• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 1: The Chaos Saga (Part 1): Rise of Chaos

My Little Pony:

The Mobian Era

Season 2

Episode 1:The Chaos Saga (Part 1):

Rise of Chaos

Somewhere on Earth, in a forest, there was a big purple cat walking through the forest, followed by a frog that was larger than any normal frog. The big cat was carrying a net full of fish.

"That was a good day of fishing, wouldn't you say, Froggy?" the big cat asked.

"Ribbit, ribbit!" the frog replied. Just then, something came from the sky, startling the two of them.

"What was that, Froggy?" the cat said. Whatever came in left a crater. The cat looked into the crater to see something. "Hey! Look at that!" Big reached into the crater and picked up what was in it.

The big cat then showed it to the frog and said, "Look at this. A lucky charm. What do you say, Froggy?" The frog croaked happily, not seeing some weird water coming in from behind the frog. Then the water went into the frog's mouth.

"Ribbit?" the frog asked.

The big cat looked at the frog and got worried. He then asked, "Are you okay, Froggy?" Just then, he noticed something.

"What's this?! You've grown a tail, Froggy," the big cat said. But then, the frog saw the Chaos Emerald, and then it got an angry expression. It then jumped up to the cat, grabbing the Chaos Emerald and swallowing it. "Hey! Froggy! What's wrong with you?!" Just then, the frog started hopping away from the big cat. The big cat started following the frog. "Froggy! Wait for me! Come back here! You're my bestest buddy in the whole wide world! Oh, what am I gonna do?!"

In the city of Station Square, there were things being unloaded in a mansion. A mansion that was recently bought by the Freedom Fighters, but not all of them. The only Freedom Fighters there were Sonic, Tails, MC, Mutt, Maria, Cream and Cheese. Tails was putting something into a support beam.

"Alright, MC," Tails said. "Fuse it here." MC then walked up and his left index and middle fingers started glowing. MC then started fusing a panel to the beam.

"Okay," MC said. "That should do it. The main computer is hooked up. Nicole's hooked up and with this, we are... online." Then the panel started blinking. "Nicole, respond."

"Hello, your highness," came Nicole's voice from the panel. The panel had a screen, and Nicole's face appeared. "Glad to be of service."

"Thank you, Nicole," MC said. "Glad to see you fully operational."

"I am glad, too," Nicole said. "Although, where are the rest of the Freedom Fighters?"

"Well, since we took down the Storm King months ago, there was no need for the Freedom Fighters to remain together," Sonic said, walking up to the group. "Sally is back with her family in Europe, regaining her kingdom, Antoine and Bunnie moved to New Orleans. Ant's serving as a police officer and Bunnie's a sensei at a dojo. Rotor's working for NASA, working on rocket engines. And Amy got her own apartment somewhere here in Station Square. Speaking of which, Cream is supposed to be living with her at the apartment."

"I'll take her there," MC said. Just then, he looked towards the gate and smiled. "Looky look who just walked in. The High Princess of Equestria and her Council of Friendship." The group looked towards the door and saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. And they weren't alone. They also had the eight Cutie Mark Crusaders with them. "What the heck are you all doin' here?"

"We came to see how you all were doing," Twilight said. "Since you all moved here, we came to see you get settled in."

"I can't believe you moved on here to Station Square," Rainbow Dash said. "But still, this is a nice place!"

"Wowwie, zowwie!" Pinkie Pie said. "You could have a really big party here!"

"Wait until you see the pool," MC said.

"Good thing we brought our bathing suits!" Joshua said. "To the pool!" Then Joshua and the kids ran into the mansion, going past the rest of the Freedom Fighters there.

"There's a pool house in the back yard!" Tails called out. "Change in there one at a time!" Then the Mane 6 walked in with the Freedom Fighters.

"Wow," Twilight said. "I've never seen so much space in a house. Anyway, there's another reason why we're here." Twilight then held out something to show to them.

"A Chaos Emerald!" Sonic and MC said in unison.

"Where did you...?" MC asked, taking it in his hand.

"I can be of service for that," Rarity said. "As Spike and I were doing some gem mining, Spike had came across it, and tried to take a bite out of it."

"Sounds like Spike has a problem with identifying gems and Chaos Emeralds," Cream said. "Well, I got to get to Amy's."

"C'mon," MC said. "I'll drive you there. Might as well take this Chaos Emerald there. No one would mess with Amy when we give her this Chaos Emerald. If someone tries to take it from her, she'll just get out her hammer and knock 'em senseless."

"Good call," Sonic said. "That'll be the last thing people would suspect."

"Mind if I come along?" Twilight asked. "We can catch up along the way."

"I don't see why not," MC said. "I better grab my keys and we'll get into the truck and we'll go."

"You mind watching the kids until I get back?" Twilight asked.

"No problem, Twilight," Sonic said. "Maria, you mind getting some snacks ready?"

"Of course," Maria said. She then sighed. "I just hope that we won't have to worry about things at the moment." She then looked into the sky. "Especially if Julian is still out there." She then headed on inside, the others, minus MC, Twilight, Cream and Cheese, following.

Meanwhile, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, an airship was rising from the ocean. Inside the airship, in a lab, Doctor Eggman was programming some robots for his diabolical plan.

"Excellent," Doctor Eggman said. "My old designs for the E-100 series should do the trick. Phase 2 is just about to begin. Time to see what we got here. All of my E-100 Series robots, come online!"

Then five robots came on a conveyor belts. Then bubbles with a small animal in each went into each robot. Then the robots went online. From left to right, the robots looked nearly identical. From left to right, the color of each robot were black, red, blue, orange and purple.

"Alright, my babies," Doctor Eggman said. "Initiate role call."

"E-101: Beta!" the black robot called out.

"E-102: Gamma!" the red robot called out.

"E-103: Delta!" the blue robot called out.

"E-104: Epsilon!" the orange robot called out.

"E-105: Zeta!" the purple one called out.

"Excellent!" Doctor Eggman said. "Now, we got some work to do. Time to bring in my ultimate plan." Doctor Eggman walked over to a small box and opened it up. There was something in there, and it was glowing in a blue light. "Perfect."

Back in the city of Station Square, in a truck, MC was driving around. Twilight, Cream and Cheese were his passengers. Just then, he sighed.

"Great," MC said. "Running low on gas." He then pulled on off the freeway and he pulled into a gas station. MC then handed Cream and Cheese five dollars. "Go on inside and get yourselves a candy bar.

"Thank you, Mister Crayton," Cream said.

"Chao chao," Cheese added. Then the two of them headed into the food mart of the gas station.

"So, how are things going in Equestria?" MC asked. "The whole upgrading thing must be going off nicely."

"Oh, it's amazing," Twilight said. "Thanks to help from Alex Lynol."

"Yeah, Midpoint has been doing a good job with bringing upgrades to Equestria," MC said. "Enjoying the cell phones there?"

"Yes," Twilight said, pulling out her phone. "This thing is so useful. Taking notes, writing speeches, communicating much more easier. Of course, Spike is a bit sad that his magical fire breath won't be used as much."

"That's a lie," MC said, putting the pump and attaching it to the gas tank.

"What?" Twilight asked. "How did you know that was a lie?"

"The Oracle has taught me how to sharpen all five of my senses," MC said. "My schnoz is so powerful, it can smell lies. So you can't lie to me without my nose finding out it's a lie."

"Wow, you are good," Twilight said. She then looked over to the food mart and saw Cream and Cheese coming out. "Here they come."

"Wow, that was fast," MC said. "And I thought I had super speed."

"Then why didn't you want to be a part of the race?" Twilight asked.

"They never asked," MC said. "Plus, I don't want to waste my speed on contests like that." Just then, a frog with a tail jumped on his head as he was putting the pump back onto the station. "What the heck?" MC asked. He then grabbed it and inspected the frog. "That's odd."

"What? What is it?" Twilight asked.

"This frog is clearly grown up, but it has a tail attached to it," MC said. "And this is not what a tadpole's tale is supposed to look like."

"Hey! Froggy!" came another voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw a big cat coming towards them. "Come back to me!" Then the frog jumped out of MC's grasp and hopped away. "Wait for me!" Just then, the big cat tripped, heading right towards MC. "Whoa!"

"Holy...!!" MC was about to say, before the big cat fell on him. Twilight teleported herself, Cream and Cheese out of the way as the big cat landed on MC, crushing him.

"Sweet Celestia!" Twilight said. "What was that?!"

"Froggy?! Where are you?!" the big cat said, looking around. Just then, he was lifted up and thrown back towards where he was coming from.

"Hey, buster! What the heck were you thinking?!" MC said, getting back up.

"I'm sorry," the big cat said. "You see, that frog you have is my bestest buddy in the whole world, and I lost him!" He then looked around. "Froggy?! Froggy?! Where are you?!"

"Oh, jeez," MC said, his ears folding to the sides. "This is gonna be a long day."

Later then, Twilight, MC, Cream and Cheese were all talking to the big cat, who apparently wasn't getting the picture of trying to explain his life story.

MC sighed and said, "So you're name is Big, and you came here to get your friend, Froggy. Is that what you're saying." The big cat, now known as Big, nodded slowly. Then Twilight, MC, Cream and Cheese all sighed. "Finally, we got some understanding from him."

"But there's one thing," Big said. He then pointed at Cheese. "That's not Froggy!" Then all four of them fell over, groaning.

"Oh, man," MC said. "Where exactly is this guy from?"

Twilight sighed and said, "Listen, we'll help you find your frog. Get into the truck."

"He's not gonna fit," MC said. "It's better if he gets into the bed of the truck. He's bigger than Bulk Biceps."

"Good point," Twilight said.

Later, the truck was driving around the city. Big was in the bed of the truck, looking around for his pet frog.

"Froggy! Where are you?!" Big called out. "Froggy!"

MC groaned and said, "I can't believe we're actually helping a dense headed giant cat finding a frog with a funky tail."

"He needs help, MC," Twilight said. "He really loves that frog." Just then, a bunch of police cars were coming up, making MC groan and pull over. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," MC said. "I better call the police chief." MC then pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Chief. I saw a bunch of police officers go past us. What's up?" He then got a shocking look. "Seriously? Okay. I'll help out as much as I can."

"What's up?" Twilight asked.

"Apparently, some kind of monster is attacking the people in the square of the Smithsonian," MC said. "The chief is lucky I called. He needs my help." MC then followed the police cars, Big holding on tight to the bars on top of the truck cabs.

"Whoa!!" Big shouted. "Slow down!"

Later, they all headed on over towards where the commotion was. MC, Twilight, Cream, Cheese and Big were heading towards the area where the police were blocking off people. They let the five in. They heard gun shots.

"Oh, no! Our weapons are useless!" came a police officer's voice. The group looked towards the voice and saw the police officers who fired the guns being blown away.

"What is that?!" Twilight asked, pointing towards where the police officers were blown away.

"What the heck?!" MC asked. "Is that...?"

"You know what that thing is, Mister Crayton?" Cream asked.

"It looks like those energy creatures that Maria destroyed on the colony where we got her," MC said. "This thing looks like it's made of water. And a brain." MC then held out his wrist. "Nicole, get me in touch with Sonic immediately."

"Sonic here!" came Sonic's voice from MC's wrist. "What's up, MC? Tails left for his lab in the Mystic Ruins."

"Sonic, get your butt to the Smithsonian," MC said. "Something is attacking the people here." Just then, Sonic came in and stopped next to MC. "What, you get lost?"

"What the heck?!" Sonic asked, seeing the creature. He then smirked. "So, you got a brain, huh?" The creature looked at the group. "Let's see what you got." Sonic and MC then charged at the creature. The creature then tried countering, but its attacks weren't doing a thing. MC then tried punching it, but his left arm went right through it.

"The juice?!" MC asked. Just then, the creature grabbed MC's arms, pinned them to his body, and threw him towards the others. "Whoa!!" MC then landed on Big, him falling on his back.

"Whoa," Big said. "You're a lot more heavier than you look." He then looked at the creature. "Huh. That thing looks like the same stuff Froggy drank."

"What?!" MC asked. "You've seen that stuff before?!"

"Yes," Big said. "After Froggy drank it, he grew that tail."

"You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?!" MC asked, angrily. He then charged at the creature. But the creature then smacked Sonic back towards MC, who he grabbed in mid air and they headed towards the creature with Sonic recovering.

"Thanks," Sonic said.

"That thing is so slippery!" MC said. "It's made of inconsistent matter."

"Wait a minute!" Sonic said. "Matter! You can manipulate it's matter. Turn that liquid into a solid."

"Of course!" MC said. "That'll give us a fighting chance!"

"By freezing that creature, they'll be able to take the advantage," Twilight said. "That's genius!"

MC then charged up his hands and said, "Eat this. Chaos Rogue!" MC then fired blasts of golden energy from his fists, them hitting the water creature. But the creature wasn't being effected. "What the heck?!" MC stood shocked. "It... absorbed it?!"

"What does that mean?!" Sonic asked.

"It means... you're all doomed," came another voice. The group looked up and there was Doctor Eggman in his signature Egg Mobile. "I'm back!"

"Eggman!" Sonic and MC said in unison.

Just then, a robot arm charged towards Cream and it grabbed the Chaos Emerald she had.

"Hey!" Cream said.

"Oh, where are my manners," Doctor Eggman said. "Pathetic heroes, meet Chaos. The God of Destruction."

"Chaos?!" Twilight, Sonic and MC asked in unison.

"That's right," Doctor Eggman said. "And that's not all that he has up his sleeve." Doctor Eggman then dropped the Chaos Emerald into the creature, and it changed shape.

Twilight, Sonic, MC, Cream and Big stood there jaw dropped.

"It changed shape!" Twilight said.

"That's right, you fools!" Doctor Eggman said. "And the more Emeralds he gets, the stronger he gets." He then held out the Chaos Emerald he had, and threw it towards Chaos, and he changed again.

"Oh, no!" MC said.

"EGGMAN!!" came another voice. They looked towards the voice and coming in was Knuckles, and he was very upset. "What have you done with the Master Emerald?!"

"Ah, Knuckles," Doctor Eggman said. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't give me that!" Knuckles said. "I saw the Master Emerald broken, and this thing was standing in front of what's left! What have you done?!"

"Oh, please," Doctor Eggman said. "You don't know what the power Chaos has. Destroy them!" Then the Chaos creature charged at the group.

Sonic, MC and Knuckles jumped out of the way of the incoming monster.

"This thing is enormous!" MC said. "How do we defeat something like that?!"

Twilight then came in and fired a blast at the creature, but it absorbed her magic. "My magic's no good against it!"

"Hmm..." MC hummed. He inspected the creature, seeing if there was any weakness to the creature. Just then, he got a good look at the creature's brain. "That must be it. Aim for the brain."

Then Sonic, MC and Knuckles charged at Chaos. Chaos then tried swinging an arm, trying to hit them. All of them were dodging Chaos's attacks. Knuckles grabbed Chaos's left arm and MC grabbed Chaos's right arm, and both of them were pulling them away from Chaos's body.

"Now, Sonic!" MC shouted.

"On it!" Sonic said. He then started spinning around. But then, energy came from Chaos, putting the three of them in an electric shock, the viewers seeing the bones of the heroes, and all of them being pushed away. "Okay... that... hurt..."

Doctor Eggman laughed and said, "You fools. The power of Chaos is relentless! You can't take him down easily as you think!"

Sonic, MC and Knuckles stood together and MC said, "He's right. This guy is more tougher than we think it is. It's defenses are no joke."

"If only we could freeze it," Knuckles said.

"We tried that," Sonic said. "It just absorbed MC's power."

"Wait a minute," MC said. "There's a tank of liquid nitrogen in the truck."

"I'll go get it!" Twilight said. She then teleported out of there.

"Oh, what do we have here?!" Doctor Eggman asked.

Twilight then teleported back with a can of liquid nitrogen. She then threw it over the Chaos creature. MC then jumped up and slashed it apart, and the liquid nitrogen spilled onto Chaos, it freezing solid.

"Alright!" Sonic said. "That did it!"

"Let's finish this!" Knuckles said. Then MC came down and the three of them charged towards Chaos.

"No! Get away from him! Get away!" Doctor Eggman called out.

Sonic came in with his right foot extended, MC had his left arm glowing in a golden aura, about to punch, and Knuckles was about to punch with his right fist. They all collided with Chaos's head, and it broke apart. The ice then turned into water, and the Chaos Emeralds were no where in sight.

"Where are the Emeralds?!" Sonic asked.

"Oh, that was a drawback," Doctor Eggman said. Then from the bottom of the Egg Mobile came a tractor beam, bringing the liquid up. "Until next time, zeroes!" Then he took off.

"What do you guys think that thing is?" Sonic asked.

"I have no idea," MC said. "But I think we'll have to do some research on what it is." They all looked into the sky, seeing Doctor Eggman flying away with his Egg Mobile.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Chaos Saga (Part 2):
Pure Chaos

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