• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 24: The Black Comet Saga (Part 4): Forgotten Memories

Episode 24: The Black Comet Saga (Part 4):

Forgotten Memories

Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, MC, Maria, Sally, Shadow, Olive, Midpoint and the Chaotix were loading up the Freedom Fighters spaceship. Spike was watching the heroes loading up the stuff into the spaceship from an office in the Pentagon. Spike sighed in shame knowing that he let the Crystal Ponies down.

"I still can't believe I let the Crystal Ponies down," Spike said. "They were counting on me, and I let them down." But he didn't notice that someone else was in the room with him. He then turned and screamed in shock. He saw that the figure in the room with him was the Iron Mask. "Y-you?! What are you doing here?!"

"I see you're distressed, young one," Iron Mask said. "I must apologize for making you look like a wimp in front of the Crystal Ponies in the Crystal Empire."

"Why?" Spike asked.

"A real hero puts the people he's protecting first," Iron Mask replied. "Today, you will get your chance."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Spike asked.

"I'm gonna give you your own shot of being a real hero," Iron Mask replied. "We're gonna go up to the stars and take down those Black Aliens, and finally get you your chance of being a real hero."

"I'm not too sure about that," Spike said. "I might mess up again."

"That's the thing about mistakes," Iron Mask said. "You learn from them, and get better."

"Really?" Spike asked.

"Yes," Iron Mask replied. "And I believe you can always rise up from failure."

Spike thought about it. He didn't know what else to do. So he smiled and said, "Alright. What do I have to do... your majesty?"

The Freedom Fighters Space Ship was flying up into the sky, about to leave the planet's atmosphere. The chosen heroes were riding inside. Shadow was looking out the window as the ship was ascending through the stratosphere. He was trying to think about something. But then, he was reminded of something.

"Shadow..." came Maria's voice from his head.

"Maria?!" came Shadow's voice from a forgotten memory. Shadow then fell down to the ground, holding his head in frustration.

He then flashbacked to the past where he saw Maria as he was walking down the hallway of the ARK over 50 years ago.

"Hey, Shadow," Maria said. "What brings you up and about?"

Shadow smirked and said, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to check up on you. See how you were doing."

"Aww, that's sweet of you, Shadow," Maria said. "But I'll be fine."

"Maria..." Shadow said.

"Yes, Shadow?" Maria asked.

Shadow sighed and said, "Nothing."

It then went to the present. At the Freedom Fighters residence, Spike and the Iron Mask went into the garage to get to the X-Tornado.

"Why are we going to the X-Tornado?" Spike asked.

"The X-Tornado has been modified to go into space by Tails a while ago," Iron Mask replied. "But it takes two Chaos Emeralds to power it."

"But, we don't have any Chaos Emeralds on us," Spike said.

"That's what you think," Iron Mask said, pulling something out of the coat the figure was wearing.

"You have two Chaos Emeralds?!" Spike asked.

"I found them on my journey," Iron Mask replied. "So, are you up for this adventure?"

Spike looked towards the X-Tornado, then back towards Iron Mask and asked, "You know how to fly that jet?"

Back in the Spaceship, the heroes were walking around the spaceship as it was just about to leave the planet's atmosphere.

"We have exited the planet's atmosphere," Nicole's voice said.

"Good," MC said. "Keep heading towards the ARK. This'll be one heck of a homecoming for Maria and Shadow."

Sonic walked up to MC, saying, "Last time Shadow was up here in Space, we all thought he died."

"I knew Shadow was tough, but I didn't think he'd be that tough," MC replied. "He basically fell from space and woke up with amnesia." He then saw the Black Comet in view.

"You think the Black Creatures came from that comet?" Sonic asked.

"It's the only explanation on why those creatures showed up when the comet entered the atmosphere," MC replied. "If only we know why those things are here."

"I can tell you," came Maria's voice. Sonic and MC looked towards the voice to see Maria walking up to them. "The aliens did come from that comet. At the time, I didn't know why they were here. But, they were all creepy. Especially Black Doom."

"So what is Black Doom's game?" MC asked.

"World conquering," Maria said. "They want to take the world we live in and make it their own."

"How are they gonna do that?" Sonic asked.

"Starting with fear," Maria said. "They're already attacking the people of Earth. Then they're planning on destroying the world capitals."

"Using the Eclipse Cannon to do it," MC said. "We have to get there before they do."

"But what are they wanting to do with the Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know," Maria answered. "They've been wanting them for some reason the last time they came up to the ARK."

"They were on the ARK?" MC asked. "Why?"

"Because my grandfather made the mistake of making contact with the comet," Maria said.

"Should've known that making contact with creepy black aliens would lead to disaster," Sonic said.

"At least we got a continent full of friendly Equestrians to help us out with the alien war we're facing," MC said.

"I just hope that there's a way to stop all of those aliens before it's too late," came Twilight's voice as she was walking up to the group. "The Black Aliens are very destructive."

"I've done more destruction, but I choose not to when it comes to peoples lives," MC said. "We're just going to have to get through this disaster like every other disaster we've faced."

"Equestria arriving on Earth due to Chaos Control," Twilight said.

"The Storm King attacking New York," Sonic added.

"Chaos's rampage through DC," MC added.

"The ARK almost colliding with the Earth," Maria also added.

"Metal Sonic taking control of Eggman's plan," Sonic said.

"Heck, I had to fight real ghosts with Yona just to get Fluttershy and the other students back," MC added.

"Seriously, how were there ghosts?" Twilight asked. "That should've been a huge superstition."

"Yeah, like you haven't seen any superstitious things before your continent came to Earth," MC added.

"Good point," Twilight said.

"We need to get to the ARK, stop those aliens from taking control of the Earth, and killing innocent people," Maria said. "If we take down Black Doom..."

"Then all of the aliens won't be able to do anything without any orders from him," Sonic said. "Hopefully Shadow will be ready for the final fight."

"We're gonna need him at his best when it comes to this fight," MC said. "He's basically one of the toughest fighters we know. As long as Walters doesn't do anything stupid."

"Like what?" Twilight asked.

"Trying to kill Shadow for Maria's death," MC answered. "At least he got to see her alive again." He then looked towards Maria. "How did you know him anyway?"

"He and a bunch of GUN agents from back then came up to the ARK to see the progress of Project: SHADOW," Maria said. "I guess he saw something out of context. He was eight at the time."

"It was the seventies," MC said. "I bet a lot of things back then were out of context."

"Good point," Maria said. Then they started walking away from the window.

In the past, Shadow saw Maria and Professor Gerald Robotnik coming out of the lab.

"Shadow," Maria said. "We have trouble coming."

"What is it, Maria?" Shadow asked.

"It would seem that Black Doom is planning to take over the planet the next time the Comet arrives to pass the Earth in another 52 years," Professor Gerald said. "It seems that I've been tricked into helping extraterrestrial terrorists on taking over the Earth."

"What?!" Shadow asked. "No. I won't let that happen."

"I know you can do this, Shadow," Maria said. "We're counting on you to help protect the planet."

"I will, Maria," Shadow said. "I won't let those darn aliens take the Earth."

"Thank you, Shadow," Maria said. Just then, a scientist ran out of the room into the hall.

"Professor!" the scientist said.

"What is it, Lynol?" Professor Gerald asked.

"We got trouble coming," the scientist known as Terrence Lynol said. "It seems that one child that came with some GUN soldiers had seen you talking with Black Doom and they're sending a bunch of Soldiers to shut down the ARK, and they're gonna try to arrest us."

"What?!" Shadow, Maria and Professor Gerald asked.

"No," Professor Gerald said. "We have to defend the planet from those Aliens."

"The agents will be here any minute," Terrence Lynol said. "We have to get out of here."

It then went to the present where Shadow was holding his head. Shadow kneeled to the ground, breathing hard. Just then, Twilight, MC and Maria walked in, seeing Shadow on the ground, holding his head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" MC said. The three of them surrounded Shadow. MC then helped Shadow up to his feet. "You okay, old man?"

"I... I'm... remembering some stuff from my past," Shadow said. "The ARK. The Aliens plan. And..." Shadow then looked at Maria. "You. As a human."

"You... remember that?" Maria asked.

"Yes," Shadow said. "You're... Maria Robotnik. You... were diagnosed with a rare disease. But that's not how you died. You died because of... because of..." Shadow then groaned, not knowing what happened to Maria before she became a hedgehog.

"Take it easy, Shadow," Twilight said, leading Shadow to the bench under the window. "Your memories will come back to you over time. It'll just have to wait."

"Space Colony ARK, in view!" came Tails's voice through the speakers. The four of them looked out the window to see Space Colony ARK.

"Never thought we'd be able to see this place again," MC said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "I just hope that we can handle all of those things."

"So... this is Space Colony ARK," Shadow said. He then tilted his head to the right. "This place... so familiar... but why?"

MC was standing in front of Twilight and Maria, and he pushed them back, saying, "You might... want to stand back."

"This is where I..." Shadow said. But then he remembered something. He remembered the battle where he, Twilight and Sonic were keeping the ARK from falling to the Earth. But eventually, him falling down to the Earth, blacking out somewhere. "...died?"

Maria walked up to Shadow and made him look at her. She then said, "Well, you didn't exactly die. You survived the fall, but your memories didn't."

"Eggman found you on pure luck," MC said. "It was also lucky for us to get to you before those aliens went too deep into your head."

"I just need some time for myself," Shadow said. Twilight and MC nodded and headed out of the room. Maria just stood there. "I respect you for wanting to help me, but I just need some time alone."

"I know," Maria responded. "But, I just couldn't leave my best friend." She then sat next to Shadow. "You're starting to remember pieces of your past."

"I don't remember all of them exactly," Shadow responded. "But... if it's bad..." He then sighed. "How close were we back then?"

"Very close," Maria said.

"Back then, when you were still human, were we separated from each other?" Shadow asked.

"We were," Maria said. "For over fifty years."

"How come you look so young?" Shadow asked.

"The same way you do," Maria said. "Suspended animation."

"Okay, that makes sense," Shadow said. "It must've been strange for you to wake up in a world that's so different to you now. I'd hate to see how your parents had taken it to see you as a hedgehog."

"Actually..." Maria said, bowing her head a little. "My parents... died. Five years before I came out of suspended animation. MC actually took me to their graves so I could pay my respects to them. Plus..." Maria then pulled out the necklace she got for Christmas. "This was my mother's. It's... all I have left of them."

Shadow put a hand on Maria's shoulder and said, "You're a good kid, Maria. If only I had all of my memories of you and me back then."

"I'm sure your memories will return to you, Shadow," Maria said. "It'll just take some time." She then leaned on Shadow. Shadow, instinctively, wrapped his arm around Maria, feeling like he had done that before.

But unknowingly to the group in the spaceship, the X-Tornado was flying through space, following the Freedom Fighters Spaceship. In the cockpit was the Iron Mask, and Spike in the seat behind.

"Why are we following them?" Spike asked.

"We got some aliens to fight," Iron Mask replied. "The Black Aliens have to be taken down from the source."

"Like how MC saved everypony in Equestria from Swamp Fever," Spike said. "But why are we following the Freedom Fighters to Space Colony ARK?"

"We're not going to the ARK," Iron Mask said. "We're taking the fight to the aliens from inside the Black Comet. We take out Doom..."

"We can stop the aliens from attacking and they have no idea what to do next," Spike said.

"Exactly," Iron Mask said. "Prepare for real speed." Iron Mask then turned up the power of the jets on the X-Tornado and started accelerating past the Freedom Fighters Spaceship.

That did not go unnoticed by Tails and Midpoint. Tails then said, "That was the X-Tornado. But who was flying it?" Midpoint then pushed some buttons on the console.

"This is the Freedom Fighters Spaceship to X-Tornado," Midpoint said. "I need confirmation on who's piloting." There was no answer. Midpoint then pushed the button again. "Freedom Fighters Spaceship to X-Tornado. Who's piloting?!" Still no answer.

"Why isn't the pilot answering?" Tails asked.

"I better see who this is," Midpoint said, about to pull off his rings, but then there was a banging sound, making the ship shake. Midpoint looked outside to see some flying Black Aliens banging the outside of the ship.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Midpoint said. "This is just not my week!" He then pushed a button on the console. "Attention passengers, we have some aliens trying to knock us out of collision. Prepare for some evasive maneuvers." Tails then started taking the controls to move the ship out of the incoming attacks.

Back in the X-Tornado, Spike looked up towards the Iron Mask.

"Why didn't you answer them?" Spike asked.

"Some things have to be a surprise at the end," Iron Mask replied. "Besides... I'd rather let Michael be surprised when I reveal to him my appearance."

"You're gonna unmask yourself to MC?!" Spike asked, surprised.

"Eventually, he's gonna know it's me," Iron Mask replied. "It's my fate."

"What does that mean?" Spike asked.

"You'll find out soon, Spike," Iron Mask replied.

Spike then turned around to look at the space ship and he shouted, "Oh, no! The Freedom Fighters are under attack!"

Iron Mask turned to look at the Freedom Fighters Spaceship to see the heroes under attack. Iron Mask then said, "Alright. Time to see what this thing can do." Iron Mask then moved one of the levers a certain way and the X-Tornado transformed into Battle Armor Mode. "No way we're gonna let the heroes fly out into space forever."

The X-Tornado turned around and started flying towards the Freedom Fighters Spaceship, and it pulled out its sword and started slicing the Black Aliens.

Twilight and MC were looking out the window to see the X-Tornado flying past. For a moment, Twilight and MC saw who was in the cockpit. Twilight and MC were surprised at what they saw.

"That was the Iron Mask!" MC said, looking at Twilight.

"Along with Spike!" Twilight said.

"We gotta help them out," MC said.

"Hang on, everyone," Midpoint said over the speaker system. "We're gonna get out of this situation!" Just then, the ship started speeding up and Twilight and MC were pinned to the wall as the Spaceship was speeding.

"What... about... Spike?!" Twilight asked, cringing through the velocity.

"Iron... Mask... is... with... him!" MC responded, cringing as well.

The Freedom Fighters Spaceship had docked itself in Space Colony ARK. Twilight, Sonic, Tails, MC, Knuckles, Sally, Amy, Midpoint, Olive, Rouge, Shadow, Maria and the Chaotix came out of the Spaceship. Twilight and MC ran towards the air barrier to see the X-Tornado fighting the aliens far away from the ARK.

"We gotta help them!" Twilight said.

"I can't do anything out there," MC said. "My power is usually activated when I'm connected to a large piece of matter. No matter if it's a solid, liquid or gas."

"You can manipulate gas?" Twilight asked.

"If you've had my power, you do not want to absorb a fart," MC said. "It took me a week to get the smell out."

"Gross!" Twilight said. "Who's fart did you absorb?" MC then looked towards Sonic. Twilight followed MC's eyes, looking at Sonic as well. "Oh, sweet Celestia."

"Hey, what can I say?" Sonic asked. "I love chilidogs."

"Let's just get to the Eclipse Cannon before the aliens do," MC said.

"He's right," Sally said. "For once."

"For once?!" MC asked, getting angry. "You always assume I'm gonna mess things up! I'm getting tired of that, Sal."

"Hey, I wouldn't be here if Maria hadn't called us back to the Freedom Fighters!" Sally said, walking towards MC. "You always think you know what's best, but you always lead them into trouble."

"Those were all just coincidences!" MC said, walking towards Sally. "It's not my fault trouble goes on the same path I go!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Maria said, getting in between them. "I know you two have had a big fight before splitting up, but we need to work together to stop the Black Arms!"

"Maria's right," Twilight said. "You really need to make up before someone gets hurt."

"Seriously, what happened between the two?" Olive asked, leaning towards Midpoint.

"They couldn't agree on where to move the Freedom Fighters new home location," Midpoint responded. "Sally recommended moving the Freedom Fighters back to her home country, but MC rathered to stay in America, since the President wanted the Freedom Fighters to be closer to Washington DC."

"You don't know what it's like to miss your family!" Sally snapped.

"You don't think I miss my family?!" MC shouted. "My entire kingdom was destroyed around me! I watched my mom get crushed on my seventh birthday! You're lucky your parents are still alive!"

Sally was about to snap back, but... she thought about what MC said. She then said, "I'm... I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you were orphaned since then. You... you lost a lot from your past." She then looked over towards Sonic and Tails and asked, "Is that why you all stayed with MC?"

"Yeah," Sonic said. "He doesn't have a family to go back to, so we might as well keep him company. We wouldn't want him to grow up as a grumpy ol' hermit."

"We need to focus on the task at hand," Espio said.

"Espio's right," Midpoint said. "We need to get to the Eclipse Cannon."

"Let's get moving," Sonic said.

"What about Spike and the Iron Mask?" Twilight asked.

"They'll be fine," Midpoint said. "Besides. Iron Mask has a plan behind that mask."

"I just hope the young dragon is up to whatever the Iron Mask is putting him through," Shadow said. Just then, he stopped at a room as the group was running down the hall of the ARK. Maria stopped as well, looking into the room. "This... this place. Why is it so familiar?"

"Oh, this room," Maria said. "This is where... we've been separated for fifty years. It's where... I was shot."

"Shot?" Shadow asked. He then remembered Maria being shot by a young GUN Agent Schmitz.

In the past, Shadow saw Maria falling to the ground, pulling a lever as she was falling.

"MARIA!!" Shadow called out from inside a capsule. He then tried banging on the capsule to get out.

"What have I done?" Agent Schmitz asked. "I... I can't handle this!" He then started running away.

"Shadow..." Maria said, weakly. "Promise me... Promise me... you'll protect the people down there. Keep them happy. Protect them from anything that'll threaten the world below."

"Maria!" Shadow said. "No! I can't leave you! Maria!" Shadow then tried banging on the glass, but the capsule went down below. "Maria! Maria no!" Shadow reached a hand out to Maria, but then sleeping gas filled the capsule, making Shadow fall asleep.

It then went to the present time. Shadow fell down to the ground. Maria put a hand on Shadow's back and asked, "Shadow? Are you alright?"

"Ma... Maria..." Shadow said. "I just... I just remembered that memory. Of how you got shot."

Midpoint then ran back to the two and said, "If you're wondering how she's still alive, my grandfather saved her." Midpoint then helped Shadow to his feet. "Project: PHOENIX was originally based on you."

"On me?" Shadow asked.

"I still can't believe that he somehow saved my life back then," Maria said.

"My grandfather was a good person," Midpoint said. "May he rest in peace. Now, c'mon. We gotta catch up with the others." Then they started moving.

Back in Space, the X-Tornado finished up taking on the flying black aliens and headed for the Black Comet.

"Whoa," Spike said. "That was intense."

"Yes, it was," Iron Mask replied. "Now, we gotta get into their lair and take them down."

Back in Space Colony ARK, the heroes were running through the halls to the control room of Space Colony ARK. They made it, but it was left untouched since the last time they were there.

"Odd," MC said. He then started sniffing. "They weren't here at all."

"Why?" Maria asked. "This is the most powerful weapon my grandfather has created."

Midpoint then typed on the computer and an image of the Black Comet came to view. He then said, "The Black Aliens are all from that Comet. That's gotta be where Doom's controlling them from." Midpoint then raised his eyebrows. "Hold up. The X-Tornado's heading straight for it. And it has the last two Chaos Emeralds."

"We gotta get them before Doom does," Sonic said. "Who's up for an adventure?"

"Just in case those Black Aliens come to the ARK, some of us are gonna stay here," Midpoint said. "I'll stay behind."

"I'll stay as well," Olive said.

"Perhaps we can use the Eclipse Cannon to take out the Comet," Vector said.

"That's what I'm hoping for," Midpoint said. "Once all of you guys are safely away from the Comet..."

"You'll blow it to the deepest parts of Tartarus, never to return," Twilight said.

"Exactly," Midpoint said. "You guys get going. We got some work to be done." Then Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, MC and Maria started running out of the control room. They soon reached the Freedom Fighters Spaceship and they started flying out of there. Unknowingly, they were being followed by another spaceship, with Eggman's logo on it.

At the Black Comet, the X-Tornado, still in Battle Armor Mode, flew in, getting ready to land. It then changed from Battle Armor Mode to the X-Cyclone. It landed, and then Spike and the Iron Mask came out of it.

"This place is enormous," Spike said. "How are we gonna stop the Black Aliens. This is probably a bad idea for the two of us to go at it alone."

"Don't worry," Iron Mask replied. "Backup is on its way. But for now, we're gonna have to take out as many as we can." Then a bunch of Black Aliens started running towards them. Iron Mask then extended the arms, bringing out a couple swords from the sleeves.

"You've had swords up your sleeves?!" Spike asked. "How did you even bend your arms without those swords cutting your sleeves?"

"You question me but not that pink pony?" Iron Mask asked.

"Pinkie Pie is different," Spike said. "We just learned to live with it."

"Good call," Iron Mask replied. "This... will be... my last fight!" Iron Mask then roared, Spike following behind, hoping that he doesn't get severely hurt as the Iron Mask goes into battle.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Black Comet Saga (Part 5): Fate of the Iron Mask

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