• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 12: The Shadow Saga (Part 6): The Falling Colony

Episode 12: The Shadow Saga (Part 6):

The Falling Colony

Rouge was heading towards the hangar of the ARK, holding out a communicator.

"This is Rouge calling Olive," Rouge said. "I have the files on Project: SHADOW. The Doctor won't be able to do a thing about it."

"That's not the bigger picture, Rouge," came Olive's voice. "I just got word from the government. It would seem that Space Colony ARK is coming down to Earth, at a dangerous speed."

"What?!" Rouge asked. She then noticed the countdown clock. "Oh, that's not good."

Back with the fight of Sonic and Shadow, the two were battling hard. Sonic then got the upper hand, and took Shadow down.

"Game over, Shadow," Sonic said.

Shadow laughed and said, "It is for you." He then ran off, leaving Sonic confused. He then looked up and saw a countdown clock, which then started counting down.

"Uh oh," Sonic said.

It then went to the control room of the Eclipse Cannon. Twilight, Tails, Amy, MC, Knuckles and Maria ran in. Maria was careful not to be seen by Doctor Eggman, who was sitting in the seat.

"What's going on here?!" MC asked.

"Oh, good," Doctor Eggman said. "It would seem that all of this was a revenge plan put up from my grandfather. Watch and see for yourselves." He then played the video.

"The countdown marking my final revenge has begun! In a few minutes, you will be destroyed! Space Colony ARK will hurdle through the atmosphere and crash into this planet with devastating force!" Gerald said in the video. The video was being played across every broadcasting system all over the world. "You have no time to prevent this disaster and absolutely no hope of survival! You're rulers took my granddaughter, Maria, from me. So I'm destroying everything you care about. Now you'll feel what I felt when I lost Maria! You'll see. You'll see. You'll see!"

"Why would he do this?" Amy asked.

"Professor Gerald Robotnik was the greatest scientist of his time," Doctor Eggman said. "But I guess things have changed since he lost Maria." Just then, the place started shaking, everyone tried to get their balance, but they all fell over.

"What's happening?!" Knuckles asked.

"The boosters keeping Space Colony ARK in orbit are all working in reverse," MC said. "Now, it's being sent down to Earth at a crazy speed. This'll wipe out the entire planet. Humans, Mobians, Equestrians, everyone and everything will be dead."

"And there's nothing we can do to stop it," Rouge said as she was walking in. "We have less than half an hour to stop the ARK from falling and killing everyone."

"So, we're just going to have to find a way to stop it," came Sonic's voice. The group looked towards the door and saw Sonic walking in.

"Sonic!" Amy said.

"Well, there's nothing I can do to stop this," Doctor Eggman said, walking away. Maria was still hiding from Eggman, hiding behind MC.

"You're not going anywhere, Eggman," MC said, making the doctor stop.

"What was that?" Eggman asked.

MC smirked as he looked towards the doctor and said, "Remember when I saved you after the Storm King betrayed you? You owe me a favor. Now, I'm calling it in."

"WHAT?!" Eggman asked, shocked. "You're calling in your favor now?!"

"You know the controls to the ARK here," MC said. "So, you're going to help us stop the ARK from colliding with the Earth."

"And why would I help you?" Eggman asked, crossing his arms.

"Don't do it for me," MC said. He then showed Maria off to him. Eggman was shocked to see Maria's face.

"It... it can't be," Eggman said.

Maria looked up at Julian and said, "You and I both know this isn't right, Julian."

"Ma... Maria?" Eggman asked. He then fell onto his knees. He then looked at his hands. He then saw the Chaos Emeralds, and them being sealed up. "NO!!" Doctor Eggman then ran towards the Emeralds. "Those Emeralds are the only things making the ARK fall down to the Earth."

"Knuckles, think the Master Emerald can shut them down?" Rouge asked.

"Perhaps it can," Knuckles said. "I just need to know where they're located." Doctor Eggman then looked up the plans for his grandfather's revenge plan.

"It would seem that they're being taken to the Cannon's core," Doctor Eggman said. "You must get there before it's too late. Tails and I will go to the generator rooms to shut down the engines, preventing them from making the ARK to crash down into the Earth."

"What about Shadow?" Sonic asked.

"I'll take care of him," MC said. "Besides, he might be a worthy adversary against me."

"Be careful, MC," Sonic said. "He's no joke. He's got some of Maria's powers."

"Oh, I don't have to worry about that," MC said. "Maria has all of Shadow's power. I read the file. Besides, I've seen all of his powers through Maria."

"I'll go with you," Twilight said. "You're going to need all the help you can get."

"Me, too," Maria said. "Just get me close to him." MC then held up the file marked Project: PHOENIX and smirked.

"Let's go," MC said. Then all of them left, except for Amy.

"Aw, man! I hate it when they leave me behind!" Amy said. She then followed Twilight, MC and Maria. In one room, Tails, Rouge and Eggman were heading towards the main controls of the ARK. Lasers were firing all over the place. Eggman and Rouge were fending off the laser blasters as they were heading to the controls.

Sonic and Knuckles were heading towards the Cannon's Core. There was a huge burst of water coming towards them, slowing their movement towards it. Knuckles was holding onto the wall with his left hand wedged into it, and Sonic being held in his right hand. When the water was calmed enough, they continued running.

Twilight, MC, Maria and Amy were running through the halls, searching for the black hedgehog.

"How are we going to find Shadow?" Maria asked. "He could be anywhere."

MC thought about it and smirked. He then said, "We won't be able to get to Shadow. He will come... to us."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah? How is Shadow going to come to us?" Amy asked.

MC then looked at the door.

"Hey! That's my room!" Maria said.

"Exactly," MC said. He then kicked the door open, the doorway bending as the door went through.

Shadow was in a computer room, watching the heroes running all over the place. He then noticed Twilight, MC and Amy going into one room, Maria not on the screen. He then got angry and ran out of there.

Twilight, Amy and Maria walked into the secret room behind the bookcase, where Maria was in suspended animation for 50 years.

"Now you all stay in here until I give the word," MC said, making the three girls nod. MC then pulled on the book, which closed the door to the secret room. MC then looked out the window, waiting for Shadow. Just then, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. "About time, old man."

"You shouldn't be in here," came Shadow's voice, making MC turn around. "You are going to pay for what you've done." MC then smirked. Then the two of them charged at each other.

MC and Shadow kept brawling. MC had gotten the upper hand by pinning the black hedgehog to the ground, but Shadow teleported out from under MC and kicked the fox onto Maria's old bed.

"Maria was a special girl when she was alive!" Shadow said. He then teleported to behind MC, and had him in a choking lock. "You are going to die because of your arrogance. Any last words?"

MC started choking, but he then got out words that Shadow wasn't expecting at all.

"Maria... is... alive...!"

Shadow was still choking MC, but when MC's words got into his head, he loosened his grip, making MC cough.

"What?" Shadow asked.

MC then recovered and said, "One of the scientists of the ARK, Doctor Terrance Lynol, was hiding in the walls of the ARK, hiding from the government agents, and when he saw Maria on the ground, he had to do what he had to do. He created a new body for her based on your data and transferred her consciousness into the new body."

"Terry did that?!" Shadow asked. "Then, where's Maria?"

MC then jumped onto the wall next to the bookcase and pulled the book that opened the secret door to the secret room. The door opened. MC and Shadow walked in, Shadow was surprised at that.

"Maria was in this room the whole time, put under suspended animation," MC said. He then handed Shadow the file. "All you need to know is in here."

Shadow then took the file and read it. Shadow then got surprised, looked towards MC and asked, "Where is she?"

"Shadow..." came Maria's voice. Shadow turned around and saw Maria standing there.

"Ma... Maria?" Shadow asked.

"You... you didn't keep your promise," Maria said with tears in her eyes.

"Our... promise..." Shadow said.

"The promise that that you would give the people of the world a chance to be happy, and protect them from anything that would endanger them," Maria said.

Shadow then remembered Maria's promise. Shadow then fell down to the ground, his irises shrinking to the size of pinpricks. Shadow then asked, "What have I done?"

Twilight then walked up to Shadow with Amy behind her. She then said, "Shadow, I know you were angry at the world for things that happened 50 years ago, but that doesn't mean that the people of the present deserve this. You know what you have to do."

Shadow then stood up and said, "You're right. I made the mistake of doing this, so I'm going to stop this. We need to get to the Cannon's Core."

"We're going with you," MC said. "You're going to need all the help you can get." Shadow nodded. Then he grabbed Twilight and Maria's hands, MC did the same on the other side. Then they all teleported away, leaving Amy.

"Oh, man! Not again!" Amy said, stomping her foot. She then ran out of the room.

In another part of the ARK, Sonic and Knuckles showed up at a place that surprised Knuckles.

"That area," Knuckles said. "It looks like the Alter of the Master Emerald." Then the two of them headed towards it, but then something came down from in front of them, blocking their path.

"What is that?!" Sonic asked.

"Could it be the prototype of the Ultimate Life Form that was incapacitated?" Knuckles asked.

The prototype then opened his mouth wide, and fired a beam from it's mouth towards Sonic and Knuckles. They jumped out of the way.

"That thing's not gonna let us pass," Sonic said. Just then, a beam of magenta and golden light intertwined made contact with the giant lizard's neck, making it yell out in pain.

"Get Sonic and Knuckles to the shrine," Shadow said, looking at Twilight. "Leave this to me."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked.

"Trust me," Shadow said. "I know this thing's weakness. Now, go!" Twilight, Sonic, Knuckles, MC and Maria ran around the creature, heading for the alter. Shadow continued fighting the Prototype. "CHAOS SPEAR!!" Shadow fired flares of energy at the Prototype, it roaring in pain.

Knuckles then put the Master Emerald into position in the middle of the alter. He then said the chant that Tikal used to seal Chaos.

"The Servers are... the Seven Chaos," Knuckles said. "Chaos is Power. Power is enriched by the Heart. The controller serves to unify the Chaos."

Shadow continued fighting the prototype, and he aimed for the spot on the prototypes back, which got it the most hurt out of any other attack. Just then, the Prototype vanished in a flash of light.

Knuckles then said to the Master Emerald, "Only you can do this! Stop the Chaos Emeralds!" The Master Emerald glowed brighter. Then the Chaos Emeralds dulled down and fell off the podiums. MC then rushed around and grabbed the Emeralds. He then noticed the empty space where the Prototype was.

"Where's the lizard?!" MC asked.

Shadow then walked up to the group and asked, "Is that what Chaos Control is?"

Then the communicator that MC had beeped. Doctor Eggman's voice came from it. "Alright, guys. The ARK is going back into orbit."

"That's good," MC said. Just then, the place started shaking.

"Since we stopped the Chaos Emeralds, why is the Space Colony still on a crash course to Earth?" Knuckles asked.

MC then put his hands on the floor, and his eyes started glowing in a golden aura. He then went wide eyed, saying, "Oh, that's not good. The Prototype just teleported itself to the nose of the ARK and it's pulling the ARK towards the Earth."

"What are we gonna do?" Maria asked. "Everyone's going to die."

MC then looked towards Knuckles and said, "Turn the Emeralds back on! Sonic, Sparkles, get ready to go super!"

"You're not going Super with us?" Twilight asked.

"Maria and I aren't," MC said. He then pointed at Shadow. "He is."

"Me?" Shadow asked.

"You know how to use the Chaos Emeralds," MC said. "Maria and I will get to the others."

"I'm not going super either?" Maria asked.

"You went super?" Shadow asked.

"We went a different direction when we went super," MC said.

"It's true," Sonic said. He then showed a picture of MC and Maria in their super forms. Shadow then widened his eyes.

"A dragon and a phoenix," Shadow said. "Dang, you two are incredible."

"Go on and get ready," MC said. MC then grabbed Maria and rushed out of there.

Twilight, Sonic and Shadow then got into position. The Chaos Emeralds were reactivated and they started spinning around the three of them.

The then started changing. Sonic and Twilight went to the forms they had the last time they went super. Shadow, on the other hand, went through a whole different transformation.

Then the three of them teleported to outside of the ARK. Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Rainbow Power Twilight appeared in front of the nose, seeing the Prototype bringing down the ARK.

The three then charged towards the Prototype, aiming for a sore spot on the creature's body.

Back in the ARK, MC and Maria ran into the room where Eggman, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Rouge were in.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" MC called out, running towards the group. He then put the others in a golden shield, him and Maria not in it.

"Why isn't Maria in with us?" Tails asked.

"I agree," Eggman said. "Maria should be in here with us!"

"Maria has a healing factor just like me," MC said. Just then, the place started shaking even more. Maria then fell over towards MC, making MC drop the shield. "Okay. That hurt."

"Sorry, MC," Maria said. She then got off of MC, and a bunch of Maria's quills were wedged in MC's chest and stomach. Maria then noticed. "Wow. You guys were right. I do need to pluck my quills."

MC then pulled the quills out of his body, and the holes in his body healed up.

Super Sonic and Super Shadow then continued fighting the Prototype while Twilight was using her magic to keep the ARK from descendin through the Earth's Atmosphere.

"I can't hold it much longer!" Twilight shouted.

"Sonic! Aim for the device on the Prototype's back!" Super Shadow called out.

"Got it!" Super Sonic called out. Then the two super hedgehogs charged at the Prototype's back. The Prototype then blew up, leaving nothing there. Then they went towards Twilight. "How are we going to stop it now?!"

Super Shadow then thought about it. He then said, "We gotta use Chaos Control. If we use Chaos Control, we can get it back to its original orbit."

"You sure about this?!" Super Sonic asked.

"I'm sure!" Super Shadow said. "Let's do this!" Then the three of them charged away from the ARK, and then they charged towards the ARK at high speed.

"Get ready, boys!" Twilight said.

Super Shadow then thought about what Maria said.


"Maria?" Super Shadow asked.

"Give them a chance... to be happy." He then got angry.

"I am Shadow! Shadow the Hedgehog!" Super Shadow said. Just then, the rings on his wrists came off, increasing his power. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" Super Sonic said, increasing his power.

"Let's do this!" Twilight said, increasing her power. Then they all brought their hands together.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!" the three of them shouted. Then the entire ARK vanished. Along with Twilight and Sonic. Super Shadow was falling down to the planet.

"Maria... this is what you wanted, right?" Shadow thought as he was falling. "This is my promise I made to you..." Then later, the ARK was put back into it's original position.

After the ARK was put back into position, the group inside was getting up from the ground. MC looked around and saw that someone is missing.

"Where's Eggman?!" MC asked.

The group looked around. But then, Maria saw a note taped to her top. She then took the note and read it aloud.

"'Maria, I know it's been a long time, but if our grandfather was too much of a genius to even think of something so sinister like that just because he lost you, you are better off with the Freedom Fighters. I might as well not be the best role model for my last living family member.'"

Knuckles then walked up to Maria and said, "Guess even Eggman wants what's best for you. Even if it means being your enemy at the same time."

"Yeah," Maria said. She then looked out the window. "I just hope the others are alright."

Just then, the door opened up and in walked Twilight and Sonic. Tails, MC, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge and Maria started walking to the two. Maria got closer to the two.

"Where's Shadow?" Maria asked, her expression merged of sadness and worried.

Twilight and Sonic looked at each other with saddened expressions. Then they both pulled out something each and showed them to Maria.

Maria gasped and said, "Those... those are Shadow's Inhibitor Rings. They're whet keep Shadow's power restrained."

"You saying that his rings keep him from using up all of his power?" MC asked.

"Yeah," Maria said, her eyes starting to tear up. She then let out a couple sobs. The group then went in for a group hug with Maria in the middle.

"We're so sorry, Maria," Twilight said. "I wish there was something we could do."

"I wish you could," Maria said. "I wish Shadow was still here."

"Don't worry, Maria," Sonic said. "Right now, we need to get out of here. Back home to the planet below." Then the group started walking towards the door.

Sonic and Maria looked back at the room and both said in unison, "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog." They continued walking away.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Fixing the Moon

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