• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 21: The Black Comet Saga (Part 1): The Invasion Begins

Episode 21: The Black Comet Saga (Part 1):

The Invasion Begins

The Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters, minus Maria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike were all setting up a picnic area outside of Station Square. Twilight was setting up a telescope.

"I can't believe it," Twilight said. "A comet that passes Earth every fifty years. This is so exciting."

"Yeah," MC said. "This is one of those famous eventful things. My grandpa saw it, but my father won't get to."

"Really wish that Maria was here," Sonic said. "She'd be astonished."

"I doubt it," MC said.

"Yeah, Maria got a better view when she was still human," Twilight said.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What do you..." She then stopped and remembered something. "Oh, right. Born human, got shot, turned into a hedgehog, and was frozen in a capsule for fifty years."

"This is going to be amazing," Dinky said.

"Wish my birth parents could be here to see this," Joshua said. Twilight and Nyx walked towards Joshua. Twilight hugged him.

"I know, sweetie," Twilight said. "I'm sure they're looking down on you, knowing that their son is alright. Except for the part you being turned into a pony."

"Twice," Nyx said.

"Hey!" Tails said, looking in the telescope. "I see it! I see the comet!" The others looked up into the sky, seeing the Black Comet coming into the Earth's atmosphere." MC used his materiokinesis to forge a telescope in his hands. He then looked into it.

"Whoa," MC said. "It's bigger than I thought it was gonna be."

"You'd be surprised what life gives you," Sonic said. "You know, rumors say if you wish on a comet, your wish will come true. But, not everything is as it seems."

"Well, I think it's sweet to get their hopes on making wishes," Fluttershy said. She then sighed. "I'm just so relieved that there's no dangers here from now on."

Meanwhile, on the Black Comet, there was part of a barren wasteland. But then, a bunch of shadows came into view. There was evil laughter coming from the shadows.

Back in the picnic of the Mane 6, Spike, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Freedom Fighters, the group were all enjoying the snacks they brought to the picnic.

"I gotta say, Pinks," MC said. "These sweets are good."

"I know, right?" Pinkie asked. "Applejack helped me with baking them."

"It's true," Applejack said. "And this time, Ah didn't screw up on listenin' ta Pinkie."

"What does that mean?" Amy asked.

"One day, before Twilight even became an Alicorn, Applejack had to buck the entire orchards all by herself," Rarity explained. "Although, at the time, her brother, Big Mac, was injured, and was unable to help. Applejack was so exhausted she messed up everything she was asked to do."

"Let me guess, baked bads was one of them?" MC asked.

"Bingo," Pinkie said.

"And what was worse, Spike actually ate them," Twilight said. The others, mostly the girls, gave noises of disgust.

"Dude, what was wrong with you?!" MC asked, looking at Spike.

"They didn't effect me that fast," Spike chuckled. He then looked towards the Comet, but then he saw something. He then pointed his finger and asked, "What's that?!" The group looked towards the Comet and saw something coming out of the sky.

In the city, the people were in a panic when aliens were attacking. Some had blasters, some were burrowing into the ground, and some were throwing cars at buildings.

The people were running out of the city in fear. Some GUN Soldiers arrived to help the people get out of the city and defend them from the alien attacks. Olive was fighting fiercely against some of the small aliens. She flipped some aliens, and blasted some with laser blasts coming from her gloves.

"This is getting out of control," Olive said. She then pushed some buttons on her cyber patch. "Olive to the Freedom Fighters. Come in Freedom Fighters."

Back at the picnic area, MC was on the phone. The group were all looking at him with worried looks on their faces.

"Okay, we're on our way," MC said. "Get as many people to Angel Island for safety." He then hung up. "Those aliens are smashing the city. We need to help those people."

"Those things are everywhere in the city now," Rainbow Dash said. "What are they anyway?"

"Aliens," Sonic said. "Who knew they existed?"

"Sonic, we got ponies and other creatures from another world that got merged to ours," Tails responded.

"Right," Sonic said. "Sorry, Twilight."

"No need to apologize," Twilight said. "Now, we need to get to the city to get all of the people to safety, and take down those alien invaders."

"Let's go!" Scootaloo said.

"Oh, no," MC said. "Not you kids."

"Why not?" Nyx asked.

"This isn't anything like Eggman's plan," Sonic said. "This is an alien invasion."

"It's best that you all get to safety," Twilight said. MC then brought out a ring and he threw it. The ring turned into a portal to the Crystal Empire. "You all go to the Crystal Empire and get to safety."

"But Twilight," Nyx protested.

"We'll be back there to get you when this is all over," Twilight said. She then used her magic to get the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cream and Cheese through the portal. MC then extended his hand to close the ring, and it reverted back to a small ring. "Where did you even get one of those?"

"This is a Super Warp Ring," MC responded. "I did not get it, I earned it. But that doesn't matter. Let's go!" Then the group started heading towards the city.

Mutt looked around and asked, "Why am I not going with the Crusaders, Cream and Cheese?"

"Because you're an adventurer, Mutt," Sonic said.

"You've got us through an ancient tomb in Egypt to get the Chaos Emerald there," Rainbow Dash said.

"You stood up to the Pony of Shadows in New York," Twilight said.

"And you helped sneak Maria in with us just so she could get to Shadow," Sonic said. "You've proved that you can handle yourself for tougher situations." That made Mutt smile.

MC then tossed him the Elemental Whip and said, "You're gonna need this. Let's stop this alien invasion before they win." They basically continued heading into the city.

Agents of GUN were firing upon the black aliens, but they were putting up a fight. One black alien had a plasma sword and tried to kill one guy, but he was pulled out of the way.

"Not today," MC said, staring at the alien. MC noticed the blade that the alien was using. "So, you have weapons, huh? Try this." MC then held out his left hand and golden energy came from him, and the energy created a giant golden battle ax. MC then charged at the alien and it tried swinging its blade, but MC's Ax met the attack and the plasma sword shattered. MC then swung his ax towards the alien, the flat part colliding with the alien's face, making the alien tackle into other aliens.

"Wow," Twilight said. "That was an impressive hit."

"Now's not the time for being impressed," Sonic said. "We have to stop these aliens from attacking people."

The Mane 6 then started fighting a bunch of aliens like how they did when the changeling invaded during Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding.

The Freedom Fighters stood their in awe when the Mane 6 fought off a bunch of aliens like that.

MC smirked and said, "That was pretty impressive."

"Yeah," Sonic said. "I can't believe they can fight like that." Just then, more aliens fell from the sky and landed near the heroes. They had guns with them.

"Oh, heck no," MC said. Just then, an arrow came in and an arm came out of it, firing lasers at the aliens, them falling to the ground.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "That was awesome!" Just then, the sound of a car came towards the group, amazing the heroes in awe.

"Whoa!" MC said. "A 1968 Ford Mustang convertible."

"With modern mechanical parts and upgrades, installed by yours truly," came the voice of the driver, who turned out to be Midpoint.

"Alex," Twilight said. "How did you get here all the way from San Francisco?"

"You kidding me?" Midpoint asked. "My grandpa knew these aliens would come back ever since the last time the Black Comet came back. So my grandpa had me prepared for this kind of situation. These sets of arrows were designed for taking out these aliens."

"But what's with this car?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It looks so... old..."

"It's actually a classic car I refurbished myself," Midpoint responded. "In fact, this car had history. If belonged to my grandfather."

"Well, I believe that it's positively fabulous," Rarity said. "Especially with how much modern stuff you put into this car."

"When did you get your driver's license?" MC asked.

"It just came in the mail two days ago," Midpoint said. "Let's get rid of these aliens before something bad happens." Then he shifted a gear and started driving off, the Freedom Fighters and the Mane 6 following.

MC then held up his hand and asked, "Where did you even get a classic car like that?"

"You like it?" Midpoint asked through MC's communicator. "This old car belonged to my grandpa. My grandpa who fought in the war. This was his old car before he fought in the Vietnam War. Of course my grandpa didn't do much walking after the war ended. So, he kept it around. Until he died. It was left to me in his will."

"And let me guess," MC responded. "You added some other things besides car accessories?"

"Take a look," Midpoint said through the communicator. Midpoint was driving towards a bunch of aliens, surrounding Olive. Midpoint then pushed a button on the back of the steering wheel and the bottom headlights opened up and fired a couple arrows. The arrows each landed on a side of Olive, then the arrows fired a bunch of lasers at the aliens, making them fall to the ground.

Midpoint drove up to Olive with a smirk. Olive responded with, "Sweet ride. Give me a lift?" Midpoint tilted his head to the left, cuing her to get into the car. Olive jumped into the car. She then grabbed a couple of guns from her fanny pack and fired upon the aliens as they were passing by. "Just like Tokyo all over again."

"You and I remember Tokyo very differently," Midpoint responded. Midpoint then stopped and saw the Freedom Fighters and the Mane 6 running towards them.

"What happened in Tokyo?" Twilight asked. "Wherever that is."

"Basically, a Godzilla movie made real," Sonic said. "That was a big mess."

"And yet, we were still fugitives back then," MC said. "It was actually a week before we came up with the idea for that device that Eggman stole to bring Equestria to Earth."

"I didn't think there'd be any more alien creatures out there," Twilight said. "Besides the fact that the entire Equestrian Continent had ended up on this world, and the fact that Joshua came from another dimension to Equestria years before we ended up here." Just then, a bunch of aliens came in and surrounded them.

"Oh, crud," Sonic said. The group then huddled together, Midpoint and Olive getting out of the car. Midpoint then grabbed and arrow from his quiver.

"Shoot," Midpoint said. "This is my last arrow."

"Well, everyone," MC said. "Looks like our goose is cooked."

Just as the aliens were getting closer to them, there were laser beams and laser daggers coming from above, piercing through the black aliens, making them fall to the ground.

"Uh, what?" Mutt asked. Then the group looked up towards where the beams and spears came from and they saw some old friends of theirs, standing on a rooftop. Sally Acorn, Bunnie and Antoine D'Coolette, Rotor, Sonia, Manic, and standing in front of the group was Maria.

"No... way..." Twilight said as the ones on the rooftop were coming down. Sonia and Manic were riding on a hover board, Bunnie was carrying down Antoine and Rotor, and Maria teleported down with Sally next to her.

"We've been separated for almost a year and everything is already tearing apart?" Sally asked, looking towards MC.

"Hey, we've been doing pretty fine on our own, thanks for asking," MC said in an arguing tone.

"Then why's the city on fire?" Sally argued back. Then Twilight got between the two.

"Stop it," Twilight said. "Listen Sally, MC has been keeping the Freedom Fighters in line while you've been enjoying your lives. This... was not what we were expecting."

"Maria expected this," Sally said. "After all, she's the one who called us back, to handle this situation." The group looked towards Maria.

"You knew this was coming?" MC asked. Maria only nodded in response. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I've been trying to ever since Shadow fell from Space," Maria said. "But all of you were busy with your lives."

"So, do ya know how to put an end to this?" Applejack asked.

"There is one way, but..." Maria was then interrupted when a plasma blast almost hit her foot. The group looked over and saw some black aliens coming towards them.

"We'll talk later," MC said. "Right now, we better take care of these creeps before more of the city is destroyed." Then the group started running towards the black aliens, all about to attack.

The last of the black aliens have been taken down by the Freedom Fighters. MC looked towards the group.

"Looks like that's all of them," MC said.

"Of this place," Midpoint said. "But there are still places all over the world that are getting attacked by the black aliens."

"He's right," came the voice of a GUN soldier. The group looked towards the soldier. "I just got a call from Commander Walters, saying that the black aliens are going around the entire planet. So far, only Equestria is the only place that hasn't been invaded yet. It's like some barrier has been blocking off access to the aliens."

"That would be the magic of the Tree House of Harmony," Twilight said.

"It's over a thousand years old, so it can handle just about any troubling thing happening to Equestria, or the continent," Pinkie Pie added.

"Hopefully, all of this will end soon," Fluttershy said.

"I don't think it'll be that simple, Fluttershy," MC said. He then pointed a finger. "We got company!" The group looked towards where MC was pointed and all gasped.

The creature that MC pointed at roared. It then fired a fireball from its mouth, making the heroes jump out of the way. Bunnie's arm then transformed into a cannon and fired at the monster's stomach, but it didn't go through.

"Oh, mah starz!" Bunnie said.

"That thing just deflected Bunnie's blast like something jumpin' onto a trampoline," Applejack said.

"Perhaps we need more force!" MC said, running away from the group. MC then stopped, started getting into a track runner's position, and looked towards the flying creature. He then said, "No way... I'm gonna lose... to a flying hippo." His eyes then started glowing in a golden aura. He then started rushing towards the creature, jumped up, and collided with the stomach of the creature, but MC was sent back, plowing through the road, stopping ten feet away from the group.

"Like a trampoline," Applejack said.

"That... hurt..." MC said. The creature then roared and prepared to fire at MC, but Sonic rushed in and got him out of the way.

"Good thing you weren't too heavy at the time," Sonic said.

"You and me both," MC said, getting up. The creature then started firing random blasts towards the heroes, but they all kept evading. But then one of the fireballs hit a building, causing rubble from the top corner of the building to come down, Fluttershy in its path.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called out. "Move!"

Fluttershy looked up and saw the rubble coming down. She then tried jumping out of the way, but then the rubble crashed, dust flying and covering up the mare.

"FLUTTERSHY!!" the five out of the Mane 6 called out in shock.

"That's it," MC said, getting fully recovered. Midpoint then stopped him.

"Not at his stomach," Midpoint said. "Aim for his eye." MC then looked towards the creature and noticed that its eye wasn't surrounded in blubber.

"Seriously?" MC asked. "They really shouldn't leave it's weak spot unguarded." MC then charged towards the creature, his fist charging in a golden aura. "Chaos Dragon Fist!!" MC then jumped towards the creature's eye, and punched it. The Creature was then sent flying out of the city, windows breaking as the creature was passing by. MC's fist was also released a golden aura shaped like a dragon, pushing the alien creature out of the city as it was passing the buildings.

The Freedom Fighters looked towards MC and Sally asked, "Is it gone?"

"For now," MC said. He then saw the Mane 6 trying to help Fluttershy. The Freedom Fighters then ran towards the six mares. "Flutters, you okay?" Fluttershy could only nod.

Fluttershy then tried moving away from the debris, but her mane and tail got pinned under the rubble. She then said, "My mane... and my tail... they're... stuck."

"Let me take a look," Sonia said.

"Whoa," Manic said. "This rubble has caught you good."

"Perhaps she needs ta get 'er hair cut," Bunnie suggested, making Fluttershy squeal in shock.

"Not gonna be easy," Rainbow Dash said. "Fluttershy prefers to keep her mane and tail long."

"How many times has her mane and tail got caught on a closing door?" Rotor asked.

"Good point," Rainbow Dash said.

"I can probably get her hair cut short enough to keep it at a good enough length, and still as beautiful as ever," Sonia said. "I'm gonna need a pair of scissors. Manic, think you can help me out?"

"Sure," Manic said, looking in his fanny pack for a pair of scissors. "I know I have a pair of scissors in here somewhere."

"Here," MC said, reaching out his left hand, extending his forefinger and baring the claw at the end. Sonia then grabbed it with her right hand and put it to Fluttershy's mane.

"Alright, Fluttershy," Sonia said. "This won't hurt. Just hold still." She then used MC's claw to cut through Fluttershy's mane, releasing her head from the rubble. Then she did it again with Fluttershy's tail. "There we go." She then helped Fluttershy up. "Wow. It actually looks better shorter, don't you all think?" Then everyone else gave off words of agreement, along with some nodding.

"Alright, everyone," Olive said. "Commander Walters wants all of us to meet him at the Pentagon. He said we can use that as a temporary base to regroup."

"These things are tough," Amy said. "How are we going to stop them all?"

"We're gonna need some help," Twilight said. "Someone who can take these guys down, someone powerful, someone tough."

"I... actually know who," Maria said, making the others look at her. She then faced away from the group. "I just hope he hasn't been found by Black Doom."

"Who's Black Doom?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Maria looked back towards the group and responded, "The one who's leading this alien army." The others gasped.

"How do you know that?" MC asked. Maria didn't respond. MC then thought about it and asked, "You were there. You were there when the Black Comet came over fifty years ago."

"And I know the only one who can stop these guys," Maria said. "We have to find him." She then sighed. "We have to find Shadow."

Somewhere else, in a different part of the city, there was the sound of sirens buzzing, debris everywhere, fallen soldiers and aliens everywhere. But coming up on top of some debris was a certain hedgehog.

Shadow was looking around at all the carnage, until he saw something.

Shadow then pursued the thing, following it to wherever it was going.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Black Comet Saga (Part 2): Shadow: Friend or Foe?

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