• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Saturday: Chaos, Dreams and Quidditch (OLD)

Author's Note:

I amaze myself sometimes how things seem to fall into place. Thanks to everyone who suggested ideas and I hope you enjoy the applicants list!

Edited 05/05/2021

Sweetie Belle was less than pleased to not only be awakened by an air horn for the second day running, but also be awakened on Saturday, her well-earned day off.

“GAH” she screamed waking with a start. Darkness surrounded her.

Even in spite of this and her sleepy state, it didn’t take her long to realise that she wasn’t in her bed in the Hufflepuff dormitory. To make matters worse, as her eyes adapted to the early morning gloom, she saw her two best friends in the whole world hovering over and looking down at her with expressions that she had seen way too many times in the past during their many crusades.

“Right, out with it. What are you two up to and where am I?” Sweetie said frankly.

“In answer to your second question, the quidditch pitch, and to the first, nothing really. Apple Bloom just kindly offered to help me with some quidditch training,” Scootaloo said wickedly. “Remember what I told you in our first year. If you can dodge lightning, you can dodge a bludger.”

“No, just no,” Sweetie replied stubbornly as she looked around and realised the three girls were accompanied by two quidditch ball boxes.

“I need to recalibrate my equilibrium and you need to start getting yourself back into shape after slacking off and eating all those ice creams over the summer. Some shooting and dodging practice will be good for both of us. Plus, I’ll be your transfiguration assistant for an hour later today. How does that sound?” Scootaloo said trying to tempt her friend into cooperating.

“With Apple Bloom as the beater we’ll be lucky to be out of the infirmary before the weekend is up and that’s if we’re lucky. Or don’t you remember what she did to Adrian Pucey? The boy still runs a mile whenever he sees her or at least attempts to. Two hours or no deal. And don’t try to bargain with me or I’m heading straight back to the dorm,” Sweetie replied sternly holding out her hand for her friend to shake.

“Deal,” Scootaloo replied with a smirk shaking her friend’s hand as she pulled Sweetie up from the turf.


“Ooof,” Sweetie exclaimed as for the fifth time a bludger caught her flush in the ribs.

From the momentary lapse in concentration Scootaloo had managed to steal yet another goal with the quaffle.

“Oh, very sneaky,” Sweetie exclaimed before a bolt of lightning attacked her rump. “Yowch!”

“Should have paid more attention on our practice instead of…” Scootaloo started to say before the same bludger that had just hit Sweetie slammed into her own chest nearly forcing her off her broom.

“And you should remember that I’m a keeper,” Sweetie snapped back.

Scootaloo hung upside-down like a monkey by her tail for a moment before clambering back upon her broom. “Nice shot, just don’t try that in games or you’ll get us penalised,” she commented as she did so. “Anyway, ten more minutes and then we’ll head to breakfast,” she said as she dove and picked up the quaffle to start another attack on the rings only for another bludger to narrowly miss her.

It was accompanied by an ominous cackle from below.

“If we survive that long that is,” she muttered to herself, suddenly wondering if Apple Bloom had conned her. She’d certainly received just as many hits from the bludgers as Sweetie this morning.


As the two girls brought their aching bodies in to land, Scootaloo was surprised to see Susan also waiting for them looking rather concerned.

“Great job Bloom. I think we’re both going to be sore for a week with how many bludgers we were hit by. You sure I can’t convince you to try out for the team?” Scootaloo asked as she landed, already knowing the answer.

“For you maybe. I think one of those bludgers cracked a rib,” Sweetie interjected rubbing her ribs gingerly. “Yep, Madam Pomfrey is not going to be happy.”

“Well, maybe you’ll think next time before putting itching powder in my pyjamas, and consider yourself lucky, Snape said he was quite happy to cover for me if I had wanted to douse your dinner last night with extreme laxative potion,” Apple Bloom finished with a chuckle.

Sweetie stared at her friend for a moment unsure if she was being serious or not. She decided it was best not to ask and just accept the injuries she’d received.

“Oh, and sorry Scoots, you know I like to keep my feet upon the ground!” Apple Bloom added turning her attention to Scootaloo.

“No worries, I’ve already two amazing Beaters anyway,” Scootaloo responded before turning to Susan. “And here’s one of them come to watch her teammates train. Couldn’t wait for the new season to begin?”

Susan didn’t reply instead simply looking down guiltily at the ground.

Scootaloo’s smirk was suddenly replaced with a look of concern. “Susan, what’s up?”

Susan looked up with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, but…” she paused as she sniffled and wiped a sleeve across her face. “That’s why I came to find you. I won’t be trying out this year.”

Scootaloo’s face immediately dropped.

“I-I-I’ve really enjoyed my time on the team, but my aunt was concerned with some of my grades last year and told me that even at this early stage I need to consider my future. I want to be an Auror more than anything and feel I need to focus more on achieving that dream.” Susan paused for a moment to take a deep breath to steady herself before continuing. “Th-that combined with the fact I felt I was often missing out on so much last year with friends because of how much time and effort quidditch training required is ultimately why I’ve come to this decision. I’m so, so sorry,” the girl blubbered wiping a sleeve across her face again. “Please don’t hate me,” Susan whimpered stepping back as Scootaloo approached her.

Susan was shocked when Scootaloo offered her a hand. Cautiously she reached out and took hold of it.

Rather than shake it Scootaloo sharply pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “Thanks for all your hard work and dedication over the past year. We certainly couldn’t have done what we did without you. And by the way, I know you’ll make a damn good Auror; not even I saw this one coming.”

Through the sniffles and tears Susan let out a small weak laugh before replying, “Thanks cap, you’re the greatest,” as both Sweetie and Apple Bloom came over to join in the hug.


“Scootaloo, Saturn’s rings to Scootaloo. Anyone in there?” Sweetie chimed at the breakfast table.

“Huh, what?” Scootaloo replied in a distant tone. “Sorry, I was just thinking about things.”

“I could see that,” Cedric’s voice replied with a chuckle.

“Hey Cedric. Sorry, I’m a bit distracted, I’ve just found out this morning one of our Beaters won’t be trying out this year. I’m somewhat worried that despite our unexpected success last year we might find it hard to replace them,” Scootaloo apologised.

“Oh? So, Anthony has already come and told you then,” Cedric replied, suddenly looking like a huge weight had been lifted of his shoulders.

“Anthony? I meant Susan. Please don’t tell me I’m heading into the school year with possibly no Beaters for the quidditch team. I’ve only had one enquiry into the quidditch try outs so far and they aren’t exactly Beater material.” Scootaloo replied, the look on her face somehow managing to take on an even graver tone than previously.

“Ahh,” Cedric replied with a wince. “Well, looks like we’ve an even bigger gap to fill. Would any of your friends be interested in trying out? I heard Apple Bloom was exceptional when she covered in the final game against Slytherin.”

“Not a chance,” Apple Bloom answered, immediately nipping that suggestion in the butt before she shuffled up the table to allow Scootaloo’s vice-captain space to sit down, which he immediately obliged in doing.

“That answer your question? And I think the remaining girls just aren’t really that interested. Susan already stated she quit to spend more time with them. As for Wayne, Justin and Ernest. Wayne flies like an old grandma, Justin has mentioned at least two-thousand times that ‘quidditch is nowhere near as interesting as polo’, whatever polo is, and Ernest still hasn’t forgiven Sweetie for making him run naked back to the dorm after the DADA exam last year, long story, don’t ask.”

“Hey, I resent that,” Justin retorted from across the way.

“But to be fair, she’s correct,” Wayne said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs next to him.

“Although I am sorely tempted to try out for revenge purposes, I have better things to be doing with my free time and people to spend it with,” Ernest said truthfully. “Also, I’d be just as worried that crazy keeper of yours would cause me injury.”

“That answer your question?” Scootaloo sighed repeating herself while rubbing her temple as she felt a headache coming along.

“What about Melody? Maddie? Or Abigail?” Cedric suggested as he grabbed a plate and started to fill it with all manner of breakfast items.

“They’ve got too much other work on I fear to help us out this time and that’s what also makes me fearful we’ll not get any help or tryouts from the upper years either. Quidditch takes up a lot of free time and if you don’t want to pursue it as a career choice, it’s just not worth risking your grades and your desired future career for. Professor Sprout taught me that one,” Scootaloo said in a resigned tone.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. That’s actually part of the reason Anthony has decided not to continue, along with the fact that our four dormmates have been teasing us constantly about being ordered about by a first-year girl,” Cedric responded.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes “Seriously? So that’s the fourth-year boys ruled out as well and is another reason for the fifth, sixth and seventh years to not want to try out as well. If I wasn’t under a pranking embargo and it wasn’t also yours and Anthony’s, I’d leave a storm cloud in their dorm. Do you know if any of the fourth-year girls might be interested?”

Cedric chuckled in reply. “Thanks cap, but I can handle them. I emptied their pockets of sweets and galleons last year when we won the trophy and they haven’t bothered me since. As for the two girls in my year, they are best friends with Egghead Ethel in Tamsin and Heidi’s year.”

“Shit. So that leaves me hoping and praying one of the four third year boys comes and finds me or one of the fifth, sixth or seventh years takes a gamble,” Scootaloo said whilst looking to the heavens hoping for a miracle.

“We’re doomed, aren’t we?” Cedric said pessimistically.

“Not yet, but we’re in a deep hole right now with no way out while slowly being buried alive. Oh, and our feet are stuck in concrete,” Scootaloo replied morbidly.

“So, practically doomed. Thanks for not even attempting to sugarcoat the position we’re in. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but can any of the first year’s fly?”

“Talking with Professor Sprout last night, six of the boys are muggle born or half-bloods that barely know how to hold a broomstick, let alone fly one. The other, Zacharias Smith, well the less I repeat of what Professor Sprout told me about him, the better,” Scootaloo replied, finishing with a shudder.

“Yeah, I’ve already had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting him. For once, one less student in our house would have been a blessing. What about the two girls and this one person who’s approached you?” Cedric asked, still hoping for a miracle.

“Monica may be this realm’s version of a Pegasus, but she definitely doesn’t fly like one yet. As for the final girl and the one person who’s approached me, they are one and the same and here she comes now,” Scootaloo explained as Ginny, giggling alongside Monica, entered the hall.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Cedric exclaimed slamming his head upon the table.

“You’d be surprised just how good a chaser she is and under Tamsin and Heidi’s guidance I’ve got high hopes she’ll flourish and only get better,” Scootaloo explained to her vice-captain.

“That may be so, but need I remind you we’ve already got enough Chasers unless, heaven forbid, Tamsin or Heidi drop out. Secondly, she’s a Weasley who’s also heavily infatuated with the Gryffindor Seeker. How can we trust her?” Cedric grumbled in a muffled tone, his head still on the table.

“Watch what you’re saying there Cedric; you’re treading a thin line,” Scootaloo growled trying to hold back her anger. “Or need I remind you that not only is my girlfriend in Gryffindor but that Ginny is my cousin who has constantly been overshadowed and overlooked by her older brothers. Vengeance and having a point to prove are two very good motivators. Unless of course you don’t want the Seeker position?”

Cedric’s head couldn’t have lifted itself off the table any faster if he’d tried. “What? Do you mean it? But where will you play?” he said equally as fast.

“Beater, of course. I’ve come to realise this new limb of mine is awfully strong.”

“New limb?” Cedric questioned looking somewhat confused having not yet seen Scootaloo’s tail.

Scootaloo’s tail immediately made an appearance and wafted itself under Cedric’s nose.

The boy’s eyes went wide.

“Sorry, it can be a bit unruly at times. Down tail, behave yourself,” she commanded only for her tail to poke her in the eye in retaliation. “Ow! That hurt. Come here.”

As Scootaloo fell off the bench she was seated in and started grappling and fighting with her tail, much to the still sparsely populated hall’s occupants’ amusement, Ginny and Monica arrived and were just about to sit down when Cedric, slowly coming back to his senses, rose and offered his hand to Ginny, who looked at him for a moment somewhat confused before shaking it with one of her own.

“Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff quidditch vice-captain and Seeker, formerly Chaser. Scootaloo was just talking about you, although she’s currently preoccupied,” Cedric said in the politest voice imaginable.

“Stop struggling,” Scootaloo screamed from the floor.

Ginny couldn’t help but giggle some more. “I can see. I’m hopeful I’ll be good enough to be a reserve, but I’ll expect competition will be fierce after last year’s cup victory,” she added somewhat nervously.

“You would think that, but quidditch takes a lot of a student’s free time and along with the prejudice we are receiving due to both our captain’s age and gender, we are looking likely to be a couple of people short right now,” Cedric explained with a deep sigh.

“Oh no, that’s awful. Poor Scoots. Is there any way I might be able to help?” Ginny said genuinely upset by the news.

“Well, we’ll have to have the tryout Tuesday, but if all goes well, congratulations on becoming our newest Chaser.”

“M-m-me,” Ginny replied in utter astonishment. “I-in t-the f-first team,” she added, barely managing to get the words out she was that taken back by the announcement. “B-but I’m only a first year!” she exclaimed.

“Yes. Although we’d rather not put you in this position, unfortunately, needs must. That is pending your tryout of course, but both me and cap are expecting big things from you in the future and that this will be a great opportunity for you if you take it. Why don’t we talk about it more over breakfast?”

Ginny blushed as Cedric directed her to a space at the table before sitting down next to her as Scootaloo finally rose from the floor and dusted down her robes. Her tail was still jabbing her like an annoying, petulant child refusing to accept the word no, but she decided for once to ignore it.

“Sorry about that. What did I miss?”


Scootaloo was quite happy to get one over on Cedric for a change. The third-year boy had been utterly astounded with Ginny’s quidditch knowledge and the three of them along with Sweetie ended up spending a good hour discussing all manner of topics including tactics, favourite teams and players and the rules. It was nearly ten o’clock in the morning by the time the four left the Great Hall.

Scootaloo gulped as she saw who was waiting for her as they came out.

Her girlfriend did not look at all pleased.

“There you are. How long does it take to have breakfast?” Hermione grumbled. “I’ve been waiting out here for you for half an hour!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Sorry Hermione. Quidditch business. Very important and highly confidential. Please tell me you’re not here to drag me to the library. It’s Saturday and I caught up with all my homework last night aside Divination. Just ask Sweetie here.”

“It’s true. I’m actually quite surprised just how much she’s managed to catch up on considering she spent a whole day in the infirmary. I’ve never seen her work so hard before and all I had to do was mention that if you don’t get it done, you’ll be spending the weekend in the library with Hermione,” Sweetie giggled before wincing and struggling for breath for a moment in severe discomfort.

"Sweetie, you okay?" Scootaloo asked concerned about her friend's well-being.

“Yeah, just my ribs. Think I better get myself to the infirmary before they get any worse, I'll see you later," the other girl struggled to wheeze before she slowly and painfullly departed.

As she left Hermione's unamused voice echoed in Scootaloo's ear, "Spending the weekend in the library with Hermione, huh, and what might I ask is wrong with that?"

Scootaloo's head immediately slammed into her hands. Sweetie and her big mouth! Why’d she have to go and tell Hermione that!

“Erm, me and Ginny will give you two some space. See you later cap,” Cedric said awkwardly, pulling Ginny along with him as he hastily made his exit, heading towards the training fields and the broom cupboard.

Hermione glowered angrily at her girlfriend; her arms crossed across her chest.

Scootaloo peeked through her hands and instantly knew that look, she was in trouble.

“So, trying to avoid me now, are we? Well, I was planning on spending this gorgeous late summer or autumn day out on the training fields with my girlfriend on our broomsticks but maybe instead I’ll help this fellow second year I’m tutoring get ahead in her History of Magic Studies in the library,” Hermione said with an unamused expression.

Scootaloo’s face dropped and for once she stumbled with her words. “Oh, come on. I didn’t mean anything by it. Please don’t be mad at me,” she pleaded desperately.

Hermione couldn’t hold it in any longer and doubled over with laughter much to Scootaloo’s surprise. “Your face!” she wheezed. “That was priceless. It’s so funny to get one over on you and see you squirm for once.”

This time it was Scootaloo’s turn to glower at her girlfriend. “Not funny,” she grumbled.

“Oh, it was,” Hermione exclaimed wiping a tear from her eye before standing up straight once more and closing the gap between her and Scootaloo.

Scootaloo’s disgruntled look immediately changed to one of longing and she closed her eyes and leant in expecting a kiss, instead getting Hermione’s sweet voice whispering into her ear.

“Tsk, tsk, have you not learnt anything from our time together? Kisses need to be earnt. You’ll have to catch me first!”

And with that Hermione’s hot breath disappeared from Scootaloo’s face as she raced down the hallway towards the training fields and the broom shed.

“No fair!” Scootaloo yelled racing after her girlfriend.


“Madam Pomfrey?” Sweetie Belle called as she pushed open the door to the infirmary.

“Sweetie Belle?” A timid voice replied.

“Fluttershy?” Sweetie Belle said in a confused tone as the light-yellow humanoid Pegasus appeared from behind a curtain.

“Yes. I’m covering for Madam Pomfrey while she’s helping Dumbledore interview a new assistant,” Fluttershy replied barely audible. “Is there something I can help you with?” she added rushing over. “Oh my, your rib, it’s broken, isn’t it?

“Yes, but how did you know?” Sweetie replied in surprise.

“Oh, I have a natural sense for these things. Come sit over here and lift your shirt so I can examine it more thoroughly,” the shy Pegasus explained dragging Sweetie over to an unoccupied bed before pulling a curtain around them for privacy.

Gingerly Sweetie lifted herself up onto the bed before pulling her shirt off to reveal a horrible swollen bruise across her chest.

Fluttershy gasped. “It’s worse than I thought. By the looks of it you’ve broken at least two ribs! How did this happen?” she added giving Sweetie a stern look.

“Quidditch practice. Scootaloo doubled the number of bludgers we usually play with and one caught me unawares,” Sweetie explained.

Fluttershy did not look happy with that response. “Really, you girls need to start growing up and being more responsible. I’ve heard all about your exploits this past year from the other teachers. When and what will it take for you to realise magic is serious and dangerous business?”

Sweetie looked sullenly down her lap. “Fluttershy, I’ve already had that conversation with Dumbledore after the Potions incident last year and if you think hard, I’m sure you will find that I’ve barely been in any serious trouble since. Most the times were the result of listening to or being coerced by my two numbskull best friends or someone else.”

“Yes, now you come to mention it, I did find it a little odd how you managed to stay out of mischief a little better than the other two. Was it something Dumbledore said to you?” Fluttershy replied, her tone taking on a softer, more motherly manner.

“He said a few things, such as me being on the edge of a cliff with even the smallest mistake leading to my expulsion,” Sweetie sighed, not particularly wanting to relieve the painful memory.

“I see and…” Fluttershy said, prompting Sweetie to continue.

“He asked me what I would do if I accidentally killed Apple Bloom or Scootaloo because a spell went wrong?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

“That’s often why I’ve found myself in the positions I have this past year. They may both have found others that are more important to them, but we will always be best friends and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something bad happened to either one of them that I could have prevented. I was beside myself with worry after the quidditch and Philosopher’s Stone incidents last year. Apple Bloom was amazing both times, an almost emotionless rock who was there to listen to my irrational thoughts and comfort me as I cried endlessly into her shoulder.” Sweetie paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and going on. “Yeah, we tease and play pranks on each other, but what kids don’t? And I always try to ensure those two don’t go overboard, but they are constantly challenging me. Who do you think went in and fetched Scootaloo out of the lake last year before she drowned? I bet the other professors didn’t mention that to you. And for the record, trying to stop Apple Bloom when she’s that infuriated is like trying to stop a raging bull with a red flag.” Sweetie finished looking up and meeting Fluttershy’s eyes with her own.

During her long tirade Fluttershy had said nothing, simply sitting and listening in stunned silence as the girl got everything off her chest. As an uneasy silence hung in the air for what felt like an eternity for Sweetie, Fluttershy finally spoke.


“Huh?” Sweetie replied confused.

“Fifteen times Dash needed medical attention when we were fillies because she was protecting me from bullies and ended up getting into a fight with them. I remember one time a group of eight gave me a black eye. Even after they’d broken one of her wings and her jaw, she still sent five of them to the hospital for a week and another two home with black eyes of their own. I was beside myself with worry for a while after that occasion that the wing wouldn’t heal properly,” Fluttershy replied distantly, lost in her own memories.

Unsure if she was supposed to reply or not, Sweetie asked, “So, you know what it’s like to want to protect another then?”

“Yes. Thank you for explaining to me,” Fluttershy replied, snapping back to reality. “I see now your actions are noble and that you are just trying to be a good, no, an exceptional friend. Rarity would be extremely proud at how much you’ve matured and I must thank you on behalf of Rainbow and Applejack for keeping an eye on Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. But just remember, no matter how much you try, you won’t always be able to be there for them and you mustn’t blame yourself in those instances. We all make our own choices and choose our own paths in life at the end of the day. It is they, not you, that should live with the consequences they cause, understood?” Fluttershy said wistfully.

“Yes, and thanks Fluttershy. I didn’t realise it, but I needed that. Did you give Rainbow the same talk when she was laid up?” Sweetie asked with a smile as she wiped a solitary tear from her eye.

“Excellent and as Big Mac would say, Eeeeyup,” Fluttershy said with a little giggle. “Now I’d better go fetch the Skele-Gro before your condition gets any worse,” the Pegasus hybrid stated standing up from where she had perched herself on the side of the infirmary bed before departing through the curtain on her way to the medicine cabinet.

Sweetie’s smile had disappeared. She’d been lucky enough to avoid the apparently vile tasting liquid for both her broken nose and fractured foot last year. Madam Pomfrey had not wanted to rush fixing her broken nose with Skele-Gro in case it fixed itself crooked and had to be re-broken and fixed for a second time. As for her foot, it had been such a minute break that Madam Pomfrey had been unsure the potion would have any effect. As such, the matron had opted for more traditional means of recovery on those occasions. Unfortunately for Sweetie, it seemed like it was third time unlucky for her on this occasion.


Meanwhile, as Sweetie suffered in the infirmary, Apple Bloom and Neville were pondering over Apple Bloom’s latest acquisition in Greenhouse One.

“Intriguing. I’ve heard of bonsai trees, but never actually seen one before,” Neville stated while examining intricately the exquisite specimen Apple Bloom had just shown him. “It is said they are supposed to have magical properties, but no one’s ever managed to prove anything.”

“Huh, strange, Professor Sprout said almost exactly the same thing to me. And I’m sure she would be happy to let you help with the upkeep of the other five she has long term if you asked her,” Apple Bloom responded.

“You think so?” Neville asked somewhat uncertain the Herbology professor would be willing to risk the delicate care of such plants to him.

“Certainly. How many times do I have to tell you to stop doubting yourself? Why do you think Professor Sprout keeps asking you questions in class along with your assistance here in the greenhouses? She knows she can trust you!” Apple Bloom said in an exasperated tone.

“R-really? I just thought she felt sorry for seeing me alone all the time and wanted to cheer me up?” Neville said completely oblivious.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Nincompoop. Why did I ever fall in love with you?”

“Because I looked good as a pony?” Neville quipped cheekily.

Apple Bloom leant her head to one side for a moment deep in thought. “Yes, that’s definitely a plus point. Also, because you’re about the only one I can have a sane talk about Herbology with. Sweetie prefers talking about Charms or Transfiguration while Scootaloo would try to feign interest but end up just falling asleep and snoring loudly.”

Neville couldn’t help but chuckle in reply before finally saying, “That sentence sums up Scootaloo in a nutshell.”

“True, now, come on; we need to water and check over all the plants in Greenhouses One to Three before Professor Sprout gets back, starting with these Bonsai Trees that need clipping. Although, unfortunately the upkeep of this one in particular is part of my overall second year grade, so it wouldn’t be right or honest if I let you help me, I’m afraid,” Apple Bloom said taking charge.

“No worries, I understand. Before we start though, I’ve been meaning to ask you, where is Professor Sprout anyway? It’s not like her to shirk her duties,” Neville enquired finally turning his attention away from Apple Bloom’s Bonsai tree as he put on his dragon hide gloves and picked up a pair of garden shears.

“She grumbled to me about something to do with being duped by Headmaster Dumbledore to sit on a panel to interview applicants for a new assistant nurse for Madam Pomfrey because Professor McGonagall had become unwell after drinking from a toilet bowl yesterday.”

Neville stared at his girlfriend like she’d just grown another head.

“Yep, I know, so ridiculous I couldn’t even make it up. But look on the bright side,” Apple Bloom said seductively closing the gap between her and Neville.

“W-what?” Neville said starting to become very flustered, his face starting to take on a reddish glow.

“With no one else around to disturb us, I can kiss you as much as I want,” she whispered into his ear.

Neville was unsure whether to be terrified or delighted.


Madam Pomfrey held her head in her hands. She almost wished she had never asked Dumbledore for an assistant. Where to start? Maybe from the beginning when the ice blue chaosling with split personality disorder had walked in. Or, how about the ghost of a one-eyed pirate whose solution to almost every medical problem they’d hypothetically put forward to him had been whisky, rum, whisky and rum or a bash on ye olde noggin. That hadn’t even been the worst applicant they’d had. That award had gone to the Ravenclaw Muggle Studies student who had based their final year project on something called Star Trek. Simply put, their idea was a magical holographic nurse. In theory it had sounded quite intriguing and interesting. In reality the poor wizard had got his spells muddled up and the holographic nurse that appeared was, well let’s just say she was doing an inspection down below the doctor’s belt. It took them five exceedingly embarrassing minutes to figure out how to end the debauchery. The American exchange student had also seemed promising until the micro dragon in her hair sneezed and turned the desk they were sitting at into nothing more than ash, while a Dr Jekyll, although promising, had seemed very twitchy and on edge for some reason. The hag in disguise had then been promptly sent to Azkaban by Dumbledore. Their seventh interview had been with a diminutive, hirsute being called Itt that none of them could understand. Things had only got even more ridiculous from there as next a bunch of even smaller yellow beings invaded the room screaming BANANA!!! The penultimate interview had been yet another seventh year Muggles Studies Student called Fergus, this time from Gryffindor. He had promptly been shown the door after his metallic monstrosity called a robot had screamed DANGER, DANGER, I AM MALFUNCTIONING! and then promptly blown up. It was at that point Professor Sprout remembered he was the cousin of Seamus Finnigan and commented on how she should have seen it coming.

Thankfully, much to her relief, it looked like their last interviewee was a no show.

“Well, it does seem that,” Madam Pomfrey paused for a moment as she looked down at the sheet of names on the desk in front of her.

Before she had a chance to finish her sentence though, a timid knock and a head with striking long blue hair and eyebrows popped through the door.

“S-sorry I-I’m late. I lost track of time whilst wandering through the castle reminiscing,” Kendra Abbot stammered sheepishly as she entered the room.

Aside from her hair, Kendra was a lanky witch but with an abundance of upper body strength due to significant physical training. Her arms would have given even Apple Bloom a run for her money in an arm wrestling contest. She stood almost six and a half feet tall, sported two piercings in her right eyebrow and looked like she was somewhere in her late teens or early twenties. Her dress was a nurse's uniform similar to that of Madam Pomfrey, although a lot grubbier.

“You!” Professor Sprout growled venomously.

Kendra gulped. “P-Professor Sprout, what are you doing here?”

“Minerva McGonagall has unfortunately fallen unwell. Professor Sprout here has kindly stepped in to help us with the interview process. As this has already been a very long and shall we say interesting experience, I suggest we not dawdle and begin,” Dumbledore explained motioning towards a seat across from the three professors for Kendra to sit down in.

“Oh, I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Madam Pomfrey interjected resulting in both Dumbledore and Sprout to turn their heads and attention upon the matron in surprise.

“Her parents are both healers at St. Mungo’s. Kendra often visited and asked me for advice last year. She was planning on applying to St Mungo’s after graduating to be a healer herself and even had some experience days shadowing either one of her parents or myself. She is exceptionally knowledgeable, if somewhat occasionally overenergetic, and would make a fine addition to the medical team here at Hogwarts. I only have one question to ask. Why are you here and not at St Mungo’s? The last I heard you were on course to breeze all of your N.E.W.Ts.”

Still standing, Kendra didn’t reply and instead stared glumly at her feet.

“I can answer that one,” Professor Sprout growled entering the conversation. “She fluffed her Herbology practical and ended up only managing to scrape A Pass.”

Kendra immediately lifted her head and before she could stop herself blurted out, “Scrape a Pass? I scored 92.6% on the theory!”

“And only 39% on the practical,” Professor Sprout retorted.

“You’re just still mad at me for abandoning my position as quidditch captain after my sixth year. I told you, we were blooming useless and going nowhere and I had way too much work on my shoulders in trying to get my internship at St Mungo’s and achieve my dream of following in my parents’ footsteps as a healer,” Kendra jabbed back at the Herbology professor infuriated.

“Well, looked like all the extra time you had didn’t help in the end. Might I enquire what St Mungo’s had to say about your poor Herbology grade?” Professor Sprout said snidely.

“I achieved Outstanding in Transfiguration, Charms, Potions and DADA, that not good enough for you? But if you really want to know, despite my background, all my other grades and work experience, they flatly refused to take me on because of my Herbology mark, not even bothering to look at how close I was to the required grade. My own fucking parents were part of the panel that reviewed my appeal and denied me any hope of my dream job. You want to know how I reacted? I transfigured them into pigs in front of the whole panel and stormed out. Grabbed the few possessions I needed from home along with breaking into the family safe and left. Been travelling incognito and living on the streets ever since. I only learnt about this job opportunity after that draconequus you hired somehow found me. Even then I would have likely rejected his offer if it hadn’t been for the fact I was running out of money,” Kendra ranted red in the face with anger before slowly realising what she’d just admitted. “Shit,” she muttered with a resigned sigh. “Well, I guess you are going to arrest me now for improper use of magic and theft. Still, nearly two months on the run wasn’t bad,” she finished shrugging her shoulders.

Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout were staring at the girl open-mouthed. Dumbledore was deep in thought.

Of course, that was the perfect moment for the door to burst open and Hannah to appear. “Kendra?... Is… it… really… you?” She exclaimed taking deep breaths in between each word as if she’d been running super hard and was now out of breath.

“Ah, double shit. I forgot you were here. Anyway, hi cous, sorry I had to bolt without saying goodbye. Kind of got into a lot of trouble with the folks,” Kendra replied with a cheeky grin to her younger cousin.

As Kendra had spoken Hannah had slowly got her breath back and now replied a lot more clearly. “I thought I was seeing a ghost when I saw you wandering around the castle. We’ve all been worried sick these past couple of months, your parents especially. They are not mad about the whole pig incident; they just want you home safely and have been asking and advertising about you everywhere.”

“Oh, you know, here and there while on the run from the law. Also, I don’t want to see either of those back stabbers right now and if you don’t mind, I was kind of in the middle of a job interview. Considering everything that just happened though, I feel I may need to make a quick… Treble shit. Seriously sir, the leg-locker curse. Unfair, totally unfair.”

“That it may be, but we are in desperate need of an assistant nurse and you are in desperate need of a home,” Dumbledore said astutely. “As a member of our team I can assure you that your safety is paramount and if that may be put at risk by your parents you have my solemn word that neither will be allowed on the grounds without prior consent from you, although they will be informed of your current whereabouts. This offer does come with a few conditions though. You’ll repeat your seventh year in Herbology…”

“WHAT?” Professor Sprout screeched.

“And retake your exams at the end of the year while you will also pay back every galleon you stole from your parents out of your wages, understood?” Dumbledore continued, ignoring the Herbology professor’s outburst.

“Yes, sir. And thank you sir, I won’t let you down,” Kendra replied bowing her head to the Hogwarts Headmaster.

“There is no way I’m letting this delinquent and fugitive not only back into my house but back on the Herbology tract and nothing and I mean absolutely nothing on this Earth would make me change my mind,” Professor Sprout growled stubbornly before Dumbledore could reply, refusing to be ignored.

“Hey professor, I meant to tell you that I overheard Scootaloo this morning at breakfast say she may not be able to field a team this year as both her Beaters have quit and she’s only had one enquiry about the trials,” Hannah stated casually, entering the conversation.

Professor Sprout suddenly looked alarmed. She coughed politely and then spoke, “As I was saying, your position on the tract will be dependent on mandatory involvement with the Hufflepuff quidditch team.”

“WHAT!” This time it was Kendra’s turn to exclaim loudly. “There is no way I’m taking orders from a twelve-year old second year. I’m eighteen!”

“Well, looks like I’ll be handing you over personally to a team of aurors or your parents, whichever I feel would be worse,” Professor Sprout said with a wicked smile.

“Eugh, fine, I agree,” Kendra instantly replied while pouting with a scowl solely directed at the Herbology professor.

“Excellent, then on behalf of everyone here at Hogwarts welcome. Madam Pomfrey will show you around and explain to you more about the position and its perks, including three free meals a day. I’ll catch up with you later at dinner to see how you are settling in but right now I’ve got to go have a word with our DADA professor who I feel may have been somewhat responsible for our list of unique interviewees today,” Dumbledore said rising from his chair and making his way around the desk to shake Kendra’s hand and unlock her feet before departing.

“And I’ve got to get back to the greenhouses. Tryouts are Tuesday evening at 18:00 sharp, don’t be late,” Professor Sprout said sternly as she rose from her own chair and departed with yet another disapproving glare at Kendra as she passed the younger woman on the way out of the classroom.

Lastly was Madam Pomfrey who came around the table and, as Kendra offered her a warm smile, wrapped the younger woman in a warm hug.

As the school’s matron slowly released Kendra she scolded, “You stupid, stupid girl. I’d wondered why your mother hadn’t replied to any of my letters recently but felt she just must have been snowed under with work. Why didn’t you come straight to your godmother to start with? You know I would have been more than happy to help.”

“Sorry Poppy. It all just happened so fast,” Kendra replied sheepishly. “And you weren’t exactly much help in my sixth year when that potion went awry and I ended up turning my blonde hair blue,” she added with a giggle.

Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes. As if she didn’t have enough to deal with; now she had a runaway for an assistant. “Well, never mind, what’s happened has happened and your parents’ loss is my gain. I understand rules are rules, but .2%, utterly ridiculous,” she grumbled as she turned her head momentarily to the other Abbot in the room who had been all but forgotten about up until that point. “Hannah, could please send a letter straightaway to your parents and Kendra’s to inform them she is safe and well under my care. Kendra, with me. Firstly, I’ll show you to your quarters. It’s nothing glamorous, little more than a cupboard, but probably better than what you’ve been experiencing recently. Afterwards, we’ll give you and your clothes a good wash. You stink.”

Hannah couldn’t help but chuckle at that comment as she watched the much smaller matron grab Kendra by the ear and pull her cousin out of the classroom and down the hall. She didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye!

“Ow, ow, ow, quit it!” the girl overheard Kendra squeal as she made her own way out of the room and headed in the opposite direction back to the Hufflepuff dormitory to write those letters.