• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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48: A Display of Speed.

Preparation is the seed of victory.
This little nugget of wisdom, among others, had served Falcata well through her life, despite two near-death experiences so far. As such, after getting an extra set of chain-mail in addition to having her existing armor made even heavier with gold studs, she decides to make sure that she can still fly properly in it.
Whizzing high above the town buildings, Falcata's not finding it as easy as she'd expected. A combination of not being used to the additional weight and the warmth of the sun at midday was taking its toll, though she would hardly admit this to anypony. Still, she presses on, corkscrewing lazily through the air, little rays of sunlight reflecting off the shiny metal of her armor as she goes.

Flux exits his apartment, ready to go to the dining hall for some lunch. As he walks, though, something flashes above him and catches his attention. Looking up, he sees a glimmer of Falcata as she soars through the sky. Lunch forgotten, Flux takes the stairs up to the unfinished third story of the apartment complex to get a better look.

Oblivious to anything below an altitude of about sixty feet, Falcata continues to drift onwards, taking a bit of a breather. Flying in full armor was hard work, and she'd been finding it tough even before being presented with even more of it. A passing swallow loops by, giving her a ridiculous idea. Loop-the-loops were difficult enough anyway, and not all that useful in any sort of aerial combat. There was absolutely no real reason to try one while covered in a thick layer of metal; she'd probably never have to use such a flamboyant maneuver in a real combat situation.
All of these things passed through her mind at some point, but the pegasus part of her brain wasn't really paying attention. She grins, spiraling upwards to get a bit more height while preparing herself for a nice long dive. She'd need quite a bit of speed for this one.

Flux sits down as he watchs Falcata fly. Few of the pagasi seem to actually enjoy flight, treating it as just another mode of getting from point A to point B. Even Stiletto didn't seem to fly very much, but Falcata just looked so in her element. He cranes his neck back to follow her latest ascent to the heavens, wondering what she might be preparing to do.

Stiletto was out in her full armor doing flying drills for speed in close quarter movement. Two hammers where strapped to her back and she was carrying two full saddle bags of rocks, on top of that she a bucket of water in her mouth. This quiet predictably made flying much much harder. It had to be done though, she needed to be faster, and this was only way she knew how. Stiletto circled around the palisade as fast as she could manage, timing each pass in hear head. after each pass she would weave through all of the buildings, while making sure not to spill any water. After five passes, she would drink the water and refill the bucket. This was what Stiletto called her "Light work out."

Finally reaching the apex of her ascent, the pegasus takes the opportunity to revel in the moment. The anticipation of the dive is almost making her more giddy than the high speed descent itself, and Falcata delights in it. After a brief pause, she decides it's time to go.
With her preamble finished, she points herself downwards, snaps her wings in, and begins to plummet towards the ground. The sensation of speed is intense, though nothing unfamiliar for her. A white blur speeding downwards, she rushes towards the ground with almost frightening speed.

Flux's jaw slackens as he watches Falcata drop, torn between worry that something might have gone wrong and awe that she looks so... confident while plummeting straight down.

Meanwhile, as Falcata is flying around overhead, Glaive is busy sparring with Commander Halberd. Glaive was far from untalented with his weapon, but the Commander was still his better, and it took all of the bearded unicorns concentration to keep up with him, if it wasn't for the Touch of Leaves he might not have been able to at all. But suddenly Glaive saw a white, red, and metallic steak through the sky and toward the ground very fast too fast, 'She's going to crash!' "Falcata!" he yells suddenly distracted. His momentary lapse caused a blow that Halberd had expected Glaive to avoid to smash into Glaive's head. Glaive twists with the blow and hits the ground. He is stunned, but his Chamfron has saved his life.
Halberd speaks, "Glaive! Are you okay?
Glaive manages to stand shaking his head trying to get his eyes to focus, and then frantically looks for any sign of his love.

Stiletto stopped just under the apartment complex and looked up at Falcatas' fantastic display of airborne acrobatics.
"I wonder if she would teach me that?"

The unforgiving, solid earth now getting very close indeed, Falcata flicks her wings out with blinding speed, altering her course to a more horizontal direction. She can't help but notice that she's still heading downwards a bit, though. A slight miscalculation, evidently; the armour was affecting her flight pattern more than she'd anticipated. Still hurtling towards the ground, slowly levelling off, she does her best to appear totally in control, just in case anypony happened to be watching.
Crap crap crap crap crap crap oh gods almighty come on come on
She skims the top of a bush as she finally levels off, much closer to the ground than she'd expected. Adrenaline surges through her, carrying her to new heights of elation as she pulls upwards and completes the loop.
By all the gods hnnnng still alive still alive all planned all good oh horsefeathers that was great now that's called calculations and I am never doing that ever again no way no how
Now flying at a more moderate speed not too high up, she passes over Glaive's sparring match, and can't help but giggle a bit at his stunned expression. She just knew he'd have been watching, and it made her happy to know he cared.

Glaive stands awestruck of Falcata's skill. 'I can't believe she just pulled out of that. That was close. Scared me half to death.'
Halberd stands nearby, "Glaive? Are you okay? Can you hear me? Dammit I didn't mean to hit him that hard. Somepony fetch Panacea."
Glaive turns to Halberd, "No, that's not necessary. I'm okay commander. It's just a little bump. Let's get back to work."
The two Stallions return to their training, working harder than ever.
'I worry to much. She's not a little filly. She's a strong and graceful mare. I should put more trust in her abilities.'

Flux applauds his hooves on the roof as Falcata pulls out of the dive, amazed at her skill and grace.

Stiletto looked on at Falcatas' daring dive and playful flyby. Right then and there she decided Falcata was definitely the one to teach her. There must be some technique that could help the massive amethyst Alicorn move fast enough to get to the fight before it was over. One problem though, all this bucking wieght she had strapped to herself made her even slower, no way could she hope to catch up with Falcata now, Unless... Stiletto darted around through the lower (relative to the sky) passages of Dawnpick and came out just to the left of Falcatas' flight path.
"Hello Miss Falcata! How are you today!"

Touching down on an open patch of grass, Falcata all but collapses onto the ground. She'd definitely pushed herself a bit far with that last stunt, and fatigue was setting in with a vengeance. Content to lie there for a bit, she spots Flux peering down from the apartment roof, and gives him a little wave. Briefly, she offers a quick thank-you to the heavens, feeling a bit obliged to the gods given that they might just have helped her avoid a thunderous impact of the worst kind. The last thing she wants is another trip to the hospital and that accursed bed.
I think I'll walk home.
Slowly, given her slightly dazed state, she becomes aware that Stiletto is hovering beside her, having just finished saying hello.
"Oh, hiya Stiletto. I'm great. Thanks for asking. A bit, uh, tired. Speed fatigue, I suppose you could call it. Armour too heavy," she gasps, losing the ability to form full sentences.

"Yes, that was amazing flying there, you could give my instructor from the flight academy some pointers. I was wondering if maybe you might possibly be willing to teach me?"

Flux wave back at Falcata, then starts back down the stairs to meet her and Stiletto.
'Maybe they want to get lunch together?'

"Thanks, Stiletto. As for teaching you, could give it a go. Never taught before though, much less an alicorn. Suspect you built more for long flights, not speed. Still, could probably cheat with magic. Hm?" Falcata smiles up from the ground, still resting on the soft grass.

"It is true, the Deutschmeiner fly more like a dragon and not very much like a bird. Though I believe a talented teacher can train one to do anything."
Stiletto landed next to Falcata with a thump, those saddle bags bouncing and rattling with there load.
"I can use my magic to grapple but it will not get me to your side in combat. You look a little thirsty, do need any water?"

At the mention of water, Falcata's eyes snap fully open, the single word being the most beautiful noise of all to her parched, dehydrated brain.
"Yes. Where?"

Stiletto lowers the bucket in her mouth and places it next to Falcata, it was still mostly full.
"Drink up, I can get more from the well. It is fresh and I do not need to boil it, so I can get more fast... well not very fast. When do think we could start?"

Flux finishes descending the stairs and makes his way to Stiletto and Falcata, almost prancing in happiness at having seen the act of aerial skill.
"Hey Stiletto, did you see Falcata? She was amazing!"
Flux's growling stomach interrupts his praise of Falcata.
"Oh, um, right. I was about to get something to eat. Uh, do either of you want to join me?"

The pegasus deigns not to reply immediately, instead submerging herself in the deliciously cool liquid and taking in great gulps of water. After guzzling a sizable portion of the bucketful, she finally lifts her head back out, shaking her mane in a half-arsed attempt to dry it.
"Tomorrow would do. After training."
As Flux arrives and proffers his question, she gets up. Water was great, and now food sounded even nicer. There was only one viable response.
"Yes. Very hungry after that."

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