• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Trials and Transfiguration

Author's Note:

A practically brand new chapter! This one is very deep and outlines several key plot areas for book 2 take 2.

Scootaloo awoke surrounded by nothing but white. Oh great, where was she this time?

“HELLO?” she yelled into the seemingly never-ending white abyss.

“Always sacrificing yourself for others, that’s my girl,” a voice Scootaloo recognised vaguely echoed behind her.

“Mum?” Scootaloo said turning sharply on the spot to face the brown-haired, brown-eyed woman she’d never had the opportunity to get to know growing up.

“Yes, my dear. I’m sorry that there is no time for pleasantries. Our time together is extremely short and precious. The timeline has been altered. Be prepared. An accident shall release a great evil towards the end of your second year at Hogwarts. One who betrayed everyone who saw him as a friend will rise once more and personally see to the return of the Dark Lord. Take care my daughter and good luck; choppy waters lie ahead,” Marlene said with clear urgency as she walked across and gave her daughter a hug. “Oh, how I’ve missed out on so, so much,” she added as Scootaloo attempted to reciprocate the hug only to find her mother slowly fading into nothingness.

“No, it’s not fair. MUM, DON’T GO!” Scootaloo wailed only to realise she was back somewhere in Hogwarts, sitting bolt upright on something which looked and felt like a bed.

Then she noticed Apple Bloom and Madam Pomfrey looking at her with anxiously and put two and two together. Apple Bloom must have brought her to the infirmary.


Noticing both on the nightstand, she grabbed the quill from the ink pot and began erratically writing down her mother’s prophecy. What was it again? The timeline has been… altered? Yes, that was it. A great evil shall be released towards… no, an accident shall release a great evil towards the end of your second year at Hogwarts. One who betrayed his family… GAH, no, Scootaloo haphazardly crossed it out and hastily scribbled the correct words.

It was only when she had finished and was happy that she had correctly translated the prophecy exactly word for word from her memory, that she thrust the piece of parchment at her friend.

“Get that to Dumbledore immediately!” she exclaimed before she was once more overtaken by dizziness and slumped back into the bed unconscious.

“What in Bonham’s sake was that all about?” Madam Pomfrey enquired looking over Apple Bloom’s shoulder at the piece of poorly written parchment.

The words at the bottom saw her eyes immediately shoot open with interest as the knut dropped.

A warning from my mother.

“Pass me that this instant. This is too important to risk sending to Dumbledore. I’ll have to request his presence here immediately,” the Hogwarts Matron exclaimed snatching the piece of parchment from Apple Bloom’s hands and heading straight for her office and the fireplace located within to contact the Hogwarts’ Headmaster.


“Good morning…” Professor McGonagall began as she entered the classroom only to stop mid-sentence.

Her class of second-years were deathly quiet. More years than Minerva wanted to count as an educator had taught her many valuable and crucial things, and, although on first glances a quiet class would seem to be a wonderful thing, quiet students ultimately meant one of three things. They were either up to something, had already done something they shouldn’t have and were now feeling guilty about what they’d done, or something was terribly, terribly wrong. Unfortunately for Minerva, with this class it could literally be any one of the three and she had to swiftly deduce which. Thankfully, this was made a lot easier by the absence of certain Hufflepuffs.

“Miss Belle, could you kindly inform me where your two friends are?” Professor McGonagall demanded with little emotion as she reached her desk.

“In the infirmary, professor,” Sweetie replied morosely holding up a letter. It didn’t take a genius to see she had been crying, a lot, very recently.

With a sigh Professor McGonagall walked over and took the letter from Sweetie.


Due to an incident in Herbology today, Miss Apple and Prewett will both be absent from Transfiguration.


“Well, that’s not very enlightening Pomona,” Professor McGonagall grumbled under her breath before looking up and informing the entire class, “I’m sure Miss Apple and Miss Prewett will be fine and will look forward to the extra homework Miss Belle here will be handing them to catch up on missing today’s lesson. As for the rest of you, I need you to put whatever happened in Herbology to the back of your minds. There shall be no slacking of any kind in my class, understood?” she stated brusquely returning to her desk at the front of the classroom.

“Yes, Professor McGonagall,” the class replied as one aside Sweetie who simply glowered at Professor McGonagall with a look, that if it could, would have killed.

“Miss Belle, something the matter,” she asked seeking to quash any rebellion before it had the chance to develop further.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, there is. It’s you,” she replied rudely to astonished gasps from her friends. “One of my best friends just nearly fucking died saving another one of my friends from being attacked by a Venomous Tentacula and you’re more concerned about giving them extra homework to ensure they don’t fall behind than asking me what exactly happened or how I’m feeling right now. You inconsiderate witch, you are just as bad as my bucking sister.” Sweetie paused as a cold chill shot through her body at merely the mention of her sister. “I think I’ll get along better this year if I just tutor myself,” she stated boldly shoving her books into her bag, rising from her seat, and heading for the door.

“Miss Belle, I can understand you might not be thinking clearly right now considering what has happened to your friends but if you take your seat right now, I shall forget your…”

The door slammed loudly behind Sweetie Belle. And then Susan rose to her feet and spoke solemnly putting her own books away.

“I’m sorry professor. You know what we Hufflepuffs are like, loyal to the last, and, being honest, you were a little inconsiderate.”

Ten seconds later the door slammed shut for a second time and then a third and fourth as both Megan and Hannah joined their two friends in boycotting the lesson. The Hufflepuff boys, not to be outdone, weren’t far behind followed by the remaining three girls. The lesson wasn’t even five minutes gone and Professor McGonagall had already lost half her class.

“Anybody else want to play truant and earn a month of detention?” Professor McGonagall sighed slumping into her chair. This was not the start to the year she had either anticipated or wanted.

None of the Gryffindors, not even Hermione, had the gall to disobey their head of house.

“That’s what I thought. Now, if there are no further complaints, shall we continue the lesson?” Professor McGonagall stated flatly as she rose from her chair and turned to the blackboard behind.


“Gomb,” Susan said in a deep tone concentrating hard as she lay on the grass out on the training fields.

As had been the case for the previous forty-seven attempts over the past hour, absolutely nothing noticeable changed on the ladybug she had been attempting to transfigure. All around her, her housemates were having similar issues lazing in the warm late summer sunshine while Sweetie moved among them all attempting to help where needed.

After realising, to her utter astonishment and somewhat horror, that all her housemates had followed her lead in boycotting the transfiguration lesson, she knew they were now looking to her for guidance and leadership. As such, Sweetie had refused to simply skive off for the double period and instead had taken her bunch of rebels to the training fields to attempt the insect into a button spell that she had presumed they would have been practicing today having noticed the box of beetles that were on Professor McGonagall’s desk before she had stormed out. Dumbledore had taught her the simple spell in one of their tutoring sessions last year. Back in the present, Susan’s head slumped dejectedly onto the grass as she let out a mighty groan.

“Eugh, I hate transfiguration.”

“Keep trying!” Sweetie encouraged laying down beside Susan and placing a comforting arm on her friend’s back. “I can see you are really, really trying and your pronunciation is almost perfect. It’s your wand movement that is letting you down. Watch me, Gomb.”

Susan’s head lifted slightly and she watched Sweetie perform the spell extremely slowly so that she was able to see precisely how it should be executed.

“Okay, I think I see where I was going wrong. Here goes nothing,” she sighed closing her eyes and visualising what Sweetie had just done. “Gomb. How was that?” she asked scared to open her eyes and seeing yet another failure.

“Why don’t you take a look yourself?” Sweetie chuckled.

Nervously Susan opened her eyes to see that half the ladybug’s shell was now a button.

Susan’s mouth dropped in disbelief. It usually took her weeks to achieve such progress.

“Sweetie, come look at what I managed to do!” Wayne’s voice suddenly called from a little way off.

“Coming! I’m so proud of you Susan,” she exclaimed wrapping her arms around her friend and giving her an enormous hug.

“Yes, as am I of both of you. Teaching transfiguration is no easy feat, especially for one so young,” a whimsical voice that Sweetie knew all too well resounded from up above. She was in so much trouble. “Although, talking back to your professor and playing truant from class is something that I definitely cannot condone and will result in serious consequences.”

Sweetie disentangled herself from Susan and very slowly rose from the floor and turned to face the newcomer to her improvised transfiguration lesson with a heavy sigh.

“Hello Headmaster Dumbledore, sir,” she said in a resigned tone. “I had been expecting you sooner.”

“I had other matters to deal with,” Dumbledore replied.

“Anything to do with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom? How are they?” Sweetie asked with clear concern. “Please tell me they are all right?”

“Don’t worry; they’ll both be fine. Scootaloo was still asleep when I left but she should be out of the infirmary by the end of the day. Miss Apple should be back in classes after lunch,” Dumbledore informed her.

Sweetie Belle let out a massive sigh of relief.

“Now, shall we continue this conversation in my office with some lunch?” Dumbledore asked equally calmly.

Sweetie immediately held her breath once more. She knew he wasn’t really asking her; he was telling her.

“Y-yes sir,” she stammered head dropping and staring disconsolately at the ground.

“Excellent and don’t look so worried, it won’t be that bad I can assure you,” Dumbledore tried to reassure Sweetie Belle. “As for the rest of you,” he turned and addressed the rest of Sweetie’s housemates. “It’s only a few more minutes to lunch and you all seem to have been working extra hard today even if not in the proper setting, so I feel you’ve earnt a little extra break. Just promise me nothing like this will happen again. I understand you were all being loyal to your fellow housemate as a good Hufflepuff should but as I stated earlier, I cannot condone playing truant from class and any further repeats will result in severe punishment, understood?”

Everyone turned and stared at Sweetie expectantly.

“What are you all looking at me for?” the girl exclaimed in surprise.

“Well, you are the teacher,” Wayne deadpanned to a round of nods of agreement.

“Teacher, me?” Sweetie responded going wide eyed and red in the face in embarrassment.

“Yeah, Miss Belle, what would you like us to do?” Megan giggled cheekily.

Sweetie head met her right hand. “Promise Dumbledore you’ll never walk out of Transfiguration again. Or any lesson for that matter. I understand you were all just being good friends but as a friend I don’t want to see you get into trouble because of me, okay?”

“Yes, Miss Belle. We promise sir never to play truant again,” the Hufflepuffs all replied as one causing Sweetie’s usually pale face to go even redder in embarrassment.

Even Dumbledore was amused. “Your class is very obedient Miss Belle,” he stated with a chortle. “Thank you everyone. I expect to see you all back in your true Transfiguration class tomorrow. Have a great lunch. Miss Belle, with me please,” he instructed not waiting for a reply as he turned and headed back towards the castle.

Sweetie took a massive gulp and tentatively followed.


At the same time over in the infirmary, Apple Bloom was using devious tactics in her attempts to awaken Scootaloo permanently.

“Ugh,” Scootaloo groaned as the tantalising aroma of beef stew hit her nostrils. “My head is pounding,” she groaned slowly opening her eyes feeling dizzy and disorientated. “Where am I?” she groaned for a second time as her stomach gave a large growl.

“Damn, and there I was hoping for seconds,” Apple Bloom jested as she brought a spoonful of mashed potatoes from her own plateful of stew up to her lips. After swallowing it she continued bringing Scootaloo up to date in a much more serious tone. “You are in the infirmary. Venomous Tentacula stabbed you in Herbology, remember? Y-you pushed me out of the way.”

Scootaloo suddenly shot up in bed and stood at attention staring at Apple Bloom eyes wide. “The warning, did Dumbledore get the warning?”

“Ah, so you remember that. Dumbledore arrived personally to collect it. He left a few minutes ago, said he would have liked to stay longer but that he had another urgent matter to attend to. Asked me to pass on his thanks and that he would be back to see you later when you were feeling better,” Apple Bloom explained.

“Good,” Scootaloo replied letting out a huge breath. “What was it by the way?

“Y-you don’t remember?” Apple Bloom queried looking concerned.

“It’s hazy at best, sometimes happens with dreams and prophecies, they don’t always transfer well, why it is always best for seers to have others around them constantly. The last thing you want is a vital piece of information being missed because the seer can’t remember it and no one was there to write it down,” Scootaloo explained.

“Huh, so that explains why you were acting like a deranged lunatic when you awoke the first time. Madam Pomfrey was wondering whether to hit you with a sedative spell or not. Personally, I felt a good slap would have been just as effective to knock you out of it. Good thing we went with neither option I guess although I am afraid to say she swiped what you wrote down from me before I had a chance to read it,” Apple Bloom enlightened her friend whilst picking up a dumpling from her plate with a fork and pointing it at Scoootaloo. “One prophecy I can honestly make that I know will come true is that your lunch will very soon mysteriously disappear if you don’t make a start on it immediately.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Scootaloo exclaimed hastily picking up the steaming hot plate of beef stew from the dresser next to her bed before ravenously tucking in without another word. She didn’t know why but dreams and prophecies always did make her awfully hungry. “Oh my, this is heavenly,” she finally mumbled through a mouthful of food.

“I thought it would wake you up. Why I asked Madam Pomfrey to request it specially from the kitchens,” Apple Bloom replied with a warm smile. “Plus, there was always the possibility that if it didn’t, I’d have seconds,”

“Thanks Bloom, you’re the best,” Scootaloo responded herself through yet another mouthful of food. The way she was wolfing it down Apple Bloom doubted there would be any left after a minute, or less!

“No problems. While you eat, I just want to say I’m sorry about Herbology earlier. I took things a little to far. I was just trying to ensure we all did our fair share of work as Professor Sprout wanted and didn’t solely rely on me as that would effect all our grades negatively but I was sort of still a little bit angry from…” Apple Bloom paused as Scootaloo held up a hand to silence her.

After swallowing a mouthful of food, Scootaloo spoke, “Apology accepted as long as you accept mine and agree that in future a better plan of action would be you telling and showing us what to do.”

“Agreed,” Apple Bloom replied with a nod of her head placing her plate on the floor and holding out her right hand to Scootaloo.

The other girl looked at it for a moment and then, placing her now practically empty plate back on the dresser she grabbed Apple Bloom’s arm and pulled her into a hug.

“Come here you!” Scootaloo exclaimed wrapping her metallic right arm around Apple Bloom’s neck and giving her a noogie with her left. Meanwhile, her tail was tantalisingly tickling the other girl’s nose.

“No fair!” Apple Bloom squealed. “Mercy, mercy, that tickles.”

“Hmm,” Scootaloo pondered. “Nope,” she giggled continuing her onslaught on Apple Bloom’s head and nose.

“Right then, that does it,” Apple Bloom chuckled wickedly placing a foot gently on Scootaloo’s bandaged lower right leg and foot.

Scootaloo stopped the noogie immediately, her eyes going wide as pain shot through her body. “No fair,” she squeaked barely audible as if all the breath had suddenly been sucked from her lungs.

“Well then, you shouldn’t start things you cannot finish,” Apple Bloom said with a cheery smile as she pulled herself out of the headlock and returned to her seat by the side of Scootaloo’s bed. Slowly a look of concern replaced her smile. “I didn’t hurt you that much, did I?”

Scootaloo took a deep breath as the pain slowly subsided back to a dull ache. “It felt like a thousand knives had been thrust into my leg at once,” she explained. “Still, nowhere near as painful as whatever Professor Sprout shoved down my throat before I passed out. I mean, I can barely remember anything from those final few minutes aside excruciating burning in my throat that I could only describe as how I would guess it would feel having acid forcibly poured down your throat.”

“That bad huh?” Apple Bloom queried.

Scootaloo nodded soberly in reply. “And I’d rather not recall it if you don’t mind.”

“Of course. And I’m sorry about the leg, I didn’t mean…” Apple Bloom tried to beg for forgiveness but Scootaloo once more held up her left hand as she took a swig of water from a glass on top of the dresser.

“Totally my fault again and don’t worry, it’s subsided back to a dull ache for now. And that reminds me, did Madam Pomfrey give you any indication of the prognosis in regard to my leg? Please tell me I’m not about to lose another limb,” Scootaloo groaned throwing her head back against the headboard. “Ow,” she deadpanned rubbing the back of her now sore head.

“Wow, prognosis, big word for a draconequus with a chicken’s brain,” Apple Bloom replied boldly attempting to lighten the dour mood that had fallen across the conversation like a dark cloud.

“Ouch Bloom, that was below the belt,” Scootaloo retorted sarcastically with a mock look of hurt plastered across her face.

“Says the one who constantly winds me up by calling me Apple Butt,” Apple Bloom retorted placing her arms across her chest.

“Touché,” Scootaloo replied.

“As for your leg, Professor Sprout’s quick thinking meant no permanent damage was done but you’ll likely be on crutches for at least a week, possibly longer.”

“Great,” Scootaloo groaned once more, this time resisting the urge to throw her head back against the headboard still feeling the effects of the previous time. “Please tell me there is some good news?”

“That was the good news,” Apple Bloom deadpanned, “It could be months, years or never until you regain total feeling in your leg again. Why, why did you do it, you numbskull? And don’t tell me it’s because you’re immortal otherwise I’m going to test that theory with a hammer throw from here into the lake and considering you’ve now made me cry, I can’t be sure my aim will be accurate,” she finished feebly attempting to wipe the tears from her face as a whole torrent of emotion that had bubbled and boiled inside of her for the past hour or more finally came streaming out.

Scootaloo gulped, let out a resigned sigh and then shuffled down the bed so she could place a hand tenderly on her friend’s face, lifting it slightly so that their eyes locked. “Oh Bloom, how many times do I have to say it. You and Sweetie are like, no, you are my sisters. There is no way I would ever be able to forgive myself if I let anything happen to either of you or Hermione for that matter that I know I could have prevented and I bet the same goes for you, correct?” Scootaloo ended with a warm smile before Apple Bloom surprised her with a rib-crushing hug. “Help, can’t breathe,” Scootaloo squeaked.

“Don’t care and of course I would Scootasausage. You know that I’d do anything for you and Swetieeeee” Apple Bloom replied, the last word trailing off as the stress of the morning’s events finally caught up to her and she slowly dozed off, snuggling deep into Scootaloo’s chest.

“Hey, that’s my trick,” Scootaloo giggled as she carefully fell back onto the bed with Apple Bloom atop her.

Five minutes later neither girl heard the sound of approaching footsteps closing in on the curtain that shielded Scootaloo’s bed from the rest of the infirmary.

“So, matron, how are they doing?” Discord enquired with just the slightest hint of concern in his voice.

“Your daughter should be fine with some rest. It did not help that whilst the anti-venom was taking effect the venom seemed to have a reaction with her magic.”

“Is that just a more sophisticated way of informing me about Scoti’s latest forewarning?” Discord replied solemnly.

“You know? How? Dumbledore hasn’t had time to tell anyone since he left,” Madam Pomfrey queried.

“Three simple words, god, draconequus, daughter.” Upon that last point he took off one of his feet of and gestured towards the curtain which Scoti and Apple Bloom resided behind.

“I see, of course,” Madam Pomfrey responded, wisely opting not to push the matter further. “I’m guessing his office is next on your tour of the school this lunchtime?”

“You guess correctly and that is why we must push this conversation along,” Discord stated returning his foot to its rightful position.

“Of course. Just as a warning, as a medical professional I must advise you that the venom may have caused some hallucinations and nightmares that your daughter may have perceived as a warning of some sort,” Madam Pomfrey explained.

“And your personal opinion?” Discord requested emotionlessly.

“Off the record, I didn’t believe in true seers until she came along and now, she’s got even me believing when she’s had a premonition,” Madam Pomfrey replied equally flatly. “Anyway, the most recent scans have indicated that aside the initial attack site and her missing parts, she’s an extremely healthy and fit young girl for her age. She will though have to keep her weight of the infected foot for the next week at least to ensure it heals as much as it possibly can.”

“As much as it can?” Discord growled, his face instantly turning to thunder.

“Despite the anti-venom doing its job in limiting the spread of the venom up her body and neutralising it, there was ultimately an unforeseen negative consequence as a result,” Madam Pomfrey explained.

“What unforeseen consequence?” Discord growled again juggling a ball of fire between his two hands.

Most people would have melted, possibly literally, or at the very least been shaking at the knees from the tone of Discord’s voice but not Hogwarts Iron Matron. Madam Pomfrey simply ignored the petulant behaviour of the almighty god before her and instead nonchalantly continued her explanation. “An alarming and dangerous amount of the venom ended up pooling in Scoti’s foot and by the time I had discovered what had occurred, the damage had already been done. Scoti was very lucky I didn’t have to amputate but she has suffered extensive nerve damage in her right foot and despite my best efforts, my overall diagnosis suggests there’s less than a five percent chance she’ll ever regain full feeling and movement in her right foot and toes and only a thirteen percent chance she’ll gain a moderate amount. The most likely scenario is she slowly adapts to her diminished limb and learns to walk on it perfectly fine or at the very least with a cane. I seriously doubt she’ll ever be able to do more than a slow limp though. I do apologise, it was the best I could do in a difficult and time critical situation.”

“I see,” Discord replied closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to calm himself as he stopped juggling the ball of flame and crushed it in his right hand. “Thank you, matron, for everything you’ve done from the bottom of my heart.” A bouquet of flowers appeared in Discord’s arms and he pushed them into the chest of the astonished Madam Pomfrey before he continued. “Anything else I need to know about my daughter or will she be able to attend my class this afternoon? And before you say it, yes, I understand you almost certainly want her to stay in for observation but this is a vital lesson on dementors that she simply cannot miss. I’ll come back, take her and Apple Bloom…”

“No,” Madam Pomfrey stated resolutely.

“Excuse me?” Discord replied mouth agape in surprise.

“You can take your daughter as long as she returns for a nap immediately afterwards but not Miss Apple. She has suffered from a severe bout of shock today and I will not have you make her mental state worse by teaching her about such foul creatures, understood? Or am I going to have to ask you to leave?” Madam Pomfrey continued resolutely, further emphasising one of the reasons why the students referred to her as Hogwarts’ Iron Matron. Arguing with her was futile and a torturous ordeal for any who tried.

“Sounds good to me,” a third voice totally unexpectedly echoed from above and which saw both grown-ups’ heads to look upwards. Of course, it was Scootaloo flying silently above them.

“Hello,” she said in a hushed tone. “Could you please keep the noise down, I’ve only just got Apple Bloom off to sleep,” the girl chided from where she was effortlessly floating above them.

“Scoti, when did you…” Discord began.

“Around the same time Madam Pomfrey was telling you I’m never going to get anywhere fast on my feet ever again. Not that it matters when I’ve wings and also the power of teleportation to hopefully look forward to in the future. Might I also just add that you two talk ridiculously loudly and that I couldn’t agree more in regards to Bloom, she is an emotional wreck right now. One minute she’s sombre, next she’s joking, and then she’s blubbering her eyes out. Goodness knows how she’s going to react to my foot when she finds out.”

“Miss Prewett, you’ve been through a harrowing ordeal. Unless you come down this instant, I shall withdraw my offer and you shall go straight back to bed,” Madam Pomfrey commanded.

“Eugh, fine,” Scootaloo grumbled rolling her eyes. “I just wanted to stretch my wings,” she added floating silently to the floor where she hovered just above it to keep her weight of her bad foot.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, turned and headed for her office.

“Where are you of to?” Discord enquired looking somewhat perplexed.

“To write her a permission slip to fly indoors due to her injury. Because if I don’t, she’s only going to do it anyway. Afterwards, both of you can bugger off and leave me and my only other patient in peace for the rest of the afternoon,” Madam Pomfrey groused opening the door to her office and disappearing inside, closing said door gently behind her with a click so as not to awaken Apple Bloom.

Both Discord and Scootaloo stared after the school’s matron in total shock for a moment as what she had said slowly sunk in.

“Did she just tell us to bugger off?” Scootaloo asked her father.

“Yes, she did, yes she did. You must be really rubbing off on her,” Discord replied attempting, and failing to, hold back the laughter brewing inside of him.


As soon as Sweetie Belle saw who was waiting for them in Dumbledore’s office, she knew she was in trouble, and that was before she even saw the look of condemnation spread across Professor McGonagall’s face.

“Professor,” she forced herself to say politely.

Professor McGonagall ignored Sweetie Belle and instead turned her attention to Dumbledore who had followed behind Sweetie into the office. “Where did you find the troublemaker and her band of renegades?”

“Can’t even be bothered to address me,” Sweetie retorted in reply. “Well, that’s a good start,” the girl added with a roll of her eyes.

“Well, that’s another month of detention you’ve just earned on top of the one you’ve already got for playing truant,” Professor McGonagall retorted with a scowl.

“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Sweetie replied cheekily. “Do you always pile on to the tormented? What's next? Telling the newly-orphaned to grow up?”

“Three months, along with the letter I was just writing to your sister and any further talking when you are not spoken to will see me revoke your quidditch privileges for the year, understood?” Professor McGonagall growled furiously.

Sweetie froze where she was standing, eyes going wide. “M-my sister?” she gulped remembering not only the letter she had received at the start of the previous year after her Potions mishap but the particular punishment her sister liked to deal to her when she was especially unruly.

“Oh, so that’s who can keep you in line is it? Maybe I’ll ask Professor Discord to bring her in then so that we can have a little chat about your behaviour,” Professor McGonagall stated coldly.

Sweetie’s head dropped knowing she was beaten on this occasion. “Please don’t. I’m already going to be suffering a large dose of UST for this, I just know it,” she stated glumly whilst reluctantly walking over to sit herself down in the seat next to Professor McGonagall.

“UST?” Professor McGonagall replied with clear intrigue.

"I've said too much," Sweetie blurted and then clamped her hands over her mouth.

"Do tell," said McGonagall with a sharp edge in her voice as she pulled Sweetie's hands down.

"She'll fry me again." Sweetie trembled as an icy chill wrapped its way around her body.

Sternly, the professor said, "What do you mean 'again'? What did your sister do?"

"Can't talk." Sweetie covered her face with her forearms as she shielded her horn with her fists.

“Just what are you going on about dear? Has your sister hurt you in some way in the past? If you don’t tell us we can’t help you.”

“You can’t help me unless you drop it,” Sweetie exclaimed, an utterly terrified eye peeking out between her arms. “To even mention unicorn shock therapy is, oh fuck.” Sweetie attempted desperately to rise from her chair and make a dash for the door but she’d barely made it one step before her head started pounding and sparks started flying off her horn. “No, no, I’ve been a good filly for so long, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean…”

A surge of magical energy shot out of her horn and turned the door to ash.

Sweetie stared at the pile of ash totally gobsmacked as her horn continued to spark. She hastily turned and looked at the two professors. “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do, it’s a failsafe if you ever, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed.

EBUBLIO!” Dumbledore cried just in time.

“Dumbledore’s beard,” McGonagall muttered under her breath as the entirety of the bubble was engulfed by flames. Aside from He Who Shall Not Be Named, she had never seen such powerful failsafe magic in use before.

As the flames eventually started to diminish, starved of oxygen and fuel, only Sweetie remained, unconscious on the floor of the bubble. Both Minerva and Albus were on her in a flash as the latter removed the bubble and lowered Sweetie gently to the floor.

“I-Is she…” Minerva stammered unable to finish the unthinkable as Dumbledore bent down and examined the girl.

“A few minor burns but remarkably nothing major considering.”

“W-what was that?” Minerva pressed still shaking from the unexpected explosion.

“Some serious failsafe magic. Somebody implemented a spell into her horn that would result in an extreme magical overload if she ever said those three words in that particular order. If it wasn’t for my actions half the school would have probably been destroyed and we’d be looking at a full-blown disaster with multiple casualties right now,” Dumbledore explained solemnly.

“But why?” Minerva asked confused.

“That’s something I intend to find out. I am seriously concerned right now for her mental wellbeing.”

“How though? She'll not be giving many answers in that state.”

Still crouched over Sweetie, Dumbledore said, "Perhaps, but I do believe I have a charm that might help." After a quick cast, an aethereal from rose from the girl's unconscious body.

Dumbledore said, "My apologies, Sweetie Belle, but needs must be done."

“What the? Am I dead? I’m dead aren’t I. That blasted failsafe spell. See, I told you not to mess in things that don’t concern you.” She sent a stern glare Dumbledore’s way.

“You’re not dead, just unconscious. We needed answers so…”

Sweetie’s glare intensified. “So, you used a necromantic spell outlawed by every wizarding body across the world?"

Shrugging, Dumbledore replied, "After you nearly blew up half the school.”

“Hey, I warned…”

“ENOUGH!” McGonagall interrupted. “Tell us immediately what unicorn shock therapy is, or we’ll bring your sister in for a chat to tell us instead. And afterwards you’ll have a whole year of detention with me, including Saturday mornings, to look forward to along with no quidditch or flying of any kind for that matter as your broom shall be staying locked in the cupboard in my office.”

“You wouldn’t dare?” Sweetie retorted redirecting her glare towards the Transfiguration professor.

“Try me,” McGonagall retorted giving an equally powerful glare in return.

“You know they’ll dispose of me if they find out I’ve talked. We’re talking the richest and most powerful ponies in Equestria. Nobody, not even Celestia herself will be able to keep me safe back in Equestria. So, what's stopping you from throwing me to the wolves if I answer?” Sweetie negotiated crossing her arms.

Dumbledore replied, "Sweetie Belle, I swear on my magic that so long as you answer to the best of your abilities, I shall see that no harm comes to you."

"No sending me back to Equestria? No letting them get to me? Or be haunted by my ghost forever more."


The figure relented. "I should begin at the beginning. My dad won a huge amount of money when I was five and my sister was fifteen. She had just graduated that spring, and she'd been trying to find an internship with a fashion designer for half a year. As you can imagine, my parents were anxious to have her out on her own."

McGonagall said, "She was still a child!"

Sweetie’s manifestation glared at the professor once more before continuing. "As I was saying, my father now had enough money to do everything he wanted, but he didn't want to drag along a little filly on his trips. So, he decided to pluck two flowers with one bite. He offered my sister a monthly allowance to set up her own business, on the condition that she take care of me when he and my mother were away."

Dumbledore replied, "That sounds reasonable."

The figure now glared at Dumbledore. "I’ve seen my parents only twice in the last six years, the last of those a disastrous Hearth’s Warming four years ago. That ended with my sister telling them if they ever came back nopony would ever find the bodies. The only communication we’ve had from them since is the monthly stipend for my upkeep in the shared bank account my sister has with them.”

“I see, my mistake. I apologise my dear; please continue.”

“Apology accepted. Now, where was I?” Sweetie’s aethereal pondered deep in thought for a moment before continuing her story. “Oh yes. My sister could barely handle running a business, let alone raise a filly who kept wondering what she had done to drive her parents away. I needed a parental figure. I needed somepony to be there for me, to explain, to nurture, to comfort. I got a poor excuse for a sister that would throw me a crust when I was lucky and it benefited her."

The figure sighed. "Now that I look back on it, I can say that the stress nearly killed her. She was at her wit's end with the hellion I was and with all the details that went into running a business. One of her Canterlot clients let her in on a few nobility secrets that were used as a way to get misbehaving fillies under control. Strictly confidential of course and most certainly illegal.”

“Two?” Dumbledore queried with clear concern.

“UST and no-holds-barred wrestling. Imagine a seedy underground warehouse where the elite place bets on which of their children will win in a fight, the only rules being no magic and no killing. Oh, and talking about unicorn fight club. I quickly earned the nickname Little Miss Loca after ripping my first opponents ear off with my teeth and then breaking one of his legs. In my defence, they purposefully set me up against a colt four years older than me hoping that he’d beat me into the dirt for their sick pleasure. I may have also not been totally with it due to my sister frying my brain constantly every five minutes,” Sweetie’s ghostly form explained.

“Gallopin’ Gorgons, I’m not sure I even want to know what UST is anymore,” Professor McGonagall exclaimed feeling as if she was going to throw up at any moment.

“It wasn’t all bad,” Sweetie’s apparition argued. “For a start, the small amount of money Rarity bet on me to win that first fight resulted in us earning more than double the money her business had made in its first year. I practically saved her business from going under. She also immediately wanted to pull me out but I was having none of it. It was the perfect way for me to release all the pent-up anger and aggression that had been building up inside of me and they also ensured a medic was always on hand to deal with the worst of the injuries. As I rose through the ranks it also proved to be a successful way for Rarity to earn new clients and business. I gave it up not long after meeting Scootaloo and Apple Bloom as I regained some of my senses and realised what I was doing was totally nuts!”

“Regained some of your senses?” Minerva sighed not liking where this was going.

Sweetie let out another sigh “In laymare’s terms, UST is where one unicorn overloads another’s magical pathways.”

"Isn't that dangerous and painful?" McGonagall interrupted earning her yet another glower.

“If I had to guess, UST feels like this world's Cruciatus curse, and just like the curse, it doesn't leave any visible marks. As for dangerous, I barely have any recollection of more than two years of my life. Why do you think I was so good at fighting? I was literally a walking, talking berserker. I felt no emotion, no pain, nothing aside anger and hatred. Every single pony I fought I imagined was a member of my family and every single time it resulted in the same reaction, uncontrollable rage. I was an animal in that ring. I’ll have to tell you about some of my fights another time.”

“NO!” Professor McGonagall immediately exclaimed before regaining her composure with a cough and in a more polite tone said, “No thank you. I’d rather not hear such brutality if you don’t mind.”

Sweetie shrugged her shoulders. “Suit yourself. Anyway, as I feel myself slowly fading as the spell nears its inevitable end, I’d better wrap this up. I’ve no idea just what damage UST has done to me internally or want to think about what would have happened if the boutique hadn't succeeded or I hadn’t found Bloom and Scoots. Once Rarity got past pure survival, she only resorted to that if I got completely out of hoof, such as the Great Baking Disaster.”

Sweetie paused for a moment as a cold shiver ran through her apparition. “That was a painful day, possibly the worst, I can tell you. I was off school for two weeks afterwards. Thankfully, despite the countless times I dreaded coming home from a crusade fearing the worst, she managed to see that having friends beat the alternative. Even so…”

“Yes,” Dumbledore gently nudged. “Please go on.”

“I-is is wrong that I don't want to go back and still cower and shrink in fear every time I see my sister? I can't call that slice of Tartarus 'home'. It brings back too many . . .” The voice trailed off as the figure re-entered Sweetie's body.

“Damn,” Dumbledore cursed his rotten luck that the spell had just had to fail at that the precise moment they seemed to be getting somewhere.

“Sweetie, why didn’t you tell us?” a small voice squeaked from where there had once been a door. Both Discord and Scootaloo were standing there in complete shock having heard everything, the latter with quite frankly absurd pink tears streaming down her face.

Dumbledore cursed his luck for a second time.