

“Rarity will take of that.” Twilight answered gesturing to the unicorn combing her fur.

“But…” Zuri tried to protest.

“Sorry girls, but her decision is final.” Spike stated for Twilight. “Maybe sometime afterwards.”

“Okay.” They relented as Spike escorted them out of Pride Rock.

“Come on, let’s go. The princess is very busy today.” Spike urged them to leave her to it.

“Thanks.” Kiara said to all three of them.

“You’re welcome.”

“No problem.”

“Our pleasure, darling.”

The three replied with a nod.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Rarity added as she tended to her fur coat to neaten it up. “So just a simple comb and brush?”

“Yes, Rarity.” Kiara returned as Rarity examined her rack of dresses she has lined up. “And nothing too flashy.”

“Of course.” She complied as she looked through what she had in mind to make sure she had one that fits her style and for the occasion before deciding to have some personal notes written down.

Meanwhile, a baby baboon is shrieking and running for his life as Mzingo and his flock closes in on him from above with the dark clouds forming around in the skies.

“As senior member of the Lunch Committee, I move we forego prolonged debate... And dive into business.” Mzingo declared as he flew in towards the ground.

“I second the motion.” Mwoga agreed as he and the other vulture fly in to join Mzingo just as the Guard arrives on the scene.

“Vultures! Leave the baby baboon alone!” Kion shouted after them as Ono and Rainbow intercepted Mwoga.

“Go ahead.”

“Make your move, Mwoga!”

The two dared as the peagsus pony has her hooves raised ready to punch him if he didn’t back off as the baboon retreated in Fluttershy’s arms.

“Don't worry, little one! Mama’s here.” Fluttershy comforted him as Mzingo flew in towards her.

“Incoming!” Beshte yelled as he and Applejack rushed in front of them to intercept the vulture leader.

“No!” He screamed as he is blocked off by Beshte and then bucked in the face by Applejack. “Uh, yield to the Guard! Yield to the Guard!” He quickly ordered his crew to retreat as they all quickly do so but not with a special sendoff message from Rainbow who has Pinkie shoot confetti at them to send them far away.

“Happy travels you mean birdies.” Pinkie giggled as she and Rainbow share a high-hoof together before rejoining the others back on the ground with the baby baboon cuddling in Fluttershy’s arms.

“All right, little guy. You're safe.” Kion assured him as he caught his breath when thunder rumbled with rain pouring down on them.

“First baboons, now rain...” Fuli sighed in annoyance. ”Could it get any better?”

No sooner than she said that a rising wave of water from the nearby stream arrived and snatched the baby baboon away from Fluttershy’s arms.

“Oh, no!” She and Beshte exclaimed together.

“Baboonie!” Bunga added as Fluttershy quickly flew over to try to save him.

“Fuli! The baboon! You're the only one fast enough!” Kion urgently told her to help Fluttershy

“Got it, Kion. Huwezi!“ Fuli complied as she rushed off to do so.

Meanwhile back in Pride Rock, Rarity has managed to put together a fitting dress for the princess to her liking. A simple reddish-brown that’s not overly fancy but fitting for a simple occasion. But what’s halting them from leaving at the moment is the rain showering over the Pride Lands.

“Good thing we still have some time before we need to leave.” Spike commented

“Some time?” Twilight questioned with a little raise of an eyebrow.

“This rainstorm could last all day.” Kiara added with the same expression before noticing something up ahead. “Huh?”

The rainstorm had finally stopped with the clouds clearing up and the sun shining through the bright blue sky.

“Looks like we can finally go now.” Twilight commented seeing that the rain shower was just a brief one. “About time because we gotta get moving.”

“Let’s go!” Kiara stated as she ran off ahead towards to where the buffalo herd is with Rarity quickly and urgently following after her along with Twilight and Spike with the latter riding on Twilight’s back.

“Wait up!” Rarity called after her. “Don’t mess up your dress!”

“Oh, Rarity.” Twilight said in her direction with an amused shake of her head as Spike lovingly gazes at her crush before following after them.

Elsewhere, Fuli and Fluttershy have both managed to catch up to the baby baboon as he had just managed to grab onto a nearby tree branch in the stream to buy them time.

“Hold on! I've got you!” Fuli told him as he picked him up and pulled him out of the water. “There, you're safe. Again.” She said to him rather disgruntled as the thankful child happily hugged her around her neck as thanks to which Fluttershy giggled at the sight before drying his fur. “Maybe you should go on home now.” Fuli gently urged him to do so as the rest of the Guard catches up.

“Aw, that's so cute!” Fluttershy happily commented.

“I think the little guy likes you.” Beshte added.

“Too bad Fuli doesn't like baboons.” Bunga pointed out.

“I like baboons just fine.” Fuli corrected to an extent. “As long as they're not anywhere near me. Now would somebody please help get this thing off me?”

At that moment, they heard a scream nearby from a couple of familiar lionesses nearby.

“How about helping us off of this island?” Tiifu cried out to the Guard just as Twilight, Kiara, Rarity, and Spike just happen to cross by.

“Tiifu? Zuri?” Kiara called out to them. “What happened? What are you both doing on that island?”

“We decided to come here to relax to which you would have loved if you had joined us when this flood of water came over and turned this area into an island.” Zuri explained.

“Don’t worry.” Kiara said to her friends with a sigh. “We’ll help you both out of the island.”

“Okay.” Tiifu responded as she and her friend both relax on the nearby yellow flowers. “Take your time.”

“Consider yourselves lucky you both don’t have to do anything.” Kyoga remarked feeling just as annoyed that not only she has to help them across but has to deal with them not taking doing their part in helping seriously as should be doing.

“Uh, Kion? What're we going to do with this guy?” Fuli asked referring to the baboon still hugging her.

“We need to get him home.” Kion said. “His family probably lives in the big baboon tree in Nyani Grove. It's not far. So it shouldn't take you too long to get him home.“

“Me? Uh...” Fuli wasn’t really open to the task. “Don't you need me to help you get Tiifu and Zuri off the island? And wouldn’t it be easier to just have Fluttershy take him home?”

“We can manage until you get back.” Twilight assured. “And Fluttershy can go with you.” She added with the animal-loving Pegasus more than happy to fly over alongside Fuli ready to help them.

“Besides, I think that baby baboon kinda likes you.” Kion added as the baboon cooed while nuzzling her cheek to which Fluttershy found rather adorable.

“Lucky me.” Fuli sarcastically said before accepting the decision. “All right, off to Nyani Grove it is. Be right back.”

“Thanks, Fuli.” Kion thanked her for doing so as the baboon moves onto her back.

“You ready?” Fuli said to the baboon who nodded as she turned to Fluttershy who nods too. “Then let’s go!” She then raced off ahead as Fluttershy follows after her. “Huwezi!”

“Wait for me!” She called out. “And not too fast!”

As Fuli ran ahead to Nyani Grove, she finds the baby baboon really has a curious desire when it comes to pulling and tugging things, specifically her ears and tail.

“Hey, easy on the ears. And don't pull my tail!” She firmly yet kindly expected of him while groaning. “Baboons!”

By the time they have arrived at Nyani Grove, Fluttershy had just managed to catch up to them.

“Well, here you are. Back home in Nyani Grove.” Fluttershy said to the baby riding on the cheetah’s back.

“Now I can get back to helping the Lion and Pony Guard. Baboons? Hello! Anybody home?” Fuli then called out to someone in the tree above her to which is answered by Big Baboon with a couple of baboons by his side.

“Fuli and Fluttershy of the Lion and Pony Guard? What are you doing here?” He asked.

“We just wanted to make sure this baby got home safe.” Fluttershy replied while offering them said baboon.

“Ah...That's nice of you.” Big Baboon kindly returned. “Just one little problem.” He then brought up as he hooted. “That's not our baby. He belongs to our, uh, neighbors.”

“Fine.” Fuli replied with a reluctant sigh. “Which tree do they live in?”

“Tree?” Big Baboon laughed as if she was joking. “They don't live in a tree, Fuli. They live on Mapango Cliffs. In a cave. Way up at the top.” He added as he pointed to the nearby cliffs up ahead.

“All right. Thanks for letting us know.” Fluttershy returned with a smile.

“Way up at the top?” Fuli sighed again seeing this became harder than she expected. ”Guess this is going to take a little longer than I thought.”

The two then set out towards the cliffs when Big Baboon called out to them for one more thing.

“Fuli? Fluttershy? When you see the cliff baboons, will you give them a message from us?” He asked of them.

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked as they suddenly find themselves pelted by green baobab fruit by them to which they all barely dodged.

“I’ll think it’s better you deliver it to them yourselves.” Fluttershy politely declined.

“Baboons! Always throwing fruit.” Fuli again groaned her annoyance with them before rushing off ahead towards the cliffs. “Let’s just go!” She said to Fluttershy. “Huwezi!”

Meanwhile the Guard along with Kiara are all thinking of ways of how they are all going to get Tiifu and Zuri off of the island as they are both relaxing and in no rush to be rescued.

“A-ha! I got it!” Bunga then thought of one. “Use the Roar to get rid of all the water! Then they could just walk off the island.”

“Unless the Roar destroys the island.” Kion pointed out the major flaw with that idea.

“That wouldn't be good.” Beshte commented.

“Especially if the Roar sends the girls flying.” Kyoga also added knowing when to draw the line at the thought of what the girls deserve. “Even when they are annoying.”

“But there is another way to get them off the island. We can make a bridge!” Kion then thought of with a smile.

“Excellent idea, Kion.” Kiara voted in favor of it.

Elsewhere, Fuli and Fluttershy are both making their way to the upcoming cliffs while the former is trying her hardest to maintain her patience with the baby baboon riding on her back constantly gibbering and screeching.

“Um, Fuli.” Fluttershy spoke up.


“Listen, I know you’re not fond of baboons to an extent. But you know he is only a baby who just really likes you.” Fluttershy said to the cheetah who sighs in acknowledgement.

“I know, but it’s just most baboons I have encountered beforehand have given me a hard time in the past.” Fuli explained her reasons more to best of her ability while keeping calm about it. “Weather’s it being chased by them just for saying they smelled a little, or them hugging me when I don’t want them too, along with being pelted by fruit or having my ears and tail painfully tugged. So having said I have pretty good reason to not want them in my personal space.”

“True, but that doesn’t mean all baboons are bad.” Fluttershy pointed out. “I mean as Applejack always say one good shouldn’t be singled out just because it came from a bunch of bad apples.”

“Well I guess.” Fuli reluctantly accepted that saying.

“Just try to give him a chance and you’ll come to see baboons in a better light.” Fluttershy suggested as Fuli keeps that in mind as the baboon’s constant gibbering and screeching gets in her head again.

“Hey, baboon? Mind making a little less noise up there?” Fuli asked of him with controlled irritation as the baby baboon suddenly swung up to the nearby tree. “That's better.” She then said as Fluttershy quickly intercepted her. “Now what?”

“Um…Fuli….” Fluttershy pointed towards her back to which she noticed the baboon had left them.

“Baboon? Baboon!” She called out to him as she is whacked in the head with a fruit. “Ow.”

The baboon giggled as he has another fruit ready at the aim.

“Oh, no! Don't even think about...” The cheetah tried to warn her which is ignored when she is greeted to another fruit to the head before singing and trying to get the baby to cooperate with her and tolerating have more fruit thrown in her direction before having to chase after it as he jumps from tree to tree.


Fluttershy could only watch seeing that she can’t force the child off of the tree as bit would go against her element before joining in on the song as she takes a turn while trading turns with Fuli as the baboon then runs by while passing by nearby animals.

As Fuli keeps pace with him, Fluttershy falls back to make sure the snake that had thoughts about eating the child would back off with a small glare before quickly helping the turtle that accidentally slide out of the stream back into the water. All while Fuli sings still trying to reach out to him even though she wishes for this to be over with.

After jumping from elephant to elephant and from giraffe to giraffe the baby baboon finally came back and landed on Fuli’s back by the time Fluttershy had caught up with them.

“Baboons.” Fuli groaned with what she had to go through in protecting him.

“At least he really likes no matter what.” Fluttershy pointed out to try to ease her current frustrations.

“Let’s just get back to Mpango Cliffs.” Fuli just said as they both set back in that direction.

Back at the flowing stream, Beshte and Applejack are now currently working in moving the nearby tree down onto the ground so they can use as a makeshift bridge for Tiifu and Zuri to cross.

“Here we go!” Applejack stated as she bucked at the tree the same time Beshte pushed it down.

“Twende Kiboko!” Beshte added.

“That's it, Beshte!” Ono encouraged as the two strongest members were able to use their teamwork to push the tree down and across the river thus creating a successful bridge.

“Poa! One Tree Bridge, ready to go!” Beshte stated in success with their accomplishment…

…at least until the tree was just swept away by the strong flowing water thus making it short lived.

“And there it goes.” Pinkie said.

“Along with more of the island.” Ono added as the others groan in disappointment as Kiara examines that the island has only a short time left to live before it completely breaks apart.

Turning to Twilight with a nod she walks over to the unicorn as she works her magic in teleporting over there so they can get the two lioness too worry-free to take this seriously.

“Tiifu, Zuri!” She urgently said to them.

“What? Is it time to roll over?” Zuri asked as they took over their eye covers.

“Try lying in the sun, Kiara. It's so relaxing.” Tiifu urged her.

“I'm sure it is. But we're getting out of here. Now!” Kiara then voiced seriously.

“What about the Lion and Pony Guard?”

“Aren't they going to rescue us?”

The two asked as Twilight rolled her eyes before stepping forward.

“No time to wait. Besides, we've got a plan.” Twilight said to them as Kiara explained to them what they are thinking as she gestures to the little puddle of water with pebbles aligned as a stepping stone path.

“We're gonna make a stepping stone path to shore. All we need is a few big stones.”

“Ooh, I see a stone! This will be easy!” Tiifu voiced as she spots a pebble and gently knocks it into the river to which Twilight face-hoofs herself seeing this as the pebble simply floats to the bottom of the river.

“We'll need something just a little bigger.” Kiara gently voiced.

“And by that we mean a lot bigger.” Twilight emphasized as the two girls suddenly get the idea.

“Ooh! This is bigger!” Zuri pointed out to a boulder that fits the bill. “And shinier! I can see my face in it!”

“Really?” Tiifu asked as she examined the rock in question. “Let me see! Does my nose look big to you?”

“No, it looks pretty.” Zuri returned as Twilight rolls her eyes while massaging her forehead in a dismayed manner.

“How these two got their big noses in a bunch here, I’ll never know.” She said to herself feeling surrounded by idiocy on their part as Kiara finds a big boulder they can use to cross the river with.

“Yes, that should do it.” She pressed her head into moving it but had trouble doing it alone as it barely budged. “A little help?” She called out to her friends nearby.

“But... I might chip a claw.” Zuri complained as Twilight groaned very irritated for them.

“Are you both kidding me?!” She said to them very sharply as if she is about to snap at them.

“Zuri.” Kiara growled at them just as irritated.

“Oh.” She along with Tiifu giggled nervously at them before joining them. “Since you put it that way...”

“Okay, here we go.” She began as Twilight got her horn ready to use to guide the others as they push the boulder. “One, two, three... Push!”

The three worked to push the boulder as Twilight used her magic to work to help push the rock to the river to which was not easy for the unicorn since the boulder is rather large. Not to mention that Zuri and Tiifu are not ones who give their full effort all the way to the end.

“Are we done yet?” Zuri weakly asked after minimal effort.

“Not even close.” Twilight responded unimpressed with their efforts so far.

“We need to roll it over the edge.” Kiara repeated.

“Oh! You have got to be kidding!” Zuri complained which is met with stern glares from both Kiara and Twilight. “I mean... Go us!”

“Yay!” Tiifu exclaimed as Twilight just gets back to working her magic.

“Just focus on pushing this rock while I help you all out.” Twilight asked of them as they all continue to work to do so until they finally got in moving into the water…

…which immediately sunk into the river rather than firmly landing in the middle of the stream because of how deep the water is from where they are standing.

“We did it!”


The two girls celebrated as the other two girls still are not satisfied with what happened.

“No. We didn't.” Kiara corrected them.

“But we got the rock to the river.” Tiifu pointed out.

“Yes we did. But, it sank to the bottom of the river.” Twilight returned gesturing to the river with just a flowing body of water in between as Kiara sighs her silent agreements about her friends thinking the same annoyed frustration with Twilight.

“We'll just have to think of something else.” Kiara just said as she and Twilight ponder their next course of direction.

“I don’t suppose a simple teleportation is in order?” Twilight asked with a expecting a no answer.

“Unless you want to hear them freaking out over your magic non-stop.” Kiara replied as Ono watched the scene from above.

“Too bad that boulder idea didn't work. Better tell Kion.” Ono sighed as he flew over to do so.

Meanwhile, both Fuli and Fluttershy make their way towards the tall Cliffside where the baboon’s home is with the former allowing the latter to keep up with her.

“Won't be long.”

“You're almost home.”

The two said to the baboon before Fluttershy quickly stopped them in their tracks and ducked them under the tall grass in front of them.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy quietly gasped.

“What?” Fuli asked as Fluttershy points her upwards to see the trio of circling vultures in the sky. “Oh, good, trouble up ahead.” She sarcastically commented before turning to the baboon riding on her back. “All right listen closely. We have to get past the vultures to get to the cliffs. So get down. And no noise.” The baboon complies as he gets onto the ground with the same stance as her and Fluttershy.

“Good. Now follow us.” Fluttershy quietly instructed him as they both go into stealth mode through the tall grass in front of them.

“Hmm, I was certain I saw that delectable little baboon around here somewhere.” Mzingo suspected as he looked around. “I move we keep looking.”

“And I second it!” Mwoga agreed.

“All in favor?” Mzingo asked his followers.



They agreed as the hiding trio crawl through the grass trying to avoid detection although the baby baboon even with his best efforts ended up stepping on a twig which was heard from above by Mzingo.

“Hmm. All who think that sounded like a little baboon say aye.” Mzingo said to his fellow vultures.



“The ayes have it. Let us investigate.” Mzingo stated as they move to the nearby tree down below so they can eye the grass more closely thus maker stealth mode harder on the three hiding from them.

“Listen, I've got an idea.” Fuli said to the two beside her as she whispers it into Fluttershy’s ear.

The vultures continue to monitor the grass in front of them to which they notice some rustling and correctly sensed someone was in there. Presumably, the baboon they have been pursuing.

“There! In the grass!” Mzingo alerted. “Come out, come out, wherever you...” Mzingo then said in a sing-song manner towards the stalker’s direction as Fuli emerged from the grass. “Oh. It's you. Greetings, Fuli.”

“All alone, are we?” Mwoga added.

“That's right. All alone. Just the way I like it.” Fuli casually replied as Fluttershy snuck through the grass in the opposite direction with the baboon in tow.

“Hmm. Really?” Mzingo replied unconvinced. “What happened to that delicious... I mean, adorable baby baboon we were trying to help earlier?”

“Trying to help?” Fuli returned unconvinced with his claim too.

“Oh, yes. He was hopelessly lost and we were trying to guide him home.” Mzingo answered and explained as the baby baboon had an itch tickling his nose from some of the grass strands to which Fluttershy had to quickly place a hoof on his nose to stop him before he could alert the vultures of their ruse and stay still to where they are.

“I'm sure he's found his way home by now.” Fuli asserted he is not around. “So, if you don't mind... I'm on a hunt.“

“Hmm. Indeed.” Mzingo accepted then acted out of curiosity. “Uh, what are you hunting?”

“Well, you're looking pretty plump.” Fuli responded while eyeing him specifically with a grin.

“Me?” Mzingo returned startled as he attempted to recompose himself. “Yes... Well... Ahem. Meeting adjourned!”

With that the vultures quickly flew away not wanting to be caught as the cheetah’s prey.

“They're gone...Again.” Fuli said to both Fluttershy and the baboon as the latter leaped onto the cheetah who didn’t bother to complain. “Good job staying quiet under there.”

Once the coast was clear the baby baboon sneezed without raising any alarms nearby.

Meanwhile, Ono has reported to Kion of Kiara and Twilight’s attempt to create a bridge for the two lionesses to cross.

“So Kiara and Twilight tried to use a boulder as a stepping stone? Sounds like a good plan.“ Kion voiced his thoughts about it.

“Yes. Unfortunately, it collapsed part of the island into the water.” Ono added.

“Just like our tree did.” Beshte also brought up.

“Okay, timeout here!” Rainbow felt the need to interrupt. “We are trying to help across this way as opposed to relying on ponies that are capable of magic and flight because why?”

“Because they’ll be non-stop complaining about and freaked out for the rest of their lives.” Rarity pointed out. “And since its bad enough when I start whining we are better off not finding out how long they’ll go on about it.”

“And the same can be said for Twilight if she were to suffer a freak out.” Spike added in agreement referring to her psychotic episode awhile back to which did not go unheard by Twilight herself.

“I heard that.” Twilight sternly said to him who nervously chuckled slightly when she teleported by his side for a moment before quickly teleporting back over to where the lionesses are.

Rainbow knowing she’s right pouts and cross her arms while grumbling to herself feeling this side journey is a waste of time.

“I mean both of the plans were good.“ Applejack then thought of.

“Just not good enough.” Kyoga finished.

“Hmm, I wonder...” Kion then thought of another idea as he examined the body of water separating the two parts of land. “If we put both plans together...”

“That could work.” Kyoga figured as Kion starts giving orders.

“Bunga, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Beshte, Kyoga, help me move that big boulder.”

“Yes sir.”

“You got it!”

“One giant apple-sized boulder at the ready.”

“Ready when you are.”

“Of course.”


The five all stated as they all got into position as Kion turns to Ono and Rainbow while gesturing to the sole tree on the island.

“Ono, Rainbow, fly over and get Twilight, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri. Bring them to that tree.”

“I see...”

“Of course!”

Rainbow and Ono both got the idea Kion is proposing as they put two and two together.

“On our way!” The two stated as they flew over back to the island to do so.

Elsewhere, Fuli and Fluttershy have finally made to Mapango Cliffs to where the baboon’s home is.

“Finally! Here we are.” Fuli announced.

“You're home safe and...” Fluttershy added as the baboon suddenly ran towards the cliff to start climbing up back home.

“Figures. Get him all this way and he just runs off.” Fuli sighed in annoyance as he effortlessly climbs up the cliff as Fluttershy flies up and follows after him to make sure he knows where he is going. “Baboons!”

The baby baboon knowing where he is going managed to make it up to the hole to where his mother is living who happily welcomes him with warm open arms.

“Oh, there you are! You're okay.” She expressed her relief as she embraced her son as Fluttershy smiles at their reunion.

“Okay. Guess our work here's done.” Fuli then said satisfied while preparing to turn and leave only to see Mzingo and his parliament back with hungry eyes at the baboons to which she gasped at the sight.

“Motion to engage with lunch?” Mzingo said to his fellow vultures as they fly in towards the mother and son.



The mother baboon gasped as she held her son in her arms while growling in her direction as Fluttershy gasps before getting serious along with Fuli who wastes no time in climbing up the cliff to stop them and back Fluttershy.

“Oh, no, you don't!”

Back at the flowing river, both sides have agreed to combine their previous ideas of crossing over to dry land.

“I like your plan, Kion.” Kiara agreed with her brother. “But we better be quick. This island isn't going to last much longer.”

“But we can't leave yet.” Tiifu voiced as she and Zuri got in the way. “We haven't finished getting ready for your Royal Buffalo thingy!”

Before Kiara or Twilight could do or say anything about it the ground they were standing on gave away as they both were swept away by the stream.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed as the two cried for help as they scrambled in the muddy water.

Acting quick, both Kiara and Twilight came to their rescue with Kiara retrieving Tiifu while Twilight retrieved Zuri.

“Don't worry, We've got you!” Kiara assured as they both quickly retrieved the two while they both got muddy too.

Everyone watching this all sighed in relief aside from Rarity who took note of her now muddy dress.

“Oh no. Not her dress.” She complained.

“You saved us!” The two girls thankfully expressed towards Kiara and Twilight.

“That's what princesses do.” Kiara thought nothing of it along with Twilight as they turn to Kion. “Now let's get out of here. Kion?”

Everyone all on the other side worked their strength in pushing the boulder into the stream which stayed afloat to where it stands when Kion gets on it.

“We're all set with the boulder!” Kion voiced. “You ready to knock over that tree?”

“I’m ready!” Kiara returned confidently.

“So am I.” Twilight added as she and Kiara turned to Tiifu and Zuri. “Are you ready?”

“Ready.” They stated ready to push the tree as Kiara joined them while Twilight got the magic aura on her horn ready to help give them the push they need to guide it in the right direction.

“Then... Push!” Kiara commanded as they pushed the tree branch into the water and onto the boulder which worked wonders.

With both pieces of the bridge set in stone for them, all of them were safely able to cross back over to the safe side of the river where the Guard along with Spike are all waiting for them.

“You did it!” Tiifu exclaimed with a smile towards Kiara and Twilight.

“Not just us.” Twilight corrected.

“We all did it!” Kiara added.

“Right.” Kion returned as Rarity frowned at the mud on both Kiara and Twilight’s fur along with the latter’s mane and tail.

Back at Mapango Cliff, the vultures move in to attack the baboons from the skies.

“Attack!” The lead vulture declared as they close in on the baby baboon and their mother’s home as Fluttershy prepares herself for the upcoming attack while Fuli climbs up the cliff as fast as she can to stop them.

“Vultures! Claws off my baboon!” She yelled out to them as she climbed while the vultures have faster flight speed than her climbing speed.

“It's no use, Fuli. You can't climb faster than we can fly.” Mzingo taunted the cheetah.

But as they were about to close in on their prey they suddenly find themselves assaulted by fruit from the other baboon neighbors to which for once Fuli saw this working in her favor.

“Baboons! Oh! That's it!” She saw an opportunity they are presenting her by doing so. “Hold 'em off. I'm almost there!” She called out to them and Fluttershy as she presses forward in confronting them despite feeling scared deep inside because she cannot stand bullies picking on helpless others.

“Get the baby! I'll take care of Fuli.” Mzingo ordered his crew as he moves in towards Fuli who in return is ready for that fight as she attempts a swipe at him to which he barely dodged but nearly slips and falls off of the cliff.

“Fuli!” Fluttershy exclaimed in fright but had to focus her Stare on Mzingo’s cronies to get them to back off and freeze in paralyzed fear.

As Mzingo prepares to advance on the dangling cheetah he is suddenly greeted to a fruit to the face by the baby baboon himself along with another one which knocked him down towards the lower tree branch.

“Thanks!” Fuli gratefully said to her savior with a chuckle as the baby baboon does a backflip with accompanied with a laugh.

“I'll be back for you.” Mzingo swore vengeance on the baboon as he prepares to fly up towards his direction only to be quickly pounced on by the cheetah to stop him as he pinned down on the ground.

“Mzingo. Tell your parliament to back off!” Fuli demanded of him as he sees that his crew is paralyzed in fear of Fluttershy’s deadly stare while being pelted by fruit from the baboons with the baby getting some good hits with a small stick in his paws.

“Emergency motion to cease and desist!” Mzingo called for his crew.

“Shall we form a committee and put it to a vote?” Mwoga asked.

“No! Stop! (STAMMERS) Go! Now!” Mzingo stammered in fear of the cheetah and peagsus as they both quickly flew away for their lives with the message to think twice before crossing them in mind.

“Fuli and Fluttershy! Fuli and Fluttershy! Fuli and Fluttershy!” The baboons chanted as they praised them for saving them along with their baby while making their way down the Cliffside.

“Aw, thanks.” Fluttershy said with a small pink-tinted blush on her cheeks.

“Baboons.” Fuli chuckled in amusement and pleased with their gratitude.

“Thank you both for saving my baby.” The baboon’s mother voiced her thanks as the baby climbed onto the cheetah with his first words.

“Huwezi!” He said to which Fuli returned a pleased and kind grin at the child as Fluttershy awed.

Meanwhile everyone all arrived at the buffalo’s mud pit where Kiara will perform her royal duties.

“I'm sorry we put you through all of that, Kiara.” Tiifu apologized.

“You too, Twilight.” Zuri expressed regret.

“It’s okay.” Twilight shrugged it off. “Because you did help us as much we helped you. Getting off that island was a team effort.”

“Not just that.” Tiifu added while gesturing to her muddy dress along with her and Twilight’s muddy apperances. “Your appearance too.”

“There are more important things than how you look.” Kiara shrugged it off as well much to their surprise. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a royal duty to perform.” She said as Twilight and Spike follow after her as they approach the buffalo leader, Vuruga Vuraga.

“Your Highness.” She greeted Kiara with a bow while nodding in her unicorn friend's direction. "Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Pony Guard."

“Vuruga Vuruga."

"So good to see you.”

Kiara and Twilight happily returned.

“And you. I must say, you look ready for the Wallow! You and your friend.” She complimented on the two for their appearance much to Rarity’s surprise as she witnessed this with the rest of the Guard. “Usually the royals are always so stuffy at these things. But this this is most impressive! Clearly, you understand what the Buffalo Wallow is all about.”

“Really?” Twilight responded with delighted surprise that it all worked out after all. "Well, we are very glad to hear that."

“Thank you, Vuruga Vuruga.” Kiara thanked while turning to her friends along with the stunned fashionista. “Though Rarity, Zuri, and Tiifu deserve some of the credit, too. They always insist I try to look my best.” Vuraga Vuraga turned to them with an approving smile to which they all returned after shaking off with how well it actually works out in the end.

“How about that?” Rarity commented her along with the other girls thoughts while still slightly baffled herself from afar.

“Now! Let the Buffalo Wallow begin!” Kiara then commenced to everyone as the whole herd approach the mud pit in front of them for some relaxing as they soak their fur into the mud and rest their bodies into it.

“Poa! That sure looks like fun.” Beshte commented as Rarity smiles at both Kiara and Twilight for actually giving them the presentation and appearance they truly wanted in the end while seeing that the mud didn’t hurt anything after all.

“Sure does.” Applejack agreed as Fuli regroups with the others.

“Fuli?” Kion greeted.

“Fluttershy? How did it go?” Rainbow added and asked what everyone is thinking.

“Sorry it took so long.” Fuli started with a positive upbeat smile. “The baby baboon's home safe. Just wasn't as simple as I thought it would be.”

“Nothing's ever simple when it comes to Fuli and baboons.” Kion figured with an amused roll of his eyes.

“That’s true!” Rainbow agreed.

“Yeah! Bet you're glad to be rid of that pesky little baboonie.” Bunga voiced of what she’d think she would say with her mission accomplished.

“You know it.” She answered. “Although I am starting to see some baboons a little differently now.” She added as she winked at Fluttershy to assure her that her soft side is still there for them.

”Really? How so?” Pinkie curiously asked.

“Just another friendship lesson she learned along the way.” Fluttershy said on the cheetah’s behalf as she looks back at Mapango Cliffs where the baby baboon’s home is on the horizon.

“Baboons.” Fuli softly said in the place’s direction as she still takes the lesson she learned to heart to which she takes the time to write up a letter to the Princess upon being supplied a quill pen and paper by Spike.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Believe it or not, I have had my fair share of trouble when it comes to baboons. They tend to chase me, get on my nerves most of the time, and even throw fruit at me at times. But thanks to an animal loving friend of mine I learned the good side of baboons and that not all baboons are bad and that you’ll find that in the end that my friendship can extend to those even when they annoy you at times who will always have your back as long as you return the kind caring compassion they seek out of you.

P.S. If you don’t mind, can we please keep this to ourselves? I just really don’t want others to think I have gone to soft. And it would be kind of embarrassing if that happened. Please and thanks your highness.”

Author's Note:

In the episode where a baby baboon gets separated from his family he finds himself a target for Mzingo and his flock to which requires the Guard's help in fending off at the same time Kiara's friends manage to get stuck on a small short-lived island in the middle of the stream as a result of a small rainstorm that showered the Pride Lands.

Here we have Fluttershy and Fuli both taking the child home with the latter not so keen on wanting to take apart of but only relented because he really wanted her company. Along the way along with Fluttershy encouragement, Fuli started to take a liking and an open heart towards the child as they both help each other out when Mzingo and his flock attempted another attack on the latter. In the end, Fuli herself learned a very valuable friendship as her eyes opened up to the bright side of baboons.

At the same time, Kiara prepares another royal duty with Twilight by her side but not before having to come to Tiifu and Zuri's rescue when they get stranded together.

For this one, considering with how they fared in canon after the pilot special, I re-written Kiara's part leading up to this along with dialing down their constant complaining to an extent as Kiara, Twilight, along with Kion and the Guard come to their rescue to which they had to combine two good ideas together to help them across.

Furthermore, there is the part where I try to give a justified reason for not using the simple solution in order to get this plot to work out in this episode along with trying to re-write the B-Plot to my liking since I feel it could have been better if written a little differently.

Anyways, the buffalo leader Vuraga Vuraga greatly liked and appreciated that Kiara and Twilight's muddy appearances fits very well with the occasion to which sparks relief in Rarity who went through the trouble and worry of making Kiara presentable with a fitting dress for the occasion.

Next up is "Baby Cakes." where Kion and Pinkie work together to babysit the Cake's newborn twins who give Pinkie a lesson on how babysitting really works out.

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