• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,360 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 16: Family Apperication Day

Episode 16:

Family Appreciation Day

One night at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom were all sleeping when they suddenly heard loud clanging from metal pots from outside of the barn. They all looked outside to see it is Granny Smith making the noise as if it to let her grandchildren know of something important.

“The timberwolves are a-howlin'! The timberwolves are a-howlin'!”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh stoically commented.

“The zap apples are comin'! The zap apples are comin'!” Granny Smith also yelled out.

“Yay, the zap apples are comin'!” Everyone inside all cheered.

“That's what I said.” Granny Smith returned as she continued clapping pans.

Once it was morning the Apple Family wasted no time in getting ready for the big apple harvest as they both got Kion and Beshte’s help with the harvest too.

“Hey, silly goose! Quit your gawkin' and move your caboose!” Granny Smith shouted out to her grandson.

“Eeyup.“ He replied as he, Kion, Applejack, and Beshte all got to work in placing out baskets under the trees.

“You got it!

“We’re ready when you are!”

Beshte and Kion returned back to the matriarch of the Apple Family.

“Ready, Granny!” Apple Bloom said to her grandmother as she saw Kion give the signal who is dazing off on her rocking chair.

“Ready for what?” The elderly pony asked.

“For makin' zap apple jam!” Her granddaughter answered.

“Darn tootin'! It's time for some good old-fashioned zap apple jammin'!” She agreed.

“Yes, ma'am. I can't wait, ma'am!” Apple Bloom eagerly returned with a salute.

“Wait for what?” Granny Smith asked with brief confusion after a small pause.

“To make zap apple jam with you!” Apple Bloom answered again.

“O'course.” She replied as she got up from her chair and moved to the kitchen. “Now I been doin' this ever since I was a little pony, so be warned, pickle pear. There's a whole mess o' steps in this process and you gots to get each one of them just right, or no zap apple jam. Take this.” She then presented her granddaughter a wooden straw broom.

“Uh, is this one of your gazillion secret herbal ingredients for the zap apple jam?” Apple Bloom asked as she handed her the broom.

“That there's a broom.” She corrected. “Now get sweepin', pipsqueak! Now while you sweep, I'll get to, uh... something there... umm...” She then trailed off from her thoughts. “…oh, ponyfeathers. Bet I'd forget my mane if it wasn't attached to my head.”

Apple Bloom did as she was told just as the others outside finish placing the buckets under all of the trees just a gust of wind blows by to which Big Macintosh takes a sniff at it as dark clouds form around the skies with electric crackling appearing on the tree tops with new leaves growing on them.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion also remarked just as bewildered since this is their first Zap Apple Harvest.

“There's the zap apple leaves, right on schedule!” Applejack smiled as the skies cleared up.

“Who would have known that was normal for growing apples here in Ponyville but Apple ponies?” Kion thought to himself before making his way over to where Granny Smith is to tell her that himself who is currently along with Apple Bloom wearing bunny suits.

“A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L-M-N-O-P...” Granny Smith sang the alphabet as she bounced around the watering cans placed in a circular formation with Apple Bloom following after her as Diamonad Tiara along with her father a sharp dressed business looking pony with a tan brown fur coat, slicked back style black mane while wearing red tie with the dollar sign on it with a blue and white shirt collar on it.

Diamond Tiara wasted no time in making fun of them as Kion glares at her to knock it off with an “I’m warning you.” face for her to remember what he and his friends told her the last time they picked on Apple Bloom and her friends.

“Good to see you again, Diamond Tiara.” Kion greeted with a serious smile as to be friendly for the sake of the grownups but her attitude did go unnoticed by him.

“Well, howdy-doo there, Filthy Rich!” Granny Smith greeted the stallion.

“Hello, Mrs. Smith.” He returned just as kindly. “Did I hear right that there's a zap apple harvest coming in a few days?”

“Four days, to be exact.” She replied as she nodded and bent her back legs up and down.

“Excellent news, and as usual, I get your first hundred jars?” Filthy Rich then requested as Diamond continued smirking at Apple Bloom while Kion silently glares at her

“'Course, Filthy.” She gladly granted his request.

“Uh, I prefer Rich.” He kindly insisted.

“Oh, and how is your pappy doin'?” Granny then asked as she hopped ahead with Filthy Rich following her leaving the young girls and boy to talk.

“Oh, you poor, poor thing, having to make all that zap apple jam with Granny Smith.” Diamond then said with fake pity is she stuck out of her tongue to emphasize her disgust.

“Actually, I been looking forward to making zap apple jam for years!” Apple Bloom still happily expressed.

“I'm not talking about the jam. I'm talking about Granny Smith!” Diamond corrected her as she pointed to said pony’s head stuck in a giant pot. “You must be sooo embarrassed.”

“Soup's on!” She exclaimed as the pot still remained over her face and on her head obscuring her view as Filthy Rich smiles as he moves to offer a helping hoof.

“Diamond Tiara…?” Kion sternly voiced his disapproval to warn her against going there.

“Uh, what do ya mean?” Apple Bloom curiously felt the need to ask.

“You know, with all her silly ways, how she forgets things, and makes you wear these ridiculous costumes?” She continued despite Kion’s warnings as she briefly placed a hoof on her costume.

“Don’t you have anything better to do other than putting other ponies down out of spite?” Kion asked her to get her to back off.

“No I don’t.” She replied as she stopped right there at least not without adding… “Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.” in a whisper to Apple Bloom.

““Silly ways"?” Apple Bloom then thought to herself as Kion place a paw on her shoulder just as Filthy Rich’s attempt to gong the pot resulted the elderly pony walking backwards from the vibration the gong sent.

“Uh, thank you kindly, Filthy!”

“Don’t worry, Granny Smith! I got you!” Kion assured as he moved over to help remove the pot from her head.

After helping free Granny Smith, the three then went into town to gather supplies in preparation as the ladies both wore sunhats and saddle bags over their backs while Kion walks alongside them ready to help them out when needed.

“Shake a leg there, slowpoke! We got a gaggle's worth of goods to gather before the harvest. Come on!” She encouraged her granddaughter as she sang to a tune while hopping ahead leaving Apple Bloom lowering her head in embarrassment. “Gonna make zap apple jam, hoop-dee-hoo! Gatherin' my goodies now, hoop-dee-hee! Singin' and dancin', diddley-hoo, flippity-floo, my darlin!” She then stopped as she observed one of the metal pots at a stand nearby. “They don't make 'em like they used to.”

She then bit into it with her teeth as Apple Bloom and Kion look on disturbed.

“Hey! You bite it, you buy it!” The stand owner told her just as her dentures came out as a result while walking ahead leaving Apple Bloom further embarrassed as Kion stepped forward.

“I am so sorry about that?” He apologized on her behalf before carefully removing the elder pony’s teeth from the pot with his paws as Apple Bloom walked ahead.

The two then caught up with her just as Kion accidentally flung Granny Smith’s teeth into her mouth up seeing that she has a beard of bees hanging on her neck along with more bees buzzing around her.

“Whoo! Why, hello, Bea, Beatrice, Beecher! Ooh, you've all been busy little bees, haven't you?“ She nonchalantly said to them as she poured a jar of honey from one of the hives and honeycombs.

“Wow.” Kion voiced amazement seeing this while still shocked by the sight of it.

“Granny, isn't there a less... silly way to get the honey?” Apple Bloom nervously recommended before gasping upon seeing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again before quickly ducking out of sight from a nearby bee hive.

“Oh, isn't this just precious?” Granny Smith cherished this moment as she pulled up the filly.

“Please stop!” She pleaded before more ponies look in their direction.

“And it is perfect for makin' our zap apple jam!” She loudly continued while placing her hooves on her cheeks to which got the girls attention.

“Shh! Stop it, Granny!” She pleaded as the two behind her were about to snicker at her direction until they saw Kion again quick to shoot them dirty looks.

“Keep moving.” He calmly whispered to them as they quicky hightailed it away from the market.

“Are we done shopping, Granny? 'Cause I'd like to get back to the farm, fast.” Apple Bloom pleaded feeling the damage is already been done.

“All done, smellybelly.” She complied since they got everything they need before singing to another tune. “I got my honey, gooey-goo! Got my honey, gooey-ooh! Got my honey, iddley-hoo!”

As Granny Smith sang, Apple Bloom lowered her sun hat down in shame.

“You know to be honest…” Kion began with words of wisdom. “…your grandmother isn’t that bad.”

“I know but did you see how she acted today? It was really silly and embarrassing.” She protested otherwise.

“I know it kinda was but like with Pinkie Pie it’s just Granny Smith being Granny Smith. It’s a part of who she is.” Kion further advised. “Granny Smith is the best grandmother you could ask for, don’t let anyone not even Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon tell you otherwise.”

“I’ll try…” Apple Bloom voiced as her worries still remain heading into school the next day where Filthy Rich is there in front of the class for Family Appreciation Day to give his presentation.

“And, by capturing the whole sale market, purchasing in bulk and slashing all prices, we undermine every other gift market in town, and that's how Rich's Barnyard Bargains became the cornerstone of retail in Ponyville.” He explained his presentation while presenting a chart of rising numbers to show of how well his business to doing to the class with most of the class having fallen asleep with the exception of Twist who had her hoofs on her cheeks half-interested, an uninterested Apple Bloom looking aside, and of course his little girl Diamond Tiara with smiling full attention who was the only one who clapped aside from the Pride Lander kids out of politeness.

“Well, thank you, Mr. Filthy…” Cheerlie began before quickly correcting herself upon seeing him frown at being referred to by his first name. “…I mean, Mr. Rich. What a wonderful day of sharing! And thank you for being a part of Family Appreciation Day!”

Filthy Rich then walked out of the classroom as Rafiki opens the door for him as Cheerlie made her way back to her desk.

“Now, uh, let's see who will be bringing in a family member for next Monday's Family Appreciation Day.” She then looked at her list for other students and candidates images on the paper with checkmarks next to them before eyeing the blank mark next to Apple Bloom’s. “Um... oh! Apple Bloom!”

“But Miss Cheerilee.” She rose a disagreeing hoof as both bullies smirk at her. “Monday is zap apple harvest day, and Applejack and Big Macintosh will be too busy to come and speak.”

“Well, is there anypony else in your family that could–“ Cheerlie asked as Diamond Tiara offered an idea when Apple Bloom tried to shake her head “No.” in response.

“Miss Cheerilee. Apple Bloom's Granny Smith isn't working harvest. She could come.”

“Oh! But, uh, no, that wouldn't–“ Apple Bloom stammered as she tried to disagree with that suggestion but it seems her mind has already been made.

“That's a splendid idea, Diamond Tiara! Apple Bloom, you shall bring in Granny Smith on Monday.”

“But what if…” Kambuni tried to speak up for her until the afternoon bell rang.

“Have a great weekend, everypony!” Cheerlie happily dismissed everyone with school over for the day as she left the room with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara quickly leaving with the latter feeling she did her job just as she suddenly gets a dose of watery karma from behind in retaliation for her.

“Sorry, Apple Bloom…” Her ostrich friend apologized.

“Granny Smith? Come Monday, I'll be the laughin' stock of Ponyville!” Apple Bloom lamented as she planted her face onto her desk in despair as Rafiki took notice of this and wondered of what he could do to help her feel more comfortable with all of this.

Back at the Apple Farm, both Applejack and Big Macintosh are both watering the trees with both Kion and Beshte as Apple Bloom approaches her elder siblings to ask them to come over to school on Monday with pleading eyes.

“I'm sorry, Apple Bloom.” Applejack apologized. “I already told you that we just can't take a break from harvest to come to your school. You know what'll happen.”

“I know...” Apple Bloom acknowledged. “…after the fifth day, the zap apples disappear...”

A gust of wind then blew by as the dare clouds formed around the farm again with black crows flying by and into the sky in a heart formation as Granny Smith regroups with her grandchildren along with the Lion Guard’s Fiercest and Strongest.

“Look! The third sign! Right on time! Hot diggity!” Granny Smith commented.

“Does this mean everything is looking in the right direction.” Beshte asked.

“It sure is.” She responded excitedly as the trees suddenly grew blue flowers on them just as the clouds clear up to reveal the sunny bright blue sky to which the whole Apple Family awed at the sight seeing that everything is looking great so far.

“Wow!” Everyone all said together.

“Alright, you lazy daisies, move your caboose!” Granny Smith then said to everyone as they all get back to work.

“I'm sorry, Apple Bloom,” Applejack again apologized. “…but don't you fret. Granny Smith's got no shortage of entertainin' stories to tell.”

“I know. That's what I'm worried about.” Apple Bloom expressed with lowered ears as Kion and Beshte see the filly’s worried troubles about her next day of school on Monday.

“She is not looking forward to it is she, Kion?” Besthe asked.

“Nope.” Kion answered. “Even after I told her she had nothing to worry about and that she wouldn’t become a laughing stock if she comes.”

“Do you think there is some way or someone else that can help her out.” Beshte wondered as they watch Apple Bloom walk off on her own. “Prepares someone Granny Smith’s age?”

Kion then pondered for a moment before actually thinking there is someone her grandmother’s age that can help her out there.

“There is one way.” Kion smiled as he proposed as he brought his hippo friend in for a whisper who smiled at what he has in mind for that day…

Meanwhile, the next day Apple Bloom has gathered her fellow Cutie Mark Crusader and honorary Lion Guard team together to help her out with her little problem.

“I'll be embarrassed, shamed, disgraced, mortified, humiliate–“ Apple Bloom expressed as she paced around before Sweetie Belle quickly placed a hoof in her mouth to get her to stop.

“Easy, Apple Bloom.” Mtoto told her.

“Just stop before you hurt yourself.” Gumba added.

“What are you, a dictionary?” Scootaloo quizzically asked.

“No she is a pony.” Shauku corrected.

“Snap out of it.” Sweetie then told her friend. “We're here to help you!”

“After all, we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Scootaloo reminded. “We'll figure out a way to postpone your presentation.”

“Postpone it. Is that a good idea?” Mtoto questioned.

“It’s brilliant.” Gumba agreed.

“But how? Ugh! All this worry is makin' me sick!” Apple Bloom wondered feeling ill just thinking about it.

“Sick?” Sweetie pondered the thought along with the others as Scootaloo and Shauku leaped up into the glowing lantern hanging as they both ding their heads on it as they both come with the same idea.

“That's it!”


The two exclaimed as they led the way while the peagsus filly drags the earth filly with her.

Back inside the house, Granny Smith has donned a camouflage military hat as she examined the many empty glass jars with varying sizes.

“Ten-hut!” She called out to them military style. “Now listen here, troops! Now, I don't want any whinin' or cryin' or crackin' under pressure! Do I make myself clear?!”

As she slammed her hoof onto the table the force of caused the last jar to crack accidentally.

“Court-martialed!” She declared as she tossed the jar into the trash can.

In the filly’s bedroom, the other Cutie Mark Crusaders and Pride Landers friends all work together in trying to make it seem like Apple Bloom is catching a fever by tucking her in bed, messing her mane up, and heating up the thermometer and placing green grape juice on her cheeks to sell the deal.

“Stay still, Apple Bloom! You have to look sick!” Scootaloo instructed her as she stuck the warmed up thermometer in her mouth.

“Aaah!” Apple Bloom screamed in pain. “Hey, this is hot!”

“What in the hayseed is going on in there, silly billy?” Grannt Smith questioned as she made her way upstairs just as the kids minus the Cutie Mark Crusaders quickly ducked under the covers while Scootaloo quickly places the green grape juice all over Apple Bloom’s face.

“Oh, Granny Smith!” Scootaloo began with a hoof on the back of her neck. “We were just about to come get you!”

“Apple Bloom's sick!” Sweetie Belle added. “Looks like she might have to stay home all week!”

Granny Smith examined the thermometer as Sweetie Belle smirked along with Shauku and Gumba from under seeing their plan might work as she placed a hoof on her forehead…

“Ooh! Perfect as a Piccadilly pear!” Granny Smith then responded with a smile not fooled by the attempt as she leaves the room.

“Dang it!” Shauku expressed annoyance.

“I can’t believe that it didn’t work.” Gumba shared the same sentiment as he lightly punched the floor in frustration.

“Now what?” Apple Bloom asked as the others were unable to offer any good ideas at the moment as the sun sets with the whole group retreating back to the clubhouse.

“It's already almost sundown! Tomorrow is Sunday, and I only have one more day to figure something out!” Apple Bloom desperately voiced of what do while facing the ticking clock.

“Hey! Look!” Sweetie Belle gestured everyone to the telescope on the top floor in their observatory room to where they all saw shooting stars.

“Cool!” Kwato and Mtoto remarked in amazement.

“That's the fourth sign!” Apple Bloom commented knowing what this means as Scootaloo along with the mongoose and baboon quickly push the three aside so they can get a good look themselves as they all see the flowers turned into silver colored apples with electric sparks sparkling all over every one of them.

“The zap apples have appeared!“ Apple Bloom commented as she and the others pushed aside quickly take back control of the telescope.

“And that gives me an idea!” Sweetie Belle stated as they made their way to the trees while sneaking through the bushes so the Apple sisters along with the two Lion Guard members don’t catch them in the act.

“We can't move Family Appreciation Day, so let's move harvest day instead!” Sweetie Belle proposed.

“Are you sure?” Kwato questioned as she looks on at the unfamiliar fruit.

“They don't look... quite ripe.” Apple Bloom agreed not sure on the idea of messing with them.

“Harvesting apples early never hurt an apple.” Scootaloo saw no problem in it.

“That’s true.” Gumba agreed as he and Shakku share a nod together.

“I don't know... zap apple trees aren't like normal apple trees. They're magic.” Apple Bloom still voiced that she doesn’t think it’s such a good idea.

“Maybe we are better off coming up with another way.” Mtoto suggested. “My mom wouldn’t like it to hear if I was playing with fire.”

“Oh come on, they’re just apples.” Gumba replied certain it wouldn’t matter.

“How different can they be?” Sweetie Belle asked as she stepped front and staright up bucked the tree which sent a charge up the tree which redirected back at her to which shocked her as she was sent flying back into another bush.

“And I stand corrected.” Gumba then said with his question answered there.

“Well if we can't buck 'em, let's just pick 'em!” Apple Bloom then proposed as the other Crusaders along with the baboon and mongoose quickly make their way up the tree so they can tree to pick them off of the tree as the girls who were biting onto each other’s tails wind up flying into the pig pen where they end up getting soiled in mud.

Upon seeing them get sent flying by this strong trees, both Shakku and Gumba quickly let go of their grip of the zap apples as they along with the rest of the friends slowly back away from the trees as they head on over to the pig pen to check up on their friends to see if they are all okay.

“Any other bright ideas?” Apple Bloom asked everyone who all had nothing for the rest of the day.

The next day, Cheerlie and Rafiki come over knocking on the doors to the barn seeking to speak with the Apple matriarch.

“Granny Smith, it's Miss Cheerilee! Apple Bloom said you wanted to speak with me?” Cheerlie called for her yet wondered when she got no response. “Hello? Granny Smi–“ She tried again as she peeked her head in the front window until she spotted her seemingly awake yet is really napping with ropes being held by the children from upstairs to move her legs around like puppet strings while placing glasses with open eye stickers on them.

“Well hello there! Howdydoo!” Apple Bloom returned while managing a close matching voice from behind her grandmother’s chair.

“Impressive.” Kwato voiced with a nod.

“It’s all in the throat.” Apple Bloom whispered before continuing with the impression as Cheerlie seems to be buying it while Rafiki looks on suspiciously.

“Hmm…” He thought as he scratched his beard. “Something is not quite right here.”

“Hi... uh... Granny Smith... is, ugh, everything okay?” She then continued.

“Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?” Apple Bloom assured in her Granny Smith impersonation as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo accidentally moved her forelegs into knocking off the glasses off of her face to which Apple Bloom quickly placed them back on her eyes before Cheerlie could figure it out while oblivious to the snoring she is doing in her sleep.

“Oh, er, excuse me. Uh, pickles always give me the hiccups!” She quickly recomposed herself. “I need to tell you that I can't make the presentation on Monday after all!”

“Oh no, is that so?” She asked with slight disappointment.

“No doubts about it!” She confirmed. “I gotta shear the flowers and water the sheep! I mean, I have to water the flowers and shear the sheep!” She then corrected herself as Scootaloo and Mtoto rolled their eyes together at that little blooper.

“Oh, well, that's too bad. We can reschedule.” She assured it’s no problem as she turned and walked just as Rafiki knocked on the door which woke the elderly pony from her nap.

“E– whut– hai– where am I?” She murmured in confusion before seeing Rafiki wave to her. “Well, howdy, Mister Rafiki!” She greeted him. “You window shopping?”

Rafiki laughed while finding it funny before answering why he is really here.

“I just wanted to drop by and ask along with Ms. Cheerlie if you would be so kind to come over to school on Monday for Family Appreciation Day?”

“Fiddlesticks! I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in Canterlot!” Granny Smith cemented her decision. “See you Monday!”

“Excellent!” Rafiki returned cheerfully while laughing his head off while giving a thumb’s up to the confused mare.

“Oh, so close.” Gumba commented.

“Yep.” Kwato sighed. “Just when we thought were actually going to pull that off.”

Later when a now awake Granny Smith is now painting pink polka dots all over the kitchen, Apple Bloom grows increasingly worried with her impending predicament.

“I can't believe she woke up from her nap.“ Apple Bloom cried with her face buried in the carpet before briefly popping her head up to face her friends. “She never wakes up from her nap! I wish I could just run off and hide!”

“Sorry, Apple Bloom.” Kwato sympathetically said to her with as Mtoto placed his trunk on the distraught filly. “But we don’t know what else to do!”

“Maybe your Granny Smith coming over wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” Mtoto tried to make light of it as Apple Bloom simply groaned in response.

“If only every wish could come true.” Kambuni could only say as Sweetie Belle seemed to agree while thinking of one last idea they can try.

“Well, you can't run off... but maybe somepony else can!”

“You mean…” Kambuni asked figuring…

“Yes, Kambuni!” She nodded.

“Well then count me out!” She squawked. “I’ll catch you later and hope that the Guard doesn’t throw the book at you all.”

“Huh?” Sweetie returned confused before understanding. “…Oh, no, no, no, no. That was not what I was thinking…” She corrected her before whispering what she has in mind in her ear to which she nods feeling relieved that said idea isn’t a murder job.

The next morning, the dark clouds formed as lightning strikes yet again as the sunny skies emerge as a rainbow shines over the trees to which streamed through all of the apples which turned ever silver colored apple into rainbow-colored ones just as Granny Smith, Applejack, and Kion watch from just outside of the barn.

“Yee-haw!” Granny Smith cheered

“The zap apple harvest has begun!” Applejack declared as Kion quickly moved to catch Granny Smith on his back.

“And tomorrow we will be makin' up some zap apple jam!” Granny Smith added as she walks off ahead to where she is suddenly intercepted by Scootaloo and Shakku posing as mail messangers.

“Miss Granny Smith? Telegram.” Scootaloo announced as she handed her said telegram to which Shakku written himself before they quickly fled before Kion could question them even though he wasn’t fooled for a second.

“Well, bust my buttons. Uncle Apple Strudel wants me to pay him a visit.” Granny Smith expressed her sudden excitement as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, along with the mongoose and baboon all silently snicker from the corner of the barn.

“And you can just make the 8AM train. I already packed you a bag!” Her granddaughter quickly presented her prepared bag to her.

“Well, that was considerate.” The elder earth pony thanked as she headed on towards the train station. “But don't you worry, flibbertigibbet! I'll be back in time to make that jam!”

“That train ride takes all day. I'm safe. Hah.” Apple Bloom sighed in relief thinking she is finally saved from embarrassment as Kion waves a paw at Beshte on top of the hill with the zap apple trees that their plan is in motion before running after the elderly pony.

Later that morning, school got in session as everyone took their seats.

“For today's Family Appreciation Day, we are pleased to welcome Granny Smith.” Cheerlie introduced before seeing that she didn’t come in right away. “Um... Apple Bloom? Is Granny Smith here?” She then asked the relaxed filly

“Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Cheerilee…” Apple Bloom apologized with fake but well-acted sincerity. “…but she got called out of town on account of a family emergency–“

“Well, howdy, my little ponies!” Granny Smith suddenly appeared much to her granddaughter’s shock. “Howdy, y'all! I'm as happy as a pig in a fresh mudpile to be here!”

“Whuh…” Apple Bloom stammered as she tried to wonder how this was possible as much as her friends “… what are you doing here? Did you miss the train?”

“Er, no, it came. And Uncle Apple Strudel was on it.” She answered as she showed said pony standing next to her who affectionately pats his niece’s little red mane.

“Ooooooh, noogie-noogie-noggie!” She greeted with a slight-off laugh.

“I can't wait to hear Granny Smith's presentation.” Diamond loudly and tauntingly stated before whispering to her friend. “If she can remember any of it.”

The two giggled as the elder pony begins her recollections as Uncle Strudel gives her a chair for her to sit on as she presents a map of Canterlot, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and the Everfree Forest.

“Long ago, when I was a little pony, things were very different here in Ponyville, 'cause there was no Ponyville!” She began to recall as she thought back to the old days where she was traveling with a group of ponies when she was the kids’ age.

“That's right, my little ponies. Me and my family were pilgrim pony folk, back when I was a little filly. Oh, we ventured far and wide, collecting new seeds and sellin' the old. But my pa was the finest seed collector in all of Equestria.”

Granny Smith narrated as her past self did exactly as she described.

“Then, one day, the Smith family found themselves in the most brilliant, most grand, most magnificent of all cities. A place called... Canterlot.” She explained as they made their way to the castle with tents set up back then.

“Well, I bet your hooves to hindquarters I had never seen anything like it before nor since. And as if the beauty of that city wasn't enough, suddenly, she appeared. Princess Celestia, the most regal of all ponies.”

Young Granny Smith marveled at their surroundings as they came across the alicorn monarch in her chariot who then walked off as she turned her attention to the arriving family with modesty.

“When lo and behold, she stopped to look at my pa's seed collection. Then Princess Celestia saw that we were plumb-tuckered and hankerin' to find our forever home. And bein' a royal Princess and all, she knew exactly the place for us to lay down our stakes.”

The princess then gestured them a place to settle their roots after giving them a tour through the castle as the patriarch gratefully kissed the princess’s hoof much to his wife’s irritation.

“My pa gave the Princess a mighty thanks. We quickly found that land near the Everfree Forest, and we built our first home. Next, we planted our first orchards. But an orchard don't grow overnight, and we were getting mighty short on food.” She narrated as her young self went outside at night. “Now mind you, we were cautioned about the forest, and we knew that it was not fit to enter.”

Just as Young Granny Smith approached the entrance she heard timberwolves but was determined to find food inside of there.

“But I knew there was critters livin' there. There must be somethin' to eat. It was dark and musty, and I won't lie, it was scary. But every inch was covered in plant life, and before I knew it, wasn't I standin' in front of the most incredible apple trees!” She said as her younger self came across the zap apples as she wasted no time picking them. “I had never seen anything that bore this kind of colorful fruit! Oh I started picking apples quick as a whip!”

But just as she was doing so timberwolves appeared and surrounded her. Frightened by the size and number of them she ran for her life with the pack right behind her.

“I turned, and there before me stood the timberwolves! I've never run so fast in my life. I did the only thing I could think of.”

Once she got back home, she quickly banged pots and bans to scare them off just as her parents woke up to see what the commotion was all about before she and father got to work the next day in planting these special apple tree seeds.

“My pa and I planted those special apple seeds, and before our eyes they grew like wildfire. Why, we had full grown trees faster than you could say 'lickety split'.”

She explained as the tree’s instantly grew with everything in preparation for the zap apple harvest going on exactly what happened the past few days as the cycle of the zap apples falls through.

“Then each year, I paid close attention to the signs of the zap apples' special harvesting times—how the weather affects the Everfree Forest, how the timberwolves howl when the zap apples first start growing, and how they zapped away if you didn't pick 'em all in one day! And the fruits of our labor were the best fruit we ever tasted.”

After picking their apples they made zap apple jam and other baked goods they can use out of the special fruit while Young Granny Smith examined the taste of her most recent batch to get a better feel of how to make it taste great.

“Soon enough I was mixing up batches of zap apple jam. Just like harvestin' the zap apples had its special rules, so did makin' zap apple jam. I learned that you gotta be extra friendly with the bees, otherwise their honey won't taste rightly sweet to mix in with the zap apples.”

Granny Smith explained as her younger self did exactly that with the bees before moving on with inspecting the glass jars along painting polka dots on the walls.

“Who'd'a thought that glass jars needed talkin' to? Or that zap apples like pink polka dots? But magic is as magic does. Just funny that way.”

Once she did so and got the taste and flavor just right she brought it over to her father who had a sales stand set up so he can sell them to the many ponies eagerly waiting to buy the special jam. A line that had the entire town lined up wanting to buy it.

“Then ponies started comin' to our farm from far and wide just to get a taste of my zap apple jam. Some of them decided to stay, like Stinkin' Rich, Diamond Tiara's great grandfather. Matter of fact, the first thing he ever sold was my zap apple jam.”

She recalled as said relative came over and eyed their special jam as he came over to buy some before beginning a life-changing business investment.

“And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town, bustling with all kinds of ponies. And that is how Ponyville was founded.” Granny Smith recalled as everyone was all astonished to hear of this marvelous tale with that’s how it all happened with Silver Spoon the first to start the round of applause to which everyone else but a completely baffled Diamond Tiara joined in.

“Oh, thank you kindly, little ponies. Oh, now now, let's settle down.” She humbly accepted the applause.

“So let me get this straight…” Gumba began.

“If it weren't for you and the zap apples, Ponyville wouldn't even exist?!” Scootaloo asked the question.

“Darn tootin', little filly!” She responded as Apple Bloom took this moment to return the favor.

“If it weren't for my Granny Smith, your daddy wouldn't have Barnyard Bargains.” She smugly remarked as everyone voiced in agreement of how true it is.

“But–But she's just a... kooky old lady!” Diamond attempted to protest to which earned her a collective gasp from the class.

“She is not a kooky old lady!” Apple Bloom immediately said in her defense as she hugged her. “She is the most amazing pony in all of Ponyville!”

“That’s right!” Shakku agreed. “So…” He added as he blew a raspberry at her to put her in her place for the rest of the day.

After school Apple Bloom went home with her grandmother with much more appreciation that before after listening to her grand tale of the foundation of Ponyville as she helped taste sample her just recently made batch of zap apple jam before bringing it out to their stand where the rest of the Apple Family along with Kion, Beshte, and Rafiki are all there to help them out with their business.

“I think this is the best zap apple jam I've tasted yet!” Scootaloo remarked as she took a bite of the special jam on toast.

“It sure is!” Mtoto agreed.

“No kiddin!”

“Oh yeah!”

Their zebra and ostrich friends also voiced in agreement while nodding their heads.

“Must be 'cause you had something to do with it, Apple Bloom.” Sweetie Belle commented as her friend approached them.

“You betcha. Apple Bloom is one humdinger of a zap apple jammer!” Granny Smith cemented that.

“I am?” Apple Bloom returned really touched as she hugged her grandmother as Applejack and Kion approached them.

“So I take it Family Appreciation Day went well?” Applejack asked as Big Macintosh, Beshte, and Rafiki all gather around them.

“Did it? My Granny Smith is super special! I just forgot that for a little while.” Apple Bloom answered as she looked aside feeling a little ashamed for turning the other way in regards to that matter.

“Aw, don't fret.” Granny Smith assured her it’s okay. “I forget things all the time. Now, I'll getcha... er... somethin'. Aw.” She then wondered as her granddaughter hugged her again.

During this Kion winked at Rafiki for his help as unbeknownst to everyone the wise old mandrill had learned of the filly’s plan ahead of time so he went ahead and ensured that her uncle was on the 8:00 train in order to ensure that Granny Smith could make it to Family Appreciation Day at school as much like Granny Smith even though not forgetful they are both same personality kooky wise in regards to knowledge and wisdom of their homelands.

“Who wants to help Granny sing to the water?” Applejack asked to the children.

“We do, we do!” They all exclaimed as they all followed after her as she donned her bunny suit again to sing the alphabet together while the others donned bunny ears.

“A, B, C, D, E, F, G...”

“Diamond Tiara?” Filthy Rich said to his daughter as urged her to do the same.

“But dad!” She whined as he still pushed her to join them.

Upon seeing this Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Kion all share a happy laugh together upon seeing this.

Who would have known that a seemingly confused eldery pony who have been the reason why Ponyville even exists?

Well everyone sure learned a very valuable history lesson out of it especially Apple Bloom with a friendship lesson learned that day too.

Author's Note:

For this episode, not much to explain other than Apple Bloom having slight doubts of her grandmother like in canon with the only differences being the kids from the Pride Lands trying to help her out with her problem with them and Kion being there when Diamond Tiara tries to pick on her.

Ultimately it took a small plan by Kion to arrange Granny Smith managing to make it to Family Apperication Day to share a very interesting and worthwhile story for everyone of how important the cycle of the zap apple harvest is along with everything she learned in forming the Apple Family buisness and founding Ponyville.

Next up is "Baboons." where Fuli and Fluttershy are tasked with bringing a baby baboon back to his home.

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