• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,328 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 35: Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Episode 35:

Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Another rainstorm has come and gone in the Pride Lands, which means another day of hippos creating lanes for Pride Landers to cross the river. The lanes in question involve clearing and pushing down tall overgrown grass in the Flood Plains so animals can safely cross without getting lost or tangled up. They’re usually done shortly after a rainstorm and must be straight and true to from one side to the other side to ensure everyone makes it through no problem.

Basi, Beshte’s father has decided it is time to teach his son how to do them so that he’ll be ready to do them when it becomes his responsibility for when he takes over the job. And so far he is doing well for a first time learner.

“Making the hippo lanes after a big rainstorm has been a hippo tradition for a long time.” Basi told his son while plowing the grass down.

“It sure would be easy to get lost in all these reeds.” Beshte commented while doing the same alongside his father.

“Exactly. Flattening all these overgrown plants helps everyone else cross the flood plains safely. So I try to make 'em straight and true.”

“And that's what they are, straight and true.”

“I do my best. And someday you'll be the one making the hippo lanes!”

“Help! Help! I'm stuck!” A young voice cried out to anyone nearby.

“It came from back this way!” Basi deduced while looking in the opposite direction before leading Beshte towards the source. “Let's go, son!”

The two went back before listening to the sound of the distressed animal’s voice.

“Somebody! Anybody?”

Basi and Beshte quickly took a sharp left upon hearing his voice again.

“Twende Kiboko!”


“Where are you?”

“Over here!” The young rhino entangled by the reeds called out.

What he is unaware of is that Makku and another crocodile are right behind him ready hunt him on the spot.

“Mmm. Lunchtime.” The crocodile leader licked his lips.

“We're coming!” Beshte called out to the helpless animal again.

“They'll never find him in this mess.” Makku said to his partner while slowly advancing on their prey.

“This way, Dad!” Beshte called out before turning his attention the hunter. “Hey! Stay away from him, Makuu!”

“Makuu?” The young rhino gasped.

“Think about it, Beshte.” Makuu reminded while getting face to face with him to intimidate him. “There's two of us, and only one of you.”

“Back off, Makuu.” Beshte warned him still not backing down. “The flood plains are a safe zone after a rainstorm.”

Makuu rolled his eyes to dismiss his warning…at least until Basi quickly got face to face with him to chastise him.

“You know Beshte's right, Makuu.” He said to back up his son there.

“Hippos... Always obeying the rules.” Makuu grumbled angrily before backing down. “Come on. One little rhino's not worth the effort.”

The father and son duo smiled at each other for a job well done once Makuu and his partner swam away from them.

“You sure they're gone?” The young rhino worryingly asked.

“Yup.” Beshte nodded. “So what's the kerbubble?”

“I got tangled up in the reeds and mud. And I can't get free.” He explained.

“Well, maybe you should have waited for me to finish the hippo lanes. Just like all the other animals.” Basi commented with gentle advice.

“But I was in a hurry!” He claimed before sighing knowing he’s right. “I know I should have waited.”

“Don't worry. We'll get you out.” The Lion Guard’s Strongest assured before he and his father moved to untangle him.

Suddenly nearby egrets screeched while flying back startling the rhino greatly.

“What was that?” The rhino panicked while burying his head into the water while accidentally thrusting his horn into Basi’s front left leg who grunted in pain from the impact.

The rhino then gasped for air while Beshte manages to untangle the last reed holding him down.

“There you go!” Beshte told him.

“I'm free! Oh, oh, thank you!” He happily expressed while moving around.

“Don't forget...” Basi started to remind him.

“I know!” He answered while making his way back to dry land. “Wait to cross until the hippo lanes are done.”

“That's right. Won't be long now.” He returned while seeing him off.

“Hey, Beshte!” Kion greeted while the rest of the Guard with a very reluctant Rarity even while wearing a rain coat and rain boots to protect her mane and hooves followed behind them.

“Kion!” He happily greeted.

“Everything okay.” Twilight asked. “We heard an animal shouting for help.”

“Yeah. But it's taking us forever to get through all this muck.” Fuli added.

“Very icky mud.” Rarity also added with disdain for mud to which Applejack rolled her eyes in annoyance with the fashionista’s comment.

“Aww, come on, don’t be such a prissy pants, Rarity.” Pinkie tried to get her to lighten up.

“Don't worry about that.” Beshte assured. “Me and my dad saved the little guy. And scared off Makuu.”

“You and your dad did all that?” Bunga commented very impressed. “Maybe Basi should be on the Lion Guard too, Kion.” He suggested to his friend to which he chuckled in response.

“I don't think so.” He politely declined. “I've got my jaws full making the hippo lanes. And speaking of the hippo lanes, I need to get back to it!”

He moved to do so yet ends up stumbling a little upon taking his first step on his injured leg.

“Whoa! You okay, Dad?” His son asked in alarm to see this.

“I'll be fine, Beshte.” He attempted to assure while remaining persistent on getting the job done despite struggling with his injury. “That little rhino just scratched me with his horn.“

“Dad?” His son told him while Fluttershy flew over and examined his injured leg. “Looks like more than just a scratch.”

“Um, Basi. I don’t think you should be walking on that leg if you’re limbing like that.” Fluttershy told them gently and out of concern.

“I'm afraid the hippo lanes can't wait.” Basi still insisted on pressing forward.

“Dad, there's no way you can make the hippo lanes if you're having trouble just walking.” Beshte implored him to listen to him and Fluttershy.

“I'm afraid you're right.” He then admitted with a sigh.

“So? What's the big deal?” Bunga asked. “The flood plains will dry up soon. There's not a cloud in the sky.”

No sooner he said that, thunder rumbled to indicate another storm on the horizon.

“Want to try saying that again and tempt fate further?” Kyoga asked while giving him the look along with Twilight and Fuli.

“You know what they say. If you don't like the weather on the savannah, just wait a few breaths.” Fuli grumbled due to her strong dislike of getting rained out along with Rarity having a rain outfit to protect herself.

“Beshte? It looks like someday is today.” Basi told his son.

“What do you mean?”

“I've always said you'd take over the hippo lanes someday.”

“But today? Right now?” Beshte asked in surprise. “Dad, I don't know if I can do it.”

“The Pride Lands need those hippo lanes, son. And I know you can do it.” Basi voiced it’s a necessity while placing his faith in him.

“Beshte, you're the strongest in the Pride Lands. We all believe in you.” Kion encouraged.

“You can do it, partner!” Applejack added.

“Right. It's my responsibility as a hippo.” Beshte said with confidence before taking a calming breath. “I'll do it.”

“That's great.”

“All right!”

“Way to step up, darling!”

“That's my boy.”

Twilight, Fuli, Rarity, and Basi all commend him for doing so.

“And I can help!” Bunga offered while struggling to push down and pull a single reed from the river. “It's really stuck in there.“

“Come on, Bunga.” Kion told him. “Something tells me we'd only slow Beshte down.”

“And that we are better off leading this to the professionals.” Twilight added.

“And you know I'm never one to slow anyone down!” Fuli added in agreement.

“Me neither.” Rainbow shared while fist bumping with the cheetah.

“Thanks, guys.” Beshte thanked his friends for the support.

“We'll help your dad get back to solid ground so he can rest.” Kion told his friend while leading the way.

“Sounds good to me.” Basi accepted with Beshte and Fluttershy walking alongside him to make sure he can at least walk up to the slanted rock platform not far from where they freed the little rhino so he can avoid putting weight on his leg.

“Thank you, Lion Guard. I'm sure if I stay off it, it'll heal up quick.” Basi told the gang while getting comfortable on his resting place.

“Happy to help.” Kion returned when the Guard’s Keenest of Sight flies over to meet with them.

“Everyone! Everyone! We've got a problem. There's another rainstorm on the way!“ He alerted.

“We heard.” Bunga responded that it’s not new news for them.

“It is the rainy season, Ono.” Fuli said in agreement.

“Common knowledge, really?” Kyoga quipped to which Pinkie tumbled into the water laughing while nearly splashing Rarity much to her irritation.

“Pinkie!” Rarity called out to her friend. “Watch it!”

“I’m sorry, but that…” She said in between laughs. “…was a super wicked burn. You just got roasted, Ono.”

She laughed harder while Ono rolled his eyes in annoyance before continuing.

“Yes. But the sable antelopes' grazing grounds were already flooded out in yesterday's rainstorm.”

“So they've got nowhere to eat? That's horrible!” Bunga responded feeling bad for them while Fuli releases a very begrudgingly sigh predicting how they’ll react.

“And if I know the sable antelope, they're probably too stubborn to move.”

“Exactly! They're just standing around in knee-deep water! Even the little baby antelopes!”

“So when the next rain storm comes...” Fuli began with Fluttershy finishing.

“They'll be completely underwater.” She shuddered at the thought.

“They’ll be sleeping there for the rest of their lives if they don't move.” Kyoga added to which Pinkie started to snicker again until the lioness quickly turned and glared at the pony to knock off it since there is nothing funny about that.

“We need to get that herd to higher ground.” Kion stated.

“You should bring them here.” Basi suggested.

“Good idea.” Twilight agreed.

“The herd's on the other side of the flood plains.” Ono pointed out the flaw with that.

“Well, sure.” He acknowledged. “But by the time you go around and lead them back, Beshte will be done with the hippo lanes.”

“Right.” Fuli immediately understood. “Then they can get across the flood plains quickly. Before the rain gets here.”

“Makes perfect sense.” Applejack also got the idea.

“Great idea, Basi.” Kion also liked it. “Thanks for your help!”

“Sure. Just wish I could be out helping Beshte with those lanes.” Basi responded.

“Don't worry, Bigger B. I know Big B can handle it.” Bunga assured with a pat on the lower back.

“Just stay here and avoid putting weight on it.” Fluttershy advised.

“Come on, Lion Guard. Let's go help those antelope!” Kion told everyone while leading the way. “Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

While the Guard takes care of the antelope, Beshte gets started on the hippo lanes.

“Hi, Beshte!” Laini greeted from a nearby rock.

“Hey, Laini.” Beshte returned while approaching her. “Check it! I'm makin' the hippo lanes!”

“Oh, good!” She responded before asking a favor from him. “I've been trying to get across the flood plains all day! Think I could hitch a ride to Ndefu Grove?”

“Sure!” He accepted while letting her hop on his back. “Helpin' other animals is the whole point of the hippo lanes!”

“Aw! Thanks, Beshte.”

“Any time, Laini.”

While it was nice of him to do so, what he doesn’t realize is that he is straying away from the current lane he was working out.

Elsewhere, the Guard has managed to find the antelopes still in their flooded grazing grounds and hadn’t budged an inch even with another bad storm headed their way. Kion upon seeing them wasted no time giving them orders.

“Antelopes, listen up! You need to follow us to higher...”

“And drier!” Bunga quickly added.

“...ground. Let's go!” The Guard’s Fiercest finished although the antelope leader isn’t taking kind of the order even though bad things are in store if they don’t listen to them.

“"Let's go?" Maybe we don't want to go. Maybe we're fine right here.” He responded with his head up high.

“Fine?” Fuli inquired while getting face to face with him. “You're knee deep in water. You really need to come with us.”

“Do we now?”

“Yes you do.” Kyoga spoke up in agreement. “Because there's another rainstorm on the way. The water here will only get higher!”

“So follow us. Come on!” Fuli urged them to do so but he refuses to move.

“We don't take orders from you.”

“But you all will drown here if you stay.” Fluttershy protested.

“Come on, please?” Twilight implored with him to listen to reason while sympathetic and understanding of his attitude. “I know you're tired and hungry. But if you follow us to higher ground, there will be plenty to eat. And you won't be standing around in water.”

He opened an eye while softening up a little upon the unicorn’s polite request with a female antelope approaching him in agreement with the Guard’s reasons.

“It might be nice to get the young ones out of the water, Bupu.” She advised and urged him to listen while his son gave him a pleading look.

“Okay.” He relented.

“You heard Kion and Twilight.” She told him pleased with his response. “Let's follow the Lion Guard!”

“Was that so hard?” Fuli asked also pleased herself.

“Let's go anty-lanty-lope!” Pinkie told everyone cheerfully while they all make their way up higher ground.

“Ono, Rainbow, report.” Kion asked of them while he and Twilight lead the way.

“So far so good, Kion.” Rainbow reported back before Ono spotted something else.

“Wait a tick... Rock slide!” He alerted everyone.

“Back! Everyone back!” Kion quickly told the antelopes.

“What is it with you?” Bupu irritably asked not aware of what’s headed their way. “You just told us to follow you.”

Before anything else, the rocks fell right in front of them to cut the herd off from the Guard.

“Anyone hurt?” Twilight asked everyone from their side.



“We’re good.”

Bunga, Fuli, Applejack reported on behalf of the team.

“We’re okay, too darlings.”

Rarity reported from the other side with Fluttershy and Pinkie with her and the antelope.

“Ono, Rainbow, how's the herd?” Twilight then asked of the flying pair.

“They look fine.”

“But there's no way they can get past those rocks.”

The two reported.

“Is there another way around?” Kion asked.

“I don't see one. And it looks like the storm's coming in fast!”

“If only I can control the weather here I could help delay it but this is the Circle of Life here.”

They responded empty-winged and hooved.

“Too bad Beshte's not here. He could move those boulders easy.” Fuli commented.

“We don't need Beshte.” Bunga asserts it wouldn’t be a problem. “Kion can just Roar that rock away. Right, Kion?”

“I could, if the antelopes weren't on the other side of it.” Kion pointed out.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Not a problem ya’ll.” Applejack assured while stepping forward to the rock pile. “The Pony Guard’s strongest and most honest pony's got the cheat on this here mess.”

Applejack moved on buck and remove the rocks blocking the way one by one with Twilight using her magic to join in on helping her out.

Back in the Flood Plains, Beshte is working hard in removing a boulder blocking their way. By this point, he had already accepted more favors and giving some more Pride Landers some rides too along with Lanini.

“Excellent work, Beshte.” The young aardvark commended.

“I didn't think he was going to make that one.“ The female yellow wagtail commented.

“What are you talking about? He's Beshte! Strongest in the Pride Lands.” The frog sitting alongside her commented without any doubt.

“I suppose.” The bird came to see that. “But I was afraid we were going to get stuck.”

“Don't listen to her.” The frog then told Beshte. “You're doing a dandy job.”

“Heh-heh. Thanks, Chura.”

“Except I was headed that way.” Chura quickly added while moving onto his snout to redirect him another way.

“No problem. I'll get you there in a jiffy.” Beshte responded while turning to do so.

“Oh. Then can you drop me off over by Ndefu Grove?” Lanini also asked of him.

“Sure thing, Laini.”

“You sure you don't mind?”

“’Course he doesn't mind! It's no problem for the strongest in the Pride Lands.” Chura again reminded.

“Aw. The whole point of the hippo lanes is to help animals get where they need to go.” Beshte told everyone before singing a song on the way there to pass the time.

Makin' Hippo Lanes

“Thanks for the ride, Beshte.” Chura thanked.

“Any time, Chura.”

“Oh! My den's not far from here. I'll get off, too. You mind? Thanks again.” The aardvark thanked before heading out on dry land.

“My pleasure.” He kindly returned. “But I better get goin' and make another lane back to the other side.”

“You're going to the other side?” A female hare spoke up from nearby. “Perfect! Just drop me off at the patch of bristle grass on the other side.”

“Sure thing.“ He gladly accepted to help her out.

“Good thing you came along, Beshte, or I never would've gotten across the flood plains.” She told him while Beshte makes his way back to resume the job.

Back at the rocky path, both Twilight and Applejack have managed to clear the path but by then the antelope have decided to sit on the haunches.

“All right, ya’ll. The path is now clear and ready for walking again.” Applejack happily announced. “Now let's get you to the flood plains.”

But even still they weren’t budging.

“Hello? The path is clear!” Fuli quickly rushed over to make it clear they can go now.

“We've already come so far.” Bupu sighed not wanting to go further.

“Seriously?” She remarked in annoyance with their stubbornness.

“I suppose we could follow a little longer.” Bupu then reluctantly pressed forward while leading the herd and following the Guard.


“These sure are stubborn ante-lantly-lope!”

Bunga and Pinkie commented.

“They sure are.” Rarity agreed.

“I just hope we beat that storm.” Fuli just hoped they’ll cooperate long enough for the sake of their trip though while Fluttershy wonders if they should be showing a little more kindness to them with the thunder and lightning growing louder by the minute.

Thankfully they were able to make it to the hippo lanes where they’d meet up with Beshte when he was down.

“Almost there. We just have to take the hippo lanes across the flood plains.” Kion told everyone just when they arrive with Rainbow and Ono flying ahead to take a look. But found one major problem with the job Beshte did.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing.” Rainbow asked Ono who nodded his head in response.

“This can't be right.” Ono commented. “We better talk to Beshte.” He then used is keen sight to quickly spot Beshte walking by towards a nearby slanted rock. “There he is.”

“Hey, Ono! Rainbow!” Beshte greeted the two flyers.

“Beshte? Um... So, are you all done with the hippo lanes?” Ono asked.

“Sure am.” Beshte answered. “Whew. I must've gone back and forth I don't know how many times! But I got to talk to a lot of nice animals along the way.”

“From the looks of it you sure did.” Rainbow remarked before figuring out how to break it to him while gesturing him to get up on the nearby rock. “And we know you've been working hard. But…you might want to a look at your work in progress.“

“I didn't think of that.” Beshte realized before doing so and sees the maze like creation he did while he was distracted.

“Oh, no! I must've gotten distracted by all the rides I was giving. Those lanes aren't straight and true at all! I let everybody down.”

“Well, at least they're kind of pretty. That one kind of looks like a flamingo.” Ono tried to compliment them to make him feel better to no avail.

”But hippo lanes aren't supposed to be pretty. Hippos lanes should be straight and true. And useful!” Beshte pointed out.

“Would this be a bad time to point out we just brought a herd of antelope to travel across the Flood Plains?” Rainbow asked rather awkwardly.

“A whole herd?” Beshte was alarmed to hear this. “If they go into the flood plains now, they'll get totally lost!” He moved to start over. “I gotta make a new lane. But what if I mess it up again?” He briefly pondered out loud. “No! I can do this.” He said while setting out to resolve this while turning back.

“Uh, Beshte?” Ono called out to him to point out that he is twisting and turning his lane creation yet again.

“Ah! I did it again!” Beshte gasped. “Dad's going to be so disappointed.” He then said in worry before getting an idea. “Wait. Dad'll know how to fix this! I gotta go talk to him. Ono, go warn Kion and Twilight. Don't let any animals into the lanes yet.”


“I’ll come with you.” Rainbow said to him while flying after the hippo. “Maybe I can help give you an extra set of eyes.”

“Tag along, Rainbow.” Beshte accepted without hesitation.

While the two fly over to the hippo’s father, the Guard has arrived at the Flood Plains ready to lead the antelope across.

“This way. This way. Step right up. One new Beshte-made hippo lane for all your crossing pleasures!” Bunga started leading everyone to the lanes. “Moms and babies first!”

The mother antelope and her son went inside first with Pinkie following alongside them to help guide them through the lanes.

“Okay. Now you.” Bunga then moved to the next antelope in line when Ono quickly arrives.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everyone! Wait! Don't go in the hippo lanes!” He quickly alerted in alarm.

“Ono? What's going on?”

“And where’s Rainbow Dash?”

The two leaders asked.

“The lanes! They're not exactly straight and true. More like a curly elephant's trunk. Actually, they're more like a bunch of elephants' trunks. All twisted up together. And stuck in a Baobab tree's roots.” Ono explained to them the problem.

“But I just let an antelope and her baby go in with Pinkie Pie!” Bunga told him.

“Hapana!” Ono gasped. “They'll get lost in there!”

“Not if we can help it.” Kion vowed otherwise before giving orders. “Bunga, Fuli, Fluttershy, Kyoga, Rarity you all stay here. Don't let anyone else in. Ono, Twilight, Applejack, you're with me.”

“Let’s go!” Twilight followed after Kion while Applejack does the same.

“Right behind... Uh, above you, Kion, Twilight.” Ono returned while stumbling on his words.

“So we're not going in now?” Bupu then sighed again in annoyance before complaining. “All day they've been telling us what to do. "Get out of the water so you won't drown." "Follow us to higher ground so you won't starve." "Don't get hit by falling rocks." I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of being told what to do!”

“Are you serious? Those were all good things!” Fuli could not believe and understand why he has a problem with all of this regardless of the situation just when thunder and lightning strikes with rain immediately coming down to the ground.

“Now I bet you're going to tell us to get out of the rain.” He further complained while turning away from the cheetah. “Well, we're not going anywhere!”

“All right.” Kyoga accepted since they don’t have any other options at the moment.

“Good.” Fuli felt pleased there.

“Yeah. That's kinda what we wanted.” Bunga added.

Beshte and Rainbow have both made their way back to the rock where the former’s father is currently resting on where Beshte explains to him of what happened during his attempts to create the hippo lanes.

“So, now the herd is waiting on the other side. I let everyone down. Especially you.” He said to Basi feeling ashamed of himself.

“Aww, you didn't let anyone down, Beshte.” Basi quickly refuted his son’s dejection. “If anything, I let you down. I never should have sent you out there alone, son.”

“And if it’s any conciliation, this is your first time in creating them and you helped everyone you came across safely no problem.” Rainbow also added to help make him feel better. “So I think you have nothing to feel bad about.”

Beshte smiled feeling encouraged by his father and friend with the former moving to stand up and walk, only to feel pain when he tried to take put weight on it.

“Dad, your leg!” Beshte exclaimed in worry while running up to his side to help him along with Rainbow.

“Are you sure you’re okay enough to help out on that leg?” Rainbow asked. “Because it’s still looking a little bad there.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Basi nodded to the peagsus before turning back to his son. “Son, you're the strongest hippo in the Pride Lands. Look. If you'll help me, I'll help you.” He then offered to which Beshte was eager to accept.

“Of course I'll help!”

“All right. Then together we can make a lane straight enough, true enough, and wide enough to get that whole herd through.”

“And this time, I’ll be floating over your shoulders for extra eyes and hooves in case anyone gets in the way.” Rainbow confidently added while pounding her hooves together. “The bad guys, of course.” He quickly added to the confused hippos to clarify what he meant.


Elsewhere, Ono has led Twilight, Kion, and Applejack to the baby antelope who was at the moment drowning. Luckily for him, Kion quickly dove in the water to push him back to dry land to save his life.

“You okay?” He asked him who bleated to confirm it. “Now where's your mom?”

“She was right behind me!” He answered to when the others heard her along with Pinkie's cries for help.

“Help! Somebody help!”

“I'll go look for her.” Ono immediately volunteered before being stopped by Kion.

“No, Ono! Stay with this little guy. Guide him back to safety.” He told him.

“Applejack, you do the same.” Twilight asked of the cow girl. "We'll take it from here."

“You got it.” Both Ono and Applejack nodded while Kion and Twilight run off ahead.

“Don't worry. We'll find your mom and Pinkie too.” Twilight called back to the baby antelope before she and Kion began their search.

“And we’ll help you find your way out. Follow us.” Ono then turned to him while making their way back to where the rest of the Guard is still standing.

“And stay close partner.” Applejack also advised.

“Help, please!” Both Boboka and Pinkie called out again.

“We're on my way!” Kion responded while following the sound of their voices.

Elsewhere, Beshte and Basi with Rainbow flying overhead proceed to make a nice straight path in the reeds when the adult hippo suddenly grunted in pain.

“Dad, you okay?” Beshte asked.

“I just need to stop and catch my breath.” He answered. “You keep going, Beshte. I'll be right behind you. We're already halfway across. I know you can do it.”

“Okay, Dad. And this time they'll be straight and true. I'll make you proud.” Beshte vowed before heading straight forward with Rainbow following behind him to make sure he knows what to know from here. “Twende Kiboko!”

“You always make me proud, Beshte. I'll be right behind you!” Basi called out to him before settling down in the water to rest for a moment unware that Makuu is secretly sneaking up behind him. And this time he’s brought back-up with him.

“Get rid of the hippo, get rid of the rules. Then we can do whatever we want in the flood plains.” Makuu sinisterly whispered to his followers before advancing on Basi.

Back where Fuli, Bunga, Kyoga, Rarity, and Fluttershy are with the antelope were their leader is getting more and more restless with what is going on right now.

“We could've stayed home and been soaking wet there. Ugh.” Bupu further complained.

“True, but you would have drowned back there.” Kyoga patiently told him. “Surely you realize we had to get you out of there.”

Bupu simply huffed in response further trying the cheetah’s patience with him.

“We'll tell you when it's safe to go. For now, do you think you can just stand there and be quiet?” Fuli implored of him to which he responded by sitting on his haunches in refusal. “Not again! Stand up!”

“What a surprise. The Lion Guard is telling us what to do.” Bupu sarcastically remarked with the rest of the herd following suit which further increased Fuli’s irritation at their stubbornness.

“Come on! Get up! You heard me!” She barked at them to do so while struggling to budge him.

“Do this. Do that.” He commented while still holding his ground.

“Um, Fuli…” Fluttershy softly spoke. “…maybe you shouldn’t do that.”

“Do what?” Fuli irritably returned when Ono and Applejack return to them with the baby antelope.

“Fuli, what are you doing?” Ono asked.

“I'm trying to get this stubborn antelope to stand up.” Fuli answered with Bupu tuning out her voice by saying “Blah, blah, blah.”

“Hey, everybody!” Beshte then greeted everyone with Rainbow joining him.


“Big B!


Fuli, Bunga, and Applejack greeted them.

“Boy are we glad to see you both.” Rarity greeted them.

“We did it, Dad! Straight and true!” Beshte told his father who he thought was behind him. “Dad? Dad?” He suddenly saw his father fell behind and quickly went back to find him.

“Where's he going?” Fuli asked.

“Back to meet up with his dad who briefly stopped to rest his leg.” Rainbow answered.

“What?” Fluttershy softly exclaimed. “But we told him to stay there.”

“It’ll be okay.” Rainbow assured. “He can walk around on it a bit.” She turns back and sees Fluttershy’s worrying look. “But I’ll go back to make sure he’s okay.”

While Rainbow flew off ahead, Ono ascends up in the sky and used his keen sight to examine the new job Beshte did on his hippo lane.

“Oh! He did it! Beshte's new hippo lane is straight and true. All the way across the flood plain!” Ono reported back to everyone.

“Ya hear that? Beshte's showing us the way! Come on, everybody! Follow that hippo!” Bunga happily declared to the herd.

“But the flood plain looks so wet.” Bupu further remarked.

“You're already wet! We're all wet!” Fuli angrily argued.

“Here we go again. Go on, yell at us. Just like you've been doing all day.” Bupu responded while turning his head away.

“Now come on, darling.” Rarity urged them to listen while walking up to him. “I know this journey has been long and tiring. And the truth is I don’t like being out here even when I have this here rain coat nor like having my precious mane soaked from time to time. But even so I still come out on patrol to perform my duty to the Pony Guard and I am perfectly willing to get my mane wet and hooves dirty when push comes to shove.” She further explained. “And we had good reasons to have order you to move because if we hadn’t you all would have been crushed by that rockslide earlier or would have drowned back at your now former grazing grounds.”

“I’m sure Fuli didn’t mean to give you a really hard time as much as you’ve been giving her a hard time too.” Fluttershy suggested to him while turning to Fuli to try to get her to show some kindness for once just to appease him.

Fuli calming down for a moment while listening to Fluttershy’s advice then decides to do so as she speaks to them. “Okay. Sorry I yelled. It's been a long day. And I know you're all tired, wet, and hungry. Truth is, so am I. But if you want to be a little less wet and get something to eat, you can just use that hippo lane to get across the flood plain. Please?”

Bupu opened his eyes in response with a softened look back to the cheetah for her apology. “That's all we wanted to hear.”


“Of course! It never hurts to be polite.” He positively answered while turning to his herd. “You heard the cheetah. Let's go, everybody!”

He got up and lead everyone into the Flood Plains with Bunga and Applejack directing their down the straight and true path Beshte created.

“Go! Go! Go!”

“Just keep on going straight,y’all.”

Both Bunga and Applejack instructed them while the baby antelope returns with his mother with Twilight, Kion, and Pinkie walking alongside them.

“There you are! Don't ever scare me like that again.“ She reunited with him in relief while the others turn their attention their friends.

“What's going on?” Kion asked.

“Beshte did it. This one goes straight across the flood plain.” Fuli answered.

“Finally, something's gone right today!” Kion remarked while seeing the last of the antelope going down the correct path.

“I take it you both found the antelope’s mother okay.” Fluttershy asked the two leaders.

“We did, along with helping Pinkie who somehow managed to get tangled in the reeds along the way.” Twilight happily answered while briefly facing Pinkie with an annoyed look who just sheepishly grins.

“What? It’s not my fault the path Beshte created was so confusing.” Pinkie said in her defense to which no one had anything to say about because of how true it is.

Basi meanwhile has managed to start to move and to catch up to his son even with his injured leg.

“Gotta go help Beshte.” He said to himself while groaning in pain.

“What's the hurry?” The crocodile leader told him while making his presence known before advancing on him. “We've got a nice, big meal planned. And you're the guest of honor.”

Luckily for him, both Beshte and Rainbow arrived on the scene and both came to his defense.

“Makuu! Leave my dad alone!”

“Yeah, pick on somebody your own size!”

Both Beshte and Rainbow warned him to back off.

“This time we've got numbers on our side. And we're crocodiles!” Makuu again dismissed their warnings while barring his teeth.

“We can handle 'em, son.” Basi assured his son while Rainbow raises her hooves ready for a fight.

“But Dad, you're hurt.” Beshte reminded him as the crocodiles corner them.

“Nowhere to run, hippos!” Makuu taunted with an evil chuckle.

“Think again, Makuu.” Rainbow boldly returned while prepared to charge at him.

“Wait, Rainbow!” Beshte halted him while holding up a hoof to get her to lean in for a whisper because he had another idea in mind.

Rainbow was at first confused until his expression turned into an eager smile upon listening to him.

“I think we need a new lane, Dad.” Beshte then told his father. “Stick with me! Twende Kiboko!” He led the way with Rainbow blowing a taunting raspberry back at the crocodiles.

“Can’t catch us, tough guys!” She taunted back before flying away to catch up with the hippos leaving Makuu angered by being mocked like that.

“You can't escape that easy!” Makuu angrily returned before leading his float in their direction. “After them!”

Beshte led Rainbow and his father straight down the main path before quickly turning around and going off the main path.

“What are you doing, son? Straight and true, remember?” Basi questioned and then reminded him in confusion not clear of his angle to deal with the crocodile float.

“Not this time, Dad. Trust me.” Beshte returned that he knows what he is doing.

Beshte and Rainbow lead Basi around a junction loop back across the main path with the crocodiles following after them.

Halfway across, the crocodiles suddenly see the herd of antelope charging right at them.

“Dive! Dive!” He urgently ordered his float to do so upon realizing they have no time to get out of the way and have to take in a light trampling of the herd.

“You hear something?” Bupu asked the antelope running alongside him while they unknowingly trample Makuu.

“No.” He returned while they continue making their way across the Flood Plains.

“Good thinking, Beshte.” Basi complimented his son with a chuckle seeing the crocodiles getting trampled like that.

“Yeah, I never would thought of that.” Rainbow added while chuckling at the crocodile’s misfortune before the three approach Makuu who is still dazed from the trampling he just took in.

“Makuu? We went to a lot of trouble to make these lanes nice and safe for everyone.” Beshte reprimanded him while the three glare at him. “So why don't you use them and get outta here!”

“Now!” Rainbow added with a punch to the face to knock him away deep into and halfway across the Flood Plains. “And that was for last time, Makuu!” She shouted after him while he plopped into the water again in defeat before passing out into the water. “Payback sure feels good.” Rainbow then said satisfied while both hippos chuckle in amusement seeing that was a pretty good sight to see.

Sometime later, the rainstorm had finally stopped and everyone made it to the other side. The antelopes were now resting comfortably and getting something to eat now that their long journey has been completed. By then Rarity had taken off her raincoat seeing she no longer really needs it anymore seeing that the rains are completely gone for now. Sure, it was long and tough, but it was all worth the effort to get there. Plus, Fuli learned a lesson about patience and had taken the time to compose another letter for the princess while she was getting something to eat which went along like this.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a very valuable lesson about patience. Sometimes you meet animals that get on your nerves and can be quite stubborn. But thanks to a friend of mine, I was taught that it never hurts to be polite and if you show a little kindness everyone now and then, sometimes things will work out in the end.

Signed, The Lion Guard’s Fastest, Fuli.”

“Great lesson, Fuli.” Twilight commended her while levitating and rolling up the letter so she can deliver it to her when she and Kion meet up with the princess and the king at Pride Rock for their daily report of how success keeping peace in Equestria and the Pride Lands has been going.

“You guys did a great job.” Kion then complimented the father and son duo.

“I'll say. Everyone loves the new hippo lane!” Bunga added.

“Considering this is your first time doing them, that’s not bad.” Applejack added very impressed herself.

“Guess you're pretty good at making them after all, Beshte.” Ono admitted.

“Thanks, Ono.” Beshte thanked.

“I never had any doubt.” Basi said with a proud smile towards his son for his accomplishment while they along with the Guard all see everyone happily making their way across the Flood Plains safely with the satisfaction of another job well done.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, Beshte takes over creating the Hippo Lanes after a young rhino accidentally poked his horn into Basi's leg.

He feels he can do this although his constant detours in helping other Pride Landers turns the Flood Plains into a messed up herd of elephant trunk's maze as Ono described it leading to him feeling like he failed big time. Although considering this is his first time and was on his own both his father and Rainbow got him to understand he didn't let anyone down. In addittion, it actually proves crucial in dealing with Makuu and his float when they attempted to take Basi down while injured.

At the same time, the Guard has been currently dealing with a stubborn antelope leader and it's herd in getting them to move to more safer and drier grounds with Fuli the most snarkiest of the bunch has been butting heads with him throughout the day.

Sure Bupu needed to hear some of these orders but of course as Fluttershy gently and briefly advised, Fuli herself did learn to show a little more patience and politeness towards him and once she did, he was more than willing to listen to her and they all got across the Flood Plains without further squabbles.

Next up is "Ono and the Tickbird." where Ono is using his keen eye to help a rhino when his tickbird has a falling out with him.

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