• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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Kat was enjoying her time off from the guards, since things have been relatively peaceful with the death of the beast. Trotting around the town back from the food storage with a bottle of Longland beer tucked comfily away in her wings. Until her ears picked up what sounded like someone smacking something against something from the barracks.. so she decided to go check it out and see what's up.

Glyph is standing in the empty training area, taking practice swings at a training dummy. He had missed practice, and he had to catch up. He moves and hops, sliding around the dummy and striking it from various angles. His focus completely on the target in front of him.

Kat peeked into the barracks from one of it's windows, seeing Glyph training all by himself there. a smile crept up her face as she watches.. slowly and quietly climbed into the barracks via the window, Sneakily.

Glyph continues his practice, slowly speeding up, trying to keep his axe and body in constant motion. "One, two, three, four." He counts out, seeming to be timing his steps and strikes like a dance of sorts.

Kat failed her sneak in the last moment as one of her rear legs caught the window frame, sending her face-first onto the wooden floor of the barrack with an audible "Thunk!" along with her muffed "Oof!"

Glyph stops dead at the noise, looking around to see who was there. Seeing Kat he runs over. "Kat? Y-you okay? What were you doing..."

Kat tries to use both of her front hooves to push herself up, tugging her legs down from the window. She blushes and smiles embarrassingly from what happened. having a drop of tear in the corner of her eyes from the pain of the fall, doens't look like she's about to cry though. "oh!... um.. hi Glyph! i were just... uh.. passing by.. yeah!"

"Really? Then why were you coming in through the window? He moves forward and brushes the tear out of her eye. "I'm glad to see you though..."

Kat smiles as Glyph wipes away her tear, getting up on all fours again "t-.. thanks..glad to
see you too.." she said, still with a light blush across her face before continuing with his original question "w-well.." she began, looking to the side slightly from shyness "i heard something.. and thought I'd see something interesting in here..." she paused for a moment before turning to face Glyph again, smiling "and i found something better.."

Glyph begins to blush, nuzzling Kat a bit. "Is that so... I was just planning on training and then going to bed... but now." He smiles. "Now I can spend time with mein wenig Liebe..."

Kat smiles and blushes happily from the nuzzle, pressing her head lightly against the nuzzle as well "mm~.. hehe, what about your training?.. or.. would you like to have a break already?" she asked with a wink, opening one of her wings to reveal the neatly-tucked away Longland beer. her new fave alcoholic drink from Cider.

"Hmm? What's that, it's not cider... I was done with my training actually, I just kept going for a bit. Not much for me to do otherwise..."

"Mmhmm! it's not cider this time, it's Longland beer! really nice. gives you a good buzz too." Kat chirped, placing the bottle down infront of her as she lays down on all fours. tucking her legs in. ”you should try it"

"Umm... okay, I guess." Glyph takes the bottle, taking a sip. "Huh... it tastes... interesting..." He
lays down next to her, tucking in his legs and leaning against her slightly.

Kat giggles as he takes the sip, she leans back against his lean and nuzzles at the side of his head lightly. Happy and content, She admired a fine Stallion lately. "mmhmm.. who would've known you could make beer out of grass.." she said, quietly like a hush while she nuzzles at him

"I wouldn't... but I don't know much about food..." He smiles and sighs happily, nuzzling her and cuddling close, starting to worm his way under her wing. "B-but the company is better than any drink..." He says quietly, blushing right after.

Kat blushes in return, smiling "mmhmm.. much.." she said, opening her wings a bit so Glyph can lay under it easily. holding onto him with her wing. "you.. have very good moves.."

"Y-you think so? I... I try. I'm still the least experienced out of the militia... but I do my best..." He cuddles in even closer, snuggling into the softness of her wing

Kat smiles warmly and rests the side of her head onto his neck, cuddling in with him "mmhmm.. i do.." she said, letting out a little sigh of content. being there with him, she stayed quiet for a little moment before asking, "now that you're done with training.. do you.." her voice hushed down into something more like a whisper "want to.. go somewhere?"

"Go... umm..." Glyph blushes a bit. "Maybe? W-where.... where did you have in mind?" He speaks in the same low voice, keeping quiet.
"Somewhere... private.." she answered.. keeping her voice just as low.. before raising her head up, nuzzling him along the way to his ears.. then whispers, even more quiet "I think.. I think I'm ready for that kiss I promised.." blushing intensely

Glyph swallows, blushing bright. "I... u-umm... w-where should we go? T-to... to one of our rooms?"

Kat pondered for a little moment to think. then smiles "mmhmm.. or.. we could go to somewhere more.. natural.. like.. in the woods.. the brook.. or maybe even.." she lower her voice to a hush again "the cavern.."

"T-the... cavern? That would be kinda dangerous... but it is pretty... I like the brook too... Wherever you want mein wenig liebe..." He stands and gently offers her a hoof up, nuzzling her as he does so.

the Pegasi Mare smiles happily as she accept Glyph's hoof to help her up. returning the nuzzle while she stands. "Mmhmm.. and no other ponies would be down there.. right?.. that means.. we'll have the place all to ourselves.."

"We... we would. Well the caverns it is. I'd offer you a wing but..." He smiles, and moves to stand next to her.

"Hehe... well, if there's anything nasty down there.. you'll protect me.. right, 'my bravest love'?" she asked, picking up her bottle of longland beer and tucking it back into her wings.

"That I will mein wenig liebe..." Glyph begins to lead Kat down to a pretty part of the caverns he'd seen before.

Kat had been down in the cavern before, months ago when she wanted to see the militia train... she continues following Glyph down "Mm.. do you remember? I think this is the place we first met.."
"Y-yeah... it is. I... I thought you were so nice, bringing down something to drink for all of us. Nice... and cute..."

Kat blushes away to the side slightly when Glyph called her cute.. again. Following him deeper into the cavern "Mm.. and I thought that you're... really nice.. aswell.." she said shyly, but

Glyph smiles, "I... I like it when you blush. Here... this looks nice..." He stops in a small area, with pretty florescent fungus and other pretty cavern plants around.

Kat stops next to him, staying close for safety. She look around the place, seeing that it is, indeed.. pretty. "mm.. who would've known that the underground can be so... beautiful.." she said, sighing softly in content as she admires the scenery.. that blush still lingers on her
face, her eyes closed half-way as she goes into a dreamy state.

"Yeah... even with the danger, there is so much beauty here..." Glyph looks around, drinking in the scenery. He moves closer to Kat, nuzzling her neck.

Kat blushes softly from the nuzzle, closing her eyes, she leans her head slightly to the side to give more space for Glyph to nuzzle, letting out soft 'Mmnm~'s as he does so, enjoying it just as much as him.

Glyph smiles, sighing contently, then cautiously places a kiss on Kat's neck. "So... mein wenig Liebe... may I kiss you?"

She shudders softly from the kiss on her neck, blushing gently.. she replies, with her voice as sure as it is sweet.. "yes.. you may.."

Glyph smiles wide, slowly moving up her neck, nuzzling and kissing. Finally he kisses Kat's cheek and moves in front of her, pausing with his mouth almost touching her lips. She closes her eyes fully, then closes the gap between them. bringing her own lips against his.. her blush strengthen, and her wings pomf'd up slightly.. the taste of a kiss.. much better than what she've imagined.

Glyph closes his eyes as he holds the kiss, happiness filling him. He presses his lips against hers gently, sighing in contentment.

Kat held the kiss as well.. enjoying every single moment of it.. time doesn't seem to matter anymore and the outside world was nothing.. just for a moment.. until they had to break the kiss.. leaving a thin bridge of saliva between them. She pants softly, gulps a little then smiles.. "first kiss.. my love.." she says, happily. The blush still there.

Glyph smiles as well, nuzzling Kat gently. "So... was it good? Did... did you enjoy the kiss?"

Kat blushed away slightly, but beaming with smile.. "y.. yes.. it was.. I really.. did enjoy it.." she said, then presses her head against Glyph lightly for a nuzzle. letting out a happy sigh.. "thankyou.."

Glyph nuzzles her, moving as close as he could. "Thank you... you gave me your first kiss... and your love..."

Kat sighs happily, pressing herself against Glyph, not wanting to move away ever again. She beams a smile for him as he thanks her, giving him a nuzzle to the nose, making her face scrunchy. "mm.. thankyou.. for loving me." she whispers to him while looking him deep in the eyes.

"You make it easy mein wenig liebe... I don't know how anypony could not love you..." He hugs her, pulling her close.

"Aww.. you're just saying it.." she said as she tucks her head in between them as he hugs her, warping her forelegs over his shoulders and pulling close to him as well, loving the embrace.

"I only say what I feel..." he says, cuddling her, and holding her tight. Glyph sighs happily, "I love it here... but there is one problem..."

Kat tilt her head slightly, wondering what problem might that be "because it's.. dangerous?"

"Yeah... means we can't take a nap in all this beauty..."

Kat smiles, blushing as an idea hits her "Mm.. well.. your apartment sounds like a nice safe place to be..."

"M-my... y-yeah, you w-will always be safe there...if, if that's where you want to go?" He pulls back slightly and looks into her eyes. "I will stay with you for as long as you want..."

Kat Smiles shyly to him, biting her lower lip lightly as she blush before saying, "Stay the night with me.."

Glyph smiles, nuzzling Kat, and whispering in her ears. "If that's what you want, I will... and every other night you want... do... do you want to stay in my apartment, or yours?"

"Mm.. yours.." She answered back to him, returning the nuzzle, her wings finally being able to fold back to their original places again.

"Alright..." Glyph reluctantly breaks the hug, standing up and helping Kat to her feet. "Do you want to get anything from your room first?"

Kat ponders for a moment, to think if she needs anything.. then shakes her head "nope. I'm fine"

Glyph nods, then leads her back to his room, keeping close and smiling. The pegasi mare follows, keeping close and pressing her side against his as they walk. not wanting to part. A smile sets up residency on her face along with it's neighbor the blush, and they're not going to leave for quite.. a long time.

Glyph opens the door to his room and walks in. The room is fairly plain, just a bed, a table, and a small bookshelf, with a few books on it. "Welcome... what do you think?"

Kat looks around, seeing how everything was placed "looks like my room." she said, coming inside.

"Really? Well, it's not the fanciest, but it's mine..." He moves to the bed and sits down.

Kat smiles, moving over to the bed to siting down next to him. giving his cheek a nuzzle with her nose "mm.. Fancy enough for me!"

Glyph wraps his forehooves around Kat and lays down, cuddling close to her. "Well... that's good... I don't need much... so I don't keep much..."

She smiles as she lays down with him, curling up slightly and tucking herself into his cuddle. sighing happily "Mm.. well.. I found what I need.."

"So have I..." He shuffles around, sliding the covers up over them both. "Thank you for spending the night... It's.... it's nice to have somepony close while I sleep... especially one I love, and who loves me..."

Kat snuggled closely into the cover with him, folding down her ears, smiling up happily at him, she gives him a nice soft nuzzle at his nose. whispering again "thankyou.." Glyph just smiles, holding her close, and closes his eyes. Slowly he falls asleep in his love's hooves.

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