• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 4: The Chaos Saga (Part 4): Bringing Down the Carrier

Episode 4: The Chaos Saga (Part 4):

Bringing Down the Carrier

Twilight was unconscious outside of the X-Tornado. MC shook her awake. She opened her eyes and looked up.

"You okay?" MC asked.

"Yeah," Twilight said. MC then helped her up. "Thanks. Where are we?"

"The Egg Carrier," MC responded. Then the group looked towards the place. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles looked around.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Applejack asked.

"We'll split up," MC said. "Applejack, Rarity, you two help Knuckles find the remaining pieces of the Master Emerald. Sonic, Tails, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, you go find Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy."

"What are you gonna do?" Tails asked.

"I'm gonna take down the engines to this thing," MC said. "As long as I'm going down there, I might as well look for Big and the Crusaders."

"The kids are here?!" Twilight asked.

"I told you that..." MC said. "How did you not hear me when I was telling you that?"

"I couldn't hear you then," Twilight said. "Let's just say, never be close to a sonic boom."

"Sorry about that," Tails said. "Let's go." Then they all headed towards the back but then the sound of Doctor Eggman came.

"I don't think so!" Then the Egg Carrier started shaking. Then the entire Egg Carrier changed. The front end descended and it had wings extended.

"What just happened?!" Twilight asked.

"The Egg Carrier just changed shape!" Sonic said.

"That's right, fools!" came Doctor Eggman's voice. "Try and get me now!" He then cackled through the speakers.

The heroes stood together. They looked at each other and smirked. Then they headed in and split off. MC was heading off in one direction and then a bunch of missiles and cannonballs were fired towards him.

"Chaos... Shield!!" MC said as he put a dome of a golden aura around him. The missiles and cannons colliding and exploding, but no damage was taken. He then rushed around, dodging all the upcoming attacks. Then a bunch of missiles came towards him and they collided. When the smoke cleared, there was a hold where MC stood. MC was already in the hole when the missiles made contact. He was walking through an air duct as he looked back at the hole. "Sucker."

Back with Knuckles, Applejack and Rarity, they went towards a part of the ship, and they were looking for something.

"Anything yet with finding the last pieces?" Knuckles asked.

"I'm trying my best, darling," Rarity said. "It's a little difficult when there's attacks going on all around us."

"She's got a point, sugarcube," Applejack said. "We better take out them cannons as Rarity finds the pieces."

"Good point," Knuckles said. "Let's do this." Applejack and Knuckles then charged through the place, taking out the cannons. Rarity then used her gem finding spell to find the last pieces of the Master Emerald.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sonic and Tails were flying through the air as Tails was carrying Sonic, trying to get to the bridge of the Egg Carrier.

"Hopefully, we'll be able to find our friends in time," Rainbow Dash said. She then noticed something and stopped. "Wait a minute! I see them!" Twilight and Tails, still carrying Sonic, came back and saw where Rainbow Dash was pointing. Then they headed for the group.

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Amy and Lily were running out of somewhere when Amy noticed their friends.

"Sonic!" Amy called out. Pinkie and Fluttershy stopped and looked up. Just then, Lily was grabbed by a claw, chirping all the way. "Lily!"

"Oh, not this time!" came Doctor Robotnik's voice. He then took Lily in his hands.

"You let her go!" Fluttershy called out.

"Oh, I'll let her go," Doctor Robotnik said. "It's just what's in this bird's necklace is what I want." He then opened it up and he pulled something out.

"A Chaos Emerald!" the heroes called out.

"That's why he was after the bird!" Fluttershy said. "He knew Lily had a Chaos Emerald in her necklace.

"That's right," Doctor Eggman said. He then released the bird. "That's all I wanted from you. Go on." Lily then flew back towards Amy. Amy then hugged the bird.

"Lily! You're okay!" Amy said.

"Besides," Doctor Eggman said. "This is where you all fall. Gamma! Come out here!"

Then coming in from the door behind the group was a robot. The same robot that let Amy, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy out.

"What is your command, Doctor?" Gamma asked.

"Wowwie Zowwie!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Gamma, destroy these heroes!" Doctor Eggman said. "I got some business to take care of." He then took off, taking the Chaos Emerald with him.

"Get back here!" Sonic said. But then, Gamma blasted in front of him.

"No! Stop!" Amy shouted.

Sonic then started fighting the robot, trying to take it down quickly. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy tried to get in Sonic's way, but Twilight and Rainbow Dash stopped them. Gamma then fired a bunch of missiles, trying to hit Sonic, but they all missed.

Meanwhile, in the engine room, MC was looking all over. He then smirked.

"Bingo," MC then charged his left fist, jumped towards the engine, and smashed it. Just then, the Egg Carrier started shaking and it started to go down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Twilight said. "What's happening?!"

"I think MC just took out the engines," Tails said.

"Stop!" Amy called out to Sonic and Gamma, who were still fighting.

"Must destroy the blue hedgehog!" Gamma said. But then Gamma was struck down. Sonic was about to strike the final blow, but Amy got in his way, making him stop.

"Amy! Get out of my way, Amy!" Sonic said.

"Sonic, no!" Amy said. "This robot was the one who let me, Fluttershy and Pinkie out."

"It's true!" Pinkie said.

"He let us go," Fluttershy said.

"Are you sure?" Sonic asked.

"I'm sure," Amy said.

"Okay, Amy," Sonic said. Just then, the place started getting foggy. "What's going on?!"

"We're descending!" Tails said. "Wow, MC did a number on the engines."

Back in the catacombs of the Egg Carrier, Big and the Crusaders were looking everywhere for Froggy. But they came across an aquarium.

"I didn't know that this place had an aquarium," Babs said.

"You don't think that Froggy is in one of these tanks, do you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Only one way to find out," Nyx said. Then they looked into the tanks. Just as they were looking through the glass, Scootaloo noticed something.

"Is that MC?!" Scootaloo asked. Then they all looked where Scootaloo was looking. They saw MC swimming to catch something. That something was Froggy. He eventually grabbed Froggy and headed for the glass. He then used his left fist to punch the glass. On the third punch, he broke through. He then threw Froggy towards Big, who caught it.

"By accidentally coming onto the Egg Carrier, you led us right towards Eggman's sky base," MC said. "Now, let's get out of here before Eggman finds out how we got here."

Back up on the top deck, Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy were all checking on Gamma.

"Why would you protect me?" Gamma asked.

"You saved us, so we thought it was right to save you as well," Amy said.

"You deserve a chance to do what you want to do," Fluttershy said. "You don't have to work for Doctor Eggman."

"Just be yourself!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Be... myself..." Gamma said. He then searched his memory banks. Remembering what he has experienced. Obeying Doctor Eggman, seeing his fellow robots being teleported away, seeing Beta being disassembled, and seeing Amy, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Lily begging him to let them go. He then saw all four memories play out, but when it stopped at Doctor Eggman, it showed a red colored word saying "Delete". Gamma then stood up and said, "I have somewhere to go. You get out of here."

"He's right," Tails said. "This place is about to go down." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grabbed Pinkie Pie and then Tails grabbed Amy, then they started flying out of there. Gamma's center opened up and out came propellers. They then started spinning, and Gamma flew out of there.

Over with Knuckles, Rarity and Applejack, they were going through a tunnel, which was shaking.

"Alright, Knuckles," Applejack said. "Now that we got the last piece o' the Master Emerald, ya think we should get outta here?"

"Yes, we should find a way out of here," Rarity said.

"You're right," Knuckles said. "Let's go." Then he looked ahead and Knuckles saw a red light coming towards him. "What the... What's this?!" Just then, it went white all around him.

Knuckles then found himself back where the old temple was. He saw the shrine of the Master Emerald, but it was on fire. He then got shocked.

"Oh, no!" Knuckles then ran towards the alter, and he saw the girl echidna from earlier. He went to check on her. She was unconscious until Knuckles shook her awake. "Are you alright?"

Tikal opened her eyes and looked around. She then gasped to see the alter on fire. "Oh, no. Father, what have you done?" She then looked at Knuckles. "I have to get up there!" She then got up and ran up the stairs.

"Hey, wait!" Knuckles then followed her, and when he got up to the top, he saw the Master Emerald. "The Master Emerald!" He saw Tikal running towards it. "Wait! What are you..." Then he was blinded by a bright light.

Knuckles then saw himself getting carried by Applejack and Rarity.

"Huh?!" Knuckles asked.

"Ya passed out again," Applejack said. "Have ya been gettin' 'nough sleep these past few nights?"

"I've been doing fine," Knuckles replied. "We have to get out of here."

Then Knuckles recovered and ran ahead. Rarity looked towards Applejack and asked, "You think he's going to be okay?"

"If it happens again, we should go and take him ta the hospital," Applejack said. Then they started following Knuckles.

Back with MC, Big and the Crusaders, they were all heading towards the X-Tornado, but then something caught their attention.

"Oh, no, not this guy again!" MC said. Floating in front of them was Chaos 4. The Crusaders got behind Big and then MC bared his claws.

"Nice to see you again, your highness," came Eggman's voice. They all looked towards Doctor Eggman. "You're not going anywhere!"

Just then, Froggy jumped out of Big's hands and he called out, "Froggy! What are you doing?!"

"You fool!" Doctor Eggman said. "Your frog is possessed by Chaos's tail! Come to me, little Chaos Froggy!" Then Froggy hopped towards Doctor Eggman. He then grabbed him, and then Froggy threw up the Chaos Emerald. Then Doctor Eggman got out the Chaos Emerald that he took from Lily. "It's time for Chaos to evolve again!" He then threw both the Chaos Emeralds, and Froggy into Chaos. Chaos then evolved again.

"Oh, snap!" MC said. "It's even more powerful!"

"Froggy!" Big said. Just then, the tail on Froggy vanished, and Chaos 6 grew a tail. Big then ran towards Chaos. "I'll save you, Froggy!"

"Wait, you fool!" MC called out. Big then ran into Chaos, but he didn't pass through.

"That would explain why Froggy has a tail," Nyx said.

MC then stood his ground and said, "C'mon, you monster!" Just then, Twilight and Sonic came in.

"What's going on here?!" Sonic asked. He then noticed Chaos 6. "Oh, man! It evolved again!"

"Nyx, get you and your friends out of here!" Twilight said. "We'll take care of this guy!"

"No way!" Nyx said. "You guys always lose the Chaos Emeralds when the creature is defeated. We gotta get the six of them out of it so it doesn't keep them."

"By taking out the Chaos Emeralds, it'll lose its power," MC said. He then looked at Twilight with a smirk. "She's pretty smart, Sparkles."

"Of course she is," Twilight responded. "I raised her that way." MC then bared his claws and charged at Chaos, but Chaos counted by growing tendrils and attacking MC. MC sliced through and was aiming for the spots where the Chaos Emeralds were.

"Chaos Claw!" MC called out. MC then sliced six areas where the Chaos Emeralds were. Chaos roared in fury.

"Impossible!" Doctor Eggman shouted. "Chaos, attack them all!"

Chaos then charged at the Crusaders, but Knuckles came in and smashed Chaos's head. Knuckles then said, "I don't think so."

"Knuckles," Sonic said. "About time you came back."

"Yeah, yeah," Knuckles said. "Remember, the brain is his weakness."

"Twist, Babs, you two sit this one out," MC said. "The rest of you, grab an Emerald! Sparkles, help those who can't fly up to where an Emerald is."

"Got it!" Twilight said. She then levitated Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Joshua and Dinky up to where a Chaos Emerald is. They all held onto a Chaos Emerald each.

"We got them!" Joshua called out.

"MC! You ready?!" Knuckles called out, holding up a shovel claw on his right hand.

"Oh, yeah!" MC said, baring his claws. Then the two of them charged towards Chaos's head and they sliced through, getting out the brain. "Sonic! Now!"

Sonic then did a spin dash attack towards Chaos's brain. Chaos then melted, but this time, without the Chaos Emeralds. The Crusaders were holding a Chaos Emerald each. Sonic came back, holding a normal Froggy.

"Froggy!" Big called out. Sonic then gave Froggy back to Big. "Oh, thank you! Now we can go home together!"

"Ribbit ribbit!" Froggy said.

"No! This is impossible!" Doctor Eggman called out. Just then, the place started going down. "No! My Egg Carrier!" He then groaned. "This isn't over!" He then started flying away.

"Get back here!" Sonic called out. He then chased Doctor Eggman, jumping off the Egg Carrier.

"Sonic!" Twilight called out.

"He'll be fine!" MC said. "He's very durable. Especially in his ball form. Right now, we need to get out of here."

"Twi, can ya teleport us all outta here?" Applejack asked.

"Well, not all of us," Twilight said. "Four of us would have to stay and find another way out."

"I can pilot the X-Tornado," MC said. "Knuckles, Big, you two come with me." Then the three of them and Froggy went towards the X-Tornado. Twilight lit up her horn and the rest of them teleported.

As MC, Knuckles and Big were heading towards the X-Tornado, which Knuckles had the Chaos Emeralds in a sack with the last of the Master Emerald, the Egg Carrier shook, making MC and Knuckles fall onto the ground. Big on the other hand headed for the X-Tornado. He then got into the cockpit.

"Boy, look at this, Froggy," Big said. "I wonder how it works."

MC and Knuckles recovered and MC noticed what Big was doing. "Oh, no!" MC said. "Big, get out of there!"

"You don't know what you're..." Knuckles said, but then the X-Tornado started taking off right towards them. MC and Knuckles then got bashed and MC grabbed onto the X-Tornado and Knuckles. Knuckles was holding onto the sack with the Emeralds. The X-Tornado was heading out of there, heading towards the ground.

At the Freedom Fighters mansion, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and the Crusaders arrived in a flash. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went to check on them.

"Are you alright?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Did you stop Eggman?"

"And Chaos!" Applejack said. "The Crusaders got the Emeralds outta the creature, and gave 'em ta Knuckles."

"Good call," Fluttershy said. "Although, one of those Chaos Emeralds belonged to Lily there. Although, it's not the only thing in that necklace she had that was important to the poor bird. Apparently, Doctor Eggman has captured her brother and sister, and she has no idea where they are."'

"Then perhaps we should look for them," Amy said, walking towards them. "Doctor Eggman has done so much emotional harm to this poor birdie, so we're going to get them back. Pinkie, Fluttershy, let's go." The two mares nodded and the three of them, and Lily headed on out of there.

Tails came in and asked, "Have any of you guys seen Mutt? I haven't seen him since this morning."

"Well, after what you all went through, Mutt started doing some research," Maria said. "He checked my grandfather's notes on the Artificial Chaos, and he might have found out where the legend of Chaos is. An old temple somewhere in the Mystic Ruins."

"An old temple?!" Twilight and Rainbow Dash asked in unison.

"Oh, we are going!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hold on," Twilight said, grabbing Rainbow Dash. Then she lit up her horn and teleported out of there. Just then, a news report came to the TV.

"This is Scarlet Garcia, reporting live from the center of Station Square, where a missile has somehow ended up on the Freeway Bridge. People are in a panic, whether or not the missile will destroy this part of the city."

"A missile!" Tails said. He then stood up. "I'm going over there to disable it." He then headed out of there. The Crusaders followed. As they got to the missile crash sight, the people were in a panic.

"Boy," Apple Bloom said. "Ah haven't seen this many people panic since... well... since... huh. It's hard ta come up with an example."

"Alright, Crusaders," Tails said. "Stay here. I'm gonna disable the missile."

"I don't think so!" came another voice. They all looked up and saw Bokkun hovering above them.

"Oh, no," Joshua said. "Not this guy again!"

"You think the doctor wouldn't let this missile be here unguarded?!" Bokkun asked. "Well, I don't think so!" He then grabbed a bomb out of his satchel and threw it at the group. They jumped out of the way and the bomb exploded on contact with the ground.

"We have to disarm that missile!" Tails said.

"We'll distract this guy," Nyx said. "Joshua, you help Tails with the missile."

"What?! Me?!" Joshua asked.

"Your birth parents were expert scientists that sent you to Equestria," Dinky said. "You said that you helped them with the portal. Surely, you can help Tails with disabling the missile."

Joshua looked at Tails, who responded with a nod. Then Joshua looked back at the girls and nodded. Then Tails started flying and he grabbed and carried Joshua towards the missile's control panel. Apple Bloom then grabbed a trash can and threw it towards Bokkun's bomb, which headed back towards the robot, it exploding in front of Bokkun.

"Hey!" Bokkun shouted. "That wasn't very nice!"

"Ya ain't that nice either!" Babs shouted.

"Listen, you!" Dinky said. "That blast will take out a bunch of people in the area! If you don't clear out, you'll be caught in the explosion, too!"

"Hah!" Bokkun said. "Not likely! The Doctor wouldn't let anything like that happen to me!"

"Is that tho?" Twist asked.

Bokkun thought about it, then he went wide eyed. He then said, "Oh, no! He wouldn't come and save me! I'm gonna die!"

Back with Tails and Joshua, they opened the control panel. There were a bunch of wires in there.

"There are a lot of wires in here," Tails said.

"If TV shows had taught me anything back in my world, there's always one wire that disables the bomb," Joshua said. If we cut the right wire, the missile will be disarmed."

"You're right," Tails said. "But if we cut the wrong one, the bomb will explode."

Joshua then looked around and he saw the explosives in the missiles and a green wire attached to it. He then said, "I see the bombs. They're connected by a green wire."

"The green wire," Tails said. "Usually, it's the red ones that are connected to it." Tails then cut the green wire. Then a voice came from the missile.

"Missile disarmed. Have a nice day."

"We did it!" Tails said. Then the people cheered. Then Bokkun went towards Tails and Joshua, and he shook their hands. Then he took off, heading off somewhere.

"Okay, that was weird," Joshua said as Tails carried Joshua down to the ground.

"Perhaps he was grateful that he didn't get blown up," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "That was a close one." Just then, her stomach growled. "I'm getting hungry."

"Alright, let's get some lunch," Tails said. The crowd was still cheering.

Meanwhile, somewhere outside of Station Square, MC and Knuckles were recovering after the X-Tornado's crash landing in a tree. MC and Knuckles were laying on a beach.

"Okay," MC said. "That hurt. If that guy wasn't that brain challenged, I'd tear him apart for almost getting us killed."

"I won't tell if you won't," Knuckles said. He then got up. "I gotta get going."

"Me, too," Big said. "Thanks for the help!" Big and Froggy were walking off. Knuckles headed out in another direction. MC sighed and turned towards the water. Just then, he saw something in the water. He dove in and grabbed what was glowing. He couldn't believe his eyes. He came out of the water with something in his hand.

"The last Chaos Emerald," MC said. He then looked around and then he looked up at the X-Tornado. "Well, might as well get the X-Tornado fixed before I can get this back to Knuckles." MC then jumped up to the tree, and grabbed the X-Tornado. He then started repairing it.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Chaos Saga (Part 5):
Rogue Robot

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