• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,612 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Scootaloo's Egyptian Oddity (OLD)

Over the course of Sunday, Scootaloo wasn’t sure whether to feel ecstatic she had the old Hermione back or completely horrified. This was because by the end of the day she had an ice pack on her left wrist from Hermione working her so hard to ensure they did not fall behind on their schoolwork. And, to make matters worse, she had to do it all with leeks sprouting out of her ears. Hermione flatly refused to reverse the jinx until every last piece of homework was done to her impeccable standards. Upon her return to Hogwarts, Scootaloo had been so exhausted after over seven hours of doing nothing but homework that she had simply ignored her dormmates and slumped into her bed without even bothering to change her clothes.

Scootaloo was awakened on Monday morning by Sweetie whispering urgently in her ear and giving her a gentle shake.

“Hey Scoots, wake up. We’ll be late to training otherwise.”

“Ugh, what time is it?” Scootaloo replied groggily.

“5:30,” Sweetie hissed.

“Okay, okay. Let me just get my quidditch robes on,” Scootaloo yawned pulling her legs around and sitting up on the edge of the bed before letting out a wince of pain.

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie replied with serious concern.

“A word of advice, don’t ever play with werewolves. They scratch and bite, a lot. This is embarrassing but mind giving me a hand getting changed?”

“Uhm, okay?” Sweetie replied a little confused and taken aback by her friend's response to her initial query and then her request.

Everything became clear when she helped Scootaloo take off her t-shirt and saw the deep scar that ran the length of her back along with the bloody bandages that adorned her side.

“Holy fuck,” Sweetie swore.

Ginny and Monica gasped in shock behind her.

“Shit, they’re going to need redressing. Mind helping me Sweetie? Your magic will make it easier,” Scootaloo grumbled as she slowly released the bandages from her side, blood dripping to the floor.

Sweetie sighed. “I know what the answer is going to be, but do you really think it’s wise for you to be playing quidditch today?”

“Thanks for the concern Sweetie, but you know me. You would have to literally chop of one of my limbs off to stop me playing quidditch. And besides have you forgotten Kendra is on the team?” Scootaloo replied with a smirk as she opened the top drawer in her bedside cabinet and pulled out a roll of bandages.

Sweetie rolled her eyes as she illuminated her horn. “Fine, but I’m going to make sure you don’t cause yourself any more harm.

Scootaloo’s arms snapped to her side as a wide grin spread across Sweetie’s face.

“Girls, like to give me a hand?” Sweetie cackled as Scootaloo suddenly realised she should have gone back to bed.


“Oh, my word, I couldn’t have done a better job myself,” Kendra managed to squeak as she rolled on the ground laughing hysterically along with Heidi and Tamsin. Even Cedric was finding it hard to hide his amusement.

Scootaloo tried to make a retort in reply but her mouth was bandaged shut and as such all that came out was a rather irritated muffled grunt. In fact, aside from her eyes, every last part of Scootaloo’s body was now covered in bandages. Credit to Sweetie’s first aid knowledge and magical ability; Scootaloo could still move reasonably freely; she just now looked like something that wouldn’t have been out of place in a Neighgyptian pyramid or one of the cheesy B level monster movies she had often snuck in to see at Ponyville’s small cinema.

“Hey, look on the bright side. At least you won’t get caught short when you have to scoot to the loo,” Tamsin quipped forcing herself up off the ground with a snigger.

This led to yet more laughter to break out amongst the team as Scootaloo attempted to glower at Tamsin while pointing wildly at the pitch and jogging on the spot.

“Sorry, I don’t understand mummy,” Tamsin replied cheekily.

Scootaloo unclipped the latch on the box of quidditch balls and, with the only part of her not covered in bandages, her tail, picked up a beater's bat before pointing to the sky with it.

Tamsin gulped, jumped onto her broom and flew off at breakneck speed. Even on her Nimbus 2000 she knew nothing could outstrip the Firebolt. Many times already she and her teammates had been caught by a bludger whilst watching in awe as the Firebolt zipped majestically through the sky seemingly defying every known law of magic.

Scootaloo unclasped the bludgers and with breakneck speed and agility hit one and then the other with the bat held in her tail. The laughter suddenly died and everyone stared up into the sky as Tamsin dodged the first only to fly straight into the path of the second one that just clipped her head.

Dazed and confused the girl veered off course and flew out of the stadium.

“Wonder where she’ll land?” It was Cedric who stated what was on everyone’s mind not in the least concerned.

Crashes had become the norm of training the past few weeks as Scootaloo, a natural on any broomstick, had slowly adapted to her new role on the best broomstick to have ever been made, period. In summary, if you could get out of training without a trip to the infirmary to be patched up, that was a win. The rest of the team were just thankful that due to her age and current physique Scootaloo couldn’t hit the bludgers overly hard, even when using her tail, and that Kendra was sitting back and simply coaching Scootaloo, because during the few times Kendra had caught hold of a bludger it had caused serious damage, mostly to the stadium but also practically shattering Heidi’s arm, reducing Cedric’s broom to splinters and sending Ginny shooting like a rocket almost the whole length of the pitch before the girl was brought to a rather painful halt by the seats in the stand. It was remarkable the first year was able to stand after that hit with only a few minor scrapes and bruises. Even so, when questioned about it by Scootaloo, Kendra had simply replied:

“Should have been quicker at dodging the bludger and besides, remember I need all the patients and ailments I can get my hands on if I’m going to be the best Matron Hogwarts has ever had!”

Cedric’s mind was abruptly brought back to the present by a loud squelching sound.

“I’m guessing she landed in the lake, lucky,” Ginny grumbled glowering at Kendra as she remembered the incident from the week prior.

“I’m not so sure…” Cedric started to say before they heard Hagrid’s booming voice in the distance.

“Good lord girl, what are you doing crashing into my manure pile. Come on, I’ll help get you outta there.”

Everyone broke out into laughter once again, only for it to be short lived as two more bludgers whizzed past them.

Everyone looked up and immediately got the message from the mummy flying on a broomstick in the sky. That was a warning. They quickly mounted their brooms, jokes forgotten as the seriousness of Scootaloo’s training session took hold. Still, everyone kept their distance from Tamsin when the girl returned smelling worse than ten dungbombs going off at once. Even Cedric refused to catch the Golden Snitch when he caught sight of it hovering around the girl. This earnt him a bludger to the knee from Scootaloo and yet more work for the team’s nurse-in-training. Afterwards they had all headed back to their dorms for a quick shower, or a long one in Tamsin’s case, before breakfast. All aside Kendra and Scootaloo who went to the prefects’ bathroom to assess and redress Scootaloo’s wounds properly.

By the time Scootaloo made it to breakfast the clock was nearing half past eight and she was surprised not to even get a glance from her peers as she entered, even if her robes were covering most her wounds

“Hey Bloom, hey Sweetie, what’s all the hubbub?” Scootaloo asked as she squeezed in between her two friends. “Huh, what’s this?” She said to herself as two pieces of parchment magically appeared in front of her.

Dear Student,

We understand you and your peers might be feeling slightly worried and anxious after a number of disturbing events at the beginning of this term. Let me reassure you that the safety of all our students is our top priority here at Hogwarts and it is because of this that we shall be implementing several temporary changes outlined below:

1. Firstly, you may have noticed some witches and wizards you have not seen before patrolling the grounds this past week. To the younger students who may not know who these people are, these are aurors, highly trained law enforcement officers working on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. For the time being, there are at least three pairs of aurors patrolling the grounds twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
2. Secondly, so as not to get in the aurors ways, curfew for all students, including prefects, is being set to 6:00 and 20:30, except for quidditch practice and pre-approved lessons. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A TEACHER BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 20:30 and 06:00 WHEN OUTSIDE THEIR DORMITORIES. We are not liable if anything were to happen to you for disobeying this rule.
3. In regard to quidditch practice, teams shall be escorted to the pitch from their common rooms by their head of house who shall oversee proceedings before accompanying all students back to their common room.
4. For late night lessons, students shall wait beside the entrance to their common room twenty minutes before the start of their lesson for either their teacher or Mr Filch to accompany them to class.
5. Furthermore, except for quidditch practice or an authorised reason, no student shall leave the castle after dark.
6. Hogsmeade trips shall be reduced from fortnightly to the last Saturday of each month, the next one being October 31st. Any student attempting to sneak out and visit Hogsmeade outside this time shall be given detention for the remainder of the year and shall see their house deducted 75 house points. Any further breaches of this rule will result in expulsion.
7. Special events, such as the Halloween feast are currently planned to go ahead as expected but may be cancelled at short notice.
8. All students must remain in groups of three or more at all times when outside classes, unless prior approval is granted. Students shall though currently be allowed to go where they please on school grounds except when it violates any of the restrictions stated above or below.
9. The Forbidden Forest is STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS at all times and any student disobeying this rule shall be immediately expelled.
10. Remember, room and possession searches can and will be carried out if necessary and if you do see anything suspicious, however minor or insignificant looking, report it to a member of staff immediately without delay.

We are hopeful that these changes will only be necessary up until Christmas but we currently cannot ensure that that will be the case and more restrictions may need to unfortunately be added before they can be lifted. We apologise for the inconvenience these will cause you in the short term but wish to remind you that your safety and wellbeing are of the upmost importance to us,

Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore on behalf of the staff of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Scootaloo read and then re-read the first piece of parchment, a smile slowly forming upon her lips. And then, to everyone’s astonishment, she started cackling like a loon.

After looking nervously at each other for nearly a minute and as more and more people started to turn their heads and look quizzically at Scootaloo, it was Susan who piped up the courage to enquire into Scootaloo’s sudden state of euphoria.

“Erm, Scootaloo, what’s so funny? That note pretty much just turned the school into a prison for us.”

Slowly pulling herself together Scootaloo replied, “Yeah, but with all the extra security, maybe, just maybe I can have a peaceful month for once, especially as my detentions will be over after Wednesday. No insane lunatics sending a troll after me or chopping off one of my few remaining limbs, as long as I don’t make Apple Bloom angry again, unwittingly getting involved with Hagrid, being eaten by something from the Forbidden Forest, having some crazy premonition…”

“Okay, okay, I think we get the message,” Susan replied placing her right hand on her forehead and shaking it. Only Scootaloo could see the bright side to these new restrictions.

“And most importantly…” Scootaloo continued ignoring the interruption only to be interrupted herself.

“There’s less chance of you skirting your tutoring sessions,” Hermione stated flatly from behind Scootaloo. “Now, are you going to eat some breakfast or am I going to have to listen to your growling stomach throughout Charms?”

Scootaloo’s face dropped as sniggers erupted around her and she immediately dove her head into her bowl of Pixie Puffs coated in cheese sauce as she started to read over the second piece of parchment only to mumble through a mouthful of cereal, “Oh it’s about him,” and screwed it up into a ball.

“That’ll be one galleon Bloom,” Sweetie sniggered from Scootaloo’s left.

“Damn,” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Scootaloo just ignored them and moved onto a rather ginormous plate of fruit topped with baked beans as Apple Bloom passed the galleon across in front of her.

“Just what were you two betting on this time?” Hermione said reproachfully from behind Scootaloo. “And Scoti, that was extremely bad manners. Professor Lockhart gave his life for the school and to keep us safe. The least you could do is pay him some respect. In fact, seeing as we caught up with pretty much all our work yesterday, I do believe we’ll have time to make him a card in one of our free periods today!”

Scootaloo inwardly groaned. Her formal name, she was in the dog house. Oh well, might as well make it worth it. “Yes Mrs. Hermione,” she replied in a snarky tone earning her a light slap on the back of her head as snickers broke out amongst Scootaloo’s dormmates.

“Oh, I don’t think she meant it like that Hermione, she’s just…” Sweetie began before stopping mid-sentence.

“Cat,” was all Scootaloo said and in an instant Sweetie was on the table sending plates flying everywhere.

The Hufflepuffs were unsure whether to laugh or be annoyed at the remains of their breakfasts flying everywhere.

“Meow,” Sweetie said sweetly licking a hand.

That immediately broke the ice and laughter erupted around the table.

“Well, that solves the problem of the next few weeks at least.”

Scootaloo gulped at the sound of her head of house’s voice behind her.

“Firstly, you shall reverse the hypnotism, Miss Prewett. Then, I was coming to inform you that due to me having to now oversee each of your quidditch practices, I would need each player, aside Kendra, to assist me for two hours every fortnight in the greenhouses. It looks like you just volunteered to do everyone’s shifts for them this week. We can even make one a tutoring session, can’t we Miss Granger?” Professor Sprout stated coldly.

Before Hermione even had a chance to reply, a red dot landed on the Herbology professor’s robes. The next thing Professor Sprout knew, she had been bundled over by a flying Sweetie Belle!

“WEASLEYS, DETENTION FOR BOTH OF YOU AFTER CLASSES TODAY AS WELL ALONG WITH TEN POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR,” Professor Sprout bellowed from the floor trying to force Sweetie Belle off her as Scootaloo found herself laughing so hard she couldn’t snap her fingers properly to break her control over her friend.


Dear Student,

On behalf of all the staff here at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft I wish to apologise for our carelessness surrounding the untimely demise of Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. Due to the hectic nature that a new school year always brings with it we, the staff, feel we may have overlooked just how much of an impact his death has had upon you, our students, and wish to rectify the matter as quickly as possible. As such we will be leaving a book of condolence here in the Great Hall until the Halloween feast for anyone who wishes to send Professor Lockhart’s family their condolences.

Furthermore, we are in the process of erecting a statue in the front courtyard to commemorate Lockhart’s brave and heroic service to the school. Marks of respects and mourning, such as flowers and photos, can also be placed here during the month of October. Once again, any notes of condolence shall then be passed onto Lockhart’s family. Lastly, Professor Pompernickle shall also be holding private and confidential one-to-one counselling sessions every weekday evening from now until the end of October for anyone who has been adversely affected by Lockhart’s passing. As well, a reminder that alongside your teachers, our matron, Madam Pomfrey, and her assistant, Madam Abbot, are always available if you ever need to talk to someone about bereavement, your mental well-being or anything else that may be troubling you.

Once more I’d just like to reiterate how sorry we are that it has taken us this long to act in regards to this matter and just hope you find our response, although belated, satisfactory,

Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


“Hermione not so, oh yeah right there, that’s the spot,” Scootaloo said slowly drifting off to sleep in her girlfriend’s arms with a purr of contentment.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Sweetie had regained control over her body, she had ignited her horn and transfigured Scootaloo into a ginger house cat littered with battle scars and a very long and fluffy tail. This had evidently earnt her a similar punishment to Scootaloo despite her arguing to Professor Sprout that they were studying the General Counter Spell in Charms first thing.

Professor Sprout had replied to the girl’s reason with, “Nice try, but what you just did was a Transfiguration spell Miss Belle. Finite Incantatem would have no effect whatsoever on it.”

This had immediately shut Sweetie up, although she did manage a smile when Professor Sprout added that Scootaloo could remain a cat as part of her punishment until the start of Charms or whenever Professor Flitwick said otherwise.

To everyone’s astonishment, as they entered the classroom and sat down, the Charms professor chose to simply raise an eyebrow at Cataloo before proceeding with the lesson as if nothing was amiss.

As far as Flitwick was concerned, he was rather looking forward to a peaceful lesson on a Monday morning for the first time this school year. Besides, he had total faith in Miss Granger’s tutoring skills, believing that the Gryffindor girl was more than up to helping Miss Prewett catch up in a free period, along with dealing with the inevitable chaos it would certainly bring with it.


“Biscuit?” Dumbledore offered to his unexpected guest.

“No, thank you sir,” Draco Malfoy replied squirming in his seat across from the headmaster, head lowered.

“Okay then, but you are missing out on a treat. If there is one thing Muggles do particularly well at, it’s making a good biscuit. The Hobnobs in particular are sublime,” Dumbledore said warmly with a smile.

“Oh, w-w-well I wouldn’t want to be rude,” Draco replied helping himself to a Hobnob from the plate and swiftly finishing it off.

“I told you they were good. Now Draco, what seems to be the matter? For someone who’s often full of confidence, you’ve seemed awfully nervous and tentative this past week. Is that what you wished to talk to me urgently about?” Dumbledore said calmly trying to ease the poor boy’s nerves.

Draco nodded his head in reply. “Is my dad a bad person?” he blurted out suddenly to Dumbledore’s surprise.

Credit to Dumbledore though, on the outside he remained calm and collected, “What makes you think that my dear boy?” he asked politely.

“I’m not deaf. I hear the whispers about the things my father did during the Wizarding War. That he bribed and blackmailed his way out of a one-way ticket to Azkaban and was never under the Imperious Curse. That he’s a bad egg, always up to no good and best to avoid. How he’s got the Ministry in his back pocket and now…” Draco paused and stared despondently at the floor as tears filled his eyes and slowly fell to the floor. “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault,” he started babbling uncontrollably.

“Draco, just what do you mean?” Dumbledore pressed, “Just what is the matter?”

Draco didn’t look up and instead continued to ramble. “Scoti’s words really hit their mark and made me realise just how much I’ve been walking in my father’s shadow in an attempt to please him, blind of his past and his bigoted prejudicial ways. But I really thought when he sent that letter he wanted to change, finally turn over a new leaf and do some good for the magical community. I was such a fool. Oh, how could I have been so naïve, so gullible. He just used me like so many others previously in his life to get what he needed, Hermione’s birthday and how she loved daredevil flying. He told me he wanted to make amends by buying Hermione something nice for her birthday whenever it was, but didn’t know what she might be interested in. He’s despicable. How could anyone target a thirteen-year-old girl like that? Even if she is Muggle born, she’s one of the smartest witches I’ve ever known and a lot better person than me. I don’t even deserve to be at this school anymore, I’m not sure I even want to be here anymore, I’m nothing but a puppet,” Draco sobbed finally pausing to catch his breath as the pent-up emotions that had been bottling up inside him this past week finally came to the fore.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and then replied. He wanted to console the boy but first, “Draco, I understand this must be extremely difficult for you right now but can you please tell me where is the letter your father sent you?”

“Gone, threw it into the fireplace in my common room upon his request to destroy it after reading,” Draco sniffled disconsolately in reply.

“I see,” Albus Dumbledore replied emotionlessly rising out his chair and walking round his desk to approach Draco.

Although the letter was a huge loss, Albus was not surprised Lucius had requested his son to destroy any possible discriminating evidence that could have even remotely linked him to the attack on Miss Granger.

With a comforting smile on his lips Dumbledore spoke, attempting to reassure and console the poor boy. “Better people than you have been coerced and fooled by your father Draco and, although it may not make you feel any better, you are probably the youngest to ever realise he is a man not to be trusted. Unlike him though, who only demonstrates some of the worst traits of a member of the Slytherin house, such as traditionalism, self-preservation, maliciousness and deceitfulness, you are a prime example of the good that can come from a house full of snakes. You show determination and ambition to put right the wrongs of your ancestors, live a better life and forge your own path even if it breaks from tradition. Then there is your cleverness to fully understand your father’s carefully crafted plan at such a young age. But now I need to know if you have the levels of resourcefulness Slytherins are supposed to possess and I’ve heard so much about. Remember, even when they are flat on their backs and staring defeat in the face, a Slytherin never quits and in those moments of despair a true Slytherin’s spirits will always stand tall and true. So, now I must ask you, are you a true Slytherin? Will you let your past haunt you and drag you into despair and misery or help me in correcting the wrongs of yesterday for a better tomorrow?”

Gradually Draco raised his head and wiped his face with the sleeve of his robes as Albus Dumbledore held out his withered old right hand towards him.

Draco grasped hold of it with his own right hand. “A Slytherin never quits,” he said with grim determination.


Scootaloo’s Monday didn’t get any less peculiar after Charms. After being allowed to sleep through the entirety of Charms and then History, where Professor Binns had droned on about even more werewolf revolts, as a cat, she had found herself, along with Ron and Harry, roped into making a memorial piece for Professor Lockhart in the library. This ended up being a pyramid of photos, with the bottom two lines reading Professor Lockhart 26th January 1964 – 1st September 1992, an honourable and noble wizard who shall be sorely missed. It had also ended with the four of them covered in as much glue and glitter as the memorial piece itself, along with a stern lecture from Madam Pince.

After tidying herself up and having some lunch, Scootaloo had caught up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie before they, along with Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville had found an empty classroom to practice Finite Incantatem in. For the first time she could remember though, Scootaloo had found her wand refusing to cooperate and cast the spell to remove the bunny ears atop Hermione’s head.

“DISCORD” Scootaloo finally yelled at the top of her lungs after more than an hour of infuriating frustration.

“Well, this is a surprise,” Discord’s voice replied into Scootaloo’s ear.

“Huh, what, I didn’t expect you to actually reply. I thought you had class right now and where are you anyway? And why has everything gone dark?” Scootaloo responded confused.

“Yes, I’m currently teaching my fourth years up in the Discord tower, so we’ll need to keep this brief. We are communicating via telepathy. The reason why everything has just gone dark for you is that it takes time to learn and be able to use telepathy while doing other things. Your physical body is likely staring off into space while drooling from the mouth like a zombie. You really do astound me though, it took me till I was sixteen to use telepathy in any form,” Discord explained before asking, “How did you manage to do it by the way? I don’t remember providing you any texts on the subject?”

“I was getting frustrated with a spell I couldn’t perform for my Charms homework and let out my frustration by yelling your name,” Scootaloo replied to the void.

“Interesting, very interesting. Apologies I can’t talk more about telepathy but I really need to return my focus back to my class in a moment. I’ll find some time to talk you through telepathy later in the week. Anyway, what was this spell you were having trouble with?”

Finite Incantatem,” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Ah, have you not been reading So, You’re a Draconequus?”

“Yes, but its very long and often quite tedious,” Scootaloo grumbled some more into the void, finding this whole out of body experience quite disturbing and eerie. “Care to enlighten me on what part?”

“That until you reach maturity, you may have trouble reining chaos in and being able to control it completely. Finite Incantatem is a spell often used to cease chaos or inhibit its development, thus more than likely explaining why your wand is currently refusing to cooperate. You are simply not powerful enough yet to perform it, even if it seems like rather a simple and straightforward spell to your peers. For a draconequus, such a spell is the equivalent to fifth or even sixth year level magic. I’ll talk to Professor Flitwick this evening and provide him with a letter explaining the situation. Still, there’s no harm in continuing to attempt it. Now, I really must be getting back to my class.

And just like that Scootaloo heard a snap and was back in the classroom, everyone crowded around her looking worried.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay,” Hermione sighed with a clear look of worry on her face. “You just cried Discord’s name out and then went all zombified. None of us had any idea what was going on.”

“I thought you were having a stroke,” Neville stated timidly.

“I tried to bet with Sweetie it was something draconequus-wise, but she agreed that was the most likely option and refused to cooperate. So, were we right?” Apple Bloom enquired getting a reproachful look from Hermione.

“Yeah, telepathy. No idea how or why it happened, but it did and as I’ve not used it before that’s why I went all zombified till I finished talking with Discord,” Scootaloo explained shaking her head and slowly regaining her bearings. “How long was I out?”

“About fifteen minutes. We were just thinking about going to fetch someone,” Hermione answered.

“Wow, really, it barely felt like five minutes, if that. At least Discord was able to answer why I’m having trouble with Finite Incantatem,” Scootaloo responded with a look of surprise.

“Let me guess, a draconequus thing?” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

“Eeyup. I’ll tell you all on the way to the Great Hall. I’m famished. Who knew telepathy could drain someone of so much energy?” Scootaloo replied with a smirk.

As the gaggle of students collected their belongings and headed for the exit, Hermione’s voice made them all turn around.

“Ahem, Scootaloo aren’t you forgetting about something. What am I supposed to do about these?” she indicated to the two bunny ears atop her head.

Scootaloo rubbed her chin for a moment before replying with a wide grin as her tail appeared with her wand from behind her back, “Hmm, how about Elephanti Corpus?”

Before Hermione even knew what had hit her, her nose had been replaced with an elephant’s trunk.

“SCOOTALOO” Hermione yelled before trumpeting loudly.

To no one’s surprise, Scootaloo had vanished.


After wisely steering clear of her girlfriend and making her way to Herbology early, resulting in nearly giving Professor Sprout a heart attack for actually turning up early for once, Scootaloo’s day was about to get a whole lot stranger, even by her standards.

Draco Malfoy actually pitched in and helped her with their mandrake. Yes, he wasn’t very good, but he certainly tried and Scootaloo wasn’t going to chastise him for the few mistakes he did make, thankful to actually have some help for a change, even if Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber spent most the lesson gawking at the two of them like brainless fish.

Just when Scootaloo thought the behaviour of the usually spiteful and arrogant Slytherin boy couldn’t get any weirder as they packed away, he actually went and asked Professor Sprout if she needed any further help with anything.

Although slightly taken aback by the request, Professor Sprout was never one to turn down assistance and said she would be delighted for the help, stating how she needed some help setting up a special enclosure for some Eqyptian Sand Snipers that had just arrived.

As everyone else slowly filtered out of Greenhouse Three, Scootaloo and Draco stayed back and waited for Hermione and Sweetie to arrive. As Professor Sprout turned her back for a moment, Scootaloo immediately turned and hissed in a low whisper to Draco the question that was plaguing her mind.

“Just what are you up to?”

“I’m not sure what you mean? I was just trying to be helpful,” Draco hissed in reply.

“That’s bullshit and you know it. You’ve hated my guts since day one,” Scootaloo retorted.

Draco sighed. “Take heed young man, you are treading a dangerous path. Learn from this experience, become your own man and create your own path. For if you continue on the road you are on and follow in the footsteps of your ancestors, only death and despair await you,” he replied with a distant look upon his face. “Those words have been stuck in my mind ever since you said them. I’m not saying I’m going to change overnight. I still believe to a certain degree that Muggles aren’t worthy of gracing the halls of Hogwarts aside the odd exception such as Miss Granger. I’m also strongly against the relationship you two have. But before you snap at me for my views hear me out. These are views imprinted on me by my family and I’m starting to realise that just maybe they are wrong. So, I want to hear the other side of the argument and make my own choice on what is right and what is wrong. Thus, are you and your girlfriend willing to give me a chance and give me your side of the argument?”

For a minute Scootaloo just gawked at the boy with her mouth open wide in total shock. Out of everything that had happened today, this was by far the one she would have least expected, not that she’d expected any of them in the first place! Before she had a chance though to fully comprehend what she’d just heard and reply, there was a knock on the door.

“Professor Sprout, you in here?”

It was Sweetie’s voice.

“Ah girls, perfect timing, come in, come in,” the Herbology professor replied un-burying herself from the store cupboard she was in. “As you can see, Master Malfoy has kindly offered his help as well,” she added dusting off her robes, not that it made even the slightest difference considering how dirty they already were.

“Kindly offered?” Hermione asked with clear surprise in her voice. “You mean he’s not here because he slacked off again and made Scootaloo do all the work as usual?”

“Actually, he was quite helpful today.” It was Scootaloo who replied, surprised to find herself defending a person she would have an hour ago happily fed to Hermione on a full moon.

Hermione stared at her as if she’d gone mad. Thankfully, Professor Sprout intervened before the situation could become any more awkward.

“Quiet, please. We have a lot of work to get through today and very little time to do it in. Firstly, have any of you heard of an Egyptian Sand Sniper?”

As three heads looked around at one another with blank expressions across their faces, Hermione’s hand rose into the air.

“Yes, Miss Granger, go ahead,” Professor Sprout encouraged.

“The Egyptian Sand Sniper is a rare magical variation of the Venus Flytrap, except that it can grow much larger, around two metres in height with roots around three metres in length in all directions when fully grown. Also, unlike the Venus Flytrap it can move from one position to another by using its roots, has actual teeth and buries itself in the sand waiting for some unwitting victim to walk overhead, using its roots to feel for vibrations. Originally originating from the Egyptian deserts, the species has now managed to spread across pretty much all the deserts in the world including supposedly a sub-zero variant in the Antarctic desert. Despite this widespread habitat they are still considered one of the rarest magical plants in existence and those who have seen one often don’t live long enough to report what they’ve seen,” Hermione explained like an audio encyclopaedia.

“Excellent Miss Granger. Fifteen points to Gryffindor. That is exactly why those of you here for detention should view it as a treat rather than a punishment. You see, some blind fool somehow managed to smuggle two baby Egyptian Sand Snipers into the country. Long story short, they were discovered by two rather startled border guards, one of which is now missing an arm. For your detention today you shall be helping me create a habitat for them in the smallest greenhouse, Greenhouse Eight, which inhabits the exotic plants I’ve had to take in over the years for one reason or another. You shall all stay close to me as there are some rather dangerous specimens in there and I’d prefer not to have to rush one of you to the infirmary,” Professor Sprout explained before shuffling the kids towards the door of Greenhouse Three.

It wasn’t long before the four students and their professor found themselves in the sweltering heat of Greenhouse Eight, so hot due to the magical heat lamps that were set into the ceiling. The heat was almost instantly forgotten about though as all four students’ attentions were drawn to the two heavily chained crates that were creating quite a fair bit of noise in one corner.

“Ah, it seems they have awoken once more. Whilst I see to them, do you four want to start pouring sand into that large empty container over there,” Professor Sprout said as she pointed to a humongous container that took up nearly half of one wall of the greenhouse and wide as Scootaloo was tall. Steps had already been set up for them so that they could reach the top of the container.

“Yes, Professor Sprout. I’ll see to it that no one is caught slacking or touching anything they shouldn’t,” Hermione replied with a stern look at Scootaloo.

“Thank you, Miss Granger,” Professor Sprout replied as she set off to deal with the two lively new additions to her greenhouses.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Scootaloo said with mock hurt as Hermione continued to glower at her once Professor Sprout had departed.

“Who slept through the entirety of Charms and History today as a cat?” Hermione deadpanned. “And who also left me with bunny ears and an elephant trunk at the end of our free periods?”

“Okay, guilty as charged,” Scootaloo admitted with a chuckle. “But it was funny, you have to admit.”

“Oh, I’ll tell you what’s funny. Working you to the bone during detention. I think some particularly tough questions on sand-preferring plants might be in order followed up by an extracurricular essay. I’m sure Professor Sprout would be thrilled to read an essay all about how plants have managed to adapt to arid conditions,” Hermione responded with a wicked smile.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Scootaloo replied, sounding more confident than she felt.

“Hmm, well I’ll see how good your knowledge is first along with how hard you try and then I’ll make my decision.”

Scootaloo gulped, she was doomed; extra homework in one of her least favourite subjects, just what she didn’t want.

“First of all, I want to know why he is here and what’s going on between the two of you?” Hermione demanded as they began making their way over to the newly set up enclosure.

“I’m sorry for all the grief I’ve caused you, really I am. However much it pains me to say it you are a better wizard than I am, despite being. No, sorry, still new to this. Despite having the handicap of a non-wizarding upbringing,” Draco said solemnly in reply. “As I was just saying to Scoti before you two arrived, I still have my doubts on muggle born witches and wizards and on relationships such as yours, but they are from what I have been taught by my family and after recent events, I want to hear your side of the argument and then make my own decision on where my own beliefs should lie.”

Much to everyone’s shock and surprise Hermione proceeded to take a quick glance over her shoulder before proceeding to slap Draco’s left cheek with her right hand. “Now I call us even. Personally, I trust you about as much as hiring a hag as a babysitter but I can tell from the tone of your voice you are being serious about wanting to change and I’m guessing taking Scootaloo’s prophecy seriously. As such, I’m going to have to give you a chance. But and it’s a big one, you are on thin ice. One slip up and Scootaloo and I will get Discord to give you detention until the end of your days at Hogwarts. And that’s if we’re nice because if there is one thing you definitely shouldn’t do, it's fuck with a werewolf.” Hermione finished with a low growl and showed of her extended canines.

Draco gulped. “Understood,” he said nervously as he rubbed his cheek.

“Excellent, now get on that stepladder and I’ll start filling you in about muggle life and the difficulties of being a muggle born wizard as I pass you bags of sand,” Hermione commanded.

Without a word Draco did as he was told as Sweetie and Scootaloo stared in bewilderment at each other.

“What just happened?” Sweetie finally queried to one of her two best friends.

“I honestly have no idea. Either Hermione and Draco are now friends or Hermione just found a new chew toy,” Scootaloo replied.


“Ow, ow, ow. Quit it Bloom. That hurts,” Fred hissed as Apple Bloom dragged him by one of his ears.

“Yeah, we were just trying to lighten the mood,” George winced as Apple Bloom dragged him by one of his own ears.

“By turning my Draught of Peace into a Laughing Potion when I wasn’t looking and then making it explode into Professor Snape’s face. Sorry, but I don’t find that funny. Why Professor Sprout had to send you to the dungeons for detention I don’t know. Ah, here we are.”

Apple Bloom, not willing to risk one of the twins scarpering attempted to knock using her foot but instead ended up kicking the door down.

“Oops,” she said sheepishly as she looked over at Professor McGonagall who looked up from the marking she was doing.

“Miss Apple, just what is the…” she paused as she caught the inevitable sight of the Weasley twins in Apple Bloom’s grasp. “What did they do this time?” she sighed with resignation.

“Corrupted my Draught of Peace and turned it into Laughing Potion,” Apple Bloom deadpanned. “Then had the nerve to make it explode in Professor Snape’s face. I got hold of them before they could make a quick exit but as you can imagine Professor Snape wasn’t in a fit state to punish them for their crime, so I thought I’d bring them to you. Personally, I’d like to throw them both into the lake.”

“We were just trying to get Professor Snape to lighten up for once!” George argued.

“C’mon professor. Surely even you can see the funny side of what we did,” Fred added.

“Quiet. Both of you,” Professor McGonagall demanded. “Firstly, fifteen points from Gryffindor each. Secondly, I believe some alternate clothing is required.” She pulled out her wand and before the two boys knew what was happening, they both found themselves in swim shorts. “Seeing as detention seems to faze neither of you, how about a nice leisurely swim across the lake instead as Miss Bloom suggested?”

“You can’t be serious?” one of the twins said with a look of sheer terror.

“It’s barely above freezing!” the other exclaimed.

“Well, maybe next time you’ll finally think twice about your actions. Now, Miss Apple, if you wouldn’t mind helping me escort the boys to the lake,” Professor McGonagall said emotionlessly rising from her chair and coming out from behind her desk.

“With pleasure professor,” Apple Bloom replied finishing with a hearty cackle as she grabbed a hold of both boys’ ears once more and dragged them from the office. “And sorry about the door. I’ll come back and fix that later for you.”

“Not to worry, I’m sure Filch will be able to fix it. Now come along, before it gets dark!”

And that was how the Weasley twins learnt to never mess with one of Apple Bloom’s potions and how Professor McGonagall finally got a few days of peace and quiet as the twins recovered from mild hypothermia in the infirmary.


“Yes Miss Prewett, before you ask, I have talked to your father and received a letter from him regarding your inability to cast Finite Incatatem at this time. I will ensure it is not on your end of year practical examination but for now can you continue to at least attempt the spell or assist Miss Granger so that she is able to cast it successfully,” Professor Flitwick called from the classroom on Tuesday afternoon.

“Oh, I’m sure she will be more than happy to help me sir,” Hermione replied for Scootaloo in a sickly-sweet voice. “I think I’ll start with trying to correct Elephanti Corpus.

Scootaloo gulped as an elephant’s trunk slowly replaced her nose. This was going to be a long afternoon.

Author's Note:

Finally, it is done. Hope I did Draco justice here. From what I've watched in the movies and seen in the video games, Draco always seemed like he was dragged into the Death Eaters by his family. He never truly looked like he belonged despite wanting to be for his family's sake and especially after seeing just what the horror's of war brought with it he seemed to realise just how bad the death eaters truly were. In this story he's just seen the light a little earlier and actually has the time to choose a better path. Secondly, there is probably another 10 or so chapters until Christmas, up next, finally, Covid 19, sorry I mean Chaos Flu.

Edited 08/07/2021