• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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It had been three months since Amber left the hospital; Amor had the day off and was spending it with the injured Unicorn. The younger mare was out of surgical casts and had no need for crutches now even if she was weak. Amor had been wrong about Cross Stitch, who rarely feels discouraged and is confident; compared to that of Amber who is often sad and dejected. Worse yet, Amber felt it was her fault that the pier collapsed, she had done the first thing that came to mind when there was a lose rock. Forgetting what she was told in bucking lose rocks, she overlook that the piece was unsupported, that she was on the part that would fall and that Cross was below collecting rubble. It was going to be a difficult task teaching the peach maned Little Pony to live a life devoid of magic. The worse could be over for Cross Stitch who about experienced a nervous breakdown when he first returned to the loom, Amor thought in her Old Master’s voice. Never become complacent in your abilities Amor, the moment you do that, you already died a little death before the finale leap. Just as a corpse in the ground, you become decayed and useless in your life.

It was warm for a winter’s day but this was normal for Dawnpick, otherwise a perfect day until the sound of heart-stilling roars that stringed the ears were heard. Pandemonium of panicking ponies took the village of Dawnpick at a dragon’s assault; Amber nearly jumps out of her coat as Amor bends her knees to run when possible. The goldenrod maned Unicorn’s eyes and ears scans the direction of the monsters shrieking from Amber’s and hers location in the church grounds. She then crawls under the foal-ish mare, lifts the Little Pony up on her withers and canters to the safety that was the Dining Hall’s undercroft. Before entering the gabblo brick building, Amor caught a glimpse of a steel clad Unicorn beginning to engage a dragon in single combat.

The earth only slightly rumbles at the fighting above, as the ponies below tremble from their own nerves. Amor was holding up well, but Amber is all but relieving herself in her fright. In seeing this, the older mare takes her further into the wine stockpiles to get away from the commotion. Amor’s heart aches at the sight of the young mare crying akin to a foal again. She held the weeping Amber rocking her slightly and whispering. “Hush now, quiet now. Little filly who has just hurdled from the jaws of death and into those jaws once more. Life is full of struggles, some won as others lost, but fought are the ones that are often prevailed from.”

Amor huffs at the futileness of her attempts of trying to sooth the weeping Unicorn, and adds. “Amber, you are not alone, we all lose something in life. Some more so then others, but as long we may live we must make something good out of it. I am with you Amber and Cross Stitch is too.” With those words Amor took an apprentice; after awhile the tumult dies down and ponies ran to fight the dragon fires raging above. The older mare proceed to leave only to have her rear leg tangled up with two foreign ones, looking back to find Amber returning a pleading expression and Amor in a saccharine voice. “Oh, I have faith that they can handle it without us.” The two unicorns stay there for awhile and the older one thought more clearly. One of the days I fear is here, Old Master, despair knowing I’m never going to be like you.

Some time later the two mares ascend to the surface and exit the legendary hall. Ash was in the air, blocking some of the sun’s rays. Fires were under control, ponies were beginning to cleanup the destruction. There were no fatalities but much of the ponies’ works were undone. Amor looks at the destroyed statues, water eyed and none of them hers. At least that horrid statue of Ìtdùn the Pegasus goddess of depravity and lust was gone, but sad that it was destroyed. Her eyes follow the unrecognizable broken road to the absent trade depot, then to the broken cinnabar block drawbridge before catching the sight of the dragon and its slayer. Amor trots over to the armor clad Unicorn.

“Brave mare, are we interrupting your grandeur?” Amor shouts but her voice carries short. Amber follows behind her master, they both approach the militia-pony, within her field of view the older mare curtseys but the gesture is lost on the younger Unicorn. Sarissa’s boots tips and shield were scorched and still smoking. In the militia-pony’s eyes, Amor observed the remnant magic of Vitalsight spell and speaks with a slight dynamistic tone. “This is Amber and I am Amor, pleasure to find such stalwart defender of Dawnpick as yourself. On behalf of Dawnpick, thank you, Slayer Sarissa” The mare curtseys again and this time imitated by Amber.

“Dear sweet Celestia...” the armored militia pony whispered under her breath. She had caught sight of a dead cat, corpse burned to a blackened crisp by the fire that had only just now been put out. Worse yet, there were more scattered about randomly. Sarissa took a deep swallow, feeling sorrow welling up from within her heart; despite her knack for killing monsters, she had always had a soft spot for pets. She was snapped from the smoking fur on the deceased feline by the words of Amor. She chokes back the urge to tear up and answers, “I...uh...no, I suppose not.” Sarissa stands and listens as the pair are introduced, “There’s...no need to thank me for my services. I’m only doing my duty.”

The mason-pony observes Sarissa’s uneasiness, grandeur was a word far from what the militia-pony was experiencing but glory is more a romantic notion then what life makes of it. “There's no ‘cat’astrophe that can't become a blessing…” Amor seeks to reassure the armored mare, she then turns her attention to cleaning the place up. “Amber lets see if anypony knows best where to start.” The Unicorn stares back at Sarissa. “Not everypony would face a Dragon in single combat and for that you have our gratitude.” The mare said as she focuses on the ruins.

The militia pony shrugs, “Nopony else was there, so I figured I’d have to do it myself. At least its skull will make a nice ornament for my room.” She began to think of where to mount it, perhaps between a couple of the badger pony skulls she had also acquired in battle. Her horn ignites in a green aura as Sarissa begins to help with the clean up operation. The unicorn wasn’t the best for conversation, so she was probably going to keep her silence for the moment and size up this new acquaintance based on her words and actions.

Amor continues to clean with her fore-hooves allowing Sarissa to have space to work her magic. She finds it pleasant to see that the militia holds such responsibility over the damage caused by their actions or that of the enemies. The Unicorns remained silent for much of the work, although Amor slows around the broken statues as if a corpse. Life is a sculptor who chisels the world to beauty… or to death. The Unicorn dwells on the moment.

Other ponies had decided to pull a wooden wagon out in order to have a way to transport the debris efficiently. Sarissa took the opportunity to use it for its intended purpose and began loading it up with the shattered, stony remains of the destroyed statues. Surprisingly, it didn’t take long to clear the charred ground of those items. The militia pony paused as the filled trailer was towed away by a couple of other ponies and turned her attention to the shattered bridge, “I don’t like this. With the drawbridge broken, our mobility into and out of Dawnpick is going to be hindered. Well, except for the pegasi, I suppose.” Even though she lacked the masonry skills required to help rebuild the bridge, she decided that she may at least be able to help collect and bring the needed stone to where it was needed.

Amor hears the concerned words of the steel clad pony and seeks to reassure the mare. “Worrying is not going to do anypony any good but thanks for the consideration.” The mason-pony barely can voice over all the work going on. Although, Dawnpick has no need for more blocks, orders to replace the ones needed to rebuild the bridge were called for. Amor and Sarissa go there opposite ways but both works in their own capacities. It takes two weeks to finish the bridge, re-establishing Dawnpick to the mines and rest of the world.

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