• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,363 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 30: It's About Time

Episode 30:

It’s About Time

Spike is leading his crush Rarity to marvelous and lovely sight in the mountains. A house made entirely out of ice cream with more ice creams scoops surrounding the house in front of them. The thing that Spike wanted her to see with a wonderful gaze in the fashionista’s eyes.

“I made it for you, Rarity. Why, yes, it is an ice cream house. Chocolate fudge shingles... rocky road garage...” Spike trailed off before suddenly being awaken from his dream by the sound of Twilight’s hoof steps before walking down the steps to find out what’s going on.

“Huh? Twilight?” Spike asked while seeing the lavender unicorn currently busy pacing back and forth.

“Oh. Hi, Spike.” She greeted while still pacing.

“It's the middle of the night! Why are you pacing like this?” Spike asked while pointing out to the moon still lifted high in the sky.

“Frankly, I don't know how you can sleep at a time like this!” Twilight responded while still not easing off her pacing.

“Three A.M.?” Spike pointed out while holding up the clock showing the current time. “What's wrong?”

“Here.” Twilight presented him the calendar. “Now do you see what's wrong?”

“We forgot to celebrate Arbor Day?” Spike asked not finding anything wrong.

“No, the problem is I just finished planning my schedule for the month, but I forgot to leave time to plan for next month!” Twilight answered. “Don't you see? There's no time in my schedule to put together another schedule! I could move my meeting with the Ponyville Hay Board to the following Tuesday, but then I have to reschedule my lunch with Pinkie Pie, and you know what a nightmare she is with scheduling. This is an absolute disaster. My whole year could be thrown off!”

“And I woke up from an ice cream dream for this...?” Spike asked while rubbing his before going to bed before letting Twilight figure things out herself.

And it was probably for the best that he did because Twilight ended up staying up all night trying sitting at her desk to figure out her schedule next month and she was looking very tired from all of that sorting out.

“Oh, my gosh, I think I did it! If I can find a way to read "The Art of Invisibility Spells" and "Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot" at the same time, that could leave me a half-hour scheduling window!” She then said before noticing that a mysterious gust of wind was blowing her papers around.

“Huh?” She wondered while she was greeted by a bright flash of pink light appearing in front the fireplace. “What's going on?

She shielded her eyes to avoid the glaring hot blinding white electricity crackling until it cleared up to reveal a figure appearing before her. It is none other than another Twilight Sparkle with a very different appearance. She was currently wearing a black spy suit that had scratches and cuts in them, her mane was black and combed in a slicked back manner but still had it's pink streaks in it, and had a scar over her left eye that was in the shape of a crescent moon. Clearly, she has been through much considering the scratches and marks she’s obtained along the way.

“What in Equestria?” Twilight asked in shock upon seeing this alternate version of herself appear before her.

“Twilight, you've got to listen to me!” The other Twilight warned her.

“Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too. How can there be two me's?” Twilight couldn’t help but question her sudden appearance. “It's not scientifically possible. You are not scientifically possible!” She added while placing a hoof on her chest.

“Twilight, please!” The other Twilight urged her to listen while swatting her hoof away. “I have a very important message for you from the future!”

“You're from the future?!” Twilight asked in astonishment.

“That's right, now listen–“ She answered before being interrupted.

“What happened to you?” Twilight inquired while circling around her. “The future must be awful.”

“Please! I don't have much time!” The other Twilight grew impatient with her constant questioning.

“Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something?”

“Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning…” She corrected. ”…but that's not important right now!”

“I can't believe time travel is really possible! How did you, I mean, I figure it out?”

“The time spells are in the Canterlot archives. But that's not–“ Future Twilight answered and that was all she could get in before being cut off again.

“Really? Where? I've never seen them.”

“They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to–“ Future Twilight answered before being cut off yet again.

“Is time travel fun, or does it hurt? I have so many questions–“

Twilight suddenly for once is cut off when her future self placed a hoof on her mouth so she can say what she needs to tell her.

“I have something extremely important to tell you about the future, and I only have a few seconds, so you've got to listen! Whatever you do, don't–“

And that was all she could say before being whisked away by the same pink blinding flash of light.

“Future Twilight?” She wondered before starting to worry already. “Oh no! What was she trying to warn me about? Her clothes, her mane, that scar...” She then gasped. “Oh, what a mess she is! ...I mean, I am... or I will be...She must want me to prevent whatever horrible thing happens in the future!”

Currently in Ponyville it was so far peaceful with no signs of trouble nearby.

“C'mon, Fluttershy! Ono! The party can't start until the party supplies get there!” Pinkie told her friend while floating from the ground slightly with the help of some balloons she is currently carrying.

“Happy to... help... but... can I carry... the balloons next time?” She pleaded while struggling to carry her shopping bags while crawling behind before gathering the strength to stand up.

“Of course, Fluttershy.” She cheerfully responded. “Just remember to say that next time around and don’t feel obliged to have to do all of the heavy-lifting.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy said while remembering her assertiveness lesson while glancing at the egret who has managed to find it little to no trouble in lifting a couple of bags although with just enough strength.

Suddenly, Twilight crashed into Fluttershy accidentally causing her to drop the party supplies.

“Oh!” She softly exclaimed.

“Oops, I’m sorry.” Twilight apologized while briefly cleaning up the mess she made before running over to the nearby footbridge and jumped on the pillar at the end of the bridge so she can stand high.

“Listen, everypony! I've got something really important to say!” She addressed everyone who all laughed at her due to her wearing a pair of gag glasses. “This is no laughing matter!” She asserted while throwing away the gag glasses. “We have a crisis on our hooves!” Everyone gasped upon hearing this just as Applejack, Beshte, Kion, Kyoga, Rarity, and Bunga arrived on the scene. “I've just been visited by myself from the future!” Everyone but the members of the Guard laughed again. “This isn't a joke!” She asserted while jumping off the pillar she was standing on. “My future self tried to warn me about a horrible disaster that's going to occur sometime before next Tuesday morning!”

“What kind of disaster?” Applejack asked looked a bit worried herself along with Rarity.

“I don't know! I got sucked back into the future before I could explain!” She answered.

“Run for your liiiiiiiife!” Bunga screamed while making a mad dash to the portal to the Pride Lands while Pinkie ran (or tried to) in the opposite direction but her floating just above the ground due to the balloons she was carrying.

“What should we do, Twilight?”

“How do we stop the disaster if we don't know what it is?”

Both Beshte and Rarity asked with the latter joining by Twilight’s side.

“We'll just have to work together to make sure we're safe.” Twilight answered just when both Rainbow and Fuli arrive on the scene. “Rainbow Dash, Fuli, you two lead the other Pegasi spread out over Equestria, and look for any kind of problem that could lead to a disaster, and I mean anything.”

“You got it!”


Both speedsters quickly set out to do so.

“Everypony else–“ Twilight then turned to the others before being interrupted mid-sentence by the screaming Pinkie Pie floating around on her balloons.

“Anypony else wanna panic with me?” She turned to the crowd standing still. “No?” She then resumes her screaming until Kyoga outpaced Pinkie while walking over to her and used her claws to pop the balloons with a bored and blank expression while doing it.

“Everypony else, time to disaster-proof Equestria!” Twilight then said to everyone ready to get to work in ensuring that whatever catastrophe set to happen Tuesday will be averted.

Twilight oversaw the progress, starting with Applejack, Rarity, Ono, and Kion all filling the cracks in the big Ponyville dam with cement before overseeing Mrs. Cake and Bunga completely filling up the water tower. Next was Big Macintosh lifting Pinkie Pie and Bunga down so they can tighten every single screw on the footbridge which went through well even though the large red stallion accidentally dropped the two into the water.

Followed by that was making sure the Cutie Mark Crusaders and young Lion Guard fan club got every piece of litter off of the ground before checking up on Spike making sure she got the cracks in their house covered. Following that was slightly seeing to it that Rarity trims a small part of her curly mane to make sure it was nice and even all the way through.

“Done, and done, and done.” Twilight said to herself while going over everything on her checklist. “Applejack, Kion, what about the Everfree Forest?” She asked them while Rarity removes the leaves from their manes.”

“The perimeter's clear.” Applejack reported.

“Not a single creature threatening anybody and anypony nearby.” Kion added.

“Great.” Twilight felt pleased while turning to Rainbow and Fuli

“And my team gave the all clear from Fillydelphia to Las Pegasus.” Rainbow reported.

“And I scouted all of Ponyville.” Fuli added.

“Excellent.” Twilight was now satisfied with the successful report. “Well, we've done everything on the list, but still...” She still has slight worry on her mind. “Future Twilight looked like she'd been through a horrible ordeal. I just have this nagging feeling we should be looking for something bigger than loose bolts and leaky pipes.”

Suddenly they heard loud roaring from nearby where a giant three-headed dog appears right in front of everyone in Ponyville releasing a thunderous roar.

“Okay, everypony, follow my lead…” Pinkie began before Bunga finished.

“Run for it!” He screamed before everyone followed suit and retreated to their homes while locking their doors.

“Hevi Kabisa!”

“What is that thing?!”

Both Kion and Spike exclaimed in shock for they have never saw a dog that big along with having three heads.

“That's Cerberus!” Twilight answered while the three dog heads chew on the fruit pieces on top of the roof of Sugarcube Corner. “He's supposed to be guarding the gates of Tartarus. But if he's here, then all the ancient evil creatures that have been imprisoned there could escape and destroy Equestria!”

“Destroy Equestria?!” Spike asked.

“Yeah! Isn't it great?” Twilight responded before approaching him ready to take him on just when Cereberus was starting to lift a leg up. “Hey, Cerberus! You look like you could use some obedience training! Magic obedience training!” She had her horn ready to use magic when suddenly… “Huh?”

Fluttershy already subdued him with nothing but kindness and affection.

“Who's the cute widdle three-headed dog?” She said to him while mildly impressing Twilight and Kion.

“I don’t believe it.” Kion was left amazed yet stunned.

“Wow, I knew you were good with animals, but this is amazing!” Twilight remarked.

“Aww, he's just a big furry guy who got out of his yard, that's all.” Fluttershy sweetly returned. “Right, Cerberus? Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?”

Just then both Pinkie and Bunga were both running by still screaming off the top of their lungs.



Twilight and Kion both addressed them.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“What’s up, Kion?”

“Do you have a ball I can borrow?” Twilight asked with her question more directed at Pinkie Pie.

“I have balls stashed all over Ponyville, in case of ball emergency.” Pinkie positively answered by pulling out one of the hidden balls from the nearby trees to which Twilight happily levitates with her magic so she can use it bring him back to Tartarus.

“Hey, Cerberus! Look what I have!” Twilight said to them in a sing-song tone before leading the way with the ball in tow with the eager three-headed dog wanting to play with it. “I'll be back as soon as I've returned him to the gates of Tartarus. Once he's back at home, there'll be no disaster.”

Normally, Kion would have asked to see if she needs help but it seemed pretty clear she can handle bringing an enormous three-headed dog back to Tartarus on her own. Although, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on through her mind that led her into having the town go through all of that trouble. So he decided he’ll just wait for her when she gets back at the Golden Oaks Library to question her.

Much to his surprise, she was gone through the rest of the day, in fact she was gone all night to the point he ended sleeping over at the library with Spike and the by the time she got back it was already morning.

“I wish Twilight would go on epic adventures more often.” Spike said pleased while yawning and stretching while waking up. “Best night's sleep I've had in weeks.”

“Huh?” Kion said while waking up too just as Twilight arrives back home. “Twilight.” He rushed over to her. “How'd it go with Cerberus?”

“Great. I got him back before any of the evil creatures could escape.” Twilight happily answered even with her mane a little dirty and messy with mud on her furcoat.

“Wow! And it you just got back!” Kion remarked with how much time had passed since then. “Great work!”


“So, Twilight…” Kion then began to ask. “…what happened the other day that had you disaster proofing the entire town?”

“Well…” Twilight began before answering. “…this is going to sound hard to believe but I saw my future self the other day.”


“She just appeared to me wearing this spy suit and had a very different looking mane.” She explained while Kion listens intently to make sure he is hearing this right. “And top of that she had a scar on her face…Ooh that reminds me.” She then quickly rushed over to a nearby mirror to make sure her face is okay just as Spike painfully burped out a letter from the Princess. “Oh no.”

“What's the big deal, it's just a 'lost dog' flyer.” Spike commented while showing her the letter. “I guess the Princess hasn't heard we found Cerberus yet.”

“It's not that, it's this!” Twilight corrected while showing him the cut on her left cheek.

“A paper cut?” Spike commented unconcerned. “Come on, Twilight, you really need to toughen up. Just clean it out and you'll be fine.”

“The cut's near the exact same spot as the scar on future Twilight's cheek!” She explained while now increasingly worried. “We haven't changed the future at all! The disaster is still coming!”

“Twilight, it’s okay.” Kion assured her while placing his paws on her shoulders. “Let’s just focus on getting that paper cut taken care if.”

Even after Kion managed to clean it up and bandage it she still couldn’t help worry about Future Twilight.

“If the disaster wasn't caused by Cerberus getting loose, then what could it possibly be?” She couldn’t help up wonder while pacing around the library in circles.

“I dunno, but maybe you ought to give the pacing a rest.” Spike responded while trying to resist laughing since she was pacing so much she created a dent in the floor. “You've worn a groove into the floor!”

“I don't have time for another one of your lectures, Spike!” Twilight dismissed it. “This is serious! I did everything I could think of to change the future. But it didn't work. So maybe it's not what I do... Maybe it's what I don't do!” She then thought while teleporting out of the rut she created and onto another spot in the library. “If I stand right here and don't move a muscle until next Tuesday, I can't possibly do whatever it is that future Twilight wanted to warn me not to do!”

“What?” Kion was confused. “You can’t be serious, Twilight?”

“Really?“ Spike also couldn’t believe it. “So... no matter what happens, you're not gonna move a muscle, huh?” He then thought of an idea while starting to want to take advantage of this. “Then maybe you won't mind if I...” He quickly rushes in and out of the room. “…eat an entire tub of ice cream!” He quickly got to work with a spoon and starting eating the tub’s contents in a nosily manner much to a struggling Twilight’s discomfort. “Mmm! So good!”

“Spike, stop! Think of the stomach ache!” Twilight tried to warn her through gritted teeth.

“Stomach ache, huh? That's future Spike's problem.” Spike dismissed it while pressing forward with eating ice cream until Kion quickly snatched the tub away from him. “Hey!”

“Sorry but this is for your own good, Spike.” Kion told him before putting the ice cream away just as both Rainbow Dash and Fuli arrive at the library.

“Hey, Twilight, another Pegasus just got back from Baltimare with an all-clear and…” Rainbow began before seeing Twilight frozen in place. “What's going on?

“Aren't you gonna move?” Fuli inquired.

“Nope.” Spike answered for her. “She sure isn't! In fact, she's not gonna move 'til next Tuesday! She thinks it'll prevent the disaster from happening!”

“Say what?” Fuli asked looking a little dumbfounded herself while Rainbow wastes no time laughing.

“Oh, this is too rich. Hey, Twilight!” She then suddenly shouted in her direction. “There's a mouse right behind you!”

Twilight flinched with widen eyes and her lips bitten into to which both Rainbow and Spike both laughed while Kion and Fuli frowned for the fact they don’t find very funny.

“Wait, wait, wait, let me try!” Spike then moved to the nearby desk to pick up a feather so he can tickle Twilight.

“Spike for the love of Simba don’t!” Fuli warned him through deaf ears since he decided to do it anyways.

He relentlessly tickled Twilight until she used her magic to throw him off which sent him flying back into the wall and ended up burping fire to which both Kion and Fuli both narrowly dodged it. But Twilight herself didn’t have time to react and wasn’t so lucky when the blast hit her.

Once the smoke cleared everyone turned their eyes towards Twilight with widen eyes of shock.

“Oh no!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“See what happens you play with fire.” Fuli chastised Spike.

“What happened?” Twilight sternly asked.

“I'm so sorry!” Spike apologized. “I didn't mean to! It was a total accident!”

“Show me.” She demanded.

“Uhhh... I'm not so sure that's a–“ Rainbow tried to talk her out it.

“Show me!” Twilight ordered with Kion bringing her a mirror to look at herself with and saw that her mane is burnt with it now being in the same style as Future Twilight. “Oh no! This is the same mane cut as future Twilight!”

“Y'know... it really doesn't look too bad...” Kion tried to say to make her feel better before rushing out and in the room with a bottle of gel and a comb in his paws. “…just needs a little neatening up.”

“I don't care how it looks! It's just another sign that the future hasn't changed!” Twilight complained while Fuli puts her paws to work in fixing up the unicorn’s mane into a more slicked back style like Kion’s mane. “Not doing anything didn't work either! Oh, I wish there was a way to know what was going to happen so I could stop it!”

“You wanna see the future?” Spike asked then offered. “I might know somepony who can help!”

“You know someone who can see the future?” Fuli scoffed when the baby dragon leads them into town. “Like who?”

“What's this?” Twilight asked Spike while coming across a tent with a crystal ball on the sign in front of them.

“It's Madame Pinkie's place.” Spike answered.

“Madame Pinkie?” Twilight returned rather skeptical.

“Really?” Fuli questioned unimpressed and flatly while the group all walked inside to find the mare looking inside a crystal orb while wearing a purple turban with a matching scarf and feather.

“Come... Enter the chamber of Madame Pinkie Pie... For the answers you seek, let us consult the mystical orb of fate's destiny...” Pinkie greeted in a spooky tone of voice before reverting back into her usual cheerful tone. “Do you like my mystical orb of fate's destiny? I just got it. Cool, huh?”

“Yeah, uh... best one I've seen.” Twilight answered while the four take their seats before letting Pinkie continue.

“Look deep into the crystal ball... for soon it will reveal all!” She said in her spooky fortune teller voice while examining the crystal ball while Kion and Fuli glance at each other with matching deadpan expressions. “Ah, yes, I see something... It is a vision of the future... I see... you, Twilight. You will get a really cool birthday present next year...”

“Yes, and?” Twilight eagerly asked expecting more.

“That's it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. Cool birthday present.” She cemented that’s all there is to it but it wasn’t enough to satisfy Twilight.

“Pinkie, I need your Pinkie Sense to tell me what the impending disaster is that future Twilight was trying to warn me about!” The unicorn urged of the pink mare for anything else.

“Oh, my fortunetelling has nothing to do with my Pinkie Sense, silly.” She replied. “It's only good for vague and immediate events.” Suddenly her tail twitched when a flower pot suddenly fell on Twilight’s head. “Like that, see?” She then looked up her tent. “Where did that even come from?”

“Twilight?” Kion asked to make sure she is okay while taking the damaged flower pot off of her head.

“Everything okay?” Fuli also asked the unicorn getting up and walking out of the tent.

Seeing that this is going nowhere she just decided to cut her losses and go home with a hoof to her head still fuming in pain from the flower pot landing on her head.

“Doesn’t look like it.” Kion answered while preparing to follow after her. “Let’s just go and make sure she makes it home okay.”

Both Kion and Fuli rushed to Twilight’s side so they can lead her back home with Spike following after them while taking his time walking.

“So what’s going with Twilight?” Fuli asked the lion prince still not caught on what she is going through.

“It’s a long story.” Kion replied before going into details on the way back.

The next morning, Pinkie Pie made her way on over to the Golden Oaks Library hoping to make sure everything is okay.

“Lalalalalalala, lalalala...” She said to herself while bouncing on over to the library. “Gosh, I haven't seen Twilight since the flowerpot incident. Hope she still isn't mad.” She happily hoped before walking inside and found a rather surprising sight in front of her. “Uhhhh...”

It was a massive work in progress to which both Kion and Fuli are equally surprised to see it as much as Pinkie Pie. Piles of papers, along with graphs, charts, telescopes and scientific machinery set up all around the room with Twilight herself moving back and forth between each and every one of them.

“Off by point zero two from yesterday.” She said to herself while briefly looking into her telescope with a bandage on her head before moving to her charts and notes with tired eyes. “Carry the fifteen... Negative azimuth on the fourteenth moon...

“Hey Pinkie, Kion, Fuli.” Spike greeted them.

“Didn’t Twilight just warn you not to eat so much of that stuff?” Kion recalled. “You’re gonna get sick if you keep this up.”

“Who cares?” He responded indifferent while still eating it. “As long as I can keep eating ice cream. Sorry, future Spike.”

“And as long as you keep that up, you are going to be future Spike by next Tuesday.” Fuli commented under her breath before the others turn their attention back to Twilight.

“Is she okay?” Pinkie asked both the Fiercest and the Fastest of the Guard. “Boy, Twilight's really serious about finding out about that cool birthday present, isn't she?” Pinkie then figured.

“It’s not that, Pinkie.” Kion corrected. “She’s just really serious about finding out how to prevent the impending disaster her future self told her the other day.”

“So I was thinking, after I came to see Madame Pinkie and the flowerpot landed on my head—see the bandage? Just like the bandage from the future...” Twilight explained to everyone.

“Okay.” Fuli just said still concerned.

“I had an epiphany after that flowerpot. Doing things didn't work, not doing things didn't work, and I couldn't predict the future either, so I only had one other choice. Monitor everything.” She further explained while showing her tired eyes.

“Makes sense to me!” Fuli said with a shrug while Pinkie was slightly creeped out when the unicorn got in her face.

“That way no matter what happens in the future, I'll be ready!” Twilight added before returning to her telescope. “I thought I saw something last night in the Horsehead Nebula, but after staring at it for three straight hours I realized, I was wrong!”

“Three hours?” Kion asked in surprise hearing this. “When did you sleep?”

“Oh, I didn't sleep.” She answered. “I haven't slept since future Twilight was here. There are only three days left until next Tuesday, I can sleep all I want after that!”

“You've been awake too long, Twilight.” Spike commented while opening up and chugging down another tub of ice cream while wearing the previous container on his head.

Fuli shook her head rather annoyed by that comment before turning back to Twilight with something on her mind.

“I’d hate to correct you Twilight, but Tuesday's not three days from now, Tuesday's tomorrow!”

“Really?” Twilight asked while quickly gathering many of her papers and charts together for closer examination. “Then that means nearly all the signs have come true! I haven't done a thing to prevent the catastrophe! If Tuesday's tomorrow, and the disaster happens by Tuesday morning, then there's only one solution. I'll just have to... stop time!”

“What? How?” Both Kion and Fuli asked simultaneously from what she had just vowed she would do and the answer to that question involved a trip to Canterlot with the whole group of five wearing black spy suits through the Friendship Express.

“Remind me how we got into this?” Fuli whisper asked to Kion who is equally at a loss for an answer.

“To make sure Twilight doesn’t lose it again.” He whisper answered back. “As soon as whatever happens tomorrow passes through we can worry about making sure she gets some much needed rest.“

“Okay, the Canterlot archives are right over there. Let's move!” Twilight ushered them to follow her in a whispered tone before stealthily making her way to the castle with Kion and Fuli following suit. At the same time both Spike casually walks their way forward while carrying an ice cream cone while Pinkie hops her way forward.

“Uhh... I don't think we need to sneak around, Twilight. It's not illegal to walk around Canterlot.” Spike tried to point out.

“It is when you’re talking about sneaking into the Canterlot archives.” Twilight pointed out before she alerted everyone of something that caught her attention “Guard!” She quickly posed as a statue identical to the one in front of her while Kion and Fuli remained hidden in the bushes. “C'mon, you guys!” She urged both Pinkie and Spike to do the same with the former taking a more cheeriful approach with Spike doing the same with little choice in the matter. The guard passed by without a second glance nor noticed the three. “That was close.” She exhaled in relief.

“I dunno why we have to wear these things, either.” Spike complained finding the rubber he stretched a little uncomfortable.

“Aren't we wearing them for fun?” Pinkie asked.

“No, there's nothing fun about this!” Twilight corrected them before pressing forward.

“Oh... Are you sure?” Pinkie again asked.

“Focus, guys!” She said right in the party pony’s face. “The only way to prevent this disaster is to stop time! Time spells are kept in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing, the most secure section of the archives. That's why we're sneaking around!”

“Awesome! That sounds fun!” Pinkie cheerfully commented.

“No, it's not fun!” She irritably corrected her to which she lowered her ears in disappointment before following after her.

During her stealth sneaking around a part of her suit got caught and torn from a twig in a bush.

“I still don't understand how sneaking into the archives is gonna help her find out about her birthday present.” Pinkie cluelessly wondered to the others with Kion and Fuli still following Twilight’s stealth pattern.

“It’s not about her birthday present.” Fuli pointed out. “It’s about preventing a disaster that she thinks is going to happen.”

“Really?” She asked to which Fuli just groaned in annoyance before following after the unicorn in charge.

“The coast is clear.” She told everyone upon looking in the hallway from the window she opened. “Now slowly lift me into the window so we can quietly get in.”

Both Kion and Fuli complied without further question before climbing up themselves with Pinkie accidentally bumping the two into Twilight from Pinkie pushing them in before she and Spike pressed forward blissfully.

“Let's get this over with.” Spike said with a sigh while still slurping on his ice cream.

Everyone (more specifically Twilight, Kion, and Fuli) all stealthily made their way through the hallways undetected by the guards keeping watch. Twilight briefly hadto quickly turn back and drag Spike when his obsession for ice cream led to him continuing to eat the dropped scoop behind the guards before taking cover on high ground with the nearby drapes to avoid detection.

“Okay, if my calculations are correct, the Star Swirl the Bearded wing should be right... here.” Twilight directed everyone’s attention towards the upcoming door ahead of them.

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike spoke up to her.

“What is it, Spike?” She irritably returned.

“Isn't this where we came in?” He answered pointing they indeed started there.

“Cool! Can we climb in the window again? That was super fun!” Pinkie eagerly asked leaving Twilight dumbfounded that happened.

“I don't understand. It's supposed to be right here... How are we supposed to find it now?” Twilight wondered while pacing around a little.

“Would the Star Swirl the Bearded wing happen to be this room here?” Fuli dully asked pointing to the room on the opposite side of the room.

“Oh, yes it is. Thanks. How’d I miss that?” Twilight responded while turning her attention to the locked gate. “Look at all those priceless magic scrolls. There are more than I ever imagined!” Twilight then expressed her amazement at the sight of the room when Pinkie alerted them of something.

“Twilight, the guard!” Pinkie pointed their attention to said pony approaching them with nothing and nowhere to hide. They’re cornered.

“What do we do, what do we do?!” Twilight worryingly said expecting the worst for being caught with Kion and Fuli ready to back her up when needed.

“Hey, Twilight, haven't seen you in a while.” Said guard pleasantly greeted. “Let me open that for ya.” He then used his magic to unlock the door allowing the five to enter.

“Thanks!” The unicorn thanked with an embarrassed chuckle.

“Least that’s one of our worries taken care of.” Fuli commented with a groan upon realizing the unicorn's connections had made this completely unnecessary. “So much for stealth mode.”

Nevertheless, neither Kion nor Fuli hold anything against Twilight while still having her back with finding what she is looking for.

“Oh no!” She exclaimed upon seeing a startling sight.

“What is it Twilight?” Kion asked the unicorn looking at herself in the mirror.

“I look just like future Twilight...” She commented on her attire and appearance. “The last sign has come true!”

“And that's bad, right?” Pinkie asked before leading everyone to the nearby window.

“Come on! It's almost Tuesday morning! The disaster could happen at any moment!”

“But how do we find the time-stopping spell? There must be a million scrolls here!” Spike asked while directing her attention to the many documents in the room.

“I. Don't. Know!” Twilight exclaimed at a loss before she and the others frantically looked around for anything useful with the sun starting to rise. Even with five friends looking each piece of paper and book word for word time was too thin to find out the answer.

“Twilight, it's over! It's officially Tuesday morning.” Spike told the panicking unicorn while they both looked out the window.

“Nnngh, no! Tuesday morning, the disaster! Incoming!” Twilight braced for impact fearing the worst yet nothing happened.

“It’s okay Twilight.” Kion assured while placing a paw on her head to get her to look around. “Nothing bad happened, see.” He gestured her the peaceful sunrise with the princess passing by somehow getting inside unnoticed.

“Good morning, Twilight, Kion. Love the new hairstyle. Well, happy Tuesday!” She casually greeted by walking by finding the unicorn’s slicked back hairstyle cute and amusing while surprising the others in the room by her sudden appearance.

“Happy Tuesday to you too.” Kion casually returned although slightly awkward.

“How did she…?” Fuli whispered to Kion who just shrugged.

“Other than being a magical alicorn princess I don’t know.”

“Why isn't anypony surprised to see me sneaking around in here?!” Twilight voiced rather baffled by what had just happened. “Is it possible there never was a disaster? That I've just been making myself frantic over nothing?!”

“Probably.” Fuli honestly yet lightly answered. “If that’s true then what was your future self trying to tell you?”

“I don't know. But I do know one thing. I look ridiculous.” Twilight commented while looking at herself in a mirror before giggling along with Spike with Kion and Fuli joining in.

“At least this will be something to laugh about. Although the mane style is kind of flattering.” Fuli giggled with Kion resisting the urge to burst a loud one upon seeing her mane style is identical to his.

“And it's all because I couldn't stop worrying and let the future handle itself! Well, not anymore.” Twilight then said before making a vow. “From now on, I'm gonna solve problems as they come, and stop worrying about every little thing!”

Just then Pinkie rushed over to the group.

“Twilight, Twilight, I found something!” Pinkie presented the unicorn with a particular piece of paper to which she levitated over so she can read it herself. “It doesn't stop time, but it lets you go back in time. It says you can go back once, and it only lasts for a few moments. Does that help?”

“Pinkie, you're a genius!” Twilight complimented finding it very useful.

“Woo-hoo!” Pinkie cheered.

“Now I can go back and tell past Twilight that she doesn't need to go berserk with worry about a disaster that's never gonna come!” Twilight then said before casting the spell that allowed her teleport back in time to the exact moment Past Twilight met Future Twilight.

“Twilight, you've got to listen to me!” The current Twilight urgently spoke to her.

“Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too. How can there be two me's? It's not scientifically possible. You are not scientifically possible!” Past Twilight repeated the current Twilight’s words from the past.

“Twilight, please! I have a very important message for you from the future!” Current Twilight urgently tried to tell her past self with the scenario repeating itself once more.

“You're from the future?!” Past Twilight asked in astonishment.

“That's right, now listen–“ She answered before being interrupted.

“What happened to you?” Past Twilight inquired while circling around her. “The future must be awful.”

“Please! I don't have much time!”

“Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something?”

“Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning…” Current Twilight corrected. ”…but that's not important right now!”

“I can't believe time travel is really possible! How did you, I mean, I figure it out?”

“The time spells are in the Canterlot archives. But that's not–“ Current Twilight answered before being interrupted.

“Really? Where? I've never seen them.”

“They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to

“Is time travel fun, or does it hurt? I have so many questions–“

Twilight then placed a hoof on Past Twilight’s mouth so she can say what she needs to tell her.

“I have something extremely important to tell you about the future, and I only have a few seconds, so you've got to listen! Whatever you do, don't–“

And that was all Twilight could say before being teleported back to the present.

“–waste your time... worrying... about... Ugh! I can't believe I just did that!” Twilight groaned of what she had just put herself through.

“I take it trying to avert the disaster didn’t go well?” Kion asked since she is still in her current appearance.

“Nope.” She answered with a groan. “Now I'm gonna spend the next week freaking out about a disaster that doesn't even exist! Ugh...”

“Ah, don't worry about it. It's past Twilight's problem now.” Pinkie assured.

“Huh, I guess you're right, Pinkie.” Twilight admitted with a giggle before everyone turned their attention to Spike groaning in pain with his stomach gurgling.

“Ohhh... my stomach...” He groaned while falling onto his back. “I, I think it's all that ice cream... I thought the stomach ache would be future Spike's problem... but now I am future Spike. Ohh...“

“Told you.” Fuli couldn’t help but smugly remark to the dragon for putting his money where his mouth is while the others giggled.

“Come on, future Spike. Let's get you home.” Twilight said to him while placing him on his back on the route back home for some much needed care and rest before thinking deep in thought of something.

“Twilight?” Kion asked upon noticing this. “Everything okay?”

“Uh-huh.” She positively replied with an aside glance towards him. “Just thinking of something.”

“What is it?” Kion wondered what’s suddenly bothering her since she isn't quite looking at him in the eyes in response to his question.

“Well…” She recalled the encounter with Future Twilight. “…when Future Twilight came back to warn me I couldn’t help but notice something a little different about her.”

“Like what?” Fuli asked curiously.

“For starters I noticed that Future Twilight’s mane was black rather than my natural dark purple color.

“Really?” The cheetah asked finding this confusing along with Kion.

“And not only that but Future Twilight had a scar that appeared straight across her left eye.” Twilight explained while recalling the memory and Future Twilight’s exact appearance to the best of her memory.

“Really?” Kion asked. “Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure.” Twilight asserted she is not making this up. “But I don’t know. I mean yes I could have been seeing things but this was before it all started.”

“And we believe you.” Fuli responded in an understanding tone. “But what does all that mean?”

“Couldn’t it be just a little power glitch or a coincidence?” Spike suggested.

“Probably.” Twilight slightly agreed while still pondering what she saw earlier. “But I might want to some investigating back at the library just to be sure.”

“Good idea.” Kion agreed deciding it was best to be safe. “Hopefully it is just a coincidence.”

The five all leave the library without further question unaware that Scar is secretly watching them from the very darkness from the room’s top floor before teleporting away from the scene where he is greeted to a shadowed figure deep in the Everfree Forest.

“Thanks for busting me out.” He thanked the lion. “And I must say your plan to keep that unicorn and her friends busy worked very well. Don’t you think?”

“It sure did. But she's not ready yet.” Scar agreed before handing him a cloak. “For now, put this on and continue laying low in the meantime. I don’t want her or her friends catching onto us…yet!”

“Of course.” He agreed before putting it on with his yellow eyes shining sinisterly. “Oh, how do I love surprises.”

“Believe me when I tell you it’s to DIE for.” Scar returned with a sly grin in his direction before teleporting themselves away in a flash.

Author's Note:

In this episode with not much to explain here, Twilight has been greeted by her future self to warn her of an impending disaster for this upcoming Tuesday.

Needless to say, despite Twilight doing everything in her power to try to avert it she still winds up appearing like her future self due to worrying too much over what's going to happen...

...Or at least she thinks unaware of Scar's true involvement in playing the situation in his favor for another ally to his cause.

For those who knows happens later on the MLP series please do not spoil it in the comments since there will be big things to come later on in this story.

Anyways moving on, next up is "Dragon Quest." where Spike goes on an adventure to where his kind came from so he can get a better understanding of dragon nature.

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