• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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AWISC Part 3: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf? (OLD)

Author's Note:

WARNING: This chapter contains extreme levels of chaos, insanity and general stupidity. I think I outdid even my expectations with this one.
Edited 08/07/2021

After yet another chaotic but rather normal Wednesday all things considered, the remainder of the week slowly petered out and fewer and fewer people seemed concerned or bothered about the werewolf that now resided at Hogwarts. Dumbledore had even managed to smooth things over with most of the parents for the time being, aside Lucius Malfoy who was still pushing the Ministry to have Hermione removed from the school on safety grounds.

After Hermione had passed out on Wednesday following her unexpected transformation, the proposed team building exercise had been replaced with her dormmates creating Hermione a we’re sorry basket for when she returned to the dorm to collect her things on Wednesday evening before departing for Professor Fluttershy’s and Discord’s place in Hogsmeade. Hermione had glowered and then laughed at her dormmates for including a box of dog biscuits, only to then find herself craving them as the week went on and cranky when she ran out. The dog biscuits though weren’t the worst or most embarrassing part of the basket. That had gone to the fluffy pink handcuffs her dormmates had somehow acquired, most likely from the Weasley twins, and placed on her plush Scootaloo pony which had sat atop the hamper. Unsurprisingly, this had caused Hermione’s face to go bright red and she’d mumbled to herself:

“I’m never going to live down being a pink werewolf, am I?”

Overall, Hermione found her concentration waning as the week went on as her mind started to be overcome by primal urges, specifically to bite and maim. This unsurprisingly led to her becoming very frustrated with herself in lessons over the course of Thursday. To begin with, she accidentally blew up the desk Scootaloo and she were brewing their strengthening potion on after carelessly dropping half a dog biscuit into the cauldron. This had resulted in Snape deducting thirty house points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and assigning both girls a two thousand word essay on The Importance of Remaining Focused when Brewing Potions on top of everything else Snape had given them to do with the Strength Potion they had just attempted to brew. Then, for the first time ever, she found herself sleeping alongside the rest of the class in History of Magic. Afterwards, as they exited the classroom, she again found herself the source of everyone’s amusement as Sweetie grumbled that she had struggled to concentrate and hear what Professor Binns had been saying due to Hermione barking and tearing apart her textbook with her teeth in her sleep next to her. Things hadn’t improved after lunch. Unable to replicate her success earlier in the week with Reparifarge she had ended up howling loudly in frustration halfway through the lesson without even realising what she was doing initially. Professor McGonagall had been a lot more sympathetic than Professor Snape but had also finished by telling Hermione sternly:

“Still, I will not accept lycanthropy as an excuse for not doing your homework this week Miss Granger, although I’m quite certain you’d rather die than blemish your perfect record. As for you Miss Prewett, don’t you even think about using my werewolf girlfriend ate it as an excuse for not doing your essay and preparation for Vera Verto in a few weeks’ time.”

This last comment had produced yet more giggles from the class at her expense and embarrassment for what already felt like the tenth time that day. Hermione was thankful when the lesson had finally been over and she was able to retire to a quiet corner of the library to study with Scootaloo. For once the latter helped the former as they attempted to make a dent in the mountain of Potions homework they had received, Hermione’s mind heavily clouded by the impending full moon.

The change in everyone’s attitude towards Hermione was clear and evident on Friday morning when she didn’t turn up to classes. Their worry and concern for their friend was clearly evident as Professor Fluttershy, who was covering for Professor Discord who was still in the infirmary after Fay had cast Ossio Dispersimus on both his arms on Wednesday, had informed them that Hermione had been violently sick during the night and was currently in bed with a fever, but that she would be fine by Monday. It was to no one’s surprise that little of the theoretical work on inferi set for them by Professor Discord was done over the two periods, distracted as they were by Hermione’s absence in combination with Fluttershy’s kind nature not to push them to work. Cultural Divination wasn’t much better, where unsurprisingly Professor Pompernickle had brought forward the topic of werewolves for that week’s lesson. To top it all off, in History of Magic after lunch Professor Binns proceeded to drone on about the Great Werewolf Assault of Littleham where, in retaliation to stricter controls from the Ministry of Magic, a whole band of rogue werewolves had attacked and attempted to infect as many occupants of a muggle village as possible in 1805. Scootaloo hadn’t even been able to get away from werewolves in Divination, where she and Professor Trelawney had discussed the importance and influence of full moons in Astrology.

To Scootaloo’s surprise, Fluttershy was waiting for her as she came down the ladder from Professor Trelawney’s classroom.

“What’s wrong? Tell me!” Scootaloo said bluntly not wasting any time with pleasantries or small talk.

“The whole process is too much for her, she’s snapping at anything that gets close to her right now. Kendra and I have done everything we can but…”

“You can’t get her to take any more of the Wolfsbane potion,” Scootaloo said with a heavy sigh.

Fluttershy nodded her head sadly. “And that’s not all. She’s biting herself, not deeply, but…”

“Take me to her Fluttershy, please,” Scootaloo interrupted.

“A-are you sure that is wise? I know you are immune to lycanthropy, but she could still hurt you.”

“Fluttershy, I’m trying my best to stay calm right now, but my girlfriend is currently suffering from a terrible life changing ailment for the first time all alone and probably scared out of her mind. Either you take me or I get in a whole heap of trouble for leaving school grounds without supervision or permission. And considering my record it’ll probably be suspension or expulsion. Your choice.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Let’s go find Professor Sprout and get the paperwork filled out.”


“Drop it,” Scootaloo commanded.

The neon pink werewolf looked at her Alpha with two large golden eyes and gave her the puppy dog look.

“Don’t you give me that look. Like my tail, my eye is not a chew toy,” Scootaloo scolded trying to stay mad but failing miserably.

Hermione took a step back.

“Don’t…” Scootaloo began.

Hermione turned and dropped to all fours, preparing to bolt in yet another game of chase.

Scootaloo was quicker, launching herself atop the werewolf’s back.

“Good thing Berry had that bucking bronco in her bar back in Equestria,” Scootaloo muttered to herself as Hermione playfully tried to toss her off her back.

After several exhausting minutes, Scootaloo once more managed to get a hand behind Hermione’s left ear to scratch a certain weak spot she’d discovered earlier in the evening.

Hermione immediately dropped Scootaloo’s eye and rapidly began stamping her back right leg up and down.

“AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” the werewolf howled loudly with delight.

As Hermione’s bucks slowed, Scootaloo slowly slid off the werewolf’s back and picked up her replacement right eye.

“Ewwwww, werewolf slobber,” Scootaloo grumbled, first attempting to wipe it on the rather tatty and torn t-shirt she was wearing before realising that that had been completely torn to pieces a few hours back wiped it on what remained of her trousers. “Suppose that teaches me for cheating at hide and seek.”

Hermione nodded her huge head as she yawned and stretched.

“Finally tired you out have…” Scootaloo started to say but never finished as Hermione reached out and grabbed hold of her.

The werewolf then slumped to the ground yawning and showing off her very sharp teeth once more to Scootaloo.

“Ewwwww, dog breath,” Scootaloo grumbled as Hermione squeezed her tightly. “Eeek, not so tight!” she added with a squeak.

Hermione hadn’t heard her; she’d fallen asleep and was now snoring loudly in Scootaloo’s right ear whilst snuggling her girlfriend like she was some beloved stuffed toy.

“Well, this is another fine mess I’ve got myself into,” Scootaloo chuckled to herself as she managed to turn her head towards the starry sky and, as Hermione whimpered and moved in her sleep, succeeded in getting her left arm free.

As she lifted it up and prepared to wrap it around her girlfriend she hesitated for a moment, staring at the many scratches, bites and bandages that hadn’t been there a little over twenty-four hours ago. These were only the tip of the iceberg. Scootaloo’s whole body was littered with them, the worst being either the scar that went from her left shoulder blade to her right hip on her back or the deep bite in her left side.

Any bite or scratch obtained from a werewolf, whether in human or animal form, will leave a permanent scar. This is why so many werewolf attacks often prove fatal, as if the wound doesn’t kill them, a lack of immediate medical attention often does. In fact, blood loss from the wound failing to seal is the number one cause of death from werewolf attacks.

The words of her father from one of last year’s DADA lessons suddenly came to the forefront of Scootaloo’s mind. She sighed stroking Hermione’s short coarse pink fur. Every bite, every scratch, was worth it to her. After arriving at Fluttershy and Discord’s cottage, or Shrieking Shack as it was known locally, on the edge of Hogsmeade yesterday afternoon, Scootaloo had wasted no time in trying to calm Hermione down despite the risk to her own physical well-being. After many hours, scratches and bites later, she had finally managed to get Hermione to drop off into a restless sleep. She'd then affixed the glittery pink collar the twins had gifted to Hermione, except that now it had been fitted with not only a tracking device similar to the one in her ankle bracelet last year, but magical charms to allow it to change size with Hermione’s transformations and prevent removal through pretty much anything. Hermione had found this out in hilarious fashion this evening when she’d attempted to bite it off immediately after transforming only to be given a nasty, but relatively harmless and humorous, electric shock.

Scootaloo chuckled at the memory momentarily only for a sad smile to slowly cross her face as another not so nice one flashed across her mind.

The look of fear and pain etched across Hermione’s face as she’d transformed. It had been a whole lot worse than the liquid moonlight prequel and had led to Hermione nearly biting her in half until the werewolf had recognised her Alpha from a few days before. After begging for forgiveness, Scootaloo had leashed Hermione and they’d gone out into the garden behind the so-called shack for extensive training. Only when Scootaloo had felt she had finally wrested control and fully domesticated a werewolf using only dog toys and treats did she unleash Hermione. They had then spent the past two hours or so wrestling, chasing and generally just goofing about. Heck, any onlooker from a distance would have thought it was just a girl and her dog playing in their back garden except for the fact it was the middle of the night.

Still, as Scootaloo heard the village clock in the distance chime one in the morning, no matter how much fun it had been, the past five hours or more had had an excruciating toll on her body. She was nowhere near as durable as a werewolf as the claw and bite marks across her body demonstrated and she had been lucky the clawing she’d taken across her back had narrowly missed both her wings. And this was only the first time. Would it get easier as time went on or harder? What would Hermione do if she seriously hurt her or worse? Heck, she was only twelve; what was she thinking? How could she cope with living with a werewolf in the long term? What was she thinking?

And then, as all these questions and more started to flood and overwhelm Scootaloo’s mind, something wet and slimy slid up the side of her face, Hermione’s tongue. That was followed by the werewolf’s nose burying itself deeply into Scootaloo’s neck and whimpering softly.

Scootaloo finally lowered her arm and pulled Hermione closer to her before returning the gesture with a kiss of her own on Hermione’s forehead.

“Love you too,” Scootaloo mumbled turning to stare up at the full moon as Hermione’s whimpering ceased and her tail begun to wag.


“S-Scoti,” Fluttershy stuttered poking her head out of the back door of the Shrieking Shack five minutes later with a lantern in her hand. “How’s it going?”

No reply. Fluttershy tentatively took a step out of the shack. Although she loved all animals, even she seemed unable to communicate to werewolves and this meant that she was extremely on edge as she stepped away from the safety of her home, fearing Hermione could suddenly pounce on her at any moment from the shadows. Her nerves were somewhat eased as the edge of the lantern light caught hold of two clearly visible shapes on the ground someway in front her. This was almost instantly replaced with a surge of fear though that the girls might have seriously hurt one another and she rushed over as fast as her two legs would carry her. Panting from the sudden bit of exercise, Fluttershy held the lantern aloft as she neared and stared open-mouthed at what she saw.

Werewolf and Pegasus snuggled tightly together on the grass, both fast asleep in each other’s arms.

Slowly, her look of surprise turned to a warm smile.

“How are they doing?” A voice to Fluttershy’s left made her instantly jump into the air in fright and she had to use every ounce of control she could muster not to scream loudly and possibly wake the werewolf in front of her.

“Discord, what have I told about not sneaking up on me like that?” Fluttershy said sternly in a low tone so as not to disturb the two sleeping girls in front of her.

Discord smiled wickedly appearing out of a portal to the chaos verse in his natural form with a glass of chocolate milk in his eagle’s claw.

After taking a sip, the draconequus replied, “That you’d give my favourite shoes to a family of mice to make their new home out of.”

“Precisely. Although I am glad to see you here. Aren’t these two just adorable?” Fluttershy stated highlighting the two entwined girls on the grass.

“One for the album I do believe,” Discord chuckled taking a photo with a camera that had spontaneously replaced the glass of milk in his eagle talon. “Although I am somewhat concerned by the number of bites and scratches Scoti has received.”

It was only then that Fluttershy realised Scootaloo was missing her T-shirt, while her trousers were not faring much better. What concerned her more though was the countless bites and scratches that covered the poor girl.

“Oh my, poor dear and she’ll catch her death from cold out here,” Fluttershy gasped bending down and examining Scootaloo’s wounds.

“Ugh, five more minutes Bloom,” Scootaloo grumbled in her sleep before attempting to snuggle deeper into her furry equivalent of a hot water bottle.

“My oh my, she’s tough. Some of these are really deep. I’m surprised she managed to keep going for so long. This bite on her side especially will need to be treated by Kendra in the morning. But it can wait. For now, I say we take them to the spare bedroom and let them sleep,” Fluttershy commented. “Scoti must be exhausted.”

“Yes,” Discord replied with a heavy sigh. “To be honest, even I doubted she could tame a werewolf and was rather reluctant in letting her attempt to do so. Even with her natural immunity to lycanthropy, the risk of injury was high and she’ll now bear a lot of these scars for the rest of her life. Not even her innate chaos magic will be able to heal all of them completely although it will do its best.”

It was at that exact moment Scootaloo rolled from her back onto her side and they caught sight of the deep long scar that ran down the length of her back.

Fluttershy gasped.

Discord finally broke. He collapsed onto the ground, clasped his head in his hands and wept. After a short while a pale-yellow wing wrapped itself around him and he heard Fluttershy’s soft and gentle voice coo in his ear.

“There, there, Dizzy, let it all out. You know I’m always here for you if you need me to be.”

After a while Discord looked up and spoke. “W-what are these feelings? W-why do I suddenly c-c-c,” he couldn’t force the word out of his mouth.

“Care?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Yes,” Discord admitted. “For her and for you. I didn’t realise until,” Discord paused once more taking a deep breath as his hands/paw/talon started to shake until Fluttershy reached out and took one in her own.

“When she first got seriously hurt earlier in the year?” Fluttershy again suggested.

“Yes. I was beside myself with guilt. But why? It’s just not fair,” Discord wept.

“What’s not fair?” Fluttershy asked somewhat perplexed.

“These bizarre feelings of concern, worry and guilt. And most notable of all, anger. Anger that despite all my magic and the fact that I can see countless futures and alter them…”

“Sometimes even you cannot foresee what will happen. Oh Dizzy, my beautiful, chaotic and carefree Dizzy, not even gods are perfect,” Fluttershy interrupted while stroking her lover’s cheek. She then placed a delicate, comforting kiss upon said cheek.

“But, then what’s the point of being a god if you cannot bend reality to your every whim and desire?”

“I think you’ve already answered that one,” Fluttershy replied with a soft smile.

“What?” Discord replied a little confused.

“To discover the importance of other creatures in your life.”

“That sounds like some corny friendship lesson that egghead friend of yours would come up with,” Discord replied rolling his eyes disbelievingly.

“Deny it all you like, but I know the real Discord. The one that has searched for what must have felt like eternity across dimensions to find another like himself so that he can rid himself of the painful void of loneliness that tears at his heart. The one that saved an innocent baby girl from certain death to watch over and raise her from afar as his own until the time came to reveal himself as her benefactor,” Fluttershy began to explain.

Discord grumbled incoherently under his breath but didn’t interrupt.

“The one who loved and held me and then refused to leave me in a country at war to raise our twins alone and afraid. The one who I want to marry me and spend every waking moment of the rest of my life with through good times and bad with his adopted daughter and her werewolf girlfriend. Tell me to my face right now that this Discord doesn’t exist and I’ll return to Equestria with Mr. Snuffles and you’ll never see me again,” Fluttershy stated laying all her jokers down on the table as she pulled out a hypno ring that she had bought from Zonko’s joke shop the day before.

Discord simply stared at Fluttershy for an eternity with wide eyes, his mouth agape.

“Well, what will it be?” Fluttershy asked stoically despite her insides feeling like they were tied in knots. Had she pushed him into commitment to soon?

“T-twins!” He suddenly exclaimed. “Double the chaos!” he added with a wide grin appearing across his face.

Fluttershy let a smile slowly cross her own face as she nodded in reply.

“So that was what Kendra wanted to talk to you about in private at the scan yesterday. You sly minx!” he snapped his talons and returned to his human form sporting a very dapper black tuxedo, white shirt and black bow tie. To top it all of a rattlesnake sat sleeping atop his head.

Fluttershy’s smile turned to a gasp and she cupped a hand over her mouth as Discord lowered himself to one knee in front of her and pulled out a ring of his own.

“Might as well do it properly,” he said. “Fluttershy, bearer of the Element of Kindness, will you marry this foolish old draconequus and grow even older with him in our haunted house?”

Tears started to drip down Fluttershy’s cheeks. “Yes, of course I will you goofball,” she answered barely able to keep her voice down.

And just like that she was engulfed in a blinding rainbow.

“Okay, this was unexpected,” Discord chuckled nervously putting a pair of sunglasses over both his and the rattlesnake’s eyes.

Slowly the blinding light faded and Fluttershy reappeared.

“Uhm, what just happened,” she squeaked.

Discord stared at Fluttershy in her Pegasus form with a bear’s front right leg, eagle’s left and tiger back right, with her cutie mark now only appearing on her left flank. She also now adorned rabbit ears, a giraffe tail, and a kirin horn. Slowly the god of chaos raised a questioning eyebrow. Seriously, all this time he had just needed to fall in love to create another draconequus, how cliché. It was like the cheesy plot of a Disney movie.

“Hey, my Alpha’s trying to sleep over here. Stop with the light show or I’ll bite you so bad you won’t be sitting right for a… Oh, my bad. forgive me your highness for my rudeness but I was having a wonderful dream of devouring a rabbit that that lightshow cut into,” a rather polite and refined voice, if somewhat annoyed, echoed from behind Fluttershy.

Fluttershy, staring open mouthed at her new found form, turned to see a somewhat grouchy looking pink werewolf staring back at her.

That was the last straw for Fluttershy. She screamed.


In the depths of the night, deep, deep in the Canterlot Library with her head as per norm stuck in a book, Twilight Sparkle abruptly shuddered as a cold chill ran up her spine.

“What has Discord done this time?” She sighed to herself. “At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he corrupted Fluttershy.”

“Wow, Twilight, you pretty much got it in one! Although, I’d say less corruption and more love!” Pinkie Pie’s voice replied in Twilight’s ear.

“GAH!” Twilight exclaimed falling off her chair and onto the floor. “Pinkie, when did you get here?” the alicorn replied with yet another sigh while laying on her back on the floor.

“Oh, just now after feeling that massive shift in chaos energy. I know I should probably wait until Fluttershy tells you, buuuuuuut I just had to tell someone and you’re the only one awake at this hour,” Pinkie explained looking like she was ready to burst as she bounced up and down on the spot above Twilight.

“Pinkie, calm down, stop rambling and tell me what’s happened to Fluttershy. Has Discord hurt her in anyway?” Twilight asked seriously as she picked herself up off the floor.

“No silly, of course not they’re….” Pinkie began only to suddenly be interrupted by another voice and the sound of hoofsteps approaching.

“Did you two feel that love energy in the air? I wonder who proposed to who this time. It was certainly a big one that’s for sure as it is only on rare occasions that I have the power to break the boundaries of reality.”

“Cadence, what are you doing here? How did you get here? Will one of you two please just explain to me what in Tartarus is going on and what Discord has done to… Oh no. Oh please Celestia no.” The bit had dropped. “Excuse me for a moment your majesties.”

Twilight’s horn ignited and she disappeared.

“Huh, well she at least seems to be taking it better than I…” Pinkie began.

And then the sun rose outside the window five hours earlier than expected followed by an almighty scream as the Canterlot voice hailed from atop Mount Canter.


“Huh, I wonder if I should tell her Fluttershy’s now a draconequus, also immortal and has the official title of Queen Fluttershy, Mistress of Chaos,” Pinkie informed Cadence only to get a grimace followed by a face hoof in reply. “Twilight just reappeared behind me, didn’t she?” The Chaosling Queen deadpanned.

Cadence simply nodded her head in reply. She already knew it was going to be a very, very long week for her.


As the clock struck eleven, Fluttershy opened the trapdoor in the floor to a very annoyed hiss.

“You are late.”

“I’m so sorry. I had a very late night and…”

“Something is different about you? The horn. You are no longer a mere mortal. I’m guessing one of you finally mustered the courage to ask the other?” the old and raspy voice hissed.

“Discord was thinking about asking me?” Fluttershy blurted out with a look of surprise.

“He wanted my advice on the matter, yes. I will say no more than that though. He along with you gave me a second chance at living and I shall not betray his trust now or until my dying breath. The only other thing I will say is congratulations, Fluttershy, queen and goddess of chaos.”

“T-t-thank you. To be honest, it’s all come as a bit of a shock to me and I’ve spent most the night awake trying to make heads and tails of it all. At least Discord was able to help get me back into my human form, even if I’ve now got a horn to add to my wings,” Fluttershy replied highlighting the new appendage that now protruded from her head.

“You took to this realm and using a wand very well, I’m sure you will adjust to your new horn equally so. Now, I do not wish to be rude, but I am awfully hungry this morning. May we continue this discussion whilst I am eating? I would rather enjoy the company if you could stay for a little while longer. It is true what you said about friendship, that you only truly feel loneliness after you’ve discovered it,” the voice responded reassuringly and wisely.

“Of course! I made you your favourite to say sorry. Do you mind helping me bring it down?”

“Seasoned chicken?” Mr. Snuffles, the one-thousand-year-old basilisk, hissed with delight as he lowered his mighty head underneath Fluttershy and lifted her back up towards the hole in the floor through which she had just come.

It was just after she had been lowered back down into the tunnel and was laying the basket of chicken onto the floor in front of Mr. Snuffles that an almighty scream erupted from somewhere up above.

“What now?” Fluttershy sighed tiredly.


September 14th 1992 Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Dear Miss Shy,

Due to the fact that not one of our executioners will deal with the ancient basilisk at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for less than five million galleons and, after a careful review of both your character references and background check, we have reluctantly decided to accept your request to have Mr. Snuffles registered on the dangerous pets register under your name. Attached you shall find the newly created special licence that allows you to keep such a creature. Thus, simply put, he’s now your problem and you are fully responsible and liable for his actions from this point on. Good luck, and we shall see you in March for your pet's bi-annual check-up if you are still alive,

Gethsemane Prickle (Head of Beast Division for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic)


As sunlight finally managed to pierce its way through the curtains in Discord’s and Fluttershy’s spare bedroom, Hermione slowly and groggily opened her eyes to find that her mouth was full of something cold and hard.

“Morning beautiful. Mind if I have my right shoulder back, please?” Scootaloo teased playfully causing Hermione to look up at her girlfriend guiltily, her face beginning to turn scarlet.

Hermione opened her mouth, screamed in shock, and rolled out of the bed she was sharing with Scootaloo with a thump. Of course, as she rose gingerly from the floor, Professor Discord slammed the door open.

“I heard someone scream, are you two…” He paused and stared at the practically naked girl standing in front of him and immediately went red.

Hermione reacted by slapping his face before screaming even louder, “GET OUT,” just as Fluttershy appeared in the doorway.

She swiftly dragged Discord away, scolding him for bursting in on the girls without knocking first and telling him that as punishment he would be spending the morning helping her bathe Mr. Snuffles.

In amongst all this Scootaloo had fallen out the other side of the bed and broken out into a rather unladylike fit of giggles.

Unbeknownst to her, after finding her clothes, Hermione had picked up her wand from the dresser beside the bed.

“Oh, all foreseeing eye of truth, is Scootaloo about to sprout leeks from her ears?”

It is Certain flashed across Scootaloo’s vision as she heard two very well-known words from behind her.

Embrujo Puerro