• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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It is 24th day of Galena in the 258th year of the Mythic Age.

The Galena-time sun spears the eastern horizon as it fills the atmosphere with its yellow glow. A ray of light barely touches and illuminates the face of a stirring Unicorn, she wills herself entirely awake. Amor scrunched her eyelids shut at the light piercing through the outside fortifications and her own window. The Little Pony stretches and yawns in the morning's sun radiance.

The mental checklists that Amor’s Old Master instilled when she was younger, rushes through her head What woke me, where am I, is anypony here, are there any traps, have any entrances been tampered with… and the list goes on. In a flash the list is done and she leaves her bed, similar to a bird fleeing its nest. The metallic pony skipped her usual daybreak exercises and instead just opened the room’s glass-portal, leaving and closing it behind her. Many ponies join with me in what I jokingly labeled ‘The Well Run’; a sluggish stride to lineup at the well. Doubtlessly we were herd animals, but our rational minds have created many weird, but useful concepts, such as privacy.

Family ponies took up much of the space around the well, where they bathed their loved ones. Single ponies had no such luxury, but gladly accepted the personal freedom. Privacy was practiced at the well and it was not hard to find ways to disappear when cleaning. Besides, most ponies were too sleepy to care what others were doing. Amor usually had to imitate grogginess to avoid conversation, but ever since her confession to Virtue, she was left drained anyway. Fortunately for ponies, the cool water was more then sufficient to wake them up.

Amor’s noble tutelage and exposure to other cultures, such as the Deuchmeiner, should have made her feel alienated, but here she was; just another common mare wearing a crimson beetroot robe-chemisier. Most ponies wore clothing and none appeared to mind the various levels of nudity, others were displaying, as well as different number of layers and styles of each other’s garb. Concealing the cutie mark was wont to her, but it was taught out of consideration for others and her. My Old Master once told me a bedtime story, where in some village; a colt was cursed with a skull on his flanks. The villagers, seeing this, sacrificed him to their gods. What compels a teacher to tell such stories to a three year old filly at bedtime was beyond me, but a moral about not allowing one’s fate be decided by some mark on one’s flanks could be learned from it.

The bath was welcomed, but not the coldness, leaving little doubt in the mare’s mind that the colder months would lead to some smelly ponies. An idea crosses the Unicorn’s mind: use the warm rocks within the deep mines for a bathhouse. The thought is dismissed by the technical difficulties and the belief, that Dawnpick held a couple of ingenious engineers, who may have thought the same. Shortly after her bath and back in her quarters, the copper Unicorn replaces her nightwear with a mason’s smock, that by pony standards are slightly excessive in converge.

Not eating within the Dining Hall used to be a part of my routine, because of my mission, but this breakfast was different. I still had my meal in my room, but this time it was by choice. From my bed, I elegantly sipped down the big tasty stew created by Skillet, and ate some carrot slices, while watching the other ponies from my window. I was no longer a spy and a spectator, but an active player. After breakfast I went to the masons’ workshop near the craft-ponies’ workshop and examined the order for that day from Virtue. Cut half a dozen gabbro rough stones into roof tiles for the gym and make a statue. I set to work on the tiles, as I contemplate the theme for the statue, perhaps another one with Panacea embracing two giant rats.

Indigo woke up shortly after dawn, stretched, rolled over, laid on his bed for ten more minutes and finally got up. He washed in a bowl of water, that got to room temperature during the night, which saved him a trip to the well and waiting for his turn. He daily replaces the water in the evening, but it is well worth the effort. He put on his work robe. It is tattered and patched multiple times, but it still serves its purpose and replacing clothes is always costly. He went to the dining hall and managed to get to the food stores, while many of the others are still at the well, or on their way back to their rooms. He ate his breakfast slowly, listening to other ponies’ gossip and went to work on building the gym. It is mostly for the soldiers to work on their strength and stamina, but civilians will be allowed to use it too.

Amor retrieves a rough gabbro rock from an adjacent stockpile and carries it on her back, akin to an Earth Pony. She was wise to her body and knew about its limits and how to use it efficiently to her will. The other ponies would have questioned her ways, but thought, that the Unicorn may have been magically stunted; a thought that she accepted. The truth was that the mare knew a lot of spells, but most was malevolent in nature. Magic for Amor was little more than a weapon and a tool to manipulate lesser ponies.

I was a punctual pony; I arrived on time and didn't waste the time of others, but also remembered to use my own time wisely. Sadly, blocks and tiles are boring; but they are important and make working on real art, like statues, much more enjoyable by contrast. It was foal’s play to visualize a tile and be mindful of fissures, lest one gets pebbles instead of tiles. After I completed three sets of tiles, it was time for a small break. I listened to the sounds of echoing hooves at work in the distance, which sets today’s mood.

Amor was joined by three other stonemasons, who were building the gym. By second nature she kept working, as the newcomers seize her plain, but ever precise, roof tiles. The metallic colour pony was paid little mind, but she noted them: Indigo, a dyer turned stonecrafter; Saw Dust, who fancies himself both a carpenter and a mason and the mare Hickory, who is a woodcutter but knows a lot about construction. Something catches her eye, Indigo had a hurt look in his large heliotrope iris eyes, that even Amor’s poor empathy could see. She formulated a sympathetic scheme in her mind and waited. The Unicorn mare took her time working and allowing the builders to collect her roof tiles for the gym. She would join them later in the day.

Indigo used to hang out with that Pegasus Kat during breaks and lunch, but this never happens anymore. There were only two ponies here, who I could call friends: Loom who once conversed with me at lengths about our father’s gardens and Barley, who would make a great listener if only he wasn't dead. It was strange: Indigo and Kat still had their lives, so why would anything part them? Was he terrified of Kat’s lifestyle corrupting him? Why didn't he think that the opposite could happen? Maybe I can help him at this time.

The Little Pony exercised patience and managed her time until the last block. Amor had an idea, as the builders returned for their last round of tiles. With four sets of tiles and just three ponies it was rational for her to join them. In only a moment the ponies were walking side-by-side. For Amor it was the time to talk to Indigo and work on her objective.

Amor hummed, mimicking those attempting to recollect a forgotten name. Turning to see if it secured the attention of the stallion adjacent to her, then opened her mouth. This time the words do not betray her. “You are Indigo, right? If you can not recall, my name is Amor, but you probably know me by my nickname Kiln. It is such a thrilling summer’s day is it not?” The Little Unicorn struggles to lock her eyes with his, with the determination of a wrestler grabbing his opponent. With some effort she should be able to elongate our chat with such questions, as how’s progress on current projects and the like.

Indigo aligns his tile within its place with the rest of them, then looks at Amor beside him. It is unlike this reclusive mare to strike a conversation with him, and if she does, they normally talk about their work, not weather. “Yes, my name is Indigo. The day is...” he looks around, noticing some white clouds giving shade, “pleasant and good for work, although a bit too warm for me.” What does she really want from me? Obviously not to talk about the weather. Indigo gives her a look, but when she says nothing more, so he just keeps on walking towards the gym, and watching his steps. She’ll tell me soon enough, I guess.

Why does he show such disinterest when I talk? The Indigo I spied, was more outspoken. Also does anypony around here know a proper greeting anymore? Though all I have done was to say hellos and goodbyes. Thinking back, to avoid other ponies, I continued working during the breaks. If approached by another pony during a break, I would keep working; if they waited more then thirty minutes, they would be worth being friends with. But I know I made it hard for them. At first they must have thought me either industrious or unsociable, maybe a mixture of both, but eventually they just accepted it.

The two ponies come before the main road and must stop for Detergent and her delightful hoof-full of foals following her in droves. Amor decides to question the Stallion beside her, while their way is blocked. “Indigo, I noticed on my work mandate, that these are the last blocks of the day, so how far along is the gym?”

Indigo lets the foals pass, and looks at Amor again. “I prefer to think of it as a suggestion, and not mandate. The way I see it, just keep the tiles coming till we have enough. Making a few more or less than the daily quota doesn't matter much, as long as we keep their counts accurate. As to the gym, why ask me, just see for yourself. It is almost finished. Several more days for the roof and cleaning the place and it will be ready to be furnished.” Indigo shrugs “Let’s just keep working, till we are done.”

“I do not want to be a bother to the Baroness, who manages the projects. Lady Virtue has enough toil without concerns about mis-production, so I simply do the listed work.” Amor said, while taking pleasure in the heart warming sight of the passing-by foals, seven in all. “A week ago I held an audience with our Lady and asked, if I could have a managerial position along with my masonry. The Lady may have taken my request as a joke, because of informality, but… I have faith in the baroness’s will.” She adds.

The metallic mare’s thoughts drift to Detergent’s fertility, and the question of why she refuses to use contraceptives. After my exposure to Coupledye’s slums, where the problems of overpopulation were apparent, the idea of such a big family draws my wrath at the parents. Who would bring so many foals into this world and such a dangerous place, that this village can be. She drops the anger quickly, before it shows in her body. They had the right and the militia kept Dawnpick safe. On another note, Stiletto’s flock and their questionable actions also help keep the population down. All things have their balance, I guess. All this thought takes place in a second for Amor, as the dam and her foals past.

Indigo smiles “I understand, but I have a much more relaxed approach. We can always use another rock pot for keeping food, or some more blocks for construction, and have an abundance of rocks, so when I’m at the workshop, I simply work for a day. I look at the order of course, but treat it as a guideline, not something set in stone. If I do more, then we have more, and if I’m clumsy or sluggish or just have a bad day, that’s not a big problem too. I can always finish another day, or some other mason can help me. Just think about your tiles as parts of a bigger whole. We need a certain number to finish the gym and if we get them faster, we’ll be done faster. If there is any surplus left, it can be used for something else. Besides, we are paid for our produce, not our time.” He frowns, changing topic. “As to you asking for ‘management position’, I don’t think we need more managers meddling with our work. If you have some sensible suggestions, simply offer them to Lady Virtue. She usually listens and is thankful for them.”

Indigo looks at Detergent’s foals. She is working hard on keeping the population stable, and more than compensates for the likes of me. Those foals will also be sociable and learn how to take care of their own kids just by being part of a big family. Is there maybe something, I could do for them?

“I have never seen Virtue outside the fort; she spends too much time in there, and I know Earth Ponies love the outdoors.” Amor said watching her steps, balancing her tiles, and adds more. “I was taught advanced mathematics at a young age, and had management responsibilities before but… those memories are bitter.” Saying as she bites her bottom lips.

“Well, if you just want to count our stocks and do things like that, I guess Lady Virtue could use some help. As for myself, I offer her what suggestions I can. Feedback from work teams is useful.” If she really means to tell me, what those ‘bitter thoughts’ are, she will. Otherwise old wounds like that are better left untouched.

“Our Lady is an exemplar of diligence, but she could show more wiliness to receive help. Take me for example; I do only what I am able to, and let others have their responsibilities. Maybe she just enjoys all the work… but I dislike talking ill of others and mean no disrespect to the baroness, forgive me.” The little mare said; afterwards her nerves try to get the best of her and suppress the sound of tongue clicking.

“Well, I guess Lady Virtue is taking a lot of work and responsibilities on herself. I think, she could share some of them with other ponies, but so far she handles everything just fine on her own. Besides, it is not my place to question her. Although I do not think she enjoys her burden. When I talk to her about some problems, or just look at her after an accident, she looks... tired.” Indigo sighs, remembering some of his past conversations with the Baroness.

The company of masons arrived outside the gabbro block barracks, where the unfinished gym was being built on its second story. Amor’s ears set back against the sides of her head and narrowly conscious, paws the ground with front hooves in anxiety. The mare pushes the concern of boredom to the back of her head, and continues forward as not to worry the others. After the stone roof is finalized, the building and the project will be completed. There won’t be much to do until another project. Conflicted feelings wash over Amor’s mind. I wanted to be more useful then when I was a spy. Talk of various projects would never be enough for me, I preferred to see the work with my own eyes.

In the near noon sun, the other ponies are finally having a breather, after carrying all the tiles here and affixing them to the roof. They stretched and strived in vain to yawned hunger away. Amor mimics the other workers and lies down on soft grass. “Indigo, would you like to share a break together and chat a little longer?” She pitches some fatigue into the statement for good measure.

Indigo looks at her. “Alright, what’s on your mind?”

"Indigo, if you do not mind telling; why do I not see that dark colored Pegasus mare around you anymore?” Amor pauses placing a hoof under my chin, pretending to think and declares: “Her name is Kat right? She seemed to be a pleasant mare and I was aspirating to meet her. Can you tell me about her?”

What the hay? Indigo looks surprised. “Kat? If you want to talk to her, she is friendly enough, but if you want to ask me about her, you have to be more specific. One thing worth knowing about Kat is that she sides with Stiletto and that is the reason, we don’t talk much anymore.” He frowns, somewhat annoyed. What do you want with me and Kat, anyway?

Indigo’s actions worry me, but it was unsurprising that the hurt stallion would react this way. “Kat may be friendly… but I am not such; I find it hard to approach others that I barely know.” Amor buries the tips of her hooves into the ground. “I had the passing thought you could introduce us, but you mentioned another name. Can I ask how this Stiletto placed a wedge in your relationship? I do not want to canter head first into something, which may hurt other ponies or myself.” Amor said face filled with a sincerely hurt look. I known of Stiletto’s errant deeds of the flesh, but saw them as a boon to the community, even if I disagree myself.

Indigo gives her a long look. “Well... I can introduce you to Kat, if you want, but after that talk to her on your own. As for Stiletto, suffice to say, she is a lot of trouble, and spreads dissident ideology. I would avoid her, if I were you.”

“Thank you, Indigo. Avoiding Stiletto and Kat sounds to be in my best interest.” The Unicorn said almost swallowing her words. “But do you not worry about losing the chance of friendship, unless they do not want our friendship that is?” She return Indigo’s stare, contemplating the potential friends, which could have been gained or lost.

“Our, as in your or mine?” asks Indigo, perplexed, and continues without a pause. “As to the chance of friendship between me and Stiletto, there is none. Kat is... tolerable, but I mistrust her. Oh, she did say she wanted to be my friend, even after her betrayal, but I can’t associate myself with the likes of Stiletto, can I? And what is this to you anyway, why would you care, who is my friend, and who isn't? I barely even know you.” finishes Indigo, giving Amor a piercing stare.

The Copper mare’s body becomes heavy and lies on the ground. I let some truth slip, but not all of it. “I can not claim anypony to be my friend, even after half a decade of life in Dawnpick. The reason being, that before coming to this picturesque village, my craft had me traveling around a lot. Dawnpick’s constant progress means, that i am going to be here for a long time, so I want to make as many friends as I can.” Amor sighs and returns a forlorn expression. “Why would she betray your trust and are there more ponies like that here?” I can not believe these ponies, and how they treat each other.

Indigo relaxes at that, but only slightly. She suddenly wants to make friends after years of being here, and asks me for help? “I... see. I think you would get along with Kat just fine. She wants to have a lot of friends too. Not good and reliable ones, just many.” He is silent for a moment, but when she says nothing, he adds. “As to why... It was a matter of loyalty. She has proven loyal to Stiletto, and not me, when we had an argument. I know it sounds trivial when I put it like that, but it wasn’t. And I do believe most ponies are like that.” He looks at her and frowns. “But what do you want with me, and why am I even telling you this?”

With nods and other body language, the mare heeds word of the indigo namesake pony. “Indigo I desire only a friend here, if not Kat then you.” She said, locking eyes with his in reassurance. “You must worry about me in some part of you to warn me about this... Indigo do you wish to hear a sorry about my childhood?”

“I uhm... what?” Indigo looks around. “I.. I do want the best for ponies and not just for you... I can listen to your story, but only if you really want to tell me. I prefer not to be nosy about such things.” Indigo looks at her, waiting.

Standing, Amor narrates her story. “As a young filly, I trotted into my family’s gardens and found my father tolling in the dirt near our praised ash tree. My trot develops into full gallop; I quickly jumped on my father’s back and hugged his neck. Looking over his shoulder I found him digging up flowers and asked him, why he was doing it. He told that we had a new gardener and that she made a mistake when planting the flowers.” The very old memories are too much and the mare must recompose herself. “He told me, that the ashen roots spread corruption into the soil around them. Later my Old Master explained that the substances, those trees release into the ground are harmful to the plants around them. I asked him why not simply cut the tree down… he scolded me, but he was right in saying, that the tree was innocent, because it could not know it was releasing the poison into the ground around it. My mind was abuzz with questions; I eventually asked why no one just removed ponies from the source of corruption.” The Unicorn glances down at her fore-hooves and comes back up with a smile. “He called me a clever filly and said that ponies were not attached to the ground and that they can flee any time from the corruption.” She puffs at the long anecdote and gazes around to see that the other ponies were starting to stir back to work. With that Indigo, if you please, I leave you to your work. If you ever need a friend, I am but a stone-haul away.” Amor curtsies and leaves the stallion to absorb her words.

Indigo is lost in thought when she talks, but reawakens, when he notices her leaving. “Well, I understand your anecdote, but what if some flowers grow on a meadow, and suddenly an ashen tree takes roots among them? Should they all just move away? I think not. I think they should defend their land.” If it comes to that, I can leave Dawnpick with a caravan, but what about other ponies here?

Amor hears the stallion and promptly turns to face him. “It depends. Are we talking about ponies or plants?” I say in surprise, but understand his intent.

Indigo chuckles at that. “Which do you think?” After a few heartbeats, he adds. “See you later Amor. This was an interesting conversation.”

A cool summer’s breeze blows from the south, a reminder that colder seasons are on their way. The sun hides behind the clouds, but its luminous rays can still be felt. Amor and Indigo walk off in opposite directions; the mare to work on her statue and the stallion back on the gym roof. The future looks bright. Both of them seem to have found a friend today and a possible ally in the future.

Each step the copper mare takes seems lighter. Amor feels that the restraints of her past life as a spy are loosening. In her mind, the old life is over and a new one begins. Before she knows it, she is back at the mason workshop and laboring on a statue worthy of her possible new found friendship. The Unicorn works throughout the lunch break and finishes just about dinner time.

Amor creates an exceptional ≡statue of ponies≡ in marble. There are two ponies walking side by side, balancing roof tiles on their backs. The statue is in memory to the building of the gym, by the members of the Light of Dawn. Both of the ponies are unicorns and carry a smile on their muzzles.

Indigo keeps looking at Amor, as she walks back to the mason's workshop What do you know. She seemed dim-witted at first, but actually is a clever filly. Not that I agree with her, or like her asking me personal questions, but she might make a good pony to talk to. Plus she doesn't side with Stiletto, or at least doesn't seem to. Despite Amor’s questioning, Indigo’s spirit is uplifted after their conversation. He became too reclusive lately, and desperately needed a pony to talk to. He smiles and goes back to work on the roof with renewed energy.

Later, during Indigo’s evening walk through the stockpiles, he notices a new statue. Wow, did she make this? This thing is a beauty. He notices the reference to their recent conversation laughs and greatly appreciates the gesture. This is the best thing anypony did for him in a very long time, and he is quite moved.

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