• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,361 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 29: Putting Your Hoof Down

Episode 29:

Putting Your Hoof Down

On another fine day in Ponyville, a bright and sunny day, Fluttershy is serving lunch to her critter friends and residents at her cottage. She is now getting everyone’s attention by ringing the lunch bell.

“Lunch time!”

“Who's hungry?”

The two called out to everyone when Fluttershy pours the box of animal treats onto the floor.

“Plenty for everypony.” She told everyone gathering at the pile to hastily chow down on the food while the two float over to make sure there’s no fussing when one of the mice rudely shoves a bunny out of the way. “Slow down, sweetie.” She gently told them to which they all popped their heads towards her for a second before continuing.

“She said slow down everyone, there’s plenty for everyone.” Ono firmly repeated to which everyone stopped what they were doing before obeying his command. “Better.” He said when the pushed aside bunny is given some treats from the egret himself before seeing that everyone is eater at a more healthier pace. Clearly these critters all have really big and ravenous appetites today.

During Fluttershy’s smiling at his direction, one of the mice snatched the box and poured its contents into his mouth. Fluttershy was quick to take the box back before the little critter could get overstuffed.

Just then Angel is heard irritably tapping his foot expecting his lunch to which Fluttershy is quick to deliver by pour the box of treats into his bowl.

“Here you go, Angel bunny.” She offered to him who instead of chowing down like the others kicks the bowl up into the air and onto and over Ono’s head.

“What the…” Ono reacted rather offended by the bunny’s rude gesture along with him lifting his tiny paw right at the egret’s face. “Rude!”

“Okay, Mister Picky-pants, you win.” Fluttershy then moved to retrieve a salad from the nearby table and placed it right in front of her pet bunny. “Carrots, lettuce and apples, yum-yum-yum!”

Angel still not satisfied tossed it aside which crashed into the wall upon impact.

“What? But...” Fluttershy stammered in surprise that she would refuse to eat it.

Angel then picked up a cucumber slice while placing it into his mouth with his face turning green. Clearly he is pretending that he’ll get sick from it while lying on his back with a flower to emphasize it will kill him.

“Quite the horse crud and just eat your salad.” Ono said to him rather annoyed and having none of his stubborn attitude before Fluttershy flew over with a calming hoof.

“It’s okay, I got this.” She assured before turning back to Angel. “Well then, what will you eat?” Angel quickly and eagerly fetched a cookbook that had a salad just like the one she tried to offer but it had bananas, nuts, whipped cream, and a cherry on top. “I'm not sure I can even make that.” She voiced to which Angel further pressed her to do it. “Well... I don't want you to starve... Oh, are you sure I can't tempt you with a nice crisp piece of–“ She tried to offer him the lettuce again to which he smacked it out of her hoof, slapped her face, and then shoved the highlighted recipe in the cookbook in her face to state it must be that nothing else. “I'll make your special recipe.” She sighed.

While Fluttershy reads of what she needs to make this salad, Ono takes the time to get up right in his face.

“Consider yourself lucky Fluttershy is the kind of pony you can push around but if you were living under my wing you wouldn’t be so lucky to get your special treat because I’m not that kind of guy.” He scolded the briefly intimidated pony who didn’t even try to talk back to him before preparing to fly alongside Fluttershy for a trip to the market.

They get there and see there are many ponies with saddlebags on their backs just like Fluttershy trying to get what they need with Ono holding up her shopping list. So far they already gotten most of the vegetables they need for the salad. All they need now is asparagus, tomatoes, and a cherry.

First up is Asparagus where there are plenty of bundles of stalk for sell when a mare unicorn, suddenly cut in front of them.

“Hey!” Ono exclaimed rather frustrated by her thoughtlessness seeing that Fluttershy can’t speak up for herself here. “Excuse me!” He sharply addressed her.

“What?” She said not even paying attention to the two behind her while paying for her bundle of asparagus.

“We were first in line until you cut ahead.” He responded rather incensed when the unicorn levitates her bundle before walking away.

“Sorry, didn't notice you there.” She simply said much to the egret’s aggravation.

“I know.” Fluttershy softly said while an eldery pony approached the stand while she her back was turned from Ono confronting the rude mare.

“Hapana.” Ono groaned before they made their way back over.

“Oh, pardon me, sir–“ Fluttershy tried to speak with him when he pulls out his hearing aid, a megaphone more accurately.

“Yes, what?” He returned not understanding a word she said due to his old hearing.

“I think you just cut in front of me.” She tried to tell him.

“A cut of celery? But– this is the asparagus stand!” He responded while misinterpreting what she said to which Ono took a turn in speaking clearly into his hearing aid.

“She said you just cut in front of her.” He spoke loudly and clearly.

“Ohoh, my bad, I’m sorry but I’m already in front!” He replied as he paid for his bundle of asparagus. “I probably wouldn’t have gone ahead if you hadn’t left the line empty.”

“Right, I noticed.” Ono stoically replied while shaking his head before turning back to the stand so they can get what they need…

…at least before two teenage mares show and cut in front of them.

“...And I was like, 'Oh, wow.'” One mare absentmindedly said to her friend.

“Hey!” Fluttershy attempted to shout albeit softly at them.

“Would you mind moving back? You're in my personal space.” The mare rudely replied to which the peagsus returned widened eyes to make sure she wasn’t.

“But–“ She tried to speak in her defense only to be interrupted again by the mare’s friend.

“Seriously, do you need your asparagus so badly? Get a life.” The second pony with sunglasses told her in the same tone.

“How about you two get a life?!” Ono retorted.

“What did you say, loser?!” The mare with a bow in her mane responded feeling challenged by that remark.

“You heard me and now you listen to me!” Ono bravely fired back while glaring at the two ponies. “We were here first so back up and get a life, Miss Snooty Pants and Toots!”

The two ponies locked eyes with Ono ready for a fight until he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

“Ono!” Kion arrived on the scene when Ono turned to face him. “Stand down!”

Ono not one to disobey an order obliges, but not before giving them the “I got my eye on you.” gesture from his wing while subtly lifting one of his wings for their eyes to see.

“Hmph.” The mare responded before turning back to the stand with a huff. “How rude of him to give us the feather.”

Ono just flew over to where the rest of the Guard have all arrived on the scene having witnessed and heard what had just happened.

“Sorry to have to pull you away like that but you really should be more careful with how you approach ponies like that.” Kion said to the egret who can only give a calming sigh.

“But we were there first and they were all cutting in line!” Ono protested.

“We understand darling. We’re just saying you should try to dial it down a notch.” Rarity sympathized before turning to Fluttershy. ”And as for you Fluttershy, you mustn't let them treat you that way.”

“Oh, it's-it's really no big deal...” Fluttershy meekly insisted but Pinkie insisted otherwise.

“It's bigger than big.”

“It's double big.” Bunga added. “You are a pony with a problem.”

“What problem?” Fluttershy asked to which the others turned to face each other before with Ono and Bunga pushing Fluttershy up in the front of the line. Taking the hint she moves forward only for Fuli to cut right in front of her to which she ended up spinning around and falling over. “Oh, go right ahead, Fuli. You first.”

“And there’s your problem.” Fuli told her before helping her up.

“You just let her walk all over you instead of standing your ground.” Rainbow added. “You’re a doormat?”

“A doormat?” Fluttershy asked having no clue what it means.

“A pushover, darling.” Rarity clarified.

“A pony others can easy do what they expect of you even though they are in the wrong.” Twilight added.

“What they mean to say is you gotta stand up for yourself.” Kyoga added. “Show them that they are not the boss of you.”

“Yeah.” Applejack agreed. “Cause if you don’t, y’all be living life without being taken seriously.”

“Promise us that you’ll stand up for yourself.” Rarity asked of her.

“Oh, okay. I promise.” Fluttershy voiced she’ll at least try before making her way back to the stand where there is one bundle of asparagus available for her to purchase. “Oh! Good!” But before she could move to purchase it a nerdy pony with freckles and glasses wearing a green bow-tie came by and quickly purchased it. “Oh, that's okay, I don't mind.” She then voiced with slight sadness before Rarity and Beshte were quick to have her back.

“Watch and learn.” Rarity said to her before approaching the pony with a charming facade. “Hold it right there, Mister small and handsome.”

“Uh, who, me?” The pony turned while responding.

“Oh, of course you.” She nodded while continuing to flatter him. “Nopony ever called you handsome before?”

“Uhh, that'd be a big no.” He honestly replied after looking aside for a moment.

“Oh, well, they should! How about flexing some of your muscles for me?” Rarity asked of him who managed to produce a small tiny muscle after having his head and bowtie spin around in flattered delight. “Oh, my heavens!”

“Don’t suppose a strong, handsome stallion such as yourself could give my friend the last asparagus?” Beshte then popped the question with Rarity offering a bit before placing it on his nose while levitating the vegetable bundle before walking off. “Thank you so much!”

The nerdy pony was left bashing from being buttered up before walking off.

“See, that's not so hard, is it?” Rarity asked Fluttershy while placing the asparagus in her bag.

“Um... I guess not.”


Both Fluttershy and Ono replied.

“There’s nothing to it.” Beshte warmly added while Rarity pulls out her shopping list. “So what else is on your list?”

“Let's see... I also need tomatoes.” Fluttershy brought up before moving forward to the tomato stand to purchase them. This time there was no pony in line to give her a hard time and there were plenty in stock.

“Here you go.” She said to the vendor while handing her a single bit after placing three tomatoes into her bag before walking off. But the vendor cleared her throat to state she owes more.

“That'll be two bits. Not one.” She told her.

“Oh, but last week, it was only one bit.” Fluttershy responded in surprise.

“That was then, this is now.” The vendor asserted while gesturing to the sign prices.

“Oh, okay. I don't wanna argue about it.” Fluttershy conceded before placing another bit onto the table while angering Ono.

Before Ono could fly over there and give her a piece of his mind, Kion placed a calming paw on his chest while Bunga and Pinkie step forward to handle this.

“What do you think you're doing?” Pinkie demanded.

“Yeah, what she said?” Bunga added while standing on the counter.

“Mindin' my own business, maybe you two should try it.” She retorted.

“Well too bad, sister because two bits for tomatoes is outrageous.” Bunga asserted.

“One bit is the right price.” Pinkie added while pulling back one of the bits.

“I say it's two bits.” The vendor asserted back while pulling back the bit before getting into a bit spat complete with slamming hooves on the counter.

“One bit.”

“Two bits!”

“One bit!”

“Two bits!”

“One bit!”

“Two bits!”

The two traded until Bunga pulled reverse psychology on the vendor while pulling the bit away before putting it back.

“Two bits!”

“One bit!”

“Two bits!”

“One bit!”

“I insist it's two bits or nothing!” Bunga insisted while yelling off the top of his lungs.

“One bit and that's my final offer!” The vendor shouted back while pushing the bit back to him and Pinkie.

“Have it your way, one bit it is!” Bunga then smiled before he and Pinkie quickly leave with the bit in tow. By the time the vendor realized the two had tricked her they had already left with Pinkie, Bunga, Rarity, Ono all giggling while Kyoga nodded while approving of the method.

“See? Asserting yourself can be fun!” Pinkie said to Fluttershy.

“Not too mean, yet not too soft.” Beshte added.

“I guess you're right!” Fluttershy responded feeling a little more confident now.

“So, Fluttershy, Ono, do you two feel like giving it a try?” Rarity asked.

“Um... okay.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Let’s.” Ono confidently voiced before going over to the cherry stand for the one and final item on the list.

“I need that cherry.”

“Firm, not too soft, yet not mean.”

The two mentally said to themselves while making their way to the stand.

“Boy, am I glad you have one cherry left. You see, I'm making this special meal for my bunny Angel. He's a very picky eater, and the recipe calls for a cherry on top.” Fluttershy eagerly expressed her gratitude while handing her a single bit. “Here you go.”

“So, you say you need this cherry 'very badly'.” The vendor questioned sensing a golden opportunity to cash in on this.

“Oh, yes, I'm desperate for it!” She replied.

“Then it'll be ten bits!” He then stated with a smug smirk.



The two voiced with widened eyes while noticing her friends giving them encouraging nods to remember what they taught them.

“Look sir, I understand your supply and demand.” Ono calmly began. “But don’t you think you’re overcharging her just a little.” He added with an encouraging expression to which Rarity nodded in approval upon seeing him take her lesson to heart.

“Ten bits for the cherry.” The vendor refused to change his stance.

“All right! All right!” Ono accepted while trying to keep his cool. “But personally I think that five bits is a more fitting price. Wouldn’t you agree?” He hinted while trying Pinkie’s method now.

“Five bits?” The vendor questioned.

“Umm...I mean, nine bits!” Fluttershy interjected to which left the others watching dumbfounded by this move.

“Er, now wait a minute.” The vendor returned rather confused with Ono gesturing Fluttershy not to give him more than what he is asking for.

“Okay, twelve bits, but that's my final offer!” Fluttershy insisted while still opening her mouth to which further baffled the rest of the Guard.

Bunga had his jaw slack dropped, Pinkie buried her face into the ground, Applejack, Kion, and Beshte all looked away in embarrassment, Twilight, Fuli, Kyoga, and Rarity all face-palmed themselves with Rainbow doing the same while landed on her back on the ground to emphasize with how disastrous Fluttershy’s attempt is going.

“I think you're confused.” The vendor said in response with Ono trying to regain control of the situation while trying to place a wing on Fluttershy’s mouth to get her to put down the shovel before she could dig herself deeper and get out of the hole while she still has the chance.

“Fluttershy…let me handle this.” Ono tried to insist to her in a whisper if she wants out of the hole before turning back to the vendor with his patience tested now. “Actually on the contrary it is you who is confused, its two bits and that’s our final offer!”

“What?” He questioned. “I thought it was eleven bits.”

“No it's twelve bits, take it or leave it.” Fluttershy opened her mouth again which left Ono

“Okay, I'll take it!” The vendor eagerly accepted but before the exchange could occur Fuli and Pinkie quickly intercepted her money away from the stand while Rarity and Kion quickly drag her away by the tail.

“Seriously?!” Fuli exasperatedly questioned. “You were going to give him twelve bits for a small measly cherry!”

“One cherry is not worth twelve bits!” Pinkie agreed.

“But... I was only doing what you did.” Fluttershy voiced not understanding what she did wrong.

“If today was opposite day you sure would have done well.” Fuli sarcastically commented when Rarity takes a turn in speaking to her.

“It was a valiant effort, but you should refuse to give him your business and just walk away.” She gently yet firmly advised while putting her money back in her back.

“But... I can't let Angel starve!” Fluttershy protested before flying back over to the stand. “He won't eat it unless I make it just right! I need that cherry no matter what it costs!”

“Fluttershy, no…” Kion tried to say in her direction to keep her from further burning a hole in her bag in vain.

“In that case, twenty bits!” The vendor voiced with smug smirk.

“Twenty?!” Fluttershy softly exclaimed in shock before planting her hooves back into the ground. “Oh, but, I don't have that much!”

“Then why're you wasting my time?” The vendor responded to which was the last straw that broke the egret’s back before he quickly flew over to the stand now very peeved.

“Oh for goodness sake!” Ono yelled in the pony’s face. “Just give her the cherry because I am tired of putting up with your pathetic Private Pantsy flanked fruit b…”

Ono is then quickly pulled away by Twilight with her magic along with being muffled mid-sentence to which the others could only look away awkwardly.

“I'll give you two bits for that cherry!” A yellow coated pony came by and offered the vendor.

“Sold!” He immediately accepted. “Eh, tough break, kid. Next time, don't be such a doormat.” He smugly said in the dejected peagsus’s direction as she sadly walked away while Ono mouthed off a muffled “You are so lucky I’m in a bubble pal.” while lifting his wings up with one last thing to make perfectly of what he thinks of him before being pulled away from the scene by the unicorn’s magic.

“Did he just that there pony the feather?” Applejack asked her friends while the vendor shrugs it off.

“Yep.” Fuli answered with a blank expression and nod before Kion and Kyoga could approach the still angered and restrained bird.

“Ono please, calm down!” Kion urged him to get a grip. “He’s not worth it!”

“But…” Ono attempted to protest until Kyoga interrupted.

“Ono, it’s okay, breathe.” She advised to which he reluctantly does.

“Sorry everyone.” He apologized. “But that just wasn’t fair for them to treat her like that.”

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged. “And we’ll deal with them later.”

“But right know we gotta help Fluttershy!” Kion added to which Ono was able to control himself.

“Where did she go?” Bunga asked noticing that she disappeared.

“Probably back to her cottage.” Fuli figured before everyone all set out in that direction where Fluttershy has made it back putting together Angel’s requested salad.

“Ta-da! Here you go, Angel.” She told him but then quickly added. “Sorry there's no cherry on top, but the rest of it is exactly what you wanted.” Hearing this caused Angel to do a quick comparison before scowling at his owner. “Angel?” Next thing she knows she along with the salad are kicked out all together just in time for the other’s to witness it.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?” Kion asked.

“I’m taking it Angel did mind the missing cherry?” Ono correctly guessed.

“Yes.” Fluttershy weakly answered.

“Hold that thought.” Ono responded before flying inside. “Hey, Angel…”

Next thing that happens is the Guard hearing Ono tell the spoiled bunny off and putting it rather mildly. The Guard could only gasp in shock with how far the egret will go to teach some a lesson before seeing the bunny run outside of the cottage in hear before Ono himself emerged.

“Okay, that takes cares of that.” Ono then said feeling satisfied ignoring the fact with how he did it. “What? That bunny had it coming.”

“Yes he did, but you did do it rather colorfully.” Fuli didn’t hold back on the criticism.

“Not to mention lost your temper again.” Kyoga added to which the others nod in agreement.

“Don’t take this the wrong way Ono.” Twilight began. “But both you and Fluttershy both differing ways of being assertive.”

“What do you mean?” They both asked.

“Well by being honest sugarcube…” Applejack added while turning to Fluttershy first. “…you’re letting too many ponies walk all over you.” She then turned to Ono. “And as for you, you got the assertiveness part there right, but you’re doing it a little too much.”

“How so? You were there to see those ponies trying to scam Fluttershy.” Ono pointed out.

“Yes, but there is a fine line between being assertive and overly-assertive.” Kion added. “And if you’re not careful you might end up hurting someone who cares about you.”

“But…” Ono stuttered. “…I’m not like that. I wouldn’t even dream of saying what I said to Angel to you.”

“Of course everyone knows it, Ono.” Beshte gently replied. “We just think you should handle it in a little nicer way is all.”

“Nice? Like Fluttershy?”

“At least not as much as a doormat as her.” Beshte corrected just as gently to which Fluttershy could only sigh knowing of how true it is.

“I really am a doormat.” She sadly said before noticing a particular pamphlet in her mail to which she opened it up and began reading from it. "The incredible Iron Will turns doormats into dynamos. Assertiveness seminar today, hedge maze centre."

“Interesting.” Fuli commented finding this intriguing. “Sounds like something you could use, Fluttershy.”

“I guess…” She replied rather hesitant at first but then thought the others were right and she does need to stand up for herself and can’t rely on her friends to back her up all the time more before deciding… “…actually you’re right. This is something I need.” She stated before vowing. “As Celestia is my witness, I'm never gonna be a pushover again!”

“That’s the spirit.” Fuli commended her with an approving smile.

Later today, both Fluttershy and Ono went over to where the seminar is being held with the others following after them for support. Fluttershy herself didn’t know what to make of the seminar at first while Ono seemed interested with how this kind of assertiveness compares to his.

Fluttershy when first arriving found a goat watching over the entrance with a serious expression which intimated her slightly but still worked the courage to press forward where the Guard makes their way to the front of the crowd.

“Oh! Ah! Uh... excuse me!“ Fluttershy tried to squeeze her way to the front make room for herself while being glared at by many ponies wanting to give her the boot to the back. But Ono glared at them in return to force them to back off.

Once everyone was settled, the presentation began with loud music kicking up with more goats helping put the show together by flashing the lights onto the stage so the man himself can make his introduction.

Iron Will, the strong and muscular blue-furred ox who greets the cheering audience with pumped fist punches to the side. Just as Iron Will flexed and kissed his muscles, fireworks went off behind him. Clearly, everyone here was very excited to see him since he is really drawing up a crowd. Maybe he can help both Fluttershy and Ono.

“Welcome, friends!” He announced while walking across the stage. “My name is Iron Will, and today is the first day of your new life! I wanna hear you stomp if you're tired of being a pushover!” Ponies stomp and cheer while Fluttershy does a rather light and timid version of it.

“Geez, this guy sure knows how to make some noise.” Fuli commented to Applejack.

“Rather loudly if you ask me.” Applejack voiced in agreement.

“Stomp if you're tired of being a doormat!” The ponies stomp and cheer louder. “Stomp if you wanna pay nothing for this seminar!” The ponies immediately stop cheering and stomping while registering confused expressions before laughing. Iron Will hearing and seeing this quickly shut them up with a snort and a glare.

“That's no joke, friends. Iron Will is so confident that you will be one hundred percent satisfied with Iron Will's assertiveness techniques, that if you are not one hundred percent satisfied, you. Pay. Nothing.” He told everyone before turning to a blonde hair brown coated stallion. “But I pity the fool who doubts Iron Will's methods! You don't doubt me, do you?” He questioned the pony while looking straight into his green eyes while being supported by his goat assitants.

“Uh-uh, no sir...” He nervously answered while sweating in response with the others just agreeing with him.

“That, my friends, is your first lesson. "Don't be shy; look 'em in the eye."

The ponies chattered in agreement while most of the Guard nods seeing it as a very fair point.

“Now, to demonstrate that Iron Will's techniques will work for anypony, I'm gonna need a volunteer.” Iron Will then looked around for the perfect pony while everyone raise their hooves wanting to step up. All but one, Fluttershy, who tries to slowly back her way from the front to avoid being picked herself unnoticed to which did not go unnoticed by the white goat looking around the crowd.

He bleated to the black goat who then bleated to Iron Will to cement his decision of who he wants to step up.

“You in the back row!” He called out to the peagsus with everyone making moving side with focused attention on her.

“Who, me?” She questioned.

“Yes, you! Iron Will wants you onstage!” He expected of her to which caused her to emit a scared gulp.

“Uh, well...” She tried to back out of it but the mintouar wasn’t taking no for an answer.


“Okay.” She complied with a whisper.

As much as the Guard would like to back her up, this is something she’s gotta learn if she wants to learn to stand up for herself.

She makes her way onto the stage where she is greeted to one of the goats blocking her path. She tries to go around him but he quickly intercepts her. Clearly this is her first test.

“Whoaa! He's blocking your path. What are you gonna do about it?” Iron Will asked

“Um, politely walk around him?” Fluttershy guessed.

“No.” He answered with crossed arms, unimpressed while the Guard watching shake their heads in agreement with him.

“Gingerly tip-toe around him?”

“No!” He repeated.

“Go back home and try again tomorrow?”

“No!” He repeated before telling him the correct answer. "When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!"

He then flicked her on the bottom to push her into bumping the goat aside with a head-butt.

“Oh! Sorry.” She apologized to which Iron Will voices another much needed lesson she needs to take.

“Don't be sorry! Be assertive! "Never apologize when you can criticize."” He added before clearing his throat so he can speak to the goat lying on his back. “Why don't you watch where you're going!?” He told him off before turning to Fluttershy. “Now, you try.”

“Uh... next time, get out of the way before... I bump into you, 'cause... I totally won't be sorry when I do!” She made an attempt to assert herself rather weakly and not exactly what everyone else was expecting but Iron Will saw this as an opportunity to cash in on.

“You see, my friends? If my techniques can work for this shy, little pony, then they can work for anypony!” Iron Will told everyone while holding up her hoof to which the crowd cheered as fireworks boomed across the skies.

Initially, Fluttershy had a confused and unsure expression before smiling feeling more confident with standing up for herself more than before. Her friends watching are proud of her for her good start at the subject while preparing to see how effective Iron Will’s tactics will work out for her in the long run. Whether they were too aggressive or not is something they will find out the next time ponies see her.

Shortly after the session ended, both Fluttershy and Ono both made their way back to the cottage where they reflect on what had transpired there.

“So, what do you think, Fluttershy?” Ono asked her. “You feel a little more confident with standing up for yourself?”

“I’m okay.” She replied while looking at her reflection in the mirror. “Actually, I feel good. I feel ready to "attack the day", as Iron Will says.”

Fluttershy trots outside with Ono following after her. There they see a gardener watering the flowers in her garden. What he doesn’t realize is that he is over-watering them.

“Excuse me, Mr. Greenhooves, but I-I think you might be over-watering my petunias...” She softly told him to which the gardener laughed not seemingly paying attention to her. “…again.”

“Let the professional handle it.” He brushed her aside to which Fluttershy started to walk away in defeat again before being tapped on the shoulder by Ono who motioned to her to try it again and remember what she was told earlier.

"Treat me like a pushover, and you'll get the once over." She said to herself before moving to place a hoof on the hose to get stop the water from coming out of the hose.

“Hm? Hmm...” He wondered why water wasn’t coming out of it until she removed her hoof which to let to the held back water spewing all over his face. “Well, perhaps that is enough water.” He relented after coughing and sputtering the water that got in his mouth.

“Thank you.” She responded feeling satisfied before walking off and giving herself an excited giggle of her accomplishment. “I can't believe it worked!” She happily expressed.

“Congratulations.” Ono complimented. “A little excessive but effective.”

“I know right.” Fluttershy squeed in excitement before making their way into town where they come across two ponies hauling carts of garbage across the footbridge in front of them.

“Showpony business is tough.”

“Go ahead, try one of your jokes out on me. I laugh at everything.”

The two ponies addressed each other while stopping in the middle of bridge and blocking off both Fluttershy and Ono from getting across.

“Okay, okay, okay. A donkey and a mule are stuck on a desert island...” The pink addressed to her friend when Fluttershy cleared her throat to get their attention.

“Excuse me? Would you mind moving your carts so I can pass?”

“Yeah yeah, in a minute, I just wanna finish up this story.” She dismissed her before continuing her conversation with her friend to which Fluttershy did not like. “And so the donkey says to the mule–“

“A-hemmmm, can you move? You're blocking my path.” She repeated a little angrier that she refused to oblige to her request.

“Yeah yeah, in a minute!” She repeated. “So the donkey says to the mule...”

“When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!" Fluttershy said to herself before acting on Iron Will’s advice and kicked the carts upwards and hurled trash onto them to which surprised Ono.

“Ugh! Easy does it, lady. We're moving, okay?” She irritably replied before trotting off with her friend.

“Good!” She returned rather satisfied while Ono is left speechless.

“Was this possibly what Kion was trying to warn me about?” Ono thought to himself feeling that Iron Will’s methods are working a little too well.

Next up is a trip to Sugarcube Corner where there is a long line of ponies seeking to get treats made courtesy of the Cakes with Pinkie Pie and Bunga running the stand.

“Who's next please?”

“And what can I get for you today?”

The two addressed the next pony in line just as Fluttershy and Ono walk inside and get in line. But as they were doing so a blue mare with a silver mane quickly cut in front of them after tapping Fluttershy on the shoulder while bumping her aside with a smirk.

“What do you think you're doing?! Didn't you see me?” Fluttershy aggressively demanded.

“Uh, I guess maybe.” The mare merely replied before turning ahead.

“'Maybe'? "Maybes are for babies!"” Fluttershy retorted before spinning the mare around and forcing her to look at her. “Now go to the back of the line where you belong!” She demanded with gritted teeth to which she returned a sheepish and nervous nod before obeying to her command along with everyone else. Clearly they were intimidated with New Fluttershy’s attitude.

“Heyyy, look at you!” Pinkie complimented just as the rest of the Guard approach her having witnessed this.

“Looks like somepony’s got a new look.” Applejack remarked.

“I like it.” Kyoga complimented.

“Oh, your attitude is so feisty, it's fabulous.” Rarity complimented.

“I gotta say, I’m mildly impressed.” Fuli smiled.

“It’s so Un-Bunga-veilable.” Bunga added.

“It’s more than that!” Rainbow inputted while hugging her newly assertive friend. “It’s 120% awesome!”

“Congratulations, Fluttershy.” Twilight commended. “We’re very proud of you.”

“Looks like that monster's workshop really paid off!” Pinkie then said.

“Iron Will's not a monster.” Fluttershy corrected. “He's a minotaur, and a true inspiration. His techniques really work.”

“Well, they've certainly made a difference in the way you carry yourself.” Kion said. “It’s like you truly are a whole new Fluttershy.”

“Yes I am. And new Fluttershy feels pretty stoked about new Fluttershy.” Fluttershy voiced with pride feeling sure of herself while Ono was pretty much silent throughout all of this unsure of what to say about it.

“Well, old Pinkie Pie feels really proud of new Fluttershy.” Pinkie then said while pulling up a punch bowl onto the table. “Proud as pink punch. Want some?”

“I do!” Bunga said before rolling onto the ground in laughter with Pinkie Pie.

But Fluttershy instead of finding it funny instead scowled at the two having taken offense to that comment.

"You laugh at me, I wrath at you!" She growled before knocking the punch bowl off the counter and spilled punch all over them leaving the Guard all stunned by what had just happened.

“Huh?” Bunga spoke rather shocked that she did that with the others left with agape mouths.

“Fluttershy? Why did you do that?” Beshte asked.

“That wasn’t very nice!” Fuli scolded.

“Bye, girls and boys.” She simply said before leaving while ignoring her friends and the many ponies quickly scattering upon seeing her emerge from the bakery.

“What a day. Taxi!” Fluttershy said to herself very pleased before noticing an open taxi ahead. But before she could get on another pony, one with a dark grey coat and a white mane quickly leaped on her ride.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed realizing what’s in store for him.

“Oh no.” Fuli also spoke coming to the same conclusion.

“Oh no you don't. "Cut in line, I'll take that's mine!"” Fluttershy angrily spoke before viciously tackling and beating down the pony on her cab before kicking him off onto the steps of Sugarcube Corner in front of her horrified friends.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed upon seeing this brutal sight.

“Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! Nopony!” Fluttershy yelled off the top of her lungs to everyone before being escorted by her terrified driver.

“What the hay just happened…” Rainbow spoke to her friends in shock with what they had just saw.

“She just dumped punch on Pinkie and Bunga and then beat up a pony for hopping on her ride.” Ono answered while seeing this is what his friends were trying to warn him against with his assertiveness. “And suddenly I now have a really bad feeling about all of this.”

“Me too.” Twilight agreed. “Because that was way too far there.”

“Definitely over the line.” Kion supported.

“No question about that.” Kyoga didn’t even deny it.

“Old Pinkie Pie is not so sure new Fluttershy is such a good idea after all.” Pinkie worringly voiced her opinion.

“Old Rarity agrees.” Rarity nodded.

“Glad I’m not the only one who is now seeing this.” Ono said in terrified relief. “Because it looks like Iron Will’s methods are working a little too well.”

The next day, Fluttershy gave herself another pep talk in her mirror ready for another day of assertiveness or rather over-assertiveness with what she is doing right now.

“You got this, new Fluttershy! This day is yours! And nopony's gonna take it away from you! Am I right?!” She then said the last part in some of her critter friends face very loudly with a mean grin to which caused them to faint in frightened shock. “Right!” She then declared before seeing that her recently delivered mail is not to her liking. “What?! He's delivered the wrong mail, again!” She wasted no time in confronting the mailpony and getting in his face over it.

“And new Fluttershy does not want the wrong mail delivered to her cottage.” She harshly reprimanded him for this innocent mistake.

“Ohh, did I mix 'em up again? Sorry about that.” He apologized to which still didn’t sit well with her.

"You apologize, I penalize!" She then shoved him into a mailbox before shoving a stamp on his rear end along with snatching her mail before the oncoming mail cart came by and collected him.

Feeling satisfied with herself she walked off ahead before being approached by a nearby tourist pony.

“Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Ponyville tower?” He kindly asked of her.

“Sure, you just…” She started before gasping upon seeing by doing so she ended up dropping her mail into the puddle in front of them.

“Oh, that's a shame.” He sympathetically remarked only to be met with the girl’s growling wrath.

"You make me lose, I blow my fuse!" She roared at him before flinging him into the nearby hay pile by the camera around his neck which flung into the nearby clock tower which produced a ding from the big bell.

Her friends having arrived on the scene in time to witness this were quick to confront her.

“Fluttershy! What are you doing?!” Kion demanded and scolded. “That's no way to talk to someone like that!”

“Didn't you see what he did to new Fluttershy?” Fluttershy returned angrily and defensively. “And he thought new Fluttershy was a pushover!”

“No, sweetie, he didn't. We saw the whole thing.” Rarity firmly returned.

“And we are seeing that you are now taking your assertiveness training too far.” Twilight added.

“Way too far!” Fuli added with extra emphasis.

“What?!” Fluttershy took offense to this. “You just want new Fluttershy to be a doormat like old Fluttershy! But old Fluttershy is gone!” She shouted the last word loudly.

“New Fluttershy?”

“Old Fluttershy!?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga asked in confusion.

“What happened to the friendly Fluttershy we all know and love?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, what happened to her?” Beshte also implored.

“We want that Fluttershy back.” Rarity tried to reach out to her.

“No, you want wimp Fluttershy.” Fluttershy refused before circling around the Guard with glaring eyes. “You want pushover Fluttershy. You want do-anything-to-her-and-she-won't-complain Fluttershy!”

“Nyaaaaah!” Pinkie complained with her head along with Bunga’s spinning around before placing her hoofs onto her head to stop the internal spinning. “Too many Fluttershys to keep track of!“

“Make it stop!” Bunga added before being met face-to-face with the peagsus.

“What’s the matter little mongoose?” She asked in a taunting manner. “Afraid of new Fluttershy?” She said before slapping him away with her tail before turning to Pinkie. “Things getting too complicated for your simple little brain, Pinkie Pie?” She then poked and knocked her back away before being caught by both Beshte and Rarity.

“Come on, Fluttershy. Snap out of it.” Beshte pleaded. "You are better than this."

“Yes, stop right there young lady!” Rarity added in a chastising manner. “Let's not let things descend into petty insults!”

“Why not? I thought 'petty' was what you're all about, Rarity. With your 'petty' concerns about fashion.” Fluttershy fired back with a mean smirk to which she gasped in shock hearing that insult before turning around to cry with Beshte’s comfort.

“Please Fluttershy, stop…” Beshte again pleaded.

“Or what?” Fluttershy questioned rather amused. “You’ll charge at me? Ha!” She scoffed. “You couldn’t charge someone who can carry his own extra weight! Oh sorry, I guess you already do.” She added while gesturing to the hippo’s body to which Bunga gasped upon hearing that insult.

That remark just left Beshte destroyed inside with Bunga and Pinkie both get face to face with Fluttershy in Beshte and the silently weeping Rarity’s defense.

“Hey, leave them alone!”

“Fashion is her passion!”

The two snapped with the later shaking her hips around while standing on her hind legs.

“Oh, and what are you two passionate about?” Fluttershy retorted back at them. “Birthday cake? Party hats? Pleasing your pathetic excuse uncles? Engaging in stupid stunts?” The two were left crushed themselves by those insults.

“Fluttershy? That’s not what we’re saying.” Kion asserted in their defense. “We’re just saying you that you are being overly-assertive.”

“Really?” Fluttershy dismissed his pleas. “This coming from the Lion Guard’s Fiercest who’s afraid he’ll turn into the lion who destroyed his own Guard?” She returned while getting into his face. “What’s the matter Kion? Can’t take the heat when push comes to shove? Pathetic coming from the little lion who’s daddy left mommy when his uncle Scar saw he wasn’t King Mufusa who is now weeping and slobbering all over my mane!” She further insulted to which left the lion in tears by that hard-hitting insult with Twilight quick to comfort him.

“Fluttershy stop!” Twilight pleaded. “This isn’t you!”

“Oh really?” Fluttershy returned unimpressed. “Says the pony who’s afraid of disappointing the princess, afraid of returning to magic kindergarten? Well’s new flash for you Miss Perfect cause deep down you are a just friendless and worthless loner who is only denying the very truth before her very own eyes and everyone knows it.”

“But I…” Twilight stammered with tears streaming from her eyes.

“I can't believe that the most frivolous folks in Ponyville and the Pride Lands are trying to tell new Fluttershy how to live her life when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony and nobody else gives a flying feather about!” Fluttershy further ranted to which left her utterly crushed and tearing up friends very hurt.

“Why are you doing this to us?” Twilight inquired in tears.

“We’re your friends!” Kion added just as devastated.

“Looks like nasty Fluttershy is here to stay!” Pinkie cried in a similar manner.

“I cannot believe what that monster Iron Will has done to you!” Rarity also cried before she and Pinkie ran off in tears together with Twilight teleporting herself Kion, Beshte, and Bunga away from the scene leaving Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Ono, Kyoga, and Fuli the only ones left standing.

“Iron Will's not a monster, he's a minotaur!” Fluttershy again roared off the top of her lungs.

“Fluttershy, how could you say that to them?” Fuli could only say in horrified shock with how low she has sunken.

“Yeah! What’s gotten into you!” Kyoga demanded an explanation from her. “You just insulted and drove off your own friends to tears!”

“Like it matters to you two.” Fluttershy again brushed them aside. “Because they couldn’t take the heat from New Fluttershy.”

“No, Fluttershy!” Rainbow retorted. “They were trying to tell you that you were going too far with being assertive and return their efforts with tear-jerking insults to their faces!” She then got in her face. “The only one acting in the wrong here is you!” She added with a hoof to her chest.

“Well I’m doing the best I can in making sure nobody but nobody pushes Fluttershy around again!” Fluttershy fired back while pushing the speedy peagsus away from her face. “Not that you of all ponies would understand, Rainbow Crash!”

“Oh so that’s how it’s going to be huh?!” Rainbow returned with fiery fury in her heart before firing back. “Well if you were half the pony old Fluttershy was you’d never…”

She is then suddenly slapped away and into the ground knocked unconscious by the enraged girl. “I’M TEN TIMES THE PONY OLD FLUTTERSHY WAS!” She shouted before looking down at her cowering friends with Ono the most frightened of the bunch.

But before anything else could happen she then suddenly saw what she had just done after looking at herself in the reflection. Her friends were right, and she didn’t realize until it was too late and it is a sight that horrified herself seeing what she has become.

“I'm the monster.” She sadly said to herself before flying off in shame.

“Fluttershy, wait!” Applejack called after her direction to no avail. She had already flew away back to her cottage and by the time all her friends had emotionally recovered she already had barricaded herself inside for the rest of the day. Boards and nails bolted on every door and window shut so she can never demolish anyone ever again.

Sure what she said and did hurt but that’s nothing worth ending their friendship with her. And they are now here to help her snap out of it.

“Fluttershy, are you in there?” Rarity called out to her after knocking on her front door.

“It's Pinkie Pie and Rarity!”

“Along with Bunga, Kion, Twilight, Ono, Applejack, Fuli, Kyoga, Beshte, and Rainbow Dash.”

Both Pinkie and Bunga added.

“Go away! Go away before nasty Fluttershy strikes again!” Fluttershy shouted back at them in distraught shame.

“Fluttershy, it’s okay.” Twilight tried to speak with her in an attempt to assure her they hold nothing against her for the other day.

“Oh, sweetie, we all said things that we regret.” Rarity added.

“We did?”

“Since when?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga cluelessly asked before being slapped in the back of the head by both Applejack and Fuli.

“What?” Bunga questioned while rubbing the back of his head.

“Do you not know when to keep that big mouth of yours shut.” Fuli irritably questioned before turning back to their ashamed friend.

“No, Pinkie and Bunga are right.” The tied up peagsus in the shadows of her dark home called back with a reluctant Angel obliging to her request to tie her up. “I'm the only one to blame. But don't worry, I'm never coming out of my house again. Everypony will be a lot safer with me and my mean mouth locked away.”

“Now sugarcube, that’s no way to talk.” Applejack tried to insist otherwise. “It’s not your fault.”

“Exactly.” Rarity agreed. “Nor does anyone else. You just received some bad advice from that Iron Will character.”

“Yeah! He's the one that made you act super-duper nasty.” Pinkie again thoughtlessly added.

“He’s the one who really deserves the hate!” Bunga also said which earned them more slaps and glares from both Applejack and Fuli.

“What they really mean is, there are other ways to assert yourself besides yelling at everypony and everyone.” Kion clarified there’s another way to this all.

“Exactly, you can assert yourself and still be the kind and compassionate friend we all know and love.” Twilight added onto Kion’s explanation.

“Without ripping into everyone that so much as crosses you slightly.” Ono further added. “I know that now because I too almost went there.”

“Come on, sugarcube.” Applejack tried to urge her to come out. “Come on out of there and we can help you be kindly assertive just like us.”

“Please Fluttershy, for us?” Beshte asked of her. “It’s the least we could do for you.”

“I-I'm not sure I can.” Fluttershy sadly returned while looking at herself in the mirror. “I'm too far gone. Whenever I try to assert myself, I become a monster just like Scar.”

“That’s not true.” Kion firmly voiced against that claim. “You are much better than that and you're not a monster like Scar.”

“No, but he is.” Pinkie interjected while pointing to the black-tie wearing minotaur riding on the black-furred goat with a red tie with the white-furred goat with a blue tie accompanying them.

“Iron Will's my name, training ponies is my game.” He greeted everyone with Kion, Fuli, Twilight, Kyoga, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie approached him with Beshte, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Bunga, and Ono still standing by the door.

“Okay…” Kyoga just said in response to the fact that he wasn’t talking to anyone in particular.

“…Nice to meet you too.” Fuli added in the same tone.

“What a darling little catchphrase.” Rarity also added just for the sake of complimenting him.

“Your friend Fluttershy loved Iron Will's catchphrases. Word on the street is that she doesn't take no guff from nopony!” He explained while wrapping his arms around the six Guard members with one around Rarity, Kion, and Pinkie Pie and the other around Twilight, Fuli, and Kyoga who all weren’t very comfortable with his friendly gesture. “So, Iron Will is here to collect Iron Will's fee.” He added before making his way to the girl’s cottage after letting them all go.

“Fluttershy is in no shape to deal with that creep!” Pinkie told her friends with Rarity being the first to act to try to stop him.

“I'm sure a big, brave, powerful, and rich monster– I mean, minotaur like you doesn't need that money right away. You can afford to come back later.” She tried to work her charm on him.

“Are you kidding?” Iron Will asked as if she was crazy. “Fluttershy is overdue as it is. Iron Will collects now.”

He then picked Rarity up by the horn and that dropped her over the hill before turning his attention back to the barricaded door when Kion and Fuli were quick to intercept him.

“Hey! What’s the idea, bub?”

“That’s no way to treat our friend like that!”

Fuli and Kion both said to him which is met with the minotaur just casually swatting them aside.

“Do something!” Rarity implored of her friends with Pinkie and Bunga quick to take a turn in attempting to intercept him.

“We're not even sure Fluttershy is home right now.” Bunga said to him.

“Yeah, For all we know she might be off frolicking with some woodland creatures.” Pinkie added. “Why don't you give us some time to track her down for ya?”

“Iron Will does have some grocery shopping to do.” Iron Will did come to agree while holding up a small shopping list and basket before walking off. “Iron Will will come back this afternoon.”

“But that's only half a day.” Bunga pointed out.

“Yeah,We need one full day at least.” Pinkie agreed.

“Iron Will will delay for half a day and no longer!” Iron Will asserted his decision.

“A full day!”

“Half day!”

“Full day!”

“Half day!”

The two argued when Bunga pulled the same trick the other day on him.

“Half day!”

“Full day!”

“We need half a day and no more!” Bunga asserted in the minotaur’s face with Pinkie joining him.


“Well, you'll get a full day and no less!” Iron Will asserted back while grabbing the honey badger by the fur and the pony by the tail.

“Okay, have it your way.”

“Okie-dokie. See you tomorrow.”

The two happily returned and satisfied while turning to walk away in mid-air.

“Wait, what?” Iron Will then said in confusion starting to catch on to their trick while lowering them to the ground when they all hear Fluttershy sneezing from inside thus blowing her cover accidentally.

“Huh, sounds like the search won't be necessary. Iron Will collects now.” Iron Will then proceeded to tear the boards off of the door but not before being met face to face with Pinkie and Bunga along with Twilight and Kyoga.

“Hey what about our agreement?”

“Yeah, you gotta come back tomorrow?”

The two asked before being flung into mud meaning it is Kyoga and Twilight’s turn to try to stop him.

“If I were you, I’d leave while you still can.” Kyoga warned in a low tone.

“A deal’s a deal and right now you are breaking it.” Twilight reminded him.

“And if I were you, it is the other way around for Iron Will takes guff from nobody.” Iron Will refused to back off while simply picking them and tossing them aside into the nearby bushes.

Both Bunga and Pinkie noe covered in mud turned and saw the two goats chewing on their tails to which the former used his stinky scent to force them to back off.

“The one time I don’t like being in mud.” Bunga commented to himself while brushing the mud off of his fur.

“All right then game on!” Rainbow accepted his challenge with raised hooves ready for a fight along with the hard-charging Applejack and Beshte only for both ponies to be quickly tossed aside and into the mud pit with everyone having to scramble out of the way when Beshte joined them.

“Incoming!” The hippo screamed before plopping into the mud which coated everyone in mud.

“Your payment is overdue, Fluttershy!” Iron Will told the peagsus while tearing the bolted wood off while preparing to break the door down…but instead politely knocked on the door.

“Seriously?” Fuli questioned that approach.

“All of that when he could have just broken the door down?” Kyoga voiced in the same exasperated tone as the cheetah when the peagsus emerges from her house with Ono still flying by her side while everyone else watches on with what is about to happen.

“You were nothing but a doormat, and Iron Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine!” The minotaur addressed the peagsus while moving and flexing his muscles with Ono still perched on Fluttershy’s back. “Now, pay Iron Will what you owe Iron Will!”

“Um, no.” Fluttershy calmly responded with everyone staring in disbelief with her answer.

Pinkie and Bunga both fell to their side in shock while the goat assistants released surprised bleats.

“Oh, no.” Fuli cringed with worry that the girl is now dead for saying that.

“What did you say?” Iron Will demanded while Ono dropped his jaw in disbelief

“No.” She repeated.

“Ohhh, I'd hate to be you right now…” He roared while angrily bending the fence behind him like he is in a wrestling cage “…because Iron Will is gonna rain down a world of hurt unless Iron Will gets his money pronto!” He shouted the last bit to the undeterred peagsus while Ono passed out.

“As I recall, during your workshop you promised one hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed, or you pay nothing.” Fluttershy pointed out while using one of her wings to gently get Ono to wake up. “Well, I'm not satisfied.”

“What do you mean you're not satisfied?!” Iron Will could believe what he is hearing. “Everypony has always been satisfied!”

“Well, I guess I'm the first then. But since I'm not satisfied, I refuse to pay. It's as simple as that.” She simply returned while her friends continue to watch in shock even Kyoga was stunned by the sheer bravery she was showing.

Pinkie, Bunga, and Ono had their jaws dropped in response with Rarity and Kyoga both closing them with their hooves and paws with Fluttershy doing the same with Ono.

Seeing that Fluttershy is not taking her stance, Iron Will takes a moment to speak with his goat assistants for a private huddle and discussion before turning back to her.

“Ohh, are you... sure you're not just a little bit satisfied?” Iron Will tried to negotiate some payment out of it while nervously scratching the back of his neck and readjusting his tie. “B-because maybe... we could cut a deal. I-I mean we're both reasonable creatures, aren't we?”

“I'm sorry, but no means no.” Fluttershy firmly asserted.

“No means no, huh?” He just said still dumbfounded before being carried off by his goat assistants in defeat. “Nopony's ever said that to me before. Huh... I gotta remember that one. That's a good catchphrase for my next workshop.”

Once Iron Will was gone she was immediately greeted by her friends.

“Poa! You did it!” Beshte complimented.

“You totally stood up to that monster!” Pinkie also commended.

“I admittedly couldn’t have done it better myself.” Ono admitted seeing the true line of what kind of assertiveness he should be striving for.

“It was Un-Bunga-veilable!” Bunga added in excitement.

“In fact, you didn't change at all!” Rarity voiced with how impressed she is. “You were the same old Fluttershy that we've always loved!”

“And the one we missed.” Kion added with a proud smile.

“Don't worry, old Fluttershy's back for good.” Fluttershy assured before speaking with apologies on her mind in shame. “I'm sorry I took the whole assertiveness thing too far.”

“Don’t worry about, sugarcube.” Applejack accepted her apology. “Things like this can happen to anyone and anypony.”

“But what’s important is that we learn from our mistakes and move on from the past.” Twilight added warmly.

“Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy said in her direction still mortified for striking her very harshly. “…I hope you can forgive me for what happened the other day.”

“Don’t sweat it.” Rainbow shrugged it off with a playful nudge. "Of course I forgive you."

“So does that mean we’re friends?” Fluttershy then asked everyone.

“Friends.” Everyone all accepted her apology with a group hug.

“I don’t know…?” Kyoga the only one not in the huddle voiced unsure whether to accept it or not thus worrying Fluttershy until she returned a hug while wrapping her arm around her neck and scratching her mane in a friendly big sister manner. “…Of course we’re friends. After all you still have to teach me your new method of assertiveness.”

Everyone all laughed at the humor the lioness showed while everyone once again shared a warm, friendly, and inviting hug of forgiveness for everything that had happened these last few days.

Shortly afterwards everything was back to the Guard’s liking with all of the boards and nails removed from her windows and doors. Furthermore, the cottage is returned to its former glory with warm and inviting sunshine spread across and inside for everyone to enjoy.

During the next feeding time, Fluttershy and Ono took the time to write up a letter for the princess with their friends watching to see the newly improved duo finding the middle ground in assertiveness while they oversee the many critters eating treats from their bowls.

When Angel refuses to eat his normal salad, Fluttershy goes over and glares at the bunny trying to throw a tantrum over it. Once he sees that Fluttershy is not changing her stance again especially since she is using “The Stare.” on him he backs off and bites into a cucumber from his salad to which he looked aside expecting to get sick from it. But to his surprise, he ended up liking and devouring it with both Fluttershy and Ono feeling pleased by the sight. The latter more so since he feels he totally deserved it for what he put everyone through with his selfish and childish desires.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Sometimes it can be hard for a shy pony like me or a sensitive egret like Ono to stand up for ourselves, and when I first tried it, I didn't like the pony I became. And when Ono tried it, he ended up nearly losing his temper. But we've learned that standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are. Now we know how to put our hooves and wings down without being unpleasant or mean.”

Once the letter was written up and ready to go, Fluttershy handed it over to Twilight so she can have Spike send it on over to Canterlot but not before sharing another hug with her unicorn friend before heading out of the cottage back to the library…

All while being secretly watched by Scar from the clawed palm of his magic along with the memories of New Fluttershy’s insults towards her friends from the comforts of the shadows from the Everfree Forest.

From the looks of the sinister smile on his face, he finds this verbal beat down very useful research while he looks on the unicorn he has a very special eye towards for when he takes over Equestria and the Pride Lands.

Author's Note:

For starters before I begin, I too am one of those readers who fell the whole Mane Six should have been included in this episode so that's what I did here. Also and next up, this took quite some time just to manage the entire Guard into this episode with equal roles while still making the main focus on Fluttershy and Ono here.

For Ono, I decided to have him serve as someone who understand how to be assertive yet doesn't know of how to do it without losing his temper like he did at the marketplace. So it took Fluttershy taking bad advice from Iron Will for him to see that. For him admittedly, he's not afraid to get up in someone's face when the situation calls for it. But there is a fine line between telling someone off and unnecessarily assaulting someone if said offense is minor. And that's where Ono's assertiveness flaw comes in contrast to Fluttershy.

Even though most of the Guard was driven to tears upon "crossing" overly-assertive Fluttershy they still weren't about to let that end their friendship with her and were quick to assure her that she is not a monster. She just took in some bad advice that was rather too excessively assertive. And in the end, Fluttershy was able to learn how to do it without being mean and nasty while Ono learns of how control his temper when being assertive.

Next up is "It's About Time." where Twilight tries to prevent a terrible future from happening.

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