• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,612 Views, 416 Comments

Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods - SamuelK28

More hijinxes as the Crusaders embark on their second year at Hogwarts!

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A Werewolf in Student's Clothing Part 1: Intro (OLD)

Despite the best efforts of the staff, by Sunday morning most the school knew that Hermione was a werewolf. Those who didn’t were soon made aware by a special edition of the Hogwarts Hawk:


Second Year Gryffindor Hermione Granger viciously attacked and infected with lycanthropy on the Training Grounds!

Are we safe?

To no great surprise Joanne MacGyver was nowhere to be found at breakfast Sunday morning. Overall, the reaction from the students was mixed. Most were sympathetic towards Hermione but also afraid of what she might do to them. Some, mostly Slytherins and a few Ravenclaws, went as far as staging a protest outside the infirmary seeking Hermione’s removal from the school on safety grounds. Meanwhile, the Weasley twins bought Hermione a sparkly pink collar and leash, much to her embarrassment and Scootaloo’s delight, and she was inundated with flowers, sweets and get well soon cards from both Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. The most surprising of theseand biggest bunch of flowers had actually arrived in person from a student in neither of these houses, Draco Malfoy, who had quietly said he was distraught by what had happened and hoped Hermione could come to terms with her ailment before he swiftly departed.

Things didn’t improve on Monday. Hermione flatly refused to miss any classes and had checked herself out of the infirmary after breakfast. Even on the short journey to Charms the amount of stares, whispers and students actively avoiding her would have been disheartening for most people, but to Hermione's credit, she just ignored them and carried on her way. The actual Charms lesson wasn’t much better though. Despite many of her closest friends treating her as normal, over half the class did barely any work they were too anxious and busy concentrating on the werewolf in the room. Professor Flitwick though seemed to have predicted this was going to happen and appeared quite happy to allow the class to get away with doing as little work as possible. Hermione, again, seemed completely unfazed by her classmates’ stares and whispers and just carried on quietly looking into shield charms with Scootaloo. It was just as they were departing Charms that Fay had approached Hermione.

“Her-Hermione,” Fay said nervously.

“Yes,” Hermione replied with a look of mock interest.

“The girls and I have been talking. We-we’re going to ask Professor McGonagall if she can move you somewhere more suited to your needs,” Fay explained.

“I see. You do realise that friends are supposed to stick by friends when they are down and not hurt them more?” Hermione said calmly but with a slight edge of irritation creeping into her voice.

“Yes, well, you see…” Fay began but stalled unable to say the words she wanted to.

“You’re afraid. Afraid I’m going to turn into a big bad werewolf and infect you all?” Hermione replied sombrely.

Fay simply looked at the floor and mumbled, “Y-yes.”

Before anyone had a chance to do anything Fay found herself lifted from the floor and slammed against a wall, her blue eyes locking onto the suddenly red ones of Hermione.

“Do you think I asked for this?” Hermione growled. “Do you even know how hard the past day or so has been for me? Or how painful it has been? It’s not just the bite that hurts, you know, just take a look at my teeth for a start!” She opened her mouth to show off two elongated canines descending from her top jaw. “Hell, if they grow anymore, I won’t be able to hide them in my mouth, not that you care. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the changes I’m currently going through, but do you see me complaining? Or whining about having to drink the most rancid potion imaginable for a whole week just to keep everyone else safe, no. But, if it makes you feel any better Fay, go ahead, file your protest, because…”

“Miss Granger, drop her this instant,” Professor Flitwick’s voice interrupted from behind her.

Hermione’s eyes locked once more onto those of the terrified Fay before she threw the girl across the hall into the rest of her dormmates.

“Sorry, professor,” Hermione said turning to Professor Flitwick. “Some people just don’t know when to keep their big mouths shut.”

“Be that as it may, I cannot have you going around threatening other students. Your position at the school is already perilously poised without you adding Bombarda to Incendio. I understand you are still coming to terms with what happened and because of that I will not punish you on this occassion. I will though be informing your head of house, who may want words with you herself,” Professor Flitwick said understandingly but firmly to Hermione.

“Yes, professor,” Hermione replied, her voice as cold as ice.

“Very well. Now, move along all of you; you don’t want to be late for your next class,” Professor Flitwick said turning to address the whole group of stunned students.

Hermione glared once more at Fay and her dormmates before turning and storming off down the corridor with Scootaloo hastily trying to keep up.


After the confrontation with Fay, Hermione’s dormmates only distanced themselves further from her over the next couple of days and she did likewise. For most that time if she wasn’t in lessons, she was sat in a secluded corner of the library alone or with Scootaloo. Tensions around the school though refused to ease and at breakfast on Tuesday morning the students had watched in awe as five owls flew in carrying a huge sack of letters from worried parents who threatened to remove their children from the school if the werewolf was not expelled. Later that morning Professor McGonagall had attempted to hold a meeting between Hermione her dormmates to clear the air, with Professor Pompernickle also in attendance. It had not gone well. Fay had once more played the sympathy card before expressing how it was unanimous amongst the girls second year dorm that Hermione was now a liability and a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. This had been met with a round of nods from Lavender, Parvati and Sophie and led to Hermione retaliating by calling all of them bigots and snakes in lions’ clothing. The whole debacle ended with the two professors being forced to separate the five quarrelling girls and Professor McGonagall sternly stating Hermione was going nowhere and that they would need to settle their differences amicably among themselves.

It did not have the effect the two professors had desired. That evening Hermione had been found after hours asleep atop a textbook in the library and brought once more to Professor McGonagall, this time by Madam Pince. The former had then taken the girl back to her dormitory only to find the girl’s bed totally trashed. As none of her dormmates were willing to own up to the needless destruction they were all subsequently given detention the following day with their head of house and warned that any more bullying would result in immediate expulsion.

Wednesday began by offering Hermione at least a small sliver of hope and happiness. Her parents had finally sent her a letter, the first since her infection. Despite her initial trepidation to open it, encouraged by Ron and Harry she had proceeded to do so and openly cried as she read the words:

To Our Amazing Daughter,

We are sorry not to have contacted you sooner but ultimately needed time to think about everything. We know you can read us like a book so we won’t hold back, we were scared, for you and what this infliction would mean for you in both your immediate and long-term future. The topic of whether to remove you from Hogwarts altogether also came up but was quickly dismissed when we remembered just how far you’ve come in such a short space of time and how the school has helped you to do this. We still don’t know how we will cope or be able to help you with your lycanthropy, except for clamping your jaw shut, but we want you to know that if there is anything we can do for you, you’ve only got to ask. Hope your lessons are going well and please write to us again soon,

Love Mum and Dad

P.S. Is it wrong that we are really intrigued to see how a werewolf’s teeth are set up?

Hermione couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at that last part. By now her upper canines had grown so much that she honestly felt that she looked like a B movie vampire. If her parents could get a hold of her, they would probably close their dentistry for a whole afternoon just to probe her mouth. She also wouldn’t put it past them to stay up all night on a full moon to do likewise when she was in werewolf form. The whole crazy idea brought a smile to her lips for what felt like the first time since she’d been infected.

“You know, I’m not sure what to be scared of more right now, my parents or being a werewolf,” Hermione chuckled to Harry and Ron while re-reading the letter just to make sure it was true. Her parents weren’t going to disown her. In fact, they didn’t seem to be that worried by it at all and almost seemed pleased at the possibility of new research.

“Well, they are dentists,” Ron quipped with a shudder.

“I wish my aunt and uncle were as supportive. If I was infected with lycanthropy, they’d just tell the school 'He’s your problem now.'” Harry added.

“Or lock you in a silver cage for the entire holidays while that blimp of a cousin of yours pokes you with a stick,” Ron suggested to Harry.

“Definitely sounds like something they would do,” Harry said grimly before turning back to Hermione. “Anyway, you know Ron and I are here for you if you need us?”

“Yeah, who else is going to help us pass Potions?” Ron joked. “I can barely remember what we learnt last week, let alone last year!” he added, referring to the particularly difficult sheet of questions surrounding strength potions they’d received the previous day from Professor Snape

Hermione finally lifted her eyes from the letter and gave Ron a stern look. “That’s not going to work Ron. I’ll check your homework before you hand it in for any glaring errors, but you need to put in the hard work first. Nice try though.”

“Well, it was worth a try. Now, come here,” Ron replied wrapping his arm around Hermione and providing her with a much-needed hug.

Harry did likewise from the other side creating a Hermione sandwich.

In the midst of it all the girl managed to free one of her arms and wipe her tear-stained face. “Thanks guys; that means a lot to me. I think I’ve been so focused on wanting everyone to accept me for what I now am these past few days that I forgot the only opinions that really matter are of those closest to me. It really doesn’t matter how many people accept me through this difficult time, just as long as my friends and family do.”

“Sounds like someone has learnt a friendship lesson. Twilight would be proud,” Fluttershy’s soft voice echoed behind Hermione causing the girl, Ron and Harry to jump in surprise at the sudden intrusion and immediately break off their embrace. “Oh, I am sorry if I startled you,” Fluttershy apologised timidly, “but Headmaster Dumbledore has had correspondence back from Hermione’s parents surrounding her living arrangements whilst studying here. I hope the following compromise will suit you and your dormmates. I heard what happened last night from Professor McGonagall, truly frightful behaviour.”

The ears of Hermione’s dormmates, who were sat a little further down the table to distance themselves from the werewolf, suddenly pricked up.

“Seriously? I’ve barely had any sleep this week for fear I’m going to wake up to a werewolf slobbering over me and whenever I have done, the dreams I’ve had haven’t been pleasant,” Fay argued, shuddering uncontrollably. “And I doubt I’m the only one,” she added to a round of nods and murmurs of agreement from her peers.

Fluttershy turned and scowled at Fay. “So, I guess you are Fay,” she said slowly to the blonde-haired girl. “Tell me, was any of this Hermione’s fault?”

“No, but…”

Fluttershy didn’t give the girl a chance to explain herself. “But nothing. You girls have known each other for over a year now and from what I’ve heard have become rather good friends in that time. Being scared is no excuse, especially for the way you’ve acted around and treated Hermione these past few days. Your so-called friend has been through a traumatic and life changing ordeal, yet rather than support her and stand by her side, you’ve ridiculed, persecuted and attacked her like cowardly bullies. It makes my blood boil,” the Pegasus seethed taking a deep breath to calm herself down before she continued. “Friends don’t abandon friends when they need you most, no matter what. That’s why all four of you after classes today along with Hermione and Scootaloo, sorry Scoti, will be spending your detention with me doing team building exercises. If Scoti and I feel you’ve done enough to mend the bonds that have been broken, Hermione will be spending the rest of the week staying with me and Discord until the full moon passes, and every week that precedes a full moon from here on out until her transformation period is over for that lunar cycle,” Fluttershy said sternly. “And if not? I’ll oversee Hermione’s transformation in your dorm to help you all understand just how painful such a thing is. Do I make myself clear?”

Fay, Parvati and Sophie were all staring shamefacedly at their feet. None of them could either muster a retort or dared to do so. Of the few times they’d seen Fluttershy and from what they’d heard from Scootaloo, Sweetie and Apple Bloom, none of them ever dreamed it would have been possible to anger the newly appointed Care of Magical Creatures Professor, especially to the extent her tone was suggesting. And that just made them feel even worse as they reviewed their actions from the past few days in their heads and realised just how mean and thoughtless they had been.

Lavender meanwhile had risen from her chair and walked over to Hermione while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

“I-I’m really sorry about last night. I told the girls that it was going too far, but Fay insisted drastic action had to be done for us to be taken seriously. Anyway, before they did anything they might regret I made sure I grabbed your plush pony Scootaloo, wrapped her safely in bubble wrap and put her in my trunk until I had the chance to return her. Looking back, I know I should have done more to stop them and I should have said something to Professor McGonagall, but as Fluttershy said, no excuses. So, I understand totally if you no longer want to be friends, but if you’ll let me, I’ll try my very best to make it up to you and be the best friend I possibly can,” Lavender rambled awkwardly before dropping her head and staring at her feet.

In less than a heartbeat she felt two arms wrap around her.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Hermione squealed as yet more tears streamed down her face. “I thought she had been torn to pieces along with the rest of the bed. You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Don’t mention it,” Lavender replied, accepting the hug with a huge smile. “I just saw her lying there and remembered how much you adore her and can’t sleep without her now. Sophie’s even got a picture of you snogging the plush in your sleep!” Lavender chuckled as Hermione started to go red faced.

“Wait, what?” Hermione exclaimed staring at Lavender open-mouthed as an all too well known cackle erupted behind her at the Hufflepuff table followed by Scootaloo’s voice.

“How much?”

Author's Note:

Surprise! realised the next chapter is going to be very long so breaking it up into three parts to make it easier for reading and digesting. Unsure when the next part will be out, likely after holiday, but it could be before, let's just wait and see.

Anyway, there is already a preview released of part of the following chapter, Part 2: A draconequs, a werewolf and a horde of inferi walk into a bar.

Edited 13/06/2021