• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 13: Fixing the Moon

Episode 13: Fixing the Moon

In Shadow Appliances, Midpoint was in a board meeting with his Board of Directors, talking about the stocks of Shadow Appliances. Midpoint wasn't paying attention as he was working on something in front of them.

"And with the income of the fixing of Station Square after the Chaos Monster attack, we are nearly on the brink of bankruptcy," said one of the board members.

"Uh-huh," Midpoint said. "Did you forget the income of sales in Florida for the new apartment building they had made?"

The board members looked at the charts on their tablets and went wide eyed. They then added the income to the profit chart, putting the chart back to a stable chart.

"Okay," said the first board member. "That was unexpected. Well, there is also the profit drop due to the upgrades in Equestria."

"That reminds me," Midpoint said, pushing a button on his tablet. Just then, the chart then rose again. "Princess Twilight just paid for bringing Equestria to the 21st Century."

"You've got to be kidding me," the first board member said. "Although, there is the problem with the factory in Chicago."

"There is nothing to do with Shadow Appliances in Chicago," Midpoint replied, still working on the device.

"What?!" the first board member asked, looking at the file. "Oops. Sorry. I was reading my niece's school's newsletter." He then looked at Midpoint. "Mr. Lynol, what are you doing?"

"I'm working on this specific device that has self replicating nano-tech that can reconstruct anything," Midpoint said. "Besides, I already had this meeting last night. That way, I can keep working on this thing." The board noticed that Midpoint had his rings off of his wrists.

"So, what repairs are you going to make with that... thing?" the first board member asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Garrison," Midpoint replied. "With this, I'm going to repair..." Midpoint then pushed a button and an image of the broken moon appeared on the screen. "...the Moon!" The board then got shocked to see what Midpoint had in mind.

"But, Mr. Lynol, how are you going to get that thing to repair the moon?" Garrison asked.

"The nano-tech will reconstruct an artificial moon, connected to the real moon, and will make it as round as the original moon was," Midpoint replied.

"But is it enough?" Garrison asked. "I mean, the moon is connected to both Equestrian Alicorns, Luna and Nyx. Are they going to be okay with having an artificial half moon?"

"It's not gonna be artificial for long," Midpoint said. "Not if we have someone manipulate it's molecules when the artificial moon is finished." He then showed an image on the screen. That someone was MC the Fox. The board members did their oohs and aahs. "Prince Michael Crayton will be helping with this project once it's finished." The board members then applauded at Midpoint's plan.

In the Castle of Friendship, Twilight and MC were walking into the castle's infirmary, with Nyx in MC's arms. MC then placed Nyx onto an open gurney. Twilight then stroke Nyx's mane.

"She's going to be alright," Twilight said. "At least... I hope so." She then nuzzled Nyx's cheek.

"It's gonna be a while until Nyx wakes up," MC said. "We're going to need a miracle."

Then Sonic and Mutt ran into the infirmary. Sonic then said, "MC, is it true that you're helping out on Alex Lynol's project to repair the moon?"

"Yes," MC replied. "I'm going up to the moon after the reconstruction of the moon is done. When I get up there, I'm gonna manipulate the molecules and make the moon just as good as it was before." Just then, he used his magic to make an American Flag. "Plus, NASA wants me to plant this on the moon to replace the one that was blown up by the Eclipse Cannon."

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me," Twilight said. "How's Maria taking the incident?"

"She's still upset," Mutt said. "She's been crying in her room."

"She lost her best friend," Sonic said. "I'd understand. Although, I'm still pulling these red streaks off of me." He then reached down to his leg and ripped off a red streak made of paper. Sonic then grunted in pain. "Did she really have to glue it to my body? Ow."

MC shook his head and said, "I'll talk to her." MC then walked out of there.

Back in Freedom Fighters Mansion, Maria was laying on her bed, still crying about her old friend being gone. Maria was holding an old picture of her and Shadow, back when Maria was still human. She was also holding Shadow's Inhibitor Rings.

"Shadow..." Maria said, still crying. Just then, she heard a knock at the door. She saw MC standing at the door.

"Hey, girl," MC said. "Mind if I talk to you?" Maria then sat up on her bed as MC walked in and sat next to her. "So, you taking it hard that you lost Shadow."

"I don't know what to do," Maria said. "Shadow was the only one from fifty years ago that I know that was still alive. Now... he's gone." She then covered her face and sobbed lightly.

MC sighed and said, "You know... I lost everything in my kingdom. My parents... my friends... my home. It was so hard for me. But it took a while for me to recover from that. Especially when us and the Freedom Fighters started forming. Your cousin made us look like villains. Taking our tech, framing us for crimes we didn't commit, bringing an entire continent from another dimension. But, at least that part was easily resolved."

"You're lucky," Maria said. "At least you weren't sealed in a capsule for fifty years."

"We'll get you through this," MC said. He then grabbed the Inhibitor Rings. MC then checked them out. "These rings of Shadow aren't that too much different than my Stabilizer Rings."

"Stabilizer Rings?" Maria asked.

"My rings here keep my power stable," MC said. "Stabilizing my power is what kept me calm all this time. These were the last things my mom gave me before she died."

"Wow," Maria said. "You're a power house. I have the same powers as Shadow, but I burn them out so easily." She then looked at the rings that Shadow wore. "Because I didn't have these kinds of rings."

"Perhaps Tails can make a pair of Inhibitor Rings for you so you don't burn out so easily," MC said. "Nicole, tell Tails to make a pair of Inhibitor Rings for Maria using the data we got from Space Colony ARK."

"Yes, sir, Michael," came Nicole's voice. "Anything else."

"Tell him to make them in a silver color," MC said. He then got up. "If you need me... I'll be in Florida."

"Why are you going to Florida?" Maria asked.

"That's where NASA launches their rockets," MC said. "I gotta get ready to help fix the moon. For the sake of Nyx and Luna of Equestria. If fixing the moon will wake them up, it has to be done." MC then walked out the door.

In the NASA Rocket Launch in Florida, a limo arrived at the place. The limo stopped at the curb in front of the building. A man in a tuxedo opened the door and out came MC, Midpoint and the Young Six.

"This is gonna be one heck of a field trip," Gallus said.

"I still can't believe you got us to be a part of this field trip," Ocellus said. "Although, I still don't believe you convinced Princess Twilight and the other leaders of Equestria to let us come to space with you."

"Well, the griffon leader wasn't that hard to convince," MC said.

"Really?" Silverstream asked. "What did he say?"

"Something about getting that good for nothing young one out of his feathers for as long as it takes," MC said.

"Wow," Midpoint said. "And I thought Chrysalis was a bad leader."

"Grandpa Gruff is just rude," Gallus said. He then sighed sadly.

"You know, you can always come over to the Freedom Fighters," MC said. "We could take better care of you instead of being left on the streets of Griffonstone."

"Meh, anything's better than living on the streets of Griffonstone," Gallus said. "I'm in."

"We'll have Nicole set up the spare room for you," MC said.

"Good call," Midpoint said. They reached the control room of the rocket launch. "Welcome to Mission Control. We'll monitor your progress from here."

"Wow!" the Young 6 said in unison.

"Nice place," MC said. "No smashing, Yona."

"Ahhhh..." Yona whined. "Yona wanted something to smash."

"Well, let's get you all prepped," Midpoint said. "First up, G-Force training."

"The G-Forces is something that you have to be prepared for," MC said. "It's a test to see if you have what it takes to keep as much blood in your brain for as long as you can."

"Why us?" Sandbar asked. "You're not joining us?"

"I deal with G-Force all the time when I'm super speeding," MC said. "Ocellus isn't going to be with you five either."

"Oh, yeah," Midpoint said. "She snuck onto the spaceship disguised as my artificial intelligent hologram."

"How was I supposed to know that that lynx was a hologram?" Ocellus asked.

"Alright, guys," MC said. "Get to the training rooms. We have to get the moon done as soon as possible."

It then went to a montage of the group in astronaut training. The G-Force training, the multi axis rotational chair, and getting fit for some special suits.

"Why are we getting fitted into suits?" Smolder asked.

"The more higher you go up the atmosphere of the planet, temperature gets colder and colder," MC said. "More colder than the Frozen North. These suits will keep your temperature level at a safe level. And since the we're going out of the Atmosphere to get to what's left of the moon, we're going to get you all fitted for thermal space suits."

"Yona won't be needing one," Midpoint said. "The only thing she's going to need is a rocket pack."

"Yona not too sure about rocket packs," Yona said.

"It'll be the only way to get back on the shuttle," MC said. "Now, who's ready to go to space?" The Young Six were getting a little nervous. Later, MC and the Young 6 got into the elevator with Midpoint.

"Now, you have to get this device to the core of the moon," Midpoint said, handing MC the device. "There are six cables that must reach the edge of the moon."

"So, that's why these kids are coming with," MC said.

"Exactly," Midpoint said. "Alright, all of you get ready. I'll be piloting the shuttle from down here."

"Remote piloting?" Smolder asked. "Are you sure that's safe?"

"MC is also a pilot himself," Midpoint said. "He's piloted every single air and space craft. Even some of Eggman's crafts."

"To be fair, I purposely crash some of those things," MC said. "No one else was in the craft."

"You crash on purpose?" Gallus asked. "Wow, you must be tough to survive that crash."

"I only crash the crafts of my enemies," MC said.

"Even that rocket that took you and Princess Twilight and some of the Freedom Fighters to the ARK a few days ago?" Silverstream asked.

"That crash was not my doing," MC said. "That was Knuckles."

"Well, I'll contact you all when the device is set," Midpoint said. Then MC and the Young Six left the elevator and headed for the shuttle. Midpoint then headed down to mission control. In the Shuttle were seven seats. MC was in the pilot seat with Smolder next to him. Behind them were three seats. From left to right was Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona. And in the back were Gallus and Silverstream. All of them buckled up.

"Alright, Alex," MC said. "We're all buckled up."

In mission control, the people there were getting ready. Midpoint then said into the microphone, "Alright, everyone. Initiate launch. Countdown from ten." The screen then showed a countdown.

"9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." the computer counted. "Ignition." Then the rocket started going up into the sky. The world was watching as the rocket takes to the sky.

The rocket shuttle came over the moon and headed for the half where the moon was broken. The shuttle stopped and hovered over the surface of the core of the moon. Then MC and the Young Six came out of the shuttle and landed at the core.

MC had the device and was walking towards the core. He then looked up at the shuttle.

"Alex, we're at the core!" MC shouted out. His conversation was heading towards Mission control and was being monitored. "Where exactly do I put this thing?"

Alex then pushed a button and said, "I'm gonna put up a small beam from the shuttle. Make sure you put the device where the beam hits the center of the button on top."

The shuttle then let out a red beam, heading to the center of the broken half of the moon, which was on Sandbar's foot. He then moved out of the way and MC put the device where it was, and the light was on the center of the button on top. Alex's voice then came out of the shuttle.

"Okay, push the button." MC then pushed the button and six handles came out of the device. "Alright, you six, grab a handle and start heading towards the edge of the moon." Each member of the Young Six grabbed a handle. They then started up their rocket packs. They all headed out in a straight line in each direction, each holding onto the cable handle.

As Smolder was hovering over to the edge, she asked into her communicator, "Why are we even using these rocket packs? Some of us can fly!"

"You need wind to fly," came Midpoint's voice from the communication device. "The moon has no oxygen. No oxygen, no wind."

It then went over to Gallus as he was flying. He then said, "That makes sense. I don't feel any wind going as I'm going by." Then they all reached the edge of the moon half.

"Alright, kids," Midpoint said in their communicators. "There's a point with the cable going through connected to the handles. Slide the cable through the gap and then wedge the point into the moon on the outside." Then the Young 6 pinned the handles to the surface of the half of the moon that wasn't broken.

"Okay," Sandbar said into his communicator. "The stakes are in place."

"Good job, kids," Midpoint said. "All of you, get to the shuttle. MC, run towards the edge of the moon before the micro-tech starts replicating from the core."

It then showed MC rushing towards the edge, the low gravity not effecting him. He then said, "Already there."

Ocellus was flying back towards the ship when she spotted MC going towards the edge. She then asked, "How are you doing that? The moon has a lower sense of gravity?"

"Density Manipulation," MC responded through the communicator. "No matter where I am, and how big or small the planet or moon is, I can run through it like it's nothing. Although, it's useless when there's no gravity."

"That makes sense," Ocellus said. She then reached the shuttle along with the others. The shuttle then moved out of the way as the nano-tech was expanding. The people of Earth were watching from the Television or seeing the repairs of the moon from where they were without their televisions.

At Mission control, there was a percentage of the moon's repair on the screen. At the moment, it was at 80%. Midpoint then pushed a button on the control console and said, "MC, the Moon is almost repaired. When the your wrist holographic communicator says 100%, the nano-tech will stop. That's your cue to manipulate the molecules."

MC came to the end of the moon and waited for the nano-tech to finish up. He then looked at his communicator and saw the percentage was at 93%.

"94... 95... 96... 97... 98..." MC counted down as the nano-tech was almost at the edge. "...99... 100." The nano-tech stopped. "Alright. Let's do this!" The rings on MC's wrists came off, and he got supercharged. He then roared loudly. He planted his right foot on the original half of the moon and his left foot on the artificial half moon. His hands then dug into both the real and fake moon. MC's body then became the same elements of the surface of the real moon. Then the fake moon started changing, becoming the real moon once again, and it was going quickly.

In no time, the moon became restored to it's rightful glory. Twilight was watching from the Castle of Friendship's infirmary, sitting next to Nyx as she was sleeping. Just then, Nyx woke up, gasping. Nyx put a hand to her chest and breathed slowly.

"Nyx!" Twilight said, pulling Nyx into a hug. "You're awake."

"Tw-Twilight?" Nyx asked. "What happened?"

"You were unconscious for about a week, Nyx," Twilight said. "But don't worry. We're just glad you're awake."

Nyx smiled and hugged Twilight back.

MC then rushed towards one area of the moon as the shuttle launched something. MC caught it and pinned it to the ground. And then he used the voice of Neil Armstrong.

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind." MC then landed and pinned the thing to the ground, which was the American Flag. The people of Earth cheered that the moon was restored to its former glory.

Later, at the White House, the President was doing a speech for the actions of MC, Midpoint and the Young Six for the progress of the repairing of the moon.

"It is a great pleasure to see that these young creatures have restored the moon," the president said. "From their heroism, their brains, their determination, and their power, these eight creatures have successfully brought peace back to the world." The press that was there were all taking pictures.

Outside, MC and the Young 6 walked out of the White House. MC looked over at Smolder and said, "Thanks for getting my rings back. I almost tore apart the shuttle when I got up into there."

"Meh, no problem," Smolder said. "Although, when I saw you using that much power, I could've swore I saw a dragon coming from you?"

"That was the Dragoon Force," MC said. "It comes out at full force when I remove these rings. It's also pretty unstable when it's released for a certain amount of time."

"So, when should we get back home?" Gallus asked.

"I'll get you through the portal back in Freedom Fighters Mansion," MC said. "Although, when you go through, it's gonna be 11 o'clock back in Equestria. So, hopefully, Sparkles will understand when she sees the six of you staying in a room back in the castle."

"Yeah, I guess she would," Ocellus said. "Let's go home." Then the seven of them headed away from the White House, heading towards Freedom Fighters Mansion.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 1):
A New Threat Rising

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