• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Hermione's 13th (OLD)

Despite the persistence of her friends over the next few days, Scootaloo refused to tell them anything about the contents of the chest. On Saturday it had taken her most the day to clean all one hundred and thirteen windows on the Discord tower even with the help of her tail and the Neapolitan ice cream snow from her father hadn’t helped either.

Aside from that, over the next ten days, Scootaloo, along with her classmates, slotted back into their usual school routine. The second-years continued working on safely building their wand power in Charms, turning beetles into buttons in Transfiguration and looking after the Mandrakes in Herbology. History went back to an hour-long nap and Scootaloo started Astrology in Divination, while Melody visited them in Cultural Diversity to talk about Centaurs and their beliefs.

Scootaloo also managed to drive Snape around the bend as her Hair-Raising Potion took on a bizarre colour and its side effects not only made the girl’s hair stand on end but also turned it into some form of seemingly indestructible metal for a short period of time. Wisely, Snape had made sure Hermione had taken charge the following week when they brewed Manegro Potion. Before that however had come a highly controversial DADA lesson where Discord had split the class into teams of two, where they alternated between two roles. While one student attempted to remain focused on their happiest memory, the other would continuously attack them with the stinging jinx. Hermione had subjected Scootaloo to a rather long and tedious History lesson afterward for covering her in red welts, although her complaints about how unethical Discord’s method of teaching was had ceased when Scootaloo had asked her if it had been a success and if she felt she could now focus better under pressure. Hermione had reluctantly grumbled “yes” under her breath in reply and left the discussion at that.

With the constant storms that also seemed to be rolling in one after another, Scootaloo had been forced to resort to class-based theory training for all bar one of her quidditch team’s training sessions, stating that she just couldn’t risk an injury this early in the year.

Overall, it had been a somewhat interesting period, but nothing exceedingly out of the ordinary, for Hogwarts standards anyway, happened. That all changed when Scootaloo woke up one Saturday morning in the middle of September tied to a chair as a bucket of water was thrown over her face.

“Morning Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom serenaded.

Scootaloo did not like the tone of her friend’s voice.

“Why am I tied to a chair with you seven all hovering around me like flies?” Scootaloo deadpanned.

“Well,” Sweetie began in a sickly-sweet tone to Scootaloo’s left. “I heard it was a certain classmate of ours from Gryffindor’s birthday today and so we all decided to chip in and make you look more presentable. I even contacted my sister to get you a lovely new outfit,” the girl trilled holding up an overly frilly sky-blue ball gown.

“I’m not wearing that,” Scootaloo said coldly. “And You’re just still mad at me for what I did at our first quidditch practice, aren’t you?” Scootaloo added with an inquisitive look.

“Maybe,” Sweetie replied with a guilty grin.

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but…” Scootaloo got no further as Apple Bloom thrust a potion bottle into her mouth.

Once Apple Bloom was sure the contents had been forced down Scootaloo’s throat she removed said bottle as the other girl coughed and spluttered.

“Apple Bloom, what gives? That was vile and my throats on fire,” Scootaloo finally managed to wheeze as her coughing fit slowly came to an end.

“Manegro Potion. I’m going to comb and braid your hair while Sweetie gets you dressed and the other girls apply the makeup,” Apple Bloom explained.

Scootaloo screamed and attempted to get free of the tight bonds tying her to the chair. It was no good, even her tail had been trussed up good!

Sweetie giggled in reply. “There’s no point fighting or screaming for help. Apple Bloom’s rope tying skills are second to none and I’ve cast Imperturbable so no one outside can hear you. Oh, wow, that was fast. Your hair’s already starting to grow!”

Even if it would do her no good, Scootaloo screamed some more. To Tartarus if she’d make this easy for her dormmates.


Hermione harrumphed, impatiently tapped her foot, and pouted outside the entrance to the Great Hall. Where was she? Scootaloo had told her to meet her here at nine am sharp and it was now nearly quarter past.

“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting on your birthday. You would not believe what the girls did to me this morning,” Scootaloo’s voice suddenly echoed from behind her.

“You better have a damn good…” Hermione’s voice cut off mid-sentence as she stared at the girl with knee length braided purple hair in the girly outfit. She wanted to burst out laughing but instead she found herself drooling.

“Wow, no snarky remark or retort. And is that drool? The girls must have done a good job,” Scootaloo tittered.

“Of course we did. Not that your struggling helped at all,” Apple Bloom growled from behind Scootaloo. “She better appreciate all the hard work we put in. Anyway, we’ll see you both inside.”

“Ahh, but I want to… Ow, ow, my ear, quit it Bloom,” Sweetie hissed as Apple Bloom pulled her by the ear into the Great Hall.

“If you lot don’t want the same treatment or worse, you’ll get in here right now,” she called over her shoulder in the doorway.

Reluctantly, with heads down, the inhabitants of the first- and second-year Hufflepuff girls dorm disappeared into the Great Hall.

“Thanks Bloom,” Scootaloo said nodding in appreciation to one of her best friends.

“Any time,” Apple Bloom replied with a reciprocal nod and a smile before disappearing herself into the Great Hall.

“So, there’s something I want to talk to you about in private. Mind stepping into the side room again?” Scootaloo said sheepishly, staring at the ground as she did so.

Slowly coming out of her stupor Hermione shook her head and replied, “Huh, sure, what’s up? And I’d say the girls did a lot more than a good job as you put it. Damn you’re beautiful. Best birthday present I could have asked for,” Hermione added giving Scootaloo a little peck on the cheek as she followed her into the small side room where their Hogwarts journey had begun.

“I haven’t been totally honest with you,” Scootaloo mumbled staring solemnly at the floor before lifting her head up barely holding the tears back. “You remember I told you that I couldn’t remember anything during my coma after the incident where I lost my right arm last year. Well, I lied. I’m sorry, but a lot of the vivid dreams I had in that coma were not pleasant and both Professor Sprout and Molly said it was probably for the best I didn’t share them with anyone else, even you I’m afraid. They are my burden and mine alone to carry. But I’ll tell you this much. In the final dream my mother visited me and I still don’t believe it was a dream. I believe it was really her,” Scootaloo said sombrely.

“O-okay?” Hermione stuttered somewhat confused. “So, why are you telling me this now?”

“She told me that we were meant to be together, that to find that special someone so young is a truly unique and wonderful occurrence that should see every moment be treasured and cherished. But, then after our first fight I had a conversation with Professor Trelawney who told me that we each have our own destiny to fulfill and that although our paths are intertwined, sometimes they will also take us in different directions. That’s why I want to give you something truly special for your birthday, so that no matter how far we are apart, a part of me will still always be there beside you,” Scootaloo explained holding out the violet satchel she had originally bought Hermione for her birthday, now barely holding back the tears.

“A satchel?” Hermione quizzed still confused as she took the bag from her girlfriend. Yes, granted it was her favourite colour but hardly something she’d call special.

“Look in the front pouch,” Scootaloo replied, her mind racing.

Hermione did as Scootaloo asked and dropped her hand into the front pouch of the bag. After a moment she pulled out a beautiful gold ring sporting a flawless red ruby. Hermione’s jaw dropped open wide.

“My mother’s wedding ring. It, along with my father’s, a note and the photo album from their wedding were what was contained in that chest that was found in my family’s vault a few weeks back. We may have no idea where the future will take us or if we’ll even stay together over the course of time, but, despite that, I know in my heart that no matter what happens, you’ll always be one of my best friends and that I want to be there to help you even when I can’t,” Scootaloo finished, her tanned cheeks taking on a reddish glow.

Hermione simply stared at her girlfriend for a moment and then at the ring in her hand, utterly speechless.

Scootaloo started to look nervous. “Erm, yeah, I know that was a lot to drop on…”

Scootaloo never finished what she was about to say as Hermione locked her lips to Scootaloo’s in a deeply passionate kiss.


After several passionate and rather private minutes the two girls reappeared into the entrance way looking a little scruffier than before and made their way to the Great Hall with wide smiles on both their faces.

“So, what would you like to do for the rest of your birthday?” Scootaloo enquired as she pushed one of the doors to the Great Hall open. “Fancy a fly…”

“SURPRISE!!!!” Pinkie Pie screamed while firing her confetti canon, making both girls jump into the air.

"May the power of Chaos compel you!" the priest exclaimed as he threw confetti all over the two girls.

“I hope you like the decorations?” The newly appointed Chaosling Queen enquired with a beaming grin.

As Hermione and Scootaloo got over the initial shock of being blessed they suddenly realised the entire Great Hall was coated in what they could only assume was pink paint and decorated in all manner of party decorations, from balloons to colourful streamers and paper chains. Everyone was also wearing party hats and a huge banner up above said:


Hermione was burying her head in her hands in embarrassment, her face going bright red as Scootaloo’s brain tried to comprehend the absurdity of it all.

“Come, come, I’ve been baking with the house elves' help all night to arrange everyone a super-duper special breakfast,” Pinkie squealed with glee before pulling the very embarrassed birthday girl into a tight hug.

Slowly Hermione lifted her head up to look into the swirling vortexes of doom that were the pink alicorn’s eyes and taking a few deep breaths she returned the hug and said calmly. “Thanks. It’s a bit much but I know you were only trying to make me feel amazing on my birthday.”

“Oh, you haven’t even seen the best part yet. I even got Professor Snape involved!” Pinkie whispered into Hermione’s ear as she released her from the hug.

“Miss Prewett, I know you had a hand in this somehow. Fifteen points from Hufflepuff and a further fifteen from Gryffindor as this has Weasley printed all over it as well,” Snape droned.

Both girls fell to the floor unable to control themselves as they began laughing hysterically.

Snape was dressed head to toe in full clown gear, makeup and rainbow afro wig included. He did not look at all happy despite the wide red smile that was painted on his face atop the white paint that had also been applied.

“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to see Madam Pomfrey to see if she can get all this off me. That damn thing super glued the lot to me,” he grumbled pointing accusingly at Pinkie Pie and causing the two girls to laugh even harder on the floor.

“Stop, please stop,” Scootaloo wheezed. “I can’t take any more of this.”

“Oh, stop being a party pooper Snapey Wapey,” Pinkie began.

“I told you to stop calling me that,” Snape growled once more.

Pinkie ignored him. “The costume will come of magically on its own at the end of today, I’ve already told you that, you old sour puss. Why don’t you just lighten up for once and have a bit of fun!” she finished throwing a custard cream pie in Snape’s direction.

Snape was quicker and ducked. Unfortunately, Professor Sprout happened to be walking right behind Snape at that exact moment.

The two girls on the floor, who had been slowly coming to their senses, fell back down once again as the pie hit the Herbology Professor square in the face.

“Oops,” Pinkie chuckled nervously.

“DISCORD!” Professor Spout bellowed at the top of her lungs.

“Uh oh, time for me to…” Pinkie never finished what she was about to say, frozen in place by the sudden snap of two fingers.

“What would you like me to do with her?” Discord’s voice echoed around the Great Hall as he materialised next to Professor Sprout.

“How about the stocks and a pile of custard pies?” Professor Sprout suggested wickedly.

“Perfect idea,” Discord replied snapping his fingers once more.

“Huh, what the? No fai...” Pinkie began to wail upon finding herself trapped before Snape hit her in the face with a pie.

“You know what, that was actually rather amusing. Maybe I will stick around for a little while longer,” the Potions Professor-turned-clown sneered picking up another pie as the first slid off Pinkie’s face.


Hermione soared through the sky with Scootaloo hot on her twigs. After an enthralling and highly entertaining first half to Hermione’s birthday, the two girls had snuck away in the early afternoon and, after Scootaloo had changed into her flight suit and had her fellow Crusaders cut and re-style her hair, spent a few hours on their broomsticks with just each other for company now that the incessant storms seemed too finally be over. Alas, their constant battle to outdo each other with one ridiculously dangerous stunt after another had attracted quite a large group of followers from below meaning that they weren’t actually alone. It was only when the sun started to fall and the crowd began to disperse to dinner as the clocks struck half past five that the two girls came into land. Only one person remained to greet them.

“Finally,” Sweetie scathed. “I had to send Apple Bloom on ahead with the rest of the girls, she was getting hangry.”

“Sorry Sweetie, thanks for waiting for us, we sort of lost track of time up…Why are you staring at me like that?” Scootaloo began to apologise before seeing the look on Sweetie’s face.

That’s when she heard Hermione scream behind her.

Scootaloo had never reacted quicker in all her life and even then, she was too late. She had seen a lot of crazy things in her year at Hogwarts but as she turned to see just what Sweetie was staring at, even she knew she couldn’t have predicted this. A werewolf, in the middle of the month and with the sun still out had Hermione’s right arm locked in its jaws. The girl herself was hanging limply a foot or so of the floor, pain etched across her face, tears welling in her eyes.

“RELEASE HER NOW!” Scootaloo screamed as Sweetie pulled her wand from the hoodie she was wearing, the latter shaking with fear as she did so.

To the two girls’ amazement the werewolf did just that and then, even more remarkably it held up its hands as if surrendering. As if that wasn’t enough to throw everything the girls had learnt about werewolves on its head, the near seven-foot monstrosity then had the audacity to speak.

“Happy Birthday, you mudblood bitch,” Fenrir Greyback snarled before vanishing into thin air as if he hadn’t even been there in the first place.

The whole event had lasted less than a minute. The damage though had been done.


10 Hours Earlier, Malfoy Manor

“Grr, just why did you call me here?” Fenrir Greyback growled angrily as he followed Lucius Malfoy into the latter’s study.

“Patience my dear Fenrir, patience,” Lucius replied calmly, seemingly unfazed by his unusual company’s attitude and appearance.

Fenrir, in all respects, looked like a criminal you would find down the darkest and dingiest alley in London. He was a tall muscular man with greying hair and whiskers, sharp pointed teeth and long dirty yellow nails. His clothes were equally dirty and shabby and barely fit him.

“Come, take a seat. Let us get comfortable before we do business,” Lucius said as he sat down behind the desk and politely offered his guest the seat on the other side.

“Cut the crap Lucius,” Fenrir growled. “Over ten years and you’ve not contacted me once, so why now?”

Lucius sighed, “Fine. So be it. My sources tell me you are after a certain artifact, the Eye of the Moon if I am correct? A dark magical artifact forged from the blood of both a human and a werewolf on an All Hallows full moon that provides a werewolf with the power to not only transform at will, but to remain sentient as well as long as they are wearing it. Am I right?” Lucius finished with a smug grin that Fenrir always hated and right then wanted to smash into a bloody pulp.

“Yes,” Fenrir replied coolly taking a deep breath as he attempted to put on his best poker face so as to not give away just how much his interest had been raised. He’d been after the artifact for years, but had long given up hope of ever finding it, fearing it was just one of those myths and legends that had no truth surrounding it. Surely Lucius hadn’t had the damn thing this entire time.

Lucius pulled open the drawer just under his desk and reached in. A moment later he threw the eye of the moon onto the table. “It’s yours, no questions asked, if you do me one small favour today.”

“I’m listening,” Fenrir said with a wicked leer.


“HELP, WON’T SOMEBODY HELP US!” Scootaloo screamed, tears flooding her face as she and Sweetie dragged the barely conscious Hermione into the castle.

Of course, just when they desperately needed a teacher, they got perfect Percy doing his rounds instead.

“Just who is making this awful ruckus? So help me I’ll take ten…” The prefect began coming around a corner before he stalled as he looked down upon his barely conscious housemate in shock for the briefest of moments. Then, he took charge. “Lift her onto my back, we must get her to Madam Pomfrey right away. You can tell me what…” he paused for a moment looking at Hermione’s arm. “No, that’s impossible. It can’t be,” he said not believing his own experience and knowledge.

“A,” Scootaloo paused for a moment trying to catch her breath, “Werewolf,” she panted. “Appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared. No idea where it came from or where it went.”

“Impossible,” Percy muttered under his breath, but he’d seen enough photos of werewolf bites to know only their teeth could leave such a wound. No, what made the wound wasn’t the pressing issue right now. He needed to get the girl to the infirmary right away. “PREFECT COMING THROUGH!!! EMERGENCY!!!” Percy screamed as Hermione was carefully placed onto his back, her good arm wrapped tightly around his neck. He ran as fast as his two legs could carry him, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trying desperately to keep up.


Kendra was just departing the infirmary for dinner when she heard a voice behind her that she knew only too well.

“Stop. Nurse. Please stop.”

Percy Weasley. The stuck-up snob. What could possibly be the matter this time that could be more important than her dinner? Deliberately slowly she turned and faced the Gryffindor prefect. That’s when she saw Hermione barely conscious across his back and instantly knew the situation was critical.

“Bring her in here immediately. Sweetie Belle, with me. Scootaloo, I know you want to be with your girlfriend right now but I need you to get to the Great Hall and bring as many professors as you can. Time is critical right now,” Kendra instructed pushing the doors to the infirmary open.

Damn. This was bad, really bad. The sole glance she’d got of the barely conscious girl on Percy’s back had told her Hermione had been mauled by something, but what? That she couldn’t be sure of until she had more information. Was she even qualified enough to deal with this? No, she couldn’t think like that. This was her job. No, this was her calling. There was no way was she going to lose a patient on her watch.


10 Hours Earlier, Malfoy Manor

“I’m guessing you have heard about the girl believed dead who reappeared last year after spending ten years in an alternate dimension?” Lucius asked taking a sip of tea from a cup that had appeared on the table.

“Who hasn’t? Also heard she doesn’t like you very much,” Fenrir replied with a smirk.

Lucius slowly lowered the cup down onto the table. “Well, she’s become more than just a bother. In the past month alone, she’s foiled my plan to discredit Arthur Weasley and have his stupid Muggle Protection Act revoked and nearly had Draco expelled from school, the brat. It’s time she was put into her place.”

“You want me to infect her? It’d be my pleasure,” Fenrir interrupted, his eyes suddenly taking on the appearance of a predator who has its prey cornered.

“No, I want to make her suffer by targeting those closest to her, starting with her,” Lucius snarled pushing over a picture of Hermione. “This is her muggle born disgrace of a girlfriend and today is her birthday. I want you to give her a present she’ll never forget. Dobby here will take you to the edge of the forbidden forest. The two girls love flying and combined with the calm weather that has arrived after more than a week of torrential rain…”

“It’ll only be a matter of time before they come out to play,” Fenrir finished, his grin growing wider. “You have done your homework.”

“Precisely and yes, well, I have my sources. Your task is simple. Wait for the right moment and then get Dobby to apparate you in close. Bite the girl, preferably not too bad so she lives, and then Dobby will get you out and take you wherever you wish to go. Do we have a deal?”

Fenrir Greyback’s smile practically took over his entire face. This was turning into an unexpectedly very good day.


“Tell us once more exactly what happened,” Dumbledore said calmly leaning over his desk. Professor McGonagall stood to his right whilst Professors Sprout and Discord stood to his left.

“I’ve already told you five times!” Scootaloo said exasperated. “Why can’t I just go see Hermione?”

“Scoots, I know you are hurting, but Headmaster Dumbledore just wants to ensure we’ve not missed anything, however small, that could be important,” Sweetie Belle said trying to calm her friend down. “How about I start and you just interrupt if there’s anything I miss?”

“Fine,” Scootaloo grumbled slumping into her chair. “But I still think this is a complete waste of my time.”

After racing to the Great Hall to inform Dumbledore and the other professors just what had happened, even if it had taken some persuasion, Scootaloo and the professors had raced back to the infirmary where Dumbledore had inspected and confirmed that the girl had been telling the truth. A werewolf, in broad daylight and still a week from a full moon, had indeed infiltrated Hogwarts and attacked a student. A thorough search of the school had then been conducted, but not even a hint of the so-called werewolf could be found. It was all highly mysterious and seriously disturbing. As the search continued, with all students sent back to their common rooms for safety, both Sweetie and Scootaloo had been escorted to Dumbledore’s office to provide a more in-depth account of this latest disturbing incident to rock the school.

“So, Scootaloo and Hermione had just come into land and I was chastising the former for taking so long and that the others had already gone ahead to dinner when the werewolf literally just appeared out of thin air behind the two of them and went straight for Hermione’s right arm,” Sweetie began.

“Apparition, but only house elves are able to do that on school grounds,” Dumbledore muttered to himself stroking his beard before prompting the girl to continue. It was Scootaloo who spoke this time.

“That’s when I was apologising to Sweetie and after seeing her face and hearing Hermione scream, I swiftly turned around to see what the matter was. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the werewolf.”

“Neither of us could. Scootaloo screamed at it to drop Hermione and I pulled my wand out ready to defend us when it proceeded to drop Hermione and seemingly surrender before saying Happy Birthday you mudblood bitch. Then it just vanished in front of our eyes. It was all practically over before we even knew what was happening,” Sweetie continued, finishing with a shiver. “The look in its eyes will haunt my dreams for months,” she exclaimed.

“Definitely had a house elf with him. It is clear this was a co-ordinated and well thought out attack. What we need to deduce now is why and who would do such a thing? And then to ensure it does not happen again in the future” Dumbledore mumbled to himself deep in thought before lifting his head up and addressing the two girls. “And is there nothing else you can tell us, such us what the werewolf looked like and was it wearing anything.”

Sweetie shook her head. “Sorry, all I could tell you is it was very tall, covered in black fur, had lots of teeth and as I said in my earlier account, probably male from the tone of its voice. It all just happened so fast!”

“Okay, not to worry. You both did amazing considering the situation you were put in and if either of you ever need to talk about it, both Professor Sprout and myself along with all your other professors are here for you,” Dumbledore explained. “Professor Sprout will accompany you both back to your common room via the infirmary, but only a quick visit; Miss Granger needs time to recover in peace. That is…”

“There was one more thing,” Scootaloo said deep in thought.

“Oh?” Dumbledore replied intrigued.

“The werewolf was wearing something around its neck. I only got a brief look before it disappeared, but the more I think about it, the more certain I am. I just can’t get a clear picture of what it was in my mind,” Scootaloo groaned in frustration.

“That’s very, very helpful Scoti,” Dumbledore replied with a warm smile. “A number of legends speak of ancient dark artifacts that if used properly can transform a werewolf at will. Before today I’ve never encountered one and believed such tales to be just that, legends, but from what you’ve just told me, it seems at least one of those legends might have had some truth in it. Now, why don’t you go visit your friend in the infirmary and leave this whole terrible incident to us?”

“Okay sir, just promise me you’ll find whoever was behind this and make them pay, or so help me, I will,” Scootaloo growled, her hair and eyes two purple pits of fire as the tears returned.

Not waiting for a response and wanting anyone to see her crying, Scootaloo turned and stormed out of Dumbledore’s office, slamming the door behind her. Sweetie and Professor Sprout quickly followed after the distraught girl to ensure she didn’t do anything stupid.

As the two students and Professor Sprout left Discord turned and spoke to Dumbledore.

“This is certainly a worrying development. Not even I saw this one coming.”

“Yes, I don’t think any of us did. Thankfully the recent developments in potion making mean we can at least alleviate the worst of the side effects of lycanthropy. The last thing the school needs right now is a werewolf on the loose every full moon,” Dumbledore replied, finishing with a sigh.

“Indeed. I’m just sorry my chaos magic is unable to help the girl on this occasion, although I’m sure Fluttershy will be only too happy to help during her transformations along with Scoti. The latter’s chaos magic provides her with a natural immunity to pretty much anything, including lycanthropy,” Discord explained unusually sober for him.

“Well, that’s at least a small positive from this heinous and cowardly act. Still, after last year, I feel I’ve no choice but to contact the Ministry and arrange for some aurors to be stationed on school grounds at all times for the foreseeable future, just to be on the safe side,” Dumbledore said with yet another resigned sigh.

“Agreed,” Professor McGonagall stated entering the conversation. “Do we even have any idea who could have orchestrated such a targeted attack?”

“No. And that’s what worries me the most. From the few clues we do have we know this was pre-meditated and perfectly orchestrated so that the girls didn’t get long enough to get a good look at the perpetrator and there were as few witnesses as possible. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the werewolf was scouting on the edge of the forbidden forest all day waiting for the perfect moment to strike. We also know that there at least two, but more likely three to four people involved, the werewolf, a house elf, someone with inside knowledge and the mastermind behind it all," Dumbledore stated with a worried expression across his face.

“Very good observations,” Discord responded. “Still, I believe there is one possible suspect if you think about it.”

“Who?” Dumbledore and Minerva both asked simultaneously.

“You won’t like to hear this, but… Lucius Malfoy. Even before this year he and my daughter were not on the best of terms, but considering the events of the past month, I wouldn’t put it past him. I don’t want to believe that he would stoop this low, yet when you think about it, he has motif, access to the school through his son, more than likely has a house elf in his employ due to his elevated status and through his days as a Death Eater, probably knows a werewolf. I know it’s a lot of maybe’s but…”

“Fenrir Greyback,” Dumbledore interrupted, stroking his beard as he suddenly saw another piece of the jigsaw fit into place.

“No!” Minerva gasped. “Don’t tell me he’s back!”

“Who?” Discord asked suddenly feeling he was out of the loop.

“A well-known werewolf who assisted the Death Eaters during the wizarding war. His only goal in life seems to be to infect as many people as possible with lycanthropy so that he will some day have a pack large enough to take control of the wizarding world. He also has a particular preference for attacking children,” Dumbledore said sombrely.

“Merlin’s testicles,” Discord muttered under his breath.

“I had hoped we’d seen the last of him after the members of his last pack were all rounded up and imprisoned, but it seems he may have reared his ugly head once again. The description Miss Belle and Miss Prewett could provide us with certainly fits and it definitely corresponds with his style and previous actions. What I’m more concerned about now is that if it is him and he has managed to get his hands on an artefact that allows him to transform at will and remain sentient…”

“Just how many more people is he going to infect before he gets caught,” Discord finished for the Hogwarts headmaster.

“Precisely. I need to get onto the Ministry straightaway. This is going to be their top priority,” Dumbledore responded rising from his chair.

“Yes, and I need to inform the parents,” Minerva sighed rolling her eyes. “I’ve no idea how I’m going to explain to them their daughter is now a werewolf.”

“And I need to make preparations, because I’m betting that if Lucius Malfoy is involved, this is just the beginning and everybody close to my daughter is in danger,” Discord growled angrily. “You may have fooled us once Lucius, but next time you won’t be so lucky,” he added in a deathly cold tone.

Gradually whilst talking the draconequus had made his way over to the far wall. To Minerva and Albus’ astonishment he sent his right fist straight through it. Removing his arm from the wall he snapped two of his fingers and disappeared without another word.

“Should I get Professors Fluttershy and Sprout to talk to him after I’m done writing the letter?” Minerva enquired, finally breaking the uneasy silence in the room.

“I think that would be wise. Who’s he got to teach tomorrow morning?” Dumbledore enquired looking through his newly acquired window.

“I believe he teaches the Slytherin and Ravenclaw first years first thing on Monday morning,” McGonagall replied.

“Merlin help them,” Dumbledore muttered under his breath as he made his way to the fireplace.


Scootaloo sat in the infirmary holding Hermione’s hand wishing, praying, hoping and everything in-between that she would wake up and everything would be fine. She knew in her heart that that wouldn’t be the case. Hermione was a werewolf now and it was all her fault. She should have seen this coming. She was cursed, plain and simple, destined to spend her life in constant pain, whether that be emotional or physical, and anyone who got too close to her was destined to suffer because of that. It was all her fault.

“I’m so, so, sorry,” Scootaloo mumbled, tears openly falling down her cheeks. “Why’d you have fall in love with me you silly, silly girl. I’m cursed, plain and simple, to suffer wherever I go and those who get too close to me seem to be collateral damage. Maybe its best if we just end what we have now so I don’t cause you more pain and heartache?” Scootaloo sniffled.

“You do that and I’m going to hunt you down and rip you to pieces over and over again until not even your chaos magic can save you,” a weak voice echoed from the bed followed by a series of painful coughs.

Scootaloo’s head immediately shot up and she stared at Hermione, “You’re awake?”

“How can I not be with you chattering like an irrational fool in my ear while squeezing my left hand to a pulp?” Hermione chastised. “If I had the strength to slap you right now to knock some sense into you, I would.”

Scootaloo actually managed to force a smile at that response. “I see some things will never change,” she tittered leaning over and giving her girlfriend a peck on the cheek.

“Some poor soul has to keep you in line, and unluckily that responsibility falls to me,” Hermione grumbled before breaking out into another bout of painful coughs.

Sccootaloo immediately grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table next to the infirmary bed and brought it to Hermione’s lips as she pushed herself up in the bed.

“Thanks,” Hermione mumbled as Scootaloo removed the glass from the other girl’s lips.

“How you feeling?” Scootaloo enquired.

“Like somebody took a bite out of my right arm,” Hermione said testily.

“Informative,” Scootaloo replied trying desperately, and failing miserably, to withhold the laughter bubbling up inside of her. “At least you’ve still got yours,” she retorted holding up her own metallic replacement.

“True. It does also feel nice to get some revenge for the number of times you’ve made me worry with your trips to the infirmary over the past six months you buffoon,” Hermione said, sticking out her tongue at Scootaloo.

“Ouch,” Scootaloo replied placing her hands over her chest and feigning that she’d been fatally wounded by her girlfriend’s jibe.

“Oh, you two are just perfect for each other,” a voice unexpectedly interrupted from the end of the bed gaining both girl’s attention instantly, Scootaloo’s tan cheeks taking on a reddish glow.

“How long you been there?” she squeaked in embarrassment.

“Long enough. Now, I’m sorry to cut this short but before Miss Granger falls asleep once more, I need to administer the first dose of the Wolfsbane Potion as the full moon is only a week away. It will not be a pretty sight, as it has a particularly unique foul taste, and I don’t think she’d want even you Scoti witnessing her struggle to consume it,” Kendra explained. “Hopefully though, after this week she’ll have got used to the taste as she has to take it every day in the week preceding a full moon to prevent a full transformation.”

Hermione’s face took on a slightly green tinge at that announcement.

“Hey, look on the bright side, you’re going to be the cutest wolf ever!” Scootaloo said with a smirk attempting to lighten the mood and cheer her girlfriend up as she rose from her chair. “And I’m going to be there for you every single time!”

Hermione simply turned her head gingerly and glowered at Scootaloo. “Why’d I have to fall in love with you?”

“Because I’m awesome and you know it,” Scootaloo said cockily as she leaned in and placed a passionate ‘goodbye for now’ kiss upon Hermione’s lips totally ignoring Kendra’s presence as she did so.

“D’aww, how adorable,” Kendra cooed from the end of the bed watching every moment of the young lovers embrace.


Sat in his favourite armchair in the sitting room of Malfoy Manor as a fire roared in the fireplace opposite him, Lucius Mafoy stared intently at the glass of red wine he was swilling and spoke.

“For once you have done well Dobby and not failed me. The kitchen staff have been informed to provide you with whatever you desire tonight for dinner. And if you keep helping me, there will be more rewards to follow. Maybe I’ll even let you have your freedom. You are dismissed,” Lucius commanded as he rose from his chair.

“Yes master. Thank you master,” the diminutive house elf replied bowing to Lucius before hastily departing from the room before Mr. Malfoy could change his mind. His master was often cruel like that.

Lucius casually strode over to the fire and looked down at the roaring flames held within. Today had been a good day, but he knew he’d only won one small battle.

“The war has only just begun,” he said to himself pouring the wine into the flames.

Author's Note:

LUCIUS WHY!!!!!!!! So, I've worked flat out to get this written in just 3 days for you guys as the next two weeks before my holiday are going to be chaotic and I doubt I will have much time for writing, another 36 hours of work over five days this week, and 38 over 6 next. although I will try and get the Inferious chapter written if i can, no promises, likely just going to edit this one and one previous so no update likely now for a month or so. Unfortunately summer = more work in my job and I have to take as many hours as I can, so less likely to update regularly. Still, will try my best!

Edited: 02/06/2021