• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 6: The Chaos Saga (Part 6): Perfect Chaos

Episode 6: The Chaos Saga (Part 6):

Perfect Chaos

Somewhere over the skies of Station Square, a red orb of light was flying over the city of Station Square. It was shown going over Freedom Fighters Mansion as the X-Tornado was landing. Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy got out of the X-Tornado while MC stayed in the cockpit.

"You three will be alright here, right?" MC asked.

"Oh, we'll be fine," Fluttershy said.

"Just go find Sonic," Amy said.

"On my way," MC said. He then turned the X-Tornado and flew back to the sky. MC then looked on the screen in front of him. "I gotta go find Sonic and tell him I got the last Chaos Emerald." He saw that Sonic's location was in the Mystic Ruins. "Mystic Ruins. Time to fly." The X-Tornado took off and was heading towards the Mystic Ruins. The red glow was following at an equal speed.

Somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sonic, Tails, Mutt and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all walking through the forest when they spotted something. They saw Knuckles in front of them.

"Hey, it's Knuckles!" Nyx said. Then all of them quickened their pace towards Knuckles, but they all stopped when they noticed that there was someone else with him.

"It's Eggman!" Sonic said. Then all of them went towards the two and they all surrounded Eggman.

"What did you do to him?" Twilight asked, the question going towards Knuckles.

"Nothin'," Knuckles said. "I found him like this."

"What could've done this to him?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then reached for Eggman's mustache. When she grabbed it, she noticed something. "Huh. His mustache is damp."

"Figured that on your own?" Eggman said, his eyes opening. All of them were surprised as the doctor was sitting up.

"What happened to you?!" Joshua asked.

"It would seem that Chaos has turned against me," Eggman said.

"Why would he do that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I assume that Chaos is planning to use the Chaos Emeralds all for himself," Doctor Eggman said.

"We might have seen what Chaos would look like when he gets all seven of the Chaos Emeralds," Mutt said. He then showed an image of the mural from the old temple.

"Whoa," Doctor Eggman said. "With that, he looks like he would be as big as a skyscraper with a flood surrounding him."

"That would be a big problem," Sonic said.

"Yes, it would be," said Doctor Eggman. "Especially with this betrayal as well. First the Storm King, and now Chaos. I have somewhere to be." Doctor Eggman then ran towards his Egg Mobile, got in, and took off.

"Hey! Wait!" Rainbow Dash called out. She then unfolded her wings. "I'll get him!"

"Let him go," Sonic said, making Rainbow Dash look back. "He won't be able to bother us when it comes to being betrayed."

"If Eggman is telling the truth about Chaos, then we need to find it before it could get the Chaos Emeralds," Twilight said. "If only there was a reason for Chaos being so angry." Just then, the red light came down, surrounding Twilight, Sonic and Knuckles. "Huh? What's happening!?" Then they all passed out.

When they woke up, they found themselves at the alter of the Master Emerald in the past.

"What?" Sonic asked. "Where are we?"

"Back in the past," Knuckles said. He then looked around.

"Look!" Twilight pointed towards the pack of echidnas. All of them were facing Tikal and a bunch of Chao. They all ran towards the fight.

"Tikal, those Emeralds are our answer for protecting our tribe from our enemies!" Tikal's father said. "We need them more than any other tribe in the world!"

"No, father!" Tikal said. "I can't let you do this! We can't make decisions that we'll regret!"

"This is the clan's choice!" Tikal's father said. "The Emeralds are ours! Clan, charge!" Then the clan charged through, knocking Tikal down and the Chao getting hurt.

"NOOOO!!!" Tikal called out, holding up a hand. The clan went up the steps to the Master Emerald. Just as they reached the Emerald, there was something in front of them. It was Chaos.

"What is that monstrosity?!" Tikal's father asked in surprised.

Chaos then raised its arms and the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds started glowing even brighter, and the light got so intense, every life vanished. Twilight, Sonic and Knuckles gasped in shock.

"They're gone!" Twilight said. She then noticed Tikal, laying on the ground. "She's hurt!" Then the three of them headed towards Tikal and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

Tikal opened her eyes and said, "I tried to warn them. I knew it would be dangerous to try and take them." She then noticed the Chao unconscious. "No..." Tikal then walked over to one Chao with tears in her eyes. "It was his job to protect the Chao and the great gems. Now that the Chao are gone..."

"That's why..." Twilight said. "We need to..." She was cut off when Tikal headed for the Master Emerald.

"Hey, wait!" Knuckles called out. They headed up and followed Tikal. Tikal held up her arms to the Master Emerald.

"The servers are the seven Chaos!" Tikal said as the Master Emerald was glowing. "Chaos is Power! Power is enriched from the Heart! The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos!" She then had tears coming out of the corners of her eyes. "Please! You must stop his anger! Don't let him destroy the good people of the world!" The Master Emerald then glowed even brighter as Chaos was rising in front of her. Chaos was about to strike, but the Master Emerald sucked Chaos in. Chaos then reached and grabbed Tikal, making her get sucked into the Master Emerald as well. "NO!!!"

Twilight then grabbed Tikal's arm, trying to pull her away. She said to Tikal, "I got you!" Sonic and Knuckles were helping Twilight trying to get Tikal out of Chaos's grip. But it was all for not as Twilight lost her grip and Tikal got sucked in. And with a huge burst of light, the three of them were knocked away.

They soon found themselves back in the present. Tails, Mutt and the Crusaders were checking on them.

"I think they're coming around," Tails said.

"Huh?" Sonic asked. Then he, Twilight and Knuckles sat up. "So, that's why Chaos is so angry. It's after the Chaos Emeralds so he can destroy all of the people, thinking all of them were bad. But he doesn't know that there are good people out there as well."

Just then, the X-Tornado came in from the sky and transformed into the X-Cyclone. The X-Cyclone landed. MC then came out of the X-Cyclone, holding up the Chaos Emerald he found.

"Hey, guys!" MC said. "Look what I got!"

"You found it?!" Twilight asked. "How did you find it?"

"Let's just say Big tried to take control of the X-Tornado," MC said. "And when he and Knuckles left, I saw a glow in the water and there it was." MC then stopped as he sensed something.

"Well, all we have to do is keep the Chaos Emeralds away from Chaos," Knuckles said.

"Uh oh," MC said.

"What is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He's here!!" MC said. Then a huge burst of water sprouted from the ground, swallowing up the Chaos Emeralds. MC was holding onto the Chaos Emerald as Chaos was trying to take it from him, but then he got shocked, making him let go of the Chaos Emerald. He then fell down to the ground. Then Chaos disappeared. "Shoot."

"That ain't good," Apple Bloom said.

"Not good at all," Knuckles said. "Now that Chaos has all seven Chaos Emeralds..."

"He could destroy the world with a planetary flooding," Twilight said. "What are we going to do?"

"Nicole, alert the people of Station Square," MC said. "Code Aqua."

"Code Aqua?!" Nicole said from the X-Tornado. "A flood or tsunami?"

"Yes," MC said. "Let's evacuate the city."

There were a bunch of sirens going out all over town. There were a lot of people getting out of the city. Some weren't in a listening mood. Especially the police.

MC rushed in and shouted, "Everyone out! Clear the city!" MC then zoomed out of there. The cops then went back to work. MC then rushed back in with a machine gun and fired it multiple times at the ceiling. "Get off your lazy butts!" Then the cops got up.

The Mane 6 and the Crusaders were helping the people get out of the city. The X-Tornado, piloted by Tails, along with Mutt in the other seat.

"Mutt, are there any changes to any bodies of water?" Tails asked.

"No sign of any increases of the water pressure," Mutt said. "Maybe he hasn't struck yet."

"Keep your eyes out," Tails said. Just then, there was a beeping noise. "What's going on?"

Mutt looked at the screen in front of him. He then got a surprised look. He then said, "Uh oh. Water pressure increasing in the sewers."

"Be ready down there!" Tails said. "Chaos is here!"

Then in the sewer, a lot of water was coming. It was rising up to the top. Then it went to the streets with a bunch of cars heading out of the city. Then all of the man hole covers started shaking, and a bunch of water from the man holes. Then the ground started cracking, and a bunch of water started coming from the buildings. Everyone there started running, but they got caught in the tsunami. Then a bunch of water started building up, taking the form of some giant serpent.

Sonic, MC, Maria, the Mane 6 and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all watching from afar.

"He's enormous!" Maria said.

"He's powerful," MC said. "I can sense the rage from him. Sometimes, when someone's anger is increased, so is their strength."

"How are we going to stop that thing?" Twilight asked. Just then, a red glowing orb came towards them.

"What the heck is that?!" MC asked.

Sonic held out his hand which the glowing light landed in it. Sonic then said, "This is the person who's been giving us the answers. Tikal." Then the light changed shape, and it became Tikal.

"Whoa," MC said. "That... is amazing."

Tikal then looked over at Chaos with sad eyes, and said, "I've been trying to keep Chaos contained for 4000 years, and all that changed when that human came and destroyed the only thing keeping us both in there."

"Julian," Maria said. She then sighed. She then noticed something. "Is that Julian's air base?!" The group looked up and saw a new air base.

"What is he doing?" MC asked.

From inside the Egg Carrier's bridge, Doctor Eggman was piloting.

"This is for betraying me, Chaos!" Doctor Eggman said. He then pushed a button, and he fired a laser cannon towards Chaos, making contact. The others watched in awe.

"That's not good!" Tikal said.

"It can absorb energy!" MC said.

Then Chaos charged up and fired a blast towards the Egg Carrier. It then went down and it exploded.

"JULIAN!!" Maria called out.

"Look!" Twilight said. They saw the Egg Carrier flying out of the wreckage. "He's okay."

"What power," Rarity said.

"Where's all that power coming from?" Nyx asked. Then seven items came from out of Chaos, and one of them landed in front of them. It was the yellow Chaos Emerald, but it was dulled out.

"The Chaos Emeralds!" MC said. He picked them up. "It's drained!"

"He absorbed the power of the Chaos Emeralds," Tikal said. "He's become unstoppable."

"That's not possible," Twilight said. "We've faced a power hungry centaur before and we used the magic of friendship to stop him. Nothing is more powerful than the magic of Friendship."

Then coming from above was the X-Tornado. Tails and Mutt got out, holding out a Chaos Emerald each. Tails had the red one and Mutt had the purple one. Amy, Cream and Cheese came. Amy had the Green Chaos Emerald and Cream had the light blue one. Then Knuckles and Big came with a Chaos Emerald themselves. Knuckles had the gray one and big had the blue one.

"But I don't think it's going to be enough to stop Chaos in that form," Tikal said.

"Sometimes, power doesn't come from gems alone," MC said. "That power has to come from somewhere. A huge burst of power usually comes from where you least expect it."

Then the Chaos Emeralds started gaining their glow. Then the Mane 6, Sonic, MC and Maria were lifted up, along with the Chaos Emeralds. Then the Emeralds started spinning around them, all of them gaining the form when they fought the Storm King.

Tikal gasped and said, "I didn't even know this was possible."

"You'd be surprised how powerful the Magic of Friendship is," Nyx said.

Then the Mane 6, Sonic, MC and Maria started flying towards Chaos.

Perfect Chaos was smashing through the city, making everyone there trying to swim away from the creature, but were caught up in Chaos's suction. But then, they were swooped up from the water by the Mane 6, Super Sonic, Maximum MC, and Meteor Maria.

"Oh, boy," Maximum MC said. "This is getting intense."

"How are we going to stop this thing?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

The group looked all around Chaos, looking for a weak spot. The area around the brain was protected by a force field. Twilight then said, "The only way to stop him is to go for the brain. But it's protected by that field."

"Then we go through him!" Maximum MC said. MC then shot up into the sky, and came down. He then sped over the water, and charged through Chaos, and then made contact with Chaos's brain, making him self destruct and regenerate in a different area.

"That was actually a good shot," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah," Sonic said. "Let's do this!" Then they started flying, Maximum MC joining them. They all went through the bottom of Chaos, and headed up through his body, making contact with Chaos's brain. Then all of them got into the same position they used to stop the Storm King, and fired at what was left of Chaos. Then a rainbow burst of power went across the city.

Then the water slowly going down. On a broken piece of freeway, Chaos 0 was laying on it. It then sat up, looking around him. Then a bunch of Chao started walking towards him, all happy. Tikal then arrived there.

"These are the Chao you protected thousands of years ago," Tikal said. "When these Chao got hurt, you went berserk."

Then the Mane 6, Sonic, MC and Maria went back to normal and watched them.

"Guess all it took was a reminder of who he was," Twilight said.

"Yeah," MC said. "All of this was intense." He then looked around. "We should get started on cleaning up this stuff."

Tikal and Chaos then started floating, and Tikal said, "C'mon. Let's go." Then they rose up into the sky, and vanished.

Over where Angel Island was, it started floating again. Things were starting to get back to normal.

Back in Station Square, Maria was getting worried. MC noticed it and asked, "You okay, Maria?"

Maria sighed and responded, "I just hope that Julian learned his lesson this time."

"Hopefully he will, but I'm more concerned about you," MC said. "You don't have to keep hiding from him, you know. Eggman is eventually going to find out that you're alive."

"And then he'll force me to be evil like him," Maria said.

"We won't let that happen," MC said. "If he tries to, I'll be there to protect you. Even if I have to knock him senseless."

"Wow," Maria said. "You're just like an old friend of mine."

"An old friend?" MC asked. "Wait, you had friends before going up into space?" Maria smiled and shook her head. "Then... who?"

Maria then looked up into the sky. She then thought to herself, "I really hope he's alright." Then she continued helping with the clean up.

"You still haven't answered my question!" MC said in frustration. "Who?! Who's your old friend?!"

The Mane 6 helped restore some buildings, and helping people up. They all continued cleaning up throughout the city until the sun set.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Shadow Saga (Part 1):
Project: SHADOW

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