• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,612 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Thursday 1: Truth and Legends

The Royal Canterlot Express consisted of ten carriages. After the locomotive and tender were the luggage car, a troop sleeper, and the servants' carriage. The latter contained two combination shower and toilet stalls, as well the servants' lounge. Next was a couchette for the servants and the less important passengers. Near the middle of the train was the dining car. The last four carriages were what set this train apart. After the dining car were an observation lounge and a multipurpose carriage, both with appointments worthy of any palace. The last two carriages were the princesses'. The first was decorated with a solar theme, and the second sported a lunar theme. Both could easily accommodate a fully-grown alicorn and several guests. The caboose was specially designed to double as an observatory.

I thought I made it plainly clear I didn’t want you to come.

A tear slipped down Rarity’s cheek as she closed her eyes and remembered the cold tone in Twilight’s voice and look of disgust upon the alicorn’s face that morning.

A stern voice abruptly cut into the peaceful serenity that had previously encompassed the carriage along with Rarity’s thoughts. “So, this is where you’re hiding. I think now is as good a time as any for us to have that little chat.”

Without waiting for an invitation, Applejack sat down across from the distraught unicorn.

“What’s the point? I don’t even know why I bothered coming on this expedition. You all hate me now that you know the truth,” Rarity sniffled not bothering to open her eyes.

“But is it the whole truth?” Applejack interjected.

“What does it matter? Like any of you want to listen to my side of the argument anyway.”

“Seriously Rares. I’m giving you that very chance right now. But you’ve only got this one chance to make it right, so make it count, okay?” Applejack pressed leaning across the table and taking the other mare’s hoof in one of her own.

Rarity opened her eyes and looked across the table at the warm smile the farm pony was giving her. “Y-y-you really mean that?”

“Element of Honesty, remember?” Applejack replied. “I want to hear both sides of the story before I make my judgement.

“So do I!”

“Gah, Pinkie, where did you come from?” Applejack questioned as the pink mare popped out of nowhere next to her.

Pinkie shrugged her withers in reply. “Nowhere in particular. Now come on Rares, please tell me what really happened. I brought cupcakes; everything’s always better with cupcakes!” She pulled said cupcakes from her mane and thew them onto the table.

Applejack was just wondering whether she should question the appearance of the cupcakes when she heard a very irate Twilight from the entrance to the carriage.

“Rainbow, let me go this instant or I don’t care if you are pregnant! I’ll have you in the stocks for this.”

Applejack sighed and turned to see what her wife had done this time to anger Equestria’s newest princess and immediately wished she hadn’t as her face met her hoof.

Twilight was laid across the Pegasus’ back her legs bound tightly together with rope whilst the same applied to her wings, which were now pinned to her side.

“Rainbow, I’m not sure whether to be impressed at how far your hogtying skills have come, along with how strong all that farm work has made you, or appalled at your stupidity. What in blue blazes made you think kidnapping a princess was a smart idea?” Applejack growled angrily.

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. “She wouldn’t come peacefully. I just wish I’d had enough rope for her muzzle. She doesn’t half moan, YOW! That hurt Twilight.”

Twilight released the wing she’d just bitten and stuck out her tongue at Rainbow. “I told you. Whatever she’s got to say, I don’t want to hear it. What she’s done to Sweetie was atrocious and unforgiveable. You’ve never met anyone who’s suffered from UST. When I was twelve Celestia took me to the mentally handicapped ward of Canterlot hospital after I brought up such magic for my thesis on the subject of traumatic early life experiences and a foal’s development. You don’t want to know the horrors I’ve seen such magic cause.”

“No, I don’t. But I’d only just turned eleven when Ma and Pa died. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her and refused to leave my Pa’s bedside for hours as his life slowly ebbed away from him,” Applejack deadpanned. “It might not be the same Twilight but I’ve witnessed my own horrors. I can understand what you are feeling but Rarity is our friend and she deserves to at least be given the chance to explain her actions before we send her up the river or throw her under the train.”

Rarity gulped and looked nervously at Applejack. “T-that last part was a joke wasn’t it darling?”

“What part of Element of Honesty are you failing to understand?” Applejack replied with a raised eyebrow.

Rarity gulped nervously once more before Twilight cut in.

“Fine,” Twilight reluctantly agreed. “But it had better be good or I’m seconding the throwing her under the train idea,” Twilight growled as Rainbow slid her of her back and onto the floor of the carriage with a bump.

Rarity gulped nervously for a third time.

“And can someone please release me!” Twilight practically screamed.

“Uhm, Sugarcube, I’m not sure whether you’ve realised this but you’re an alicorn and one of the most powerful and smartest wielders of magic in Equestria,” Applejack began.

“Your point being?” Twilight interrupted from the floor in between attempting to tear the ropes binding her legs together with her teeth.

“Well, if you’d let me finish Sugarcube. Rainbow didn't actually incapacitate your horn, she just stuck a tennis ball atop it," Applejack deadpanned.

"You mean to tell me I've been stuck like this for nearly ten minutes and could have just teleported out of the rope in a matter of seconds?" Twilight erupted barely holding her anger back as Rainbow started sniggering.

"Oh, come on AJ, you could have at least let the joke play out for another minute or..." Rainbow lamented before finding a tennis ball jammed into her mouth.

"Ah, peace and quiet at last. Now how about we take this conversation to the observation lounge?" Twilight said with a broad grin as she rose from the floor of the carriage.


Apple Bloom awoke with a yawn to the low light of a lantern illuminating a figure she had become only too familiar with over the past year.

“Professor Sprout, what time is it?” she groaned.

“Half five,” the Hufflepuff head of house kindly remarked taking a sip from a cup of hot chocolate.

“Oof. Applejack would have thrown a bucket of water on me by now back on the farm. And if that didn’t do the trick, no breakfast until after my chores are done,” Apple Bloom groaned bringing her legs around to the edge of the bed.

“Not to worry my dear. You’re not on the farm anymore and remember, you did get a nasty shock yesterday. I’m sure your sister would be sympathetic in such a situation,” Professor Sprout replied taking another sip from her hot chocolate.

“Yeah, you're right. Mah’ sister might seem strict but as she only too often reminds me, for a farm to succeed everyone has to pull their weight, even the foals. Only then can you reap the rewards your hard work brings. That for me?” Apple Bloom finished pointing to a second mug of hot cocoa on the bedside cabinet.

Professor Sprout nodded before replying. “She seems like a smart mare your sister and I do hope you are feeling better.”

“A lot, thanks for asking and in some sense yes, she is, but she also dropped out of school when Ma and Pa died. She was only ten and still struggles to read while her writing is barely legible. That’s why she uses Granny’s rickety old typewriter or Rainbow Dash to write letters for her. As for maths, don’t ask. I’ve been helping Granny with the farm’s taxes since I was six and doing them on my own since I was eight as we can’t afford an accountant,” Apple Bloom admitted picking up and taking a hearty swig from the delicious mug of steamy hot chocolate goodness.

“Ah, I had wondered what you were up to last December when all your friends were having fun and I saw you scribbling away on parchment with a huge stack of papers next to you in the common room. In all honesty, I’m impressed with your maturity although your hot headedness still needs addressing,” Professor Sprout commented.

Apple Bloom shrugged her shoulders. “You grow up fast on a farm. You have to or you go hungry. Teamwork is key. I’m nowhere near as good as my siblings bucking trees but both of them are extremely grateful to have me handling the admin side of the farm, even now when I’m not even in the same dimension and especially with Granny’s health deteriorating more and more every year.”

“I’m sorry to hear that and if the extra work ever gets too much for you, please come and see me. I’d be happy to help if needs be.”

Apple Bloom took another big swig from her mug of cocoa before placing the now empty mug back down on the dresser.

“Thanks again, and I might just do that. Don't tell anyone but secretly up until last year Mrs Cheerilee used to always help me with the taxes, astonished that one so young was given such an arduous task," the girl explained.

"I promise your secret is safe with me," Professor Sprout replied with a couple of taps of her nose.

"I know it is. Anyway, enough small talk. I’m guessing you’re here with an extracurricular task to grade me on seeing as how easily I handled the Mandrake yesterday, with a secret agenda to subdue my wayward temper? Am I right?” Apple Bloom blurted out deciding to throw subtlety out of the window as she usually did and get straight to the point of the Herbology professor's visit at this ungodly hour of the morning.

Professor Sprout’s jaw dropped open with surprise at just how easily Apple Bloom had sussed her plan.

“My sister might not be book smart but she’s extremely good at reading people and situations, something she’s trained me on as I’ve got older. The only thing I have yet to deduce is just what you have planned for me but knowing you its not going to be easy,” Apple Bloom explained rising from the bed.

Professor Sprout nodded thoughtfully in reply rising from her seat. “I see,” she murmured. “Well, the sooner you get dressed and collect all your belongings, the sooner you’ll find out. I’ve already cleared your release with Madam Pomfrey. I’ll be on the other side of the curtain when you are ready. Bring the lantern.” And with that she placed the lantern on the bedside table, turned and departed into the main section of the infirmary.

Apple Bloom didn’t need telling twice, swiftly throwing on her dirty robes from the previous day. Grabbing her satchel and the lantern she headed through the curtains to join her head of house.


Meanwhile, Rarity now sat in the observation lounge surrounded by four of her five best friends. The now half empty platter of cupcakes sat in front of her along with an assortment of drinks.

“Okay, I’m listening,” Twilight huffed. “Although I doubt anything you have to say will change my… ow, what was that for, Applejack?” Twilight groused rubbing the now sore foreleg Applejack had just punched.

“Sorry, my hoof slipped. Go ahead, Rares,” Applejack deadpanned while signifying to Rarity to begin as Rainbow snickered on Applejack’s other side at the clear and obvious lie.

Twilight glowered at the farm mare for a moment before turning her attention back to Rarity as the alabaster unicorn began her story.

“Well, seeing as Twilight has successfully removed the failsafe spell, I’ll give you the most detailed and best account of what happened I can whilst keeping it as short as possible. To start, my father won an extremely large sum of money on the Equestrian lottery and immediately retired. He and my mother wanted to go traveling all across Equestria and beyond if possible. Unfortunately, they had two problems…”

“You and Sweetie Belle?” Twilight interrupted.

“Precisely. I was fifteen at the time and had left school five moons previously but was struggling to gain an internship in my preferred career choice as a fashion designer. My father as such decided to solve both of his problems with one simple solution. He provided me with enough bits to start up my own fashion boutique on the condition I looked after Sweetie Belle in return whilst they were out of town. I was a naïve and gullible fifteen-year-old mare barely more than a filly who believed the one pony in the whole world she could trust was her father. How wrong I was.” Rarity paused as tears started to well in her eyes.

And then, she exploded. “The heartless bastard and my bitch of a mother didn’t care one little bit about their daughters. All they cared about was not having to drag dead weight around with them on their extravagant travels. Initially there was just a nagging doubt when they dropped Sweetie on my doorstep with all her belongings; yeah, I’m sure they’ll be back in a few weeks to collect her. Sweetie’s sixth birthday and then Hearth’s Warming when she was eight. That’s the only two times I’ve seen them in what, six, nearly seven years. They didn’t even bother to send a postcard for the first two moons!”

“Sweet Celestia. Why didn’t you seek help?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Fear. That I’d lose the boutique, that my father would pay off those who might listen, that he’d stop the monthly stipend for Sweetie’s upbringing that was paltry but just enough to keep her fed each month.” Rarity shivered. “There were times in those first few years I’d go days without eating as everything I had spare went on Sweetie or the business. What my naïve fifteen-year-old self hadn’t realised was that a generally low-income rural farming community doesn’t have the excess bits for luxuries and there were very few tourists back in those days. I had to grind out whatever work I could get my hands on, from providing the costumes for local theatre productions in exchange for food to repairing school bags for a solitary bit. And that’s why I had so little patience with my sister. I was so focused on keeping my business afloat and hiding the severity of our situation from her that I was blind to just how much damage our parents’ actions had caused her. And then he walked into the shop. He was on a business trip from Canterlot and decided to pop in to see if I had anything unique for his wife.”

“Name,” Twilight growled cutting into Rarity’s tale of woe once more.

Rarity sighed. “You’re not going to like it.”

“Try me,” Twilight growled.

“Sir Beauregard Beauford, at the time Captain of the Royal Guard,” Rarity deadpanned.

Twilight’s head met her hoof. “You’re right, I don’t like it but it does at least make some sense. Just please tell me you had nothing to do with his enforced retirement.”

“If you are asking if I had an affair with him and ruined his marriage, I can assure you that rag the Canterlot Times got it all wrong,” Rarity argued angrily.

“Thank goodness,” Twilight sighed lifting her head from her hoof before it hit her like a ton of bricks. “Wait, got it all wrong? What do you mean by that?”

“It was strictly business darling and only happened once. Ten thousand bits for, how do I put this, popping my cherry? The money, along with a lot of Sweetie’s fighting winnings are set aside in a trust fund for her when she reaches sixteen,”

“Oh, fucking great,” Twilight grumbled her head hitting her hoof once more. “So, my friend caused the biggest scandal in the history of the royal guard whoring herself ou…” she got not further as a white hoof slammed into her left cheek.

“DON’T YOU DARE JUDGE ME!” Rarity roared leaning across the table with a look of thunder. “Do you think I wanted to sleep with a stallion three times my age? It was all for her don’t you see? I wanted to ensure my sister had the best possible start to her adult life. Why do you think in the end I was persuaded to let her continue participating in those barbaric fights? There is over one hundred thousand bits in a trust fund for her to ensure she has the best possible start to her adult life unlike me. I did things that I’ll never forget or forgive myself for but as long as in the end my sister doesn’t have to go through the same hardships as me, it’ll all have been worth it.”

Twilight met the alabaster mare’s glare before rising from her own seat. “We’re done here but before I go can I ask you something. What was the point in setting aside so much money for your sister when in all likelihood she would be in a mental hospital before she was sixteen because of your actions to control her behaviour? You’re nothing but a hypocrite.” Twilight snarled, pushing home her advantage.

“I-I-I,” Rarity stammered.

“Don’t want to hear it. You should have realised after the first time you used it the pain and damage UST was causing your sister,” Twilight pushed home her advantage.

“Twi, enough,” Applejack’s voice bellowed trotting over and wrapping her hooves around Rarity. “She was barely more than a filly who was clearly influenced and coerced by a stallion of power who she should have been able to trust and was the only one willing to listen and help her. If you are that blinded by your rage, then I suggest you leave, now, before I test those alicorn regeneration powers of yours. “

“WHAT!” Twilight bellowed. “You are actually siding with her after everything she has done. She tortured her sister for years!”

“On the belief it was in her best interests,” Applejack growled in reply matching Twilight’s death glare as Pinkie joined in with the hug.

“Sorry Twi, she’s got a very good point. I know you could have persuaded me to do anything in my teens if it got me into the Wonderbolts,” Rainbow stated shrugging her shoulders and trotting over to join in the mass hug. “At the end of the day Rarity might have cast the spell on her sister but from what I can understand, she was merely a puppet on a set of strings.”

Twilight continued to glower at her friends before she lowered her head, closed her eyes and muttered under breath, “I am the Princess of Friendship and an important part of friendship is to forgive your friends when they make a mistake.” And with that she reluctantly lowered herself to the ground in a bow and said firmly and formally, “On behalf of the Equestrian Government I can only apologise for the misinformation our former Captain of the Guard provided you with and the damage this has led to, both on yourself and your sister. Please inform me exactly of what he did and I shall ensure the full support of the Equestrian Government is at your disposal to right the wrongs he has inflicted.”


“No frigging way!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she entered Greenhouse One. “Are they what I think they are?” she added pointing at the six miniature trees that sat on the workbench at the front of the greenhouse.

“And what might I ask do you think they are?” Professor Sprout enquired.

“Bonneigh trees. My granny told me many legends when I was a young filly. One of my favourites was that of a supposedly small, independent colony of Earth ponies far to the east of Equestria hidden somewhere in amongst the mountains of the dragon lands known as Neighpal. As the legend goes, it is said that through generations of hard work and dedication these Earth ponies cultivated the most beautiful miniature variants of normal trees that immediately calmed and relaxed all who looked upon them whilst rejuvenating their magic through omitting a magical aura in both the air and the earth. Alas, despite how many have tried, none have ever been able to prove if there is any actual truth behind the legend or replicate such trees and so, the mystery and secrets surrounding Neighpal and the bonneigh trees remains,” Apple Bloom finished as she began to examine the six specimens on the bench.

“What an interesting story,” Professor Sprout mused. “Although I can see the similarities these are actually referred to as bonsai trees in our world, ornamental artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs grown in pots. These ones are of the tropical variety. As your story stated they have a reputation for being notoriously difficult to cultivate and successfully maintain, with each individual specimen preferring a certain temperature, humidity, amount of water, type of soil, whether to be indoors or outdoors and so on and so forth. This makes them extremely delicate, something which you most certainly are not,” the Herbology professor finished with a wry smile.

Apple Bloom looked up from where she was thoroughly examining each and every one of the miniature trees and looked at Professor Sprout with a raised eyebrow. “You’re actually looking forward to watching me struggle with a plant for once.”

“To a degree yes. I’m also finding it slightly amusing that I’m entrusting an embodiment of peace and tranquillity to someone who has, well, how do I put this kindly…”

“Fuck all of either?” Apple Bloom rudely interrupted.

“Language Miss Apple but yes, I’d have to agree with that statement,” Professor Sprout replied with a chuckle.

“Thanks. Brutal honesty is another trait I get from my sister,” Apple Bloom chuckled as she turned and picked up one of the bonsai trees examining it intently. “Is this an apple tree?” she enquired looking over the peculiar looking thing with aerial roots and dark green leaves. It couldn’t be, could it? But her sixth sense had never been wrong before.

To Apple Bloom’s astonishment the wry smile across Professor Sprout’s face somehow grew even wider. “Maybe. Unlike your usual Malus apple trees, this type is native to the American tropics. They are said to make some of the most beautiful bonsai trees, with white and pink flowers appearing when they are in bloom in summertime. Furthermore, they are also stated to be one of the easiest to distinguish if you are treating them correctly, as once the flowers drop off, miniature, coin-sized apple fruits will appear to only those who have properly cared and nurtured them. I was about to set you the task of choosing one to care for as part of your extracurricular assignment this year but it looks like you’ve already chosen,” Professor Sprout chuckled as Apple Bloom cradled her new treasure and began singing sweetly to it like it was a new-born infant.

After a moment she coughed to bring the girl’s attention back to her. “Your extracurricular assignment consists of two parts. The first is caring for the tree you have just chosen. I expect you to do thorough research in the library in your free time so that you can determine its ideal requirements for optimal development. The second is to quell that beast that lurks inside you and learn to better manage your temper. BOTH of these shall be monitored and contribute towards your practical grade at the end of the year. Only if you succeed in passing both sections will I allow you to keep the bonsai tree, understood?”

Apple Bloom nodded sincerely as she continued to stroke the tree in her arms.

“Excellent, now before we go over some of the more basic care techniques for a bonsai tree, might I suggest meditating in silence with your tree as a way to help control your anger. Professor Discord has also ordered you a copy of A Magician and their Mind by Gilderoy Lockhart that shall be arriving shortly by owl for you to peruse at your leisure and which might provide you with some further ideas to do so.”

“Yes professor,” Apple Bloom replied with another nod of her head.

“Then let us begin.”


Rarity looked up from where she was making yet another Nightmare Night costume as the bell above her shop’s door rang. Strange, she didn’t usually get callers this time of day and it was still a number of hours before Sweetie finished school.

“Oh, don’t mind me my dear. I was just in the neighbourhood on business when I saw your boutique and thought I’d see if you had anything that my wife or daughter might like,” a middle-aged unicorn stallion in full royal guard attire addressed her.

“Of course, feel free to browse and if there is anything you are particularly interested in or don’t see, let me know. I might have it in the back or am open for commissions, although anything would have to wait until after Nightmare Night. As you can probably guess, I’m rather full with costume commissions at this present moment in time,” the seamstress explained politely as she noticed the elegant stallion already examining a particular light blue gown. “That dress you are looking at would be twenty-five bits, thirty-five if you would like it fitted.”

“H-h-how much?” Beauregard Beauford stated looking up from where he was perusing the exquisitely made gown with a look of complete surprise.

Rarity sighed. It looked like this was going to be another one of those time wasters. “I am open for offers though.”

“N-n-no my dear. I do apologise if you took my initial surprise the wrong way. You see, something like this in Canterlot would be four times as much as that and that was if I was lucky! If you don’t mind me asking, might I enquire why you are underselling your talent by so much?”

Rarity looked at the stranger for a moment wondering just how much she should reveal. “Thank you for your honesty. Sadly, in a small rural farming community I’ve found it difficult to sell such wares. Most the mares here are practical Earth ponies who have little interest or need for such dresses and Ponyville is hardly a booming tourist hotspot either. As such I’m stuck with just taking on whatever work I can get my hooves on to make ends meet and keep my sister…”

She never finished the sentence as the bell above her shop rung again and a bedraggled looking Sweetie Belle stormed in.

“Sweetie? What happened? Why are you not in school? Your eye!” Rarity exclaimed as her gaze focused on the black eye her sister now sported.

Sweetie didn’t say a word. Instead, she rudely pushed past Rarity’s latest customer and swiftly slammed a note down on Rarity’s desk before storming up the stairs to her bedroom, a loud slamming of the door met afterwards by an awkward silence downstairs.

“I-I do apologise. My sister has been going through some issues recently,” Rarity finally stammered as she looked over the note her eyes going wide.

Dear Miss Rarity Belle,

I’m afraid on this occasion I have no choice but to suspend your sister whilst an investigation is carried out, with the possibility of expulsion a very likely outcome of said investigation. It seems your sister took offence to something an older colt said during lunch in the playground and went, how do I put it, ballistic. It took all my Earth pony strength just to withhold her but only after she’d caused significant injuries to the stallion in question. He is now currently in Ponyville general with a broken jaw, a punctured lung and numerous bite wounds amongst other injuries. Although she claims self-defence and protecting her honour, I fear there is little I can do this time to prevent Sweetie’s expulsion. A meeting of all the parties involved is scheduled for noon tomorrow at the schoolhouse, yours sincerely,

Miss Cheerilee, Ponyville school teacher

“And that’s when I finally broke. I told him everything and he comforted me and offered his help. He stepped in to prevent Sweetie from being expelled from school, paid for the young stallion’s treatment, persuaded me to use UST on her and offered a way for her to release her anger in a controlled environment. He was the head of the Royal Guard and the only pony in two years I’d found not only willing to listen to my plight and help us but that I felt I could trust and wasn’t going to be influenced by my father’s money. Yes, I was taken a little aback by the brutality of the fights but Sweetie didn’t want to stop and there was proper medical care on hand to ensure no lasting damage was done. Plus, even if they were wrong, they finally brought a smile back to my sister’s face and, as I stated earlier, provided her with the bits that hopefully would lead to her having a better start to her adult life than I did. As for UST, again, deep down inside me I knew it was wrong but I was seventeen, barely more than a filly and at the time desperate and pretty much willing to believe anything. As far as I was aware at the time, UST was supposed to curb errant adolescent behaviour in unicorns to prepare them for adulthood with no significant side effects despite the considerable amount of pain it initially caused. And, over the next few years, I believed that to be the case. Sweetie’s acting out slowly ceased, she actually made friends in Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and gradually I was able to decrease its usage on her. But it was only when you gave me a copy of your thesis Twilight that it suddenly dawned on me the irreparable damage I had almost certainly caused my sister.”

“So why didn’t you come clean instead of trying to hide what you had done?” Twilight finally interrupted Rarity’s long explanation as the unicorn paused to take a sip from a cup of tea.

Rarity didn’t get a chance to reply before the train suddenly screeched loudly and jerked violently.

“What in Equestria?” Twilight began as the train suddenly began to speed up.

“Oh no,” Rarity gulped. “Twilight, how well do you know the guards on this train?”

Twilight’s eyes shot open and she leapt from her seat without another word. She had barely taken one step though before there was yet another ear-splitting screech and she, along with her friends were sent flying through the carriage.

The Royal Canterlot Express never made it to the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

Sorry for how long Thursday is taking, I'm finding the Rarity sub-plot difficult to write but I'm getting there. Oh Rarity, what have you done. The golden rule of unicorn fight club is never to talk about unicorn fight club.

Edited 05/11/21