• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,613 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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Apple Boom's 13th Birthday Part 1: Breakfast (OLD)


Apple Bloom squealed with delight as she opened the package and stared at the book it contained.

Apple Bonsai Trees: A History and a Guide for Optimal Care by Elias Montague

“I guess from your reaction you like it then?” Sweetie enquired sitting on the end of her own bed watching Apple Bloom’s reaction.

Apple Bloom simply nodded her head in reply with a massive smile adorning her face.

“Well, that’s a relief because it’s going to have to count as both your birthday and Christmas present from myself and Snape the snake. I can’t actually fathom how such a book could cost so much,” Sweetie stated with a shake of her head.

“It’s the only known book in existence that specifically focuses on apple bonsai trees but was written well over two hundred years ago, thus most copies have been lost to time and there weren’t that many to begin with. How in Equestria, sorry, force of habit, on Earth did you find one? I’ve been hunting for the past two months for a copy with no success. Wait? Is this why Snape said he didn’t want me in the Potions’ lab yesterday?” Apple Bloom explained and then asked still staring at the latest prized tome she would be adding to her collection as if it was all a dream.

“Snape knows people apparently,” Sweetie replied as she jumped off her bed, went over to the full-length mirror adorning one wall and started combing her hair. As she finished combing and started to apply some black eyeliner, she explained to Apple Bloom a little more. “He pounced on me and Scoots as we left Professor Sprout’s on Sunday. Wanted to know if I had any idea what you might like for your birthday. I told him you were struggling with the care of your bonsai tree and after a specific book but that it was super rare and difficult to find. Yesterday he came and found me to tell me he’d found a seller but that it was a little pricey and asked if I’d be willing to go halves and make it a joint birthday/Christmas gift.”

Sweetie was suddenly put off from what she was doing by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around her and lifting her off the floor.

“Hey Bloom, watch it. You’ll make me smudge my makeup,” Sweetie exclaimed.

“Don’t care,” Apple Bloom tittered in reply as she continued in her attempt to hug Sweetie to death, the other girl desperately attempting to pry her of with numerous misty black tentacles that extended from her horn.


Apple Bloom was so happy that she literally bounced down the hallway towards the Great Hall. Aside from the book, the rest of the girls in the dorm had all chipped in and persuaded Fluttershy to buy them a hamper of sweets and chocolates from Honeydukes for her. They’d also given her a great big badge that now adorned her robes and magically fluctuated between 13 Today! And Officially a Teenage Witch. To top it all off, it was Wednesday and she had double Herbology to start the day, her second favourite subject after Potions. And that was even before she considered just what Applejack and Rainbow Dash might have…

“Happy fucking birthday Apple Butt,” Wally suddenly cawed appearing through a wall in front of her.

Apple Bloom stared at the ghost parrot, who was somehow wearing a party hat, for a moment before turning around and glowering at a sniggering Scootaloo.

“What did I say about calling me that name?” The red-haired girl growled.

“Well, technically, I didn’t call you that name. Wally did,” Scootaloo replied smugly.

“Oh, well it’s okay then if this axe this knight is holding should accidentally come into my possession and chop your other leg off, as, technically, the axe did it and not me?” Apple Bloom deadpanned in reply.

Scootaloo gulped. “Would expulsion be a better excuse not to harm me. Plus, there’s still my other birthday surprise to see first.”

Apple Bloom continued to glower at Scootaloo as she pried the axe from the knight’s hand. “Fine but after that first surprise, I’m taking this just in case.”

Scootaloo gulped nervously once more.


It was as the group of first- and second- year Hufflepuff girls neared the entrance to the Great Hall that they noticed the large throng of students that were hanging around the second-years' noticeboard. They quickly parted to allow Apple Bloom and her friends through when they saw the huge metal axe she was wielding.

As they got nearer to the noticeboard Apple Bloom started to become aware of Scootaloo getting a little jittery and immediately realised this must have something to do with that second surprise of hers. As she turned her focus back to the noticeboard her eyes straightaway located the A4 piece of parchment that hadn’t been there the day prior:









“SURPRISE!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a nervous chuckle. “The twins may have asked if they could have a loan to invest in making their own fireworks and, coincidentally, they’ve just had their first experimental batch come in.”

Apple Bloom’s left hand slapped her forehead before she turned and gave Scootaloo a reproachful look. “Scoots, you are aware of our track record with fireworks, right?”

“Twelve destroyed buildings, eleven hundred times I said “This is a bad idea”, ten lectures from family, nine Celestia 3000’s, eight moons to fully grow our coats back, seven second degree burns, six manes on fire, five third degree burns, four moons of being grounded, three hospital visits, two very angry sisters and a forest fire. That’s just off the top of my head,” Sweetie interjected next to Apple Bloom before remembering something else. “Oh, and that’s before I even start on the whole hair-brained scheme to use rockets to help you fly Scoots. Remind me how long you were in surgery to get that…”

“I think they’ve heard enough,” Scootaloo interrupted placing a hand across Sweetie Belle’s mouth as she blushed with embarrassment. “This time will be different because we’ve got adult supervision and won’t be going anywhere near the fireworks, just watching from a respectably safe distance with a mug of hot cocoa whilst writing out Happy Birthday Apple Bloom with sparklers. I bet you both twenty galleons absolutely nothing will go wrong,” Scootaloo said confidently.

“That’s the spirit,” Fred, or was it George, said appearing out of the throng of students. “You have our 100% guarantee nothing will go wrong.”

“But, just in case it does, we have to legally remind you that we are not legally liable for any damages our fireworks might cause,” the other twin stated.

Apple Bloom’s head met her palm once more. “I’m going to breakfast and enjoying the castle while there still is one to enjoy.”

And with that she turned and, with the axe still hanging over her shoulder, marched into the Great Hall where her worries about the impending birthday fireworks display were almost immediately put to the back of her mind as she saw the selection of apple-based delicacies laid out on the Hufflepuff breakfast table.

“Delivery from your sister,” Discord’s voice cooed in Apple Bloom’s ear making her jump and turn around. “Woah, watch where you’re swinging that thing. Should I even ask why you’re carrying an axe? Please tell me my daughter wasn’t crazy enough to get you that for your birthday. I barely managed to get the fireworks display approved with the other teachers.”

“Nah, this was from one of the knights out in the hallway. Scootaloo got Wally to wish me happy birthday…”

“Well, that doesn’t sound at all bad,” Discord interrupted a tad confused before Apple Bloom could finish.

“Apple Butt,” Apple Bloom growled through clenched teeth.

“Ah, that explains it then. Please tell me you haven’t beheaded her. I was hoping to withhold that trick from her until she is a little older and more mature. She gets in enough trouble right now without having her headless body wandering around scaring her classmates.”

“No, wait, she can do that? Excuse me a moment.” Apple Bloom made to push past Discord only for him to firmly stand his ground.

“You behead my daughter and not only will I send you back to your dorm for the entire day, you’ll also not get the letter your sister sent you or the present Mrs. Dash asked me to purchase for you.”

Apple Bloom pouted and glowered at Discord for a moment before backing down. “Fine,” she huffed. “But don’t you think it would be hilarious to see her reaction?”

Discord stalled for just a split-second mulling the idea over in his head until a stern voice spoke from right behind him.

“Dizzy, unless you want to spend the entirety of December in the doghouse as well, you’ll confiscate that axe this minute. It may be her birthday but that does not mean she can get away with decapitating one of her best friends for a prank.”

Discord gulped and shuddered. “Yes dear. Of course, dear. Hand it over Miss Apple. And be grateful that it is your birthday otherwise I would be deducting points from your house for carrying such a dangerous weapon on school grounds.”

“Yes sir,” Apple Bloom grumbled handing the axe over to Discord with her head down looking glumly at the floor.

After snapping his fingers and sending the axe back to where it came from Discord then attempted to cheer Apple Bloom up. “Now, don’t feel down. It is your birthday after all and you’ve a wonderful breakfast to enjoy with your friends along with a letter, birthday card and birthday present to open,” Discord explained lifting the girl’s head up whilst holding out the letter and the gift in his other hand.

This immediately brought a smile back to Apple Bloom’s face as she took hold of the two items and it only got wider when Fluttershy came out of hiding from behind Discord and handed her a card to go with the letter and the present.

“From the rest of the girls and me,” she said with a smile before grimacing and placing a hand on her enlarged stomach region.

“Thanks Fluttershy, but are you all right?” Apple Bloom replied giving the draconequus, Pegasus, human hybrid a concerned glance.

“Yes, I’ve just started to feel the babies kicking these past few days; that's all,” Fluttershy admitted bashfully.

“Really! May I feel?” Apple Bloom responded with clear excitement.

“Of course, just be gentle please,” Fluttershy instructed taking hold of the teenager’s hand and placing it on her enlarged belly.

After a moment Fluttershy grimaced once more and Apple Bloom’s eyes lit up.

“Wow, that’s incredible,” Apple Bloom gushed with awe at the feeling. “Do you mind if I ask if you know what sex they are going to be yet?”

“Twin boys,” Fluttershy replied as Scootaloo and Sweetie appeared in the massive doorway of the Great Hall along with the rest of her dormmates.

“Hey Bloom, there you are. You kind of just ditched us back there. What you doing?” Scootaloo asked appearing next to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy’s babies have started kicking. It’s a really incredible feeling,” Apple Bloom admitted removing her hand from Fluttershy’s belly.

“You should see the magical ultrasound pictures they got on Sunday. They were unreal. Thanks for letting me attend again, although don’t ask me to babysit when they are born unless you want your house literally turned upside down,” Scootaloo replied.

“No problem at all Scoti, you are part of our family after all. Why wouldn’t we let you attend? And I understand. Babies are a handful and just thinking about what two Draconequui babies will be like sends a shiver even down my spine.” Fluttershy paused as said cold shiver ran down her spine. “Anyway, that’s still a few months away. Right now, if you will excuse me, my bizarre food cravings have been going through the roof since I became a draconequus and I’ve a severe need for bacon, eggs and gummy bears covered in wasabi flavoured ice cream and hundreds and thousands this morning. And I do hope you like the card; Applejack designed it especially for you,” Fluttershy went on before she sauntered past Apple Bloom on her way to the teachers’ table while humming a jaunty tune.

As she departed Discord bent down and whispered to the Crusaders, “I do apologise if her behaviour seemed a little off and forced. What with the boys often being restless during the night, her bizarre cravings and her fluctuating emotional state, she’s barely been able to get any sleep this past week. She’s even sent me to the moon, twice!”

“Oh Dizzy,” Fluttershy’s voice cooed a little way away. “I told you I am absolutely fine and not in the least bit cranky but if you continue to worry about me…”

“Oh shi…” Discord began to say before the sudden snap of two fingers echoed throughout the hall.

“Now, does anyone else wants a one-way trip to the bottom of the lake with cement blocks for shoes?” Fluttershy cackled like a lunatic before suddenly realising what she had done and snapping her fingers once more.

A very sodden Discord still with cement shoes reappeared in front of her. He also had a fish gasping for water on the top of his head.

“I’m so, so, sorry,” Fluttershy wailed throwing her arms around Discord. “My mind's just such a mess right now. I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time!”

“There, there dear. Don’t you worry about it, its totally understandable with what you are going through right now,” Discord consoled wrapping his arms tightly around his fiancé after dropping the fish into a jug of water.

“Hey Bloom, remind me to steer clear of Fluttershy for a while,” Scootaloo whispered in Apple Bloom’s ear.

“Pfft, you’ll be fine. If you can survive being beheaded, I’m sure you can survive anything pregnant Fluttershy’s scrambled mind might come up with,” Apple Bloom deadpanned in reply. “Now, I’m going to tuck into my breakfast before you lot attempt to devour my apple fritters.”

As Apple Bloom skipped over to the Hufflepuff table, Scootaloo simply stared at her friend in total shock.

“Did she just say you can survive being beheaded?” Susan suddenly asked from behind Scootaloo.

“Yes, I think she did,” Scootaloo mumbled in reply.

“Can I…” Susan began only for a scythe of inky darkness to suddenly slice through the air and more importantly, Scootaloo’s neck.

The girls all screamed aside Sweetie who just shrugged her shoulders.

“What, I wanted to see if it was true or not,” she argued as Scootaloo’s head rolled onto the floor.

“I-i-is s-s-she…” Megan began trying to force the words out.

“Ouch Sweetie, that hurt,” Scootaloo’s head lamented from where it had rolled onto the floor.

The girls all screamed once more aside Sweetie who commented, “See I knew she would be fine. Well, I was 90% sure.”

Slowly she wandered over and picked Scootaloo’s head up off the floor and placed it back upon the other girl’s neck.

“See, better than before,” Sweetie said trying to hold back a giggle.

“You put it on backwards!” Scootaloo lambasted her friend as she raised her arms and attempted to put her head back in its rightful position.

“As I stated, better than before,” Sweetie giggled alongside the rest of her dormmates.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo responded rolling her eyes as she bent her neck one way and then the other to make sure she had managed to correctly realign her head and that it wasn’t going to fall off again anytime soon, unless Sweetie had other ideas. “Now, before Apple Bloom eats everything, Fluttershy sends me for a swim or one of you decides to behead me again, I’m going to grab me a bowl of cereal with bacon and sausages topped with apple sauce.”

Susan’s face started to turn somewhat green. “Please tell me you don’t mean all together?”

“Of course,” Scootaloo called over her shoulder as she headed toward Apple Bloom who was already devouring the plate of apple fritters that Applejack had sent her.

The sudden squeal the red-haired girl let out in between scoffing apple fritters as Scootaloo sat down totally caught her by surprise and she nearly fell out of her seat as she did so.

“Hey Bloom, what gives?” Scootaloo enquired rubbing her ears causing a few metal cogs to fall out of each along with a quill. “Huh, I wondered where I’d put that?” Scootaloo muttered to herself as Apple Bloom, mouth once again full of apple fritter, simply shoved the letter into Scootaloo’s face.

Dearest sister,

THIRTEEN YEARS. Just where has the time gone? I hope this letter reaches you in time and you get the chance to enjoy your birthday fritters. I am very sorry that I won’t be able to make your birthday this year due to a combination of an exceedingly good harvest and my current condition (I do hope you enjoy the attached scans!). I’m also deeply sorry that I can’t give you anything else on your birthday, although I’m sure that sly wench Rainbow Dash is up to something, but I do have a few things to say about your nephew. Yes, you got that right, it’s a boy, and, strangely enough, a Pegasus. Just to top it all off as well, Discord isn’t the father, Dash is. I’ve no idea what that Draconequus did but somehow me and Dash have both fathered each other’s foals and not him as originally thought. So that means you are now going to be an auntie to two foals, not one! Dash by the way is expecting an earth pony filly. Our first scans, that are attached, have shown no issues and that both foals are healthy and developing well. Me and Dash are also doing well, although she can be a bit cranky at times from me refusing to let her drink any hard cider during the pregnancy and I’ve also had a few strange cravings including a nasty one for strawberries of all things. Finally, we know this is early, but we’ve already been discussing godparents and decided to let the ‘father’ determine the godparents for each foal. Dash was laughing heartily when she chose Discord as my foal’s godfather but she soon went quiet when I decided to choose Fluttershy’s brother Zephyr Breeze as her foal’s godfather. She brought that one on herself. Anyway, and more importantly, Dash wants you to be my foal’s godmother and I’ve chosen Scootaloo to be hers. I hope that is okay for the both of you? Please reply to say you accept the offer and also ask Scootaloo as well if she accepts my offer as well. Have an epic 13th birthday and I hope you like the card,

Applejack Dash-Apple

“Oh, that’s priceless. Looks like you won’t be getting out of babysitting duties after all Godmother Scootaloo,” Sweetie cackled reading the letter over Scootaloo’s shoulder.

Scootaloo groaned and let her head slam into the table. The unmistakeable smell of an apple fritter crossing her path immediately saw her lift her head back up.

“Last three. One for each of you. Only right I share them with my three best friends in the entire world,” Apple Bloom said with huge smile across her face whilst examining the baby scans in her other hand.

Scootaloo immediately grabbed hold of the Apple family delicacy and wolfed it down in seconds. Sweetie, eating hers more daintily while holding it in a tentacle, sat down on Apple Bloom’s other side and asked, “Three best friends? What do you mean three…”

“A-A-Apple Bloom, h-happy birthday,” Neville interrupted approaching the three girls from behind.

“Ah, say no more,” Sweetie said as she finished of the apple fritter and moved on to the rest of her breakfast whilst observing the nervous boy hand Apple Bloom a well wrapped small box and a card.

“I w-wasn’t too sure what you might like so I asked my grandmother for help. She sent me this,” Neville admitted sheepishly as Apple Bloom placed the baby scans down for the time being and carefully unwrapped the box.

As soon as Apple Bloom had unwrapped her latest gift it became evidently clear to her that it was a jewellery box of some sort. A short note was attached.

Thank you for being the shining light in my grandson’s life and for bringing a smile back onto this old crone’s lips. Enjoy the gift and have a wonderful birthday, Augusta.

Intrigued, Apple Bloom carefully lifted the lid of the box. She gawped at what greeted her inside - a beautiful silver bracelet with three diamonds shaped like apples embedded on one side.

Neville was equally stunned. The bracelet must have cost his gran a small fortune.

“Wow Bloom, you must have really impressed Neville’s gran over the summer,” Sweetie commented in between sips from a glass of orange juice.

Cautiously lifting the bracelet out of the box Apple Bloom proceeded to try it on her left wrist. Although initially seeming too big for her wrist, the bracelet swiftly adapted to fit it perfectly.

“Woah, a re-sizing charm. As we found out with the mascot costume, those aren’t easy to cast and certainly not cheap. Sod impressing Neville’s gran, I think she already wants you to marry him,” Sweetie chortled.

That was too much for Neville and he would have fainted if not for Apple Bloom holding him up and offering him the last of her birthday fritters.

“Easy there Casanova, Sweetie’s just messing with you,” Apple Bloom said whilst sending a stern glare in Sweetie’s direction.

“No, I wasn’t. Hey Scoots, ten galleons that before Apple Bloom turns eighteen Neville’s grandmother forces them to marry shotgun wedding style,” Sweetie cackled ignoring Apple Bloom’s glare and instead focusing her attention on Scootaloo behind Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo coughed midway through her cereal before muttering under breath, “I’m no longer hungry,” before she swiftly rose from her seat and departed.

“Well, that was weird. Wait, you don’t think… oh my god she has. You two are going to get…”


“Ow, my dose,” Sweetie squeaked as blood streamed down her face.

“Ow, my fist,” Apple Bloom retorted shaking said fist. “You were warned, don’t deny you weren’t and besides, you should know my motto by now, act first think later. Now, where were we? Ah yes.” She turned her attention back to Neville as Hannah, sat on Sweetie’s other side, attempted to stem the flow of blood that was streaming out of Sweetie’s nose.

Neville meanwhile was white as a sheet, nervously nibbling away at the apple fritter like a mouse as Apple Bloom pulled him in close and kissed him on the cheek. This at least had the desired effect she had hoped for and returned some colour to his face.

“Just ignore those idiots. Who knows where our relationship will take us? This bracelet really is too much though and I don’t think I’ll ever be taking it off. It’s gorgeous,” Apple Bloom gushed. “I’ll have to write a thank you note out for your grandma…”

“Neville and Apple Bloom sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S…” Sweetie squeaked, nose stuffed full of napkins.

Hannah’s head slammed into her palm. “You didn’t.”

Apple Bloom didn’t say a word. She simply stood Neville up and rose from her seat. Planting another kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek she said in a sickly-sweet voice, “Neville, be a dear and look after my other present and card if you would please, I have some trash to take out.”

Neville gulped. “O-of course.”

“Oh really?” Sweetie replied smugly as Wallace started to growl from underneath the table

Apple Bloom barked and Wallace’s growls turned to whimpers as he laid back down, tail between his legs.

Sweetie’s cockiness faltered for a moment but she refused to back down. “Neville and Apple Bloom sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes…”

“Detention for bullying,” Snape’s voice boomed from behind Sweetie causing her face to drop like a stone. “Thank you, Miss Belle, for once more agreeing to assist my apprentice in her work after classes are finished for today.”

“What!” Sweetie squeaked indignantly while turning around to face the Potions professor. “But she punched me and broke my dose!”

“Miss Apple, is this true?” Snape droned with an accusatory glare at his apprentice.

“Yes sir,” Apple Bloom said honestly staring at the floor. “But she did tease…”

“No buts. I believe this requires serious action…” Snape went on.

Apple Bloom gulped fearing the worst.

Sweetie turned around and gave Apple Bloom a smug grin.

“Ten points to Hufflepuff for attempting to improve Miss Belle’s appearance, just as she attempted to mine,” Snape stated with a wicked grin of his own, the rainbow mohawk still gracing the top of his head.

Apple Bloom’s jaw dropped and then she burst out laughing as Sweetie turned and stared dumbfounded at the Potions professor.

“What?” Squeaky Belle whined. “But that’s not fair!”

Snape ignored her. “Now, onto more pressing matters. Did Miss Belle manage to hand over the present we…”

He got no further as Apple Bloom leapt of her chair and ran over to give him a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s just what I needed to help me with Pear,” she gushed again lifting the startled Snape off the floor as she did so and causing everyone in the hall’s attention to turn towards the two of them.

As Apple Bloom slowly lowered him to the ground and released him, Snape brushed down his robes and, to everyone in the hall’s astonishment, actually smiled as he said, “I’m glad you like it and I do hope it helps in your Herbology studies. Despite wanting to stay and talk some more, I need to prepare the Potions lab for my first lesson. I’ll see you this afternoon. I do believe someone wanted to learn more about the lupine potion?” And with that Professor Snape turned and began to make his way towards the doors to the hall.

A wide smile had appeared across Apple Bloom’s face once more. That was until Snape turned and spoke in his usual stern tone one final time to the two remaining Cutie Mark Crusaders at the table.

“Miss Belle, because I’m in such a good mood this morning, I’ll overlook your misdemeanour this time and revoke your punishment, just please try to treat your friends with a little more respect and courtesy in future. That goes for the both of you. I’d hate to have to restrict your lab privileges in the future Apple Butt.”

The smile immediately evaporated from Apple Bloom’s lips and she gulped. “Y-yes s-sir,” she stuttered with a few rapid nods of her head.

Sweetie was to in shock from Snape letting her off her punishment to even snigger at him using the nickname that Apple Bloom detested. “Did he just?”

“Yep, lucky bitch,” Susan replied across the table. “That’s probably the first time anyone’s ever had a punishment revoked by Snape. They’ll probably have to include it in the next edition of Hogwarts: A History. Professor Severus Snape set the record for longest amount of time of any professor to show even an inch of compassion, eleven years, two months and four days.”

This immediately sparked a chorus of laughter from the entire collaboration of first- and second-year Hufflepuff students. Even Neville managed a giggle. All except Apple Bloom who had sat down and tucked into a bowl of Apple O’s cereal as she finally got around to opening the card Fluttershy had given her. Her roller coaster of emotions continued as she saw the picture on the front of the card, the latest Apple family reunion that she had sadly been forced to miss. As tears slowly formed in her eyes, she opened the card to find not only a ten-galleon gift voucher for Flourish and Blotts (that AJ had clearly stated was Twilight’s idea) but many heart-warming birthday messages from her family and friends. As the tears slowly began to fall from her eyes, she found a strong pair of arms wrapping themselves around her as Neville, unsure what to say, attempted to silently comfort his girlfriend’s homesickness while an awkward silence hung in the air for what felt like an eternity.

Finally, it was Hannah who spoke. “Hey Bloom. We all know you suffer badly from homesickness and, well, I just want to say on behalf of all of us, we’re all here for you if you ever need to talk about it and we’re all really happy you chose to study at Hogwarts.”

This was greeted with a round of nods around the table as the rest of her friends all agreed to Hannah’s statement.

“Thanks Hannah. Sorry, I shouldn’t be crying on my birthday; the card just took me by surprise is all,” Apple Bloom replied wiping the tears from her face.

“Don’t be. As I said, we all understand. If you really want to do us all a favour, I think we are all dying to know just what is in that last present of yours.”

The smile that had adorned Apple Bloom’s face for most the morning slowly grew upon her face once more as her attention turned to the square yellow box with a light blue bow that sat in front of her.

Author's Note:

345,000 words in a year, wow, simply wow. I've been a bit under the weather mentally this past week, probably because its my 29th birthday tomorrow and I'm wondering what I'm doing with my life, but that accomplishment at least brings a smile to my lips. I hope you enjoyed this less stressful, more lighthearted and comedic chapter.
Edited 28/07/2021

Comments ( 27 )

Awwwww, Snape, you ol' softy!!!

Did you intentionally make it so this part

Twelve destroyed buildings, eleven hundred times I said “This is a bad idea”, ten lectures from family, nine Celestia 3000’s, eight moons to fully grow our coats back, seven second degree burns, six manes on fire, five third degree burns, four moons of being grounded, three hospital visits, two very angry sisters and a forest fire. That’s just off the top of my head,”

could be sung to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas?

Sweetie had transfigured the colour of her hair before heading to breakfast that morning from its usual purple and pink to black with pink highlights. The black eyeliner she had applied along with the black collar with metal spikes she now wore only further enhanced her dark and foreboding look

:trollestia: They grow so quickly, she is already in her Gothic phase... I still remember when little Lulu began to call herself Nightmare Moon

i.ibb.co/2yrLqHr/Luna-Emoji.jpg That was not a Phase!

It didn't start out like that, but by the end I added a few extra to fill in the gaps :rainbowlaugh: As for Snape, I think he sees Appple Bloom as the daughter he never had.

:raritydespair: reaction to Sweetie.

Awww, and that's cool. I actually tried singing it to that tune, it's funny

Glad you liked it!

“Ah, say no more,” Sweetie said as ...

You know, I wonder if Sweetie really tried to argue against Snape, if Snape could really do something. The old 'Going to McGonagall/Dumbledore/Board of Governors' not sure if it could work against Snape detention, sure they let him do many things but I could think McGonagall could not like that Snape give points for someone punching someone else and she is the Deputy after all it give bad ideas if they see him rewarding someone for that, even if it's in some joke.

If its not like the Noodle incident what in the world is a Celestia 3000. Surprised they don't have multiple restraining orders to stay at least 500 feet away from all explosive items.
Just wondering how badly the CMC has affected all the insurance rates in Ponyville

She shaved his hair of and he's now stuck with a rainbow mohawk for who knows how long because of the Weasley twins. Combined with a soft spot for his potions protege, I think he was happy to get a little revenge. Now, if he'd actually seen the event transpire he likely would have had to intervene and likely punish Apple Bloom severely. In the end, for once he was quite fair and labelled it as kids will be kids not punishing either of them for their misdemeanours but giving them a stern warning for the future and that this was a one time only thing.

Celestia 3000 = a type of very powerful firework (that I made up on the spot) that has lead to the temporary blinding of countless ponies but has yet to be banned.
They do, in Equestria.
Insurance companies refuse to do business with anyone in Ponyville, its now been classed as a government issue and any damages that occur in the town are covered by the government (Well those guards have to earn their pay somehow!)

Too calm...think Lucius will strike next chapter or Dobby will be found out.

Oh and Happy Birthday! 😊

Nope, this angry mob at my door demand a few chapters of peace and chaos...or else. And thank you very much for the birthday wishes.

“Twelve destroyed buildings, eleven hundred times I said “This is a bad idea”, ten lectures from family, nine Celestia 3000’s, eight moons to fully grow our coats back, seven second degree burns, six manes on fire, five third degree burns, four moons of being grounded, three hospital visits, two very angry sisters and a forest fire. That’s just off the top of my head,” Sweetie interjected next to Apple Bloom before remembering something else.


I just found this again…. :applecry:

I can't say I'm not saddend by the cancellation. But it was a fun ride while it lasted. Obligatory rainbow :rainbowwild:

Yeah, book two did not go how I wanted to and in the end it just got to jumbled for my liking. Combined with how much time it was taking out of my life, I just needed a break. I am starting a new story with the CMC that I hope will be out soon, this time an Equestrian style St Trinians school for girls.

guess we're just looking forwards to see how this goes..

I checked back, hoping that you had reconsidered your decision to cancel this great story....




I am really sad that this story got canned but it would be to much work to resurrect. I am planning to make comeback early 2024 with a MLP/Hogwarts fic but this time focusing solely on one character. I have so far written 1.5 chapters, once 5-10 are written I shall release. There will be some returning characters to, sort of like a multiverse story. Once again, thank you for all your support, it means the world to someone who suffers badly with low confidence.

Looking forward to read! Hope all is well. :twilightsmile:

Looking forward to it!

Yay. Love your stories and to see you come back makes me smile. Obligatory rainbow :rainbowwild:

If like to see a sneak peak, take a look at my latest blog post. Or you can wait. My target is 50000 words minimum before anything is posted, I'm currently at just over 14000 so long way to go.

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