• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 9: The Shadow Saga (Part 3): Prison Island Riot

Episode 9: The Shadow Saga (Part 3):

Prison Island Riot

Sonic was under lock down in his prison cell. He was pacing back and forth in the cell. In the monitor room, the guards watching his cell were keeping a close eye on him.

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, the Spirit of Freedom was coming in for a landing by the White House. MC, Maria, Mutt, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy started running towards the White House. The group entered the White House and was heading for the Oval Office, which the President was walking out of there.

"Oh, what are you all doing here?" the President asked.

"Mr. President," MC said. "There's something you need to know about the heists."

"If you think that convincing me that Sonic didn't steal Project: SHADOW and the Chaos Emerald for Doctor Eggman, you can't succeed," the President said.

"That wasn't Sonic," Maria said. "You didn't see the image when it was brightened."

"What?" the President asked.

The group went into the room and showed an image from the footage. Then the image was then brightened to make it look like it was daytime.

"What?!" the President asked. "Who is that?"

"That is Project: SHADOW," Maria said. "Shadow the Hedgehog."

"All this time..." the President said. "All this time... Professor Gerald Robotnik's greatest weapon was a life form."

"Shadow would never do something like that," Maria said. "Not unless he has a reason."

"And what reason would that be?" the President asked.

"Apparently, one of the GUN soldiers 50 years ago shot Maria Robotnik, and he thinks that she's dead," MC said.

"But what Shadow doesn't know is that Maria is still alive, in this body," Rarity said.

"You must pardon Sonic so he can stop the one responsible for those crimes," Fluttershy said. "You have the evidence now."

The President sighed and said, "I guess I should pardon him. Let me make a call."

Somewhere in the jungle area of Prison Island, Shadow, Rouge and Doctor Eggman were together. They were all explaining the plan.

"Okay, here's the plan," Doctor Eggman said. "I'll be a distraction and attack all of the weapons before they can fire them. Meanwhile, Rouge, you will go into the vaults and get the Chaos Emeralds that are there. And Shadow, you go to the weapons room and plant these charges."

"Will do, doctor," Shadow said, taking the charges.

"This'll be a piece of cake," Rouge said.

Eggman then hovered up into the sky, and he started blasting around the weapon's bed willy-nilly. The guards there were trying to stop him. But during the commotion, Shadow and Rouge got into the base.

"Let's meet up back here," Rouge said. Just then, the X-Tornado was coming in sight.

Applejack noticed the island and said, "Is it just me, or does that there island look like a guitar?" The group noticed the island.

"That's Prison Island," Tails responded. "It's one of the most high secure places and..." He then got a realization. "Wow. It does look like a guitar."

"Hey, look!" Amy said, noticing Shadow and Rouge. She thought that Shadow was Sonic. "Sonic's out!" Then the X-Tornado transformed into the X-Cyclone and landed. Then the group got out of the X-Tornado and headed towards the two. Amy ran over and hugged Shadow. "Sonic! You're out!" She then noticed the color and gasped. She then stood back. Shadow turned around.

"That's not Sonic," Twilight said. "Who are you?!" Just then, Eggman hovered down. "Eggman!"

"You shouldn't try to interfere," Eggman said. "Shadow! Rouge! Continue your mission!" Eggman then blasted a hole into the door, and the two ran through the hole. "I'll take care of these lowlifes." Eggman then fired at the group, who jumped out of the way. Tails then headed for the X-Cyclone and got in.

"All of you, go get Sonic!" Tails said. "I'll take care of Eggman!" Tails then fired at Doctor Eggman. The two continued their fighting as Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Amy went inside.

"I recognize that bat from the battle against the Storm King in New York," Twilight said. "Why is she working with Eggman?!"

"Perhaps it's a rouse," Rainbow Dash said.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Amy said.

Just then, in the monitor room, the warden was on the phone.

"What?!" the warden shouted. "Sonic's being pardoned by the president?! For all the things he's done?! Impostor?! I don't believe it! Sonic's not leaving this place whether you like it or not!" He then slammed the phone. "You can't trick me, Michael Crayton."

Then in the White House, the President got off the phone.

"The warden thought you were me," the President said, looking at MC.

"Told you not to choose that psycho to be the warden," MC said.

"You were right," said the President. "I shall set up a report to the public that Sonic shall be pardoned for the crimes he was wrongly accused of."

"Good," Rarity said. "We must be on our way."

"Rares is right," MC said. "Let's move out." Rarity, Fluttershy, MC and Mutt ran out of there, but Pinkie Pie stopped to see Maria standing there.

Pinkie walked towards Maria and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Shadow... I need to know why he's doing this," Maria said. "I need to hear it from his own mouth."

"Wait, you're gonna confront Shadow?!" Pinkie asked.

"I got the same powers as Shadow," Maria said. "Even though I don't have full control of them."

"And there's also the fact that whenever those powers are used, you wear yourself out," Pinkie said. "But when the others saw Shadow using his powers, he didn't get weaken at all."

"It's because of his inhibitor rings," Maria said. She then sighed. "Let's go." Maria then walked off and Pinkie followed. The President looked out towards the window, looking towards the city.

"Hopefully, those guys know what they're doing," said the President. He then sighed. "I hope you're right about this, Michael Crayton."

Back on Prison Island, Rouge came face to face with Olive. The two of them started fighting by pushing each other's hands.

"Sorry about this," Rouge whispered.

"Eggman is probably watching," Olive whispered. "Make it look real." Then the two of them started fighting. There was a camera watching them. Doctor Eggman was watching the two fight through the security cameras.

"Rouge, finish her off quickly and get the Chaos Emeralds!" Eggman said to Rouge.

Rouge then kicked Olive towards the wall, making her fall over. Olive's hand landed on a hand scanner, making a vault door open, revealing a Chaos Emerald.

"Ahh..." Rouge said. She then headed for the Chaos Emerald and grabbed it. "Thanks for the assist." She then flew away. Olive recovered and looked towards Rouge's flying direction.

Making sure she kept her face out of sight of the camera, she smirked and thought, "Good luck, Rouge." She then headed out of there.

In the weapons room, Shadow was setting the charges.

"Alright, Doctor," Shadow said. "I'm in the weapons room. All I need is to know how long to set the timer to set off the explosives."

"Good thing, Shadow," Eggman replied through his communicator. "Set the timer for fifteen minutes. Rouge will have plenty of time to find the Emeralds."

"I can find the Emeralds in five minutes," Rouge said in the communicator.

"Alright," Eggman said in the communicator. "Shadow, set the timer for ten minutes."

"Will do, doctor," Shadow then set the timer.

Meanwhile, Doctor Eggman was being pursued by Tails in the X-Tornado. Eggman then turned around, making Tails stop in shock.

"Listen Tails, I'm really busy right now," Doctor Eggman said. "I have somewhere else to be. Later!" Then Doctor Eggman flew off, leaving Tails confused.

"What just happened?" Tails asked, still confused.

Meanwhile, in the Monitor room, the warden was watching as Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Amy were heading towards Sonic's cell.

"What?!" the Warden said. "Put the place on lock down!"

"Yes, sir," said one of the men in the monitor room. He then noticed something. "Ahh!! Oh, no! Explosive charges! We got less than 10 minutes!"

"WHAT?!" the Warden asked. "Evacuate! Don't let the intruders leave!"

"Yes sir!" said the man from before. "Releasing Flying Dog."

Rouge was heading into another room, now that she had two Chaos Emeralds.

"Two down, one to go," Rouge said. She then opened the door and standing in front of her was the last Emerald that was locked in that room.

Rouge walked over towards the Emerald and grabbed it. As soon as she grabbed it, something flew in and the doors sealed up behind it.

"Oh, no!" Rouge said. "Flying Dog!"

Meanwhile, at Sonic's cell, he saw Amy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack coming in.

"Hey, there, sugarcube," Applejack said. "We just got a call from MC and the President. Ya'll are pardoned for the crimes ya didn't do."

"Alright!" Sonic said. He then did a spin dash, and smashed through the cell door. Twilight then walked into the cell and noticed the writing on the wall.

"Sonic, what is all of this?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know," Sonic said. "It was all there when I was brought into this cell."

"That's interesting," Twilight said. "I better get this all memorized."

"C'mon, we gotta get out of here," Rainbow Dash said. Just then, the doors to the room started to close. "Oh, crud!" Then all of them started to run. Sonic grabbed Amy and Rainbow Dash grabbed Applejack and dashed out of there before the doors closed. Twilight teleported next to them.

"Quick thinking," Sonic said. "Let's get out of here." The alarms were still blaring. "What's up?"

"Evacuate! Evacuate! Explosion imminent!"

The group all gasped. Amy then said, "Hopefully, that black hedgehog gets trapped in the explosion."

"Wait, that creep's on the island?!" Sonic asked. "You guys get going."

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going after the guy who framed me!" Sonic said. He then rushed out of there. Twilight then lit up her horn and teleported the group out of there.

In the room Rouge was locked up, Rouge was trying to get out of the room while dodging the mech's missiles. Rouge then smashed into the cockpit of the mech, and it went down to the ground.

Rouge was exhausted and went towards the door. She then tried kicking the door to smash through. She was getting more and more exhausted. She then pulled out her communicator.

"This is Rouge. I'm trapped in this vault with the Chaos Emeralds. I guess I can't consider myself a treasure hunter anymore. I'm sorry, guys." She then leaned her head back. "Olive... I hope you're getting everyone off of the island."

The helicopters were being loaded with the people that were on the island. Olive was the last one on the helicopter when it started taking off. Then the warden looked towards her.

"About time you got here," the warden said. "You stopped the intruders from getting out, did you?"

"Sorry, but I have no reason to talk to a man who's no longer a government employee," Olive said. "You were told directly from the president to release Sonic, but you refused. Which means, you defied a government order. Which is a punishable offense, and it's also a one way ticket to prison back on the mainland."

"What?!" the warden asked. "No! I was doing my job! Sonic is...!" Just then, the men on the helicopter grabbed the warden and put handcuffs on his wrists. "No! This can't be happening!"

Olive looked at the island and thought, "Rouge, I hope you can get out of there in time."

In the middle of the forest around the prison area, Shadow was thinking about Rouge being trapped with three Chaos Emeralds. Then he remembered his friend, Maria. Shadow then grumbled.

"Troublemaker," Shadow then ran towards the base. Shadow was running towards the base but then when he was almost there, he was hit. Shadow then looked towards who hit him and saw Sonic. "That blue hedgehog again, of all places."

"I found you, faker!" Sonic said.

"Faker?" Shadow asked in cockiness. "I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not good enough to be my fake."

Sonic then charged towards Shadow, saying, "I'll make you eat those words!" Shadow replied by charging back.

Back in the Island Prison, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Amy ran out of the place, and saw that the X-Tornado was landing in front of them.

"Get in!" Tails said.

The group then started to climb into the X-Tornado. Twilight then said, "We have to find Sonic before the place blows up."

"On it," Tails said. He then started flying over the forest.

Meanwhile, in the Eggman base somewhere in a desert area, Doctor Eggman was arriving in a computer room. He then noticed that Shadow and Rouge's location, and that they were still on the island. He then grumbled and grabbed a communicator.

Sonic and Shadow were still brawling on the island. But then, a beeping came from Shadow's communicator.

"Shadow?! What are you doing?! Get back here right now before the island blows up with you on it!" came Eggman's voice from the communicator.

"Blows up?!" Sonic shouted. Shadow then grumbled and then he ran away. Sonic then grumbled and said, "I gotta get to the others. Fast." Just then, the X-Tornado appeared over him. He then ran up a tree and landed on a wing. Then the X-Tornado started flying away.

In the vault that Rouge was, she was laying against the door. Then Shadow appeared in front of her.

"Shadow!" Rouge said. Shadow then ran towards her, shouting one thing.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!" Then in a flash of light, the two disappeared.

From far away, the heroes on the X-Tornado watched as Prison Island was blowing up.

"So much damage," Twilight said. "I hope that everyone on the island made it out okay."

"Let's get out of here," Sonic said.

Back in Equestria, the Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters were watching the news from the Throne Room.

"And as we can see, the hedgehog who we thought that was Sonic the Hedgehog robbing the government and the museum was all false. If we edit the footage, and brighten the image, we can see that it's a completely different hedgehog. The mysterious hedgehog is to remain unknown to the public until the right time."

"Nicole, shut it off," MC said. Then the holographic screen vanished. Then MC started pacing. "Okay, I get Prison Island getting destroyed after the Chaos Emeralds were taken from there. But what is Eggman's plan?"

"Julian wouldn't be doing something this terrible unless he's planning something big," Maria said.

"The last time he tried something big, the Chaos creature got out of control," Twilight said. "And before that, his partnership with the Storm King went off so badly, he almost got himself killed."

"Whatever the doctor is up to, we better figure it out fast," Sonic said. "Otherwise, we're all getting into some hot water. Possibly boiling."

"You're right," MC said. "Hopefully, we'll get some answers." Maria then walked out of the room.

As Maria was walking down the hall, Pinkie Pie came up to her.

"You doing okay?" Pinkie asked.

"I just don't know," Maria said. "Why is Shadow doing this? He would never go back on our promise." Her eyes started filling with tears. Pinkie Pie then hugged her sincerely.

"It'll be alright," Pinkie said. "Hopefully, Shadow will remember his real promise sooner or later."

Meanwhile, on Space Colony ARK, Shadow was looking down at the world with an angry expression. He only had one thing on his mind at the moment.


Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Shadow Saga (Part 4):
The Eclipse Cannon

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