• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 7: The Shadow Saga (Part 1): Project: SHADOW

Episode 7: The Shadow Saga (Part 1):

Project: SHADOW

There were a bunch of helicopters repairing the city of Station Square. The Freedom Fighters were watching the repairs from a hilltop.

"Repairs are going great," Tails said. "Although, there are a bunch of places with multiple property damage."

"There are shelters outside of the city taking the people in," MC said. "Sadly, there isn't any room for us to stay in there."

"So, where are we going to stay?" Sonic asked.

"Perhaps Princess Twilight can help us out," Mutt said.

"Let's get the X-Tornado and the Spirit of Freedom, and then we'll head on to Equestria," MC said. Then they all walked off. But not before MC looked back at Station Square. "This is only a set back, but we'll push through. Hopefully, all the damages will be repaired."

The X-Tornado and the Spirit of Freedom had entered the air space of Equestria. The Freedom Fighters looked down at the landscape, seeing all of the changes done.

"Wow," Maria said from inside the Spirit of Freedom. "Alex had certainly did a number on helping Equestria on reaching modern days."

"You can say that again," Mutt said, also in the Spirit of Freedom.

"Alright, guys," MC said, who was piloting the Spirit of Freedom. "Sparkles knows we're coming. And her castle is in sight." Then the Spirit of Freedom and the X-Tornado started landing by the Castle of Friendship, on the other side of Twilight's School of Friendship. Sonic, Tails, MC, Mutt, Maria, Amy, Cream and Cheese were all heading towards the front door. The guards standing there stood tall.

One of the guards said, "Freedom Fighters, the Princess is waiting for you in the Throne Room."

"Thank you," MC said. Then they all headed into the Castle.

In the castle, there was a bunch of people cleaning up the place as quickly as possible. They then walked into the Throne Room, seeing the Mane 6 and Spike there. Twilight turned to see the Freedom Fighters, and smiled.

"Welcome, Freedom Fighters," Twilight said. "Since Freedom Fighters Mansion is temporarily under repair from Chaos's attack, you are all welcome here to stay as long as you want." She then sighed. "But there's a small problem. Due to how many people are staying in the castle, we only have three open rooms."

Then the Freedom Fighters looked at each other and all said in unison, "Roommates!"

"Sonic and Tails in one room, Maria, you're with Amy and Cream, and Mutt is with me," MC said.

"That could work," Twilight said.

"Nicole, keep an eye out for any trouble," MC said.

"Yes, sir," Nicole said.

"Looks like things are gonna be relaxing from now on," Sonic said. "No more trouble for a while."

"Yeah," Amy said. "We haven't seen any trouble from Doctor Eggman in weeks. He probably hasn't got an original plan in his mind."

Somewhere in the world, Doctor Eggman was on a computer, trying to find some new plan to come up with trying to take over the world.

"So many possibilities, but not one worthy of taking over the world," Doctor Eggman said. He then groaned. "I need to find a plan to take over the world! Oh, even my grandfather would've come up with something!" He then stopped to think. "Wait a minute. My grandfather!" He then typed up something on the internet and there was a bio on his grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik. He then saw something. "Project: SHADOW, eh?" He then chuckled evilly. Show me more on this.

Somewhere else in the world, a bunch of government agents were watching any activity on the website. One agent then noticed something and said, "Guys. Someone is looking into the old government files of Professor Gerald Robotnik."

"Oh, please," another agent said. "No one has ever been able to get into those files without the correct password. No one has been able to figure it out in fifty years."

"I guess that's a relief," the first agent said.

Back at Eggman's current base, Eggman was trying to figure out the password. He was getting frustrated that he couldn't get into the files.

"C'mon, c'mon," Doctor Eggman said. "I need those files!" He then grumbled. "It's too bad my cousin Maria isn't here to see this." He then got a realization. "That's it." He then started typing in something. "M-A-R-I-A." Then the file opened.

At the secret government base, the one agent was freaking out. He then said, "Sir. That person has figured out the password!"

"WHAT?!" the boss said. "Boot him out of there!"

Then an alarm went on Eggman's computer, making him gasp. "Not today." Doctor Eggman then started hacking and he started to copy everything and delete it from the government files. He then got what he wanted. "Now, Grandfather, let's see what you've been holding out on me."

At the White House in Washington, DC, the President was having a talk with GUN's best two agents, Olive and Rouge.

"Welcome, ladies," the president said. "I've come with bad news. Somebody has hacked and stolen government records. We believe that that person is Doctor Julian Robotnik."

"Who else?" Olive asked. "He's always wanting something to get to use to take over the world."

"What did the doctor steal this time?" Rouge asked.

"The private files of his grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik," the president asked.

"The professor's private files?" Olive asked. "But the only ones outside of the government that has those files are the Freedom Fighters and Alex Lynol."

"We'll ask for Lynol's help," the President said. "Anyway, you two have to find and infiltrate Doctor Eggman's base and apprehend him."

"I think we can do better," Rouge said.

"What do you mean, Rouge?" Olive asked.

"I think one of us should get close to the Doctor," Rouge said. "Pretend that we're on his side, get close, and stop his plan before he could even unleash it."

"And how are we going to do that?" Olive asked.

"We're gonna have to find a Chaos Emerald to get in," Rouge said.

"Hm, not a bad idea," Olive said.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, Midpoint and Cozy Glow were walking out of Oracle Park after watching a baseball game. Cozy Glow was wearing some Giants gear.

"Golly, that was amazing!" Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah," Midpoint said. "The Giants had a good game. Especially when that Baseball landed in your hair."

"It's still there," Cozy Glow said, taking off her baseball cap, revealing the baseball that was in her head. Then one baseball player came in, and autographed it. "Logan Webb?!"

"Yeah, I went to College with him," Midpoint said. "Nice to see you again, Logan."

"Anytime, Alex," Logan Webb replied. "Take care." Then he went back into the players only section of the stadium. Just then, a limo came in and parked in front of Midpoint and Cozy Glow.

"Oh, jeez," Midpoint said. Then the window rolled down and there was a secret agent.

"Mr. Lynol, we need your help," the agent said.

"Oh, boy," Midpoint said. "Is this going to take long?"

"We need the files of Professor Gerald Robotnik," the agent said. "We know you've got them."

Midpoint groaned and said, "They're in a secret location in my apartment. Take us to my penthouse apartment, and I'll get you the files. I always have copies."

"Deal," said the agent. "Get in."

"But you'd said we'll get ice cream after the game," Cozy Glow whined.

"I can call for a Lyft to take us to the ice cream shop," Midpoint replied as he got into the car. Cozy Glow then followed.

"Why not an Uber?" the agent asked.

"Lyft's cheaper," Midpoint replied.

On Angel Island, Rouge and Olive arrived on Angel Island, looking all around for at least one of the seven Chaos Emeralds. Rouge was wearing an outfit that covered most of her body. Olive had a mask over her entire head.

"We don't have much time," Olive said. "We need to find that Chaos Emerald as quickly as possible."

"Roger," Rouge said. Then the two of them split up.

Back in San Francisco, Midpoint had given the government agents a flash drive. Midpoint then shook hands with the agent after he put the flash drive in his pocket.

"Thank you, Mr. Lynol," the agent said. "You have brought back an important piece of government secrets."

"What's so special about these files in the first place?" Cozy Glow asked.

"That's classified young lady," the agent said.

"He's right," Midpoint said. "But all I can say is that one of the files contains something that was given the idea for Project: PHOENIX."

"What's Project: PHOENIX?" the agent asked.

"That's classified," Midpoint replied. He then smirked. "You guys have your secrets, I have mine."

"Alright," said the agent. "Good day." The agent then left the place.

Cozy Glow then looked up at Midpoint and asked, "So, ice cream?"

"Alright," Midpoint said. "Let's get going." Then the two of them headed out.

Meanwhile, on Angel Island, Rouge was carrying something with ropes around it. She was groaning when she was carrying it.

"It's no Chaos Emerald," Rouge said. "But hopefully, this'll get the doctor's attention." The screen then showed her carrying the Master Emerald.

Meanwhile, in another location, Olive was looking all over the place and she saw something on the ground.

"Bingo," Olive said, picking up the Chaos Emerald. She then headed over to find Rouge with the Master Emerald. She then called out, "Rouge. I got one!"

"Perfect!" Rouge said. "You know the plan. I'll infiltrate Eggman's base and give you the details on what Eggman's planning."

"And I'll inform the government about what he's got," Olive said.

"HEY!!" came another voice. They turned towards the voice to see Knuckles running towards them. "Give me back the Master Emerald!!" Knuckles then tried to take out Rouge, but Olive kicked him away before he could make contact.

Olive tossed the Chaos Emerald towards Rouge, who caught it, and flew off.

"I don't want to hurt you," Olive said.

"You should've thought of that when you two are taking the Master Emerald!" Knuckles said. He then charged at Olive, who dodged the attack, breaking apart a tree.

"Listen to me!" Olive said.

"Stop moving!" Knuckles said, trying to punch her.

"Listen, we need the Emerald to find out what Doctor Eggman is up to," Olive said.

"So taking the Master Emerald is a part of your plan!?" Knuckles asked.

"Actually, we came here to find a Chaos Emerald," Olive said, taking off her mask. "The Master Emerald was her idea."

Knuckles gasped and said, "Hey! It's you!"

"I got some information to share with you," Olive said. "When I get notice of where Eggman's base is, I'll contact you." She then handed Knuckles a communication device. "Keep that on you at all times."

Knuckles then grumbled and said, "If this is a trick, I'll find you and take you down."

"I promise, this is no trick," Olive said. "Trust me." Olive then ran off. Knuckles then looked at the communicator and got upset.

Back in Equestria, Twilight, Spike, Nyx, Joshua and the Freedom Fighters were all having breakfast. But MC wasn't in the room. MC then came into the dining room with a box in his hand.

"Hey, guys," MC said. "A package from the president came in. For Tails and Joshua."

"Really?" Joshua asked. "What for?"

MC then looked at the letter and opened it up. He then read it aloud. "'Miles Prower and Joshua Sparkle, for disarming the missile in the middle of Station Square, you two have been awarded with this.'" MC then tossed the box to Tails, who caught it. Tails then opened it up and the group gasped at what was inside.

"A Chaos Emerald!" the others said in unison.

"'This Chaos Emerald is a reward for saving the fair city,'" MC continued to read. "'We found it during the clean up of Station Square after the flood. Guard it well. Signed, the President of the United States.'"

"Wow," Twilight said. She then hugged Joshua. "You actually got rewarded for saving a city. I'm proud of you."

"We all are," Nyx said.

"Yeah," said Spike. "You did good."

"Alright guys," MC said. "Sparkles is gonna set up a new building for the School of Gifted Unicorns, and Starlight wants us to be in some classes for how Friendship can lead to great teamwork."

"You know, I feel like you can merge the two schools together, and so none of those unicorns end up like..." Amy said.

"Blueblood?" MC asked.

"Exactly," Amy said.

"Not a bad idea," Twilight said. "Spike, make a note of that."

"On it," Spike said, typing on his cell phone. "Man, this tech is really useful. Thanks to a little help from Sunset Shimmer. I really like how useful it is."

"It's not just Ponyville that's got a tech upgrade," Twilight said. "Manehattan has already gotten subways cars and ponies are learning to drive."

"Well, it'll give me something to get my mind off of Julian," Maria said.

"Alright, guys," MC said. "Eat up." Then they all got back to eating.

At an island base, alarms were going off. Something came into the base's entrance, blowing off every door in the base.

"Oh, this is going to be worth it," Doctor Eggman said. "My grandfather's greatest creation is supposed to be somewhere here in this government base. Time to find it." He then continued on through.

Back in San Francisco, Midpoint and Cozy got home from doing some grocery shopping.

"Dad won't be home until 5 tonight," Midpoint responded. "We'll go out for dinner at the diner tonight."

"I still can't believe that dad started his own construction company and did a merger with Shadow Appliances," Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah, he's gotta do something," Midpoint said.

"I was thinking about that government agent coming over," Cozy Glow said. "You said that you had copies of this Professor Gerald Robotnik guy's files. Why would Doctor Eggman want those files in the first place?"

"He's probably after one of his grandfather's greatest creations," Midpoint responded. "Project: SHADOW."

Cozy Glow tilted her head to the side and asked, "What's that?"

Midpoint chuckled and said, "It ain't a what. And all I can say is that Project: SHADOW is sealed up deep in Prison Island. One of the most secure prisons in the entire world."

"Why would they lock it up there?" Cozy asked.

"It was the most secure for the past fifty years," Midpoint said. "And as for me, the government asked me to design some robot plans to keep it more secure. Although, there's a problem with their modifications to their designs."

Back in Prison Island, a bunch of robots were destroyed by laser blasts from Eggman's Egg Walker. He then said, "That was the most pathetic bunch of robots I had to blast through. I thought you were smarter than this, Lynol. Or did the government not want your robots to be indestructible? Oh well." Then he continued through and made it to the bottom of the base.

There was a huge door preventing him from going through. Eggman then hacked the door, which it slowly opened. It was now wide enough for the Egg Walker to go through, and he came to an old computer that was connected to something.

"This is where Project: SHADOW lies?" Doctor Eggman asked. "I would've thought that it was bigger." He then got out of the Egg Walker and started typing on it. "Looks like it doesn't have enough energy to boot p the machine to open it up. Luckily, I have this."

Doctor Eggman then typed in the password.

"M-A-R-I-A, Maria," Doctor Eggman said. "Time to boost up it's energy." Doctor Eggman then used the Chaos Emerald to power up the machine. Then the capsule started glowing brightly. "What is this?!" The capsule then opened and something came out of it. "No! It can't be!"

Back in Equestria, the Freedom Fighters were helping with one of the classes.

"And you see, the best way to be a good friend and a good teammate is to stick together," MC said. "And with this, I have a special assignment for you. To understand teamwork, you all are gonna have to go through an obstacle course. In groups of 3. All of you pick yourselves a group of three, and all of you must work together. And most of all, you all must finish the course together as a team." Then the bell rang. "Class dismissed." Then all of the students left the room. The Freedom Fighters then left the room where Starlight was standing right outside the door.

"An obstacle course, huh?" Starlight asked. "Not a bad idea."

"We might as well get it set up behind the Castle of Friendship," Sonic said as he, the rest of the Freedom Fighters and Starlight started walking. "It's gonna take a while for them to get the handle on teamwork." They then headed on outside.

"Well, I guess we'll all see you tomorrow," Starlight said. Just then, a bunch of helicopters came in. The Freedom Fighters looked up and saw them, all of them had the symbol of GUN on them. Then a bunch of men slid down on ropes. Then they brought their guns out, pointing them at Sonic.

"Sonic the Hedgehog! For breaking into Prison Island and stealing a classified project with the assistant of Doctor Julian Robotnik, you are under arrest!" One of the GUN Agents said.

"What?!" the Freedom Fighters all said in unison. All of the ponies and the Young Six were looking towards the group, seeing what was going on.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Shadow Saga (Part 2):
The Black Hedgehog

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