• Published 3rd Mar 2021
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Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Friday: Dogs and Diversity (OLD)

Madam Pomfrey looked into the mirror and taking a deep breath smiled to herself. Today was a new day and she was determined to make a fresh start to the new term once Miss Prewett was discharged after breakfast. Hopefully now the chaotic start was over she could have a nice peaceful September catching up on paperwork with only a handful of students with minor ailments to treat each week until cold and flu season kicked in in October and November. The loud knock on her office door followed by Professor Sprout’s voice immediately shattered her fragile smile and sapped all the positivity from her body.

“Matron, are you in there? One of my second-year girls got pranked with itching powder by her peers and was up most the night trying to wash it off. Poor girl is exhausted and covered in nasty red blotches.”

“Fat fucking chance,” Madam Pomfrey grumbled to herself, her usual dour expression swiftly making its way back across her wizened face.


The last thing the girls in the first- and second-year dormitory that Friday morning was to be awakened at 6:45 by Professor Sprout blasting an air horn.

“RISE AND SHINE,” the Herbology Professor bellowed as she lighted all the candles in the dormitory.

“Gah,” Monica screamed as she flew off her bed and landed with a thump on the floor.

“Ouch,” she grumbled to herself entangled in her duvet before her vision went black as Wallace landed atop her. “Double Ouch,” she said in a muffled tone underneath the great heap of black fur.

The remaining five girls were all sitting attentively in their beds while rubbing their bleary eyes as they slowly came back to reality.

“What on Earth? Why the early wakeup call Professor?” Sweetie exclaimed in confusion.

“Glad I’ve got your attention Miss Belle,” Professor Sprout replied with a look that made the girl gulp nervously. “You will tell me this instant just which one of you thought it funny to put itching powder on Apple Bloom’s pyjamas. Every minute I have to wait is five more points I’ll take from Hufflepuff. Do I make myself clear?”

Four hands immediately pointed at Sweetie.

“Sweetie, it was Sweetie. I told them all it was a bad idea. The box is hidden under her mattress,” Monica squeaked from the floor pushing Wallace off her.

“Traitors,” Sweetie growled, glowering at Monica while placing her arms across her chest.

Professor Sprout simply smiled wickedly as she strolled across the room to Sweetie’s bed. Casting Wingardium Leviosa Professor Sprout levitated the mattress up causing Sweetie to topple out of her bed and onto the floor with a bump.

“Ah, perfect. I’ll be taking that,” Professor Sprout said reaching under the mattress and picking up the incriminating box of itching powder before dropping the mattress back onto the bed frame and turning her attention to Sweetie. “Now, will you tell me where you acquired this or shall I double your punishment?”

“I’ve no idea where that came from. I’ve obviously been framed. It’s a conspiracy I tell you,” Sweetie lied giving her head of house a defiant look.

“Really? Your friends just ratted you out and you still deny doing anything wrong. Well, okay then, double punishment it is. Put this on.” She threw Sweetie a harness.

“What’s this for?” Sweetie asked a little confused.

“You chose double punishment. Get dressed into your quidditch robes and then put it on. Only then shall you see what your decision has cost you,” Professor Sprout ordered with an expression that clearly told Sweetie it would be best if she didn’t ask any further questions.

In silence Sweetie quickly changed into her robes and put the harness on along with a pair of socks and shoes.

“Good. Miss Emerett, will you give me a hand with Wallace.” It was an order, not a request.

Together the Herbology Professor and the first-year managed to lift the confused dog up and into the harness on Sweetie’s back. The girl was barely able to stand under the weight. Heck, she was still immensely proud she’d managed to hold her pet for so long yesterday without dropping him.

“I was talking to Scoti in the infirmary last night and she was worried you’d not been maintaining your fitness over the summer and have put on a bit of weight. I was just going to have you running twenty laps around the quidditch pitch. But as you are being so uncooperative, you can do those twenty laps instead with him on your back. If you’re lucky you just might make breakfast in time.”

Sweetie’s jaw practically dropped open. “Yo-you’re kidding. How am I going to be able to run with him on my back?”

“Well, maybe that’ll teach you not to play pranks on your peers in future. In fact, if I find out that even one of you has stepped out of line again this year, you’ll be on the first train back home. I’ve enough to deal with without having to quell a civil prank war. Do I make myself clear?” Professor Sprout bellowed.

The girls nodded their heads quickly in reply.

“Good, now come Miss Belle,” Professor Sprout instructed pushing Sweetie out of her dormitory before turning and addressing the remaining girls one final time. “And if any of you need something to do you are always more than welcome to assist me in the greenhouses.”

And with that she was gone, slamming the door behind her.

For a minute an awkward silence hung in the air of the dormitory. Finally, it was Hannah who broke the silence and said what was on everyone else’s mind.

“Woah, I think we really annoyed her this time.”

“You can say that again. Anyone else want to see how Sweetie gets on?” Susan replied from her bed.

“Of course,” Meghan piped in.

And just like that there was a rush to the bathrooms as the remaining girls of the first- and second-year dorm hurriedly threw on clean robes and got themselves ready for their third day of the new term.


“COME ON SWEETIE, YOU CAN DO IT!!!” The crowd bellowed as Sweetie stumbled and fell face first into the dirt after completing her eleventh lap.

News of Sweetie’s punishment had slowly filtered around the school as more students and staff woke up. Slowly, a crowd had developed in the stands above the quidditch pitch. The Weasley twins, never missing out on an opportunity, had even appeared to take bets on just how many laps Sweetie would be able to complete. As the sun continued its slow and steady climb, she doggedly stuck to her task without a single word of defiance as sweat began to drench her entire body.

“Had enough?” Professor Sprout enquired nonchalantly.

Sweetie didn’t reply. Instead, she forced her aching body out of the dirt and defying the fiery pain that coursed throughout her entire body she forced herself into a run. She made it halfway round the pitch before her body started to finally give out, but she dragged herself on, determined to at least complete this lap. Wallace even turned his head from his perch on her back and gave her an encouraging lick.

“Come on, you can fucking do it you lazy cow!” Wally cawed appearing above her from the ether.

Absolutely exhausted Sweetie finally made it round for her twelfth lap before collapsing to her knees panting heavily.

“What was that about fitness?” she said looking up at her head of house with the same look of defiance that had got her into this mess in the first place.

The girl slowly unclasped and slipped out the harness allowing Wallace to drop to the pitch, the dog only too glad to have his four paws back on solid ground once more. Gingerly Sweetie rolled onto her back and continued to breathe heavily as the sound of footsteps approached.

“Impressive, I didn’t expect you to make it past five,” Professor Sprout mused rubbing her chin with a hand. “I think we’ve found our keeper again.”

“Thanks professor. If you don’t mind, I’m just going to lie here for a while. And remind me to put Wallace on a diet,” Sweetie wheezed from the turf.

Wallace’s ears immediately perked up at the mention of his name and although he didn’t know what the word meant; diet sounded just as bad as bath. He wisely opted to make himself scarce in the hope that his mistress would forget the idea as Professor Sprout replied to the girl laying in the ground.

“Not at all. Now, I’m sure your friends can help you back to your dorm. I’ll see you at breakfast if you’re quick enough,” the professor said as she turned and disappeared through the throng of students that had rushed down from the stands to see if Sweetie was all right.


“Morning Minerva and how are you this morning?” Professor Sprout asked as she sat down next to the Transfiguration professor at the teachers’ table for breakfast a little after eight.

“Quite well, although the tea seems a little off this morning,” Professor McGonagall replied lowering her cup upon the table. “How about yourself? It is rare for me to get to breakfast before you. Something the matter?”

“You could say so. Only two days into the new term and already two of my second-years are in the infirmary due to pranks gone wrong. I’ve really had to lay down the law this time before it gets out of control. Last thing we need is another prank war like the one of '74.” Professor Sprout replied.

“Indeed. And two second-years? I’d heard of Miss Prewett’s incident with the Venomous Tentacula but who’s the second one?” Minerva replied taking another sip of her tea.

“Miss Belle somehow got a hold of a box of itching powder and decided to slip it into Miss Apple’s pyjamas last night. Poor girl was up half the night apparently trying to wash the stuff off in the bathroom. She’s in the infirmary getting a good rest right now,” Professor Sprout explained with a look of resignation.

Internally Professor McGonagall was laughing to herself at the fact Miss Belle had actually managed to pull the prank off. Externally though her expression remained seemingly uninterested. “Poor girl, I hope she’s feeling better soon and that you punished the culprit appropriately,” she said putting her tea down once more. Something definitely wasn’t right with it today. She would definitely have to bring it up with the house elves in the kitchen later.

“That I did. She spent an hour running laps of the quidditch pitch whilst carrying that massive dog of hers on her back. I was extremely impressed with just how long she was able to keep going, although I still don’t believe she was the mastermind behind this prank.”

“What makes you say that Pomona?” Professor McGonagall enquired as she bit into her bacon sandwich.

“Unlike her disaster-prone and hot-headed friends, she’s a lot more level-headed and only gets herself into trouble either accidentally or through gullibly being persuaded by another,” Professor Sprout answered for Minerva.

“Well, maybe you don’t know your students as well as you think. She probably bought it for harmless fun from Diagon Alley before she arrived without thinking about the consequences it might lead to,” Professor McGonagall suggested as she took a second bite out of her bacon sandwich.

“Possibly. Still, without any further information I’m just going to call the whole episode closed. Hopefully my stern lecture this morning got through to the girls and I’ll be making it clear to the rest of my house throughout the day. Pranks will not be tolerated against fellow housemates,” Professor Sprout stated firmly.

“Good plan and trust me, I’ve tried, but those Weasley twins never seem to get the message. As soon as I prevent one prank from coming to fruition, they seem to be planning another.”

“Like how they were planning to drop itching powder down Snape’s back in Potions yesterday?”

“Yes, exactly, wait,” Professor McGonagall turned and stared at Professor Sprout looking slightly concerned.

“Busted,” Professor Sprout said with a wide grin. “Nice muzzle and dog ears by the way. I hope you enjoyed your Poison Joke tea,” she chuckled.

Professor McGonagall growled at Professor Sprout before realising just what she was doing and covered her furry grey muzzle with an equally furry grey paw in embarrassment.

Professor Sprout couldn’t help but break out into laughter at that reaction.

“Seriously? You two are as a bad as the students, if not worse,” Snape’s voice droned from the other side of McGonagall with a look of condemnation. “Still, I’m out of antidote and too busy to make anymore today, so you’ll just have to remain that way until my protégé is out of the infirmary and able to make some more for you,” he lied.

Minerva turned and looked at Severus suspiciously thinking it all too convenient he’d suddenly run out of Poison Joke antidote.

Severus just looked at her with a blank, soulless expression giving nothing away.

She flashed her canines and growled at him.

“Bad dog, bad,” he replied smugly before tapping Minerva on the nose with a rolled-up copy of The Daily Prophet.

At this point Professor Sprout completely lost any remaining control she had as she doubled over with laughter, banging the table with a fist.

“I’m so getting you back for this one,” Minerva grumbled as she rubbed her sore nose before turning back to her bacon sandwich, which she found suddenly smelt even more appetising.


“Wow, she wasn’t kidding when she said she could eat as much as a horse,” Susan commented as she watched Sweetie devour pretty much everything that had been left over from the Hufflepuff’s breakfast rations.

“She’s going to have a major stomachache if she keeps eating at that pace,” Meghan jested before turning and saying firmly to Sweetie next to her. “No Sweetie, I want these last two pieces of bacon, you’ve had ten pieces already. Go have some sausages instead or something.”

Sweetie just shrugged her shoulders and did exactly that.

With Sweetie too exhausted to walk, her dormmates used her robes as a makeshift stretcher and carried her back to the dormitory. They helped her get washed and dressed. The girls finally made it to the Great Hall at 8:30, just as most the others were leaving, including the most surprising sight of an anthrpomorphic grey canid dressed in Professor McGonagall's trademark green robes.

“Shut up you two and eat before Sweetie does eat everything. We’ve barely five minutes til' we need to get to DADA. You know Professor Discord does not stand for tardiness,” Hannah replied through a mouthful of buttered toast.


The girls were in for yet another surprise when they arrived at Class 104 for their lesson as Scootaloo was already waiting for them. There was no time to catch up though as a moment after entering the classroom Professor Discord appeared and they were forced to take their seats.

The next fifty or so minutes was not a pleasant experience for either the Hufflepuffs or the Gryffindors as they learnt about Lethifolds. Also referred to as the Living Shroud and a tropical variant of a dementor due to it only being found in such climates, the Lethifold resembled a black cloak that glided above the ground using an unknown form of locomotion in search of its prey, humans. Due to it only attacking at night and only those that were sleeping through suffocating its prey to death and then digesting the remains, it was unknown just how many people had fallen victim to it. The fact only one person was known to have survived an attack from one though, was a testament to just how deadly it was.

As the lesson finally came to an end, the usual chatter and laughter that accompanied the students as they departed was replaced with a very stiff and sombre mood.

“Well, that was disturbing,” Sweetie said bluntly with a shiver.

“You can say that again,” Scootaloo replied with a shiver of her own. “I hope I never have the pleasure of meeting one of those.”

“Me too,” Susan said entering the conversation.

“So, anyway, what have I missed since you visited me yesterday afternoon? You were running it awfully close to being late this morning and you are well aware Discord does not tolerate tardiness,” Scootaloo asked in an attempt to lighten the mood and receiving a playful punch on her arm from Sweetie for her troubles. “Yowch, what was that for?” she asked a little confused.

“That was for calling me fat and telling Sprout I’ve been slacking fitness-wise over the summer,” Sweetie said with a scowl.

“Oh, she told you that,” Scootaloo responded with a guilty expression.

“Yes, and she had me spend an hour running around the quidditch pitch this morning because of it,” Sweetie added, her scowl becoming more of a glower.

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“While carrying Wallace on my back,” Sweetie said placing her arms across her chest to add to her glower.

Scootaloo’s mouth dropped open.

“Woah, stop right there. That’s not fair Sweetie,” Susan interjected. “You got what you deserved for putting itching powder in Apple Bloom’s pyjamas last night.”

“WAIT, WHAT?” Scootaloo exclaimed going wide eyed for a second. “Actually, I was wondering why she wasn’t in class.”

Sweetie turned and gave Susan a reproachful look before letting out a heavy breath. “Let me explain from the beginning. But first, where are we going? Library or common room?” she asked the rest of the girls.

“Broom shed. I need to get my equilibrium sorted now I’ve got this extra limb to contend with,” Scootaloo stated, her tail suddenly making an appearance from underneath her robes.

“GAH,” Susan cried in surprise jumping into the air. “You mean you were serious?” She said staring wide eyed at Sweetie. “I thought you were having us on when you and Bloom told us Scootaloo was a draconequus and now had a leopard tail.”

“Seriously Susan? You know Apple Bloom is as good at lying as I am at making potions,” Sweetie replied with a patronising expression towards Susan.

“Yes, well…” Susan began but never got any further.

“OH NO YOU DON’T. WE’VE A WHOLE DAY OF STUDYING TO CATCH UP ON,” Hermione’s voice echoed throughout the hallway they were in.

Scootaloo looked like she was ready to make a dash for freedom but never got the chance to as Hermione grabbed her arm and whisked her away toward the library.

“HELP!!! KIDNAP!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!” Scootaloo cried to no avail as everyone simply giggled in reply as she was dragged down the hallway to a fate worse than death: a lecture from Hermione!

“Well, that was unexpected. So, Hufflepuff common room then?” Sweetie said turning to Susan, Hannah and Meghan.


Neville sat quietly at the end of the bed while he attempted to write up his report on Lethifolds and Death Eaters. He wasn’t getting very far. Defence Against the Dark Arts was nowhere near his best subject. In fact, aside from Herbology, he wasn’t very good at anything and he only believed he’d passed his first year because of Apple Bloom’s guidance. What the girl saw in him he had no idea, but ever since he’d picked up the courage to ask her to accompany him to the library on Valentine’s day earlier in the year, they’d hit it off and become the best of friends, the only real friend he’d ever had truthfully speaking.

“A penny for your thoughts?” a groggy voice said from the head of the bed.

“You're awake!” Neville said somewhat startled.

“Where am I? Last thing I remember was my head drooping as I met Professor Sprout for detention. Wait, did she knock me out with something?”

“No idea I’m afraid. It’s still Friday by the way, just before 10 o’clock in the morning. You missed Defence Against the Dark Arts but that doesn’t matter. How you feeling?”

“My skin feels like its on fire,” Apple Bloom replied bluntly.

“That’ll be the ointment Madam Pomfrey told me she applied to cool the itching.”

“Well, it doesn’t feel like its working,” Apple Bloom replied bluntly before noticing the single red rose in a jug of water on the bedside cabinet next to her.

“Do you like it? The other boys mock me for doing so but I grow them in a planter on the window sill in our dorm.”

“Its beautiful!” Apple Bloom replied entranced by the exquisite specimen. “Thank you, you really didn’t have to, though. I’ll soon be out of here.”

Neville blushed in embarrassment. “But I wanted to,” he replied nervously.

“Well, although I need to control my anger a bit more, anyone mocks you for growing them in future and you let me know. You always know your knight in shining armour will be there to protect you,” Apple Bloom said with a wide smile.

“That I do,” Neville replied with a smile of his own, his cheeks still bright red. “I’m just sorry I didn’t realise what Professor McGonagall was up to yesterday.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was struggling with the beetle spell yesterday when I looked up for just a moment and caught a glimpse of Professor McGonagall handing Sweetie something at the front of the class. I thought it was a little strange and after hearing everything that happened mentioned it to Professor Sprout as she watched Sweetie running laps around the quidditch pitch this morning, her punishment for her part in the prank. Next thing I knew, Professor McGonagall turned into an anthropomorphic canine of some sort at breakfast. Rumours going 'round the school suggest it was as an accident with Poison Joke, but even I’m not that dumb.”

Apple Bloom had sat through the whole story quietly. Realising Neville had finished she scolded, “How many times do I have to tell you you’re not dumb?” before she chuckled and added, “But thank you for being my knight in shining armour this time around.”

And, despite how sore and painful it was to do so, she shuffled to the end of the bed and kissed him on the cheek making his already red cheeks glow even more.

“Now, where can a girl go to get something to eat around here?”

Abruptly Wallace appeared and landed on Apple Bloom’s lap making her wince with pain.

She took the note from his mouth.

Your friend said you’d got yourself into some bother and asked if we could send you something to help make you feel better. Hope these apple fritters granny baked you do the trick. Missing you dearly, AJ.

P.S. Today marks the first of a new three-day holiday and one I am so far hating, National Pranking weekend. So far Rainbow has pranked me no fewer than 13, no wait, 14 times since breakfast and I’ve so far been covered in water, manure, tree sap and am writing you this while covered in super glue and blue fur. Yes, she went as far as shaving her whole coat of for a prank and is now complaining she’s cold, the idiot.

Apple Bloom managed a small giggle reading the second paragraph before she detached the tin tied to Wallace’s back and, after Neville had passed the dog a biscuit and he’d apparated once more to goodness knows where, she opened it up to the sight of a baker’s dozen apple fritters and a small bottle of apple juice.

Looking up she gave Neville a beaming smile. “Best boyfriend ever,” she said passing Neville a fritter before tucking into the rest of the scrumptious apple banquet herself.


“Settle down class,” Professor Pompernickle called from the front of Classroom 77 to the gathered group of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor second-years. He was just as pasty and overweight as a unicorn and his hair or mane was just as much, if not even more, of a scraggly mess.

Rather than the conventional method of having the class sat behind desks, he had cleared the desks to the side of the room and sat them in a circle on the floor.

“I am glad to see we have practically a full house aside Miss Bloom who is in the infirmary, unlike my earlier class where only one Slytherin felt it necessary to attend,” Professor Pompernickle went on.

There were a few giggles in response to that statement and Professor Pompernickle waited until they had died down before continuing his lecture.

“I guess for a number of you it will come as a surprise to be a pony right now. After Dumbledore showed me the pony classroom, I felt that it was a good way to help you understand another species through practical first-hand experience. Now that that is explained, to begin I’d like to alleviate any fears or stress you may have about this class. This will be a lot more laid back and less strenuous than your other classes. Think of it as a group therapy session designed to help you understand and accept other species of equivalent intelligence. And how might you ask are we going to achieve that? Well, in this introductory lesson we are going to look at the Ministry of Magic’s three classifications of magical creatures, these being beasts, beings and spirits. We shall then go over all the species we shall be looking at over the course of this year and in small groups discuss stereotypical views that surround these species before relaying these back to each other in a group session at the end of the lesson. We will then be looking at these species individually in lessons over the course of the year where I shall be attempting to dispel these views and myths. But more on that later. To start, would anyone like to tell me the difference between a beast, a being and a spirit?”

Unsurprisingly it was Hermione’s hoof that shot into the air first.

“Yes, Miss Granger, isn’t it?”

“Here we go, now he’s done it. Glad I had a big breakfast,” Ron muttered mockingly into Harry’s ear.

Harry had to try his hardest to hide a snigger.

“The current definitions for a beast, being and a spirit were laid down by Grogan Stump, the Minister for Magic at the time, in 1811. He defined a beast as a magical creature that did not have sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of the magical community, nor bear part of the responsibility in shaping those laws. A being on the other hand was any creature that has sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of the magical community and to bear part of the responsibility in shaping those laws. Some exceptions have occurred over the years to these definitions though and spirits are one of those exceptions, with the classification being created due to spirits viewing the term being as insensitive when they are clearly has-beens,” Hermione said robotically like a talking encyclopaedia.

Professor Pompernickle’s mouth hung open in utter astonishment. “Outstanding,” he finally said before adding, “Twenty points to Gryffindor,”

Cheers went up from the Gryffindors.

As they slowly diminished Professor Pompernickle spoke once more. “Now, can anyone else tell me any other exceptions to these definitions?”

Scootaloo lifted her tail. Interestingly it had remained in leopard form after she’d transformed.

“Yes, Miss Prewett. That sure is an interesting way to catch my attention and may I just say it is a privilege to have such a rare being as a draconequus in my class.”

“Don’t mention it. If I remember rightly from what Melody told me, Centaurs refuse to be classified as beings as they don’t agree with some of the other creatures classed as such,” Scootaloo said a little unsure.

“Correct, two points to Hufflepuff and I’m guessing you were referring to the half-centaur Melody Song? Merpeople believe likewise and as such the whole situation has to be treated very delicately. We’ll talk more about it later in the year. Anyone harbour a guess at another?”

Seeing nobody else’s hoof aside Hermione’s rise into the air, Boris turned his attention onto the famous Harry Potter. Surely, he’d know something.

“How about you Mr Potter, any idea?”

Harry looked like he’d just been struck by lightning for a moment before saying, “Werewolves? I mean we’ve been taught in DADA that they are the most dangerous of beasts but then aren’t they also human so a being as well.”

“Exceptional logic and deduction. Another five points to Gryffindor. Miss Granger, care to fill us in on the last one.”

“Violent and bloodthirsty intelligent and sentient creatures, such as Acromantulas and Manticores along with werewolves, are not offered such status due to being more likely to kill any other being that came near them rather than talk to them,” Hermione explained.

“Correct again. Five more points to Gryffindor.”

A few more cheers came from the Gryffindors.

“Right, before we divide into our groups, I’d like you all to copy down those definitions Miss Granger so delightfully supplied us with from the blackboard behind me along with the following thirteen sentient species we shall be examining over the course of the year.”

Professor Pompernickle’s horn illuminated yellow and the board moved down to reveal the definitions of the three Ministry of Magic classifications along with the following list:

- Centaurs
- Draconequus
- Giants
- Goblins
- Hags
- House Elves
- Humans
- Merpeople
- Sentient Ponies
- Spirits
- Vampires
- Veelas
- Werewolves


“Draconequi have a penchant for disorder, chaos and mayhem wherever they go. They are also known for being loud, bossy and mean,” Susan declared barely keeping a straight face as the circle erupted into laughter while Scootaloo simply glowered at Susan from across the circle.

Slowly Scootaloo rose to her own four hooves. “Really Susan? I heard that human’s have brains the size of a dung beetle’s but never thought that to be true until now,” she fired back with her trademark smirk. “Maybe I should lend you the book my dad gave me to inform you better? Actually, it might be a little too complex for your simple mind.”

More giggles, this time at Susan’s expense.

“Alright, settle down class,” Professor Pompernickle said, attempting to intervene and play peace keeper between the two girls. It didn’t work.

“Really? If I was so simple minded as you said, would I be able to do this? Leomorphis,” Susan cast, her wand suddenly appearing in one of her wings and firing of a bolt of golden yellow magic.

Scootaloo attempted to dodge the spell but suddenly found her hooves stuck to the floor. She glowered across at Sweetie, who sat on the floor next to Susan, whistling nonchalantly, her horn aglow. The spell hit Scootaloo directly in her chest and she was suddenly hit with an overwhelming desire to roar.

“Lion head spell, nice. Entomorphis.”

Susan didn’t even have time to react the spell was cast that quick. She hadn’t even seen Scootaloo’s own wand appear in her tail. The next think she knew her own wand had hit the floor next to her and she was looking up at Scootaloo unable to say a word, just unintelligible clicking noises.

“Well, I guess you were right to some degree. Chaos and mayhem do like to follow me wherever I go. Concede?” Scootaloo jibed trotting over smugly to Susan now that Sweetie had released her hooves.

The oversized dung beetle lunged at Scootaloo. As the class roared with laughter, Professor Pompernickle rushed over in an attempt to break up the two squabbling girls only to find Scootaloo laughing her head off.

“That’s not fair!” she managed to wheeze in between fits of giggles from the floor with beetle Susan atop her. “Stop tickling me with those things!” she exclaimed helplessly from the floor before Professor Pompernickle lighted his horn and returned Susan back to her pony form followed by Scootaloo.

“Enough,” he said sternly before turning to the rest of the class. “I hope this little demonstration shows you just how dangerous stereotyping can be and how easily it can lead to conflict. That will also be ten points from each of you from Hufflepuff for duelling in class and five points for your involvement as well Miss Belle.”

“What did I do?” Sweetie interrupted indignantly before she could stop herself.

“Make that another five. I saw your horn illuminate and have already heard about you and your friends’ fondness for misbehaving, pranking and getting into trouble,” Professor Pompernickle replied just as stern as before. “Be warned that I will not tolerate such behaviour in my classroom.”

Sweetie looked like she wanted to argue some more but sensibly decided against doing so and instead just muttered venomously, “Yes sir.”

“Good. Now, let us return to our discussion on stereotypes. And anymore tomfoolery from anyone and that person shall be spending their Saturday writing lines. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Professor Pompernickle,” the class replied as one.

“Excellent. Now you two girls return to your seats and we’ll continue. Miss Dunbar, what did your group come up with for stereotypes for giants?”


After the remainder of Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity thankfully passed by without any further incidents, the students made their way to the Great Hall for lunch back in their human forms laughing and joking about the whole ridiculous affair, none more so than Scootaloo and Susan. Susan’s jovial mood though was not to last.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” said girl commented, blanching suddenly as Hannah sat next to her grabbed a bowl and did exactly that.

The reason for this was sat across from them where Scootaloo had just made the most revolting sandwich in all of known history. It was a mixture of sardines, bananas, cheese and honey with a pickle on top.

“Hey, I find that highly offensive,” Scootaloo joked as she took a large mouthful from the abomination that should never have even been imagined let alone created. “My draconequus heritage means I have very unique tastes.” She said this whilst still devouring her mouthful, sending bits of bread, sardines and banana everywhere.

Susan immediately grabbed a bowl and followed Hannah’s example as Sweetie sniggered next to Scootaloo, used to her friends’ peculiar habits by now.

“My word that’s good. Anyone else like a bite?”

“NO!” The table screamed as one.

“Oh well,” Scootaloo said with a shrug of her shoulders. “More for me.”

As she took another huge bite to the revulsion of her peers a chilling voice from just behind her caused her to swallow what she’d just consumed with a nervous gulp.

“I’ve just seen the latest house point scores outside the hall and bumped into Professor Pompernickle on my way in. Would one of you care to explain why my house now has MINUS fourteen house points?”

After one year, Scootaloo knew what that tone of voice meant. Professor Sprout was pissed and it was best just to be quiet and accept whatever punishment she had in store for you. Unfortunately, her fellow housemates didn’t seem to get the message.

“A demonstration of the negative impact of stereotyping?” Sweetie suggested smugly.

“You taking fifty points from the house because Apple Bloom attacked Scootaloo with a Venomous Tentacula?” Hannah questioned cheekily.

“You taking another fifty points from our house because of Scootaloo’s sandwich being a crime against all wizarding kind?” Monica suggested just as audaciously.

“Dumbledore deducting fifty points from Hufflepuff because you turned Professor McGonagall into a dog.”

After that last suggestion from Leanne the whole second- and first-year factions finally lost it and the table erupted into laughter. Even Professor Sprout ended up joining in, unable to stay mad at her second years any longer.

“Okay, you got me. I most certainly didn’t set you the best example with that one,” she giggled like a school girl a fraction of her age before asking, “And what’s this about a sandwich?”

Scootaloo held up her abomination. “Want a bite?”

Professor Sprout’s face started to turn very off colour. “Sweet Merlin,” she muttered under her breath before saying hastily to the entire table in a very forced voice as sniggers started to light up the table again. “Thank you, but no thanks. I’ve just eaten,” she lied before swiftly changing the topic and tone of the conversation. “But I would also like to remind you that my decision from earlier still stands, no more pranks. Unless of course it’s against the other houses and nothing can be proven,” she added with an impish smile. “The last thing I need added to my record in Hogwarts History is worst House Cup defence in history.”

This caused the sniggers to develop into full blown laughter once more from the students situated around the table. Only when it finally started to subside did she continue.

“Anyway, on to the original reason as to why I wanted to see you all. I have a favour to ask. Who here would like to help me in the greenhouses for the next few periods? The Mandrakes and other matters have been taking way too much of my time recently and as such I’m way behind on my other duties.”

To everyone’s surprise Scootaloo immediately stuck her hand into the air.

“Count me in. I’d rather be knee deep in dragon shit, stabbed by a Venomous Tentacula or strangled by Devil’s Snare than sit through another period of Hermione rabbiting on about the Beetles into Buttons spell.”

As the laughter once more picked up around the table Professor Sprout rubbed her chin for a moment before replying, “What an excellent idea! I’m sure Miss Granger would be thrilled to conduct a practical tutoring session! I’ll go speak to her right away and maybe Mr Longbottom might like to join us as well.”

Without another word she departed as Scootaloo’s face went extremely pale; just what had she done?


After one and a half hours of gruelling, exhausting, sweaty and rather messy periods of plant maintenance in the greenhouses along with Hermione constantly nattering in her ear and testing her on what felt like every plant in existence, Scootaloo had managed to excuse herself to get cleaned up before heading along the landing that seemingly led to nowhere. The ladder had already been lowered in anticipation of her arrival.

“Professor Trelawney, you up here?” she inquired reaching the top of the ladder. “Sorry I’m a little bit late, I was helping Professor Sprout in the greenhouses,” Scootaloo explained as she stepped into the dimly lit classroom that hadn’t changed in any way from the previous year.

“And you’re behind me aren’t you,” Scootaloo deadpanned turning around and coming face to face with the Divination professor who wrapped her in a massive hug. “I missed you to,” she managed to squeak.

Slowly Trelawney lowered her apprentice to the ground before she began walking over to the two armchairs that sat in front of a roaring fire. A teapot, some biscuits and scones on a plate and two cups of tea already sat on a table between the two chairs.

“Come, come,” she said waving at Scootaloo to come and sit down. “We’ve a lot to talk about today.”


And as it proved, they did! For half an hour they talked to each other about their summer breaks while drinking tea and eating scones and biscuits. Professor Trelawney had been particularly impressed with how Scootaloo had predicted and successfully orchestrated Harry’s rescue and had also been intrigued by Scootaloo’s new appendage. Afterwards the Divination professor had explained how they would be focusing on Astrology this year which would also involve a number of night time sessions on Mondays with her fifth years when her peers had Astronomy. They would follow on from this by continuing their studies on crystal-gazing before finally, if time allowed, making a start on dream and prophecy interpretation. Right now, Scootaloo was rapidly dividing her attention between a pile of sticks Professor Trelawney had placed on the table and her Xylomancy textbook. Unfortunately, even after nearly half an hour of going back and forth she was getting absolutely nowhere.

“Hmm,” she murmured to herself. “Strange, very strange.”

“What is it you see?” Professor Trelawney enquired, trying to see if she could help her sole student.

“Honestly, for once, I’m completely stumped. This little stick over here I think resembles a person, possibly a student, but I can’t be certain. This even smaller stick over here seems to be chasing them, a magical creature of some sort, who knows? Then there is this leaf that has fallen between them that I am certain is key, almost like the creature is throwing something at the person. Finally, there are these other two sticks here and here.” Scootaloo pointed first at a stick which seemed to be clawed at by some kind of animal. “That suggests an earthbound animal is involved somehow, while this one...” She pointed at the second stick, a thin long black one, “...Suggests darkness and possibly foul play is involved. It’s all very peculiar and confusing; that I can say.”

Professor Trelawney rubbed her chin deep in thought before taking a sip of her tea. “Yes, it seems the twigs are being particularly cryptic today, but I’m sure their meaning will reveal themselves to you in time. I’d suggest noting your findings down and keeping them safe for future reference. Although I’d love to have you longer, I feel this would be a very good time for us to finish for today. Seeing as you seemed to have mastered it over the summer, we’ll have just one further session on Xylomancy next week before moving on to Astrology.”

“Okay professor,” Scootaloo replied as she scribbled her findings into a notebook which she had purchased over the summer solely for that exact purpose.

After packing up her things, saying goodbye to Professor Trelawney and departing back down the silvery ladder she was surprised to find Apple Bloom waiting at the bottom for her.

“Hey Scoots, how was Divination?”

“Highly entertaining and also frustrating. It was good to see Professor Trelawney again and catch up after the summer holidays, but I also received a very cryptic message through Xylomancy that I’ve so far been unable to crack,” Scootaloo replied.

“That’s the weird thing you were doing over the summer where you sat and stared at a pile of sticks for ages, right? I’ve still no idea how you are able to predict anything from a pile of twigs.”

Scootaloo gave Apple Bloom a disgruntled look before replying. “Yes, and I won’t lie that it is a very complex and intricate art. Professor Trelawney was surprised just how well I’d taken to it over the summer. She told me that only one or two of her sixth years were usually able to master Xylomancy.”

“Remind me not to choose Divination as one of my optional subjects next year then,” Apple Bloom responded. “I think it would prove to be a complete waste of my time. Everything you seem to talk about from your lessons seems to just go straight over my head. I think I’d rather stick to the present than constantly predict morbid future events.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help bet let out a laugh at that response. “Yeah,” she finally uttered, “Divination isn’t like a lot of subjects here at the school. It is a lot less book smarts and a lot more natural ability and being lucky enough to be blessed with the gift,” she explained to her friend. “Personally, I’d agree it would be a total waste of your time although I’d certainly like to see you get highly frustrated from trying and end up throwing a crystal ball through a window.”

This time it was Apple Bloom’s turn to let out a laugh before replying. “You wish. At least that’s one subject I can cross of the list to study next year.”

“I can’t believe you are already thinking about next year! This year’s barely begun,” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“As Applejack and Granny Smith have told me multiple times. We may not know exactly what tomorrow will bring, but that doesn’t mean we should step into it blindfolded. I’d rather be fully informed when the time comes to choose my elective subjects than just toss a coin and hope for the best,” Apple Bloom explained extremely maturely for someone her age.

Scootaloo stopped walking for a moment and stared at her friend open mouthed, “Wow, that’s actually really sensible of you. Who are you and what have you done with Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom stopped herself before she responded. “Haha, it’s really me dodo. I guess my sister, my brother and my grandmother are finally having an impact on me. You given any thought on what you are going to choose as your electives next year?”

“Fair enough and you know you can’t call me that anymore unless you wish to become an actual dodo.”

Scootaloo snapped her fingers and was stunned when Apple Bloom disappeared and was replaced with an actual dodo.

“Wow, it actually worked!” she exclaimed in astonishment. “You know, you actually look good as a dodo,” she chuckled before Dodo Bloom pecked her leg. “Ouch. Okay, okay, I’ll turn you back.”

Scootaloo snapped her fingers once more and Apple Bloom reappeared looking seriously unimpressed with the whole experiment.

“You ever do that again and it won’t just be a friendly peck on the shins, understood?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Scootaloo replied with a smirk. “Still, how about…” she went to snap her fingers again but Apple Bloom grabbed her left wrist.

“Would you like me to help you lose you second hand?” Apple Bloom said with an expression that immediately told Scootaloo without a single word being spoken, try me.

“Okay, okay, just having a little fun and chaos is all. No need to be such a downer.” Scootaloo retorted before returning back to Apple Bloom’s prior question. “As for next year’s electives, I don’t even know all of the subjects let alone thought about what I might take. Still, there are some perks to being a natural born seer.”

“Oh, come on! That’s cheating” Apple Bloom replied indignantly.

“Says the girl who is clearly going to choose and breeze through Care for Magical Creatures because not only can she can talk to animals but the teacher also just so happens to be one of her sister’s best friends?” Scootaloo said with a smug grin.


“Now, before we get even further off track, might I ask why you are out of the infirmary so soon and why you were waiting for me?” Scootaloo queried as they restarted their journey to the Great Hall.

“Professor McDogonagall personally came to visit, apologise and request my assistance. I did find it particularly odd how Snape was seemingly out of Poison Joke antidote. He’s very strict at keeping the antidotes cupboard stocked up in case of any emergencies,” Apple Bloom explained.

“Professor McDogonagall,” Scootaloo tittered.

“Thought you’d like that one. I won’t lie, she didn’t half give me a fright when I woke up. Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk with you without Sweetie knowing was because I heard Professor Sprout has said a strong no to any more pranking.”

“Yeah, sad times,” Scootaloo said with the face of a puppy who’s just had their dinner taken away from them.

“But nothing surrounding quidditch practice,” Apple Bloom continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted, finishing with a devious smirk.

Scootaloo’s expression immediately changed into an equally devious smirk. “Go on…”

Author's Note:

Sorry this one is so long. I didn't feel there is anywhere I could split it.
Edits done 04/05/2021. Thanks to my editor here, way to many small mistakes for my liking that I'd missed.