• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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AWISC Part 2: A draconequus, a werewolf and a horde of inferi walk into a bar (OLD)

“GIVE ME THAT!” Hermione screamed as Scootaloo hovered above her in the hallway.

The latter was laughing so hard she was struggling to stay aloft and out of the other girl’s irate grasp. Until now Hermione had actually been having a much better day than the previous few since the attack. She had slowly begun repairing her friendships with her dormmates who, after Fluttershy’s intervention, seemed to now be much more accepting of her and just what she was. Her two lessons so far had also gone very well. In Herbology Professor Sprout had been particularly impressed with how their Mandrake was developing, commenting that she had never seen one mature at such a rapid rate before and that at this rate it would be ready for cultivation by Christmas rather than Easter. Then, in Transfiguration, she and Sweetie had got a glowing report from Professor McGonagall after successfully casting Reparifarge on Wallace after weeks of hard work. People were still staring and avoiding her in the hallways, but not nearly as much thankfully as the previous two days and overall, it seemed her condition was swiftly becoming old news. Unfortunately, the chance of having a perfect day for once had been ruined just after lunch when she’d noticed Sophie slipping Scootaloo a piece of paper in exchange for a small bag of bits. This had caused an inevitable chase to occur.

As the rest of the class followed at a safe distance and watched the two bickering lovers, they all soon found themselves outside Classroom 104 in the Discord tower. Of course, Hermione had a plan to get the incriminating evidence back.

“If you want to be on time, you’re going to have to come down and face me,” Hermione growled standing guard in the doorway to the classroom.

“Oh really?” Scootaloo replied with a smug smile as she rose as high as she could in the small hallway and then dive bombed straight towards Hermione.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Hermione sighed as she planted her feet and refused to give an inch as Scootaloo rugby tackled her sending both of them barrelling into the classroom, Scootaloo ending up on top of Hermione, their lips pressed together.

“Get a room you two!” Sweetie jibed following them in.

This was received with a round of laughter and wolf whistles from the rest of the class before it all abruptly cut off.

“Ha-ha, very funny Sweetie,” Scootaloo replied pushing herself off her girlfriend and rising to her feet. “What are you lot all gawking at anyway?”

The entire class pointed as one behind Scootaloo.

“Let me guess? Considering last week’s homework assignment, I’m guessing my dad has teleported us somewhere and there’s now a horde of inferi behind me?” Scootaloo deadpanned.

The class simply nodded in reply.

“Shit,” Scootaloo muttered under her breath turning to face the horde as a voice echoed from nowhere yet everywhere.

“Welcome second-years to inferi training. The insane dark wizard Discard has attacked this muggle town and killed most its inhabitants, turning them into his undead puppets or inferi as they are more commonly known. Thankfully, the Ministry had been tracking him for some time and when things started to go awol they were able to cut off communications with the muggle world and trap Discard and his puppets within the town. Sadly, communications were lost shortly afterwards with the initial team. Here was the last communication they sent,” Discord’s voice explained as a letter drifted down from the sky and fell in front of Scootaloo. She picked it up and read it to the whole class.

“Auror Star Sage breaking silence, requesting immediate backup. Discard has risen. Town secured, but we are trapped and there are only two of us left, with Lemon seriously injured.”

“You’ll also see co-ordinates of their last known location on the bottom of the note. We fear by now the worst might have befallen them. You, a crack team of aurors, have been sent in to clear up this mess. Your prime objectives are to rid the town of inferi and find and then apprehend or, if necessary, dispose of Discard. Your secondary objectives are to locate and evacuate any survivors along with any of the remaining recon team and their notes. I hope you’ve been doing your homework,” Discord said in a sickly-sweet voice. “Just one more thing. I rolled a twenty-two-sided dice; Neville’s your leader for today’s training exercise. Keep him safe, for if your leader fails, you all do. Now let the fun begin and try not to die!”

“Me!” Neville squeaked as the inevitable snapping of fingers rang in the air.

The horde, who had seemingly been frozen up until this point, advanced rapidly.

“Well Neville, what would you like us to do?” Ron jested next to the other boy as the gap between them and the overwhelming army of undead got smaller and smaller.

“RUN!!!” Neville screamed bolting off as fast as his two legs could carry him followed by Apple Bloom and a number of others.

“For once, I think Neville has the right idea,” Harry said from Ron’s other side.


Ron and Harry bolted after their classmates as they heard a distinct cackle from behind them followed by Scootaloo’s voice.


The heat that suddenly hit the two boys was intense.

“EVERYONE GET TO COVER NOW!” Scootaloo screamed as she raced past the two boys practically dragging them and Hermione with her. “IT’S ABOUT TO START RAINING FIRE!”

“Did she just say?” Harry began as he was dragged along against his will.

“Yes, yes she did,” Ron deadpanned in reply, internally scared out of his mind. So just another day with Scoti and Hermione then.


“Erm, should you really be doing that?” Ron enquired turning momentarily from his position at the window where he was watching inferi after inferi burn up into nothing more than ash. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on ensuring, I don’t know, that our cover doesn’t burn to the ground?”

Scootaloo slammed the bottle of whisky she’d been swigging from down on the bar with her tail and turned to Ron with a glower on her face. “I’m about eighty percent sure the spell will die off before that happens and I’m sorry to sound ungrateful but no, thank you? Inferi may be mindless beasts, but they are incredibly fast. If I hadn’t acted when I did, we would have all been overrun and this training exercise would have been over in record quick time for all the wrong reasons. Just think for a minute; what would have been worse, a little bit of fire or Discord’s wrath and makeup test?”

The other three occupants in the bar all shuddered simply at the thought.

“Precisely. I did what needed to be done for everyone’s sake and safety. As for the whisky, do you even know how much energy, effort and concentration such a spell takes, especially from scratch? I’m going to have a mighty magical hangover tomorrow, might as well make it worth it. And I’ve been drinking since I was about eight not that it’s any of your business so I can handle my liquor. Used to steal bottles from wherever I could get my hooves on them. Now do something useful and….”

A loud banging reverberated from the door.

“Well, fuck, they found us. Time for Plan B. Luckily, I thought my father might devise something sneaky like this and planned accordingly in case of an emergency. Hermione, what’s more important, a little pain or passing this test?” Scootaloo enquired pulling out a small vial of white liquid and hovering it in front of her girlfriend.

The answer was obvious. Hermione grabbed hold and downed the vial.


“Liquified moonlight? THIS WAS PLAN B!!!! ARE YOU INSANE? AND WHY IN MERLIN’S BEARD IS SHE PINK?” Ron screamed from behind the bar with Harry and Scootaloo as yet another inferi went flying through a window.

“AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The neon pink werewolf in the main bar howled as she ripped in half another inferi with her jaws.

Scootaloo stared at Ron with a deadpan expression. “Really Ron? I’m a goddess of chaos, of course I’m insane, although even I’ve no idea on Hermione’s colour scheme. But it is chaotic and I love it. And hey, my magic is pretty spent right now, you’re about as useful as a Puffskein, while Harry is our emergency option. Do you think I chose this building by coincidence?” Scootaloo snapped back whilst firing off a bolt of electricity from her metallic arm at an Inferi that had snuck past their werewolf wall. It went sailing through one of the few remaining windows in the bar.

“No, I thought you chose it for a drink,” Ron retorted as a flaming inferi flew over them and smashed into the liquor bottles on the back wall.

“If you had done your homework instead of copying Hermione’s for once, you would know inferi are impervious to most spells aside fire due to being unfeeling dead and are thus incredibly difficult to destroy. But this doesn’t mean that by restricting the number of already weakened inferi we face at any one time, a werewolf can’t deal with them. Inferi’s greatest strength lie with their numbers. By limiting the numbers able to enter the bar Hermione should be able to deal with them for the time being until hopefully our classmates can fulfil objectives two to four, rendering the inferi inert,” Scootaloo explained.

“And what if Hermione becomes overwhelmed or worse, runs out of inferi to attack?” Ron whimpered imagining how embarrassing it would be to go out to a bright pink werewolf.

“I’m guessing that’s where the trapdoor under your feet comes in?” Harry stated before Scootaloo could reply as the three of them heard the sound of yet another inferi embed itself into a wall.

“Precisely, well spotted Harry. Let’s just hope our distraction allows Sweetie and Bloom enough time to avoid getting pinned down and complete the other objectives,” Scootaloo prayed.


Meanwhile, in a deserted Woolworths nearby, the remaining female contingent of both the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor dorms along with Neville congregated at a table in the staff break room over pic and mix and a local map of the area Sweetie had found in what looked to be a muggle stationary store called WH Smith next door to discuss their next moves. From the coordinates of the note Scootaloo had haphazardly thrust into Sweetie’s hands while rapidly informing her to find a solution while she caused the diversion, aurors Star Sage and Lemon were located somewhere in the local secondary school, that much at least had taken very little to figure out. The hard part was figuring just where the necromancer was hiding.

“We need to think about this logically,” Apple Bloom stated with a perplexed look spread across her face. “What would be the most likely place a megalomaniac would make his base?”

“Uhm, I don’t think that will work. Remember this is Discord,” Neville tried to interject, but his voice was weak and the girls just ignored him like he wasn’t even there.

“Either the most fortified or most important I’d say, like town hall,” Susan responded deep in thought. “To me that would make the two most likely candidates town hall or the old coal mine on the outskirts of town.” She pointed to the two locations on the map. “This town doesn’t really have any strikingly tall or standout buildings as such.”

“I still think we should consider that this is Discord,” Neville tried to interject again only to be completely ignored again.

“Well, if you think about it, logically the town hall would be our best bet. It’s the most centrally located, a real sign of intent and best strategic position to conduct affairs from,” Apple Bloom responded stroking her chin deep in thought.

“Uhm, if you think that is best. I still think it’s too normal for Discord. Should we not be looking at something a little crazier?” Neville pressed only to be seen as invisible once more.

“That sounds like the best course of action,” Sweetie said entering the conversation and taking charge. “As the Gryffindors have less practical experience, I’ll take them with me to rescue our two missing aurors and any civilians that might be trapped along the way. You and the more experienced Hufflepuffs head to town hall and see if you can unearth that necromancer Discard.”

This received a round of nods of acceptance from around the table.

“Sounds like a plan, but what about Neville?” Apple Bloom enquired once it seemed like the plan of action had been unanimously agreed upon.

“Girls, please, listen to me,” Neville whimpered.

“With us, he’ll be safer falling over his own feet away from the big bad guy. Last thing we need is him being turned,” Sweetie stated matter of factly to a glare from Apple Bloom.

“Girls, please,” Neville whimpered once more.

“Humph, although I’m not happy by it, I can protect my own boyfriend thank you very much; I agree he’d be better…”

“WHY WON’T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME” Neville wailed in exasperation causing twelve heads to turn his way.

“Sorry Neville, I completely forgot you were there. I’m such a thoughtless girlfriend sometimes. Please, go ahead, say what’s on your mind, you're always full of brilliant ideas even if we may not always listen to them,” Apple Bloom said shamefacedly giving Neville a little peck on the cheek to say sorry as her cheeks flushed red.

“Get a room you two!” Meghan giggled only to immediately shut her mouth and gulp at the death glare Apple Bloom sent her way.

“Uhm, w-w-well y-y-you see,” Neville stuttered before opting to close his eyes and just blurt out what was on his mind. “What you are all saying about being logical is the complete opposite of Discord and what he would do. The town hall is to cliché and predictable.”

This produced a round of agreeable nods from all of the girls in attendance fuelling Neville’s confidence.

“So, where do you think Discord or Discard as he wishes to be known for the exercise would make his base of operations then?” Susan asked what was on everyone’s mind.

“I hadn’t got that far but looking at the map, I would say the zoo next to town hall. He could use the hall as a decoy and trap for us while summoning up undead, goodness knows what from the zoo. Plus, he’d be strategically placed as well.”

As Neville saw the nods of agreement disappear into gawks of disbelief, the reality of what he had just said dawned upon and he realised it probably would have been best just to keep his mouth shut.

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with that buffoon Neville?” Fay finally questioned rather rudely.

“You call my boyfriend a buffoon again and I’ll use you as inferior chow, understood?” Apple Bloom growled threateningly.

Fay wanted to start an argument but knew when she was outgunned. “Okay, I’m sorry, but I think I can say for all of us that that caught us by surprise. I guess it really is the quiet ones you have to watch out for. You’ve snagged a good one there, Bloom and I’m sure you are more than strong enough to reel him in.”

“Of course,” Apple Bloom said with a glower at Fay while holding onto Neville tightly, not that the boy minded the affection one bit.

“Woah, woah, no need to get so touchy. For one he’s not my type and secondly, I’d never steal someone’s boyfriend, I’ve seen the pain that causes from my sister,” Fay stated attempting to defuse the situation.

Sweetie swiftly cut in to avoid the conversation getting any more heated and to get it back on track. “Anyway, before the inferi find us or worse, let’s split up and move; just replace the town hall with the zoo in my previous plan. Gryffindors with me, Hufflepuffs with Apple Bloom.”

“One change. Neville’s coming with us. We’ll face this monster together,” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

“B-b-but I thought we already stated that it would be safer if I went with the search and rescue team?” Neville attempted to argue. Why, oh why hadn’t he just kept his big mouth shut?

“Nope. As you’ve just demonstrated, leaders lead from the front. So, you’re with us. And besides, you’ve got me by your side; what could go wrong?” Apple Bloom chuckled giving Neville a particularly hard squeeze.

“Everything,” the Gryffindor second-year managed to squeak out to a round of laughter from all the girls aside Apple Bloom who give him all to knowing accusatory glare. “I-I m-mean nothing dear, I trust you entirely dear. What could go wrong?”

“Surely by now you know I can tell when you’re lying?” Apple Bloom deadpanned, her glare intensifying.

Neville gulped. If the zombie animals didn't kill him by the end of this, he was sure his girlfriend would.


“Aaahahahhhhhhhh” Neville screamed ridiculously loudly despite running full pelt for his life.

Why, oh why had he opened his damn mouth?

“OOOAOOAAAAOOAOAOAOOA,” the hulking great undead baboon chittered angrily behind him closing the distance, its razor-sharp teeth soaked in blood.

Why oh why hadn’t he just kept his damn mouth shut?

“I’m going to die,” Neville wailed, tears staining his vision as he tripped and fell to the hard, cold, concrete under his feet.

He was expecting the jaws of the baboon to lock on and rip him apart at any moment, the only solace being that at least he had been right. As soon as they’d got within fifty yards of the zoo a horde of undead primates had stormed from the walls to intercept and scatter them, picking them off one by one.

Where, oh where was Apple Bloom?

“STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND,” the aforementioned girl’s voice thundered from out of nowhere.

Momentarily the baboon lost its focus and turned towards the noise, only to have its face caved in by Apple Bloom’s right fist. Actually, that was putting it mildly. The girl’s fist went straight through the baboon’s skull and out the other side, sending baboon brains flying everywhere including Neville’s mouth, much to the boy’s revulsion.

“Sorry I’m late. Got a bit held up back there,” the girl said as she nonchalantly shook pieces of baboon skull off her hand, then turned and with a warm, friendly smile offered the exact same hand to Neville.

Well, it would have been friendly if she hadn’t been covered in blood and gore.

“At least we know your hunch was right. Now, come on, we can’t hang around here any longer; we need to find the others and regroup. I feel a tactical retreat and await re-enforcements might be our best option,” Apple Bloom stated urgently.

Neville was still staring dumbstruck at the obliterated monster on the floor. Yet more trauma he would need to speak to his therapist about once home for the holidays, Neville thought to himself as he finally managed to grasp his own trembling hand onto that of Apple Bloom’s own. He would worry about that and how insanely strong his girlfriend was later. Right now, he had bigger things to worry about, like simply surviving until the end of the current lesson.

“See, nothing to worry about,” Apple Bloom commented cheerily pulling Neville to his feet.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Neville retorted and promptly did just that.

To his relief it missed Apple Bloom’s feet.

Apple Bloom simply rolled her eyes. Only her Neville could be so brave yet such a wuss at exactly the same time, but then again, that was one of the many reasons why she loved him so much. To her, he was simply one in a million and she would protect him with every breath she had, no matter what was about to come their way.


Underneath the deserted town, two sets of feet pounded against damp muddy ground.

“Come on Harry, we need to get out of here,” Ron exclaimed.

“Cool it Ron, I doubt those things were able to follow us in here, wherever here is?” Harry replied.

“I think it might be something left over from one of the muggle wars. I remember my dad telling me something about them building such catacombs to protect them from explosive devices dropped from the sky. They probably run under most the town,” Ron explained before suddenly becoming distant and changing the topic. “D-do you think Hermione and Scootaloo are okay?”

“No, but it was clear Scootaloo wasn’t going to stand by and let those undead monsters swarm her girlfriend without a fight,” Harry answered honestly

“True,” Ron replied, allowing a sombre silence to drift across the two boys.

For a short while the sound of their own feet and the low hum from their wands was the only company the two boys had.

“Erm, Harry,” Ron suddenly whimpered.

“Yes Ron,” Harry replied.

“Not to alarm you but someone is pointing something very sharp and pointy into my back,”

Harry stopped running immediately and turned wand raised.

“Drop it,” a voice snarled from behind Harry with an equally sharp and pointy knife.

“Ron, Harry?” Melody Song suddenly hissed recognising the two boys. “It’s okay Marcus, you can lower the knife. What are you two doing here?”

“Discord’s second year inferi training fifth and sixth periods, yourself?” Harry replied, glad to see another friendly face.

“Discord’s sixth year survival training, third and fourth. Why the knives you may ask. He confiscated our wands and left us at the mercy of a horde of inferi, we’ve had to improvise. Said that any survivors after the period would be helping his next class. Think me, Maddie and weasel face are the only three who made it this far though out of the fourteen. You should have seen perfect Percy’s attempt at diplomacy with the necromancer spectacularly backfire, it was hilarious,” Melody explained with a chuckle.

Ron guffawed. “I can only imagine. And you call him that to?”

“Yep, pompous idiot always thinking he’s better than everyone else. The necromancer couldn’t even be bothered to keep him as a slave and instead just incinerated him. Obviously, he was just teleported out of the scenario, but it was highly satisfying to watch.” Melody explained.

“I can imagine,” Ron responded with a smug smile. “Anyway, when we were brought here, we were given the tasks of ridding the town of the inferi and the necromancer along with rescuing some trapped aurors and any surviving towns people. Well, I’m glad we at least managed to tick off one of those.”

“So, it was you lot who summoned that fiery inferno earlier? That was insane!” Maddie exclaimed unsure whether to be in awe or very worried.

“Just Scootaloo,” Ron replied. “That was her idea followed up by liquid moon.”

Maddie’s mouth dropped open. Just one twelve-year-old girl had managed to make it rain fire!

“Liquid moon?” Melody interjected, then paused for a moment as just what that meant sunk in. “OH FUCK, Scoti is another level of insane.”

“Yeah, I already told her that,” Ron deadpanned.

“I don’t get it?” Maddie said somewhat confused. “Oh wait; you're friends with the werewolf girl, aren’t you? Holy fuck that was insane.”

“And the knut drops. Harry, any chance you’d like to give me some help, this is usually Hermione’s forte, or are you and Marcus just going to glower at each other until the end of the lesson?”

“Huh, sorry Ron. Can someone explain to me how this snivelling toad managed to survive?” Harry said continuing to shoot daggers at the elder Slytherin boy as he turned his attention to Ron.

Maddie and Melody couldn’t help but look at each other and snigger.

“Don’t you dare tell them,” Marcus growled.

“Tell us what?” Ron and Harry asked simultaneously.

“The inferi don’t attack him; they think he’s already one of them,” the two girls blurted out together.

Ron and Harry couldn’t help but break out into full blown laughter.

“It’s not funny!” Marcus fumed.

“Oh, it so is,” Ron wheezed barely able to stand up straight.

And that was when Discord’s voice came out of nowhere.

“Dearie me second-years. We are only just reaching the halfway point of the lesson and with Miss Granger and Prewett falling that leaves just half of the twenty-two so called crack team of aurors remaining and you haven’t even breached my stronghold yet. Tsk-tsk, I really expected better from you all. But I suppose you’ve still got your leader so all is not doomed! It’s up to Neville and the rest of you to pull your classmates out of the mire otherwise you are all going to have a mountain of catch-up work for homework!”

The laughter had stopped. Ron and Harry were just staring at each other. Discord had got Hermione and Scootaloo. Probably the class’s two strongest weapons. Along with half of their class. They were totally screwed.


Sweetie Belle ran.

How had she been so stupid? How had she not seen it coming? As soon as they’d stepped into the school, they’d all been doomed.

All had seemed quiet when they initially entered the school, to quiet it had proved to be. Sweetie’s instincts had told her something didn’t seem right and to back out immediately, but she hadn’t listened and by the time she had, it had been too late. The doors had slammed shut behind them and a horde of inferi had swarmed them from every side in the narrow corridor they had found themselves in. Fay had been the first to go, bravely charging head first into the inferi in an attempt to clear a path. Soon after Parvati had been dragged kicking and screaming into a classroom and despite desperately fighting back-to-back with their wands using Incendio, the horde had slowly closed the distance between them and Sophie had eventually been pulled from them. With no hope of escape, Lavender had nobly told Sweetie to save herself by transfiguring into something small enough to slip by the inferi. She hadn’t wanted to, but knew there had been no time for arguing and that it was better if one of them escaped than none.

She now just hoped her friends didn’t see her like this, she would never hear the end of it. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just loved to tease her high-pitched voice and call her Squeaky Belle. They also knew it annoyed her, a lot.

Lost in her own thoughts, Squeaky Belle the unimouse barely heard the feet until it was almost too late to get out the way

“Hey, watch it up there,” Squeaky Belle squeaked indignantly hopping onto whoever’s leg it was to avoid being turned into a mouse pancake.

It turned out to be Ron’s

“Aaaaaaaaahhh, there’s a rat on me!” The boy exclaimed shaking his leg in an attempt to shake Squeaky Belle off.

A rat? She was a mouse. Indignantly Sweetie sunk her teeth into Ron’s leg as her small horn started to glow green.

“Yow, it bit me!” Ron exclaimed once more.

“Hold still Ron,” Harry instructed coming over. “I’ll try and pry it off with…”

Both boys stared in utter amazement as a naked Sweetie Belle suddenly popped into existence in front of them.

“Shit, I knew I’d forgotten my clothes in the rush,” Sweetie grumbled.

“Boys, we heard the commotion, what’s the matter?” Melody panted running up from behind them with Flint and Maddie.

All three immediately went red-faced when they saw the figure of the slim naked girl in the dim light.

“Boys, if you know what’s good for you, you will turn around and look away this instant,” Melody stated firmly.

The three boys immediately knew that Melody wasn’t asking; she was telling them and they sensibly did as they were told. Melody then proceeded to remove a cloak clasped around her neck and handed it to the now shivering girl.

“Thanks Melody. No idea why you are here, but thanks,” Sweetie said gratefully accepting the cloak.

“Long story. Short version, Discord’s survival training for year six DADA students and now those survivors you are supposed to be rescuing in your lesson. Yourself?” Melody enquired.

“Attempted one of the side objectives. Ended up being a trap and getting ambushed. The old, first contact needs rescuing ploy. Can’t believe we fell for it. In the end we got picked off one by one until there was only two out of five of us left. Lavender instructed me to transfigure myself into something small and get out of there. Better one of us survived, got back and helped the others than none of us we agreed,” Sweetie explained.

“And I’m guessing you didn’t have time to go through the usual protocol for such a spell?” Melody asked.

“Hole in one,” Sweetie responded overly cheerily as she rose from the dirty floor.

“Ah, well it sounds like you’ve learnt a valuable lesson and that very much does sound like a Discord thing to do,” Melody replied stroking her chin. “Now, come on. We need to find as many allies as we can before that evil Necromancer Discard wipes them all out. The more of us there are the better chance we have of formulating and executing a plan that will stop him,” Melody explained, taking charge.


Hiding amongst some foliage whilst staking out the zoo from a safe distance, Apple Bloom rubbed the bridge of her nose. This was what she was left with. Seamus and Wayne, two boys who looked like they’d had way too much fun with explosives, her boyfriend, who right now looked like he was attempting to break the world record for longest heart attack as he hyperventilated into a paper bag, and Sally-Ann, who just wouldn’t stop crying about Sally being dragged off by a horde of gibbons despite constantly reassuring her it was just a training exercise. The most useful two pieces she had left were Leanne and Susan, who were currently too busy squabbling with each other over possible courses of action to be of any real use. Right now, Apple Bloom knew she had good enough pieces, she just wasn’t a good enough chess player to utilise them to her maximum advantage. She could really use Sweetie right about now. Was she one of the other four still out there? She hoped so. Was there any chance of Sweetie realistically finding them if she was and in the fifteen or so minutes left of the lesson? No. This lesson was going to end in utter humiliating failure and they would be set a full textbook worth of homework to write about why they had failed and how they could improve in future. Apple Bloom looked toward the heavens and prayed.

“Pssst, Apple Bloom, down here,” Sweetie’s voice suddenly hissed, causing Apple Bloom to look all around.

Seeing nobody, the girl shook her head. Great, now she was hearing things, too. This lesson just couldn’t end…

“In the bush over here, hurry, and bring everyone you have,” Sweetie’s voice hissed again.

That was when Apple Bloom noticed the pair of eyes peeking out from the bush opposite her.


“Sweetie Belle, what happened? Where are the rest of the girls?” Apple Bloom exclaimed in the dark dingy tunnel they now resided in. “And why are Melody and Maddie here?”

“No time to explain, we’ve barely…” Sweetie began.

“Ten minutes remaining,” Discord’s voice boomed out of nowhere. “My oh my, for a crack team of aur…”


“Wait, how did you get in here? I thought I’d neutralised you two already.” Discord’s voice suddenly changed to one of surprise and worry.

There was a sudden click, like the sound of a leash being unclipped and then…

“Sic him girl.”

That was Scootaloo’s voice.

“Now daughter there’s no need for… AAAAAHHHH, I yield, I yield, just call her off, please call her off!” Discord screamed

“What do you say Fay?” Scootaloo’s voice echoed. “Hermione does seem to be having a lot of fun with her new chew toy; it would be a shame to spoil her fun don’t you think?”

“I’m sure another five minutes won’t hurt anyone except Professor Discord,” Fay’s nonchalant voice echoed out across the tunnel before everything went silent.

For what felt like an eternity the group just stood in stunned silence in the eerie darkness of the tunnel.

“Well, that was anti-climactic,” Melody deadpanned.

“Erm, what just happened?” Neville finally said in a confused tone to break the silence.

“I think Discord just got his just deserts,” Apple Bloom replied next to him with a smug grin.

Author's Note:

JUST IN TIME and I got you all didn't I? Roped you all in for a big climatic finale and nope, sneak attack. Next chapter will be written when I get back in just over a week, featuring the team building exercises and Hermione's natural transformation. Part 3: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf? Bonus points to whoever can work out where that title is from.

Edited 13/06/2021