• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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4: Thing start getting... Interesting...

"You there," Halberd says, trotting up to Virtue. "Do you know if I'll get to kill anything soon?" He asks, with a hint of longing in his voice.
Virtue halts in place at the sound of Halberd's voice. She turned away from the fields, where she was headed up to that point, and sees the soldier approaching her. He rarely said much to her, but she was thankful he wasn't here to complain about being put on patrol.

She offered the most honest smile she could muster and replied, "Well, I'm not sure. We saw that thief the other day, so I can only imagine that there might be more around."

She raises a hoof to her chin and adds, "If you're bored patrolling the perimiter, I believe I heard Pewter say something about seeing some chimps getting a little too close to our settlement for comfort. You could try running them off." She smiled again. "I know I don't have to tell you this, but they can be pretty dangerous, so be careful."

Virtue's Diary - 4th Felsite, 252

Halberd came to me recently complaining about a lack of things to do. At least I hope that's all he meant, he was pretty specific about finding stuff to kill. I told him to go see about running off the chimps spotted out east, but something more interesting happened that obviated the need. Over the past three days, we've seen a diamond dog thief on each day. Whether or not it was the same one, I don't know, but it's worrisome. Halberd chased after them, which was enough to run them off, but they'll be back I'm sure. I hope Halberd is up to the challenge.

In other news, I'm pleased to record that after an entire year of being out here, the dining hall is finally open for use. I hate it took so long, but I'm still getting used to managing all of this stuff. To sort of make amends, I threw a party this morning to commemorate the event. I think just about everypony was there, even Halberd. I even spotted Panacea talking with him, and for once he didn't try to avoid it. If anypony could get through to him, it would be her. She seemed to be spending a lot of time with Saw Dust as well. I wonder if there's anything going on between the two?

We've dug out a small cellar beneath the dining hall for our kitchen and food storage. Everything should keep better down there, and we don't have to worry with diamond dogs running off with our carrots. Well, if they even eat them.

Oh well, I think I had a bit too much to drink at the party, so I'm heading to bed early tonight. I gave everypony the day off tomorrow, since I know at least a few others did the same. I think we've all earned a little rest.

Panacea's Diary - 4th Felsite, 252

Today has been a wonderful day! I was pretty pleased to hear that the dining hall was finally opened today, but I didn't expect Virtue to hold a party for everypony. Well, we didn't have a whole lot of food and drink to spare, but I think it went nicely anyway. Everypony was in good spirits.

I was surprised to find even Halberd there. I haven't spoken with him much on the way out here, or really even since we got here. I was kind of scared to, Virtue and Saw Dust told me he was usually pretty grumpy, so I tried to stay out of his way. Maybe it was the wine talking, I don't know, but I actually struck up a conversation with him. He's actually a nice guy once you get to know him. I think everypony just gets put off about how he stays to himself all the time.

Even better though, ever since I spent time helping put the dorms together, Saw Dust and I have been having a lot of fun together. I talked with him at the party a lot, and he's asked me out on a date tomorrow night. Just the two of us, down by the river. I'm excited!

Looks like everypony likes Panacea. She's basically a gray Fluttershy, heh.

Virtue's Diary - 7th Galena, 252

Despite my fears about the diamond dogs, we haven't seen anything else out of them for a few weeks. Nevertheless, I think it's time to start thinking about our defenses. As we grow, we'll only become more and more tempting of a target. I'll discuss things with Halberd. He doesn't like idle chit-chat, but I think he'll be happy to have some input on this. I've updated my map to show all of the current major constructions. Still not much to look at.

Otherwise things have been going fairly smoothly lately. We have a few more stills set up, and with our new chef, we're doing quite well on the essentials. Speaking of which, we had a few new arrivals over the past week. I've rounded up their names, but haven't decided quite what to do with them all just yet:

An earth pony stallion furnace operator named Ember
A pegasus mare gemcutter named Quartz
A unicorn stallion glass maker named Marbles
His wife, a pegasus mare potter named Porcelain
A unicorn stallion dyer named Indigo
An earth pony stallion shearer named Fleece
A pegasus mare siege operator named Ballista

We certainly don't have any need for any dyers, shearers or siege operators right now, so there will be some shuffling of jobs.

I finished the day pretty early today. I haven't spoken with Harvest Moon in a few days, maybe I should go see him today. Maybe he could use some help in the fields? That shearer has probably been around farms enough to be of some use.

Hard to believe it took over a full game year to get that little settlement up and running. Oh well, at this point that catches up to where I stand in game, so the future is a bit more open now. I'll be setting up a hospital for Panacea and a barracks for Halberd as my next priority.

Music from The Master.

Interesting, you know, I've never watched House. Oh, and this game is too addicting. Played it until 3AM yesterday, heh. Almost another game year's worth of time. Not a lot interesting up until the end, though. Then it really starts to get interesting.

Virtue's Diary - 9th Galena, 252

I haven't had much time to discuss our defensive measures with Halberd yet, but I have started considering them nonetheless. There hasn't been time to start digging a moat or setting up proper fortifications yet, but word reached me that one of our new arrivals served some time in the military back in Coupledye.

Porcelain used to be a hammerpony, and after a little discussion with her, she agreed to join the militia. She asked to be called Naginata now, which I guess was her nickname in the military. Not sure if she's met Halberd yet, she might not have been as eager to join if she had. We don't have any maces or hammers, but she picked up a spare axe and took it back to her quarters. Two ponies are better than one, but it's a far cry from even a militia yet. We've got to get to work on defenses, soon.

11th Galena, 252

While checking up on our stocks today, I noticed a small argument forming over our woodcrafting shop. Bevel was holed up inside, shooing everypony away and rummaging through the wood already inside. I went to try and defuse the situation, but she ignored my questioning and continued on doing whatever she was doing. She didn't seem to be causing too much trouble, so I left her alone for now. If she causes any problems I might have to get involved again.

In other news, Pewter and Ember have finished setting up a furnace, smelter and forge. We should be in position to start smelting down some of that magnetite soon. Some steel armor for Halberd and Naginata would go a long way to offsetting their lack of numbers.

Yeah, not sure how to describe strange moods for a pony in-universe, so for now that's what I'm going with. *1

15th Galena, 252

I'd already forgotten about the incident a few days ago with Bevel, but she finished what she was working on today. She built a wooden chair out of some highwood logs, naming it the Cut of Wings. It's a very nice chair, I'll admit. I'm not sure why she put so many spikes on it, but it should be serviceable for our dining hall at some point.

Stupid pony driving up the value of my fort. Wouldn't want any thieves or ambushes showing up yet, 'twould be a disaster.

That nearly eclipsed the fact that Detergent gave birth to her third foal this morning. She named the little unicorn colt Sandstone and asked if she could have a few days off. I happily obliged, I've never been through childbirth but I have no doubt she could use a break, not to mention she surely needs time to bond with her new foal!

6th Limestone, 252

It took long enough, but we've finally got a butcher's shop set up in the dining hall's cellar. Now when Longshot goes hunting it won't all go to waste.

The hospital and barracks are also under construction finally. I know Halberd and Naginata will be happy to have somewhere to practice.

The hospital is going to take some time to get set up. The plans I've drawn up will have Panacea living in the second floor, so she should be close to any prospective patients at all times. The hospital will hold only about five ponies at a time. I pray we never need even that much space.

6th Sandstone, 252

Despite my request with the liaison, we received another wave of new workers late this afternoon. The new arrivals are:

A unicorn stallion mason named Mortar
An earth pony stallion engraver named Chisel
An earth pony stallion engraver named Glyph
An earth pony mare carpenter named Whittle
Her husband, a pegasus stallion potash maker named Splinter
An earth pony stallion woodcutter named Knothole
An earth pony mare carpenter named Hickory
A pegasus mare potash maker named Willow

I was quite happy when I learned of their talents though. We can't get enough carpenters and masons out here. I'll draw up some work for them all in the morning. The hospital and barracks are coming along slowly, as always, so maybe a few new hooves will speed things up.

The next part of the update calls for some more illustration, I think, so it might be a day or two. Make of that what you will.

Author's Note:

I think I'll be sticking to the format Telgin uses for his out of character comments from here on out: Green text.

I'll also be using the same format for my own notes that Khenal is using for his (Incomplete) transcription of Glitterglen, an asterisk followed by the appropriate number.

*1 Occasionally, a pony will be seized with the irrisistable urge to make an object of unparalleled quality. They persue this task to the exclusion of all else, even eating, drinking, and sleeping. If they succede, the object can be anything from an earring to a piece of furniture, or even a weapon. They immedietley become a legend in the skill used to create the artifact, unless the mood was a possession. If the mood fails, the pony goes insane, starving themselves to death, going stark raving mad and taking all their cloths off, or, in the worst case senario, berserk.

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