• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 18: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 5): The Egg Fleet

Episode 18: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 5):

The Egg Fleet

In the sky, a bunch of Eggman's air ships were flying through the sky.

Coming in from some speakers was Eggman's voice.

"Muhahaha... you fools must all have a death wish? Witness this invincible battleship built by the hands of a genius. Its power... unmatched throughout the universe!

On one red ship was the Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Sonic was standing in front, saying, "Alright Eggman, let's get this party started!" Then they all headed towards the big ship.

Then on another ship, MC's group stood tall with Shadow in front.

"You'll regret this, doctor," Shadow said. "Even if I don't remember who I am, I'm still the Ultimate Life Form, Shadow the Hedgehog." Then they all started moving towards the big ship.

Then on the ship with the Crusaders, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Big, they were all getting ready to move forward.

"If you want a fight, you got one!" Amy said. "Let's get that bloated buffoon!"

And on one last ship with the Chaotix and the Young 6, they all stood tall with Vector in front.

"Once we start a job, we finish the job!" Vector said. "That's our policy! We're team Chaotix!" He then looked at the Young 6. "And others!" Then they all headed towards the big ship.

Each of the groups were going across each ship. Some of them were being blown up, some of them were being slashed, and some of them were crashing into each other.

The Chaotix and the Young 6 made it to the Whale Shark Flagship.

"So, this is where Eggman's head base is," Vector said.

"That's right," came the Client's voice from the walkie-talkie. "So far, so good. This is your final mission. Not too long ago, I have been captured and I'm being held prisoner on this flagship."

"So, we're gonna have to go through this entire base just to get him out?" Smolder asked.

"Anyone got the feeling that something is up?" Gallus asked.

"What do you mean?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, why Griffon worried?" Yona asked.

"I just have a feeling that we might not be working for an honest client, that's all," Gallus said.

"Well, whoever the client is, he better have the dough to pay for this job," Vector said.

On another ship, with MC's group, the group was making it to the Whale Shark Flagship. MC then started sniffing around. That's when he smirked.

"I got his scent!" MC said. "He's here!"

"Okay, that's good!" Rouge said. "Now we know that Eggman has no place to run!"

"Must terminate Doctor Eggman!" Omega said. Then he looked at Maria, who had a frightened look. "Correction. Must apprehend Doctor Eggman!" Then they all headed towards the Whale Shark Flagship. Shadow was running by MC.

"What's up with the girl?" Shadow asked, looking at MC as the two were running. "Why was she worried for the doctor when Omega said that he was gonna terminate him?"

"Maria isn't like any of the Mobians," MC said. "In fact, she used to be human."

"Human?" Shadow asked. Just then, she got a headache, making him fall to his knees, grunting.

"Whoa! Shadow!" MC said, checking up on him. "Speak to me, old man!"

Shadow then remembered something. He saw an image in his head.

Shadow then started breathing in and out. Rouge and Olive then checked up on him.

"Take it easy, Shadow," Rouge said.

"Are you okay?" Olive asked.

"I'm... I'm fine," Shadow said. He then got up, slowly. "I just..."

Sunset, Starlight and Trixie were talking to each other.

"He must've remembered some forgotten memories," Starlight said.

"Is that good or is it bad?" Trixie asked.

"Depends on if it was a good or bad memory," Sunset said. "Shadow had seen Maria getting shot over 50 years ago. And he didn't know that Maria survived and lost her humanity. She's basically the first human to be changed into a Mobian."

"So, we're just going to have to let Shadow figure it out," Starlight said. "As long as he goes on the right path." Trixie and Sunset nodded.

Shadow then got up and said, "C'mon. We need to get going."

"He's right," MC said. "We need to find Eggman." Then all of them headed towards the ship. Maria was thinking about Shadow. How his headache came when he heard that Maria was born human.

Over with the Crusaders, Spike, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Big, they were all heading into one room on the Whale Shark Flagship. When they passed a window, Nyx and Joshua stopped. They went back to look in the window and they saw something.

"Hey, guys!" Joshua called out.

"We found them!" Nyx said. "Froggy and Chocola!"

"FROGGY!!" Big shouted, running towards the window.

"Chocola Chao Chao!" Cheese said. The group all looked in the window. Chocola was against the window while Froggy was jumping happily.

"Alright, everyone!" Amy said, getting out her hammer. "Stand back!" Everyone got out of the way while Chocola picked up Froggy from the inside of the window. Amy then swung her hammer, making the glass shatter. Chocola then carried Froggy to Big, who took him and cried happily.

"Froggy!" Big said. "I missed you so much!"

"Chao chao chao chao!" Cheese and Chocola said happily in unison.

"I'm so glad for you, Cheese!" Cheese said.

"Amy Chao Chao!" Cheese said, making everyone there laugh.

"C'mon, y'all," Apple Bloom said. "Let's get on outta here."

"You're right, Apple Bloom," Amy said. "Right now, let's go find Sonic." Then they all headed out of there, heading to find Sonic.

"You know, something doesn't seem right," Scootaloo said.

"What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Why would Eggman steal Chocola and Froggy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense," Spike said. "Why steal a Chao and a frog if he doesn't need them?"

"We'll figure it out later," Amy said. "We need to find Sonic. Fast." Then they all started running.

The Chaotix and the Young 6 were standing on a long, metal path. Seeing something that caught their eye.

Vector chuckled and said, "Looks like we're in a jam, boys and girls."

"Evil must die!" Espio said. "Beware my ninja power!"

"Yona ready to smash!" Yona shouted.

"Let's do this!" Smolder said.

"Hmph! Enough of this!" Eggman called out in a machine that was only legs. Then something came up on top, attaching to the legs. "Sandbar, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, Espio, Charmy, Vector! Time to meet your maker!"

"Bring it on!" Charmy called out. Then they all chased the machine as it was flying away.

Back with MC's group, the group arrived at a building on the Whale Shark Flagship. Shadow then stopped.

"I'll stay here," Shadow said. "I'll keep watch."

MC sniffed and said, "That's a half-lie."

"You can smell half-lies, too?" Starlight asked.

"Let's just go in," MC said. Then the eight of them went in and left Shadow outside.

"Let's go find that secret treasure," Rouge said.

"Wait..." Olive said. "All of this... is all for raiding Eggman?!" She then got angry. "Dang it, Rouge! You were told not to do this anymore!"

"Hey, what can you do?" Rouge asked. "I like gems."

"For once, I really want you to stop this crazy treasure hunt!" Rouge said as Maria was looking at a capsule in the room. "For once, can you actually do your job and not try to steal gems when we're doing something like this?!"

"Hey, Omega?" Maria asked. "Mind giving me a lift." Omega then picked Maria up and she looked into the capsule, making her go wide eyed.

"C'mon, Olive," Rouge said. "You've got to learn from this. I got..."

"Guys!" Maria called out. "Look at this!" Then they all looked towards the capsule that Maria was looking at. They all gasped.

"What the heck is going on?!" MC asked.

"It would seem that we are surrounded by android copies of Shadow," Omega said.

"Shadow Androids?!" Maria asked. "If Shadow sees these..."

"He'll think that he's an android as well," MC said. "I checked his molecular structure. He's all organic."

"What are we going to do?" Starlight asked.

Olive then looked over at Omega and said, "Omega, destroy everything in this room."

"Already had that idea," Omega said. "Just needed the command." Omega's arms then transformed into missile launchers. "You all might want to leave." Then the seven of them left Omega in the room, meeting up with Shadow outside.

"All this for what? Nothing!" Rouge said as she was meeting up with Shadow. "I might as well go look for that Master Emerald, since that irritating echidna is here."

"Hah, some things never change, do they?" Shadow asked.

"Whaddya saying? Rouge asked. "What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do?"

"Let's get out of here!" MC said. He then started sniffing. Then he got a confused look. "Huh. That's odd."

"What is it?" Maria asked.

"I have your cousin's scent, but..." MC said until he got a disgust look on his face. "Whoo! Oh, man! That stinks!"

"Of course Eggman stinks," Olive said. "He's bad."

"No, he literally stinks!" MC said. "Smells like he hasn't showered in a week! Ugh! I need to clear my sinuses." MC then put his hands over his muzzle, his hand glowing in a golden aura.

"Julien hasn't bathed?" Maria asked.

"Something must be up," Shadow said. "We better find out what's going on."

"Perhaps Twilight, Sonic and the others might help us out," Starlight said.

"Yeah, they could," Sunset said. "Let's go and find them." They were all surprised by the explosion coming from the building. They all looked and they saw Omega walking out, not a scratch on him.

"Immediate area destroyed," Omega said.

"Good," MC said. "Let's get going." Then they all started walking away.

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were destroying a bunch of Eggman's ships. They were all looking at all what they did from where they were watching as the other ships were being destroyed."

"Wow," Rainbow Dash said. "What an event."

Pinkie Pie giggled and said, "This is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen."

"This is all worth it to stop Eggman," Twilight said.

"Boy, talk about cutting it close..." Knuckles said.

"Ehh, not really," Sonic said.

"Come on, tell me you weren't scared," Knuckles said, trying to get Sonic to confess something. "If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have a chance."

"Well, maybe you're right," Sonic said, getting in Knuckles head. "Thanks, Knuckles." Knuckles then got confused. "You too, Tails." Tails chuckled.

"Guess we'll have to find Eggman now," Twilight said. "Have him taken in to justice and everyone will be able to live in peace."

"You're right about that, Sparkles," came MC's voice. The group looked towards his voice and saw both the groups of MC and Amy walking towards them.

"Hey, guys," Sonic said. "Glad you could make it."

"Glad to be here, too," Amy said. "Now that we've taken down Eggman's air fleet, there's nothing he can do now."

"You're right about that, Amy," Olive said, hugging Cream. "Now that we've taken care of things, we can finally apprehend Eggman and get out of this place."

"Hold on," Shadow said. "Wasn't there another group?"

"The Chaotix and the students?" MC asked.

"Yeah," Shadow said. "They were coming here as well. Where are they?"

MC then started sniffing around. Twilight was worried and asked, "Are they here?"

"I got their scent," MC said. "They should be around here somewhere."

"Alright," Twilight said. "Everyone follow MC." Then they all started heading off in a direction, MC in the front.

The Chaotix and the Young 6 were battling the Egg Emperor, trying to take down the robot, but it kept blocking their attacks with the shield it had and swinging energy waves from its lance.

"This thing isn't going down easy!" Espio said.

"Yona tired of not being able to smash!" Yona shouted.

"Don't worry, Yona," Sandbar said. "We'll get him eventually!"

"We need something big to throw at that shield and disarm it," Vector said. "Any one of you kids got something up your sleeve?"

"I wish," Gallus said. "Not unless you can throw a whale at it... Hey!" Gallus then got an idea. "Ocellus is a changeling. They can shapeshift into anything. No matter if it's a life form or an inanimate object."

Vector chuckled and said, "That's a good idea. Yo, yak girl!" Yona then walked over to Vector and the two walked over to Ocellus.

"What are you guys doing?" Ocellus asked.

"When she and I throw you, you are gonna..." Vector said before he was cut off.

"You're gonna do what?!" Ocellus asked.

"Is gator crazy?!" Yona asked.

"First of all, I'm a crocodile," Vector said. "There's a difference between an alligator and a crocodile. And second, this is our one chance of taking down that thing."

"Are you sure?" Ocellus asked.

"Yes," Vector said. "When we throw you, you are going to change into something big and rip that arm off, lowering that thing's defenses."

"That way we can get an open attack!" Espio said. "That's genius!"

"Okay," Ocellus said. "But what do I change into?"

"Something big, probably," Smolder said. "Like either a very large animal like an Ursa Major, or something like that."

Ocellus then thought of something and smirked. She then said, "Throw me." Vector and Yona then picked Ocellus up and started rocking her.

"One... two... three!" the two said then releasing Ocellus. Ocellus was launched towards the Egg Emperor, which then tried blocking with it's shield. That's when Ocellus changed.

Ocellus changed into a Roc and grabbed the shield with her talons and ripped the arm off the robot.

"Oh no!" Eggman called out. "That thing took out my shield!"

Espio and Smolder were astonished by Ocellus's change. Charmy then flew towards the two and asked, "What did she turn into?"

"That... was a Roc," Smolder said. "A huge proprietorial bird that likes to each dragons that are going into the molt due to a very bad smelling scent coming from them during the time."

"Wow," Charmy said.

"Now we can take down Eggman," Espio said. "Let's roll!" Then they all started charging towards the Egg Emperor. It then tried to swing the lance, but then it was grabbed by Ocellus in her Roc form.

"No!" Eggman called out.

"Throw Yona! Throw Yona!" Yona said, looking at Vector.

"Good idea," Vector said. He then picked Yona up and threw her towards the stomach of the robot. The impact caused a chain reaction, making the robot self destruct.

"Defeated?! Impossible!" Eggman called out as the robot was falling. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Then Eggman was sent flying out of there, landing in front of the group. They all surrounded him. Just then, Eggman started melting into a silver liquid.

"Guess he was a fake after all," Vector said, walking away.

"What do you mean, after all?" Espio asked. The rest of the group started following Vector. What they didn't know was that the liquid started moving.

"All Equestrian Species data... successfully copied..." came a metallic voice from the liquid.

Then the other groups came towards the wreckage.

"What happened here?" Sonic asked. The group then started looking around.

The Chaotix and the Young 6 then made it towards a building on the Flagship. Vector pulled out the Walkie-Talkie.

"Is this where you're being held up in?" Vector asked. "Store room 12?"

"Yes, that's it," came the client's voice from the walkie-talkie. "Now, I trust that you have a way to get me out? Like a key or something?"

"Oh, I have a way to get you out," Gallus said. "Silverstream, Smolder, let's use our claws to cut open the door." Then the two walked towards the door and started flapping their wings. Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream used their claws to cut through the door in a triangle. "Alright, Yona. Get ready to smash the door in."

"Yona love to smash!" Yona called out. She then got into position.

"You know..." Gallus said. "You've been very informative of what's been going on, sir." Yona then charged at the door. "Or should I say..." Yona then bashed the door through, pieces scattering everywhere in the room. "...Doctor Eggman?"

In the room was Doctor Eggman, and he was smirking.

"What's going on?" Espio asked, surprised.

"What's up?" Charmy asked.

"You figured out it was me, didn't you?" Eggman asked, looking at the griffon.

"It's all part of being a good detective," Vector said. He then looked at Gallus. "You were thinking about it, and when you started putting the pieces together, you were able to figure it out."

"Were we fooled that easily?" Espio asked.

"You're ROTTEN!" Charmy shouted.

"Hey, hold on you guys!" Eggman said, getting up. "It's no trick, and besides, I plan on paying you. You'll be rewarded handsomely for helping me! As soon as I conquer the world, I will pay you!"

The Chaotix and the Young 6 looked at each other in anger.

"You know... we got the Chaotix a new financial plan," Ocellus said.

"To make sure that the payer has the money before hiring the group," Sandbar said.

"Yeah," Vector said. He then started cracking his knuckles. "Some nerve promising something you ain't got!"

"We've been had," Espio said as Charmy and the Young 6 started surrounding Eggman.

"J-j-just wait a minute," Eggman said, getting surrounded. "Just listen to me!"

"Take this, you BAD MAN!!" Charmy said as he and the Young 6 charged at Eggman, punching the doctor, making him call out in pain.

The other groups were around the scrap metal of the Egg Emperor. MC was looking suspicious.

"Guys, something doesn't feel right," MC said.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked.

"This machine wasn't being piloted by Eggman," MC said. "What if... what if this wasn't Eggman's plan after all?"

"What do you mean?" Nyx asked. But what they didn't know was that they were being watched from the top of a building on the Flag Ship.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 6): The Metal Overlord

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